Amount of sand/gravel and asphalt/bitumen in roads in Mikkeli

Amount of sand/gravel and asphalt/bitumen in roads in Mikkeli

Amount of sand/gravel/stone material and asphalt/bitumen used in roads in Mikkeli has been estimated based on the length of roads (Data of Statistics Finland). Length of roads (km) has been converted to tonnes by using Finnish/Mikkeli data:

Source data used in estimation:
- Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency, (GIS data from Mikkeli): Pavement width (TL173), Pavement tchickness (TL332), width of carriage way (TL136), verge with (TL163):
- Liikennevirasto 2018: Tierakenteen suunnittelu. Liikenneviraston ohjeita 38/2018. 28.11.2018. ISBN 978-952-317-632-4. Saatavilla:
- Virtala, P 2016. Tien rakenteellisen kunnon hallinta. Laskennallisen kestävyystarkastelun periaatteet. Liikenneviraston tutkimuksia ja selvityksiä15/2016. Saatavilla:

Unit conversions are described more detailed in attatched word document (in Finnish).

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