Instituto de Estadística y Cartografía de Andalucía. -
The main public facilities in the protected natural areas of Andalusia.
It contains information about the location of the main facilities for public use in the protected natural areas of Andalusia, differentiating their typology. The information provided comes from the General Secretariat for the Environment and Water of the former Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and the Environment, and is published in the resource bank of the Andalusian Environmental Information Network -REDIAM- whose latest revision corresponds to February 19, 2018.

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We have tried processing this file, but have encountered an error. This file has too many objects. It needs to be verified by an administrator in order to be fully loaded into the system.
- 10_25_EquipamientoNaturaleza.cpg (5 octets)
- 10_25_EquipamientoNaturaleza.dbf (654,7 Kio)
- 10_25_EquipamientoNaturaleza.prj (404 octets)
- 10_25_EquipamientoNaturaleza.shp (70,0 Kio)
- 10_25_EquipamientoNaturaleza.shx (8,8 Kio)
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