Freight data: Import Throughput

The Freight Demand Model is developed by the Growth and Intelligence Network (GAIN) and provides import and export flows for the whole of South Africa on a magisterial district level.

This data was filtered by GAIN to suit this particular MFA. It provides data on four flows:

  • Leaving (commodities leaving the area)
  • Arriving (commodities entering the area)
  • IntraExport (commodities entering the area only to exit it again to be exported through the port of Cape Town)
  • IntraImport (commodities being imported through the port of Cape Town only to exit directly to other destinations in South Africa)

This particular dataset contains the Imports into Cape Town that then leave the city right away (IntraExport).

The flows contain data from all magisterial district in Cape Town, excluding the Malmesbury district. This district is partly inside the Cape Town municipality, and partly outside the Cape Town municipality. In terms of imports and exports it is of a small size and it is therefore excluded from this dataset.

Associated space

Cape Town









Date Quantity Material From To
23.0 t Grain Sorghum Rest of the world Rest of the world
3.0 t Rice Rest of the world Rest of the world
17524.0 t Vegetables Rest of the world Rest of the world
4702.0 t Potatoes Rest of the world Rest of the world
341637.0 t Grapes Rest of the world Rest of the world
33725.0 t Subtropical Fruit Rest of the world Rest of the world
324487.0 t Citrus Rest of the world Rest of the world
531682.0 t Deciduous Fruit Rest of the world Rest of the world
43.0 t Eggs (poultry) Rest of the world Rest of the world
62342.0 t Fish and seafood Rest of the world Rest of the world
5790.0 t Other Agriculture Rest of the world Rest of the world
4.0 t Coal Mining Exports Rest of the world Rest of the world
4565.0 t Iron Ore Exports Rest of the world Rest of the world
18.0 t Precious metals and precious stones (Refined) Rest of the world Rest of the world
1153.0 t Chrome Rest of the world Rest of the world
289.0 t Copper Rest of the world Rest of the world
Manganese Exports Rest of the world Rest of the world
1695.0 t Rutile Rest of the world Rest of the world
4426.0 t Zircon Rest of the world Rest of the world
500.0 t Stone Rest of the world Rest of the world
703.0 t Granite Rest of the world Rest of the world
355.0 t Limestone Rest of the world Rest of the world
4186.0 t Salt Rest of the world Rest of the world
244.0 t Other Non-Ferrous Metal Mining Rest of the world Rest of the world
40533.0 t Other Mining Rest of the world Rest of the world
309717.0 t Processed Foods Rest of the world Rest of the world
98.0 t Slaughtered animal meat Rest of the world Rest of the world
27.0 t Animal feed Rest of the world Rest of the world
765815.0 t Beverages Rest of the world Rest of the world
34.0 t Tobacco Products Rest of the world Rest of the world
13092.0 t Textile Products Rest of the world Rest of the world
8545.0 t Wood timber and products Rest of the world Rest of the world
55938.0 t Paper Rest of the world Rest of the world
750.0 t Printing and Publishing Rest of the world Rest of the world
1294.0 t Diesel Rest of the world Rest of the world
2.0 t Other Petroleum Products Rest of the world Rest of the world
22045.0 t Chemicals Rest of the world Rest of the world
31.0 t Fertilizer Rest of the world Rest of the world
3156.0 t Pharmaceutical Products Rest of the world Rest of the world
35592.0 t Cement Rest of the world Rest of the world
25707.0 t Iron & Steel Rest of the world Rest of the world
34.0 t Ferrochrome Rest of the world Rest of the world
274648.0 t Scrap metals Rest of the world Rest of the world
22173.0 t Metal products, machinery and electronic equipment Rest of the world Rest of the world
956.0 t Motor vehicles and trucks Rest of the world Rest of the world
82201.0 t Motor Vehicle Parts & Accessories Rest of the world Rest of the world
2249.0 t Transport Equipment Rest of the world Rest of the world
37109.0 t Other Manufacturing Industries Rest of the world Rest of the world
3.0 t Non-Ferrous Metal Products Rest of the world Rest of the world
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