Municipal planning framework 2019
Roskilde provided the data from the municipal planning framework 2019.
The file has a total of 550 items and one level of detail for the landuse.
10 general uses (column "anvendelse") that were used and translated as follows:
Danish, English
Centerområde, Center area
Blandet bolig og erhverv, Mixed housing and business
Boligområde, Residential area
Erhvervsområde, Business area
Område til offentlige formål, Area for public purposes
Rekreativt område, Recreational area
Tekniske anlæg, Technical facilities
Landområde, Land area
Sommerhusområde, Vacation home area
Andet, Other

Available within this Shapefile
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Data visualisations should soon be available (it can take up to 6 hours for files to be crunched on our servers).
Data visualisations should soon be available (it can take up to 6 hours for files to be crunched on our servers).
File processing error
We have tried processing this file, but have encountered an error. The following error occurred when trying to merge geometries: Invalid geometry pointer returned from "OGR_G_Union".
We have tried processing this file, but have encountered an error. The following error occurred when trying to merge geometries: Invalid geometry pointer returned from "OGR_G_Union".
- komplan_rammer_265.dbf (5,9 Mio)
- komplan_rammer_265.cpg (5 octets)
- komplan_rammer_265.prj (403 octets)
- komplan_rammer_265.shp (860,5 Kio)
- komplan_rammer_265.shx (4,4 Kio)
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