Water consumption in the tertiary sector

Data source : https://environnement.brussels/etat-de-lenvironnement/synthese-2011-2012/eau-et-environnement-aquatique/approvisionnement-et
Data source xls. : https://environnement.brussels/sites/default/files/user_files/see1112_data_eau.xls

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Date Quantity Material From To
3307897.6 m3 HoReCa water consumption Rest of the world Brussels
2753151.3 m3 Health and social activities water consumption Rest of the world Brussels
2162331.2 m3 Shops water consumption Rest of the world Brussels
1683437.5 m3 Public and UE administration water consumption Rest of the world Brussels
1563752.8 m3 Education water consumption Rest of the world Brussels
981049.9 m3 Services for businesses water consumption Rest of the world Brussels
593098.6 m3 Leisure activities water consumption Rest of the world Brussels
589531.1 m3 Financial intermediation water consumption Rest of the world Brussels
3624383.1 m3 Other services industries water consumption Rest of the world Brussels
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