Open watercourses
Open watercourses comprise natural rivers, streams, channels, canals, flow paths and stream extensions.

Part of this shapefile
This shapefile contains 170 items - we are only displaying the first 20 below.
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- Lake Michelle flow path
- None
- Papkuils flow path
- Princess Vlei flow path
- Rondevlei Bird Sanctuary flow path
- Sand River Catchment River centre lines digitized from aerial photographs
- Silvermine Dam flow path
- Stream Extension
- Vygeboom Dam gap connector
- Wildevoëlvlei flow path
- Zeekoevlei flow path
- asbestos lined channel
- canal
- canal - no existing reticulation information
- canal near River Club
- canal through golf course
- canal through informal settlement
- canal through urban area
- canal/channel
- canalised river
- StormwaterOpenWatercourse.shx (101,8 Kio)
- StormwaterOpenWatercourse.shp.xml (58,5 Kio)
- StormwaterOpenWatercourse.shp (8,3 Mio)
- StormwaterOpenWatercourse.prj (411 octets)
- StormwaterOpenWatercourse.dbf (8,6 Mio)
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