• Type
    Conference Paper
  • Year
  • Author(s)
    Ouiam Fatiha Boukharta; Loïc Sauvée; Fabiana Fabri; Luis Manuel Navas Gracia; Leticia Chico Santamarta
  • Tags
    Abstract presentation
  • Language
  • Citation
    APA BibTeX RIS
  • ID

Contribution of urban agriculture in ensuring a healthy and sustainable food system in the metropolis of Rouen, France

Nowadays, urban agriculture and gardening in cities is increasingly recognized through initiatives such as the Milan Urban Food Pact. Moreover, there is a growing awareness on the part of citizens of the significant and positive contribution that a link with nature can make to our mental health and well-being. Indeed, urban agriculture is a form of farming that aims to ensure food security, maintain urban ecosystem services and improve the population's quality of life. The present study focuses on the analysis of two urban agriculture practices in the city of Rouen, France, where an evaluation will be made of the value distribution created by the implementation of these urban agriculture practices, as well as an assessment of the benefits they bring through economic, social and environmental terms. In addition to the benefits, this work analyses the governance structures of these initiatives, in order to identify the feasibility and financing of these urban practices as well as an evaluation of the urban planning and different indicators, that aim and help to implement these projects. The methodology used consists of interviews with stakeholders involved in the operation, including farmers, citizens, project managers, members of the municipality etc., as well as field visits for a better analysis and evaluation of each case, where the findings are processed through an empirical analysis using NVivo software, for its effectiveness in processing qualitative data. The results show that the two social cases evaluated have a common main objective, which is to ensure a better green environment for the city's inhabitants, while reconnecting them with nature and offering them the opportunity to grow their own fresh food and thus improve their health and well-being. Furthermore, different activities are carried out in the two cases, but in different ways. As far as their governance is concerned, both structures have a well-defined structure that enables them to be well organized and stable, allowing for a better flow and continuity of these urban practices.

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