Agricultural land
Location of Agricultural land within the Cape Town metropolitan area.

Part of this shapefile
- Agri-Areas of Significant Value Given Existing Use
- Agri-Areas of Significant Value Given Potential and Emerging Agricultural Use
- Dam
- High Potential and Unique Agricultural Land Worthy of Long-Term Protection
- High Potential and Unique Agricultural Land Worthy of Statutory Protection
- Mountain
- Rural
- Smallholding
- Urban
- SL_AGRC_LAND.shx (1,1 Kio)
- SL_AGRC_LAND.shp (382,1 Kio)
- SL_AGRC_LAND.prj (145 octets)
- SL_AGRC_LAND.dbf (19,4 Kio)
- SL_AGRC_LAND.CPG (5 octets)
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