Environment - cities and greater cities

EN1002V Total number of hours of sunshine per day
EN1003V Average temperature of warmest month - degrees
EN1004V Average temperature of coldest month - degrees
EN1005V Rainfall - litre/m²
EN2002V Number of days ozone O3 concentrations exceed 120 µg/m³
EN2003V Number of hours nitrogen dioxide NO2 concentrations exceed 200 µg/m³
EN2005V Number of days particulate matter PM10 concentrations exceed 50 µg/m³
EN2025V Accumulated ozone concentration in excess 70 µg/m³
EN2026V Annual average concentration of NO2 (µg/m³)
EN2027V Annual average concentration of PM10 (µg/m³)
EN3003V Total use of water - m³
EN3012V Share of population connected to potable drinking water system - %
EN3013V Share of population connected to sewerage treatment system - %
EN3010V Price of a m³ of domestic water - Euro
EN3011V Share of the urban waste water load (in population equivalents) treated according to the applicable standard -%
EN4008V Municipal waste generated (domestic and commercial), total - 1000 t
EN5200V Share of land (%): Continuous residential urban fabric
EN5201V Share of land (%): Discontinuous residential urban fabric
EN5202V Share of land (%): Industrial, commercial, public, military and private units
EN5203V Share of land (%): Transport infrastructure
EN5204V Share of land (%): Other artificial areas
EN5205V Share of land (%): Green urban areas and sports and leisure facilities
EN5206V Share of land (%): Agricultural areas
EN5207V Share of land (%): Natural areas
EN2029I Proportion of residents exposed to air traffic noise >55 dB(A) at night time
EN2032I Proportion of residents exposed to rail traffic noise >65 dB(A) at day time
EN2036I Proportion of residents exposed to rail traffic noise >55 dB(A) at night time
EN2033I Proportion of residents exposed to road traffic noise >65 dB(A) at day time
EN2035I Proportion of residents exposed to road traffic noise >55 dB(A) at night time

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