Paul Hoekman
Paul Hoekman
  • Signed up il y a 6 années, 7 mois
  • Last seen il y a 3 jours, 15 heures
  • Johannesburg

I am passionate about open collaboration initiatives, exploring the challenges and opportunities around urban sustainability, and learning from and about nature.

In my work, I have been involved in a variety of initiatives and projects. I have (co-) founded a number of companies and non-profits, and my roles have included that of manager, researcher, web developer, teacher, and consultant.

I was one of the co-founders of Metabolism of Cities and am now working on education and practice of radical sustainability.

I grew up in The Netherlands but spent my adult life in Nicaragua, South Africa and Colombia. I enjoy nature photography and am currently trying to learn more about the fauna and flora in Gauteng, South Africa.

NOTE: I was involved in Metabolism of Cities from 2014-2023 but have now stepped down from my roles in this project. All the best to everyone involved and thanks to all with whom I have shared this great journey. All the best everyone!

Completed tasks

Date Task Project Points
Jul 14, 2020 Data visualisation uploaded to the library
Overview of cadmium flows (kg) from NiCd use in Cape Town in 2005
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 2
Jul 08, 2020 Add chat and tasks for the Design Portal page
Metabolism of Cities 5
Jul 02, 2020 Add a colour to the status of tasks
Metabolism of Cities 5
Jul 02, 2020 Fix Twitter link in user profiles
Metabolism of Cities 5
Jui 01, 2019 Dataset added to the data inventory
Freight data: Imports
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Jui 01, 2019 Dataset added to the data inventory
Freight data: Import Throughput
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Jul 02, 2020 Change "none" to "MoC bot" in the work update section
Metabolism of Cities 5
Jul 03, 2020 Make available intro/outro videos
Metabolism of Cities 10
Jul 05, 2019 Dataset added to the data inventory
Construction waste permit volumes
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Jul 05, 2019 Dataset added to the data inventory
Construction waste permit volumes
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Jul 05, 2019 Dataset added to the data inventory
Waste by type
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Oct 09, 2018 Dataset added to the data inventory
Wastewater effluent
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Oct 10, 2018 Dataset added to the data inventory
Freight data: Imports
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Oct 10, 2018 Dataset added to the data inventory
Emissions to air
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Jui 09, 2020 Set up page to add new publication
Metabolism of Cities Library 5
Oct 10, 2018 Dataset added to the data inventory
City-wide water consumption
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Oct 16, 2018 Dataset added to the data inventory
Biomass imports
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Oct 16, 2018 Dataset added to the data inventory
Biomass exports
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Oct 16, 2018 Dataset added to the data inventory
Domestic extraction biomass
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Jul 01, 2020 Embed the auto-bot as creator of tasks
Metabolism of Cities 5
Sep 22, 2022 Dataset added to the data inventory
Métabolisme Territorial de la Régie Eau d'Azur 2
Jul 01, 2020 Implement point system in sprints
Metabolism of Cities 5
Jui 23, 2020 On a child page of a work piece, make URL field visible in front-end
Metabolism of Cities 5
Jui 30, 2020 Enable attachment functionality for screenshots and docs etc. for a task or forum item
Metabolism of Cities 5
Jul 01, 2020 Redirect to original page after a user signs up
Metabolism of Cities 5
Jui 22, 2020 Upload shapefile
District Municipalities
Stocks and Flows Data Hub 6
Jui 22, 2020 Upload shapefile
Local municipalities
Stocks and Flows Data Hub 6
Jui 09, 2020 Integrate news in the library
Metabolism of Cities Library 5
Jul 01, 2020 Set up voting mechanism for tasks
Metabolism of Cities 5
Jui 24, 2020 Add section for data contributors within a city portal
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 5
Jul 15, 2020 Image uploaded to the library
Placeholder image
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Jul 10, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Data Contribution: Upload MFA Data
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Jan 21, 2019 Dataset added to the data inventory
Population by sex - mid-year estimate
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Déc 16, 2018 Dataset added to the data inventory
Builders rubble entering disposal facilities
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Nov 27, 2018 Dataset added to the data inventory
Animals present on urban farms
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Nov 27, 2018 Dataset added to the data inventory
WWTP Houtrust Effluent
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Nov 27, 2018 Dataset added to the data inventory
Water consumption
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Déc 16, 2018 Dataset added to the data inventory
Garden greens entering disposal facilities
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Déc 09, 2018 Dataset added to the data inventory
Fish catch
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Déc 09, 2018 Dataset added to the data inventory
Mineral extraction
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Déc 16, 2018 Dataset added to the data inventory
General waste entering disposal facilities
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Déc 16, 2018 Dataset added to the data inventory
Hazardous waste entering disposal facilities
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Jan 21, 2019 Dataset added to the data inventory
Population by age - mid-year estimate
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Jan 21, 2019 Dataset added to the data inventory
Total population - mid-year estimate
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Jan 21, 2019 Dataset added to the data inventory
Total population projections
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Aoû 05, 2020 Process shapefile
Administrative boundaries of Brussels Capital Region
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Jul 14, 2020 Reclassify datasets for Cape Town
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Jul 14, 2020 Reclassify datasets for Rennes
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Jul 14, 2020 Reclassify datasets for Singapore
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Jul 14, 2020 Reclassify datasets for Waterloo
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Jul 14, 2020 Reclassify datasets for The Hague
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Jul 13, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Data Contribution: Data Harvesting
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Aoû 12, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Biophysical Characteristics: Soil
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Aoû 07, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Working with Shapefiles
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Aoû 12, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Biophysical Characteristics: Trees
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Aoû 12, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Biophysical Characteristics: Biodiversity
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Aoû 07, 2020 Image uploaded to the library
Sectoral shares, Cape Town Gross Value Added (GVA) versus National GVA, 2018
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Aoû 12, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Biophysical Characteristics: Bodies of water
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Aoû 07, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Finding population data
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Aoû 07, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Regional Development Profile City of Cape Town
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Aoû 11, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities - Youtube Outro
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Aoû 05, 2020 Process shapefile
Melbourne's Building outlines 2015
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Aoû 05, 2020 Process shapefile
Administrative boundaries for Brussels Capital Regional municipalities
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Aoû 03, 2020 Adding publications: Make search field case insensitive
Metabolism of Cities Library 5
Aoû 07, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Introduction to the data uploading process
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Aoû 07, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
City boundaries
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Aoû 07, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Finding and uploading economic information
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Aoû 07, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Economic Performance Indicators for Cape Town - Quarter 2, 2019
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Aoû 05, 2020 Process shapefile
Spatial boundaries of Brussels Capital Region's neighbourhoods
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Aoû 07, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Finding policy documents
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Aoû 05, 2020 Process shapefile
Building footprints for Brussels Capital Region
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Aoû 11, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities - Youtube Intro
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Aoû 13, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Módulo 1: Desafíos ambientales globales
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Aoû 13, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
¿Qué es el metabolismo urbano?
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Aoû 13, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Contabilidad medioambiental urbana
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Aoû 13, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Ejercicio - Escribe un perfil de tu ciudad
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Aoû 14, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Infrastructure: Instructions
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Aoû 14, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Biophysical Characteristics: Rainfall and temperatures
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Aoû 17, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Introducción al proceso de subir datos
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Aoû 17, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Trabajar con Shapefiles (archivos geospaciales)
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Aoû 17, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Encontrar y subir los límites de la ciudad
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Aoû 18, 2020 Process shapefile
Limite Municipio de Medellín
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Aoû 18, 2020 Process shapefile
Barrios y veredas de Medellín
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Aoû 18, 2020 Process shapefile
Manzanas que conforman los barrios de Medellín
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Aoû 19, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Biophysical Characteristics: Mineral Deposits
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Aoû 19, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Contexto: Información económica
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Aoû 19, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Contexto: Datos de población
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Aoû 19, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Contexto: Políticas y reglamentos
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Aoû 19, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Infrastructure: Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Aoû 19, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Infrastructure: Electricity
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Jul 02, 2020 Enable clicking on user profiles in the forum
Metabolism of Cities 5
Aoû 20, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Características biofísicas - Suelo
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Aoû 20, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Características Biofísicas: Lluvia y temperatura
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Aoû 20, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Características Biofísicas: Biodiversidad
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Aoû 21, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Infrastructure: general overview
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Aoû 21, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Manejo de fotos
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Aoû 21, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Photo management
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Aoû 21, 2020 Allow city dashboard main photo uploading
Metabolism of Cities 5
Aoû 21, 2020 Show our non-website projects
Metabolism of Cities 5
Aoû 20, 2020 Create the homepage for the Education Hub
Metabolism of Cities Education Hub 10
Aoû 23, 2020 Set up the new data hub homepage
Metabolism of Cities 5
Aoû 23, 2020 Improve community hub
Metabolism of Cities 5
Aoû 24, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Características Biofísicas: Cuerpos de Agua
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Aoû 24, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Características Biofísicas: Árboles
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Aoû 24, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Características Biofísicas: Depósitos de minerales
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Aoû 25, 2020 Process shapefile
Corredores Verdes
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Aoû 25, 2020 Process shapefile
Áreas Protegidas
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Aoû 26, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Stocks and Flows: Introduction
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Aoû 26, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Stocks and Flows: Extraction
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Aoû 26, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Production Flows: Manufacturing
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Aoû 26, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Flows: Consumption
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Aoû 27, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Infraestructura: Introducción
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Aoû 27, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Infraestructura: Coordenadas GPS
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Aoû 27, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Infraestructura: Sector primario
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Aoû 27, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Infraestructura: Electricidad
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Aoû 27, 2020 Process shapefile
Usos Generales del Suelo Urbano
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Aoû 27, 2020 Process shapefile
Usos del Suelo Rural
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Aoû 28, 2020 Process shapefile
Subestaciónes de Energía en Medellín.
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Aoû 28, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Infraestructura: Agua
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Aoû 28, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Infrastructure: Water
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Sep 22, 2020 Process dataset
Proyecciones de Población 2016 a 2020 de Medellín
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Oct 08, 2018 Dataset added to the data inventory
Agricultural production
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Sep 22, 2022 Dataset added to the data inventory
Métabolisme Territorial de la Régie Eau d'Azur 2
Jul 01, 2020 Associate tasks with sprints
Metabolism of Cities 5
Jul 01, 2020 Expand the events section - create "Add Event" Button
Metabolism of Cities Community Hub 5
Jui 30, 2020 Make page for public front-end for adding a publication
Metabolism of Cities 5
Aoû 03, 2020 For journals: Make website field visible in back-end and fix tagging
Metabolism of Cities Library 5
Aoû 31, 2020 Process shapefile
Ciclorrutas Municipio de Medellín
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Aoû 31, 2020 Process shapefile
Malla vial
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Aoû 31, 2020 Process shapefile
Concesiones Aeropuertos
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Aoû 31, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Infraestructura: Transporte
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Sep 01, 2020 Process shapefile
Subsistema de Servicio Publico
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Sep 01, 2020 Process shapefile
Jerarquización de Vías Urbanas y Rurales
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Sep 01, 2020 Process shapefile
Red Peatonal
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Sep 01, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Infraestructura: Desechos
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Sep 01, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Infraestructura: Industria manufacturera
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Sep 01, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Material Stock
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Sep 01, 2020 Process shapefile
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Sep 01, 2020 Image uploaded to the library
Jamaican beach
Metabolism of Islands 4
Sep 01, 2020 Image uploaded to the library
St. George's, Grenada
Metabolism of Islands 4
Sep 01, 2020 Image uploaded to the library
Handelskade, Willemstad, Curacao
Metabolism of Islands 4
Sep 02, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Pre-Feasibility report for the importation of natural gas into the Western Cape with specific focus on the Saldanha Bay-Cape Town corridor
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 02, 2020 Image uploaded to the library
Energy used by individual companies in Cape Town and surroundings
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 02, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Environmental Screening and Safety Study for the proposed LNG terminal at Saldanha and associated pipeline infrastructures to Atlantis and Cape Town
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 02, 2020 Image uploaded to the library
Proposed pipeline routing from Saldanha to Cape Town, Paarl, Wellington and Stellenbosch regions
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 02, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Imports and Exports
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Sep 02, 2020 Shapefile uploaded to the library
Global-scale mining polygons (Version 1)
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Sep 02, 2020 Dataset added to the data inventory
Spatially-Disaggregated Crop Production Statistics Data in Africa South of the Saharan for 2017
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Sep 02, 2020 Dataset added to the data inventory
Global Spatially-Disaggregated Crop Production Statistics Data for 2010 Version 2.0
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Sep 02, 2020 Map uploaded to the library
Global Croplands: Global Food Security Analysis-Support Data at 30 Meters (GFSAD30) Project
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Jui 24, 2020 Filter Datasets by sector, year, etc
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Sep 03, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Flujos y stocks: Introducción
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Sep 03, 2020 Image uploaded to the library
Skyline of Melbourne, seen from the ocean
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 04, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Flujos: Extracción
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Sep 04, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Flujos: Consumo
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Sep 04, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Flujos: Producción Industrial
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Fév 10, 2021 Journal Article uploaded to the library
Reunderstanding Cairo through urban metabolism: Formal versus informal districts resource flow performance in fast urbanizing cities
Metabolism of Cities Library 4
Sep 22, 2022 Dataset added to the data inventory
Métabolisme Territorial de la Régie Eau d'Azur 2
Sep 10, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Sep 11, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Flujos: Importaciones y Exportaciones
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Sep 11, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Flows: Waste and Emissions
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Sep 14, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Flujos: Emisiones
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Sep 14, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Flujos: Desechos
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Fév 04, 2021 User permissions: Allow for people to choose a city
Metabolism of Cities 5
Sep 16, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Sep 17, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Artículo basado en datos
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Sep 17, 2020 Image uploaded to the library
Metrobus BRT en Ciudad de México
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 17, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Escribir artículos
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Sep 19, 2020 Review, tag and publish gps coordinates
City of Johannesburg - wastewater treatment plants
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Sep 18, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Context: Actors
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Sep 18, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Data articles
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Sep 18, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Using Markdown
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Sep 18, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Writing a data article
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Aoû 05, 2020 Process shapefile
Postcodes of Melbourne
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Aoû 19, 2020 Process shapefile
Límites de Antioquia
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Aoû 05, 2020 Process shapefile
Municipal boundary of Melbourne
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Aoû 06, 2020 Process shapefile
Blocks for Census of Land Use and Employment (CLUE) with business, employment and floor area counts
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Aoû 05, 2020 Process shapefile
Spatial boundaries for Brussels Capital Region's statistical sectors
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Oct 05, 2020 Shapefile uploaded to the library
Countries in the world, version 4.1.0
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Oct 05, 2020 Process shapefile
Countries in the world, version 4.1.0
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Oct 16, 2020 Fix that single publication pages can be opened again
Metabolism of Cities Library 5
Sep 22, 2022 Dataset added to the data inventory
Métabolisme Territorial de la Régie Eau d'Azur 2
Nov 02, 2020 Get folium data in right format for choropleth map
Metabolism of Cities 5
Aoû 27, 2020 Process shapefile
Clasificación del suelo
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Nov 05, 2020 Allow for modules to be listed but not clickable
Metabolism of Cities Education Hub 5
Sep 22, 2022 Process dataset
Métabolisme Territorial de la Régie Eau d'Azur 6
Aoû 31, 2020 Process shapefile
Metro de Medellín
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Aoû 26, 2020 Process shapefile
Río Medellín
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Nov 05, 2020 Upload rough course outline
Metabolism of Cities Education Hub 10
Nov 09, 2020 Allow for adding the data processing permission to course participants
Metabolism of Cities Education Hub 5
Nov 09, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Nov 09, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Espacios de referencia
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Nov 09, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Data de flujos y stock
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Nov 09, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Ejercicio: seleccionar espacios de referencia
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Nov 04, 2020 Fix Zotero tags not updating
Metabolism of Islands 5
Nov 04, 2020 Pull in new "themes" in list of tags in library
Metabolism of Islands 5
Sep 07, 2020 Process shapefile
Vías primarias de la Ciudad de México
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Nov 11, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Anatomía de un shapefile
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Nov 07, 2020 Creation of instruction videos for module 1
Metabolism of Cities Education Hub 10
Nov 11, 2020 Outro audio mismatch
Metabolism of Cities Education Hub 5
Nov 04, 2020 Take out TEAM page
Metabolism of Islands 5
Nov 04, 2020 Add "Island Industrial Ecology" library collection
Metabolism of Islands 5
Nov 12, 2020 Improve shapefile processing workflow
Metabolism of Cities Education Hub 5
Nov 12, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Procesar shapefiles - el proceso
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Nov 12, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Procesar shapefiles - resolver errores
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Nov 11, 2020 Creation of instruction videos for module 2
Metabolism of Cities Education Hub 10
Nov 13, 2020 Allow for processing of geospatial spreadsheets
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 5
Nov 13, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Los límites de la ciudad
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Nov 13, 2020 Allow for data processors to select the official city boundaries
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 5
Nov 14, 2020 Shapefile uploaded to the library
MDB District Municipalities 2018
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Nov 14, 2020 Process shapefile
MDB District Municipalities 2018
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Nov 14, 2020 Shapefile uploaded to the library
MDB Local Municipal Boundary 2018
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Nov 14, 2020 Process shapefile
MDB Local Municipal Boundary 2018
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Jan 20, 2019 Process shapefile
Marine outfalls list
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Déc 09, 2018 Process shapefile
Waste transfer station list
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Jul 05, 2018 Upload a dataset to the inventory
Wastewater treatment plants list
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Jul 05, 2018 Process shapefile
Wastewater treatment plants list
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Jul 05, 2018 Upload a dataset to the inventory
Water reservoirs list
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Jul 05, 2018 Process shapefile
Water reservoirs list
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Jul 05, 2018 Upload a dataset to the inventory
Water treatment works list
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Jul 05, 2018 Process shapefile
Water treatment works list
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Jul 05, 2018 Upload a dataset to the inventory
Dams list
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Jul 05, 2018 Process shapefile
Dams list
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Oct 12, 2018 Upload a dataset to the inventory
Energy storage list
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Oct 12, 2018 Process shapefile
Energy storage list
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Déc 09, 2018 Upload a dataset to the inventory
Fuel storage facilities list
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Déc 09, 2018 Process shapefile
Fuel storage facilities list
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Déc 09, 2018 Upload a dataset to the inventory
Landfills list
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Déc 09, 2018 Process shapefile
Landfills list
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Déc 09, 2018 Upload a dataset to the inventory
Waste drop-off sites list
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Déc 09, 2018 Process shapefile
Waste drop-off sites list
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Déc 14, 2018 Upload a dataset to the inventory
Airports list
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Déc 09, 2018 Upload a dataset to the inventory
Waste transfer station list
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Jan 22, 2019 Upload a dataset to the inventory
Mines list
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Déc 14, 2018 Process shapefile
Airports list
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Jan 19, 2019 Upload a dataset to the inventory
Lighthouses list
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Jan 19, 2019 Process shapefile
Lighthouses list
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Jan 19, 2019 Upload a dataset to the inventory
Ports list
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Jan 22, 2019 Process shapefile
Mines list
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Jan 19, 2019 Process shapefile
Ports list
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Jan 20, 2019 Upload a dataset to the inventory
Marine outfalls list
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Jan 23, 2019 Upload a dataset to the inventory
Power plants list
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Jan 23, 2019 Process shapefile
Power plants list
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Mar 21, 2019 Upload a dataset to the inventory
Train stations list
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Mar 21, 2019 Process shapefile
Train stations list
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Nov 15, 2020 Improve reference space detail page
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 5
Nov 16, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Hojas geoespaciales: introducción
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Nov 14, 2020 Migrate infrasatructure meta data
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 5
Nov 16, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Procesar hojas geoespaciales
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Nov 16, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Hojas geoespaciales: resolver errores
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Nov 13, 2020 Creation of instruction videos for module 3
Metabolism of Cities Education Hub 10
Nov 18, 2020 Improve data portal navigation
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 5
Nov 16, 2020 Add number of case studies
Metabolism of Islands 5
Nov 18, 2020 Integrate image in reference space database field
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 5
Nov 16, 2020 Add courses under RESOURCES
Metabolism of Islands 5
Nov 19, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Componentes de flujos de materiales - introducción
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Nov 20, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Componentes de flujos de materiales - cantidades
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Nov 20, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Componentes de flujos de materiales - materiales
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Nov 20, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Componentes de flujos de materiales - procesos
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Nov 20, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Componentes de flujos de materiales - fechas
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Nov 19, 2020 Creation of instruction videos for module 4
Metabolism of Cities Education Hub 10
Nov 20, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
Economy-wide material flow accounts handbook
Metabolism of Cities Library 4
Sep 16, 2020 Process shapefile
Portugal Road Network
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Nov 23, 2020 Reclassify EW-MFA material catalog
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 2
Nov 24, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Conversión de datos - ejemplo 1
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Nov 24, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Conversión de datos - ejemplo 2
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Nov 24, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Conversión de datos - ejemplo 3
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Nov 23, 2020 Creation of instruction videos for module 5
Metabolism of Cities Education Hub 10
Fév 08, 2021 Add fields and icons to top bar for logged in users
CityLoops 5
Sep 22, 2022 Dataset added to the data inventory
Métabolisme Territorial de la Régie Eau d'Azur 2
Nov 30, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Subir tus datos
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Nov 30, 2020 Creation of instruction videos for module 6
Metabolism of Cities Education Hub 10
Déc 02, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Atajos de teclado
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Déc 02, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Déc 02, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Déc 02, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Ejemplo usando atajos, CONCAT, EDATE, EOMONTH
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Déc 03, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Data de stock: introducción
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Déc 03, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Data de stock: procedimiento
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Déc 09, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Procesar datos de contexto y características biofísicas
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Déc 09, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Datos de la población
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Déc 03, 2020 Creation of instruction videos for module 7
Metabolism of Cities Education Hub 10
Déc 08, 2020 Creation of instruction videos for module 9
Metabolism of Cities Education Hub 10
Déc 10, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Visualizaciones de datos: introducción
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Déc 10, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Ajustar visualizaciones de datos
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Déc 13, 2020 Image uploaded to the library
Newslands Upper reservoir
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Déc 13, 2020 Image uploaded to the library
Newslands Upper reservoir
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Déc 13, 2020 Image uploaded to the library
Water pipes near the reservoir
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Déc 13, 2020 Image uploaded to the library
Burgan Cape Terminals as seen from Table Mountain
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Déc 13, 2020 Image uploaded to the library
Molteno reservoir
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Déc 16, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Data Processing Tour: Introduction
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Déc 16, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Data Processing Tour: Shapefiles
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Déc 16, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Data Processing Tour: Geospatial Spreadsheets
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Déc 16, 2020 Image uploaded to the library
Totalgaz fuel storage facility
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Déc 16, 2020 Image uploaded to the library
Totalgaz fuel storage facility
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Déc 16, 2020 Image uploaded to the library
Totalgaz fuel storage facility
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Déc 16, 2020 Image uploaded to the library
Milnerton lighthouse
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Déc 16, 2020 Image uploaded to the library
Milnerton lighthouse
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Déc 16, 2020 Image uploaded to the library
Milnerton lighthouse
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Déc 16, 2020 Image uploaded to the library
Milnerton lighthouse
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Déc 16, 2020 Image uploaded to the library
Milnerton lighthouse
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Déc 16, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Data Processing Tour: City Boundaries
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Déc 17, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Installing Metabolism of Cities locally
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Déc 17, 2020 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities website file structure
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Fév 11, 2021 Add Finnish, Norwegian and Danish as languages for item upload
CityLoops 5
Déc 20, 2020 Process dataset
Extracción doméstica biomasa
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Déc 19, 2020 Report uploaded to the library
State of Energy in South African Cities
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Déc 18, 2020 Allow for shapefile data to be merged into a single reference space
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 5
Déc 18, 2020 Improve OUR STORY page
Metabolism of Cities 5
Déc 25, 2020 Image uploaded to the library
Fuel storage in the harbour
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Déc 25, 2020 Image uploaded to the library
Fuel storage in the harbour
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Déc 25, 2020 Image uploaded to the library
Fuel storage
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Déc 25, 2020 Image uploaded to the library
Athlone power station
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Déc 22, 2020 Process dataset
Emisiones de gases de efecto de invernadero (GEI), por sectores
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Sep 22, 2022 Dataset added to the data inventory
Métabolisme Territorial de la Régie Eau d'Azur 2
Jan 25, 2021 Change title THESES
Metabolism of Islands 5
Déc 17, 2020 Explain tech setup website
Metabolism of Cities 10
Déc 11, 2020 Prepare data processing instruction video
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 10
Jan 22, 2021 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities database introduction
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Jan 25, 2021 System not showing all fields
Metabolism of Islands 5
Jan 26, 2021 Changes to Research Projects
Metabolism of Islands 5
Jan 22, 2021 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Database basics: relationship management
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Fév 11, 2021 Add sector materials and other CL relevant tags
CityLoops 5
Jan 25, 2021 Video Recording uploaded to the library
MOOC: Urban Metabolism Data Collection - African Cities Edition
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Jan 28, 2021 Journal Article uploaded to the library
Determining the material intensities of buildings selected by random sampling: A case study from Vienna
Metabolism of Cities Library 4
Fév 02, 2021 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Data Processing Tour: Types of Shapefiles
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Fév 03, 2021 Adding new organisation
King Baudouin Foundation
Metabolism of Cities Community Hub 2
Jan 25, 2021 Add option to delete a project/thesis
Metabolism of Islands 5
Fév 12, 2021 Discuss and decide with Paul the use of STAF flow diagrams for CityLoops
CityLoops 8
Fév 16, 2021 Fix "add photo" in "Extra: General photos"
CityLoops 5
Sep 22, 2022 GPS Coordinates uploaded to the library
Prise d'eau superficielle
Métabolisme Territorial de la Régie Eau d'Azur 4
Fév 17, 2021 Editing CL dataset entry in MoC library, tag field disappeared?!
CityLoops 5
Fév 21, 2021 Remove Dataset as separate model
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 5
Fév 24, 2021 Adding new organisation
City University of Hong Kong
Metabolism of Cities Community Hub 2
Fév 24, 2021 Adding new organisation
City University of Hong Kong School of Energy and Environment
Metabolism of Cities Community Hub 2
Fév 25, 2021 Video Recording uploaded to the library
TheewatersKloof Dam 85% Full
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Fév 25, 2021 Improve task management system
Metabolism of Cities 5
Aoû 18, 2020 Process shapefile
Comunas y Corregimientos de Medellín
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Aoû 19, 2020 Process shapefile
Municipios de Antioquia
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Sep 01, 2020 Process shapefile
Acueducto Potabilización
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Mar 04, 2021 Image uploaded to the library
View of the Woodstock drop-off centre
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Mar 04, 2021 Image uploaded to the library
Container for organic waste drop-off
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Mar 04, 2021 Image uploaded to the library
Items for sale
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Mar 04, 2021 Image uploaded to the library
Paper collection
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Mar 04, 2021 Image uploaded to the library
Glass collection
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Mar 04, 2021 Image uploaded to the library
Styrofoam collection
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Mar 04, 2021 Image uploaded to the library
View of the drop-off hall on a quiet day
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Mar 04, 2021 Image uploaded to the library
Oil collection
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Mar 04, 2021 Image uploaded to the library
Garden waste collection site
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Mar 04, 2021 Image uploaded to the library
Wood chipper
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Mar 04, 2021 Image uploaded to the library
Construction waste
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Mar 04, 2021 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Water Journey: Where does your drinking water come from?
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Mar 04, 2021 Map uploaded to the library
Approximate water distribution areas of Cape Town's dams
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Mar 04, 2021 Map uploaded to the library
Sewerage Catchment Areas Map
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Mar 08, 2021 Image uploaded to the library
Metrocable to Parque Arví
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Mar 08, 2021 Image uploaded to the library
Metrocable to Parque Arví - Línea K
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Aoû 25, 2020 Process shapefile
Red Hidrica Medellín
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Mar 08, 2021 Shapefile uploaded to the library
Ríos y quebradas principales
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Mar 08, 2021 Process shapefile
Ríos y quebradas principales
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Mar 08, 2021 Image uploaded to the library
Río Medellín
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Mar 08, 2021 Image uploaded to the library
Río Medellín
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Mar 08, 2021 Image uploaded to the library
El estación de metro de San Antonio
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Aoû 25, 2020 Process shapefile
Red de Conectividad Ecológica
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Mar 11, 2021 Shapefile uploaded to the library
Agricultural land
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Mar 11, 2021 Process shapefile
Agricultural land
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Mar 11, 2021 Shapefile uploaded to the library
Open watercourses
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Mar 11, 2021 Process shapefile
Open watercourses
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Mar 11, 2021 Shapefile uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Mar 11, 2021 Process shapefile
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Mar 12, 2021 Shapefile uploaded to the library
Current indigenous vegetation
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Mar 12, 2021 Process shapefile
Current indigenous vegetation
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Mar 12, 2021 Shapefile uploaded to the library
Public lighting
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Mar 12, 2021 Process shapefile
Public lighting
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Mar 12, 2021 Shapefile uploaded to the library
Cycle lanes
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Mar 12, 2021 Process shapefile
Cycle lanes
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Mar 10, 2021 Add new mapping visualization options
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 5
Mar 19, 2021 Allow changing file type for GPS files/shapefiles
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 5
Fév 09, 2021 Add front-end option to edit the description of a reference space
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 5
Avr 01, 2021 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Food Dialogues 2020: Food System Overview
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Avr 01, 2021 Report uploaded to the library
The Urban Food System of Cape Town, South Africa
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Avr 02, 2021 Adding new organisation
Université de Technologie Troyes
Metabolism of Cities Community Hub 2
Avr 02, 2021 Adding new organisation
L'Association des Doctorants et Docteurs de l'UTT
Metabolism of Cities Community Hub 2
Avr 02, 2021 Adding new organisation
Universidad de Alcalá
Metabolism of Cities Community Hub 2
Avr 02, 2021 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub plans for 2021
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Mar 30, 2021 Connect CL tag IDs to the correct processing queue
CityLoops 5
Sep 22, 2022 General review work
Réservoir à ciel ouvert
Métabolisme Territorial de la Régie Eau d'Azur 2
Avr 29, 2021 Fix shapefile processing holdup
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 5
Sep 22, 2022 Dataset added to the data inventory
Réservoir fermé
Métabolisme Territorial de la Régie Eau d'Azur 2
Mai 14, 2021 Add priority plan to MOI
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 5
Jui 01, 2021 Adding new organisation
Metabolism of Cities Community Hub 2
Jui 01, 2021 Image uploaded to the library
Vissershok landfill site
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Jui 01, 2021 Image uploaded to the library
Vissershok landfill site
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Jui 01, 2021 Image uploaded to the library
Vissershok landfill site
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Jui 01, 2021 Allow editing of messages
Metabolism of Cities 5
Aoû 23, 2020 Pending items before going live
Metabolism of Cities 5
Avr 20, 2021 Involve others in our priority plan
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 5
Jui 05, 2021 Write a specification for the API and data export plans
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 10
Avr 30, 2021 Process large datafiles asynchronous
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 5
Mai 18, 2021 Add countries to cities/islands
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 5
Jui 03, 2021 Write a good guide for beginners
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 5
Jui 03, 2021 Set up a proper "mini-site" for the priority project
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 5
Jui 01, 2021 Prepare the upcoming work sprint
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 5
Jui 05, 2021 Develop a sprint presentation
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 5
Jui 24, 2021 Add map
Metabolism of Islands 5
Sep 22, 2022 GPS Coordinates uploaded to the library
Station de pompage
Métabolisme Territorial de la Régie Eau d'Azur 4
Sep 22, 2022 General review work
Prise d'eau superficielle
Métabolisme Territorial de la Régie Eau d'Azur 2
Jui 17, 2021 Create a single map with all cities
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 5
Sep 22, 2022 GPS Coordinates uploaded to the library
Réservoir fermé
Métabolisme Territorial de la Régie Eau d'Azur 4
Mai 18, 2021 Allow for easy GPS configuration
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 5
Sep 22, 2022 General review work
Réservoir fermé
Métabolisme Territorial de la Régie Eau d'Azur 2
Sep 22, 2022 General review work
Station de pompage
Métabolisme Territorial de la Régie Eau d'Azur 2
Sep 22, 2022 GPS Coordinates uploaded to the library
Métabolisme Territorial de la Régie Eau d'Azur 4
Aoû 01, 2021 Report uploaded to the library
Documento con las memorias de cálculos y bases técnicas para la evaluación del impacto del PIHECA
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 4
Sep 22, 2022 General review work
Métabolisme Territorial de la Régie Eau d'Azur 2
Sep 22, 2022 General review work
Station de désinfection
Métabolisme Territorial de la Régie Eau d'Azur 2
Sep 23, 2022 General review work
Micro centrale
Métabolisme Territorial de la Régie Eau d'Azur 2
Sep 22, 2022 Process dataset
Métabolisme Territorial de la Régie Eau d'Azur 6
Sep 22, 2022 GPS Coordinates uploaded to the library
Métabolisme Territorial de la Régie Eau d'Azur 4
Sep 22, 2022 GPS Coordinates uploaded to the library
Water meters
Métabolisme Territorial de la Régie Eau d'Azur 4
Oct 14, 2021 Fix WeasyPrint import error
Metabolism of Cities 5
Oct 01, 2021 Report uploaded to the library
Circular Glasgow: A vision and action plan for the city of Glasgow
Metabolism of Cities Library 4
Oct 01, 2021 Report uploaded to the library
Circular Prague
Metabolism of Cities Library 4
Oct 01, 2021 Report uploaded to the library
Baselining for a circular Toronto: Material Flow Analysis
Metabolism of Cities Library 4
Oct 01, 2021 Report uploaded to the library
Circular Àmbit B30
Metabolism of Cities Library 4
Oct 01, 2021 Report uploaded to the library
Circular cities Switzerland - Bern: Material flow analysis
Metabolism of Cities Library 4
Oct 01, 2021 Report uploaded to the library
Circular cities Switzerland - Basel: Material flow analysis
Metabolism of Cities Library 4
Oct 01, 2021 Report uploaded to the library
Circular Amsterdam: A vision and action agenda for the city and metropolitan area
Metabolism of Cities Library 4
Oct 01, 2021 Report uploaded to the library
Circular Bilbao & Bizkaia
Metabolism of Cities Library 4
Oct 01, 2021 Report uploaded to the library
Circular Kongsvinger Region
Metabolism of Cities Library 4
Oct 01, 2021 Report uploaded to the library
Circulair Noord-Holland: Inzichten in het speelveld van de circulaire economie
Metabolism of Cities Library 4
Oct 01, 2021 Report uploaded to the library
Amstelveen Circulair: Kansen voor de circulaire economie in Amstelveen
Metabolism of Cities Library 4
Oct 01, 2021 Report uploaded to the library
Circular Economy Opportunities in Almaty
Metabolism of Cities Library 4
Sep 22, 2022 General review work
Métabolisme Territorial de la Régie Eau d'Azur 2
Sep 23, 2022 GPS Coordinates uploaded to the library
Unité de traitement
Métabolisme Territorial de la Régie Eau d'Azur 4
Sep 23, 2022 Dataset added to the data inventory
Top-level data
Métabolisme Territorial de la Régie Eau d'Azur 2
Sep 22, 2022 General review work
Water meters
Métabolisme Territorial de la Régie Eau d'Azur 2
Sep 22, 2022 Process dataset
Métabolisme Territorial de la Régie Eau d'Azur 6
Sep 22, 2022 GPS Coordinates uploaded to the library
Métabolisme Territorial de la Régie Eau d'Azur 4
Oct 23, 2021 Shapefile uploaded to the library
Railroad network
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Oct 23, 2021 Process shapefile
Railroad network
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 6
Jan 23, 2022 Report uploaded to the library
London’s food footprint: An analysis of material flows, consumption-based emissions, and levers for climate action
Metabolism of Cities Library 4
Sep 22, 2022 General review work
Métabolisme Territorial de la Régie Eau d'Azur 2
Sep 23, 2022 General review work
Unité de traitement
Métabolisme Territorial de la Régie Eau d'Azur 2
Sep 22, 2022 Process dataset
Métabolisme Territorial de la Régie Eau d'Azur 6
Fév 17, 2022 Video Recording uploaded to the library
Urban Metabolism and the Leak Detection System at the City of Waterloo
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 4
Sep 22, 2022 GPS Coordinates uploaded to the library
Métabolisme Territorial de la Régie Eau d'Azur 4
Aoû 22, 2022 Allow for customization of "map pages"
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 5
Aoû 31, 2022 Image uploaded to the library
Waste management sector MFA - part 1
Metabolism of Cities Library 4
Aoû 31, 2022 Image uploaded to the library
Waste management sector MFA - part 2
Metabolism of Cities Library 4
Aoû 31, 2022 Image uploaded to the library
Construction sector MFA
Metabolism of Cities Library 4
Aoû 31, 2022 Image uploaded to the library
Food system MFA - part 1
Metabolism of Cities Library 4
Aoû 31, 2022 Image uploaded to the library
Food system MFA - part 2
Metabolism of Cities Library 4
Aoû 31, 2022 Data visualisation uploaded to the library
Economic sectors of Prague: overview
Metabolism of Cities Library 2
Aoû 31, 2022 Data visualisation uploaded to the library
Highest emitting sectors
Metabolism of Cities Library 2
Aoû 31, 2022 Data visualisation uploaded to the library
Construction sector MFA
Metabolism of Cities Library 2
Aoû 31, 2022 Data visualisation uploaded to the library
Mineral & Chemicals Waste Products
Metabolism of Cities Library 2
Aoû 31, 2022 Data visualisation uploaded to the library
Households MFA
Metabolism of Cities Library 2
Aoû 31, 2022 Data visualisation uploaded to the library
Material flow breakdown into products
Metabolism of Cities Library 2
Aoû 31, 2022 Data visualisation uploaded to the library
Household energy consumption
Metabolism of Cities Library 2
Aoû 31, 2022 Data visualisation uploaded to the library
Household food consumption
Metabolism of Cities Library 2
Aoû 31, 2022 Data visualisation uploaded to the library
Manufacturing sector: material flow
Metabolism of Cities Library 2
Aoû 31, 2022 Data visualisation uploaded to the library
Circular vision: Food & beverage
Metabolism of Cities Library 2
Aoû 31, 2022 Data visualisation uploaded to the library
Circular vision: beer & spirit highlight
Metabolism of Cities Library 2
Aoû 31, 2022 Data visualisation uploaded to the library
Circular strategy: heat recovery
Metabolism of Cities Library 2
Aoû 31, 2022 Data visualisation uploaded to the library
Circular directions: food
Metabolism of Cities Library 2
Aoû 31, 2022 Data visualisation uploaded to the library
Food: Material flow analysis
Metabolism of Cities Library 2
Aoû 31, 2022 Data visualisation uploaded to the library
Action plan: waste biomass to BIO-CNG
Metabolism of Cities Multimedia Library 2
Aoû 31, 2022 Report uploaded to the library
Urban metabolism for planning water sensitive city-regions: Proof of concept for an urban water metabolism evaluation framework
Metabolism of Cities Library 4
Aoû 31, 2022 Webpage uploaded to the library
Understanding your city by understanding its flow: towards Participatory Urban Metabolism Information Systems
Metabolism of Cities Library 4
Aoû 31, 2022 Data visualisation uploaded to the library
Vancouver water flows
Metabolism of Cities Library 2
Aoû 31, 2022 Report uploaded to the library
Vitens: Circularity in drinking water production
Metabolism of Cities Library 4
Aoû 31, 2022 Data visualisation uploaded to the library
Material flows drinking water production Spannenburg
Metabolism of Cities Library 2
Aoû 31, 2022 Report uploaded to the library
Building a circular strategy for Water Authority Rijnland
Metabolism of Cities Library 4
Aoû 31, 2022 Data visualisation uploaded to the library
Energy flow analysis
Metabolism of Cities Library 2
Aoû 25, 2022 Easily load a boundary shapefile when displaying a map
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 5
Aoû 31, 2022 Data visualisation uploaded to the library
Material flow analysis
Metabolism of Cities Library 2
Aoû 31, 2022 Data visualisation uploaded to the library
Water flow analysis
Metabolism of Cities Library 2
Aoû 31, 2022 Data visualisation uploaded to the library
Construction material flows and stocks
Metabolism of Cities Library 2
Sep 22, 2022 General review work
Métabolisme Territorial de la Régie Eau d'Azur 2
Sep 22, 2022 GPS Coordinates uploaded to the library
Station de désinfection
Métabolisme Territorial de la Régie Eau d'Azur 4
Sep 23, 2022 GPS Coordinates uploaded to the library
Micro centrale
Métabolisme Territorial de la Régie Eau d'Azur 4
Sep 22, 2022 Process dataset
Métabolisme Territorial de la Régie Eau d'Azur 6
Sep 22, 2022 Process dataset
Métabolisme Territorial de la Régie Eau d'Azur 6
Sep 09, 2022 Limit display of contents to city boundaries
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 5
Sep 02, 2022 Allow for multiple visualizations to be set up for a single dataset
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 5
Sep 06, 2022 Allow for custom data visualizations to only show data from a specific reference space
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 5
Sep 06, 2022 Show data viz inside a reference space
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 5
Sep 06, 2022 Customize data visualizations: hide top menu/table
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 5
Sep 06, 2022 Apply geospatial restrictions to data visualization
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 5
Sep 22, 2022 Shapefile uploaded to the library
Boundaries Métropole Nice Côte d'Azur
Métabolisme Territorial de la Régie Eau d'Azur 6
Sep 22, 2022 Shapefile uploaded to the library
Métabolisme Territorial de la Régie Eau d'Azur 6
Sep 22, 2022 Process shapefile
Métabolisme Territorial de la Régie Eau d'Azur 6
Sep 22, 2022 Process shapefile
Boundaries Métropole Nice Côte d'Azur
Métabolisme Territorial de la Régie Eau d'Azur 6
Sep 22, 2022 Shapefile uploaded to the library
Métabolisme Territorial de la Régie Eau d'Azur 6
Sep 22, 2022 Process shapefile
Métabolisme Territorial de la Régie Eau d'Azur 6
Sep 27, 2022 Speed up chart generation
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 5
Sep 30, 2022 Allow for better data exploration from the dataset page
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub 5
Sep 22, 2022 GPS Coordinates uploaded to the library
Réservoir à ciel ouvert
Métabolisme Territorial de la Régie Eau d'Azur 4
Total 2140

Ongoing work

Task Project Status
Allow for downloading the entire library in CSV format Metabolism of Islands Open
Register visitor statistics Metabolism of Islands In Progress
Show social media details in user profile Metabolism of Islands Open
Add SUPPORTERS page Metabolism of Islands Open