Your search yielded 9033 results.


Title Type Author(s) Year
- Report
10 Big Construction Projects in Kigali 2020 Webpage Ben Ngabonziza
10185_PFD_SIDS_Annex_ChildProjects.pdf Journal Article
11. SINGAPORE Part IV Country Papers (Contd.) Report Shim Kim Fah
2018 Vancouver Landfill Fill and Progressive Closure Plan Image
2020_Transportation-and-the-environment-in-developing-countries2020Annual-Review-of-Resource-Economics.pdf Journal Article
2020_sustainable_development_report.pdf Journal Article
24 Hour forecast Webpage Meteorological service Singapore
52Woodash070617.pdf Journal Article
7.5 Using census data for characterizing elements-at-risk at local scale | CHARIM Webpage
A Framework for Assessing the Direct Energy Use of Blockchain Technology Systems Report Eric Masanet and Koomey
A list of Textile Industries in Kigali pic Image
A view of Delmas 32, a neighborhood in Haiti which many residence are beneficiaries of the PRODEPUR- Habitat project Image World Bank Photo Collection
A330-243 | Fiji Airways | DQ-FJT | HKG Image Christian Junker | Photography
ADMA International LTD Webpage ADMA International Ltd
AGRICULTURE DE L'ISÈRE Webpage Agricultures et territoires
AISolutionsMarketIndustryVerticals_2018-2023.pdf Journal Article
AREQUIPA CLIMA Webpage Climate Data
Abastecimiento hídrico del área metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá. Image
Abastecimiento y saneamiento de aguas de la Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid (nivel regional) Webpage Comunidad de Madrid
Abraservice Iberica - Metal production in Barberà del Vallès Webpage
Abstract Image
Acceso a la información ambiental y territorial D.F. Webpage Procuraduría Ambiental y de Ordenamiento Territorial
Access to basic services and housing Dataset Eurostat
Accommodation establishments Dataset Eurostat
Action plan: waste biomass to BIO-CNG Data visualisation
Actividad económica bogotana Image
Actividades económicas, INEGI Webpage Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía. INEGI
Actors construction Bodø Report
Acueducto Potabilización Image
Additional indicators Dataset Eurostat
Administrative areas of France Shapefile DIVA-GIS
Africa Improved Foods facility Image
Age cohort Webpage
Agences Shapefile
Agreste - Données économiques agricoles : les comptes de l'agriculture Dataset
Agricultura Urbana Webpage Jardín_Botánico_de_Bogotá
Agricultura Urbana Webpage Municipalidad de Rosario.
Agricultural practices Dataset Eurostat
Agricultural product and foodstuffs unloaded in th Port of Brussels 2005-2017 Dataset
Agricultural production Dataset
Agriculture carte Map Ici-Grenoble
Agrihub - Informing the fresh industry Webpage AgriHub
Agua - Listado de cuerpos de agua de la Ciudad de México Webpage Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía
Agua Potable - AySA Webpage AySA
Aguas Subterráneas y Superficiales de la Provincia de Santa fe Book Martin H. Iriondo
Air emissions accounts by NACE Rev. 2 activity Dataset Eurostat
Air emissions accounts totals bridging to emission inventory totals Dataset Eurostat
Air emissions intensities by NACE Rev. 2 activity Dataset Eurostat
Air emissions per sector and per gas Dataset Eurostat
Air pollutants by source sector (source: EEA) Dataset Eurostat
Air transport equipment: number of aircrafts Dataset Eurostat
Air transport infrastructure: airports Dataset Eurostat
Air transport infrastructure: length of paved runways Dataset Eurostat
Air transport of freight by NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Air transport of freight by NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Air transport of passengers by NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Air transport of passengers by NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Air transport traffic: freight and passengers Dataset Eurostat
Air transport traffic: number of aircraft movements Dataset Eurostat
Aluminium Carpentry Companies in Barberà del Vallès Webpage elEconomista. es
Aluminium warehouses in Barberà del Vallès Webpage
Amenaza por colapso de minería en la ciudad de Pasto Dataset Dirección para la Gestión del Riesgo de Desastres de la ciudad de Pasto
Ammonia emissions from agriculture (source: EEA) Dataset Eurostat
Ammonia emissions from agriculture - % of total emissions (source: EEA) Dataset Eurostat
Amount of extracted products Sevilla area graph Image
Amount of extracted rock and gravel in Mikkeli area graph Image
Amount of harvested wood in Mikkeli area graph Image
Amount of roads in the municipality of The Hague Dataset
An Empirical Evaluation of OLS Hedonic Pricing Regression on Singapore Private Housing Market Image
Anadia aerial view Image
Anadia distribution network Image
Analyze Boston - the City of Boston's open data hub Data portal
Animal populations by NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Animal populations by NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Animals present on urban farms Dataset
Annuaire de la Société des Cafétiers, Restaurateurs et Hôteliers de Genève Webpage Restaurateurs et Hôteliers de Genève Société des Cafétiers
Annual Production of Municipal Solid Waste in Sevilla line graph Image
Annual aquaculture production - live weight in tonnes Dataset Eurostat
Annual captures of fish - live weight in tonnes - by fishing areas Dataset Eurostat
Annual economic indicators of Montreal agglomeration Image
Annual freshwater abstraction by source and sector Dataset Eurostat
Annual production and utilisation of milk on the farm Dataset Eurostat
Antigua and Barbuda Tourism - 2012 Report
Antigua red hidrográfica de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires Image
Antioquia Suelos Shapefile Corpourabá
Antioquia tiene 18% de las exportaciones de 2017 Webpage Asociación Colombiana de Comercio Exterior ANALTEX
Anuario de Población y Estadísticas Vitales Report Dirección General de Estadística-Rosario.
Análisis de precipitación y temperatura Report Alcaldía de Santiago de Cali
Análisis de precipitación y temperatura Report Alcaldía de Santiago de Cali
Análisis precipitación y temperatura Report Alcaldía de Santiago de Cali
Apeldoorn Biomass Sankey Image
Apeldoorn Construction Sankey Image
Apeldoorn UCA Sankey Image
Apeldoorn biomass sector actors map Image
Apeldoorn building stock by age of building column graph Image
Apeldoorn building stock by material column graph Image
Apeldoorn building stock by type of building in 2022 Image
Apeldoorn construction sector actors map Image
Apeldoorn land use map Image
Apeldoorn land use map Image
Apeldoorn population (1995-2020) line graph Image
Apeldoorn population (1995-2022) line graph Image Deniz Celik
Arboles en bermas centrales de algunas avenidas y calles de Chimbote y Nuevo Cimbote Webpage GOOGLE EARTH
Area by NUTS 3 region Dataset Eurostat
Area by NUTS 3 region Dataset Eurostat
Area of new buildings by typology in Mikkeli column chart (2019, only types with value above zero) Image
Area of the regions by metropolitan regions Dataset Eurostat
Area of wooded land (source: EFA questionnaire) Dataset Eurostat
Area of wooded land (source: FAO - FE) Dataset Eurostat
Area under organic farming Dataset Eurostat
Arequipa Report
Arequipa alberga a 1 millón 316 mil habitantes Webpage Instituto Nacional de Estadística e Informática –INEI
Arrears (mortgage or rent, utility bills or hire purchase) by level of activity limitation, sex and age Dataset Eurostat
Arrivals at tourist accommodation establishments by NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Arrivals by type of accommodation Dataset Eurostat
Arroyos y áreas de influencia de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires Image
Artesanías alajueliteñas se unen a Festival Folclórico Webpage Alajuelita Soy Periódico
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Hardware: Global Markets Journal Article
Artificial Intelligence, the spare time rebound effect and how the ECG would avoid it Journal Article Wolfgang Ertel
Aseo Image
Así es Medellín Webpage Medellín Cómo vamos
Atlas: El medio ambientede Madrid Report Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid
Ausencia de depósitos metalíferos o minerales industriales en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires Webpage Servicio Geológico Minero Argentino
Average CO2 emissions per km from new passenger cars (source: EEA, DG CLIMA) Dataset Eurostat
Average annual population to calculate regional GDP data (thousand persons) by NUTS 3 regions Dataset Eurostat
Average annual population to calculate regional GDP data by metropolitan regions Dataset Eurostat
Average carbon dioxide emissions per km from new passenger cars Dataset Eurostat
Average electricity consumption per house Dataset
Average gas consumption for all house types Dataset
Average household size - EU-SILC survey Dataset Eurostat
Average number of persons per household by household composition, number of children and age of youngest child Dataset Eurostat
Average number of persons per household by household composition, number of children and working status within households Dataset Eurostat
Average size of dwelling by household type and degree of urbanisation Dataset Eurostat
Average size of dwelling by income quintile and tenure status Dataset Eurostat
Avis de chantier - Ville de Lausanne Webpage Ville de Lausanne
Bahia de Chimbote Image Kd Lavi
Bakhresa Grain Milling Webpage Bakhresa Grain Milling
Balancing items Dataset Eurostat
Banco de Indicadores sociodemográficos y económicos disponibles por tema, programa y área geográfica Webpage Instituto Nacional de Geografía
Barbados Image eutrophication&hypoxia
Barcelona City GDP 2016 and Number of employees by economic sector 2017 Image
Barriers considered for international sourcing by sourcing status and economic activity (2009-2011) Dataset Eurostat
Barrios y veredas de Medellín Image
Base de données Occupation du Sol à l'échelle COMmunale (OSCOM) - Département de l'Isère Dataset
Base législative Vaudoise Webpage Canton de Vaud
Belgian Report to the Eighteenth Session of the Commission on Sustainable Development Webpage The Kingdom of Belgium
Berlin Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs Webpage European Commission
Berries and fruits cultivation in Mikkeli 2014-2018 area graph Image
Bibliography Artwork
Bicycle Lanes In Kigali Webpage Cyclenet
Big data analytics in logistics and supply chain management_ Certain investigations for research and applications | Elsevier Enhanced Reader Journal Article et al.
Biochemical oxygen demand in rivers (source: EEA) Dataset Eurostat
Biodiversidad en Medellín 2 Image
Biodiversidad en Medellín1 Image
Biodiversity Webpage
Biodiversity Image
Biodiversité : aménagement de l'A480 Report
Biodiversité dans la montagne vivante Report
Biomass Export Flows Dataset
Biomass Exports Dataset
Biomass Import Dataset
Biomass exports Dataset
Biomass imports Dataset
Biomaterials waste collection in Mikkeli 2018-2020 area graph Image
Biomethanisation in Mikkeli Webpage
Blockchain Technology and the Sustainable Supply Chain: Theoretically Exploring Adoption Barriers - Paper Report Mahtab Kouhizadeh and Sarkis
Blockchain and Governance of Sustainability Supply Chains Report Saberi and Sarkis
Blockchain for the circular economy: Theorizing blockchain's role in the transition to a circular economy through an empirical investigation Journal Article Böhmecke-Schwafert et al.
Blockchain_ 2018-2023.pdf Journal Article
Bodø Construction Sector Sankey diagram Image
Bodø UCA Sankey Image
Bodø Waste Recovery (other than energy recovery) without backfilling in 2020 Image
Bodø building stock by construction year bar chart Image
Bodø building stock by material and age cohort Image
Bodø building stock by type of building in 2022 column graph Image
Bodø employment (2020) column graph Image
Bodø land use map Image
Bodø land use map Image
Bodø skyline Image
Bodø waste composition 2015, 2020 Image
Bogotá: una economía sólida y dinámica Webpage Alcaldía_de_Bogotá
Boletín de Coyuntura Económica, Ciudad de México Webpage Secretaría de Desarrollo Económico
Bonusgroup Industries Ltd Webpage Bonusgroup Ltd
Borrador de informe sobre la ciudad de Jaen Report Aleska Saldaña Sampertegui
Borrador reporte Carepa Report Orlando Vásquez
Boucheries - charcuteries du Canton de Genève Webpage Union Professionnelle Suisse de la Viande
Boundaries Métropole Nice Côte d'Azur Shapefile
Bovine animals by NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Bovine population - annual data Dataset Eurostat
Bovine production forecasts - head - bi-annual data Dataset Eurostat
Bralirwa Webpage Bralirwa
Bralirwa Aerial View Image
Brasilia Cityscape Joana França Image Joana França
Brussels Climate Map Webpage
Brussels Waste - 2011 Dataset
Bucaramanga, Santander Webpage
Bucaramanga, Santander Report Stefany Solis
Builders rubble entering disposal facilities Dataset
Building Footprints (Current) Webpage Chicago Data Portal
Building Stock cities Dataset
Building materials extracted in Nordland in 2020 Image
Building permits - monthly data Dataset Eurostat
Building permits - annual data Dataset Eurostat
Building permits - monthly data Dataset Eurostat
Building stock by materials and typology column graph - Bodø Image
Building stock by the main structure materials in Mikkeli 2022 Image
Building stock total mass / cap comparison - Bodø Dataset Celik et al.
Building stock total mass / cap comparison - Bodø Image
Business demography and high growth enterprise by NACE Rev. 2 activity and metropolitan regions Dataset Eurostat
Business demography and high growth enterprise by NACE Rev. 2 and NUTS 3 regions Dataset Eurostat
Business demography by size class and NUTS 3 regions Dataset Eurostat
Business demography by size class and metropolitan regions Dataset Eurostat
Business, regional economy and exports Webpage Etelä-Savo Ennakoi
Bâtiments architecturaux à Grenoble Webpage Tripadvisor
C&D Waste Production in Bodø (2016-2021) Image
C&D Waste Treatment in Bodø (2016-2021) Image
CARTO Webpage
CARTO preview Image
CARTO previuw Image
CCI economie etudes Webpage CCI Grenoble
CDW waste flows managed by Lipasam in Sevilla area graph Image
CDW waste flows, Metsäsairila Ltd. 2018-2020 area graph Image
CENSO DEMOGRÁFICO / Demographic Census Dataset IBGE
CLIMA DE CHIMBOTE con extenciones epw , clm, ddy,rain,stat ,wea Dataset
COVID-19: Immediate Predictors of Individual Resilience Webpage Ferreira et al.
Cadastre Dataset Etalab
Cadena de la Piscicultura en Antioquia Report Cámara de Comercio de Medellín para Antioquia
Cadena de valor - industria farmacéutica Image
Cadena petroquímica-plástica Image
Cafés & Restaurants - Lausanne Centre Ville Webpage Lausanne Centre-ville Quartier du centre-ville de Lausanne
Cajamarca - Perú Report
Caldic Iberica- Chemical company - Glass related materials Webpage
Cali, Colombia Report Nathalia Solís Oñate
Calidad del Agua de la Ciudad de México Webpage Sistema de Aguas de la Ciudad de México
Calidad del Aire de Bogotá-IBOCA, Webpage Red_de_Monitoreo_de_Calidad_del_Aire_de_Bogotá-IBOCA
Calorific values Dataset Eurostat
Cambio Climático en Buenos Ares, riesgo de desastre y pobreza urbana Document Mar Areco Patricia Himschoot
Candidate countries and potential candidates: GDP and main aggregates Dataset Eurostat
Candidate countries and potential candidates: agricultural Dataset Eurostat
Candidate countries and potential candidates: annual national accounts -breakdown by branches Dataset Eurostat
Candidate countries and potential candidates: annual national accounts -breakdown of final consumption expenditure Dataset Eurostat
Candidate countries and potential candidates: business demography Dataset Eurostat
Candidate countries and potential candidates: climate change and waste Dataset Eurostat
Candidate countries and potential candidates: digital economy and society Dataset Eurostat
Candidate countries and potential candidates: energy Dataset Eurostat
Candidate countries and potential candidates: fisheries Dataset Eurostat
Candidate countries and potential candidates: forestry statistics Dataset Eurostat
Candidate countries and potential candidates: labour market Dataset Eurostat
Candidate countries and potential candidates: living conditions Dataset Eurostat
Candidate countries and potential candidates: main economic indicators Dataset Eurostat
Candidate countries and potential candidates: monetary and other financial statistics Dataset Eurostat
Candidate countries and potential candidates: population - demography Dataset Eurostat
Candidate countries and potential candidates: prices Dataset Eurostat
Candidate countries and potential candidates: science and technology Dataset Eurostat
Candidate countries and potential candidates: short-term business statistics Dataset Eurostat
Candidate countries and potential candidates: terms of trade Dataset Eurostat
Candidate countries and potential candidates: tourism Dataset Eurostat
Candidate countries and potential candidates: trading partners - balance Dataset Eurostat
Candidate countries and potential candidates: trading partners - flows Dataset Eurostat
Candidate countries and potential candidates: transport Dataset Eurostat
Canicule : toutes les infos Webpage Mairie de Paris
Capacity of passenger railway vehicles, by category of seats or berths Dataset Eurostat
Capacity of passenger railway vehicles, by type of vehicle Dataset Eurostat
Caracterización Área Natural Protegida Laguna de Términos Webpage Comisión Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad - CONABIO
Caractérisation des sols pour le tunnel de la rocade nord de Grenoble Report MONNET
Carrying capacity of pipelines operated Dataset Eurostat
Carta Geotécnica do Município de São Paulo (Geotechnical Map of the Municipality of São Paulo) Shapefile PMSP/IPT
Carte - territoires Map Geoportail
Carte des supermarchés dans le Canton de Genève Webpage Supermarchés en Suisse Google Maps
Cartes du territoire Map Géoportail
Cartographie des cours d'eau Webpage
Catches - inland waters Dataset Eurostat
Catches - major fishing areas (from 2000 onwards) Dataset Eurostat
Catches in all fishing regions Dataset Eurostat
Catedral de La ciudad de La Plata Report Danyela Vallejo
Cement and Concrete Association of Singapore. Webpage CEMENT AND CONCRETE ASSOCIATION OF SINGAPORE
Censitary sectors Sao Paulo / Setores censitarios Sao Paulo Dataset GeoSampa
Censos Económicos 2019 Webpage Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía
Central Area Plan Webpage City of Chicago
Central Enel Generación Costanera Webpage Enel
Centro de Distribución Eléctrica San Martín Webpage Gobierno de Santa Fe.
Centro de Distribución Eléctrica San Martín Image Gobierno de Santa fe
Centro de Gestión Integral de Residuos Sólidos Urbanos Webpage Municipalidad de Rosario.
Centro de Reciclaje de la Ciudad Webpage Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires
Centros de tratamiento del Parque Tecnológico Valdemingómez de la ciudad de Madrid Webpage Ayuntamiento de Madrid
Cereal for the production of grain (including seed) Dataset
Cereal production in Mikkeli by species 2013-2019 area graph Image
Cereals by NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Cereals: number of farms and areas by agricultural size of farm (UAA) and size of cereal area Dataset Eurostat
Cereals: number of farms, areas and combine harvestors by size of farm (UAA) and size of cereal area Dataset Eurostat
Cerros orientales y Humedales Image
Chemistry, Plastics and Life Sciences in Belgium 2019 Key Figures Webpage Essenscia
Chicago Climate Data Dataset NOAA National Centres For Environmental Information - National Oceanic And Atmospheric Administration
Chicago River System Map Webpage Friends of THe Chicago River
Chicago, IL Temperature Records Webpage
Chiffres clés - édition 2019-2020 Webpage CCI Grenoble
Chiffres clés de la Grand Genève Webpage Grand Genève
Ciclo integral del agua: Captación del agua de la Comunidad de Madrid (regional) Webpage Canal de Isabel II
Ciclo integral del agua: Distribución del agua -Depósitos reguladores o reservorios de agua de la Comunidad de Madrid (regional) Webpage Canal de Isabel II
Ciclo integral del agua: Tratamiento del agua de la Comunidad de Madrid (regional) Webpage Canal de Isabel II
Circuito de los residuos sólidos urbanos Image
Circular business strategies and supply chain finance in the Aruba waste sector: A case study of a small island jurisdiction Webpage and Alofs
Circular directions: food Data visualisation
Circular material use rate Dataset Eurostat
Circular material use rate Dataset Eurostat
Circular material use rate Dataset Eurostat
Circular material use rate by material type Dataset Eurostat
Circular strategy: heat recovery Data visualisation
Circular vision: Food & beverage Data visualisation
Circular vision: beer & spirit highlight Data visualisation
City boundaries in Høje-Taastrup Municipality Shapefile Supply and Efficiency
City of Cape Town Open Data Portal Data portal City of Cape Town
City of Chicago :: Made in Chicago Webpage City of Chicago
City of Edinburgh Open Data Portal Data portal
City of Johannesburg Tree Cover Maps Image
City of Johannesburg restaurants with hotel/lodging facilities Image
City of Johannesburg restaurants with hotel/lodging facilities Webpage
City of Seattle Open Data portal Data portal
City population in HTK Dataset
City-wide water consumption Dataset
Ciudad Rosario-Prov.Santa Fe-MoC Report Ramiro Schiavo
Ciudad de Madrid Image Jorge Fernández Sala Unplash
Ciudad de Pasto y el volcán galeras Image
Ciudad de Rosario (Prov. Santa Fe) archivos Shapefile. Shapefile Instituto provincial de Estadística y Censo. Gobierno de Santa Fe.
Ciudad de Valdivia Report César Valarezo
Clima Cordoba Aerodrome Webpage Tu Tiempo 2020
Clima de Madrid Webpage World Weather Information Service
Clima y temperaturas promedio Webpage Municipalidad de Rosario
Climate of Singapore Webpage Metrological service Singapore
Climate related economic losses by type of event (source: EEA) Dataset Eurostat
Climig | International migration and climate change: A post-Copenhagen perspective on options for Kiribati and Tuvalu Journal Article
Cobertura de las empresas de energía eléctrica Image
Cogeneration plants in Sevilla map Image
Comercio exterior Bogotá- Cundinamarca Webpage Observatorio_de_la_Región_Bogotá-Cundinamarca
Commercial paper waste Hamburg 2001-2018 Dataset
Commission de régulation de l'énergie Webpage CRE
Common bird indices by type of estimate (sources: EBCC, BirdLife, RSPB, CSO) Dataset Eurostat
Common farmland bird index (sources: OECD, BirdLife) Dataset Eurostat
Communes Shapefile
Communication Dataset Eurostat
Complete detailed ordering Webpage Ayuntamiento de Sevilla
Complete energy balances Dataset Eurostat
Composición en peso de la demanda actual de alimentos de Medellín Image
Composición promedio de los residuos de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires Image
Composición residuos Dataset
Composición sectorial del PIB 2018 Image
Composición sectorial del Producto Geográfico Interno Image
Composition and length of drinking water pipes in The Hague Dataset
Composition of municipal waste Dataset Eurostat
Comunas y Corregimientos de Medellín Image
Concentración del empleo Pasto 2015 Image
Concentración geográfica de la cadena de valor Image
Concrete and Wood composition in buildings constructed <1940 Image
Concrete and Wood composition in buildings constructed in 2020 Image
Constructed area in The Hague Dataset
Construction Materials Brussels Dataset
Construction Materials through inland shipping Dataset
Construction cost (or producer prices), new residential buildings - annual data Dataset Eurostat
Construction cost (or producer prices), new residential buildings - monthly data Dataset Eurostat
Construction material flows and stocks Data visualisation
Construction sector MFA Image
Construction sector MFA Data visualisation
Construction waste permit volumes Dataset
Consumer Expenditures for the Chicago Metropolitan Area: 2018-19 Webpage U.S. Bureau of Labour Statics
Consumers' behaviour related to online purchases (2016) Dataset Eurostat
Consumo de agua Webpage Sistema de Aguas de la Ciudad de México
Consumo de agua potable residencial por estrato, municipio de Medellín, 2019. Image
Consumption of inorganic fertilizers Dataset Eurostat
Contact us via LiveChat! Webpage
Container transport by type of good (country/regional flows from 2007 onwards) Dataset Eurostat
Container transport by type of good (country/regional flows in 2007) Dataset Eurostat
Contaminación en el aire de Bogotá ha caído un 47 % Webpage Alcaldía_de_Bogotá
Contaminación, valores críticos y desechos de fondo - Río de la Plata Image
Contribution of recycled materials to raw materials demand - end-of-life recycling input rates (EOL-RIR) Dataset Eurostat
Contribution to the international 100bn USD commitment on climate related expending (source: DG CLIMA, EIONET) Dataset Eurostat
Conventional dwellings by occupancy status, type of building and NUTS 3 region Dataset Eurostat
Coo Pumped Storage Power Plant Webpage ENGIE
Cook County Mineral Deposit Dataset USGS science for a changing world
Cooling and heating degree days by NUTS 2 regions - annual data Dataset Eurostat
Cooling and heating degree days by country - annual data Dataset Eurostat
Cooling and heating degree days by country - monthly data Dataset Eurostat
Cordoba Image Municipalidad de Cordoba
Corredores Verdes Image
Corredores ecológicos estructurales Image
Country destination for international sourcing by enterprises currently planning to engage in international sourcing by business functions and economic activity (figures and %) - collection round 2007 Dataset Eurostat
Country destination of international sourcing by business function and economic activity (2009-2011) Dataset Eurostat
Country level - gross weight of goods transported to/from main ports Dataset Eurostat
Country level - gross weight of goods transported to/from main ports, by type of traffic Dataset Eurostat
Country population in Denmark Shapefile Supply and Efficiency
Coverage rate of municipal waste collection by NUTS 2 regions - pilot project data Dataset Eurostat
Cows'milk collection and products obtained - annual data Dataset Eurostat
Cows'milk collection and products obtained - monthly data Dataset Eurostat
Crecimiento del PIB de Antioquia. Image
Cristaleria Lloreda - Glass construction company Webpage
Crop production by NUTS 2 regions - historical data (1975-1999) Dataset Eurostat
Crop production in EU standard humidity by NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Crop production in national humidity by NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Cropping pattern Image
Crops by classes of utilised agricultural area in number of farms and hectare by NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Crypto Energy Consumption | Moneysupermarket Webpage
Cryptocurrency Has Yet to Make the World a Better Place Newspaper Article Greg Ip
Cuba Agriculture 1 Image drjoshuawhitman
Cuba Agriculture 2 Image davethetemp
Cuba Energy 1 Image International Rivers
Cuba Oil Refinery Image Marcel601
Cuba Transportation 1 Image Sheep'R'Us
Cuba Transportation 2 Image Tobi NDH
Cuenca hidrográficas de la Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid Image
Cuencas abastecedoras Image
Cuencas hidráulicas de Buenos Aires Image
Cultivation of vegetables in Mikkeli 2014-2018 area graph Image
Culture and tourism - cities and greater cities Dataset Eurostat
Curaçao Shapefile
Curaçao Shapefile
Current status and advancement of cyber-physical systems in manufacturing | Elsevier Enhanced Reader Report et al.
Cómo funciona por dentro la enorme planta en la que se recicla el 40% de los residuos de la Ciudad Webpage Juan Parrilla
DP World Logistics Webpage DP World
Daily calorie supply per capita by source Dataset Eurostat
Daily consumption of fruit and vegetables by sex, age and country of birth Dataset Eurostat
Daily consumption of fruit and vegetables by sex, age and country of citizenship Dataset Eurostat
Daily consumption of fruit and vegetables by sex, age and degree of urbanisation Dataset Eurostat
Daily consumption of fruit and vegetables by sex, age and educational attainment level Dataset Eurostat
Daily consumption of fruit and vegetables by sex, age and income quintile Dataset Eurostat
Daily consumption of fruit and vegetables by sex, age and level of activity limitation Dataset Eurostat
Dam Level - Capacity Dataset
Dam level percentages Dataset
Data Mexico Webpage Economía and Datawheel
Data products, 2016 Census - Focus on Geography Series - Census subdivision of Vancouver, CY Webpage Statistics Canada
Datos Abiertos Bogotá (Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible) Webpage Alta_Consejería_Distrital_de_TIC
Datos Abiertos Bogotá (Geología y Geomofología urbana y rural, zonificación Geotécnica, suelos, etc.) Webpage Datos_Abiertos_Bogotá
Datos Estadísticos Recogida de Residuos Municipales Sevilla Webpage Lipasam
Datos Metabolismo Ibi Report Nazim Kuyer
Datos climatológicos de Buenos Aires Webpage World Weather Organization
Datos económicos y de sectores productivos en Rionegro Webpage DATLAS COLOMBIA
Datos generales Bogotá Región Webpage Invest_in _Bogotá_&_DANE
Deforestación, agricultura y biodiversidad Webpage 2010 UNCIENCIA
Demanda de agua potable en el Valle de Aburrá, 2011 – 2019. Image
Demanda real para el año 2010 con base en la canasta real de Medellín Image
Demanda real para el año 2010 con base en la canasta real de Medellín 1 Image
Demanda recomendada proyectada 2011 a 2020 para la ciudad de Medellín Image
Demanda recomendada proyectada 2011 a 2020 para la ciudad de Medellín 1 Image
Demandes de valeurs foncières DVF Dataset DGFiP
Demografía de Arequipa (ciudad) Webpage Wikipedia
Demographic balance and crude rates by metropolitan regions Dataset Eurostat
Demographic indicators Dataset Eurostat
Demolition of residential and non-residential buildings in Bodø (2009-2021) Image
Den Haag Open Data Data portal
Department of Statistics Singapore 2020 Webpage Singapore Agency Government Website
Department of Water and Sanitation: NATIONAL INTEGRATED WATER INFORMATION SYSTEM Webpage Water and Sanitation
Depósitos de agua localizados en la ciudad de Madrid Image
Depósitos de almacenamiento de agua residual en la ciudad de Madrid Webpage Ayuntamiento de Madrid
Descripción del proyecto Planta de Tratamiento de Aguas residuales Bello Report Empresas Publicas de Medellín
Descripción resumida del Humedal Webpage Gobierno de Santa fe
Destination country of international sourcing by business functions and economic activity - collection round 2007 Dataset Eurostat
Detail of soil types in the district Image
Developing climate services for Caribbean tourism: a comparative analysis of climate push and pull influences using climate indices: Current Issues in Tourism: Vol 24, No 11 Webpage
Digital Economy size.xlsx Journal Article
Digital Economy_Huawei_Oxford 2018.pdf Journal Article
Digital Spillover Measuring the true impact of the digital economy, Huawei, Oxford Economics.pdf Journal Article
Digital Sustainability.pdf Journal Article
Digital Technology Size.pptx Journal Article
Digital-economy-compass copy.pdf Journal Article
Digital-economy-compass.pdf Journal Article
Directorio Estadístico Nacional de Unidades Económicas Webpage Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía
Directorio de laboratorios estatales Webpage Agencia Nacional de Laboratorios Públicos
Disaggregated final energy consumption in households - calorific values Dataset Eurostat
Disaggregated final energy consumption in households - quantities Dataset Eurostat
Dispersion of regional employment rates by NUTS 3 regions (%) Dataset Eurostat
Disposable income of private households by NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Disposición de residuos sólidos del departamento de Nariño Image
Distribución de empresas encargadas de la recolección de residuos Image
Distribución de la población en el territorio de la CA y de la ciudad de Madrid (2012-2014) Image
Distribución de la población según municipio y año Webpage Geoportal de datos DANE
Distribución de las empresas Dataset
Distribución de las empresas Report
Distribución de población, Santander Bucaramanga Webpage Instituto Geográfico Agustín Codazzi
Distribución del tratamiento de residuos Dataset
Distribución eléctrica Edenor Webpage Ministerio de Energía y Minería
Distribución eléctrica Edesur Webpage Ministerio de Energía y Minería
Distribución espacial de los establecimiento industriales Madrid (2010) Image
Distribución porcentual por rama de actividad Image
Distribution of activities by number of employees Image
Distric Census handbook Part A Book
Distric Census handbook Part A Book
Distric Census handbook Part A Journal Article
Distric Census handbook Part A Book
Distric Census handbook Part A Book
Distric Census handbook Part A Book Directorate of census operation
Distric Census handbook Part B Report DIRECTORATE OF CENSUS OPERATIONS
District Census Handbook Part B Report Directorate of Census Operations
District Survey Report Report Vadodara Offices of Geologist
District survey report Report
Documentos de Inventarios Patrimoniales y Árboles en Campeche y Carmen Image
Domestic Extraction in Bodø (2015,2020) Dataset Deniz Celik Metabolism of Cities
Domestic Extraction in Bodø (2015,2020) column graph Image
Domestic energy consumption patterns in Kigali, Rwanda - how disparate are they in view of urbanisation Webpage Ludger Eltrop
Domestic extraction biomass Dataset
Domestic material consumption per capita Dataset Eurostat
Domestic or international sourcing of different business functions by economic activity - collection round 2007 Dataset Eurostat
Dominica Agriculture 1 Image roger4336
Dominica Electricity Generation 1 Image Waywuwei
Dominican Republic General Image ruifo
Données Statistiques commerce extérieur Vaudois Webpage STATVD
Données agricoles Dataset Direction Régionale de l'Alimentation de l'Agriculture et de la fôret
Données de tous les cours d'eau Dataset DATARA
Données générales Dataset Commission de Régulation de l'Energie
Dossier complet: Unité urbaine 2010 de Paris Webpage INSEE
Drainage map of the city Image
Drenajes dobles del municipio de San Juan de Pasto y área de amenaza por inundación Shapefile Unidad de Gestión del Riesgo de la ciudad de Pasto
Dried crop pulses by NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Drinking milk - distribution of enterprises by volume of annual production Dataset Eurostat
Drinking water source coordination Webpage Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning
DuPage County Mineral Dataset Dataset USGS science for a changing world
Dwellings by type of housing, building and NUTS 3 regions Dataset Eurostat
E-commerce_2018-2023.pdf Journal Article
EASYBLIND SL - bricks and other constructions materials company Webpage
ECONOMIC SECTORS profile by the chamber of commerce Webpage Curaçao chamber of commerce & industry
ECONOMIC SECTORS profile by the chamber of commerce Webpage Curaçao chamber of commerce & industry
ECONOMIC SURVEY OF SINGAPORE 2020 Webpage trade and Singapore
EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD Journal Article Bourne et al.
ENP countries: GDP and main aggregates Dataset Eurostat
ENP countries: agricultural Dataset Eurostat
ENP countries: annual national accounts -breakdown by branches Dataset Eurostat
ENP countries: annual national accounts -breakdown of final consumption expenditure Dataset Eurostat
ENP countries: digital economy and society Dataset Eurostat
ENP countries: energy Dataset Eurostat
ENP countries: fisheries Dataset Eurostat
ENP countries: forestry statistics Dataset Eurostat
ENP countries: international trade - main indicators Dataset Eurostat
ENP countries: labour market Dataset Eurostat
ENP countries: living conditions Dataset Eurostat
ENP countries: main economic indicators Dataset Eurostat
ENP countries: monetary and other financial statistics Dataset Eurostat
ENP countries: population - demography Dataset Eurostat
ENP countries: prices Dataset Eurostat
ENP countries: science and technology Dataset Eurostat
ENP countries: short-term business statistics Dataset Eurostat
ENP countries: terms of trade Dataset Eurostat
ENP countries: tourism Dataset Eurostat
ENP countries: trade by commodity (SITC) Dataset Eurostat
ENP countries: trading partners - balance Dataset Eurostat
ENP countries: trading partners - flows Dataset Eurostat
ENP countries: transport Dataset Eurostat
EU self-sufficiency for raw materials Dataset Eurostat
Eco Estaciones EPM Webpage Empresas Publicas de Medellín EPM
Eco-innovation index Dataset Eurostat
Economic Data Webpage City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality
Economic accounts for agriculture (EAA) Dataset Eurostat
Economic accounts for agriculture by NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Economic accounts for agriculture by NUTS 2 regions (until 2012) Dataset Eurostat
Economic activity Dataset Eurostat
Economic activity of the city of Córdoba. Webpage Gobierno Abierto de Córdoba
Economic data in high-tech sectors by NACE Rev.2 activity Dataset Eurostat
Economic sectors of Prague: overview Data visualisation
Economically active population by sex, age and metropolitan regions Dataset Eurostat
Economically active population by sex, age, educational attainment level and NUTS 2 regions (1 000) Dataset Eurostat
Economie Grenoble Webpage hydro21
Economy - Tables (Economia - Tablas/Tabelas) Webpage Secretariat of Urban Development/Secretaria de Desenvolvimento Urbano
Economy and finance - cities and greater cities Dataset Eurostat
Economy-wide MFA for The Bahamas in 2018 by Main Material Category Image
Economy-wide MFA for The Bahamas in 2018 by Main Material Category Image
Economy-wide MFA for The Bahamas in 2018 by Main Material Category Image
Economy-wide MFA for The Bahamas in 2018 by Main Material Category Image
Economy-wide MFA for The Bahamas in 2018 by Main Material Category Image
Economy-wide MFA for The Bahamas in 2018 by Main Material Category Image
Economy-wide MFA for The Bahamas in 2018 by Main Material Category Image
Economy-wide MFA for The Bahamas in 2018 by Main Material Category Image
Economy-wide MFA for The Bahamas in 2018 by Main Material Category Image
Economy-wide MFA for The Bahamas in 2018 by Main Material Category Image
Economy-wide MFA for The Bahamas in 2018 by Main Material Category Image
Economy-wide MFA for The Bahamas in 2018 by Main Material Category Image
Economy-wide MFA for The Bahamas in 2018 by Main Material Category Image
Economía de Arequipa Webpage Wikipedia
Economía dinámica, incluyente e innovadora (Crecimiento económico) Webpage Cámara_de_Comercio_de_Bogotá(2018)
Economía dinámica, incluyente e innovadora (Mercado Laboral) Webpage Cámara_de_Comercio_de_Bogotá(2018)
Ecosistemas de Arequipa Shapefile Ministerio del Ambiente - MINAM
Ecosystem Evolution Webpage Grimm and Chicago
Edafología (Tipos de suelo) Webpage CENAPRED y Otros
Edafología Municipio de Carmen Image
Edificación por cantidad de pisos Image
Egoli Gas Distribution Network Map Webpage Egoli Gas
El Clima Actual en Córdoba Webpage Ricardo G. Capitanelli 2008
El clima promedio en Alajuelita Costa Rica Dataset Weather Spark
El clima promedio en Alajuelita Costa Rica Dataset Weather Spark
El clima promedio en Arequipa Webpage Weather Spark
El clima promedio en Rionegro Webpage Weather Spark
El resurgir del Manzanares: todo un éxito de la renaturalización fluvial Image Google Maps
El río Manzanares de la Ciudad de Madrid Webpage Ayuntamiento de Madrid
Elddoret-Kampala-Kigali pipeline Webpage EAC
Electric Power Transmission Line Webpage EIA
Electric Vehicles in Ridehailing Applications: Insights From a Fall 2019 Survey of Lyft and Uber Drivers in Los Angeles Report
Electricity - marker prices - bi-annual data (until 2007) Dataset Eurostat
Electricity Consumption by Sub-Sector (Total) Dataset
Electricity consumption in Cape Town per ward Dataset
Electricity consumption in tertiary sector 2000-2017 Dataset
Electricity flows to brussels end customers: 2006-2018 Dataset
Electricity prices components for household consumers - annual data (from 2007 onwards) Dataset Eurostat
Electricity prices components for non-household consumers - annual data (from 2007 onwards) Dataset Eurostat
Electricity prices for domestic consumers - bi-annual data (until 2007) Dataset Eurostat
Electricity prices for household consumers - bi-annual data (from 2007 onwards) Dataset Eurostat
Electricity prices for industrial consumers - bi-annual data (until 2007) Dataset Eurostat
Electricity prices for non-household consumers - bi-annual data (from 2007 onwards) Dataset Eurostat
Electricity production capacities by main fuel groups and operator Dataset Eurostat
Electricity production capacities for combustible fuels by technology and operator Dataset Eurostat
Electricity production capacities for renewables and wastes Dataset Eurostat
Electricité en France, qui fait quoi? Video Recording
Embalses representativos de la Comunidad de Madrid: El Atazar Image
Embalses representativos de la Comunidad de Madrid: Riosequillo Image
Embalses representativos de la Comunidad de Madrid: Valmayor Image
Emergency oil stocks in days equivalent - monthly data Dataset Eurostat
Emissions of greenhouse gases and air pollutants from final use of CPA08 products - input-output analysis, ESA 2010 Dataset Eurostat
Emissions to air Dataset
Employed labout force in Mikkeli in year 2018 Image
Employed persons by industry and Regional State Administrative Agencies (AVI) in 2020 Webpage Statistics Finland
Employed persons aged 15 and over by sex, citizenship, economic activity (NACE Rev. 1), status in employment and NUTS 3 regions Dataset Eurostat
Employed persons by sex, age group, educational attainment level, occupation (ISCO-88) and NUTS 3 regions Dataset Eurostat
Employees by economic activity sector - Porto 2009 and 2019 Image
Employer business demography by NACE Rev. 2 activity and metropolitan regions Dataset Eurostat
Employer business demography by NACE Rev. 2 and NUTS 3 regions Dataset Eurostat
Employer business demography by size class and NUTS 3 regions Dataset Eurostat
Employer business demography by size class and metropolitan regions Dataset Eurostat
Employment Dataset Eurostat
Employment (thousand hours worked) by NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Employment (thousand persons) by NUTS 3 regions Dataset Eurostat
Employment and commuting by sex, age and NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Employment and economic activity branches Dataset Eurostat
Employment by NACE Rev. 2 activity and metropolitan typology Dataset Eurostat
Employment by NACE Rev.2 - thousand persons Dataset Eurostat
Employment by age, economic activity and NUTS 2 regions (NACE Rev. 2) - 1 000 Dataset Eurostat
Employment by age, professional status and NUTS 2 regions (1 000) Dataset Eurostat
Employment by sex, age and NUTS 2 regions (1 000) Dataset Eurostat
Employment by sex, age and metropolitan regions Dataset Eurostat
Employment by sex, age, educational attainment level and NUTS 2 regions (1 000) Dataset Eurostat
Employment by sex, age, job tenure and NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Employment characteristics Dataset Eurostat
Employment in inland waterways transport enterprises by sex Dataset Eurostat
Employment in the EU environmental economy by NACE Rev. 2 activity Dataset Eurostat
Employment in the EU environmental economy by environmental protection and resource management activities Dataset Eurostat
Employment in the environmental goods and services sector Dataset Eurostat
Employment rates by sex and age and metropolitan regions Dataset Eurostat
Empresas de Antioquia relacionadas con la recuperación de materiales y el reciclaje Image
Empty and loaded intermodal transport units Dataset Eurostat
Enciclo vida Webpage Comisión Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad
End-of-life vehicles - reuse, recycling and recovery, totals Dataset Eurostat
End-of-life vehicles by waste management operations - detailed data Dataset Eurostat
Energy - monthly data Dataset Eurostat
Energy consumption Dataset Eurostat
Energy dependence Dataset Eurostat
Energy efficiency Dataset Eurostat
Energy flow - Sankey diagram data Dataset Eurostat
Energy flow analysis Data visualisation
Energy import dependency by products Dataset Eurostat
Energy imports dependency Dataset Eurostat
Energy intensity Dataset Eurostat
Energy productivity Dataset Eurostat
Energy productivity Dataset Eurostat
Energy productivity Dataset Eurostat
Energy supply and use by NACE Rev. 2 activity Dataset Eurostat
Energy taxes Dataset Eurostat
Energy taxes by paying sector Dataset Eurostat
Energy used by individual companies in Cape Town and surroundings Image
Energy used for the provision of goods and services (domestic energy footprint) - input-output analysis Dataset Eurostat
Enterprises by barriers considered for international sourcing, sourcing status and NACE Rev.2 activity Dataset Eurostat
Enterprises by business partner, business function and NACE Rev.2 activity Dataset Eurostat
Enterprises by country destination of international sourcing, business function and NACE Rev.2 activity Dataset Eurostat
Enterprises by enterprise group identification and by NACE Rev.2 activity Dataset Eurostat
Enterprises by enterprise group identification, sourcing status and NACE Rev.2 activity Dataset Eurostat
Enterprises by motivation factors for international sourcing and by NACE Rev.2 activity Dataset Eurostat
Enterprises by sourcing status and by NACE Rev.2 activity Dataset Eurostat
Enterprises by status of movement of business functions from abroad, business function and NACE Rev.2 activity Dataset Eurostat
Enterprises in high-tech sectors by NACE Rev.2 activity Dataset Eurostat
Enterprises with procedures in place to regularly identify and reduce environmental impacts Dataset Eurostat
Environment - cities and greater cities Dataset Eurostat
Environment - functional urban areas Dataset Eurostat
Environment and energy: energy Dataset
Environmental and Social Management Plan report for the Kigali Bulk Water Project Webpage Kelello Ntoambe
Environmental permits and land extraction permits in Mikkeli area Webpage City of Mikkeli
Environmental protection expenditure - % of pollution prevention, % of gross fixed capital formation, % of output Dataset Eurostat
Environmental protection expenditure - euro per inhabitant and % of GDP Dataset Eurostat
Environmental protection expenditure - million euro and million units of national currency Dataset Eurostat
Environmental protection expenditure by environmental domains (NACE Rev. 2, B-E) Dataset Eurostat
Environmental protection expenditure by size class (NACE Rev. 2, B-E) Dataset Eurostat
Environmental protection transfers by environmental protection activity and institutional sector Dataset Eurostat
Environmental tax revenues Dataset Eurostat
Environmental tax revenues Dataset Eurostat
Environmental taxes by economic activity (NACE Rev. 2) Dataset Eurostat
Environmental_effects_of_information_and_communications_technologies.pdf Journal Article
EolJorat Sud - Projet Parc Eolien Webpage SI-REN SA
Equidae - annual data Dataset Eurostat
Erosion Dataset Eurostat
Especialización del empleo en industria en la ciudad de Madrid (2010) Image
Especialización del empleo en industria en la ciudad de Madrid con respecto a España (2010) Image
Esquema básico de saneamiento de la ciudad de Madrid Image
Establisments and Enterprises by number of employees in Bodø (2015,2020) column graph Image
Estaciones de gasolina Terpel. Ubicación Webpage Terpel
Estadística básica de Población Campeche 2015 Webpage Geográfica y Catastral del Estado de Campeche - INFOCAM Instituto de Información Estadística
Estadística de la Construcción en Rosario.(pagina Web) Webpage Gobierno de la prov. de Santa fe.
Estimación contaminantes emitidos por la disposición de residuos en el relleno sanitario La Pradera, 2016 Image
Estimación del inventario de fuentes móviles en Bogotá. Image
Estimated employment by business function and by NACE Rev.2 activity Dataset Eurostat
Estimated soil erosion by water - area affected by severe erosion rate (source: JRC) Dataset Eurostat
Estimated soil erosion by water - area affected by severe erosion rate (source: JRC) Dataset Eurostat
Estimated soil erosion by water, by erosion level, land cover and NUTS 3 regions (source: JRC) Dataset Eurostat
Estimated soil loss by water erosion by land cover type (source: JRC) Dataset Eurostat
Estimated trends in fish stock biomass in North East Atlantic (source: JRC-STECF) Dataset Eurostat
Estimates of slaughtering, other than in slaughterhouses - annual data Dataset Eurostat
Estimates of slaughtering, other than in slaughterhouses - monthly data Dataset Eurostat
Estimation of Food Flows for Metro Vancouver and BC Food Supply Image
Estos son los restaurantes imperdibles de la oferta gastronómica en Medellín Webpage Ana María Sánchez.
Estructura ecológica del municipio de Pasto Image
Estructura empresarial de Medellín y el Valle de Aburrá para el riesgo de autopartes. Image
Evaluating the Potential of Cooperative Ridesourcing: A Case Study of Arcade City in Austin, Texas Report Stocker and Stephens
Evaluating the Potential of Cooperative Ridesourcing: A Case Study of Arcade City in Austin, Texas - Paper Report Stocker and Stephens
Evaluation of the air quality of the City of Barcelona 2018 Report Image
Evaluation of the air quality of the City of Barcelona 2018 Report Image
Evaluation of the air quality of the City of Barcelona 2018 Report Image
Evaluation of the air quality of the City of Barcelona 2018 Report Image
Evaluation of the air quality of the City of Barcelona 2018 Report Image
Evaluation of the air quality of the City of Barcelona 2018 Report Image
Evaluation of the air quality of the City of Barcelona 2018 Report Image
Evolución empresas Dataset
Evolución empresas Dataset
Evolución empresas Dataset
Existencias y ventas de vehículos registrados en el Valle de Aburra para el año 2018 Image
Explorador de datos demográficos DANE Webpage Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística - DANE
Export Rennes with Destination Dataset
Exportaciones CABA Image
Exports (in kilotonnes) - Year 2018 Webpage FAO UN Comtrade database
Exports - electricity - monthly data Dataset Eurostat
Exports - gas - monthly data Dataset Eurostat
Exports - oil - monthly data Dataset Eurostat
Exports - solid fuels - monthly data Dataset Eurostat
Exports in Apeldoorn (2014, 2018) Image
Exports in Bodø (2015,2020) Image
Exports in Porto by MF categories (2009 and 2019) Image
Exports of biofuels by partner country Dataset Eurostat
Exports of biomass in Porto, in 2009 and 2019 Image
Exports of electricity and derived heat by partner country Dataset Eurostat
Exports of goods - food, drinks and tobacco Dataset Eurostat
Exports of natural gas by partner country Dataset Eurostat
Exports of natural gas by partner country - monthly data Dataset Eurostat
Exports of oil and petroleum products by partner country Dataset Eurostat
Exports of oil and petroleum products by partner country - monthly data Dataset Eurostat
Exports of solid fossil fuels by partner country Dataset Eurostat
Exposure to air pollution by particulate matter (source: EEA) Dataset Eurostat
Extended EW-MFA framework including heat outflows among other emissions to air. Image
Extra-EU trade of food, drinks and tobacco (SITC 0+1) by partner Dataset Eurostat
Extra-EU27 (from 2020) trade of food, drinks and tobacco (SITC 0+1), by Member State Dataset Eurostat
Extra-EU27 (from 2020) trade of food, drinks and tobacco (SITC 0+1), by main partners Dataset Eurostat
Extra-EU28 trade of food, drinks and tobacco (SITC 0+1), by Member State Dataset Eurostat
Extra-EU28 trade of food, drinks and tobacco (SITC 0+1), by main partners Dataset Eurostat
Extracción Pesca Dataset Keily Mena Alfaro
Extracción de recursos naturales (Localización) Webpage CONAPRED y Otros
Extraction Activities Sevilla map Image
Extraction and harvesting infrastructure in Porto map Image
Extraction and harvesting infrastructure of Sevilla map Image
Extraction of construction materials in Høje-Taastrup, 2018-2020 bar chart Image
Fabricación electrónica Image Keily Mena Alfaro
Fabricación metales básicos Dataset Keily Mena Alfaro
Fabricación productos de caucho Dataset
Fabricación productos derivados del petróleo Dataset Keily Mena Alfaro
Fabricato Webpage
Families by type, size and NUTS 3 region Dataset Eurostat
Farm indicators by agricultural area, type of farm, standard output, legal form and NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Farmland: number of farms and areas by economic size of farm (ESU) and NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Farmland: number of farms and areas by size of farm (UAA) and NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Faroe Island Fishing Image Erik Christensen
Fatelares Webpage
Fecal sludge to nutrient-rich compost from public toilets (Rwanda Environment Care, Rwanda) Report Andrew Adam-Bradford
Fenómeno El Niño: lluvias en Chimbote provocarán el aumento del río Santa Webpage EL POPULAR
Ficha Carepa Plan Clima y Paz 2040 Report Zuleta et al.
Ficha Técnica arbolado Report Municipalidad de Rosario
Ficha técnica de la región Hidrológico Administrativa XIII - Aguas del Valle de México Image
Ficha técnica del agua en la CDMX Image
Figures for Kigali's GDP Image
Fiji Agriculture Image Asian Development Bank
Fiji's National Climate Change Policy - 2012 | UNDP Climate Change Adaptation Report
Final consumption expenditure Dataset Eurostat
Final consumption expenditure of households and non-profit institutions serving households - annual data Dataset Eurostat
Final consumption expenditure of households by consumption purpose (COICOP 3 digit) Dataset Eurostat
Final consumption expenditure on environmental protection services by institutional sector Dataset Eurostat
Final energy consumption Dataset Eurostat
Final energy consumption Dataset Eurostat
Final energy consumption by agriculture/forestry per hectare of utilised agricultural area Dataset Eurostat
Final energy consumption by product Dataset Eurostat
Final energy consumption by sector Dataset Eurostat
Final energy consumption in households Dataset Eurostat
Final energy consumption in households by fuel Dataset Eurostat
Final energy consumption in households by type of fuel Dataset Eurostat
Final energy consumption in households per capita Dataset Eurostat
Final energy consumption in industry by type of fuel Dataset Eurostat
Final energy consumption in road transport by type of fuel Dataset Eurostat
Final energy consumption in services by type of fuel Dataset Eurostat
Final energy consumption in transport by type of fuel Dataset Eurostat
Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency: Map service for open data Webpage Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency
Firtec S.A. - asphalt company in Barberá del Vallès Webpage Kompass
Fish Farming In Ponds , Kigali Webpage Fortune Africa
Fish Farms Webpage Generalitat de Cataluña
Fish Stocking Reports Webpage Illinois Department of Natural Resources Forest Preserves of Cook County
Fish catch Dataset
Fishing Boats in Bridgetown Barbados Image redchillihead
Fishing fleet by age, length and gross tonnage Dataset Eurostat
Fishing fleet by type of gear and engine power Dataset Eurostat
Flanders’ textile industry weaves past and future Webpage Investment and Trade
Floor area of the building stock by the main structure materials in Mikkeli 2022 Image
Flora y Fauna de rionegro Webpage Valentina Rodrigues Muñoz
Flow of materials extracted in Nordland in 2020 Image
Flowers and ornamental plants by NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Flujo de los residuos sólidos urbanos en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires Image
Flujos: Emisiones Video Recording Paul Hoekman
Flux of metal in the sector of construction and renovation in 2015 in tons Dataset
Food & Beverages Webpage Statista
Food and drinks in Catalonia Image
Food export Dataset
Food export Dataset
Food price monitoring tool Dataset Eurostat
Food system MFA - part 1 Image
Food system MFA - part 2 Image
Food use and recycling through donation in Mikkeli 2015-2020 area graph Image
Food: Material flow analysis Data visualisation
Forest and irrigated land Dataset Eurostat
Forum Artwork
Freight and mail air transport between main airports in each reporting country and partner reporting countries Dataset Eurostat
Freight data: Import Throughput Dataset
Freight data: Imports Dataset
Frequency of alcohol consumption by sex, age and degree of urbanisation Dataset Eurostat
Frequency of alcohol consumption by sex, age and educational attainment level Dataset Eurostat
Frequency of alcohol consumption by sex, age and income quintile Dataset Eurostat
Frequency of fruit and vegetables consumption by sex, age and country of birth Dataset Eurostat
Frequency of fruit and vegetables consumption by sex, age and country of citizenship Dataset Eurostat
Frequency of fruit and vegetables consumption by sex, age and degree of urbanisation Dataset Eurostat
Frequency of fruit and vegetables consumption by sex, age and educational attainment level Dataset Eurostat
Frequency of fruit and vegetables consumption by sex, age and level of activity limitation Dataset Eurostat
Fresh water abstraction by source - million m³ Dataset Eurostat
Fresh water abstraction by source per capita - m³ per capita Dataset Eurostat
Freshwater abstraction Dataset Eurostat
Freshwater resources by river basin district (RBD) Dataset Eurostat
Frota de veículos/Fleet of vehicles (Municipality of São Paulo) Webpage IBGE
Fruit and berries Dataset Eurostat
Full Text Journal Article
Full Text PDF Journal Article
GEI- Inventario de gases d efecto invernadero Report Municipalidad de Rosario
GHG (Green House Gases) emissions Dataset Eurostat
Gahaya Links Ltd Webpage Gahaya Links LTD
Garden greens entering disposal facilities Dataset
Gardening Resources Webpage National parks Flora & Fauna web 2019
Gas Change Webpage Environnement.Brussels - Leefmilieu.Brussels
Gas prices components for household consumers - annual data Dataset Eurostat
Gas prices components for non-household consumers - annual data Dataset Eurostat
Gas prices for domestic consumers - bi-annual data (until 2007) Dataset Eurostat
Gas prices for household consumers - bi-annual data (from 2007 onwards) Dataset Eurostat
Gas prices for industrial consumers - bi-annual data (until 2007) Dataset Eurostat
Gas prices for non-household consumers - bi-annual data (from 2007 onwards) Dataset Eurostat
Gauteng GIS portal: City of Johannesburg Roads Webpage Premier GIS
Gauteng GIS portal: Gauteng Railway Stations Webpage Premier GIS
Gender distribution 1993-2018 Dataset
Generación de residuos sólidos domiciliarios en el área urbana y rural del municipio de Medellín, 2019. Image
Generación total anual de residuos sólidos, Medellín 2015 – 2019. Image
General Information Webpage Port de Barcelona
General Information Image
General indicators Dataset Eurostat
General waste entering disposal facilities Dataset
Generation and discharge of wastewater by pollutant Dataset Eurostat
Generation and discharge of wastewater in volume Dataset Eurostat
Generation of Energy on the basis of biosmass Dataset
Generation of municipal waste per capita Dataset Eurostat
Generation of waste by economic activity Dataset Eurostat
Generation of waste by sector Dataset Eurostat
Generation of waste by waste category Dataset Eurostat
Generation of waste by waste category, hazardousness and NACE Rev. 2 activity Dataset Eurostat
Generation of waste excluding major mineral wastes Dataset Eurostat
Generation of waste excluding major mineral wastes by hazardousness Dataset Eurostat
Generation of waste excluding major mineral wastes per GDP unit Dataset Eurostat
Generation of waste excluding major mineral wastes per domestic material consumption Dataset Eurostat
Geo localisation of extraction companies in Bodø - satellite image Image
Geo-localisation of Waste Collection Infrastructures in Porto GPS Coordinates Paula Castro
Geological section East-West of Høje-Taastrup Image
Geological section East-West of Northern Høje-Taastrup Image
Geological section North East-Southwest Høje-Taastrup Image
Geological section North West - South East Høje-Taastrup Image
Geological section North-South of Hedehusene Image
Geological section North-South of Høje-Taastrup Image
Geology and thickness of unconsolidated deposits Webpage Ville de Montréal. Service des infrastructures du réseau routier - Division expertise et soutien technique
Geology of Singapore Image
Geología comunas Pasto Dataset
Geología corregimientos de Pasto Dataset
Geomorfología Webpage CENAPRED y Otros
Geomorfología y dunita del Valle de Aburrá Image
Geoplan _ Usos de suelos por capas Webpage Servicio de Información para la Planificación. DGPRVU
Geovisor Minero Energético Webpage Ministerio de Minas y Energía
Geovisor PDM 2016-2025 Webpage Instituto Municipal de Planeamiento de Arequipa
Gestion de l'eau à Paris Webpage Mairie de Paris
Gestión de Residuos Document Municipalidad de la ciudad de Rosario.
Gestión de residuos en la ciudad de Madrid: ¿qué se hace con los desechos? Webpage Ayuntamiento de Madrid
Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) Market - Investments vs Potential_BCC.pdf Journal Article
Global Assessment Report on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Webpage biodiversity et al.
Global Energy Observatory Webpage Global Energy Observatory
Global Energy Observatory Webpage Global Energy Observatory
Global mean ocean surface acidity (source: CMEMS) Dataset Eurostat
Goats population - annual data Dataset Eurostat
Goods loaded and unloaded in ports for inland waterways transport Dataset Eurostat
Goods transport by inland waterways Dataset Eurostat
Goods transported Dataset Eurostat
Goods transported by group of goods - from 2008 onwards based on NST 2007 Dataset Eurostat
Goods transported by group of goods - until 2007 based on NST/R Dataset Eurostat
Goods transported by type of transport (2004-2016) Dataset Eurostat
Goods transported by type of transport (detailed reporting only ) Dataset Eurostat
Goods transported in intermodal transport units Dataset Eurostat
Grands Projets - Ville de Lausanne Webpage Ville de Lausanne
Graph Image
Graph Image
Greenhouse gas emissions (source: EEA) Dataset Eurostat
Greenhouse gas emissions by source sector (source: EEA) Dataset Eurostat
Greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture Dataset Eurostat
Greenhouse gas emissions in ESD sectors Dataset Eurostat
Greenhouse gas emissions intensity of energy consumption (source: EEA and Eurostat) Dataset Eurostat
Greenhouse gas emissions per capita Dataset Eurostat
Greenhouse gas emissions, base year 1990 Dataset Eurostat
Grenada nonmetallic mineral exports Dataset
Grenada nonmetallic mineral imports Dataset
Grenoble : un ensemble HLM va expérimenter des batteries de stockage de l'énergie solaire, une première en France Webpage France3
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by industry, Montréal, 2014-2018 Webpage 2015. Institut de la statistique Québec Gouvernement du Québec
Gross Value Added (GVA) - City of Johannesburg (2018) Image
Gross and net production of electricity and derived heat by type of plant and operator Dataset Eurostat
Gross domestic product Dataset Eurostat
Gross domestic product (GDP) at current market prices by NUTS 3 regions Dataset Eurostat
Gross domestic product (GDP) at current market prices by metropolitan regions Dataset Eurostat
Gross domestic product, Candidate countries and potential candidates Dataset Eurostat
Gross fixed capital formation by NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Gross fixed capital formation with AN_F6 asset breakdowns Dataset Eurostat
Gross nutrient balance Dataset Eurostat
Gross nutrient balance on agricultural land Dataset Eurostat
Gross nutrient balance on agricultural land by nutrient Dataset Eurostat
Gross production of electricity and derived heat from combustible fuels by type of plant and operator Dataset Eurostat
Gross value added Dataset Eurostat
Gross value added (GVA) in the EU environmental economy by NACE Rev. 2 activity Dataset Eurostat
Gross value added (GVA) in the EU environmental economy by environmental protection and resource management activities Dataset Eurostat
Gross value added at basic prices by NUTS 3 regions Dataset Eurostat
Gross value added at basic prices by metropolitan regions Dataset Eurostat
Gross value added in environmental goods and services sector Dataset Eurostat
Gross weight of goods transported to/from main ports - Belgium Dataset Eurostat
Gross weight of goods transported to/from main ports - Bulgaria Dataset Eurostat
Gross weight of goods transported to/from main ports - Croatia Dataset Eurostat
Gross weight of goods transported to/from main ports - Cyprus Dataset Eurostat
Gross weight of goods transported to/from main ports - Denmark Dataset Eurostat
Gross weight of goods transported to/from main ports - Estonia Dataset Eurostat
Gross weight of goods transported to/from main ports - Finland Dataset Eurostat
Gross weight of goods transported to/from main ports - France Dataset Eurostat
Gross weight of goods transported to/from main ports - Germany Dataset Eurostat
Gross weight of goods transported to/from main ports - Greece Dataset Eurostat
Gross weight of goods transported to/from main ports - Ireland Dataset Eurostat
Gross weight of goods transported to/from main ports - Italy Dataset Eurostat
Gross weight of goods transported to/from main ports - Latvia Dataset Eurostat
Gross weight of goods transported to/from main ports - Lithuania Dataset Eurostat
Gross weight of goods transported to/from main ports - Malta Dataset Eurostat
Gross weight of goods transported to/from main ports - Netherlands Dataset Eurostat
Gross weight of goods transported to/from main ports - Norway Dataset Eurostat
Gross weight of goods transported to/from main ports - Poland Dataset Eurostat
Gross weight of goods transported to/from main ports - Portugal Dataset Eurostat
Gross weight of goods transported to/from main ports - Romania Dataset Eurostat
Gross weight of goods transported to/from main ports - Slovenia Dataset Eurostat
Gross weight of goods transported to/from main ports - Spain Dataset Eurostat
Gross weight of goods transported to/from main ports - Sweden Dataset Eurostat
Gross weight of goods transported to/from main ports - Turkey Dataset Eurostat
Gross weight of goods transported to/from main ports - United Kingdom Dataset Eurostat
Gross weight of goods transported to/from main ports by direction and type of traffic (national and international) - quarterly data Dataset Eurostat
Growth Accounts 2020 in Høje Taastrup Municipality Webpage Høje-Taastrup Municipality
Grupo ASEI. Recolección, manejo y disposición de residuos peligrosos. Webpage Asei
Guadalupe Image
Haiti Agriculture Image
Haiti Electricity Transmission Image
Haiti Power plant Image World Bank Photo Collection
Hamburg's total wasted generated Dataset
Hatcheries - hens, annual data Dataset Eurostat
Hatcheries - poultry other than hens - annual data Dataset Eurostat
Hawaii Agriculture Image moonjazz
Hawaii Wind Image exfordy
Hazardous alcohol drinkers by sex, age and degree of urbanisation Dataset Eurostat
Hazardous alcohol drinkers by sex, age and income quintile Dataset Eurostat
Hazardous waste entering disposal facilities Dataset
Heat pumps - technical characteristics by technologies Dataset Eurostat
Herbario Universidad del Norte Webpage Universidad del Norte
Hidrografía (Cenotes) Webpage CENAPRED y Otros
Hidrografía (Cuerpos de agua) Webpage CENAPRED y Otros
Hidrología Webpage Instituo Nacional de Estadística y Geografía
Hidrología de Rionegro Webpage Meli Hernández
Highest emitting sectors Data visualisation
Hong Kong City Image abdulrahman.stock
Hong Kong Power Image mikecogh
Hong Kong Transport Image Bernard Spragg
Hoteles en Rosario Webpage Rosario
Hotels Image -
Hotels and similar accommodation (NACE Rev.2, I, 55.1) by size class: number of establishments, bedrooms and bed-places (from 2012 onwards) Dataset Eurostat
Household Budget Survey. Average annual expenditure by groups of Barcelona (province), Cataluña and Spain 2018 Webpage Departament d'Estadística i Difusió de Dades. Ajuntament de Barcelona
Household energy consumption Data visualisation
Household food consumption Data visualisation
Household organic waste collected in Hamburg from 2012 to 2018 Dataset
Household organic waste collected in Hamburg from 2012 to 2018 Dataset
Household paper waste 2015-2018 Hamburg Dataset
Household waste Dataset
Households MFA Data visualisation
Households by size (number of persons) Dataset Eurostat
Households that have internet access at home by NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Households with expenditure greater than zero by COICOP consumption purpose Dataset Eurostat
Housing cost overburden rate by age, sex and broad group of citizenship (total population aged 18 and over) Dataset Eurostat
Housing cost overburden rate by age, sex and broad group of country of birth (total population aged 18 and over) Dataset Eurostat
Housing cost overburden rate by level of activity limitation, sex and age Dataset Eurostat
Housing stock The Hague 1990 - 2019 Dataset
Housing units by type Dataset Eurostat
Housing units by type of building Dataset Eurostat
How informal cross border trade extends the reach of Johannesburg’s retail and wholesale sectors (2016) Webpage Sally Peberdy
How much does a Singapore household need for a basic standard of living? Webpage Global-is-Asian Staff
How singapore is fast becoming a global acquaculture Webpage Matt Craze
Humedales Medellín Image
Humedales de Argentina Webpage 2019 Bosques Nativos Argentina
Hygiène alimentaire Webpage
Hôtellerie Suisse – Liste des établissements d'hébergement du Canton de Genève Webpage Hôtellerie Suisse
Høje-Taastrup Image
Høje-Taastrup Construction Sankey diagram Image
Høje-Taastrup aerial view Image Høje-Taastrup C
IBGE cidades Webpage IBGE Intituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatistica
IFT041B.docx Journal Article
INFORME DE COYUNTURA ECONÓMICA REGIONAL Webpage Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadistica (DANE)
Iadanifix Sl. - Iron and stell production for construction in Barberà del Vallès Webpage
Illinois Department of Transport - GIS dataset Webpage Illinois Department of Transportation
Illinois EPA Landfill Webpage IEPA - Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
Immatriculations de véhicules neufs en 2019: Comparaisons régionales et départementales Webpage INSEE
Impact of slow-onset events related to Climate Change on food security in Latin America and the Caribbean | Elsevier Enhanced Reader Webpage
Implications of climate change on small island developing states: experience in the Caribbean region Webpage
Implicit tax rate on energy Dataset Eurostat
Import Data - 2014 Dataset
Import Data by HS Code - 2014 Dataset
Import Rennes with Origins Dataset
Import to Rennes from Origins Dataset
Importación de energía eléctrica, gas y combustibles de las provincias argentinas hacia la capital Webpage Leandro Selén
Imports & Exports of Energy Products Webpage Energy market authority
Imports (in Kilotonnes) - Year 2018 Webpage FAO UN Comtrade database
Imports - electricity - monthly data Dataset Eurostat
Imports - gas - monthly data Dataset Eurostat
Imports - oil - monthly data Dataset Eurostat
Imports - solid fuels - monthly data Dataset Eurostat
Imports and Exports of secondary raw materials, municipal wastes and other wastes in Nordland, 2016-2020 Image
Imports and exports in Finland in years 2015-2021 Image
Imports in Bodø (2015,2020) column graph Image Deniz Celik Metabolism of Cities
Imports in Porto (2009, 2019) Dataset Carla Santos
Imports in Porto (2009, 2019) Dataset Carla Santos
Imports in Porto (2009, 2019) Dataset Carla Santos
Imports in Porto by MF categories (2009 and 2019) Image
Imports of Biomass in Porto, in 2009 and 2019 Image
Imports of biofuels by partner country Dataset Eurostat
Imports of electricity and derived heat by partner country Dataset Eurostat
Imports of goods - food, drinks and tobacco Dataset Eurostat
Imports of natural gas by partner country Dataset Eurostat
Imports of natural gas by partner country - monthly data Dataset Eurostat
Imports of oil and petroleum products by partner country Dataset Eurostat
Imports of oil and petroleum products by partner country - monthly data Dataset Eurostat
Imports of solid fossil fuels by partner country Dataset Eurostat
Inability to afford a meal with meat, chicken, fish (or vegetarian equivalent) every second day - EU-SILC survey Dataset Eurostat
Inability to afford a meal with meat, chicken, fish (or vegetarian equivalent) every second day by level of activity limitation, sex and age Dataset Eurostat
Inability to keep home adequately warm by level of activity limitation, sex and age Dataset Eurostat
Inal Fachadas Sl - Fachade manufacturing in Barberà del Vallès Webpage
Income of households by NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Income quintile share ratio S80/S20 by NUTS 2 regions - EU-SILC survey Dataset Eurostat
Indicación de facturación mensual de la ciudad de Rosario junio/2020 Image
Individuals having ordered/bought goods or services for private use over the internet in the last three months Dataset Eurostat
Individuals using the internet for ordering goods or services Dataset Eurostat
Individuals using the internet for ordering goods or services from other EU countries Dataset Eurostat
Individuals using the internet for selling goods or services Dataset Eurostat
Individuals who ordered goods or services over the internet for private use Dataset Eurostat
Individuals who ordered goods or services over the internet for private use in the last year by NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Industrial De Celosias Sa - Manufacturing company for fachaed solutions in Barberà del Vallès Webpage
Industrial crops by NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Industrias Webpage
Industrie automobile du département de Paris Webpage infogreffe
Industrie chimique de département Ville de Paris Webpage Infogreffe
Industrie du papier et du carton de département Ville de Paris Webpage Infogreffe
Industries in the South Savonia region Webpage Etelä-Savo Ennakoi
Industry 4.0 and opportunities for energy sustainability | Elsevier Enhanced Reader Journal Article
Industry Complexes in Spain Webpage Repsol
Información Estadística Climatológica Webpage Servicio Meteorológico Nacional - SMN Comisión Nacional del Agua - CONAGUA
Información Geográfica Minera Map Secretaría de Política Minera
Information départementale de la pêche Webpage AAPPMA
Informe nacional sobre la gestión de agua en Chile Report Ernesto Brown Fernández
Infraestructura vial con enfoque ambiental Webpage Área Metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá -AMVA
Infraestructuras de Abastecimiento de la Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid (regional) Report Comunidad de Madrid
Ingreso per capita Medellín 2013-2018 Image
Input coefficients Dataset Eurostat
Inspection Générale des Carrières : tout savoir sur les sous sols Webpage Mairie de Paris Inspection Générale des Carrières
Integrated water resources management in the Caribbean in the Caribbean: The challenges facing Small Island Developing States Document Cashman et al.
Interactive map of Geneva enterprises Webpage SITG
Intermediate consumption of environmental protection services by institutional sector and NACE Rev. 2 activity Dataset Eurostat
International trade as a share of GDP Dataset Eurostat
International trade by SITC - 1 000 EUR Dataset Eurostat
International trade of food, drinks and tobacco (SITC 0+1), by reporting country Dataset Eurostat
International transport of goods from the loading country to the reporting country Dataset Eurostat
International transport of goods from the loading country to the reporting country (Monthly data) (1982-2002) Dataset Eurostat
International transport of goods from the reporting country to the unloading country Dataset Eurostat
International transport of goods from the reporting country to the unloading country (Monthly data) (1982-2002) Dataset Eurostat
Inventario de Gases de Efecto Invernadero Webpage Municipalidad de Rosario
Inventario de arbolado del bosque de Chapultepec Webpage Agrícolas y Pecuarias Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales
Inventory of Trees in Brussels by Municipality Webpage
Investigating the Effects of Smart Production Systems on Sustainability Elements | Elsevier Enhanced Reader Journal Article et al.
Investigating the Energy and Environmental Implications of Artificial Intelligence Applications in the Chemical Manufacturing Industry Report Yao and Liao
Inyange Industries Webpage Inyange Distributors
Inyange Industries Picture Image
IoT based Smart Agriculture Journal Article Gondchawar and Kawitkar
Irrigation of agricultural holdings Dataset Eurostat
Irrigation: number of farms, areas and equipment by size of farm (UAA) and NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Irrigation: number of farms, areas and equipment by size of irrigated area and NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Isolation materials for construction Dataset
Isolvovell SL - construction material retailer Webpage
Jamaica Mining Image Paul J. Morris
Jamaica Mining Image InAweofGod'sCreation
Jardín Botánico de Bogotá José Celestino Mutis Image
Java House in Kigali Heights Webpage Java House
Jerarquización de Vías Urbanas y Rurales Image
Jerarquización de Vías Urbanas y Rurales Image
Jobs - Tables / Trabalho - Tabelas / Trabajos - Tablas Webpage Secretariat of Urban Development/ Secretaria de Desenvolvimento Urbano
Jobs created by NACE Rev.2 activity Dataset Eurostat
Jobs relocated abroad by business functions and by NACE Rev.2 activity Dataset Eurostat
Jobs, employment and skills Webpage Etelä-Savo ennakoi
Joburg Market Webpage Joburg Market
Joburg Rea Vaya Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) System stations - interactive map Image
Joburg Rea Vaya Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) System stations - interactive map Webpage City of Johannesburg - Rea Vaya
Joburg market characteristics Image
Johannesburg Restaurants Map Image
Johannesburg Restaurants Map Webpage
Johannesburg Water Webpage Johannesburg Water
Johannesburg infrastructure Webpage City of Johannesburg
Johannesburg infrastructure Image
Johannesburg water supply at a glance Image
Jätteiden määrät Mikkelissä 2008-2019 Image Webpage Metsähallitus
Kelvin Power Station Webpage Kelvin Power Station
Key data and characteristics Image
Key farm variables: area, livestock (LSU), labour force and standard output (SO) by agricultural size of farm (UAA), legal status of holding and NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Key indicators Dataset Eurostat
Key indicators of physical energy flow accounts by NACE Rev. 2 activity Dataset Eurostat
Key variables by legal status of holding, size of farm (UAA) and NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Key variables by type of farming (2-digit) and NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Key variables: area, livestock (LSU), labour force and standard output (SO) by economic size of farm (SO in Euro), legal status of holding and NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Key variables: area, livestock (LSU), labour force and standard output (SO) by type of farming (2-digit) and NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Kigali Arena Webpage Summa
Kigali Bulk Water Supply Project in Rwanda kickstarts water PPPs in Sub-Saharan Africa Webpage Water World
Kigali Cement Profile Webpage CEMNET
Kigali Farms Webpage Kigali Farms
Kigali Food and Restaurants Webpage Iexplore
Kigali Land use Map Image
Kigali Leather Limited Webpage Kigali Leather Limited
Kigali Map of river networks Image
Kigali Plastics Webpage Phoenix Plaza
Kigali Plastics Image
Kigali Steel and Aluminium Works Webpage Steel and Works
Kilómetros de longitud de los diferentes modos del Sistema de Transporte Masivo del Valle de Aburrá en 2019 Image
L'Observatoire de l’environnement en Nouvelle-Calédonie (OEIL) Webpage Bahers
LA EXTINCION DE LA BIODIVERSIDAD Webpage Rafael 2005 Diario Córdoba
LACS ET PLANS D'EAU Webpage Office de Tourisme
La Genevoise du terroir – Liste des producteurs Webpage La Genevoise
La economía de la ciudad y la generación de valor Image
La liste des fournisseurs d'électricité et de gaz à Grenoble Webpage OlaWatt
La primera estación de transferencia de residuos sólidos del país estará en Medellín. Webpage Carolina Flórez Ospina
La recherche sur le stockage d’énergie en France Webpage
Labour force: number of persons and farm work (AWU) by sex of workers and NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Labour input in construction - monthly data Dataset Eurostat
Labour market - cities and greater cities Dataset Eurostat
Labour market - functional urban areas Dataset Eurostat
Ladrilleras en Pasto y canteras Image
Lagunas San Juan de Pasto Dataset
Land Use Charter - Porto Image
Land Use regulations Bodø Image
Land Use regulations Bodø Map
Land cover for FAO Forest categories by NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Land cover overview by NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Land covered by artificial surfaces by NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Land use Bodo Dataset
Land use Bodø graph Image
Land use overview by NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Land use: number of farms and areas of different crops by agricultural size of farm (UAA) and NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Land use: number of farms and areas of different crops by economic size of farm (SO in Euro) and NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Land use: number of farms and areas of different crops by type of farming (2-digit) Dataset Eurostat
Landfill rate of waste excluding major mineral wastes Dataset Eurostat
Landing in Sint Maarten Image Terrazzo
Landings of fishery products - main data Dataset Eurostat
Landings of fishery products in Belgium Dataset Eurostat
Landings of fishery products in Bulgaria Dataset Eurostat
Landings of fishery products in Croatia Dataset Eurostat
Landings of fishery products in Cyprus Dataset Eurostat
Landings of fishery products in Denmark Dataset Eurostat
Landings of fishery products in Estonia Dataset Eurostat
Landings of fishery products in Finland Dataset Eurostat
Landings of fishery products in France Dataset Eurostat
Landings of fishery products in Germany Dataset Eurostat
Landings of fishery products in Greece Dataset Eurostat
Landings of fishery products in Iceland Dataset Eurostat
Landings of fishery products in Ireland Dataset Eurostat
Landings of fishery products in Italy Dataset Eurostat
Landings of fishery products in Latvia Dataset Eurostat
Landings of fishery products in Lithuania Dataset Eurostat
Landings of fishery products in Malta Dataset Eurostat
Landings of fishery products in Norway Dataset Eurostat
Landings of fishery products in Poland Dataset Eurostat
Landings of fishery products in Portugal Dataset Eurostat
Landings of fishery products in Romania Dataset Eurostat
Landings of fishery products in Slovenia Dataset Eurostat
Landings of fishery products in Spain Dataset Eurostat
Landings of fishery products in Sweden Dataset Eurostat
Landings of fishery products in the Netherlands Dataset Eurostat
Landings of fishery products in the United Kingdom Dataset Eurostat
Landuse Dataset Eurostat
Lausanne, une ville en faveur de la biodiversité - Entre nature et ville Presentation Ville de Lausanne Agenda 21 Université de Lausanne
Law in relation to Land Use in Rwanda Webpage Government of Rwanda
Laying hens population - annual data Dataset Eurostat
Le patrimoine grenoblois Dataset Metropole de Grenoble
Leads 2 Business Webpage Leads2Business
Legend for the map Image
Length of Roads Maintained by the Land Transport Authority (LTA), in lane-kilometres Dataset
Length of pipelines operated Dataset Eurostat
Les Parisculteurs Webpage Ville de Paris- Les Parisculteurs
Les nouveaux cafés et restaurants de Lausanne Webpage The Lausanner
Life table by NUTS 2 region Dataset Eurostat
Limite Municipio de Medellín Image
Limite de ciudad_ Chimbote Shapefile
Limite de ciudad_ Nuevo Chimbote Shapefile
Limite del departamento de Nariño, Colombia Shapefile
Limites de provincias dentro de la Región Ancash Shapefile
Limites_ Provincia del Santa Shapefile
Line graph for igali's 2034 urban population projection Image
Link ChileBosque Webpage ChileBosque
Liquid biofuels production capacities Dataset Eurostat
List of Petroleum Distribution Companies in Kigali Webpage DLCA
List of biggest malls in Johannesburg and their size in (square metres) Image
List of companies dedicated to clothing manufacturing Webpage Informa D&B S.A.U.
List of companies dedicated to the manufacturing of metal products except machinery and equipment in Barcelona Webpage Informa D&B S.A.U
Listado de especies arbóreas y arbustivas Image
Listado ornamentales para jardines Image
Liste des entreprises de constructions métalliques - Grand Lausanne Webpage Fédération vaudoise des entrepreneurs (FVE)
Liste des hôtels - Hôtellerie lausannoise Webpage Hôtellerie lausannoise
Livestock by species in Mikkeli 2015-2020 area graph Image
Livestock in Apeldoorn (2019) Image
Livestock in number of heads Dataset Eurostat
Livestock: number of farms and heads by size of farm (UAA) and NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Livestock: number of farms and heads of animals by economic size of farm (SO in Euro) and NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Livestock: number of farms and heads of animals by livestock units (LSU) of farm and NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Livestock: number of farms and heads of animals by type of farming (2-digit) Dataset Eurostat
Livestock: number of farms and heads of animals of different types by agricultural size of farm (UAA) and NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Living conditions - cities and greater cities Dataset Eurostat
Living conditions - functional urban areas Dataset Eurostat
Load capacity of wagons Dataset Eurostat
Local Stores in Kigali Webpage Air Bnb
Local composting treatment in Porto bar graph Image
Local pollution Dataset Eurostat
Localización de Minas y Títulos Mineros Webpage Sistema de Información Minero Energético Colombiano
Localización geográfica - cadena petroquímica/plástica Image
Location furniture manufacturing in Singapore GPS Coordinates
Location of chemical plants GPS Coordinates
Location of companies Image
Location of vehicle plants in Singapore GPS Coordinates
Location of waste plants in Singapore GPS Coordinates
Location of water and sanitation plants in Singapore GPS Coordinates
Location of wholesale and retail outlests in Singapore GPS Coordinates
Locations of waste companies in Bodø Image
Los peces nacen en la Universidad Politécnica - única piscifactoría de la ciudad de Madrid Webpage El País
Luma Holding Webpage Luna Smelter
Límites de la ciudad de Madrid Image
Límites de las Comunidades Autónomas de España Image
Límites de las Provincias de España Image
Límites de los Barrios Administrativos de Madrid Image
Límites de los Distritos de Madrid Image
Límites de los Municipios de España Image
Líneas Metro de Medellín Map Metro de Medellín
L’hôtellerie lausannoise et sa longue tradition de l’accueil Webpage Lausanne Tourisme
MAPA DE GEOLOGÍA - ESTRATIGRAFÍA Webpage Gobierno Regional de Arequipa
MOBIGIS Map Viewer FR/NL Webpage Brussels Mobility
Maanrakennus Pajunen Oy Webpage Maanrakennus Pajunen Oy
Macrozonificación de terrenos de Cali Image
Madrid Image Pexels (Alex Azabache)
Madrid da la espalda al viento: es la única autonomía sin parques eólicos Webpage El Boletínb
Madrid genera energía limpia: instalación de paneles solares en la ciudad de Madrid Image
Madrid se apunta a los parques eólicos Image
Madrid se apunta a los parques eólicos Webpage El País
Madrid y su bosque urbano Webpage Noticias del Ayuntamiento de Madrid
Main Actors in Porto map Image
Main branches of activity in Barcelona 2017 Image
Main crops by NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Main farm land use by NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Main flows Dataset Eurostat
Main livestock indicators by NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Main permanent crops farm Dataset Eurostat
Main vine varieties by age group Dataset Eurostat
Management of waste Dataset Eurostat
Management of waste by waste management operations and type of material - Sankey diagram data Dataset Eurostat
Management of waste excluding major mineral waste, by waste management operations Dataset Eurostat
Management of waste excluding major mineral waste, by waste management operations and waste flow Dataset Eurostat
Manejo de aguas residuales Webpage Empresa Públicas de Medellín
Manejo de escombros, un reto para el Valle de Aburrá Webpage Asociación Colombiana de Ingeniería Sanitaria y Ambiental
Manufacture of concrete in Mikkeli bar chart Image
Manufacture of concrete in Sevilla line graph Image
Manufacture of timber in Mikkeli bar chart Image
Manufacture volume of plywood: UPM Pellos, Mikkeli Webpage UPM Wisa Plywood
Manufacturing sector: material flow Data visualisation
Manumetal Webpage MANUMETAL
Manure storage facilities by NUTS 3 regions Dataset Eurostat
Manzanas de Medellín Image
Map of Mining Operations in Spain Image
Map of Sevilla Geo localisation of main actors construction sector Image
Map of contaminated ground in Bodø image Image
Map of plastics firms in Johannesburg Image
Map of wind farms in Spain Webpage Red Eléctrica de España
Mapa de los huertos urbanos de la ciudad de Madrid -formato pdf Image
Mapa Estaciones De Gas - EPM Webpage Gobierno de Colombia
Mapa Geológico de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires Image
Mapa de Biodiversidad de Andalucía Webpage Junta de Andalucía
Mapa de Huertos Urbanos Comunitarios de la ciudad de Madrid Webpage Ayuntamiento de Madrid
Mapa de Infraestructura Ciclista de la ciudad de Madrid Map Ayuntamiento de Madrid
Mapa de Usos de Suelo Webpage Ministerio de Desarrollo Urbano y Transporte
Mapa de la red de distribución y transmisión eléctrica de la ciudad de Madrid. Image
Mapa de los resultados de los índices de calidad ecológica del río Manzanares de la ciudad de Madrid Image
Mapa de temperatura de Pasto Image
Mapa del paso completo del río Manzanares por la ciudad de Madrid Image
Mapa geológico del Valle de Aburrá Image
Mapa interactivo de la red eléctrica Europea Webpage Red Europea de Operadores de Sistemas de Transmisión Eléctrica (ENTSO-E)
Mapa interactivo de la red eléctrica Europea Image
Mapa interactivo de la red eléctrica europea Image
Mapa minero de España Image
Mapa sectorial industrial de Madrid - Alimentación Image
Mapa sectorial industrial de Madrid - Alimentación y bebidas Image
Mapa sectorial industrial de Madrid - Caucho y plástico Image
Mapa sectorial industrial de Madrid - Electrónica y telecomunicaciones Image
Mapa sectorial industrial de Madrid - Madera y muebles Image
Mapa sectorial industrial de Madrid - Papel Image
Mapa sectorial industrial de Madrid - Productos metálicos Image
Mapa sectorial industrial de Madrid - Productos no metálicos Image
Mapa sectorial industrial de Madrid - Productos químicos Image
Mapa sectorial industrial de Madrid - Textiles Image
Mapas del Subte y combinaciones Webpage Subterráneos de Buenos Aires
Mapas geológicos de la Ciudad de México Webpage Secretaría de Gestión Integral de Riesgo y Protección Civil
Mara Phones Webpage Mara Phones
Maritime equipment - carrying capacity of ships of 1 000 grt and over Dataset Eurostat
Maritime equipment - carrying capacity of ships of 300 grt and over Dataset Eurostat
Maritime equipment - number of ships of 1 000 grt and over Dataset Eurostat
Maritime equipment - number of ships of 300 grt and over Dataset Eurostat
Maritime traffic: passengers and freight Dataset Eurostat
Maritime traffic: ship movements Dataset Eurostat
Maritime transport infrastructure: ports Dataset Eurostat
Maritime transport of fossil fuels to the Brussels Capital region from 2005 to 2017 Dataset
Maritime transport of freight by NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Maritime transport of freight by NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Maritime transport of passengers by NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Market share of the largest generator in the electricity market - annual data Dataset Eurostat
Masaka Creamery Webpage Masaka Creamery
Masas de agua subterránea de la Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid Image
Mastersteel Ltd Webpage Mastersteel
Material Flow total mass / cap comparison Image
Material Stock composition by age cohorts (in tonnes) Image Gerardo Ezequiel Martín Carreño
Material Stock composition by subtypology (in tonnes) Image Gerardo Ezequiel Martín Carreño
Material Stock in Buildings Dataset
Material flow accounts Dataset Eurostat
Material flow accounts - balancing items Dataset Eurostat
Material flow accounts - domestic processed output Dataset Eurostat
Material flow accounts - main indicators Dataset Eurostat
Material flow accounts in raw material equivalents - modelling estimates Dataset Eurostat
Material flow accounts in raw material equivalents by final uses of products - modelling estimates Dataset Eurostat
Material flow analysis Data visualisation
Material flow breakdown into products Data visualisation
Material flows drinking water production Spannenburg Data visualisation
Material flows for circular economy - Sankey diagram data Dataset Eurostat
Material import dependency Dataset Eurostat
Material monitor 2010, 2016 and 2018 in the Netherlands Webpage CBS
Maturity Matrix Assessment: evaluation of energy efficiency strategies in Brussels historic residential stock Journal Article Aránzazu Galán González et al.
Mean consumption expenditure by age of the reference person Dataset Eurostat
Mean consumption expenditure by degree of urbanisation Dataset Eurostat
Mean consumption expenditure by income quintile Dataset Eurostat
Mean consumption expenditure by main source of the household's income Dataset Eurostat
Mean consumption expenditure by number of active persons Dataset Eurostat
Mean consumption expenditure by socio-economic category of the reference person Dataset Eurostat
Mean consumption expenditure by type of household Dataset Eurostat
Mean consumption expenditure per household and per adult equivalent Dataset Eurostat
Mean consumption expenditure per household by COICOP consumption purpose Dataset Eurostat
Mean consumption expenditure per household with expenditure greater than zero by COICOP consumption purpose Dataset Eurostat
Mean near surface temperature deviation (source: EEA) Dataset Eurostat
Mean near-surface temperature deviation (source: EEA) Dataset Eurostat
Measuring Digital Economy_IMF2018.pdf Journal Article
Meat (total production) Dataset Eurostat
Meat production and foreign trade - head - monthly data Dataset Eurostat
Medellín: Residuos sólidos aprovechados con respecto al total de residuos sólidos dispuestos, 2013-2018 Image
Medellín: producción de residuos per cápita y residuos totales dispuestos per cápita 2012-2018 Image
Medio Ambiente Natural: Suelos. Report Luis Goldsack
Memoria mapa de vegetación continua de la Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid Report Comunidad de Madrid
Merez Petroleum Webpage Merez Petroleum
Metabolism of Cities database introduction Video Recording Paul Hoekman
Metal Transportation by Water from Brussels Dataset
Metro Vancouver Food Flows 2018 Image
Mikkeli Image
Mikkeli Biomass Sankey Image
Mikkeli land use map Image
Mikkelin Romu, a scrap/waste company in Mikkeli Webpage
Milk collection (all milks) and dairy products obtained - annual data Dataset Eurostat
Milk production in Mikkeli 2015-2020 line graph Image
Mineral & Chemicals Waste Products Data visualisation
Mineral extraction Dataset
Minería Webpage María del Carmen Cañizares Ruiz
Minería Dataset Keily Mena Alfaro
Mines et carrières de l'Isère Webpage aventure-minière
Mis consumos en el hogar. Agua Webpage Empresas Publicas de Medellín
Mis consumos en el hogar. Energía Webpage Empresas públicas de Medellín
Modal shift potential of long-distance road freight in containers - tonne-kilometre Dataset Eurostat
Modal split of freight transport Dataset Eurostat
Modal split of passenger transport Dataset Eurostat
Modelo de gestión de residuos de la ciudad de Madrid Webpage Ayuntamiento de Madrid
Modulo 1, Bucaramanga Report Stefany Solis
Monserrate Image
Montreal GDP overview Webpage Ville de Montréal
Montreal population (2016) Dataset
Mortality in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria | NEJM Webpage
Morton Salt Factory Webpage Bahamas Ministry of Tourism
Most atolls will be uninhabitable by the mid-21st century because of sea-level rise exacerbating wave-driven flooding Journal Article Storlazzi et al.
Motorways network by NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Moyennes annuelles O2 dissous Senne out 2001 à 2012 (mg O2/l) en région de Bruxelles Capitale Dataset
Mr Chicken Rwanda Webpage Mr Chicken Rwanda
Multi yearly statistics by NUTS 2 regions (NUTS 2006) Dataset Eurostat
Multiannual enterprises statistics on environmental protection expenditure by environmental domains for industry (NACE Rev. 2 B-E) Dataset Eurostat
Multiannual enterprises statistics on environmental protection expenditure by size class for industry (NACE Rev. 2 B-E) Dataset Eurostat
Multiannual statistics for distributive trades (NACE Rev. 2, G) by NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Municipal Corporation website Webpage
Municipal Waste Dataset
Municipal waste Dataset Eurostat
Municipal waste by NUTS 2 regions - pilot project data Dataset Eurostat
Municipal waste by waste management operations Dataset Eurostat
Municipal waste of Hamburg 2016 Dataset
Municipal wastewater treatment works - Biogas to energy (cogeneration) Report Franks et al.
Municipios de Campeche Image
Musicon Dataset
Météorologie Webpage meteo-grenoble
Módulo 3: Características biofísicas - parte A Report Suing et al.
NDUBA dumpsite to be upgraded to a modern landfill to treat solid waste in Kigali city. Webpage Water and Corporation
NYC Open Data Data portal
Nassua Bahamas Image SeeBeeW
National Cleaner Production Centre of South Africa: Case studies Webpage National Cleaner Production Centre of South Africa
National Construction & Demolition Waste Research and Industry Portal (NCDWRIP) Webpage Associate Professor Tayyab Maqsood Dr Salman Shooshtarian
National Mining Plan Image
National Mining Plan Image
National Mining Plan Image
National annual road freight transport by regions of loading (NUTS 3) and by group of goods (1 000 t), from 2008 onwards Dataset Eurostat
National annual road freight transport by regions of loading (NUTS 3) and by group of goods (1 000 t), until 2007 Dataset Eurostat
National annual road freight transport by regions of loading, group of goods and metropolitan regions Dataset Eurostat
National annual road freight transport by regions of unloading (NUTS 3) and by group of goods (1 000 t), from 2008 onwards Dataset Eurostat
National annual road freight transport by regions of unloading (NUTS 3) and by group of goods (1 000 t), until 2007 Dataset Eurostat
National annual road freight transport by regions of unloading, group of goods and metropolitan regions Dataset Eurostat
National expenditure on environmental protection by economic characteristics Dataset Eurostat
National expenditure on environmental protection by institutional sector Dataset Eurostat
National transport (Directive 80/1177/EEC) (monthly data) (1982-2002) Dataset Eurostat
Natura 2000 protected areas (source: EEA) Dataset Eurostat
Navigable inland waterways, by waterways type Dataset Eurostat
Net electricity generation by type of fuel - monthly data Dataset Eurostat
Net occupancy rate of bed-places and bedrooms in hotels and similar accommodation (NACE Rev. 2, I, 55.1) - monthly data Dataset Eurostat
Net occupancy rate of bed-places and bedrooms in hotels and similar accommodation (NACE Rev. 2, I, 55.1) by NUTS 2 regions (from 2012 onwards) Dataset Eurostat
Net occupancy rate of bed-places and bedrooms in hotels and similar accommodation (NACE Rev. 2, I, 55.1) by size class (from 2012 onward) Dataset Eurostat
Net occupancy rate of bed-places and bedrooms in hotels and similar accommodations (NACE Rev. 2, I, 55.1) - monthly data Dataset Eurostat
New Caledonia - Hotel Image Eustaquio Santimano
New Caledonia - Mining Image Peter_Mackey
New perspectives on internet electricity use in 2030 Journal Article Anders Andrae
Nightlife Lausanne Webpage The Lausanner
Nights spent at tourist accommodation establishments by NACE Dataset Eurostat
Nights spent at tourist accommodation establishments by NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Nights spent at tourist accommodation establishments by NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Nights spent at tourist accommodation establishments by degree of urbanisation and by NUTS 2 regions (from 2012 onwards) Dataset Eurostat
Nights spent at tourist accommodation establishments by residents/non-residents - monthly data Dataset Eurostat
Nights spent by type of accommodation Dataset Eurostat
Nissan confirms to the government the closing of its car factory in Barcelona. Image
Nissan confirms to the government the closing of its car factory in Barcelona. Webpage Felix Cerezo Muñoz
Nitrate in groundwater (source: EEA) Dataset Eurostat
Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) emissions 2014-2018 Dataset
Noise from neighbours or from the street - EU-SILC survey Dataset Eurostat
Noise from neighbours or from the street by level of activity limitation, sex and age Dataset Eurostat
Non-residential building stock by type of building in 2021 Image
Nouméa New Caledonia by night Image GASSL
Nuclear energy facilities Dataset Eurostat
Nuclear power plants in Belgium Webpage Engie Electrabel
Number and capacity of recovery and disposal facilities by NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Number and square area of new buildings in Sevilla column chart Image
Number of bed-places Dataset Eurostat
Number of bed-places by NACE Rev.2 (I) Dataset Eurostat
Number of demolished houses Dataset
Number of employees by sex and NACE Rev. 2 activity Dataset Eurostat
Number of enterprises carrying out cross border trade by type of cross border trade and economic activity Dataset Eurostat
Number of enterprises carrying out cross border trade by type of cross border trade and employment size class Dataset Eurostat
Number of establishments and bed-places by NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Number of establishments, bedrooms and bed-places by NUTS 3 regions (1990-2011) Dataset Eurostat
Number of households by degree of urbanisation and NUTS 2 regions (1 000) Dataset Eurostat
Number of households in Barcelona (2011) Image
Number of known species Dataset Eurostat
Number of locomotives and railcars, by source of power Dataset Eurostat
Number of locomotives and railcars, by tractive power Dataset Eurostat
Number of private cars (excluding lease cars) in The Hague 2009 - 2017 Dataset
Number of private cars (excluding lease cars) per neighbourhood 2013-2017 Dataset
Number of residents by age 1993-2018 Dataset
Number of residents in The Hague 1900-2018 Dataset
Number of retail stores (NACE Rev.2, G47) Dataset Eurostat
Number of wagons Dataset Eurostat
Nzove Water Treatment Plant Webpage Water and Corporation
Occupation des sols sur Grenoble Webpage Mairie de Grenoble
Occupied conventional dwellings by households, by number of rooms Dataset Eurostat
Occupied conventional dwellings by number of rooms Dataset Eurostat
Occupied conventional dwellings by number of rooms and occupants Dataset Eurostat
Occupied conventional dwellings by presence of comfort characteristics Dataset Eurostat
Occupied conventional dwellings by tenure status and amenities Dataset Eurostat
Occupied conventional dwellings by tenure status and period of construction Dataset Eurostat
Official population figures per municipality as of January 1, 2020 Webpage Consell Comarcal del Valles Occidental
Oil pipeline enterprises Dataset Eurostat
Oil pipeline transport within the national territory by type of transport operations and products (1 000 t) Dataset Eurostat
Oil pipeline transport within the national territory by type of transport operations and products (Mio Tkm) Dataset Eurostat
Oil stocks - emergency stocks in days equivalent - monthly data Dataset Eurostat
Oil stocks - stock levels - monthly data Dataset Eurostat
Oil stocks - stocks held for other countries and stocks held abroad - monthly data Dataset Eurostat
Oil stocks held abroad - monthly data Dataset Eurostat
Oil stocks held for other countries - monthly data Dataset Eurostat
Olive plantations Dataset Eurostat
Onazol Sl - manufacturing company in Barberà del Vallès Webpage
Ongoing road and railway projects - Project search Webpage Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency
Open Data from the CTA - CTA Webpage Authority and Chicago
Open Data website: Geotechnical Map of the Municipality of São Paulo Webpage PMSP
Opening Africa Improved Foods manufacturing Facility in Rwanda , Kigali Webpage AFRICA IMPROVED FOODS
Operational and non-operational Rooftop Farm in Johannesburg Image
Oranjestad, Aruba - Inner Harbor from Ship Image roger4336
Organic crop production by crops (from 2012 onwards) Dataset Eurostat
Organic farming: number of farms, areas with different crops and heads of different types of animals by agricultural size of farm (UAA) and NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Organic farming: selected variables by size of farm (UAA) and NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Output multipliers Dataset Eurostat
Outputs from Rennes Dataset
Overall satisfaction with the dwelling by level of activity limitation, sex and age Dataset Eurostat
Owner-occupied dwellings by type and year of construction of the building Dataset Eurostat
PIB de Madrid y regiones españolas Image
Packaging waste by waste management operations and waste flow Dataset Eurostat
Panorama del uso del abono en Colombia Image
Panorama del uso del abono en Colombia Image
Parcelles et bâtiments Dataset DGFIP
Parque Automotor en Argentina Webpage Infobae
Parque Tecnológico de Valdemingómez de la ciudad de Madrid Image
Parque edificatorio de Sevilla por año de construcción Image
Parque edificatorio de Sevilla por tipo de edificio Dataset
Parque edificatorio de Sevilla por tipo de edificio Dataset
Parque edificatorio de Sevilla por tipo de edificio Dataset
Parque edificatorio de Sevilla por tipo de edificio Image
Parque edificatorio por año de construcción Dataset
Parque edificatorio por cohorte de edad y materiales Dataset
Parque edificatorio por cohorte de edad y materiales Image
Parque edificatorio por cohorte de edad y materiales Dataset
Parque edificatorio por cohorte de edad y materiales Dataset
Parque edificatorio por cohorte de edad y materiales Dataset
Parque edificatorio por materiales y tipologías edificatorias Dataset
Parque edificatorio por materiales y tipologías edificatorias Dataset
Parque edificatorio por materiales y tipologías edificatorias Image
Parque edificatorio por tipologías edificatorias y materiales Dataset
Parque edificatorio por tipologías edificatorias y materiales Dataset
Parque edificatorio por tipologías edificatorias y materiales Dataset
Parque edificatorio por tipologías edificatorias y materiales Image
Parque vehicular creció 300 por ciento en Yucatán: SSP Webpage SIPSE Noticias
Particulate matter (PM10) emissions 2014-2018 Dataset
Parámetros de calidad del agua EPM Webpage Empresas Públicas de Medellín EPM
Passenger railway vehicles, by category of vehicle Dataset Eurostat
Passenger railway vehicles, by type of vehicle Dataset Eurostat
Passengers transported Dataset Eurostat
Patents related to recycling and secondary raw materials Dataset Eurostat
Patrimoine vert de Lausanne en chiffres Webpage Ville de Lausanne
People Artwork
People considering their dwelling as too dark by level of activity limitation, sex and age Dataset Eurostat
People living in a dwelling with a leaking roof, damp walls, floors or foundation, or rot in window frames or floor by level of activity limitation, sex and age Dataset Eurostat
People living in households with very low work intensity by broad group of citizenship (population aged 18 to 59 years) Dataset Eurostat
People living in households with very low work intensity by broad group of country of birth (population aged 18 to 59 years) Dataset Eurostat
People not having indoor flushing toilet for the sole use of their household by level of activity limitation, sex and age Dataset Eurostat
People with no bath or shower in their dwelling by level of activity limitation, sex and age Dataset Eurostat
Perception survey results Dataset Eurostat
Perfil Ciudad Rionegro Colombia Report Julián Castañeda Valderrama
Perfil General de León, Gto, México Report Miguel Nava
Perfil de Anadia Report Manuel Semedo
Perfil de Madrid -ES Report Dione Escobar García
Perfil general de Valladolid Yucatán Report Yanine Isela Cetina Cardeña
Perfil general de la Ciudad de México Report Yarení Aguado Ramos
Perfil tipo del suelo Image
Perfiles económicos Departamento de Antioquia Webpage Ministerio de Comercio. Presidencia de la República.
Permanent crops: number of farms and areas by size of farm (UAA), size of permanent crop area and NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Permanent crops: number of farms and areas by size of permanent crop area and NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Permanent grassland by NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Persons by type of building and NUTS 3 regions Dataset Eurostat
Persons eating fruit, vegetables or salad by, educational attainment level, income group, most frequent activity status, and sex Dataset Eurostat
Pesca Artesanal Webpage Municipalidad de Rosario
Pesca Artesanal Image
Pesca Artesanal Image
Pescar Dataset Keily Mena Alfaro
Phosphate in rivers (source: EEA) Dataset Eurostat
Physical energy flow accounts totals bridging to energy balances totals Dataset Eurostat
Physical supply and use of wood in the rough over bark Dataset Eurostat
Pig by NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Pig population - annual data Dataset Eurostat
PikiTup Webpage PikiTup
Pirámide Poblacional Image
Pirámide de población de la ciudad de Madrid Image
Piscifactoría de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Webpage Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM)
Placeholder image Image Paul Hoekman
Plan Clima y Paz 2040 Document Zuleta et al.
Plan cadastral de Grenoble Map France Cadastre
Plan de movilidad limpia Document Ministerio de Transporte
Planning process for the development of the strategic plans for waste prevention and resource management Image
Plans réseau - Asit VD Webpage Etat de Vaud
Planta General San Martín Webpage AySA
Planta de Compostaje de Migas Calientes de la ciudad de Madrid Report Ayuntamiento de Madrid
Planta de Tratamiento Aguas Claras EPM Webpage Empresas Públicas de Medellín
Planta depuradora de líquidos cloacales (proyecto). Webpage Aguas Santafesinas .Gob de la Prov. de Santa Fe.
Plantas Puerto Nuevo y Nuevo Puerto - Compañía Central Puerto Webpage Central Puerto
Plantas de agua EPM. Plantas de potabilización Webpage Empresas públicas de Medellín. EPM.
Plantas de generación de electricidad de la ciudad de Madrid Image
Plantation Dataset Ville de Grenoble
Plantes envahissantes en Ville de Lausanne Report Ville de Lausanne
Plants harvested green and fallow land by NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Platforme de données et d'analyse de l'hydrographie Suisse Webpage Institut de géographie de l’Université de Berne
Población 1996-2022 Dataset IECA
Población activa Image
Población ocupada por rama de actividad económica Image
Police Zones Brussels Shapefile CIBG Brussels
Policy Brief: Pacific Islands Forge Ahead on National Environmental Action, Monitoring, and Reporting for Informed Decision Making Journal Article IISD's SDG Knowledge Hub
Pollutant emissions from transport Dataset Eurostat
Pollution, grime or other environmental problems - EU-SILC survey Dataset Eurostat
Pollution, grime or other environmental problems by degree of urbanisation Dataset Eurostat
Pollution, grime or other environmental problems by level of activity limitation, sex and age Dataset Eurostat
Population Density in Kigali District Level Image
Population Grenoble Webpage cartesfrance
Population Pyramid of the Brussels-Capital Region Image
Population Sg Webpage Koh Ambassador-At-Large et al.
Population aged 25-64 by educational attainment level, sex and metropolitan regions Dataset Eurostat
Population by age - mid-year estimate Dataset
Population by citizenship and country of birth - cities and greater cities Dataset Eurostat
Population by citizenship and country of birth - functional urban areas Dataset Eurostat
Population by current activity status, NACE Rev. 2 activity and NUTS 2 region Dataset Eurostat
Population by educational attainment level, sex, age, citizenship and NUTS 2 regions (%) Dataset Eurostat
Population by educational attainment level, sex, age, citizenship and degree of urbanisation (%) Dataset Eurostat
Population by educational attainment level, sex, age, country of birth and NUTS 2 regions (%) Dataset Eurostat
Population by family status and NUTS 3 region Dataset Eurostat
Population by group of country of birth, occupation and NUTS 2 region Dataset Eurostat
Population by marital status and NUTS 3 region Dataset Eurostat
Population by sex - mid-year estimate Dataset
Population by sex, age and metropolitan regions Dataset Eurostat
Population by sex, age group, current activity status and NUTS 3 regions Dataset Eurostat
Population by sex, age group, educational attainment level, current activity status and NUTS 3 regions Dataset Eurostat
Population by sex, age group, household status and NUTS 3 regions Dataset Eurostat
Population by sex, age group, size of household and NUTS 3 regions Dataset Eurostat
Population by sex, age, citizenship, labour status and NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Population by sex, citizenship and NUTS 3 regions Dataset Eurostat
Population by single year of age and NUTS 3 region Dataset Eurostat
Population by status in employment, NACE Rev. 2 activity and NUTS 2 region Dataset Eurostat
Population by status in employment, occupation and NUTS 2 region Dataset Eurostat
Population change - Demographic balance and crude rates at regional level (NUTS 3) Dataset Eurostat
Population connected to Wastewater Treatment Dataset Eurostat
Population connected to at least secondary waste water treatment Dataset Eurostat
Population connected to public water supply Dataset Eurostat
Population connected to urban wastewater collecting and treatment systems, by treatment level Dataset Eurostat
Population connected to wastewater treatment plants Dataset Eurostat
Population covered by the Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy signatories (source: Covenant of Mayors) Dataset Eurostat
Population data in tabular format Webpage Directorate of Census Operations
Population evolution of Porto (1981-2019) Image
Population forecast (2018-2038) Image
Population graph (1950 - 2035) Image
Population growth Bodø Dataset
Population having neither a bath, nor a shower, nor indoor flushing toilet in their household by poverty status Dataset Eurostat
Population living in a dwelling with a leaking roof, damp walls, floors or foundation or rot in window frames of floor by poverty status Dataset Eurostat
Population living in households considering that they suffer from noise, by poverty status Dataset Eurostat
Population of Barcelona 2019 Image
Population of Barcelona 2019 Image
Population of Bodø 1986-2021 line graph Image
Population of Bodø 1986-2022 line graph Image
Population of Bodø by age group 1986-2020 Image
Population of Bodø by age group 1986-2022 (10 year intervals) Image
Population of Høje-Taastrup, 2011-2020 line graph Image
Population of Høje-Taastrup, 2011-2020, by age group area graph Image
Population of Mikkeli in years 1994-2019 line diagram Image
Population of Roskilde, 2017-2021 line graph Image
Population of Roskilde, 2017-2021, by age group area graph Image
Population of Sevilla line graph Image
Population on 1 January by NUTS 2 region Dataset Eurostat
Population on 1 January by age group, sex and NUTS 3 region Dataset Eurostat
Population on 1 January by age groups and sex - cities and greater cities Dataset Eurostat
Population on 1 January by age groups and sex - functional urban areas Dataset Eurostat
Population on 1 January by broad age group, sex and NUTS 3 region Dataset Eurostat
Population on 1 January by broad age group, sex and metropolitan regions Dataset Eurostat
Population on 1 January by five year age group, sex and metropolitan regions Dataset Eurostat
Population on 1 January by sex and by age group Dataset Eurostat
Population structure - cities and greater cities Dataset Eurostat
Population structure - functional urban areas Dataset Eurostat
Population unable to keep home adequately warm by poverty status Dataset Eurostat
Population: Structure indicators by NUTS 3 region Dataset Eurostat
Porcentaje de residuos sólidos aprovechados en Medellín, 2014 – 2019 Image
Porcentajes del transporte de mercancías en Sevilla desde 2016 hasta 2020 Image
Port of Barcelona Image
Port of Barcelona Image
Portal de Geoinformación - Sistema Nacional de Infromación sobre biodiversidad. Webpage CONABIO
Porto Image
Porto Biomass Sankey Image
Porto Domestic Extraction 2009 and 2019 Image
Porto GVA by Economic Activity -2009 and 2019 Image
Porto Local Composting Treatment - 2009 and 2019 Image
Porto Population evolution by gender (1981-2019) Image
Porto Railroad Network Shapefile Centro de Informação Geoespacial do Exército Carla Santos
Porto building stock by typology Image
Porto land use map Image
Porto population evolution by age area graph Image
Porto tem 65 mil árvores públicas e a maioria está inventariada e disponível para consulta online Webpage CM Porto
Porto waste composition (2009, 2019) Image
Porto waste treatment (2009,2019) Image
Potatoes: number of farms and area by agricultural size of farm (UAA) and size of potato area Dataset Eurostat
Poultry - annual data Dataset Eurostat
Poultry - monthly data Dataset Eurostat
Poultry by NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Poultry farming Dataset Eurostat
Power Plant Image rshannonsmith
Practicas Comunitarias de Agricultura Urbana De Medellín Thesis et al.
Precipitación acumulada anual Webpage CONAPRED y Otros
Precipitación acumulada anual Webpage CONAPRED y Otros
Precipitación en Rionegro Webpage Climate -
Precipitación en Rionegro Webpage Weather Atlas
Precipitación media Webpage CONAPRED y otro
Precipitación máxima Webpage CONAPRED y otros
Precipitación mínima Webpage CONAPRED y Otros
Precipitación promedio del municipio de Pasto Image
Prices (annual series) Dataset Eurostat
Primary Crop Harvest Dataset
Primary energy consumption Dataset Eurostat
Primary energy consumption Dataset Eurostat
Primary energy production Dataset Eurostat
Primary income of private households by NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Principales cadenas de valor en la industria química Image
Priority areas of activity Image
Private households by composition, age group of children and NUTS 3 regions Dataset Eurostat
Private households by composition, size and NUTS 3 regions Dataset Eurostat
Private households by type, tenure status and NUTS 2 region Dataset Eurostat
Private investments, jobs and gross value added related to circular economy sectors Dataset Eurostat
Processors of organic products by NACE Rev. 2 activity (C) (2008 -2011) Dataset Eurostat
Processors of organic products by NACE Rev. 2 activity (C) (from 2012 onwards) Dataset Eurostat
Producción Biomasa 2016 - 2020 Dataset
Producción Biomasa 2016 - 2020 Dataset
Producción Biomasa 2016 - 2020 Dataset
Producción Biomasa 2016 - 2020 Dataset
Producción Biomasa 2016 - 2020 Dataset
Producción Biomasa 2016 - 2020 Dataset
Producción de madera y leña. Por titularidad. Provincias Image
Producción por subregiones (productos más representativos) Image
Producción por subregiones (productos más representativos) 1 Image
Producer prices in industry, total - monthly data Dataset Eurostat
Production and consumption of chemicals by hazard class Dataset Eurostat
Production and utilization of milk on the farm - annual data Dataset Eurostat
Production from aquaculture excluding hatcheries and nurseries (from 2008 onwards) Dataset Eurostat
Production in construction - annual data Dataset Eurostat
Production in construction - monthly data Dataset Eurostat
Production in industry - annual data Dataset Eurostat
Production in industry - monthly data Dataset Eurostat
Production of cow's milk on farms by NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Production of cow's milk on farms by NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Production of electricity and derived heat by type of fuel Dataset Eurostat
Production of environmental protection services of corporations as specialist producers by economic characteristics Dataset Eurostat
Production of environmental protection services of corporations other than specialist producers by economic characteristics and NACE Rev. 2 activity Dataset Eurostat
Production of fish eggs for human consumption from aquaculture (from 2008 onwards) Dataset Eurostat
Production, value added and employment by industry groups in the environmental goods and services sector Dataset Eurostat
Production, value added and exports in the environmental goods and services sector Dataset Eurostat
Productivity of artificial land Dataset Eurostat
Programa para la prestación del servicio público de aseo. Report Empresas Varias de Medellín -Emvarias
Project MUSE - Freshwater Resources in the Insular Caribbean: An Environmental Perspective Webpage
Promedio mensual de temperaturas mínima/máxima y precipitaciones Image
Proportion of persons living in jobless households Dataset Eurostat
Proposed pipeline routing from Saldanha to Cape Town, Paarl, Wellington and Stellenbosch regions Image
Protected areas Dataset Eurostat
Protected forests and forests under Natura 2000 Dataset Eurostat
Protective functions of forests Dataset Eurostat
Proyecto Aguas Claras Parque Planta de tratamiento de Aguas EPM Webpage Empresas públicas de Medellín
Proyecto Tía María Webpage Wikipedia
Public transport overview Webpage BVG
Quantities of waste collection by type of collection and waste in Porto Image
Quantum computing just might save the planet | McKinsey Webpage
Quebrada Las Delicias Image
REPORTE CHIMBOTE Report Estela Samamé y Jhasmina Abad
RL-Palvelut Oy - Waste company in Mikkeli Webpage RL -Palvelut
Radar de précipitations pour Grenoble - Météo agricole Webpage Terre-net
Rail equipment: number and capacity of railways vehicles Dataset Eurostat
Rail equipment: number and load capacity of goods transport wagons Dataset Eurostat
Rail equipment: number of locomotives and passenger railways vehicles Dataset Eurostat
Rail infrastructure: length of network Dataset Eurostat
Rail network by NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Rail passenger and freight traffic Dataset Eurostat
Railway transport - Number of vans Dataset Eurostat
Railway transport - length of electrified lines, by type of current Dataset Eurostat
Railway transport - length of lines, by nature of transport Dataset Eurostat
Railway transport - length of lines, by number of tracks Dataset Eurostat
Railway transport - length of lines, by track gauge Dataset Eurostat
Railway transport - length of tracks Dataset Eurostat
Railway transport - national and international railway goods transport by loading/unloading NUTS 2 region Dataset Eurostat
Railway transport - national and international railway passengers transport by loading/unloading NUTS 2 region Dataset Eurostat
Rainfall and Temperatures Webpage World Meteorological Organization
Ranking de laboratorios farmacéuticos en Argentina 2017 Image
Rapport du CCI sur l'activité économique de Grenoble Webpage CCI Grenoble
Rauja Foneria Sl. - Metalurgic company in Barberà del Vallès Webpage
Real growth rate of regional gross value added (GVA) at basic prices by NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Recicladora San Miguel Webpage Yellow place
Recogida selectiva de residuos domiciliarios en la ciudad de Madrid Webpage Ayuntamiento de Madrid
Recolección de Basura en Ciudad de Buenos Aires Webpage Deborah de Urieta
Recolección y Almacenamiento de Residuos de Construcción y Demolición Webpage Empresas Varias de Medellín EMVARIAS
Recovery rate of construction and demolition waste Dataset Eurostat
Recovery rates for packaging waste Dataset Eurostat
Recycling center in Mikkeli Webpage
Recycling in Rennes Dataset
Recycling of batteries and accumulators Dataset Eurostat
Recycling of biowaste Dataset Eurostat
Recycling points in Mikkeli Image
Recycling rate of all waste excluding major mineral waste Dataset Eurostat
Recycling rate of e-waste Dataset Eurostat
Recycling rate of e-waste Dataset Eurostat
Recycling rate of municipal waste Dataset Eurostat
Recycling rate of municipal waste Dataset Eurostat
Recycling rate of municipal waste Dataset Eurostat
Recycling rate of packaging waste by type of packaging Dataset Eurostat
Recycling rate of waste excluding major mineral wastes Dataset Eurostat
Recycling rates for packaging waste Dataset Eurostat
Red Peatonal Image
Red de Conectividad Ecológica Image
Red de depuradoras y subcuencas en la ciudad de Madrid Image
Red de huerteros de Medellín. Webpage Red de Huerteros Medellín
Red de metro y tren de cercanías de la ciudad de Madrid Map Metro Madrid
Red de saneamiento de la ciudad de Madrid Webpage Ayuntamiento de Madrid
Red eléctrica Europea Webpage Asociación de Operadores de Sistemas de Transmisión Mediterráneos para la Electricidad (Med-TSO) y Red Europea de Operadores de Sistemas de Transmisión Eléctrica (ENTSO-E)
Refineries in Spain and Portugal. Challenges and opportunities Image
Refineries in Spain and Portugal. Challenges and opportunities Image
Refinery Image Spencer T.
Refinery Sites in Europe Webpage CONCAWE Environmental Science for European Refining
Refining Webpage Singapore Petroleum Company Limited
Region of Waterloo - Open Data Data portal
Regional distribution of informal trade in Johannesburg Image
Regional gross domestic product (million PPS) by NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Regional gross domestic product by NUTS 2 regions - million EUR Dataset Eurostat
Registre national des installations de production d'électricité et de stockage (en cours 2019) Dataset
Registros Pluviométricos Webpage Gobierno de Santa Fe
Relación de estaciones regeneradoras de aguas residuales Map Ayuntamiento de Maddrid
Relleno Sanitario La Pradera Webpage Empresas Varias de Medellín. Emvarias
Renewable Energy The Hague 1990-2017 Dataset
Renewable freshwater resources Dataset Eurostat
Renewable freshwater resources Dataset Eurostat
Reporte - Buenos Aires Report Mariella Uchida
Reporte - Buenos Aires Report Mariella Uchida
Reporte Ciudad del Carmen, Campeche México Report Luis Enrique Pech Jiménez José Manuel Sosa Garcia Roger Octavio Formoso Zavala
Reporte Económico 2020 Webpage Secretaría de Desarrollo Económico
Reporte de la ciudad de Ica Report Sonia Geraldine Gonzales
Representing islands – producing islandness: Rethinking identities, mobilities, and relations in island research. Journal Article Nimführ and Meloni
Research Topics and Projects Artwork
Reserva Ecológica Costanera Sur Webpage Secretaría de Desarrollo Urbano
Resident Population by Age Group and Sex, 2015 Dataset
Residential and non-residential building stock, 2006-2022 Image
Residential building stock by construction year, column chart Image
Residential building stock by housing typologies for 2021, bar chart Image
Residential building stock by type of building, 2007-2021 Image
Residential construction - annual data, % of GDP Dataset Eurostat
Residents per neighbourhood 1977-2017 Dataset
Residents per neighbourhood 2014-2018 Dataset
Resolución 2254 de 2017 Document Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible
Resource productivity Dataset Eurostat
Resource productivity and domestic material consumption (DMC) Dataset Eurostat
Resources and Community Artwork
Restaurant Association of Singapore Webpage Restaurant Association of Singapore
Resumen diagnóstico de los servicios hidráulicos de la CDMX Image
Retail / Wholesale Trade Webpage Singapore Accreditation Council
Retail trade deflated turnover - food, beverages and tobacco Dataset Eurostat
Retail trade turnover - food, beverages and tobacco Dataset Eurostat
Rio de Janeiro Cityscape View 1 Image Brigitte
Rio de Janeiro Cityscape View 2 Image Chulhwan
Rio de Janeiro Cityscape View 3 Image LhcCoutinho
Rivières Webpage Graie
Road equipment: load capacity of lorries Dataset Eurostat
Road equipment: new registrations by categories Dataset Eurostat
Road equipment: number of road vehicles by age Dataset Eurostat
Road equipment: number of road vehicles by categories Dataset Eurostat
Road infrastructure: lenght of road network Dataset Eurostat
Road traffic on national and foreign territory by type and age of vehicle (million Vkm) Dataset Eurostat
Road traffic: road freight transport in volume Dataset Eurostat
Road, rail and navigable inland waterways networks by NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Root crops by NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Rosario, ciudad verde Webpage Municipalidad de Rosario
Roskilde Image
Roskilde Construction Sankey diagram Image
Roto Tanks Webpage Roto Tanks
Rubber Trade Association of Singapore Webpage Rubber Trade Association of Singapore
Rugali Meat Processors Ltd Webpage Rugali Meat Processing Ltd
Ruliba Clays Webpage Rwanda Market
Rutongo Area, Kigali Webpage Mindat
Rwanda Foam Webpage Rwanda Foam
Résultats de recherche Résultats Web Dossier thématique : l'inondation de grenoble Webpage
Río Medellín Image
Río de la Plata Webpage Ríos del Planeta
Ríos Subterráneos Webpage AySA
Ríos de España Image
SBS data by NUTS 2 regions and NACE Rev. 2 (from 2008 onwards) Dataset Eurostat
SP Group Webpage
STAT-TAB - interactive tables (FSO) Webpage Swiss Federal Statistical Office
STR.pdf Journal Article
Safel S.A. - Extraction company Webpage
Sahasra Electronics Kigali Webpage Sahasra Group
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines General Image D-Stanley
Sales and collection of portable batteries and accumulators Dataset Eurostat
Sales of fertilisers by type of nutrient (source: Fertilizers Europe) Dataset Eurostat
Sales of pesticides by type of pesticide Dataset Eurostat
Samothraki Biomass Extraction Dataset Dominik Noll
Samothraki Buildings Dataset Dominik Noll
Samothraki Chora Image Sophia Bourdanou
Samothraki Coast Image Sophia Bourdanou
Samothraki DMC Dataset Dominik Noll
Samothraki Economic Activity Dataset Dominik Noll
Samothraki Fishing Dataset Dominik Noll
Samothraki Goats Image Sophia Bourdanou
Samothraki Infrastructure Dataset Dominik Noll
Samothraki Kipos Beach Image Sophia Bourdanou
Samothraki Lagoon Image Sophia Bourdanou
Samothraki Plains Image Sophia Bourdanou
Samothraki cultivation classes Dataset Dominik Noll
Samothraki cultivations Dataset ELSTAT
Samothraki forestry Dataset Dominik Noll
Samothraki livestock extraction modelling data Dataset Dominik Noll
Samothraki livestock extraction statistical data Dataset ELSTAT
Samothraki mining Dataset Dominik Noll
Samothraki waste flows Dataset Dominik Noll
Saneamiento - AySA Webpage AySA
Sankey flows example Dataset Frank Aké
Sawmill East Africa Limited Webpage SEAL
Sawnwood and panels Dataset Eurostat
Schéma d'alimentation Data visualisation Eau de Paris
ScienceDirect Full Text PDF Journal Article
Screen shot Image
Screen shot Image
Screen shot Image
Screen shot Image
Screen shot of the table from the book Image
Screen shot of the vmc website Image
Screenshot of the map Image
Sea fishing by species 2015-2019 Image
Sea fishing by species 2015-2019 Image
Sea fishing by species 2015-2019 Image
Sea fishing by species 2015-2019 Image
Secondary energy production (transformation) Dataset Eurostat
Secondary paper products Dataset Eurostat
Secondary wood products Dataset Eurostat
Secteurs de Grenoble Image
Sector Energía en el Marco de la Energía Sustentable Webpage Agencia de Protección Ambiental
Sectoral shares, Cape Town Gross Value Added (GVA) versus National GVA, 2018 Image
Sectors of Kigali's economy Image
Sedachimbote S.A. es una Empresa Prestadora de Servicios de Saneamiento para Chimbote y Nuevo Chimbote Webpage Sedachimbote S.A.
Sekaätemäärät vuonna 2008-2019 Image
Sendero Quebrada La Vieja y río San Francisco Image
Sendero Quebrada Las Delicias Image
Sevilla Image
Sevilla Biomass Sankey diagram Image
Sevilla Construction Sankey diagram Image
Sewage sludge production and disposal Dataset Eurostat
Sewage sludge production and disposal from urban wastewater (in dry substance (d.s)) Dataset Eurostat
Sewers and Water: Underground Chicago Webpage Library and Chicago
Shapefile de la piscifactoría de Madrid Image
Share for transmission and distribution in the network cost for gas and electricity - annual data Dataset Eurostat
Share of energy from renewable sources Dataset Eurostat
Share of environmental taxes in total tax revenues Dataset Eurostat
Share of fossil fuels in gross available energy Dataset Eurostat
Share of fuels in final energy consumption Dataset Eurostat
Share of housing cost in disposable income by level of activity limitation, sex and age Dataset Eurostat
Share of irrigable and irrigated areas in utilised agricultural area (UAA) by NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Share of landcover types affected by severe erosion (source: JRC) Dataset Eurostat
Share of main livestock types in total livestock units (LSU) by NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Share of main livestock types in total livestock units (LSU) by NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Share of people living in under-occupied dwellings by household type and income quintile - total population - EU-SILC survey Dataset Eurostat
Share of rail and inland waterways in total freight transport Dataset Eurostat
Share of renewable energy in gross final energy consumption Dataset Eurostat
Share of renewable energy in gross final energy consumption Dataset Eurostat
Share of renewable energy in gross final energy consumption by sector Dataset Eurostat
Shared Economy - WeWork, Uber, Airbnb and Lyft.docx Journal Article
Shared Economy - WeWork, Uber, Airbnb and Lyft.pdf Journal Article
Shared Economy: WeWork, Uber, Airbnb and Lyft Report Andrew McWilliams
Sheep by NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Sheep population - annual data Dataset Eurostat
Short sea shipping - EU level - gross weight of goods transported to/from main ports, by type of cargo for each sea region of partner ports Dataset Eurostat
Short sea shipping - country level - gross weight of goods transported to/from main ports Dataset Eurostat
Short sea shipping - country level - gross weight of goods transported to/from main ports, by direction Dataset Eurostat
Short sea shipping - country level - gross weight of goods transported to/from main ports, by sea region of partner ports Dataset Eurostat
Short sea shipping - country level - gross weight of goods transported to/from main ports, by type of cargo Dataset Eurostat
Short sea shipping - top 20 ports - gross weight of goods transported to/from main ports Dataset Eurostat
Silkcoat Paint Rwanda Webpage Silkcoat Paint
Silver Whisper @ St John's Image Prayitno / Thank you for (12 millions +) view
Silvicultura Webpage Secretaría_Distrital_de_Ambiente
Silvicultura Dataset Keily Mena Alfaro
Simba Supermarket Gishushu Webpage Simba Supermarket
Simplified energy balances Dataset Eurostat
Singapore Webpage US Energy Information Adminstration
Singapore - Agricultural Sectors Webpage U.S. Embassies Expo gov
Singapore Chemical industry council Webpage Singapore Chemical industry council
Singapore Energy Statistics Webpage Energy Market Authority of Singapore. All Rights Reserved
Singapore Food manufacturers association Webpage Singapore Food Manufacturers’ Association (SFMA)
Singapore Forest Information and Data Webpage Mongabay
Singapore Furniture Industries Council (SFIC) Webpage Specialists Trade Alliance of Singapore
Singapore Oil Hub Expands to Neighbors After Outgrowing City-State Webpage Eric Yep
Singapore Water Story Webpage Singapore national water agency
Singapore Water Story Webpage Singapore National Water Agency
Singapore mining club Webpage Singapore mining club
Singapore: Global Water Hub and Policy Leader Journal Article Chris Jackson
Singapore: Total population from 2014 to 2024(in million inhabitants) Image
Sint Maarten Hotels Image roger4336
Sint Maarten Transport Image roger4336
Sint Maarten Transport 2 Image - Adam Reeder -
Sistema Integrado de Transporte del Valle de Aburrá SITVA Webpage Área Metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá .AMVA
Sistema Nacional de Información del Agua Webpage Sistema Nacional de Información del Agua
Sistema de Información ambiental de Colombia Webpage Gobierno de Colombia
Sistema de distribución de agua potable Webpage AySA
Sistema de generación de energía de EPM Webpage Empresas Públicas de Medellín
Sistemas de depuración de aguas residuales en la ciudad de Madrid Webpage Ayuntamiento de Madrid
Sistemas de depuración de aguas residuales en la ciudad de Madrid Image
Situation hydrologique Station : Grenoble (W1410010) Cours d’eau : L' Isère Webpage Hydroreel
Skol Breweries Webpage SBL
Skyway Webpage Wikipedia
Slaughtering in slaughterhouses - annual data Dataset Eurostat
Slaughtering in slaughterhouses - monthly data Dataset Eurostat
Smart Grid for a Smart Chicago Webpage City of Chicago
Social and Environmental Analysis of Food Waste Abatement via the Peer-to-Peer Sharing Economy Report Tamar Makov and Chertow
Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde Webpage Wikipedia
Socio Economic Data base census Webpage Open Data for Africa
Soil Map Of Republic Of Singapore Image
Soil Type Webpage Krishi Vigyan Kendra
Soil cover by NUTS2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Soil extraction permits and rock reserves in Mikkeli map Image
Solar thermal collectors' surface Dataset Eurostat
Sold production, exports and imports by PRODCOM list (NACE Rev. 2) - annual data Dataset Eurostat
Solid Waste - Weighed Dataset
Sonatubes Webpage Sonatubes Ltd
Sources of Water Supply in Barcelona (Province) Image
South African Air Quality Information System Webpage South African Air Quality Information System
Special areas and other farmland by NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Stadtkreise Image
Standard climate values. Barcelona Aeropuerto Dataset Agencia Estatal de Meteorología
Static land use map of Høje-Taastrup Image
Static land use map of Roskilde Image
Static map of extraction companies in Høje-Taastrup Image
Static map of extraction companies in Roskilde Image
Static map of waste collection and treatment facilities in Bodø Image
Static map of waste collection and treatment facilities in Roskilde Image
Static map of waste collection and treatment in Høje-Taastrup Image
Statistic Data of Porto Webpage AMP
Statistiques de pêche Webpage Office Fédérale de l'environnement. Confédération suisse.
Stock levels for gas products - monthly data Dataset Eurostat
Stock levels for gaseous and liquefied natural gas Dataset Eurostat
Stock levels for oil products Dataset Eurostat
Stock levels for oil products - monthly data Dataset Eurostat
Stock of vehicles by category and NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Storage Facilities in Kigali Webpage DLCA
Structural information Dataset Eurostat
Structure of agricultural holdings by NUTS 3 regions - main indicators Dataset Eurostat
Structure of consumption expenditure by COICOP consumption purpose Dataset Eurostat
Structure of consumption expenditure by activity and employment status of the reference person and COICOP consumption purpose Dataset Eurostat
Structure of consumption expenditure by age of the reference person and COICOP consumption purpose Dataset Eurostat
Structure of consumption expenditure by degree of urbanisation and COICOP consumption purpose Dataset Eurostat
Structure of consumption expenditure by income quintile and COICOP consumption purpose Dataset Eurostat
Structure of consumption expenditure by main source of income and COICOP consumption purpose Dataset Eurostat
Structure of consumption expenditure by number of active persons and COICOP consumption purpose Dataset Eurostat
Structure of consumption expenditure by type of household and COICOP consumption purpose Dataset Eurostat
Structure of the Population Webpage STATBEL
Subestación de Energía Image
Subnational Population by Sex, Age, and Geographic Area by Country Webpage US Census Bureau
Subsistema de Servicios Publicos Image
Sulfo Industries Webpage Sulfo Industries
Summary of annual road freight transport by type of operation and type of transport (1 000 t, Mio Tkm, Mio Veh-km) Dataset Eurostat
Supply and transformation of oil - monthly data Dataset Eurostat
Supply and transformation of oil and petroleum products - monthly data Dataset Eurostat
Supply and transformation of solid fossil fuels - monthly data Dataset Eurostat
Supply and transformation of solid fuels - monthly data Dataset Eurostat
Supply electricity - short term monthly data Dataset Eurostat
Supply natural gas - short term monthly data Dataset Eurostat
Supply of electricity (total) Dataset
Supply of electricity - monthly data Dataset Eurostat
Supply of gas - monthly data Dataset Eurostat
Supply oil - short term monthly data Dataset Eurostat
Supply table at basic prices incl. transformation into purchasers' prices Dataset Eurostat
Supply table at basic prices incl. transformation into purchasers' prices (previous years prices) Dataset Eurostat
Supply table at basic prices incl. transformation into purchasers' prices - A*10 industry breakdowns Dataset Eurostat
Supply water in Brussels Capital Region Dataset
Supply, transformation and consumption of derived heat Dataset Eurostat
Supply, transformation and consumption of electricity Dataset Eurostat
Supply, transformation and consumption of electricity - monthly data Dataset Eurostat
Supply, transformation and consumption of gas Dataset Eurostat
Supply, transformation and consumption of gas - monthly data Dataset Eurostat
Supply, transformation and consumption of oil and petroleum products Dataset Eurostat
Supply, transformation and consumption of renewables and wastes Dataset Eurostat
Supply, transformation and consumption of solid fossil fuels Dataset Eurostat
Surface of marine sites designated under Natura 2000 (source: DG ENV, EEA) Dataset Eurostat
Surface of terrestrial sites designated under Natura 2000 (source: DG ENV, EEA) Dataset Eurostat
Sylviculture et exploitation forestière sur Grenoble Webpage Annuaire_Mairie
Sylviculture et exploitation forestière sur Paris Webpage Annuaire-Mairie
Symmetric input-output table at basic prices (industry by industry) Dataset Eurostat
Symmetric input-output table at basic prices (industry by industry) (previous years prices) Dataset Eurostat
Symmetric input-output table at basic prices (product by product) Dataset Eurostat
Symmetric input-output table at basic prices (product by product) (previous years prices) Dataset Eurostat
System Analysis Robinson Landfill Image
São Paulo, Municipality, Districts subdivision shape files Shapefile GeoSampa
São Paulo, Municipality, Sub-Prefectures subdivision shape files Shapefile GeoSampa
São Paulo, mapa/map macroareas 2 Shapefile PMSP
São Paulo, mapa/map macrozonas/macrozones 1 Shapefile PMSP
Table Image
Table of trade and transport margins Dataset Eurostat
Table of trade and transport margins (previous years prices) Dataset Eurostat
Tableaux de bord économiques de Paris Webpage CCI Paris Ile de France
Tablero de Indicadores Económicos del Estado de Campeche Webpage Geográfica y Catastral del Estado de Campeche - INFOCAM Instituto de Información Estadística
Tagne Foka Isaac Duvalier Dataset
Tagne Foka Isaac Duvalier Dataset
Talleres F Ruiz Sa - Foundry company in Barberà del Vallès Webpage
Tasa promedio de desempleo 2018 Image
Temperatura Media Webpage CONAPRED y Otros
Temperatura promedio mensual Image
Temperatura y precipitación promedio Medellín. Webpage WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION
Temperaturas Máxima Webpage CONAPRED y otros
Temperaturas Mínimas Webpage CONAPRED y otros
Temperature and Rainfall information Webpage WMO
Temperature statistics 1981-2010 Webpage tempsvrai
Terminal Puerto de Rosario- Prov. de Santa Fe Webpage Terminal Puerto Rosario S.A
Terreno Forestal de la Comunidad de Madrid Image
Test Video Recording
Test Zurich population Dataset
Textile and Fashion Federation Singapore Webpage Textile and Singapore
The Association of Electronic Industries in Singapore Webpage AEIS
The Bahamas Transportation Image CL Photographs
The Future of Artificial Intelligence_BCC.pdf Journal Article
The GDP of Mikkeli in years 2015-2020 Image
The National Population and Talent Division (NPTD) Image
The Role of Green Infrastructure in Water, Energy and Food Security in Latin America and the Caribbean: Experiences, Opportunities and Challenges | Publications Webpage
The Singapore Aquaculture Industry — Contributing to Singapore’s Food Security Webpage JIANG JUNHUI AND TAN YIT WEE LIM HUAN SEIN
The Skyscraper Centre - Global Tall Building Database of the CTBUH Webpage The Skyscraper Centre - Global Tall Building Database of the CTBUH
The carbon footprint of streaming video: fact-checking the headlines – Analysis Webpage
The flows of goods in Eastern Finland Image
The land use in Mikkeli Image
These are the biggest shopping malls in South Africa Webpage The Businesstech
Tipos de suelos en Alajuelita Report Comisión Nacional de Emergencias
Tonelaje dispuesto por municipio por mes 2018-2019-2020 Dataset CEAMSE
Tononoka Steels Co Webpage Tononoka Steels
Tons of food recovered in restaurants by the Embrulha project Image
Top-level data Dataset
Total C&D Waste Production in Bodø (2016-2021) Image
Total Export from Rennes to Destinations Dataset
Total Material Extraction in Rennes Dataset
Total Population count by Parish 2011 Dataset
Total and active population by sex, age, employment status, residence one year prior to the census and NUTS 3 regions Dataset Eurostat
Total and land area by NUTS 2 region Dataset Eurostat
Total drinking water consumption Dataset
Total energy consumption of industry without climatic correction from 1995 to 2011 Dataset
Total natural gas consumption Dataset
Total natural gas consumption Dataset
Total population - mid-year estimate Dataset
Total population living in a dwelling with a leaking roof, damp walls, floors or foundation, or rot in window frames or floor - EU-SILC survey Dataset Eurostat
Total population projections Dataset
Total production by PRODCOM list (NACE Rev. 2) - annual data Dataset Eurostat
Total water consumption Dataset
Trade in recyclable raw materials Dataset Eurostat
Trade in recyclable raw materials by waste Dataset Eurostat
Transboundary shipments of notified waste by partner, hazardousness and waste management operations Dataset Eurostat
Transfer Stations Report EPA
Transit transport of goods by loading and unloading countries Dataset Eurostat
Transport - cities and greater cities Dataset Eurostat
Transport - functional urban areas Dataset Eurostat
Transport by nationality of vessel (country/regional flows 1982-2006) Dataset Eurostat
Transport by nationality of vessel (country/regional flows from 2007 onwards) Dataset Eurostat
Transport by type of cargo - country/regional flows Dataset Eurostat
Transport by type of good (country/regional flows 1982-2007) Dataset Eurostat
Transport by type of good (country/regional flows from 2007 onwards) Dataset Eurostat
Transport by type of vessel (country/regional flows) Dataset Eurostat
Transport of dangerous goods Dataset Eurostat
Transportation of Chemicals and fertilizers products by water from Brussels Dataset
Transporte Urbano de Pasajeros Webpage Municipalidad de Rosario
Transporte público de la Comunidad Autónoma y la ciudad de Madrid Webpage Comunidad de Madrid
Transports Grenoble Dataset Metropole de Grenoble
Tratamiento de los residuos en la ciudad de Madrid: Parque Tecnológico de Valdemingómez Webpage Ayuntamiento de Madrid
Travel to the depths of the Earth: Mines in Catalunya Webpage Mas Catalunya
Treatment and disposal facilities Dataset Eurostat
Treatment of waste by waste category, hazardousness and waste management operations Dataset Eurostat
Tree inventory of Paris Dataset Paris Data
Trees in Brussels Along Regional Roads Shapefile Brussel Mobiliteit
Trees that are managed by the Municipality of The Hague Dataset
TreesSG Discover our urban forest. Webpage National parks Singapore
Trinidad & Tobago 2011 Image Steve Loya
Trinidad & Tobago Transport Image
Trinidad & Tobago refinery Image OpenEnglishWeb
Trinidad & Tobago refinery 2 Image OpenEnglishWeb
Trips Webpage Generalitat de Catalunya
Turnover by type of activity for retail trade (NACE Rev.2, G47) Dataset Eurostat
Turnover in industry, domestic market - monthly data Dataset Eurostat
Turnover in industry, non domestic market - monthly data Dataset Eurostat
Turnover in industry, total - monthly data Dataset Eurostat
Type of informal business by municipality in Gauteng (2013) Image
Type of tenure: number of farms and areas by agricultural size of farm (UAA) and NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Type of tenure: number of farms and areas by economic size of farm (SO in Euro) and NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Type of tenure: number of farms and areas by size of farm (UAA) and NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Typology of Rooftop Farms in Johannesburg Image
UN TERRITOIRE AGRICOLE Webpage Grenoble ALpes Métropole
Ubicación de las plantas potabilizadoras, estaciones elevadoras y la red de ríos subterráneos del AySA Image
Un alcorque un árbol - Madrid Webpage Ayuntamiento de Madrid
Un delicioso paseo entre los sabores de Antioquia Webpage Berau Medellín
Uncovering the Structure & Dynamics of the Sharing Economy: Evidence from a Food Sharing Platform Report Tamar Makov and Chertow
Under glass by NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Underground Line Powers Urban Chicago Webpage T&D World
Understanding your city by understanding its flow: towards Participatory Urban Metabolism Information Systems Webpage Sven Eberlein
Unidades Produtivas Agropecuarias - Agricultural Productive Units - shapefile Shapefile GeoSampa
Unitisation in inland waterways freight transport - tonne-kilometre for gross-gross weight of goods Dataset Eurostat
Urban Forest Visual Webpage Melbourne Urban Forest
Urban aquaculture in Chicago Webpage Odd Grydeland
Urban farming projects by Agripolis Webpage Agripolis
Urban population exposed to PM10 concentrations exceeding the daily limit value (50 µg/m3 on more than 35 days in a year) Dataset Eurostat
Urban population exposure to air pollution by particulate matter Dataset Eurostat
Urban systems boundary broadly showing inflows (I), outflows (O), internal flows (Q), storage (S), and production (P) of biomass (B), minerals (M), water (W), and energy (E). Image
Urban wastewater treatment Dataset Eurostat
Use table at basic prices Dataset Eurostat
Use table at basic prices (previous years prices) Dataset Eurostat
Use table at basic prices - A*10 industry breakdowns Dataset Eurostat
Use table at purchasers' prices Dataset Eurostat
Use table at purchasers' prices (previous years prices) Dataset Eurostat
Usos Generales del Suelo Urbano Image
Usos del Suelo del municipio de Rionegro Webpage DATLAS
Usos del suelo municipio de San Juan de Pasto Shapefile Gobierno de Colombia
Usos y destinos del suelo de la ciudad de Madrid Image
Utilised agricultural area (UAA) managed by low-, medium- and high-input farms (source: FADN) Dataset Eurostat
VPlus Developers and Traders Limited Webpage Vplus Developers
Vadodara city economy Webpage
Valor Bruto de Producción Industrial (VBP) por rama de actividad Image
Valores climatológicos normales de Madrid Webpage Agencia Estatal de Meterología (AEMET)
Value of livestock production in Singapore from 2006 to 2018 Webpage R. Hirschmann
Vancouver water flows Data visualisation
Vegetables by NUTS 2 regions Dataset Eurostat
Vehicle Stock Dataset
Vehicle population grows for first time since 2013 Webpage Christopher Tan
Ventas de fertilizantes en kilogramos y litros en 2009 Image
Ventas fertilizantes en kilogramos y litros en 2009 Image
Vertimientos Webpage Secretaría Distrital de Ambiente
Vestimenta Webpage Municipalidad de Rosario
Vidres Barbera S.l. - Glass construction and installation company in Barberà del Vallès Webpage
View of Honolulu from Diamond Head Crater, Oahu, Hawaii Image Ken Lund
Villo Stations in Brussels Shapefile Brussels Mobility
Vincent Poultry Webpage Vincent Poultry
Vineyards Dataset Eurostat
Visor de Infraestructura Ciclista de la ciudad de Madrid Image
Vista de Chimbote desde el Cerro de la paz Image kd Lavi
Vista de Chimbote desde el Cerro de la paz de noche Image Kd Lavi
Volume of Used Water Treated Dataset
Volume of containers transported Dataset Eurostat
Volume of freight transport relative to GDP Dataset Eurostat
Volume of timber (source: FAO - FE) Dataset Eurostat
Volume of timber over bark (source: EFA questionnaire) Dataset Eurostat
Volumen concesionado para usos consuntivos por Entidad Federativa (2019) Image
WWTP Houtrust Effluent Dataset
Waste Collection Flows Sevilla area graph Image
Waste Observatory Webpage Lipor
Waste Statistics and Overall Recycling Webpage National Environment Agency
Waste Statistics and Overall Recycling Webpage National environmental agency
Waste by type Dataset
Waste collection and treatment facilities in Mikkeli map Image
Waste collection infrastructure in Sevilla map Image
Waste collection infrastructures in Porto map Image
Waste company that works in Mikkeli Webpage
Waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) by waste management operations Dataset Eurostat
Waste generated by households by year and waste category Dataset Eurostat
Waste generation by industry in Finland 2018 Webpage Statistics Finland
Waste management sector MFA - part 1 Image
Waste management sector MFA - part 2 Image
Waste sorting guide Bodø Image
Waste treatment infrastructure in Porto map Image
Wastewater effluent Dataset
Water Sales, Annual Dataset
Water Treatment Stations Image
Water Treatment Stations Webpage Agencia Catalana del Agua
Water abstracted by sector of use Dataset Eurostat
Water abstraction by river basin district (RBD) Dataset Eurostat
Water and Cities in Latin America: Challenges for Sustainable Development Webpage
Water consumption Dataset
Water consumption in the tertiary sector Dataset
Water distribution and sewer pipeline Infrastructure Webpage City of Johannesburg
Water exploitation index Dataset Eurostat
Water exploitation index, plus (WEI+) (source: EEA) Dataset Eurostat
Water flow analysis Data visualisation
Water flows arriving to wastewater treatment plants Webpage Câmara Municipal de Anadia
Water level in lower Thames Group Reservoir Dataset
Water made available for use Dataset Eurostat
Water productivity Dataset Eurostat
Water resource information centre for the Vaal Barrage and Vaal Dam Catchment forums Webpage Damn and Forums
Water resources: long-term annual average Dataset Eurostat
Water supplied and used by economic sectors Dataset Eurostat
Water use balance Dataset Eurostat
Water use balance Dataset Eurostat
Water use by river basin district (RBD) Dataset Eurostat
Water use by supply category and economical sector Dataset Eurostat
Water use in the manufacturing industry by activity and supply category Dataset Eurostat
What Are Belgium's Biggest Commodity Imports & Exports? 2020 Webpage Lawrence Pines
Where does Mikkeli's income come from? Where are the jobs? See a quick review of Mikkeli. Webpage Mikkelin kehitysyhtiö Miksei Oy Jukka Kumpusalo
Where the wild things aren’t Webpage Greta C. Vega
Wholesale Trade Index Dataset Department of stastics Singapore
Wind Turbines, SE Aruba Image Patrick Gregerson
Wood Habitat Webpage Wood Habitat
Wood flow in the construction / renovation sector Dataset
Wood in the construction industry, Brussels Dataset
Woodpecker Ltd Webpage Woodpecker
World Business Chicago Webpage World Business Chicago
Yesera del Vallès SI - Gypsum and related construction material reseller Webpage
Zona de La Buena Mesa Webpage
a-i5131e.pdf Journal Article
an Image of the Existing Land Use Map of Kigali Image
climate-change-and-ai.pdf Journal Article
construction material coming to brussels trough the canal in 2016 and 2017 Dataset
cumulative water supply by region 1991 - 2015 Image
doi:10.1016/j.eneco.2004.12.002 | Elsevier Enhanced Reader Journal Article Webpage Grenoble ALpes Métropole
humedales Shapefile
location of rubber manufacturing industries Singapore GPS Coordinates
mapped actors Image
popgro Image
statistic_id647231_blockchain-technology-market-size-worldwide-2018-2025.pptx Journal Article
waste disposal statistics Image
waste disposal statistics Image
waste disposal statistics Image
waste disposal statistics Image
¿Cómo funciona el servicio de recolección de la Ciudad? Webpage Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires
¿Dónde rumbear en Medellín? Webpage
¿Qué se hace con mis residuos? Image
¿Sabes de dónde viene el agua que consumimos? Video Recording Telemedellín.
¿cuántas hectáreas sembradas por cultivo hay en Rionegro? Webpage DATLAS
Árboles Nativos de Buenos Aires Webpage Secretaría de Desarrollo Urbano
Área de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires Image
Áreas Boscosas de Argentina Webpage 2019 Bosques Nativos Argentina
Índice de área verde percibida Webpage MIT Senseable City Lab
Índice de Desarrollo Humano Webpage Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD)
Último lugar en el Indicé de Desarrollo Humano Webpage Periódico La Nación
“We are a people”: Sovereignty and disposability in the context of Puerto Rico’s post-Hurricane Maria experience Journal Article Robinson et al.
Waste Collection Flows Paper Sevilla Dataset Lipasam 20120
Censado de árboles-Rosario Report Secretaría de Servicios Públicos y Medio Ambiente -Rosario 20115
Weighed waste into Perseverance Dataset GSWMA 2917
Geographical information system of the Commission (GISCO) Data portal 2025
Instituto Nacional de Estatística, INE (Statistics Portugal) Portal Data portal 2025
World Mining Data Data portal 2025
An urban emergy footprint: Comparing supply- and use-extended input-output models for the case of Vienna, Austria Journal Article Galychyn et al. 2024
Are there limits to growth of tourism on the Caribbean islands? Case-study Aruba Journal Article Jurgens et al. 2024
Contribution of urban agriculture in ensuring a healthy and sustainable food system in the metropolis of Rouen, France Conference Paper Boukharta et al. 2024
Examining Urban Land Management Practices in Takoradi Conference Paper ohene Akoto 2024
From concepts and models to practice: discussing agency in urban metabolism studies Conference Paper Nicola Bertoldi* et al. 2024
How do visions of ecological transitions emerge? Conference Paper Annabelle Duval Anne Ventura 2024
Interdisciplinary knowledge and collaboration for sustainable cities Conference Paper Nadine Ibrahim 2024
Making urban factories more sustainable through circularity design Poster Ijassi et al. 2024
Measuring system resilience through a comparison of information- and flow-based network analyses Journal Article Hyde et al. 2024
Mitigating food dependency of informal settlements in South America: neighbourhood- level metabolic model and detection of spaces of opportunities Conference Paper Acevedo_De-los-Ríos et al. 2024
Project `Ecological network analysis of the life cycle impacts of drinking water and wastewater in Ukraine’ Presentation Galychyn et al. 2024
Promoting urban sustainability through transdisciplinarity: ideas and practice from the educational sector Conference Paper Prades et al. 2024
Spatial inequity index for essential facility access at building-level in highly dense urban areas Conference Paper Maheshwari et al. 2024
State and Trends in Adaptation Report 2024: Small Island Developing States Webpage GCA 2024
The Maldives is racing to create new land. Why are so many people concerned? Journal Article Jesse Chase-Lubitz 2024
(Un)just post-disaster mobilities in small island developing states: Revisiting the patterns and outcomes of three major environmental disasters in the Caribbean Journal Article Griffen and Robinson 2023
Aggregation and Disaggregation Video Recording Athanassiadis and Bellstedt 2023
Aruba census boundaries Shapefile Metabolic Foundation 2023
Assessing nitrogen flow and nitrogen footprint in the food system of a subtropical island with a scenario to mitigate nitrogen load impacted by trade-dependent agriculture Journal Article Hamada et al. 2023
Can a small island nation build resilience? The significance of resource-use patterns and socio-metabolic risks in The Bahamas Journal Article Martin del Campo et al. 2023
Circularity Hotspot Analysis Method Report Bellstedt et al. 2023
Climate change loss and damage governance. Where are we now? A case study from Fiji’s sugar industry Journal Article Nand et al. 2023
Conversion Video Recording Athanassiadis and Bellstedt 2023
Cultivation of vegetables in Mikkeli in years 2015 and 2019 in tonnes Dataset Natural Resources Institute Finland Luke 2023
Discussing linkages between climate change, human mobility and health in the Caribbean: The case of Dominica. A qualitative study Journal Article Cloos et al. 2023
Energy transition to decarbonize the energy system in Mauritius Journal Article Dinesh Surroop 2023
Exports for UCA (MF) in years 2015 and 2019 Mikkeli downscaled from National data Dataset Customs Finland 2023
Global Infrastructure Resilience - Capturing the Resilience Dividend Report 2023
Goal-based development: driving climate actions and sustainable development goals implementation within a holarchic model Book Section John N. Telesford 2023
Imports for UCA (MF) in years 2015 and 2019 Mikkeli downscaled from National data Dataset Customs Finland 2023
Inclusive engagement for environmental sustainability in small island states Journal Article Ilan Kelman 2023
Island and Indigenous systems of circularity: how Hawaiʻi can inform the development of universal circular economy policy goals Journal Article Beamer et al. 2023
Islands at Risk - Analyzing Resource-use Dynamics from a Socio-metabolic Research Perspective Thesis Francisco Xavier Félix Martín del Campo 2023
Localização contentores de recolha de resíduos alimentares GPS Coordinates Câmara Municipal de Póvoa de Varzim 2023
Material flows and stocks in Bodø - Presentation of UCA results on March 22, 2023 Presentation Bellstedt and Çelik 2023
Materials used in the building stock of Mikkeli Dataset Haapea K. Järvinen J. 2023
Metabolism of Islands: Open Access Data Portal and Library Webpage MOI 2023
Mikkeli Sankey year 2019 Image Järvinen 2023
Number of buildings by their use in Mikkeli year 2019 Dataset Järvinen Johanna 2023
Proposed solutions for marine debris in the Windward Islands- perspectives from key policy makers and policy influencers Journal Article Roxanne E. D. Graham 2023
Puebla City Water Supply from the Perspective of Urban Water Metabolism Journal Article David Pérez-González Gian Carlo Delgado-Ramos Lilia Cedillo Ramírez Rosalva Loreto López María Elena Ramos Cassellis José Víctor Rosendo Tamariz Flores Ricardo Darío Peña Moreno 2023
Regenerative economics at the service of islands: Assessing the socio-economic metabolism of Samothraki in Greece Journal Article Zisopoulos et al. 2023
Sources of major elements and nutrients in the water cycle of an undisturbed river basin – Samothraki Island, Greece Journal Article Skoulikidis et al. 2023
Systemic risks from climate-related disruptions at ports Journal Article Verschuur et al. 2023
The Bahamas at risk: Material stocks, sea-level rise, and the implications for development Journal Article Martin del Campo et al. 2023
The Bahamas at risk: Material stocks, sea-level rise, and the implications for development. Journal Article Martin del Campo et al. 2023
The challenge of solid waste on Small Islands: proposing a Socio-metabolic Research (SMR) framework Journal Article Singh et al. 2023
The resource (in)sufficiency of the Caribbean: analyzing socio-metabolic risks (SMR) of water, energy, and food Journal Article Martin del Campo et al. 2023
The role of colonial pasts in shaping climate futures: Adaptive capacity in Georgetown, Guyana Journal Article Robinson et al. 2023
Tourism and Climate Change Stocktake 2023 Report Becken and Scott 2023
Urban Circularity Assessment Mikkeli Report 2023
Urban Circularity Assessment Porto Report Carla Santos 2023
Urban Circularity Assessment Sevilla Report Gonzalez et al. 2023
What is the UCA? Video Recording Athanassiadis and Bellstedt 2023
3D GIS Modelling of Road and Building Material Stocks: A Case Study of Grenada Thesis Lingfei Ye 2022
A multi-criteria framework for assessing urban socio-ecological systems: The emergy nexus of the urban economy and environment Journal Article Galychyn et al. 2022
A political ecology of data Journal Article Nost and Goldstein 2022
Advancing urban metabolism studies through GIS data: Resource flows, open space networks, and vulnerable communities in Mexico City Journal Article Daniel Otero Peña. Daniela Perrotti. Eugene Mohareb. 2022
Agricultural drought risk assessment in the Caribbean region: The case of Haiti Journal Article Elusma et al. 2022
Algae application in civil construction: A review with focus on the potential uses of the pelagic Sargassum spp. biomass Journal Article Rossignolo et al. 2022
Aligning artificial intelligence with climate change mitigation Journal Article Kaack et al. 2022
An Assessment of the Impact of COVID-19 on the Agri-Food System in Caribbean Small Island Developing States Journal Article Daley et al. 2022
Analyzing Socio-Metabolic Vulnerability: Evidence from the Comoros Archipelago Journal Article Bahers et al. 2022
Analyzing asymmetric effects of cryptocurrency demand on environmental sustainability Journal Article Erdogan et al. 2022
Apeldoorn GDP per NACE codes) Dataset Tiffany Nicoli 2022
Apeldoorn - Urban Circularity Assessment sheet, all data for 2014 analysis Dataset Bellstedt et al. 2022
Apeldoorn - Urban Circularity Assessment sheet, all data for 2018 analysis Dataset Bellstedt et al. 2022
Apeldoorn building stock by construction year Dataset Deniz Celik Gerardo Ezequiel Martín Carreño 2022
Apeldoorn building stock by material Dataset Deniz Celik Gerardo Ezequiel Martín Carreño 2022
Apeldoorn building stock by type of building in 2022 Dataset Deniz Celik Gerardo Ezequiel Martín Carreño 2022
Apeldoorn waste composition (with manure) 2014, 2018 Dataset Bellstedt et al. 2022
Apeldoorn waste composition 2014, 2018 Dataset Bellstedt et al. 2022
Apeldoorn waste treatment 2014, 2018 Dataset Bellstedt et al. 2022
Apex Liminality: Comprehending Lord Howe Island’s Cloud Forest and Related Island Ecosystems Journal Article Philip Hayward 2022
Application of the IoT in the Food Supply Chain─From the Perspective of Carbon Mitigation Journal Article Luo et al. 2022
Artificial Intelligence Needs Environmental Ethics Journal Article Baum and Owe 2022
Assessing the environmental performance of ICT-based services: Does user behaviour make all the difference? Journal Article Pohl et al. 2022
Balancing water scarcity, food production, and trade imperatives in the Caribbean: Could virtual water analysis help? Journal Article David O. Yawson 2022
Blockchain, climate damage, and death: Policy interventions to reduce the carbon emissions, mortality, and net-zero implications of non-fungible tokens and Bitcoin Journal Article Truby et al. 2022
Bodø - Urban Circularity Assessment sheet, all data for 2015 analysis Dataset Bellstedt et al. 2022
Bodø - Urban Circularity Assessment sheet, all data for 2020 analysis Dataset Bellstedt et al. 2022
Bodø Dwelling Stock Calculation Methodology Image Shamita Chaudhary 2022
Bodø building stock by construction year Dataset Deniz Celik Gerardo Ezequiel Martín Carreño 2022
Bodø building stock by material and age cohort Dataset Deniz Celik Gerardo Ezequiel Martín Carreño 2022
Bodø building stock by type of building in 2022 Dataset Deniz Celik Gerardo Ezequiel Martín Carreño 2022
Bodø waste composition 2015, 2020 Dataset Bellstedt et al. 2022
Building Materials Extracted in Nordland in 2020 Image Shamita Chaudhary 2022
Building materials extracted in Nordland in 2020 Dataset Gerardo Ezequiel Martín Carreño 2022
Building stock by building typologies and materials Image Carla Santos 2022
Building stock by materials and building typologies Image Carla Santos 2022
Building stock by materials and typology - Bodø Dataset Carreño et al. 2022
Building stock total mass / cap comparison - Apeldoorn Dataset Çelik et al. 2022
C&D Waste Production in Bodø (2016-2021) Dataset Gerardo Ezequiel Martín Carreño 2022
C&D Waste Treatment in Bodø (2016-2021) Dataset Gerardo Ezequiel Martín Carreño 2022
Can Fintech development pave the way for a transition towards low-carbon economy: A global perspective Journal Article Tao et al. 2022
Can Texas mitigate wind and solar curtailments by leveraging bitcoin mining? Journal Article Niaz et al. 2022
Can a Small Island Nation Build Resilience? The Significance of Resource-use Patterns and Socio-Metabolic Risks in The Bahamas Journal Article Campo et al. 2022
Can a Small Island Nation Build Resilience? The Significance of Resource-use Patterns and Socio-Metabolic Risks in The Bahamas Journal Article Campo et al. 2022
Can a Small Island Nation Build Resilience? The Significance of Resource-use Patterns and Socio-Metabolic Risks in The Bahamas Journal Article Campo et al. 2022
Can a Small Island Nation Build Resilience? The Significance of Resource-use Patterns and Socio-Metabolic Risks in The Bahamas Journal Article Campo et al. 2022
Can a Small Island Nation Build Resilience? The Significance of Resource-use Patterns and Socio-Metabolic Risks in The Bahamas Journal Article Campo et al. 2022
Can a Small Island Nation Build Resilience? The Significance of Resource-use Patterns and Socio-Metabolic Risks in The Bahamas Journal Article Campo et al. 2022
Can a Small Island Nation Build Resilience? The Significance of Resource-use Patterns and Socio-Metabolic Risks in The Bahamas Journal Article Campo et al. 2022
Can a Small Island Nation Build Resilience? The Significance of Resource-use Patterns and Socio-Metabolic Risks in The Bahamas Journal Article Campo et al. 2022
Can the Caribbean localize its food system?: Evidence from biomass flow accounting Journal Article Rahman et al. 2022
Carbon Footprint of Alternative Grocery Shopping and Transportation Options from Retail Distribution Centers to Customer Journal Article Kemp et al. 2022
Climate Change and Health in the Caribbean: A review highlighting research gaps and priorities Journal Article Rise et al. 2022
Climate Change and the Caribbean: Challenges and Vulnerabilities in Building Resilience to Tropical Cyclones Journal Article Clint T. Lewis 2022
Climate risk insurance in Pacific Small Island Developing States: possibilities, challenges and vulnerabilities—a comprehensive review Journal Article Jain et al. 2022
Closing the material loops for construction and demolition waste: The circular economy on the island Bornholm, Denmark Journal Article Christensen et al. 2022
Commercial C&D Waste Production in Bodø (2016-2021) Dataset Gerardo Ezequiel Martín Carreño 2022
Compounding challenges for disaster resilience in small island developing states Journal Article Denise D. P. Thompson 2022
Concrete and Wood composition in buildings constructed <1940 Dataset Gerardo Ezequiel Martín Carreño 2022
Concrete and Wood composition in buildings constructed in 2020 Dataset Gerardo Ezequiel Martín Carreño 2022
Consumption of Natural Gas by Economic Activity - Porto Dataset DGEG 2022
Countries in the world, version 5.1.1 Shapefile Natural Earth 2022
Cyclone resistant housing in Fiji: The forgotten features of traditional housing Journal Article Elkharboutly and Wilkinson 2022
Decarbonisation of islands: A multi-criteria decision analysis platform and application Journal Article Barney et al. 2022
Decarbonization of the Galapagos Islands. Proposal to transform the energy system into 100% renewable by 2050 Journal Article Icaza-Alvarez et al. 2022
Demolition of residential and non-residential buildings in Bodø (2009-2021) Dataset Gerardo Ezequiel Martín Carreño 2022
Digital Economy Sectors are Key Co 2 Transmission Centers in the Economic System Journal Article Wang et al. 2022
Digital Transformation: Artificial Intelligence Based Product Benefits and Problems of Agritech Industry Book Section Ganeshkumar et al. 2022
Digital bricolage: Infrastructuring lower carbon digital space via Nordic datacentre development Journal Article Upham et al. 2022
Digital sufficiency: conceptual considerations for ICTs on a finite planet Journal Article Santarius et al. 2022
Disaster aid? Mapping historical responses to volcanic eruptions from 1800–2000 in the English-speaking Eastern Caribbean: their role in creating vulnerabilities Journal Article Barclay et al. 2022
Domestic Extraction in Apeldoorn (2014, 2018) Image Metabolism of Cities Carolin Bellstedt 2022
Domestic Extraction in Apeldoorn (2014, 2018) Dataset Metabolism of Cities Carolin Bellstedt 2022
Ecological network analysis of a metabolic urban system based on input–output tables: Model development and case study for the city of Vienna Journal Article Galychyn et al. 2022
Economic estimation of Bitcoin mining’s climate damages demonstrates closer resemblance to digital crude than digital gold Journal Article Jones et al. 2022
Employees by economic activity sector - Porto Dataset INE 2022
Energy Consumption and Bitcoin Market Journal Article Huynh et al. 2022
Evolution of Wood Material Intensity in kg/m2 Dataset Carreño et al. 2022
Evolution of material intensity of concrete in kg/m² Dataset Carreño et al. 2022
Exports in Apeldoorn (2014, 2018) Dataset Deniz Celik 2022
Exports in Bodø (2015,2020) Dataset Deniz Celik Metabolism of Cities 2022
Exports in Porto (2009, 2019) Dataset INE 2022
Exports in Porto by MF categories (2009 and 2019) Dataset INE 2022
Exports of biomass in Porto, in 2009 and 2019 Dataset INE 2022
Flood Risk-Related Research Trends in Latin America and the Caribbean Journal Article Pinos and Quesada-Román 2022
Flow of Building Materials Extracted in Nordland in 2020 Image Shamita Chaudhary 2022
Food Security Challenges and Options in the Caribbean: Insights from a Scoping Review Journal Article Mohammadi et al. 2022
Gender Responsive Climate Actions in Small Island Developing States (SIDS) Report UNDP and AOSIS 2022
Geo localisation of extraction companies in Bodø GPS Coordinates Gerardo Ezequiel Martín Carreño & Shamita Chaudary 2022
Gross Value Added by economic activity (2009-2020) Dataset PORDATA 2022
Handbook 3: Blockchain-based Municipal Waste Management Journal Article Lenz et al. 2022
Household C&D Waste Production in Bodø (2016-2021) Dataset Gerardo Ezequiel Martín Carreño 2022
How ICT can contribute to realize a sustainable society in the future: a CGE approach Journal Article Zhang et al. 2022
How do Small Island Developing States Meet the Sustainable Development Goals? Journal Article Hillbom et al. 2022
How to move a country: Fiji’s radical plan to escape rising sea levels Newspaper Article Kate Lyons 2022
ICT, carbon emissions, climate change, and energy demand nexus: The potential benefit of digitalization in Taiwan Journal Article Adha et al. 2022
Impact of Industry 4.0 on corporate environmental sustainability: Comparing practitioners’ perceptions from China, Brazil and Germany Journal Article Beier et al. 2022
Imports and Exports of secondary raw materials; municipal wastes and other wastes in Nordland, 2016-2020 Dataset Gerardo Ezequiel Martín Carreño 2022
Imports in Apeldoorn (2014, 2018) Dataset Bellstedt et al. 2022
Imports in Bodø (2015,2020) Dataset Deniz Celik Metabolism of Cities 2022
Imports in Porto by MF categories (2009 and 2019) Dataset Carla Santos 2022
Imports of Biomass in Porto, in 2009 and 2019 Dataset INE 2022
Information Technologies and Corporate Social Responsibility in China Journal Article Li et al. 2022
Infraestruturas Comércio, Hotelaria e Restauração e Serviços - Póvoa de Varzim GPS Coordinates Câmara Municipal da Póvoa de Varzim 2022
Infraestruturas de Extração - Póvoa de Varzim GPS Coordinates Câmara Municipal Póvoa de Varzim 2022
Infraestruturas de Indústria Transformadora - Póvoa de Varzim GPS Coordinates Câmara Municipal da Póvoa de Varzim 2022
Land Use Bodø Shapefiles Shapefile Shamita Chaudhary & Gerardo Ezequiel 2022
Local Composting Treatment in Porto Dataset LIPOR 2022
Localização equipamentos de recolha de resíduos verdes GPS Coordinates Câmara Municipal da Póvoa de Varzim 2022
Locations of waste companies in Bodø GPS Coordinates Gerardo Ezequiel Martín Carreño 2022
Map of Building Material Stock in Porto expressed in tonnes Image Carla Santos 2022
Material Flow total mass of buildings comparison Dataset Deniz Celik Metabolism of Cities 2022
Materials Passports - Best Practices Report Werner Lang Matthias Heinrich 2022
Meeting the Future: Belize, Colombia and Ghana Journal Article Bala et al. 2022
Microplastics in Latin America and the Caribbean: A review on current status and perspectives Journal Article Orona-Návar et al. 2022
Mikkeli - Urban Circularity Assessment sheet, all data for 2015 analysis Dataset Bellstedt et al. 2022
Mikkeli - Urban Circularity Assessment sheet, all data for 2019 analysis Dataset Bellstedt et al. 2022
Mining Cryptocurrency-Based Security Using Renewable Energy as Source Journal Article Gundaboina et al. 2022
Organic waste valorization in remote islands: Analysis of economic and environmental benefits of onsite treatment options Journal Article Castellani et al. 2022
Our New Artificial Intelligence Infrastructure: Becoming Locked into an Unsustainable Future Journal Article Robbins and van Wynsberghe 2022
Parachute science and Caribbean plastic pollution Journal Article lorianpayne 2022
Parachute science through a regional lens: Marine litter research in the Caribbean Small Island Developing States and the challenge of extra-regional research Journal Article Stöfen-O'Brien et al. 2022
Planning resource-efficient cities: SUME Synthesis Report Report Sebastian Beiglböck et al. 2022
Población 1996-2022 Dataset 2022
Población 1996-2022 Dataset 2022
Población 1996-2022 Dataset 2022
Population Dynamics in the Maldives: An analysis from Census 2022 Report Maldives Bureau of Statistics 2022
Population of Apeldoorn (1995-2022) Dataset CBS 2022
Population of Bodø by age group 1986-2020 (10 year intervals) Dataset Shamita Chaudhary 2022
Population of Bodø by age group 1986-2022 (10 year intervals) Dataset Statistics Norway 2022
Population of Cali 1950-2022 Dataset World population review 2022
Population of Porto (1981-2021) Dataset PORDATA 2022
Population of Porto by age (1981-2021) Dataset PORDATA 2022
Population of Porto by gender (1981-2021) Dataset PORDATA 2022
Porto - Urban Circularity Assessment sheet, all data for 2009 analysis Dataset Bellstedt et al. 2022
Porto - Urban Circularity Assessment sheet, all data for 2019 analysis Dataset Bellstedt et al. 2022
Porto Domestic Extraction 2009 and 2019 Dataset INE 2022
Porto Employees by Indutries (2009-2020) Dataset INE 2022
Porto GVA by Economic Activity - 2009 and 2019 Dataset INE 2022
Porto GVA by Economic Activity - 2009 and 2019 Dataset INE 2022
Porto Local Composting Treatment - 2009 and 2019 Dataset LIPOR 2022
Porto building stock by typology Dataset CMP Carla Santos 2022
Porto population by age in 2021 Dataset INE 2022
Porto waste composition (2009, 2019) Dataset Lipor and Ambiente 2022
Porto waste treatment (2009,2019) Dataset Lipor and Ambiente 2022
Preying on the poor? Opportunities and challenges for tackling the social and environmental threats of cryptocurrencies for vulnerable and low-income communities Journal Article Howson and de Vries 2022
Prioritising well-being and resilience to ‘build back better’: insights from a Dominican small-scale fishing community Journal Article Forster et al. 2022
Providing a framework for post-disaster resilience factors in buildings and infrastructure from end-users’ perspectives: case study in Caribbean island states Journal Article Charles et al. 2022
Ranking the sustainable development goals: perceived sustainability priorities in small island states Journal Article Eppinga et al. 2022
Reclaiming traditional, plant-based, climate-resilient food systems in small islands Journal Article Marrero and Mattei 2022
Regional Trends in Social-Ecological-Technological (SET) Approaches to Sustainable Urban Planning: Focus on Asia Book Section Thammadi et al. 2022
Restructuring Island Tourism: Using the Socioeconomic Metabolism (SEM) and Multilevel Perspective (MLP) as Models for Transitioning to Sustainable Island Tourism Book Section Telesford et al. 2022
Returning to normal? ‘Building back better’ in the Dominican education system after Tropical Storm Erika and Hurricane Maria Journal Article Martin Parham 2022
Risk Management and Adaptation for Extremes and Abrupt Changes in Climate and Oceans: Current Knowledge Gaps Journal Article Bouwer et al. 2022
Sales of petroleum products by Economic Activities - Porto Dataset DGEG 2022
Searching for Sustainable Footprints: Does ICT Increase CO2 Emissions? Journal Article Shobande and Asongu 2022
Sevilla - Urban Circularity Assessment sheet, all data for 2016 analysis Dataset Bellstedt et al. 2022
Sevilla - Urban Circularity Assessment sheet, all data for 2020 analysis Dataset Bellstedt et al. 2022
Small Island Developing States in a post-pandemic world: Challenges and opportunities for climate action Journal Article Foley et al. 2022
Small Islands (Chapter 15). In: IPCC's Sixth Assessment Report "Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability" Report IPCC 2022
Small island developing states, tourism and climate change Journal Article Wolf et al. 2022
Socio-metabolic risk and tipping points on islands Journal Article Singh et al. 2022
Southern thought, islandness and real-existing degrowth in the Mediterranean Journal Article Kallis et al. 2022
Stock Calculation Methodology - Housing Typology Classification Diagram Image Shamita Chaudhary 2022
Supplier sustainability assessment in the age of Industry 4.0 – Insights from the electronics industry Journal Article Matthess et al. 2022
Sustainability implications of artificial intelligence in the chemical industry: A conceptual framework Journal Article Liao et al. 2022
Sustainability of the Internet of Things Requires Understanding of Mineral Demands and Supplies Journal Article Blumenthal and Diamond 2022
Sustainability of the Water-Energy-Food Nexus in Caribbean Small Island Developing States Journal Article Winters et al. 2022
TEST Biomass in different units Dataset Carolin Bellstedt 2022
Techno-economic, and environmental evaluations of a novel cogeneration system based on solar energy and cryptocurrency mining Journal Article Nikzad and Mehregan 2022
The Carbon Footprint of Machine Learning Training Will Plateau, Then Shrink Journal Article David Patterson 2022
The Circularity Gap Report - Circle Economy Report 2022
The Environmental Sustainability of Digital Technologies: Stakeholder Practices and Perspectives Journal Article Samuel et al. 2022
The Role of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic: What Lessons Are We Learning on 4IR and the Sustainable Development Goals Journal Article David Mhlanga 2022
The Role of Coral Reef Small-Scale Fisheries for Addressing Malnutrition and Avoiding Biodiversity Loss Report Andrachuk et al. 2022
The Role of Crypto Trading in the Economy, Renewable Energy Consumption and Ecological Degradation Journal Article Miśkiewicz et al. 2022
The Values Encoded in Machine Learning Research Conference Paper Birhane et al. 2022
The dynamics of institutional arrangements for climate change adaptation in small island developing states in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans Journal Article Robinson et al. 2022
The economic and environmental impacts of information and communication technology: A state-of-the-art review and prospects Journal Article Zhang and Wei 2022
The emergy footprint of a city: comparing supply- and use-extended input-output models (Vienna) Video Recording 2022
The environmental challenges of AI in EU law: lessons learned from the Artificial Intelligence Act (AIA) with its drawbacks Journal Article Pagallo et al. 2022
The ethical imperative to identify and address data and intelligence asymmetries Journal Article Stefaan G. Verhulst 2022
The role of Nature-based Solutions in disaster resilience in coastal Jamaica: current and potential applications for ‘building back better’ Journal Article Lee et al. 2022
The role of artificial intelligence in sustainable finance Journal Article Musleh Al-Sartawi et al. 2022
The timing of storm awareness in the Caribbean: the utility of climate information for improved disaster preparedness Journal Article Dookie and Spence-Hemmings 2022
Total C&D Waste Production in Bodø (2016-2021) Dataset Gerardo Ezequiel Martín Carreño 2022
Toward a collaborative governance model for distributed ledger technology adoption in organizations Journal Article Bokolo Anthony Jnr. 2022
Towards a Circular Economy for African Islands: an Analysis of Existing Baselines and Strategies Journal Article Andriamahefazafy and Failler 2022
UAUCU Student Research Exchange Collected Papers 2022 Book Mijts et al. 2022
Urban Circularity Assessment Bodø Report Bellstedt et al. 2022
Urban Circularity Assessment Method Report Bellstedt et al. 2022
Veluwe GDP per sector 2016-2017 Dataset Tiffany Nicoli 2022
Waste colonialism and metabolic flows in island territories Journal Article Manglou et al. 2022
Water Context in Latin America and the Caribbean: Distribution, Regulations and Prospects for Water Reuse and Reclamation Journal Article Rodríguez et al. 2022
Water supply and use in Brussels Capital Region 2005-2020 Dataset Statistics and (BISA) 2022
What contributes more to life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions of farm produce: Production, transportation, packaging, or food loss? Journal Article Qin and Horvath 2022
What’s in a Name? The Impact of Disasters on Islands’ Reputations: The cases of Giglio and Ustica Journal Article Agius and Baldacchino 2022
Whose resilience matters? A socio-ecological systems approach to defining and assessing disaster resilience for small islands Journal Article Talubo et al. 2022
test for stock viz Dataset 2022
‘Building back better’ in the Caribbean: an introduction Journal Article Wilkinson and Campbell 2022
‘Building back better’ in the context of multi-hazards in the Caribbean Journal Article Jones et al. 2022
360° Resilience: A Guide to Prepare the Caribbean for a New Generation of Shocks Report Rozenberg et al. 2021
A Framework for Evaluating and Disclosing the ESG Related Impacts of AI with the SDGs Journal Article Henrik Skaug Sætra 2021
A Short Overview of Rebound Effects in Methods of Artificial Intelligence Journal Article Martina Willenbacher 2021
A Systemic Assessment of COVID-19 Impacts on Pacific Islands’ Food Systems Journal Article Davila et al. 2021
A holistic framework for reshaping urban energy infrastructure in Global South cities, a case study of the Greater Cairo Region, Egypt Report Khalifa et al. 2021
A review of mental health and wellbeing under climate change in small island developing states (SIDS) Journal Article Kelman et al. 2021
Acceleration for disasters: Evaluation of the disaster management act in Indonesia Journal Article Ayuni and Arsil 2021
Addressing food consumption in urban metabolism studies by using the notion of the eating population Conference Paper REDLINGSHÖFER and Caroline PETIT (UMR SADAPT 2021
Administrative Regions of the Federal District (DF) Shapefile Geoportal SEDUH Governo do Distrito Federal 2021
Adressen Shapefile Open Data Zurich 2021
All about shapefiles (Module 1) - Online course Sector-Wide Circularity Assessment Video Recording Hoekman and Athanassiadis 2021
Amount of buildings in HTK (BBR) Shapefile GeoDK & LOUIS database 2021
Amount of new roads (linear meters) Dataset Høje Taastrup 2021
An Index of Cryptocurrency Environmental Attention (ICEA) Report Lucey et al. 2021
Analysis of international climate change agreements in the context of Latin America and the Caribbean Book Section Abeldano et al. 2021
Analyzing the effects of institutional capacity on sustainable water governance Conference Paper Shauhrat Chopra David von Eiff 2021
Anthropocene Islands. Entangled Worlds. Book Pugh and Chandler 2021
Anthropocene islands: There are only islands after the end of the world Journal Article Chandler and Pugh 2021
Apeldoorn - Sankey and indicator data for biomass sector Dataset Madzy Korte 2021
Apeldoorn - Sankey and indicator data for construction sector Dataset Madzy Korte 2021
Applying machine learning approach in recycling Journal Article Erkinay Ozdemir et al. 2021
Approximate Learning and Fault-Tolerant Mapping for Energy-Efficient Neuromorphic Systems Journal Article Gebregirogis and Tahoori 2021
Approximate water distribution areas of Cape Town's dams Map City of Cape Town 2021
Arrêts Transports Publiques Genevois Shapefile SITG - Le territoire Genevois à la carte 2021
Assessing the Environmental Impact of Construction Aggregates In North East, England Conference Paper Damilola Oyebade 2021
Assessing the embodied carbon footprint of IoT edge devices with a bottom-up life-cycle approach Journal Article Pirson and Bol 2021
Atlas of AI: power, politics, and the planetary costs of artificial intelligence Book Kate Crawford 2021
Aussichtschutz Shapefile Open Data Zurich 2021
Aéroport du Canton Genève Shapefile SITG - Le territoire Genevois à la carte 2021
Barcelona Province population Dataset IDESCAT 2021
Bars in Chicago Dataset City of Chicago 2021
Baselining for a circular Toronto: Material Flow Analysis Report Circle Economy 2021
Battery Swapping/Charging Station for Electric Vehicles in Cities: Application of Blockchain-IoT for Sustainable and Resilient Swap-Pay-Go Battery Service Conference Paper Shauhrat S. Chopra Nallapaneni Manoj Kumar 2021
Beer manufacture in Porto Dataset INE 2021
Best Practice Guidelines for the EU Code of Conduct on Data Centre Energy Efficiency Report Acton et al. 2021
Best practices for analyzing the direct energy use of blockchain technology systems: Review and policy recommendations Journal Article Lei et al. 2021
Biomass materials (Module 3) - Online course Sector-Wide Circularity Assessment Video Recording Athanassiadis and Bellstedt 2021
Biomass waste flows (Module 7) - Online course Sector-Wide Circularity Assessment Video Recording Athanassiadis and Bellstedt 2021
Biotoptypenkartierung 1987 Map Open Data Zürich 2021
Birds in Porto by Category Dataset INE 2021
Bitcoin consumes 'more electricity than Argentina' Newspaper Article Cristina Criddle 2021
Bitcoin mining activity and volatility dynamics in the power market Report Karmakar et al. 2021
Bitcoin’s energy consumption and social costs in relation to its capacity as a settlement layer Report Ante and Fiedler 2021
Blockchain Technology Report Mind Commerce 2021
Blockchain Technology Can Help Consumers Tip Farmers—But Should It? Webpage and 2021
Bodø - Sankey and indicator data for construction sector Dataset Tor Gausemel Kristensen 2021
Bodø waste treatment 2017, 2021 Dataset Bellstedt et al. 2021
Breweries in Brussels GPS Coordinates María Gracia Yepez 2021
Bright and blind spots of water research in Latin America and the Caribbean Journal Article Alyssa J DeVincentis et al. 2021
Building Flow diagrams (Module 3) - Online course Sector-Wide Circularity Assessment Video Recording Athanassiadis and Bellstedt 2021
Building Permit Dataset Chicago Data Portal 2021
Building Value Chains (Module 3) - Online course Sector-Wide Circularity Assessment Video Recording Aristide Athanassiadis 2021
Building a circular strategy for Water Authority Rijnland Report Metabolic 2021
Business structure Report Municipality et al. 2021
CHICAGO WATER QUALITY PLANS Report management and health 2021
CLIMATE RISK COUNTRY PROFILE: MALDIVES Report World Bank and Asian Development Bank 2021
COVID-19 and food systems in Pacific Island Countries, Papua New Guinea, and Timor-Leste: Opportunities for actions towards the sustainable development goals Journal Article Davila et al. 2021
Capacity building in participatory approaches for hydro-climatic Disaster Risk Management in the Caribbean Journal Article Roopnarine et al. 2021
Car Factories GPS Coordinates María Gracia Yepez 2021
Cataluña Population Dataset IDESCAT 2021
Catalysing Science-Based Policy Action on Sustainable Consumption and Production: The Value-Chain Approach and its Application to Food, Construction and Textiles Report Lopez et al. 2021
Cattle in Porto by Category Dataset INE 2021
Changes in the building stock in Apeldoorn, 2015-2020 Dataset CBS 2021
Charging Stations for Cars Dataset Ville de Bruxelles/Stationnement 2021
Chemical Manufacturers GPS Coordinates María Gracia Yepez 2021
Chemins de fer du Canton Genève Shapefile SITG - Le territoire Genevois à la carte 2021
Chicago Water Quality: Lead Plans Report City of Chicago 2021
Chicago_Population_Counts Dataset City of Chicago 2021
Circularity Indicators (Module 6) - Online course Sector-Wide Circularity Assessment Video Recording Athanassiadis and Bellstedt 2021
Circularity: Just Science Fiction? Working paper Heather Rogers and Newsholme 2021
Cities as organisms: Urban metabolism of the four main Danish cities Journal Article Lanau et al. 2021
City Boundaries (Module 1) - Online course Sector-Wide Circularity Assessment Video Recording Athanassiadis and Bellstedt 2021
City Districts Shapefile Open Data Zürich 2021
City Population in Høje-Taastrup, 2011-2020, by age group Dataset Denmark's Statistics 2021
City Population in Roskilde, 2017-2021, by age group Dataset Carolin Bellstedt 2021
City population in Roskilde, 2017-2021 Dataset LOISStatistics from Lifa 2021
City population within the demonstration area Dataset Hoje-Taastrup Municipality 2021
Climate Adaptation by Farmers in Three Communities in the Maldives Book Section Shafeeqa et al. 2021
Climate Change Adaptation and Sectoral Policy Coherence in the Caribbean Journal Article Lewis and Su 2021
Climate Change Adaptation on Small Island States: An Assessment of Limits and Constraints Journal Article Leal Filho et al. 2021
Climate and Development Research in Small Island Developing States: The Benefits of a Political Ecology Approach Book Section Brown et al. 2021
Climate risk country profile: Indonesia Report World Bank and Asian Development Bank 2021
Commercial roundwood and fuelwood removal in Bodø, 1996-2021 Dataset Bellstedt and Celik 2021
Communicating COVID-19: Twitter Surveillance and Affect in Relation to Regional Differences in Italy Conference Paper Dr. Gabriela Fernandez et al. 2021
Commute during COVID-19 in Urban, Rural, and Suburban United States Conference Paper Rishabh Singh Chauhan 2021
Company waste and waste treatment method Netherlands 2008-2018 Dataset CBS 2021
Constraining the atmospheric limb of the plastic cycle Journal Article Brahney et al. 2021
Construction & Demolition waste flows (Module 7) - Online course Sector-Wide Circularity Assessment Video Recording Athanassiadis and Bellstedt 2021
Construction Materials (Module 3) - Online course Sector-Wide Circularity Assessment Video Recording Athanassiadis and Bellstedt 2021
Construction company - Actors in Barberà Dataset Web Research 2021
Construction waste Image Paul Hoekman 2021
Consumers Are Willing to Pay a Price for Explainable, But Not for Green AI Manuscript König et al. 2021
Consumption of meat and meat preparations by weight per person in Mikkeli (from Finland data) in years 2015-2019 Dataset Luke. Natural Resources Institute Finland 2021
Consumption of cereals in Porto (from Portugal data) Dataset INE 2021
Consumption of crop related food items in Mikkeli (from Finland Data) per person by kg in years 2015-2019 Dataset Natural Reources Institute Finland LUKE 2021
Consumption of crop related food items per person by kg in years 2015-2019 in Finland Dataset LUKE 2021
Consumption of dairy products, eggs and honey by weight in Mikkeli (from Finland data) per person in years 2015-2019 Dataset Natural Resources Institute Finland Luke 2021
Consumption of dry legumes in Porto (from Portugal data) Dataset INE 2021
Consumption of fish products by weight per person in Mikkeli (from Finland data) in years 2015-2019 Dataset Luke. Natural resources Institute Finland 2021
Consumption of fruit in Porto (from Portugal data) Dataset INE 2021
Consumption of margarines in Porto (from Portugal data) Dataset INE 2021
Consumption of oilseeds and oleaginous fruits in Porto (from Portugal data) Dataset INE 2021
Consumption of potato in Porto (from Portugal data) Dataset INE 2021
Consumption of sugar in Porto (from Portugal data) Dataset INE 2021
Container for organic waste drop-off Image Paul Hoekman 2021
Critiquing ‘islandness’ as immunity to COVID-19: A case exploration of the Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique archipelago in the Caribbean region Journal Article John N. Telesford 2021
Crude Oil Pipelines Shapefile EIA 2021
Cryptocurrency Mining from an Economic and Environmental Perspective. Analysis of the Most and Least Sustainable Countries Journal Article Náñez Alonso et al. 2021
Cultivated amount of berries and fruits in Mikkeli (from South-Savo data) in 2014-2018 Dataset Natural Resources Institute Finland Luke 2021
Cultivation of Root and Tubers in Mikkeli 2015-2019 Dataset Natural Resources Institute of Finland LUKE 2021
Cultivation of oil bearing crops in Mikkeli 2015-2019 Dataset Natural Resources Institute Finland LUKE 2021
Cultivation of vegetables in Mikkeli (from Etelä-Savo data) in years 2014-2018 Dataset Natural Resources Institute Finland Luke 2021
Current BBR building points Shapefile LOIS DW 2021
Dairy products produced by dairy factories in the Netherlands (2010-2020) Dataset RVO 2021
Data Processing Tour: Types of Shapefiles Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2021
Data collection for SCA Høje-Taastrup, actors, employees, material amounts Dataset Cecilie Glarborg 2021
Data for Sustainable Platform Economy: Connections between Platform Models and Sustainable Development Goals Report Fuster Morell et al. 2021
Data gap analysis (Module 2) - Online course Sector-Wide Circularity Assessment Video Recording Athanassiadis and Bellstedt 2021
Decoupling density from tallness in analysing the life cycle greenhouse gas emissions of cities Journal Article Pomponi et al. 2021
Densité de la population selon des formes spatiales différentes, depuis 2009 Dataset City of Zurich 2021
Department Shapefile Andersson Georg 2021
Determining the material intensities of buildings selected by random sampling: A case study from Vienna Journal Article Lederer et al. 2021
Developing climate services for Caribbean tourism: a comparative analysis of climate push and pull influences using climate indices Journal Article Matthews et al. 2021
Digital Financial Inclusion and Air Pollution: Nationwide Evidence from China Journal Article Chen et al. 2021
Digital Technology and the Environment Journal Article Balta and denci 2021
Digital Technology and the Environment Journal Article Balta et al. 2021
Do online environments promote sufficiency or overconsumption? Online advertisement and social media effects on clothing, digital devices, and air travel consumption Journal Article Frick et al. 2021
Does not compute: Avoiding pitfalls assessing the Internet's energy and carbon impacts Journal Article Koomey and Masanet 2021
Domestic Employement Dataset Statistics and (BISA) 2021
Domestic Energy Consumption Dataset Dominik Noll 2021
Downscaling data (Module 4) - Online course Sector-Wide Circularity Assessment Video Recording Athanassiadis and Bellstedt 2021
Dutch waste materials produced and treatment per sector 2012-2018 Dataset CBS 2021
Eaux de surface publiques Dataset Open Data Zurich 2021
Ecological network analysis of an emergy metabolic system based on input–output tables: Model development and case study for Vienna Conference Paper Oleksandr Galychyn 2021
Economic Transformation of the Nicobar Islands Post-tsunami: A Material Import–Export Analysis Journal Article Sehgal and Babu 2021
Economic activities - NACE codes (Module 2) - Online course Sector-Wide Circularity Assessment Video Recording Aristide Athanassiadis 2021
Economic activities - example (Module 2) - Online course Sector-Wide Circularity Assessment Video Recording Aristide Athanassiadis 2021
Economic activities - introduction (Module 2) - Online course Sector-Wide Circularity Assessment Video Recording Aristide Athanassiadis 2021
Economy-Wide Material Flow Accounts of Canton Vaud and Geneva, Switzerland Dataset Wiedmann et al. 2021
Electronic waste in the Caribbean: An impending environmental disaster or an opportunity for a circular economy? Journal Article Mohammadi et al. 2021
Electronics Manufacturers GPS Coordinates María Gracia Yepez 2021
Elements according to relative abundance in the Earth's crust Data visualisation 2021
Employed labour force in Mikkeli by Industry in 2018 Dataset Statistics Finland 2021
Employees per material (Module 4) - Online course Sector-Wide Circularity Assessment Video Recording Aristide Athanassiadis 2021
Employment (thousand persons) by NUTS 3 regions Dataset Eurostat 2021
Employment by sex, age and detailed economic activity (from 2008 onwards, NACE Rev. 2 two digit level) - 1 000 Dataset Eurostat 2021
Employment in extraction and harvesting in Mikkeli in Agriculture, forestry and fishing and mining and quarrying 2014-2019. Dataset Statistics Finland 2021
Entsorgungskalender Bioabfall Dataset Open Data Zürich 2021
Environmental Benefits and Cost Analysis of New Vehicles-Technologies - The Case of Hong Kong’s Taxi Fleet Video Recording Mingolla and Lu 2021
Estações de Tratamento de Águas Residuais - Anadia GPS Coordinates Manuel Semedo 2021
Etelä-Savo boundaries 1:100 000 Shapefile National Land Survey of Finland (Mikkeli extracted by Xamk) 2021
Evolución poblacion Sevilla 1996-2021 Dataset Instituto de Estadística y Cartografía de Andalucía (IECA) Sistema de Información Multiterritorial de Andalucía (SIMA) 2021
Exploring climate-driven non-economic loss and damage in the Pacific Islands Journal Article McNamara et al. 2021
Export of Fodder crops, garden-, and timber materials in Mikkeli (from Finland data) in year 2019 Dataset Finland Customs 2021
Export of crops and crop products in Mikkeli (from Finland data) in year 2019 Dataset Finland Customs 2021
Export of dairy products, eggs, honey and fish products in Mikkeli (from Finland data) in year 2019 Dataset Finland Customs 2021
Exports of animal and animal products in Mikkeli (from Finland data) in year 2019 Dataset Customs Finland 2021
Extraction Infrastructure (Module 4) - Online course Sector-Wide Circularity Assessment Video Recording Athanassiadis and Bellstedt 2021
Extraction flows Data of EU countries Dataset EUROSTAT 2021
Extraction/Manufacturing Construction (Module 5) - Online course Sector-Wide Circularity Assessment Video Recording Athanassiadis and Bellstedt 2021
Extraction/Manufacturing Examples biomass (Module 5) - Online course Sector-Wide Circularity Assessment Video Recording Athanassiadis and Bellstedt 2021
FAOSTAT Forestry Production and Trade Data of all countries Dataset Food and (FAO) 2021
FAOSTAT Livestock Data of all countries Dataset Food and (FAO) 2021
FAOSTAT Trade Data (imports/exports) of all countries Dataset Food and (FAO) 2021
Farm store Shapefile Open Data Zürich 2021
Federal District (DF) Limits Shapefile Geoportal SEDUH Governo do Distrito Federal 2021
Food recycling from retail to use in Mikkeli in years 2015-2020 Report Järvinen J. 2021
Food use and recycling through donation in Mikkeli in years 2015-2020 Dataset Järvinen J. 2021
Forecast for secondary raw materials Report Hovedstaden et al. 2021
Fountain Shapefile Open Data Zurich 2021
Fresh Food Markets GPS Coordinates María Gracia Yepez 2021
From Bitcoin to carbon allowances: An asymmetric extreme risk spillover Journal Article Di Febo et al. 2021
Furniture Manufacturer GPS Coordinates María Gracia Yepez 2021
GDP per material (Module 4) - Online course Sector-Wide Circularity Assessment Video Recording Aristide Athanassiadis 2021
GPS Coordinates biomass sector actors Apeldoorn GPS Coordinates Madzy Korte Rob de Groot 2021
GPS Coordinates construction sector actors Apeldoorn GPS Coordinates Rob de Groot 2021
GPS Coordinates construction waste collection and treatment actors Apeldoorn GPS Coordinates Madzy Korte Rob de Groot 2021
GPS coordinates to waste collecting and treatment in Mikkeli GPS Coordinates Järvinen j. 2021
GVA and GDP in mining and quarrying for construction materials in Mikkeli 2000-2018 Dataset Statistics Finland 2021
GVA in biomass sector in Mikkeli, South-Savo and Finland in year 2018 Dataset Statistics Finland 2021
GVA in crop and animal production in Mikkeli (harvesting/extraction) Dataset Statistics Finland 2021
GVA in food industry in Mikkeli (production) Dataset Statistics Finland 2021
GVA in forestry and fishing in Mikkeli Dataset Statistics Finland 2021
GVA in manufactoring in Mikkeli in food, building materials and wood 2014-2018 Dataset Statistics Finland 2021
GVA in production of timber/wood items in South-Savo region 2014-2018 Dataset Statistics Finland 2021
Garden waste collection site Image Paul Hoekman 2021
Gelderland road transport (un)loading total quantities in 1000 tonnes 2010-2020 Dataset CBS 2021
Geo localisation of extraction companies in Høje-Taastrup GPS Coordinates Carolin Bellstedt 2021
Geo localisation of extraction companies in Roskilde GPS Coordinates Carolin Bellstedt 2021
Geo-localisation of Extraction & Harvesting Infrastructures in Porto GPS Coordinates Paula Castro 2021
Geo-localisation of Waste Treatment Infrastructures in Porto GPS Coordinates Paula Castro 2021
Geo-localisation of main waste collecting and treatment organisations in Mikkeli Book Järvinen J. 2021
Geospaciala data - Costruction sector - Actors in Barberà GPS Coordinates Web Research 2021
Gewässerabstand Shapefile Open Data Zurich 2021
Glass collection Image Paul Hoekman 2021
Global Academy of Training and Research Journal Journal Article Vetrova and Ivanova 2021
Global Climate Risk Index 2021 Report German Watch 2021
Global economic impacts of COVID-19 lockdown measures stand out in high-frequency shipping data Journal Article Verschuur et al. 2021
Global land use of diets in a small island community: a case study of Palau in the Pacific Journal Article Nakamura et al. 2021
Goats in Porto by Category Dataset INE 2021
Goods loaded and unloaded per reporting port Dataset INE 2021
Governing “European values” inside data flows: interdisciplinary perspectives | Internet Policy Review Journal Article Irion et al. 2021
Grain mill products manufacture in Porto Dataset INE 2021
Green spaces in Porto Shapefile Câmara Municipal do Porto 2021
Gross and value, output of enterprises by industry, province and size class, personel as variables Years 2014-2019 Dataset Statistics Finland 2021
Gross and value, output of enterprises by industry, province and size class, personel as variables Years 2014-2019. Dataset Statistics Finland 2021
Gross value added and income by A*10 industry breakdowns Dataset Eurostat 2021
Grundwasserschutzzonen Jahresendstand 2020 Dataset Züger Ralf Department of Industrial Establishments - water supply VMS 2021
Guanajuato Image Juan Carlos Fonseca Mata 2021
HTK VAND A/S Dataset VirkData 2021
Harvested tonnes of permanent crops in Porto by Type Dataset INE 2021
Harvested tonnes of temporary crops in Porto by Type Dataset INE 2021
Health and climate change: country profile 2021: Mauritius Report WHO and UNFCC 2021
Hectares of agricultural area used in Porto by Composition of the agricultural surface area used Dataset INE 2021
Hectares of agricultural holdings by technical-economic orientation in Porto Dataset INE 2021
Hectares of agricultural holdings in Porto by Type of Land Use Dataset INE 2021
Hedehusene gravel pit at Roskilde Image Nymølle Stenindustrier A/S 2021
Historical and future drought impacts in the Pacific islands and atolls Journal Article Iese et al. 2021
Horses in Porto by Category Dataset INE 2021
How Bitcoin Mining Is Solving Our E-Waste Crisis Magazine Article Shinobi 2021
How Large the Direct Rebound Effect for Residential Electricity Consumption When the Artificial Neural Network Takes on the Role? A Taiwan Case Study of Household Electricity Consumption Journal Article Adha and Hong 2021
How Populations and Vehicle Densities affect Air Quality in India Data visualisation 2021
How big is circular economy potential on Caribbean islands considering e-waste? Journal Article Mohammadi et al. 2021
How much is left? Data visualisation 2021
Hunted game in Mikkeli (from Etelä-Savo data) by species in years 2015-2019 Dataset Natural Resources Institute Finland Luke 2021
Hybrid life-cycle-assessment-urban-metabolism model Video Recording 2021
Høje-Taastrup - Sankey and indicator data for construction sector Dataset Aristide Athanassiadis Carolin Bellstedt 2021
IABR 2014 - Urban Metabolism Video Recording 2021
ICT and environmental sustainability: Any differences in developing countries? Journal Article N’dri et al. 2021
IKEA A/S Dataset 2021
Immigration Dataset Open Data Zürich 2021
Impact of climate change on vulnerability of freshwater resources: a case study of Mauritius Journal Article Boojhawon and Surroop 2021
Impact of slow-onset events related to Climate Change on food security in Latin America and the Caribbean Journal Article Abeldaño Zuñiga et al. 2021
Impacts of transportation network companies on urban mobility Journal Article Diao et al. 2021
Import of Fodder crops, garden, wood and peat materials in Mikkeli (from Finland data) in year 2019 Dataset Finland Customs 2021
Import of crops and crop products in Mikkeli (from Finland data) in year 2019 Dataset Finland Customs 2021
Import of dairy products, eggs, honey and fish products in Mikkeli (from Finland data) in year 2019 Dataset Finland Customs 2021
Imports and Exports in Porto Dataset INE 2021
Imports of live animals and animal products in Mikkeli (from Finland data) in year 2019 Dataset Customs Finland 2021
Income and production by area annually by transaction industry sector levels in Mikkeli 2014-2018 Dataset Statistics Finland 2021
Industry 4.0 technologies in the manufacturing sector: Are we sure they are all relevant for environmental performance? Journal Article Andrea Chiarini 2021
Insights from Indicators (Module 8) - Online course Sector-Wide Circularity Assessment Video Recording Athanassiadis and Bellstedt 2021
Insights from Sankeys (Module 8) - Online course Sector-Wide Circularity Assessment Video Recording Athanassiadis and Bellstedt 2021
Insights from a Data Gap Analysis (Module 8) - Online course Sector-Wide Circularity Assessment Video Recording Athanassiadis and Bellstedt 2021
Installation de production d'électricité en Suisse Shapefile Office fédéral de l'énergie OFEN 2021
Institutional and Policy Analysis: Water Security and Disaster Management in Small Island Developing States Book Section Wale et al. 2021
Integrated Agent-based and System Dynamics Modeling of the Spatial Diffusion of Home-based Decentralized Water Technologies and the impacts on the Water System Conference Paper Li Yue (1); Khalkhali et al. 2021
Interactive Urban Metabolism diagram of Paris Data visualisation 2021
International trade from and to the Netherlands per material group and mode of transport 2015-2019 Dataset CBS 2021
Intro to Pialligo - Urban Metabolism Presentation Video Recording 2021
Introduction to Layer 3 (Module 5) - Online course Sector-Wide Circularity Assessment Video Recording Athanassiadis and Bellstedt 2021
Introduction to the CityLoops Data Hub (Module 1) - Online course Sector-Wide Circularity Assessment Video Recording Athanassiadis and Bellstedt 2021
Inventaire cantonal des arbres isolés du Canton de Genève Shapefile SITG - Le territoire Genevoise à la carte Nicole Wiedmann 2021
Investigating the Inconsistencies among Energy and Energy Intensity Estimates of the Internet: Metrics and Harmonizing Values Report Vlad Coroamă 2021
Investigating the impact of purposefully designed therapeutic landscapes in hospitals for the benefits of patients, their families, staff and hospital budgets Conference Paper Engineering et al. 2021
IoT Governance Report Morar et al. 2021
IoT connected devices worldwide 2030 Webpage Lionel Sujay Vailshery 2021
Items for sale Image Paul Hoekman 2021
L'analyse des flux de matière à l'échelle de la France Video Recording 2021
LIND & RISØR A/S Dataset 2021
Land Use Changes Assessment using a triangulated framework: Perception Interviews, Land-Use/Land Cover Observation, and Spatial Planning Analysis in Tanjung Batu and Derawan Island, Indonesia Journal Article Lukman et al. 2021
Land extraction permits and rock reserves - map service Map Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) 2021
Land use - introduction (Module 2) - Online course Sector-Wide Circularity Assessment Video Recording Aristide Athanassiadis 2021
Land use planning - municipal building and zoning regulations (BZO) Dataset Open Data Zurich 2021
Leverages and obstacles facing post-cyclone recovery in Saint-Martin, Caribbean: Between the ‘window of opportunity’ and the ‘systemic risk’? Journal Article Moatty et al. 2021
LiDAR 2015: Reconnaissance automatique des limites de forêt (RALF) Shapefile Etat de Vaud 2021
Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Last-Mile Parcel Delivery by Automated Vehicles and Robots Journal Article Li et al. 2021
Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Last-Mile Parcel Delivery by Automated Vehicles and Robots Journal Article Li et al. 2021
Lignes Transport Publiques Genevois Shapefile SITG - Le territoire GENEVOIS 2021
List of registered companies in Apeldoorn Dataset KVK 2021
Live animal stock in Apeldoorn 2000-2020 Dataset CBS 2021
Location of Waste Collection Containers in Porto Shapefile EMAP (Porto Ambiente) 2021
Location of Water Treatment Plants GPS Coordinates María Gracia Yepez 2021
Location of waste collection and treatment in Høje-Taastrup GPS Coordinates Carolin Bellstedt 2021
Location of waste collection and treatment in Roskilde GPS Coordinates Carolin Bellstedt 2021
London’s food footprint: An analysis of material flows, consumption-based emissions, and levers for climate action Report ReLondon and Economy 2021
Los Angeles County Energy Atlas Data visualisation 2021
Loss and damage implications of sea-level rise on Small Island Developing States Journal Article Martyr-Koller et al. 2021
Lumber Stores GPS Coordinates María Gracia Yepez 2021
MOOC: Urban Metabolism Data Collection - African Cities Edition Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2021
Machine Learning for Sustainable Energy Systems Journal Article Donti and Kolter 2021
Machine Learning: New Ideas and Tools in Environmental Science and Engineering Journal Article Zhong et al. 2021
Main Actors in Porto GPS Coordinates Paula Castro 2021
Main Actors in Porto Dataset Paula Castro 2021
Manufacture of bread and pastry goods in Porto Dataset INE 2021
Manufacturing Non Metallic Mineral Products GPS Coordinates María Gracia Yepez 2021
Map of Sevilla Geo localisation of main actors construction sector Imagen Image Santiago 2021
Map of contaminated ground in Bodø Map Iris Salten 2021
Maria Kaika explains Political Ecology Video Recording 2021
Materials per city (Roskilde) Dataset Roskilde municipality 2021
Meals Served in Schools in Municipality of Porto Dataset Câmara Municipal do Porto 2021
Measuring Boston's Metabolism Video Recording 2021
Measuring Energy Poverty in Cameroon: An Alternative View of the Problem Conference Paper Patrice Nnuka Tsekane 2021
Measuring Small Island Disaster Resilience Towards Sustainable Coastal and Fisheries Tourism: The Case of Guimaras, Philippines Journal Article Añasco et al. 2021
Meat production in Mikkeli 2015-2020 Dataset National Resources Institute Finland LUKE 2021
Meat production in Mikkeli 2015-2020 Dataset National Resources Institute Finland LUKE 2021
Meeting the Sustainable Development Goals in Small Developing States with Climate Vulnerabilities: Cost and Financing Report IMF 2021
Metabolism of Cities Data Hub plans for 2021 Video Recording Aristide Athanassiadis 2021
Metabolism of Cities Database basics: relationship management Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2021
Metabolism of Cities' Data Hub - an introduction Video Recording Aristide Athanassiadis 2021
Metal Manufacturers GPS Coordinates María Gracia Yepez 2021
Metropolitan Toronto energy flow Sankey diagram for 1988 Data visualisation 2021
Mikkeli - Sankey and indicator data for biomass sector Dataset Johanna Järvinen 2021
Mikkeli - Sankey and indicator data for construction sector Dataset Vuokko Malk 2021
Mikkeli City Image 2021
Mikkeli Construction Sankey Image Carolin Bellstedt 2021
Mikkeli Municipal Division 1:100 000 Shapefile National Land Survey of Finland (Mikkeli extracted by Xamk) 2021
Mikkeli city districts Shapefile Lapio latauspalvelu SYKE 2021
Milk production in Mikkeli 2015-2020 Dataset Natural Resources Institute Finland LUKE 2021
Modelling national transformations to achieve the SDGs within planetary boundaries in small island developing States Journal Article Allen et al. 2021
Module 0 - Welcome Video Recording Athanassiadis and Bellstedt 2021
Municipal division of Mikkeli Shapefile National Land Survey of Finland (Mikkeli extracted by Xamk) 2021
N.º of agricultural holdings by technical-economic orientation in Porto Dataset INE 2021
N.º of agricultural holdings in Porto by Composition of utilized agricultural area Dataset INE 2021
N.º of agricultural holdings in Porto by Type of Land Use Dataset INE 2021
N.º of agricultural holdings with permanent crops in Porto by Type Dataset INE 2021
N.º of agricultural holdings with temporary crops in Porto by Type Dataset INE 2021
NCC Danmark A/S Dataset 2021
NIMTAG ApS Dataset 2021
NUTS2 employment per NACE codes (at least level 2) Dataset Eurostat 2021
Naissances par jour, quartier, sexe et origine, depuis 1998 Dataset Open Data Zurich 2021
National quantities of imported and exported materials in mln kg 2006 - 2019 Dataset CBS 2021
Natural Hazards and Complex Disasters Book Section Singh and Callan 2021
Natural gas production in Norway, 2017-2021, monthly Dataset Eurostat 2021
Neighborhood Sustainability Assessment (NSA) Tool: Functionality analysis of a tool developed in Hong Kong tested in a neighborhood in Brazil Conference Paper Chimanski et al. 2021
News - Climate | Ledger Initative Report Kohli et al. 2021
NfdcFacilities in Chicago Dataset Federal Aviation Administration 2021
Non-residential building stock by type of building in 2021 Dataset Statistics Norway 2021
Number and mass of slaughtered animals 1990-2020 in The Netherlands Dataset CBS 2021
Number of companies and their movements (creations, terminations, bankruptcies) as well as the number of local establishment units Dataset Statistics and (BISA) 2021
Number of livestock by species in Mikkeli 2015-2020 Dataset Natural Resources Institute Finland LUKE 2021
Number of livestock in agricultural holdings in Porto by Animal species Dataset INE 2021
Number of new (planned) residential buildings in Apeldoorn per quarter 2012-2020 Dataset CBS 2021
Nutzungsplanung - kommunale Bau- und Zonenordnung (BZO) Dataset Open Data Zurich 2021
Oil collection Image Paul Hoekman 2021
Olive production in Porto Dataset INE 2021
On the Frontline: Climate Impacts and Responses in the Pacific Islands Region Book Section John E Hay 2021
One of the first urban metabolism illustrations Data visualisation 2021
Operationalizing Urban Resilience to Floods in Island Territories—Application in Punaauia, French Polynesia Journal Article Lamaury et al. 2021
Optimization of Roof Greening Spatial Planning to Cool Down the Summer of the City Conference Paper Zhongming Lu Qinru Zhuang 2021
Other visualisations (Module 6) - Online course Sector-Wide Circularity Assessment Video Recording Athanassiadis and Bellstedt 2021
Paper Mills GPS Coordinates María Gracia Yepez 2021
Paper collection Image Paul Hoekman 2021
Park Dataset Ville de Zurich 2021
Passive and Low Energy Housing Units of the Property Agency Dataset City of Brussels / Property Agency 2021
Passive and Low-Energy Housing - Land Management Dataset Ville de Bruxelles/Régie foncière 2021
Pathways to coastal retreat Journal Article Haasnoot et al. 2021
Perceptions of and Resilience to Coastal Climate Risks Journal Article Ratter and Leyshon 2021
Periodic Table of Elements - Part 2 Data visualisation 2021
Petrol Stations GPS Coordinates María Gracia Yepez 2021
Petroleum Product Pipelines Shapefile EIA 2021
Petroleum Product Terminals Shapefile EIA 2021
Photo management (Module 2) - Online course Sector-Wide Circularity Assessment Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2021
Pigs in Porto by Category Dataset INE 2021
Plastic debris increases circadian temperature extremes in beach sediments Journal Article Lavers et al. 2021
Policy assessments for the carbon emission flows and sustainability of Bitcoin blockchain operation in China Journal Article Jiang et al. 2021
Policy documents (Module 1) - Online course Sector-Wide Circularity Assessment Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2021
Political Ecology and the Contested Politics of Urban Metabolism Video Recording 2021
Population (Module 1) - Online course Sector-Wide Circularity Assessment Video Recording Hoekman and Athanassiadis 2021
Population estimates, quarterly Dataset Statistics Canada 2021
Population forecast by gender 2025-2040, every 5 years Dataset Statistics Finland (Suomen tilastokeskus) 2021
Population of Bodø 1986-2022 Dataset Statistics Norway 2021
Population of Finland 2015-2019 Dataset Statistics Finland 2021
Population of Mikkeli 2015-2019 Dataset Statistics Finland (Suomen tilastokeskus) 2021
Population of Mikkeli by age group 2015-2019 Dataset Statistics Finland (Suomen tilastokeskus 2021
Population of Mikkeli in years 1994-2019 Dataset Statistics Finland (Suomen tilastokeskus) 2021
Population over time - NUTS3 - NUTS2 - COUNTRY Dataset Statistical Institute of Catalonia 2021
Population: Structure indicators Dataset Eurostat 2021
Population: Structure indicators by NUTS 2 region Dataset Santiago Rodriguez 2021
Population: Structure indicators by NUTS 3 region Dataset Eurostat 2021
Porto - Sankey and indicator data for biomass sector Dataset Paula Castro Pedro Santos 2021
Ports’ criticality in international trade and global supply-chains Journal Article Verschuur et al. 2021
Preliminary information of population of Mikkeli by age group january 2020 Dataset Statistics Finland (Suomen tilastokeskus) 2021
Processing Flows (Module 2) - Online course Sector-Wide Circularity Assessment Video Recording Athanassiadis and Bellstedt 2021
Processing Flows - Example 1 (Module 2) - Online course Sector-Wide Circularity Assessment Video Recording Athanassiadis and Bellstedt 2021
Processing Flows - Example 2 (Module 2) - Online course Sector-Wide Circularity Assessment Video Recording Athanassiadis and Bellstedt 2021
Processing Population Data (Module 2) - Online course Sector-Wide Circularity Assessment Video Recording Athanassiadis and Bellstedt 2021
Processing Stocks Data (Module 2) - Online course Sector-Wide Circularity Assessment Video Recording Athanassiadis and Bellstedt 2021
Processing spreadsheets (Module 2) - Online course Sector-Wide Circularity Assessment Video Recording Athanassiadis and Bellstedt 2021
Produced amount of cereals in Mikkeli by species 2013-2019 Dataset Natural Resources Institute of Finland 2021
Produced amount of fruit and berries in South-Savo region in years 2014-2018 Dataset Natural Recourses Institute of Finland. Luke 2021
Production indigène de légumes SGA+Bio, 2017-2019 Dataset SZG CCM CSO 2021
Projective Views on Urban Metabolism (Part 1) Video Recording 2021
Projective Views on Urban Metabolism (Part 2) Video Recording 2021
Projective Views on Urban Metabolism (Part 3) Video Recording 2021
Proof-of-work based blockchain technology and Anthropocene: An undermined situation? Journal Article Christophe Schinckus 2021
Proposal Request on Indirect E&E Impacts of the Digital Economy Report 2021
Provisional demographic balance of the permanent resident population 2020 by Canton, Citizenship (category), Sex, Age, Demographic component and Year Dataset Swiss Federal Statistical Office 2021
Public Toilets Shapefile City of Brussels 2021
Public perceptions of green infrastructure in Columbus, Ohio (USA) Conference Paper Bahrou et al. 2021
Quantities of waste collection by type of collection and waste in Porto Dataset EMAP - Porto Ambiente 2021
QuickFacts June-06-2021 (Chicago Population) Dataset United States Census Bureau 2021
RCRC_IFRC-Country-assessments-MALDIVES-3.pdf Report Kapoor and et al. 2021
Rabbits in Porto by Category Dataset INE 2021
Railroad network Shapefile Open Street Map volunteers 2021
Railways in Mikkeli Shapefile Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency 2021
Reconstructing tourism in the Caribbean: connecting pandemic recovery, climate resilience and sustainable tourism through mobility justice Journal Article Mimi Sheller 2021
Recreational fish catch in Mikkeli 2014-2015 Dataset J. Järvinen 2021
Recycling guide for households in Bodø Report IRIS 2021
Reflections on Sustainability Concepts: Aloha ʻĀina and the Circular Economy Journal Article Beamer et al. 2021
Regional populations of Mikkeli 2015-2019 Dataset Statistics Finland (Suomen tilastokeskus) 2021
Registrations of motorized vehicles and the use of the road network Dataset Statistics and (BISA) 2021
Residential and non-residential building stock, 2007-2021 Dataset Statistics Norway 2021
Residential building stock by construction year Dataset Statistics Norway 2021
Residential building stock by housing typologies for 2021 Dataset Statistics Norway 2021
Residential building stock by type of building, 2007-2021 Dataset Statistics Norway 2021
Residual waste composition of Dutch households Report RWS 2021
Resilience Redoux: Three Risks, Three Responses Conference Paper Lynnette Widder 2021
Resilience and Sustainability: Understanding Interconnections for Better Planning and Policy Formulation Conference Paper Felix Fernando 2021
Restaurants in Chicago Dataset City of Chicago 2021
Retail and wholesale (Module 8) - Online course Sector-Wide Circularity Assessment Video Recording Athanassiadis and Bellstedt 2021
Reunderstanding Cairo through urban metabolism: Formal versus informal districts resource flow performance in fast urbanizing cities Journal Article Khalil and Al‐Ahwal 2021
Revisiting Urban Water Distribution in the Twenty-First Century Conference Paper Sybil Derrible 2021
Risks to future atoll habitability from climate-driven environmental changes Journal Article Duvat et al. 2021
River map on Building Image Nikita Patel 2021
Roskilde - Sankey and indicator data for construction sector Dataset Bellstedt and Athanassiadis 2021
Rubber Manufacturer GPS Coordinates María Gracia Yepez 2021
Ríos y quebradas principales Shapefile Paul Hoekman 2021
SCA report (Module 5) - Online course Sector-Wide Circularity Assessment Video Recording Athanassiadis and Bellstedt 2021
SH Installation A/S Dataset 2021
SILVAN City2 Dataset 2021
Samothraki Dissipative Use of Products Dataset Dominik Noll 2021
Samothraki Emissions Dataset Dominik Noll 2021
Samothraki Trade Dataset Dominik Noll 2021
Sankey diagrams (Module 6) - Online course Sector-Wide Circularity Assessment Video Recording Athanassiadis and Bellstedt 2021
Sankey-example_fuits Dataset MoC 2021
Scientists’ warning – The outstanding biodiversity of islands is in peril Journal Article Fernández-Palacios et al. 2021
Sector Economic Activities - Intro (Module 3) - Online course Sector-Wide Circularity Assessment Video Recording Aristide Athanassiadis 2021
Sector-wide Circularity Assessment - Biomass Sector Report Bellstedt et al. 2021
Sector-wide Circularity Assessment - Construction Sector Report Bellstedt et al. 2021
Sector-wide Circularity Assessment for the Biomass Sector - Apeldoorn Report Groot and Hellemans 2021
Sector-wide Circularity Assessment for the Biomass Sector - Mikkeli Report Johanna Järvinen 2021
Sector-wide Circularity Assessment for the Biomass Sector - Porto Report Santos et al. 2021
Sector-wide Circularity Assessment for the Biomass Sector - Sevilla Report Rodriguez and Cruces 2021
Sector-wide Circularity Assessment for the Construction Sector - Bodø Report Bellstedt et al. 2021
Sector-wide Circularity Assessment for the Construction Sector - Apeldoorn Report Groot and Hellemans 2021
Sector-wide Circularity Assessment for the Construction Sector - Hoje-Taastrup Report Bellstedt and Athanassiadis 2021
Sector-wide Circularity Assessment for the Construction Sector - Mikkeli Report Vuokko Malk 2021
Sector-wide Circularity Assessment for the Construction Sector - Roskilde Report Bellstedt and Athanassiadis 2021
Sector-wide Circularity Assessment for the Construction Sector - Sevilla Report Rodriguez and Cruces 2021
Sevilla - Sankey and indicator data for biomass sector Dataset Santiago Rodriguez 2021
Sevilla - Sankey and indicator data for construction sector Dataset Santiago Rodriguez 2021
Sevilla Geo localisation of main actors biomass sector GPS Coordinates Santiago 2021
Sevilla_Geo_localisation_of_main_actors_biomass sector Imagen Image Santiago 2021
Sewerage Catchment Areas Map Map City of Cape Town 2021
Sheeps in Porto by Category Dataset INE 2021
Small and medium sized enterprises, business barometer, Mikkeli Report Etelä-Savon Yrittäjät (South Savonia Entrepreneurs) 2021
Smart Fishery: A Systematic Review and Research Agenda for Sustainable Fisheries in the Age of AI Journal Article Honarmand Ebrahimi et al. 2021
Soil - geological sections across different directions Presentation Høje-Taastrup 2021
Soil Survey - Cook County Shapefile AGRICULTURE and Service 2021
Soil Survey - DuPage County Shapefile United States Department of Agriculture - Natural Resources Conservation Service 2021
Soil extraction permits and rock reserves in Mikkeli Shapefile Malk V. 2021
Soil types for the whole of Denmark Shapefile Denmark and (GEUS) 2021
Soil volumes in Høje Taastrup for 2019 bar chart Image 2021
Soutenance Travaux d'Ingénierie - MUEDD Video Recording 2021
Statistical Quartiers Shapefile Open Data Zurich 2021
Statistics of Freight Transport by Road, River and Air (Exports) Dataset Statistics and (BISA) 2021
Statistics of Freight Transport by Road, River and Air (Imports) Dataset Statistics and (BISA) 2021
Statistique des valeurs unitaires: quantités et prix de la production de l'agriculture en Suisse Dataset OFS - Office Fédérale de la Statistique 2021
Stick insects of Sulawesi, Peleng and the Sula Islands, Indonesia. Journal Article Frank H. Hennemann 2021
Strassennamen Shapefile Open Data Zurich 2021
Structure culture de légumes 2017-2019 Dataset SZG CCM CSO 2021
Structure culture de légumes 2017-2019 Dataset SZG CCM CSO 2021
Styrofoam collection Image Paul Hoekman 2021
Sugar manufacture in Porto Dataset RAR 2021
Sustainable Blockchain Technologies: An assessment of social and environmental impacts of blockchain-based technologies Thesis Susanne Köhler 2021
Sustainable management of freshwater resources for food and nutrition security in Small Island Developing States Report Sonneveld et al. 2021
TARKETT A/S Dataset 2021
The 2021 report of the Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: code red for a healthy future Journal Article Romanello et al. 2021
The Commonwealth Universal Vulnerability IndexFor a Global Consensus on the Definition and Measurement of Vulnerability. Report Ruth Kattumuri 2021
The Decade of Action and Small Island Developing States: Measuring and addressing SIDS’ vulnerabilities to accelerate SDG progress Report Jeffrey D. Sachs 2021
The Economic and Environmental Impact of Bitcoin Journal Article Badea and Mungiu-Pupӑzan 2021
The Environmental and Resource Dimensions of Automated Transport: A Nexus for Enabling Vehicle Automation to Support Sustainable Urban Mobility Journal Article Nikitas et al. 2021
The Impact of the Digital Economy on CO2 Emissions: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis Journal Article Li et al. 2021
The LTER-Greece Environmental Observatory Network: Design and Initial Achievements Journal Article Skoulikidis et al. 2021
The Metabolism of Islands Book Singh et al. 2021
The Rich World’s Debt to Island States | by Jeffrey D. Sachs & Isabella Massa Newspaper Article Jeffrey D. Sachs 2021
The Urban Metabolism of Rotterdam (flow of goods) Data visualisation 2021
The Vast Majority of Missing Workers Are Under Age 55 Data visualisation 2021
The amount of fodder crops cultivated in Mikkeli by species in 2015-2019 Dataset Järvinen J. 2021
The cultivation of Fodder crops in Mikkeli in 2015-2019 Dataset Johanna J. 2021
The impact of Uber and Lyft on vehicle ownership, fuel economy, and transit across U.S. cities Journal Article Ward et al. 2021
The impact of low emission zones on vehicle fleet CO2 emissions – Evidence from Madrid Conference Paper Peters et al. 2021
The material balance of Ile-de-France Data visualisation 2021
The metabolism of a human-dominated planet Video Recording 2021
The net environmental impact of online shopping, beyond the substitution bias Journal Article Heleen Buldeo Rai 2021
The overlooked environmental footprint of increasing Internet use Journal Article Obringer et al. 2021
The real climate and transformative impact of ICT: A critique of estimates, trends, and regulations Journal Article Freitag et al. 2021
The role of migration and demographic change in small island futures Journal Article Speelman et al. 2021
The situated construction of language ideologies in Aruba : a study among participants in the language planning and policy process. Thesis Eric Mijts 2021
The sociometabolic transition of a small Greek island: Assessing stock dynamics, resource flows, and material circularity from 1929 to 2019 Journal Article Noll et al. 2021
The true costs of digital currencies: Exploring impact beyond energy use Journal Article de Vries et al. 2021
The use of Islandscape character assessment and participatory spatial SWOT analysis to the strategic planning and sustainable development of small islands. The case of Gavdos Journal Article Gkoltsiou and Mougiakou 2021
TheewatersKloof Dam 85% Full Video Recording AfriWX Southern African Weather 2021
Theory and practice of building community resilience to extreme events Journal Article Robertson et al. 2021
Tons of food donated and recovered in the Municipality of Porto Dataset LIPOR 2021
Tons of food recovered in restaurants by the Embrulha project Dataset LIPOR 2021
Topic classification of electric vehicle consumer experiences with transformer-based deep learning Journal Article Ha et al. 2021
Total Energy Model V2.0 for Connected Devices Report Ryan et al. 2021
Total wood consumption 2015-2019 in Etelä-Savo region and Category of use Dataset Natural recourses institute of Finland 2021
Towards a collective intelligence within extreme management situations: applications to emergency operations center Video Recording et al. 2021
Tracing the global path of hazardous garbage Data visualisation 2021
Traffic count for motorized individual traffic (hourly values), since 2012 Dataset Open Data Zürich 2021
Transformative Urban Projects (TUP) Poster Lechón et al. 2021
Tree cadaster Shapefile Open Data Zurich 2021
Trees stock in Porto Shapefile Câmara Municipal do Porto 2021
Understanding the decision-making structures, roles and actions of village-level water committees in Fiji Journal Article Nelson et al. 2021
Unlocking the potential Journal Article Saberi et al. 2021
Urban Circularity Assessment Apeldoorn Report Bellstedt et al. 2021
Urban Intelligence: A Conceptual Model for Mapping Smart City Research Conference Paper Badhrudeen and Derrible 2021
Urban Metabolism Book Section Derrible et al. 2021
Urban Metabolism - Prof Herbert Giradet Video Recording 2021
Urban Metabolism Video Video Recording 2021
Urban Metabolism and Ecosystem Services Video Recording 2021
Urban Metabolism and the Leak Detection System at the City of Waterloo Video Recording SDSN Canada 2021
Urban Metabolism: An integrated approach to exploring the challenges of resource management for urban sustainability in developing countries Thesis Yesmeen Abdelkawi Khalifa 2021
Urban Metabolism: From early studies to learning activities for sustainable cities, urban planning and design Working paper Nadine Ibrahim 2021
Urban metabolism and the future of mobility Working paper Peters et al. 2021
Urban metabolism in Bangalore and Bangkok - SEI Science Forum 2014 Video Recording 2021
Usage impact on data center electricity needs: A system dynamic forecasting model Journal Article Koot and Wijnhoven 2021
Use of biomass flows (Module 6) - Online course Sector-Wide Circularity Assessment Video Recording Athanassiadis and Bellstedt 2021
Use of construction flows (Module 6) - Online course Sector-Wide Circularity Assessment Video Recording Athanassiadis and Bellstedt 2021
Use of living areas, houses, apartments etc. 2001-2016 NACE Easter and Northern Finland xlsx Dataset Statistics Finland 2021
Various biomaterials by amount in waste collection in Mikkeli years 2018-2020 Dataset Järvinen J. 2021
View of the Woodstock drop-off centre Image Paul Hoekman 2021
View of the drop-off hall on a quiet day Image Paul Hoekman 2021
Vissershok landfill site Image Paul Hoekman 2021
Vissershok landfill site Image Paul Hoekman 2021
Vissershok landfill site Image Paul Hoekman 2021
Visualizing spatial aspects of urban transport equity Conference Paper Lynette Cheah 2021
Visualizing urban flows with mobile data Video Recording 2021
Waste Infrastructure (Module 4) - Online course Sector-Wide Circularity Assessment Video Recording Athanassiadis and Bellstedt 2021
Waste flows (Module 7) - Online course Sector-Wide Circularity Assessment Video Recording Athanassiadis and Bellstedt 2021
Water-land tradeoffs to meet future demands for sugar crops in Latin America and the Caribbean: A bio-physical and socio-economic nexus perspective Journal Article Zhong et al. 2021
Welcome to the Data Processing course (Module 0) - Online course Sector-Wide Circularity Assessment Video Recording Athanassiadis and Bellstedt 2021
What are the optimal boundaries of local reuse actions? Working paper Hamilton Ortiz 2021
What is Political Ecology? Video Recording 2021
Who Is Making Sure the A.I. Machines Aren’t Racist? Newspaper Article Cade Metz 2021
Wine production in Porto Dataset INE 2021
Wood chipper Image Paul Hoekman 2021
World Risk Report 2021 Report World Risk Report 2021
Yearly extraction of materials, 1996-2019, Netherlands Dataset CBS 2021
You can't manage what you can't measure: The potential for circularity in Grenada's waste management system Journal Article Elgie et al. 2021
Zurich City Boundaries Shapefile Open Data Zurich 2021
ZüriVelo stations GPS Coordinates Open Data Zürich 2021
cardboard waste disposal Dataset Open Data Zürich 2021
waste disposal Dataset Open Data Zürich 2021
Ökomorphologische Untersuchung von Flüssen Dataset Open Data Zürich 2021
“From local island energy to degrowth? Exploring democracy, self-sufficiency, and renewable energy production in Greece and Spain” Journal Article Tsagkari et al. 2021
“Trash is just treasure in the wrong place”: The social metabolism of waste in Grenada Thesis Allison Elgie 2021
#CitySessions​ Data Harvester Session Video Recording Metabolism of Cities 2020
#CitySessions​ Johannesburg Video Recording Metabolism of Cities 2020
(Mapa) Canales artificiales de Riego: Canal El Carmen Image jptolosa87 2020
(Mapa) Canales artificiales de Riego: Canal El Carmen Image jptolosa87 2020
(Mapa) Canales artificiales de Riego: Canal Eyzaguirre Image jptolosa87 2020
(Mapa) Canales artificiales de Riego: Canal La Florida Image jptolosa87 2020
(Mapa) Canales artificiales de Riego: Canal Las Perdices Image jptolosa87 2020
(Mapa) Canales artificiales de Riego: Canal Ortuzano Image jptolosa87 2020
(Mapa) Canales artificiales de Riego: Canal San Carlos Image jptolosa87 2020
(Mapa) Canales artificiales de Riego: Zanjón de la Aguada Image jptolosa87 2020
(Podcast) Just Realities : The podcast that explores the concept of JUSTICE Podcast Perez et al. 2020
1.65 A National Economic Approach to Improved Management of Construction and Demolition Waste Video Recording Tayyab Maqsood Salman Shooshtarian 2020
2016 Generalized Land Use Classification Shapefile Metro Vancouver 2020
2019 Annual Report for the Vancouver Landfill Report City of Vancouver 2020
2020 Chicago Region Tree Census Report Report THE MORTON ARBORETUM 2020
3.16. Manufacturing: chemical products Dataset Nicole Wiedmann 2020
3.22 Manufacturing: machinery, equipment, and other metal products Dataset Nicole Wiedmann 2020
6 Best Rooftop Bars in Singapore Image 2020
A Best Practice in the Making? How Dominica is Building the World’s First Climate Resilient Nation Webpage Bardouille and Scaife 2020
A Brief Review of the IoT-Based Energy Management System in the Smart Industry Book Section Dash et al. 2020
A Methodology for Assessing the Environmental Effects Induced by ICT Services: Part I: Single Services Conference Paper Coroamă et al. 2020
A Product/Service System Design Schema: Application to Big Data Analytics Journal Article Sakao and Neramballi 2020
A Review of Technical Standards for Smart Cities Journal Article Lai et al. 2020
A Screening Approach for Assessing Groundwater Quality for Consumption in Small Islands: Case Study of 45 Inhabited Islands in the Maldives Journal Article Jaleel et al. 2020
A Systematic Review of Socially-Inclusive Food Policy in America Video Recording III and Theis 2020
A Trade Network Analysis Approach to Food Security and Sustainability Assessments Poster ABOLUDE and CHOPRA 2020
A framework for the metabolic relationships between cities and hinterlands towards circularity? A comparison between Nantes St Nazaire (France) and Gothenburg (Sweden) Presentation Bahers et al. 2020
A multi-criteria framework for assessing urban socio-ecological systems Poster Oleksandr Galychyn 2020
A multi-criteria framework for assessing urban socio-ecological systems Video Recording OLEKSANDR GALYCHYN 2020
A new composite climate change vulnerability index Journal Article Edmonds et al. 2020
A novel approach to calculate individuals’ carbon footprints using financial transaction data – App development and design Journal Article David Andersson 2020
A review of symbiotic gorgonian research in the western Atlantic and Caribbean with recommendations for future work Journal Article Kupfner Johnson and Hallock 2020
A richness index for baselining climate change adaptations in small island developing states Journal Article Stacy-ann Robinson 2020
A roadmap toward a common framework for measuring the Digital Economy Report OECD 2020
A snapshot of solid waste generation in the hospitality industry. The case of a five-star hotel on the island of Malta Journal Article Camilleri-Fenech et al. 2020
A spatiotemporal urban metabolism model for the Canberra suburb of Braddon in Australia Journal Article Schandl et al. 2020
A systematic review of factors influencing spatiotemporal variability in urban water and energy consumption Journal Article Voskamp et al. 2020
A systematic review of the energy and climate impacts of teleworking Journal Article Hook et al. 2020
A view of Athens from the Acropolis Image Simron Singh 2020
Actividades Económicas Report EQUIPO IDOM 2020
Actividades Económicas Cajamarca Report Instituto Nacional de Estadística e Informática (INEI) 2020
Actores Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Actores Document Ramiro Schiavo 2020
Actores Document Carolina Bustamante Fernández 2020
Actores Involucrados del PDU Shapefile PDU Chimbote_ Equipo Técnico IDOM 2020
Actores Principales de Valladolid Document Yanine Isela Cetina Cardeña 2020
Actors Document Sharon Ramsawmy 2020
Actors (Module 4) - Online course Sector-Wide Circularity Assessment Video Recording Aristide Athanassiadis 2020
Actors Porto Dataset Carla Santos 2020
Acueducto Periurbano El Llano de Alajuelita Report Instituto Nacional de Acueductos y Alcantarillados AyA 2020
Acueducto Potabilización Shapefile Alcaldía de Medellín 2020
Adaptation, Official Development Assistance, and Institution Building: The Case of the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre Journal Article Jonathan Rosenberg 2020
Adiantum chilense Helecho, Palito negro Image 2020
Adiantum chilense Helecho, Palito negro Image ChileBosque 2020
Adiantum excisum Helecho, Palito negro Image ChileBosque 2020
Adiantum gertrudis Helecho, Palito negro Image ChileBosque 2020
Adiantum scabrum Helecho, Palito negro Image ChileBosque 2020
Adiantum sulphureum Helecho, Palito negro Image ChileBosque 2020
Administrative boundaries for Brussels Capital Regional municipalities Shapefile Centre d’Informatique pour la Région Bruxelloise (CIRB) 2020
Administrative boundaries of Brussels Capital Region Shapefile Centre d’Informatique pour la Région Bruxelloise (CIRB) 2020
Adresses - Données nationales Dataset Etalab 2020
Advances in sustainable approaches to recover metals from e-waste-A review Journal Article Islam et al. 2020
Aeropuerto de Rosario GPS Coordinates Ramiro Schiavo 2020
Aeropuerto petrolífero Shapefile Instituto de Estadística y Cartografía de Andalucía. 2020
Age structure Dataset Statistics and (BISA) 2020
Agricultura en Alajuelita Map Keily Mena Alfaro 2020
Agroindustrias y jardines Huertas. Map Particular. 2020
Aguas subterráneas en Catalunya Shapefile Agencia Catalana del Agua 2020
Air Quality Station Report (Alexandra) Dataset South African Air Quality Information System 2020
Air Quality Station Report (Booysens) Dataset South African Air Quality Information System 2020
Air Quality Station Report (Buccleugh) Dataset South African Air Quality Information System 2020
Air Quality Station Report (Ivory Park) Dataset South African Air Quality Information System 2020
Air Quality Station Report (Jabavu) Dataset South African Air Quality Information System 2020
Air Quality Station Report (Orange Farm) Dataset South African Air Quality Information System 2020
Air quality, daily measures for the period 2016-2020 Dataset Open Data Zürich 2020
Ajustar visualizaciones de datos Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Alajuelita, cantón y distritos Shapefile SISTEMA NACIONAL DE INFORMACIÓN TERRITORIAL 2020
All Catalunya's Comarcas - Vallès Occidental Shapefile Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya 2020
Almacenamiento Bodegas Report Keily Mena Alfaro 2020
Alojamientos de la ciudad de Barcelona GPS Coordinates Ayuntamiento de Barcelona 2020
Amount of employees in Roskilde in 4 years (number of employees by industry code in Roskilde) Dataset CVR 2020
Amount of local and supra-local shops in the neighbourhoods of Brussels Capital Region Dataset Monitoring des Quartiers 2020
An Introduction to Island Studies Book James Randall 2020
An adaptation pathways approach to water management and governance of tourist islands: the example of the Southern Aegean Region in Greece Journal Article Skrimizea and Parra 2020
An approach to minimize the energy consumption during blockchain transaction Journal Article Nair et al. 2020
An assessment of energy vulnerability in Small Island Developing States Journal Article Genave et al. 2020
Anadia Land Use according to PDM Shapefile Direção Geral do Território - DGT 2020
Anadia Litography Data visualisation DGT 2020
Anadia Mineral Deposits Data visualisation I.P. Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia 2020
Anadia agricultural yields based on the Agrarian region yields, for the year of 2009, by Parish Dataset Manuel Semedo 2020
Anatomía de un shapefile Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Animaux abattus (ensemble des espèces) et résultat de l'inspection des viandes, Vaud, 1987-2019 Dataset STATVD 2020
Animaux de rente des exploitations agricoles, selon l'espèce, sur l’ensemble du Canton depuis 1966 Dataset OCSTAT - Genève 2020
Annuaire des entreprises membres des associations professionnelles affiliées à la FMB Report Fédération Genevoise des métiers du bâtiment 2020
Annual Average of PM2.5 in µg / m³ at the stations of Molenbeek-Saint-Jean and Uccle 2006-2016 Dataset Environnement.Brussels - Leefmilieu.Brussels 2020
Annual Population Growth in the 10 Municipalities of Brussels and in the Brussels Region 1989-2020 (on January 1st) Dataset Statistics and (BISA) 2020
Annual Production of Municipal Solid Waste Dataset Santiago Rodriguez 2020
Annual estimates of resident population in Aveiro (2008-2019) Dataset PORDATA 2020
Anuario Estadístico 2019 Report Dirección de Estadística y Censos 2020
Anzahl Gebäude in Bestand, Neubau und Abbruch nach Gebäudeart seit 1901 Dataset City of Zurich 2020
Análisis Poblacional Report IDOM 2020
Apeldoorn city boundaries - districts Shapefile CBS Kadaster 2020
Apeldoorn city boundaries - neighbourhoods Shapefile CBS Kadaster 2020
Apeldoorn employment per NACE codes 2010-2020 Dataset Deniz Celik 2020
Apparel Data visualisation Statista 2020
Application and assessment of internet of things toward the sustainability of energy systems: Challenges and issues Journal Article Khatua et al. 2020
Arboriculture fruitière intensive : superficie en ares selon les espèces, Vaud, 1995-2019 Dataset STATVD 2020
Arbres plantés dans les forêts Vaudois par type, en nombre des arbres, Vaud, 1994-2018 Dataset STATVD 2020
Archaeology, environmental justice, and climate change on islands of the Caribbean and southwestern Indian Ocean Journal Article Douglass and Cooper 2020
Archeological discoveries and geological map of The Hague Map Municipality The Hague 2020
Archive météo Grenoble Dataset 30 ans de données historiques 2020
Archivo Meteorológico Rionegro Dataset Meteoblue 2020
Area and production of agricultural crops in Cataluña 2019 Dataset d’Agricultura et al. 2020
Area, yields and production of agricultural crops in the counties of Cataluña 2019 Dataset d’Agricultura et al. 2020
Area, yields and production of agricultural crops in the provinces of Cataluña 2019 Dataset d’Agricultura et al. 2020
Areas of land of dry and irrigated crops in municipalities in Cataluña 2019 Dataset d’Agricultura et al. 2020
Arequipa: Valor Agregado Bruto por años, según Actividades Económicas Report Instituto Nacional de Estadística e Informática 2020
Argentina-Servicio Meteorologico Nacional Data visualisation World Weather Information System 2020
Artificial Intelligence Meets Citizen Science to Supercharge Ecological Monitoring Journal Article McClure et al. 2020
Artificial Intelligence and Climate Change Journal Article Amy Stein 2020
Artificial intelligence for sustainability: Challenges, opportunities, and a research agenda Journal Article Nishant et al. 2020
Artificial neural networks for sustainable development: A critical review Journal Article Gue et al. 2020
Artículo basado en datos Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Aseo Shapefile Alcaldía de Medellín 2020
Assainissement des eaux usées - Rapport d’exploitation Report SIG - Services Industriels Genevois 2020
Assessing the risk of the food-energy-water nexus of urban metabolism: A case study of Kinmen Island, Taiwan Journal Article Chen et al. 2020
Assessing the sustainable municipal solid waste (MSW) to electricity generation potentials in selected Pacific Small Island Developing States (PSIDS) Journal Article Joseph and Prasad 2020
Assessment of coastal risk reduction and adaptation-labelled responses in Mauritius Island (Indian Ocean) Journal Article Duvat et al. 2020
Assuring food security in Singapore, a small island state facing COVID-19 Journal Article Paul Teng 2020
Atajos de teclado Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Athlone power station Image Paul Hoekman 2020
Atlas turístico de México Map Secretaría de Turismo 2020
Austrocedrus chilensis Ciprés de la cordillera Image ChileBosque 2020
Average daily temperatures of Kigali Image Rwanda Environment Management Authority 2020
Average harvested wood volume Netherlands 1998-2018 Poster ProBos Wageningen Economic Research 2020
Azara petiolaris Lilén Image ChileBosque 2020
Background report of Dutch asphalt mixtures 2020 Report Schwarz et al. 2020
Bahías en Catalunya Shapefile Agencia Catalana del Agua 2020
Barberà del Vallès Shapefile Instituto Geógrafico Nacional 2020
Barcelona drinking fountains of the city of Barcelona GPS Coordinates Ajuntament de Barcelona 2020
Barcelona province Shapefile Instituto Geográfico Nacional 2020
Bares y Restaurantes por distrito Report Keily Mena Alfaro 2020
Barrage Catchment Forums water quality sampling points. Map Barrage and Forums 2020
Barrios de Barcelona Shapefile Ayuntamiento de Barcelona 2020
Base de Datos Actores Barranquilla Document Jorge Vásquez Muñoz 2020
Bateaux, selon la catégorie, dans le canton de Genève, depuis 1980 Dataset OCSTAT - Genève 2020
Bauxite Environmental Impacts in Conakry, Guinea: A Case of City and Hinterland Confluences Presentation Lynette Widder 2020
Belleza paisajistica y biodiversidad en tiempo de coronavirus Video Recording Colectivo Chimbote de Pie_ Fotos: Paúl Alejandro Meza Castañeda 2020
Belleza paisajistica y biodiversidad en tiempo de coronavirus - Paúl Alejandro Meza Castañeda. Video Recording Colectivo Chimbote de Pie 2020
Best Practices for Analyzing the Direct Energy Use of Blockchain Technology Systems: Review and Recommendations Report Nuoa Lei and Koomey 2020
Bicing stations (Bicycle sharing system) Dataset OpenStreetMap 2020
Bilan de l'hôtellerie genevoise en 2019 Report OCSTAT - Genève 2020
Bilan de l’épuration vaudoise Report Canton de Vaud 2020
Bilan et état de la population du Canton de Genève en 2019 Report OCSTAT - Genève 2020
Biodiversity and environment database Dataset National parks board 2020
Biofuel facilities in the Andalucia region Shapefile Instituto de Estadística y Cartografía de Andalucía. 2020
Biogas Plants in the Andalucia region Shapefile Instituto de Estadística y Cartografía de Andalucía. 2020
Biomass Plants in the Andalucia region Shapefile Instituto de Estadística y Cartografía de Andalucía. 2020
Biophysical Characteristics: Biodiversity Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Biophysical Characteristics: Bodies of water Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Biophysical Characteristics: Mineral Deposits Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Biophysical Characteristics: Rainfall and temperatures Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Biophysical Characteristics: Soil Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Biophysical Characteristics: Trees Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Biophysical characterization and quantification of waste from the meat sector of the city of Quito: case study of the Quito Metropolitan Trace Company EMRAQ-EP Thesis Auz Rosero and Chérrez Gavilanes 2020
Bitcoin-energy markets interrelationships - New evidence Journal Article Corbet et al. 2020
Bitcoin’s energy consumption is underestimated: A market dynamics approach Journal Article Alex de Vries 2020
Blechnum chilense Costilla de vaca Image ChileBosque 2020
Blechnum hastatum Quil-quil Image ChileBosque 2020
Block change: The fallacy of blockchain immutability and cartel governance Journal Article Roberto D. Taufick 2020
Blockchain Technology for Agriculture: Applications and Rationale Journal Article Xiong et al. 2020
Blockchain and Smart Contract for Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading Platform: Legal Obstacles and Regulatory Solutions Document Lee and Khan 2020
Blockchain for Internet of Energy management: Review, solutions, and challenges Journal Article Miglani et al. 2020
Blockchain, the amazing solution for almost nothing Journal Article Jesse Frederik 2020
Blockchain-based Online Information Sharing Platform for Improving the Resilience of Industrial Symbiosis-based Multi Energy Systems Poster Shauhrat S. Chopra Nallapaneni Manoj Kumar 2020
Blocks for Census of Land Use and Employment (CLUE) with business, employment and floor area counts Shapefile City of Melbourne Open Data Team 2020
Blue Growth and its discontents in the Faroe Islands: an island perspective on Blue (De)Growth, sustainability, and environmental justice Journal Article Ragnheiður Bogadóttir 2020
Bodø Waste Recovery (other than energy recovery) without backfilling in 2020 Dataset Bellstedt et al. 2020
Bodø employment per NACE codes - 2020 Dataset Deniz Celik 2020
Bogotá D.C Image Felipe Kasas 2020
Bogotá D.C Image Daniel Mora G. 2020
Boletín Económico, Edición Trimestral 2020 II Semestre Abril - Junio León. Report Instituto Municipal de Planeación de León. 2020
Boletín Encuesta de Población Activa. Segundo Trimestre 2020 Report Subdirección General de Estadística del Ayuntamiento de Madrid Instituto Nacional de Estadística de España (INE) 2020
Boletín Técnico Censo de Edificaciones (CEED) I trimestre de 2019 Report El Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística -DANE- 2020
Boya descarga petrolífera Shapefile Instituto de Estadística y Cartografía de Andalucía. 2020
Brainstorming energy-saving hacks on Satori, MIT’s new supercomputer Newspaper Article Kim Martineau 2020
Breweries in Barcelona GPS Coordinates María Gracia Yepez 2020
Brussels Average weather by month: Temperature and Rainfall Image CLIMATE-DATA.ORG 2020
Building footprints for Brussels Capital Region Shapefile IT Center for the Brussels Region (CIRB) 2020
Buildings and Dwellings statistic (since 2009) Dataset OFS - Office Fédéral de la Statistique 2020
Burgan Cape Terminals as seen from Table Mountain Image Paul Hoekman 2020
Butter production in Portugal Dataset INE 2020
Bâtiments selon le type et logements selon le nombre de pièces, par commune, par trimestre jusqu’à 2020 Dataset OCSTAT - Genève 2020
CARICOM NewsTime - 10 June 2020 Video Recording CARICOM 2020
CDW waste flows, Metsäsairila Ltd. 2018-2020 Dataset Metsäsairila Ltd 2020
CEBRAP - Detailed information about the Agricultural Productive Units, São Paulo Dataset CEBRAP 2020
CIT Blaton Document CIT Blaton 2020
COVID-19 and the Circular Economy: Transition to Sustainable Consumption and Less Plastic Economy Video Recording 2020
Cadastre des installations de combustion stationnaires – chaudières du Canton de Genève Shapefile SITG - Le territoire Genevois à la carte 2020
Cadastre forestier du Canton de Genève Shapefile SITG - Le territoire Genevois à la carte 2020
Can an island economy be more sustainable? A comparative study of Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines Journal Article Yanga et al. 2020
Can big data, AI and chemical footprinting help the renewable energy sector avoid a toxic waste legacy? Journal Article Rajan et al. 2020
Canton Geneva Shapefile SITG - Le territoire Genevoise à la carte Nicole Wiedmann 2020
Canton Geneva by municipalities Shapefile SITG - Le territoire Genevoise à la carte Nicole Wiedmann 2020
Canton Vaud Shapefile SITG - Le territoire Genevoise à la carte Nicole Wiedmann 2020
Canton Vaud by municipalities Shapefile SITG - Le territoire Genevoise à la carte Nicole Wiedmann 2020
Características Biofísicas: Biodiversidad Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Características Biofísicas: Cuerpos de Agua Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Características Biofísicas: Depósitos de minerales Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Características Biofísicas: Lluvia y temperatura Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Características Biofísicas: Árboles Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Características biofísicas - Suelo Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Características principales de la oferta de transporte del Metro de la ciudad de Madrid Dataset Metro de Madrid S.A. Ayuntamiento de Madrid 2020
Características principales del servicio de autobuses (transporte público superficial) de la ciudad de Madrid Dataset Empresa Municipal de Transportes de Madrid S.A. Ayuntamiento de Madrid 2020
Carte de la végétation naturelle du Canton de Genève Shapefile SITG - Le territoire Genevois à la carte 2020
Carte des installations solaires photovoltaïques de SI-REN Map SI-REN SA Google Maps 2020
Carte des mileux 1:5000, Canton de Genève Shapefile SITG - Le territoire Genevois à la carte 2020
Carte des supermarchés - District de Lausanne Map Supermarchés en Suisse Google Maps 2020
Carte forêt Grenoble Map Commune_Mairie 2020
Carte forêt de Paris Map ONF Commune Mairie 2020
Carte forêt de Paris Map ONF Commune Mairie 2020
Carte hydrogéologique du Canton de Genève Shapefile SITG - Le territoire Genevois à la carte 2020
Carte mensuelle et annuelle - température et précipitations Map MeteoSwiss 2020
Carte pedologiques des sols agricoles Shapefile SITG - Le territoire Genevois à la carte 2020
Cartes géologiques de France Dataset geoportail 2020
Cartography Port of Barcelona Shapefile MOVILIDAD Y AGENDA URBANA) Autoridad Portuaria de Barcelona (MINISTERIO DE TRANSPORTES 2020
Cartography Port of Barcelona Shapefile MOVILIDAD Y AGENDA URBANA) Autoridad Portuaria de Barcelona (MINISTERIO DE TRANSPORTES 2020
Cartography Port of Barcelona Shapefile MOVILIDAD Y AGENDA URBANA) Autoridad Portuaria de Barcelona (MINISTERIO DE TRANSPORTES 2020
Casco urbano de Rionegro Image Julio César Herrera 2020
Catalunya - provinces Shapefile Instituto Geográfico Nacional 2020
Catering establishments GPS Coordinates Open Data Zurich 2020
Catálogo de plantas potabilizadoras municipales en operación de CONAGUA Dataset CONAGUA 2020
Caught in a Deadlock: Small Ruminant Farming on the Greek Island of Samothrace. The Importance of Regional Contexts for Effective EU Agricultural Policies Journal Article Noll et al. 2020
Cement - use and imports Dataset IDESCAT - Instituto de Estadística de Cataluña 2020
Censo de edificaciones CEED Dataset El Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística -DANE 2020
Census of commercial agriculture, 2017: Gauteng: Financial and production statistics Report Statistics South Africa 2020
Centrales de ciclo combinado térmico Shapefile Instituto de Estadística y Cartografía de Andalucía. 2020
Centrales de generación de energía en el Valle de Aburrá Dataset Carolina Bustamante Fernández. 2020
Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters International Disaster Database Webpage CRED 2020
Centro Histórico Image Yanine Isela Cetina Cardeña 2020
Centro de Información Económica. Indicador Mensual de Facturación Junio/2020 Report Centro de Investigación economico-Rosario 2020
Cervecerías artesanales de Medellín Dataset Carolina Bustamante F 2020
Challenges and opportunities around open data - charting an actionable path - Session Outcomes Document Jens Peters and Bellstedt 2020
Cheilanthes glauca Doradilla Image ChileBosque 2020
Cheilanthes hypoleuca Doradilla Image ChileBosque 2020
Cheilanthes mollis Doradilla Image ChileBosque 2020
Chiffres clés Auvergne Rhône ALpes Report CCI GRENOBLE 2020
Chile, Líder en metales que faciliten el futuro Image gobierno de Chile Ministerio de Minería 2020
Chile, Líder en metales que faciliten el futuro Report gobierno de Chile Ministerio de Minería 2020
Chile, Líder en metales que faciliten el futuro Image Ministerio de Minería 2020
Ciclorrutas Municipio de Medellín Shapefile Alcaldía de Medellín 2020
Circular Economy: definition & examples | Sustainability Environment Video Recording 2020
Circular Kongsvinger Region Report Circle Economy 2020
Circular Àmbit B30 Report Circle Economy 2020
Cisco Annual Internet Report (2018–2023) Report Cisco 2020
Cities as complex innovation systems: governance for mitigation and adaptation Conference Paper Daniel Gabaldón-Estevan 2020
City Boundaries (Module 1) - Online course Sector-Wide Circularity Assessment Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
City boundaries Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
City boundaries Bodo Shapefile Tor Gausemel Kristensen Vesa Heikki Jännti 2020
City boundaries Bodo 2 Shapefile Tor Gausemel Kristensen Vesa Heikki Jäntti 2020
City boundaries in Roskilde Municipality Shapefile Denmark's Administrative Geographical Division (DAGI ) 2020
City of Johannesburg - Profile and Analysis District Development Model Report Governance and (COGTA) 2020
City of Johannesburg - wastewater treatment plants GPS Coordinates Boipelo Madonsela 2020
Clean energy and low-carbon transitions on local scale: Towards real-time policy analyses Presentation Peters et al. 2020
Clima de Rionegro Dataset Climate Data ORG 2020
Climat- Grenoble Dataset 2020
Climate Change and Small Island Developing States Journal Article Thomas et al. 2020
Climate change adaptation in SIDS: A systematic review of the literature pre and post the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report Journal Article Stacy-ann Robinson 2020
Climate change and food security in Caribbean small island developing states: challenges and strategies Journal Article Lenderking et al. 2020
Climate change loss and damage policy implications for Pacific Island Countries Journal Article Nand and Bardsley 2020
Climate change, ecosystem services and migration in the Marshall Islands: are they related? Journal Article van der Geest et al. 2020
Climatic emergency declaration - Municipality of Barberà del Vallès Report Municipality of Barberà del Vallès 2020
Closed-loop optimization of fast-charging protocols for batteries with machine learning Journal Article Attia et al. 2020
Co-créer la résilience urbaine (Xavier Hulloven - Innoviris) Podcast Aristide Athanassiadis 2020
Cogeneration Plants in the Andalucia region Shapefile Instituto de Estadística y Cartografía de Andalucía. 2020
Collaborative contracting in the Singapore construction industry: current status, major barriers and best solutions Thesis Zhang et al. 2020
Collective Compost Infrastructure Map Environnement.Brussels - Leefmilieu.Brussels 2020
Collective and Shared Transport Dataset Statistics and (BISA) 2020
Comment gérer les eaux pluviales sur mon territoire? Report Ville de Grenoble 2020
Commerce extérieur en valeur, depuis 2016 Dataset OCSTAT - Genève 2020
Companies that manufacture food products in Barcelona GPS Coordinates María Gracia Yepez 2020
Companies that manufacture machinery, equipment and other metal products Dataset María Gracia Yepez 2020
Companies that manufacture rubber products Dataset María Gracia Yepez 2020
Companies that produce chemical products Dataset María Gracia Yepez 2020
Comparative greenhouse gas footprinting of online versus traditional shopping for fast-moving consumer goods: A stochastic approach Journal Article Shahmohammadi et al. 2020
Comparison of local and centralized biowaste management strategies – a spatially sensitive approach for the region of Porto (narrated slide show) Video Recording Weidner et al. 2020
Complejos Ambientales CEAMSE GPS Coordinates Mariella Uchida 2020
Componentes de flujos de materiales - cantidades Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Componentes de flujos de materiales - fechas Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Componentes de flujos de materiales - introducción Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Componentes de flujos de materiales - materiales Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Componentes de flujos de materiales - procesos Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Compte des émissions dans l'air des ménages et de l'économie, par secteurs économiques Dataset OFS - Office fédéral de Statistique 2020
Comptes des émissions dans l'air des ménages et de l'économie, par branche économiques NOGA Dataset OFS - Office fédéral de Statistique 2020
Comptes régionaux de l'agriculture, par grande région et canton: la production totale en CHF Dataset OFS - Office Fédéral de la Statistique 2020
Concentration of PM 2.5 in Brussels Capital Region 2006-2019 Dataset Statistics and (BISA) 2020
Concentration of PM10 in Brussels Capital Region 2005-2019 Dataset Statistics and (BISA) 2020
Concept énergétique territorial du Canton de Genève Shapefile SITG - Le territoire Genevois à la carte 2020
Conceptually shows the accumulation of GHG emissions Data visualisation 2020
Concrete and Wood composition in buildings constructed <1940 Dataset Carreño et al. 2020
Concrete production Dataset IDESCAT 2020
Conduites de combustible, carburant et lignes à haute-tension du Canton de Genève Shapefile SITG - Le territoire Genevois à la carte 2020
Connected & autonomous vehicles – Environmental impacts – A review Journal Article Kopelias et al. 2020
Consommation d'énergie électrique des stations d'épuration cantonales, par station, depuis 2005 Dataset OCSTAT - Genève 2020
Consommation de l'eau distribuée par les Services industriels de Genève, depuis 1985 Dataset OCSTAT - Genève 2020
Constructed Wetlands in Latin America and the Caribbean: A Review of Experiences during the Last Decade Journal Article Rodriguez-Dominguez et al. 2020
Construction materials flows and stocks in Paris region: an overview Journal Article Vincent Augiseau 2020
Construyen vivero para ayudar a reforestar al cantón Journal Article Alajuelita Soy 2020
Consumo de Agua Dataset Sistema Único de Información de Servicios Públicos Domiciliarios 2020
Consumo de Energía Semestre 1 - 2020 Dataset Sistema Único de Información de Servicios Públicos Domiciliarios 2020
Consumption of meat in Porto (from Portugal data) Dataset INE 2020
Consumption of milk and dairy products in Porto (from Portugal data) Dataset INE 2020
Consumption of petroleum products in Singapore from 2010 to 2017 Data visualisation J. Muller 2020
Consumption of wine in Porto (from Portugal data) Dataset INE 2020
Contabilidad medioambiental urbana Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Contenedores de residuos domiciliarios Dataset Municipalidad de Rosario 2020
Contenedores de sal de la ciudad de Barcelona GPS Coordinates Ayuntamiento de Barcelona 2020
Context: Actors Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Contexto: Datos de población Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Contexto: Información económica Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Contexto: Políticas y reglamentos Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Contrôle sanitaire des Eaux Destinées à la Consommation Humaine à Paris Report Agence régionale de santé de l'Ile de France 2020
Conversión de datos - ejemplo 1 Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Conversión de datos - ejemplo 2 Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Conversión de datos - ejemplo 3 Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Coordenadas geográficas Subestaciones de energía en Medellín Dataset Carolina Bustamante 2020
Coordenadas geográficas de la planta de compostaje de Migas Calientas en la ciudad de Madrid GPS Coordinates Dione Escobar García 2020
Coordenadas geográficas de las estaciones depuradoras de aguas residuales de la ciudad de Madrid GPS Coordinates Dione Escobar García 2020
Coordenadas geográficas de los centros de tratamiento de residuos de la ciudad de Madrid GPS Coordinates Dione Escobar García 2020
Coordenadas geográficas de los depósitos de aguas residuales de la ciudad de Madrid GPS Coordinates Dione Escobar García 2020
Coordenadas geográficas y UTM de la piscifactoría de la ciudad de Madrid GPS Coordinates Dione Escobar 2020
Coordenadas geográficas y UTM de las plantas de generación eléctrica de residuos urbanos de la ciudad de Madrid GPS Coordinates Dione Escobar 2020
Coordenadas geográficas y UTM de los depósitos de agua de la ciudad de Madrid GPS Coordinates Dione Escobar García 2020
Coping with environmental hazards and shocks in Kiribati: Experiences of climate change by atoll communities in the Equatorial Pacific Journal Article Cauchi et al. 2020
Coral Reef Community Changes in Karimunjawa National Park, Indonesia: Assessing the Efficacy of Management in the Face of Local and Global Stressors Journal Article Kennedy et al. 2020
Corbeilles en Ville de Genève Shapefile SITG - Le territoire Genevois à la carte 2020
Coronavirus: COVID-19 Transmission in Pacific Small Island Developing States Journal Article Leal Filho et al. 2020
Corredores bicicleta de la ciudad de Barcelona Dataset Ayuntamiento de Barcelona 2020
Corregimientos del municipio de Pasto Shapefile Aurora Echeverri Zambrano 2020
Cours d'eau principales du Canton de Genève Shapefile SITG - Le territoire Genevois à la carte 2020
Couverture du sol domaine routier du Canton de Genève (5 niveaux) Shapefile SITG - Le territoire Genevois à la carte 2020
Couverture du sol du Canton de Genève Shapefile SITG - Le territoire Genevois à la carte 2020
Crane and Machinery Image Grúas y aparejos 2020
Crecimiento Poblacional Dataset EQUIPO TÉCNICO IDOM 2020
Crop production in Gelderland 1994-2020 Dataset CBS 2020
Crypto-currencies trading and energy consumption Journal Article Schinckus et al. 2020
Crypto-economy and new sustainable business models: Reflections and projections using a case study analysis Journal Article Massaro et al. 2020
Cryptocarya alba Peumo Image ChileBosque 2020
Cryptodamages: Monetary value estimates of the air pollution and human health impacts of cryptocurrency mining Journal Article Goodkind et al. 2020
Cuencas abastecedoras Shapefile Alcaldía de Medellín 2020
Cuentas de cotización a la Seguridad Social clasificadas por rama de actividad Dataset Ayuntamiento de Madrid 2020
Culmina la construcción de las instalaciones del Colegio Técnico Profesional de Alajuelita Journal Article MEP Ministerio de Educación Pública 2020
Culture des betteraves à sucre, du colza et du tabac, 1995-2019 Dataset STATVD 2020
Current state of sustainability research in cities Presentation Heidrich et al. 2020
Cystopteris fragilis var apiiformis Helecho Image ChileBosque 2020
Cámbulo. Erythrina poeppigiana Image Maisasa 2020
Dangers naturels Vaudois Map Guichet Cartographique Cantonal Vaud 2020
Data Contribution: Data Harvesting Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Data Contribution: Upload MFA Data Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Data Processing Tour: City Boundaries Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Data Processing Tour: Geospatial Spreadsheets Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Data Processing Tour: Introduction Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Data Processing Tour: Shapefiles Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Data articles Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Data de flujos y stock Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Data de stock: introducción Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Data de stock: procedimiento Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Data-Driven Unsustainability? An Interdisciplinary Perspective on Governing the Environmental Impacts of a Data-Driven Society Report Lucivero et al. 2020
Datos de la población Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Decarbonizing the Galapagos Islands: Techno-Economic Perspectives for the Hybrid Renewable Mini-Grid Baltra–Santa Cruz Journal Article Eras-Almeida et al. 2020
Deforestation on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi and the loss of primate habitat Journal Article Supriatna et al. 2020
Democratising the Digital Revolution: The Role of Data Governance Report Delacroix et al. 2020
Demographic projections Dataset Statistics and (BISA) 2020
Demolition of buildings in Mikkeli Dataset Lilja and Kärkkäinen 2020
Dennstaedtia glauca Helecho de estero Image ChileBosque 2020
Denser and Taller Urban Environments: Is it the Right Path to Sustainability? Poster Saint et al. 2020
Density Population of Porto Metropolitan Area Dataset PORDATA 2020
Depósitos de agua localizados en la ciudad de Madrid Shapefile Dione Escobar García 2020
Descarga cartográfica Dataset Agencia Catalana del Agua 2020
Designing a material bank to facilitate a circular construction industry Report Poutiainen et al. 2020
Destinations and amounts in 2016 of nickel exported from New Caledonia (Author: Bahers 2019). Image Bahers 2020
Developing Neighbourhood Sustainability Assessment Model by linking SDGs and Five Capitals Poster 2020
Developing a Sustainable Concept for Urban Last-Mile Delivery Journal Article Siegfried and Zhang 2020
Developing an Urban Resource Cadaster for Circular Economy: A Case of Odense, Denmark Journal Article Lanau and Liu 2020
Development of an Urban Material Flow and Stock Database Structure Report Paul Hoekman 2020
Development of the housing stock per neighbourhood in Apeldoorn 2018-2020 Dataset Kadaster 2020
Development plan Shapefile Ayuntamiento de Sevilla 2020
Digital transformation and environmental sustainability in industry_ Putting expectations in Asian and African policies into perspective Journal Article and 2020
Digital transformation and environmental sustainability in industry_ Putting expectations in Asian and African policies into perspective | Elsevier Enhanced Reader Journal Article and 2020
Digitalisation of goods: A systematic review of the determinants and magnitude of the impacts on energy consumption Journal Article Court and Sorrell 2020
Directive municipale en matière d’octroi de subventions aux économies d’énergie en faveur des petits et moyens consommateurs dans le cadre du programme équiwatt Document Ville de Lausanne 2020
Directive municipale relative aux ramassages spécifiques Document Ville de Lausanne. Service de la propreté urbaine. 2020
Directorio Estadístico Nacional de Unidades Económicas Shapefile Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI) 2020
Directorio Estadístico Nacional de Unidades Económicas Dataset Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI) 2020
Directorio de servidores públicos de Valladolid Document Plataforma Nacional de Transparencia 2020
Distritos de Barcelona Shapefile Ayuntamiento de Barcelona 2020
Does an N-shaped association exist between pollution and ICT in Turkey? ARDL and quantile regression approaches Journal Article Barış-Tüzemen et al. 2020
Does the algorithm speak your community's language? Journal Article Corrêa d'Almeida and Rivera Muñozcano 2020
Données des entreprises (nom, adresse, ....) Shapefile SIRENE 2020
Download Singapore Shapefile map free -Country boundary, Singapore KML, Geojson Shapefile AKSHAY UPADHYAY 2020
Draft actors list Document 2020
Drone Technology in Precision Agriculture: Are There No Environmental Concerns? Journal Article Ade Dawodu 2020
Dutch railway transport per material category 2015-2019 Dataset CBS 2020
Débarcadères du Canton Genève Shapefile SITG - Le territoire Genevois à la carte 2020
Déchèteries de la Ville de Lausanne Map Ville de Lausanne Google Maps 2020
Découpage communal issu des sections du cadastre - Isère Shapefile 2020
Eaux et sites pollués Vaudois Map Guichet Cartographique Cantonal Vaud 2020
Ecomorphologie des cours d'eau du Canton de Genève Shapefile SITG - Le territoire Genevois à la carte 2020
Economic Activity Tables Report Statistics and (BISA) 2020
Economic Report 2019 Report Bezirksamt Lichtenberg von Berlin 2020
Economic activity (GDP, value added, investments, imports and exports) Dataset Statistics and (BISA) 2020
Eggs production in Portugal Dataset INE 2020
Einwohnerinnen und Einwohner in den Ortsteilen Berlins 2016-2019 Dataset Office for Statistics Berlin-Brandenburg 2020
Ejemplo usando atajos, CONCAT, EDATE, EOMONTH Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Ejercicio - Escribe un perfil de tu ciudad Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Ejercicio: seleccionar espacios de referencia Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
El estación de metro de San Antonio Image Frances Taylor 2020
Electricidad consumida en la Comunidad de Madrid por fuente de generación Dataset Red Eléctrica de Espanya 2020
Electricity Generation - Cook and DuPage County, IL Dataset EIA - Independent Statistics & Analysis U.S. Energy Information Administration 2020
Electricity and Gas Flows to Regional Customers in Brussels 2006-2019 Dataset Statistics and (BISA) 2020
Electricity and thermal energy production plant in Lausanne and its Region GPS Coordinates Nicole Wiedmann 2020
Electricity consumption data of a student residence in Southern Africa Journal Article S.O.Masebinu et al. 2020
Electricity transported to each municipality in Brussels by Sibelga 2005-2019 Dataset Statistics and (BISA) 2020
Electricity, gas, and thermal energy distribution in Lausanne and its Region Dataset Nicole Wiedmann 2020
Eliciting Ridesourcing Drivers' Preferences for and Perception of Battery Electric Vehicles Report Rajagopal and Sintov 2020
Embalses de Catalunya Shapefile Agencia Catalana del Agua 2020
Embedding equity into community resilience through data-driven urban planning Webpage Tom Logan 2020
Embodied GHG emissions of buildings – The hidden challenge for effective climate change mitigation Journal Article Röck et al. 2020
Emergence of cascading dynamics in interacting tipping elements of ecology and climate Journal Article Klose et al. 2020
Emisiones de gases de efecto de invernadero (GEI), por sectores Dataset Ayuntamiento de Madrid 2020
Emisiones de gases de efecto de invernadero (GEI), por sustancia Dataset Ayuntamiento de Madrid 2020
Emissions de CO2 liées à la consommation de carburants, depuis 1980 Dataset OCSTAT - Genève 2020
Emissions de CO2 liées à la consommation de mazout, depuis 1975 Dataset OCSTAT - Genève 2020
Employees per sector - Barberà del Vallès Dataset IDESCAT - Institut d’Estadística de Catalunya 2020
Employees per sex - Barberà del Vallès Dataset IDESCAT - Institut d’Estadística de Catalunya 2020
Empresas producción de papel y cartón Dataset Carolina Bustamante Fernández 2020
Encavage global selon le cépage, production viticole, depuis 2000 Dataset OCSTAT - Genève 2020
Encontrar y subir los límites de la ciudad Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Encuesta Nacional de Presupuestos de los Hogares - ENPH- Julio 2016 - Julio 2017 Dataset Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística -DANE 2020
Energy recovery from municipal solid waste in Mauritius: Opportunities and challenges Journal Article Neehaul et al. 2020
Energy transition strategy - Barberà del Vallès Report Municipality of Barberà del Vallès 2020
Energy-efficient Cloud Computing Technologies and Policies for an Eco-friendly Cloud Market Report Montevecchi et al. 2020
Energía Solar. Capacidad instalada en la ciudad de Madrid (anual, 2000-2019) Dataset Ayuntamiento de Madrid 2020
Eni Station Finder Map Eni SA Google Maps 2020
Environment and Territory Dataset Statistics and (BISA) 2020
Environmental Informatics Vis-à-Vis Big Data Analytics: The Geo-Spatial & Sustainable Solutions Journal Article Paul et al. 2020
Environmental Sustainability of Digitalization in Manufacturing: A Review Journal Article Chen et al. 2020
Equipement hôtelier du Canton de Genève Dataset OCSTAT - Genève 2020
Equisetum bogotense Limpiaplata Image ChileBosque 2020
Equisetum giganteum Image ChileBosque 2020
Escribir artículos Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Eskom Main Transmission System Substations Shapefile Eskom 2020
Espacio y datos de México Map Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía 2020
Espacios de referencia Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Esquema Gráfico Simplificado de la Prestación del Servicio de Alcantarillado de Barranquilla Image Somos Triple A 2020
Esquema Gráfico Simplificado del Servicio de Acueducto para Barranquilla Image Empresa de Servicios Públicos Triple A 2020
Esquema Gráfico Simplificado del Servicio de Aseo en Barranquilla Image Alcantarillado y Aseo. Somos Triple A. Empresa de prestación de servicios públicos de Acueducto 2020
Esquema de Motores de Desarrollo Económico de la Ciudad de Chimbote Report Equipo Técnico PDU Chimbote – Nuevo Chimbote IDOM 2020
Essentiel sur la route: le réseau de stations-service SOCAR. Map SOCAR Energy Switzerland Google Maps 2020
Establecimientos Certificados en Buenas Prácticas de Manufactura en Licores - BPM-LICORES Report INVIMA 2020
Establecimientos de hospedaje por categoría Dataset Secretaría de Turismo 2020
Establisments and Enterprises by number of employees in Bodø (2015,2020) Dataset Deniz Celik 2020
Estacionamiento en la vía pública Shapefile Dirección General de Gestión de Servicios de movilidad 2020
Estacionamiento/Aparcamiento público en la ciudad de Madrid Shapefile Dione Escobar García 2020
Estaciones de Transferencia CEAMSE GPS Coordinates Mariella Uchida 2020
Estaciones de Tratamiento de Agua Potable Shapefile Instituto de Estadística y Cartografía de Andalucía. 2020
Estaciones de servicios/gasolineras en la ciudad de Madrid Shapefile Centro Nacional de Información Cartográfica de España (CNIC) Dione Escobar García 2020
Estaciones elevadoras GPS Coordinates Mariella Uchida 2020
Estaciones terminales de autobuses en la ciudad de Madrid Shapefile Centro Nacional de Información Cartográfica de España (CNIC) Dione Escobar García 2020
Estado anual de los recursos naturales y del ambiente del municipio de Medellín - Vigencia 2019 Report Contraloría General de Medellín. 2020
Estado anual de los recursos naturales y del ambiente del municipio de Medellín - Vigencia 2019 Data visualisation Contraloría General de Medellín 2020
Estaños en Catalunya Shapefile Agencia Catalana del Agua 2020
Estructura general del área censada por estados de obra, según áreas de cobertura según áreas urbanas y metropolitanas Dataset El Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística -DANE- 2020
Etablissements et emplois selon l'activité économique dans le Canton de Genève, 2020 Dataset OCSTAT - Genève 2020
European Circular Cities Declaration Conference Paper 3 et al. 2020
Evaluating the mineral commodity supply risk of the U.S. manufacturing sector Journal Article Nassar et al. 2020
Evaluating urban water management using a water metabolism framework: A comparative analysis of three regions in Korea Journal Article Jeong and Park 2020
Evolución de Densidad de Empresas (2008-2018) Dataset PORDATA 2020
Evolución de Empresas no financeras total y por sector de atividad (2009-2018) Dataset PORDATA 2020
Evolución de Población por edad. Hombres (2001-2019) Dataset PORDATA 2020
Evolución de Población por edad. Mujeres (2001-2019) Dataset PORDATA 2020
Evolución mensual del consumo de agua. 1995-2020 Dataset Ajuntament de Barcelona 2020
Evolución mensual del consumo de electricidad. 1995-2020 Dataset Ajuntament de Barcelona 2020
Evolución mensual del consumo de gas. 1998-2020 Dataset Ajuntament de Barcelona 2020
Evolution des statistiques genevoises de la pêche en rivière 2004 à 2018 Report République et Canton de Genève Département du territoire 2020
Evolution of Population Density Neighbourhoods of Brussels Capital Region Dataset Monitoring des Quartiers 2020
Evolution of the Total Population of the Brussels-Capital Region Dataset Monitoring des Quartiers 2020
Evolution of virtual water metabolic network in developing regions: A case study of Guangdong province Journal Article He et al. 2020
Examining Stakeholder Perceptions Towards Sustainable Tourism in an Island Destination. The Case of Savusavu, Fiji Journal Article Graci and Van Vliet 2020
Existing Eskom substations Shapefile Eskom 2020
Existing Transmission lines Shapefile Eskom 2020
Exploitations agricoles - Chez mon Fermier Map SITG - Le territoire Genevois à la carte 2020
Exploitations d'agriculture biologique, selon la taille et le type de culture, depuis 1999 Dataset OCSTAT - Genève 2020
Exploitations et surface agricole utile (S.A.U.), selon le type de culture, par commune, 2019 Dataset OCSTAT - Genève 2020
Exploring circular solutions in the Danish waste system Report Metabolic 2020
Exploring circularity in the biomass and construction sector in Mikkeli, Finland Video Recording Aristide Athanassiadis 2020
Exploring circularity in the construction sector in Bodø, Norway Video Recording Aristide Athanassiadis 2020
Exploring just realities - A (so to be) podcast Podcast Santiago PEREZ 2020
Exploring the governance and implementation of sustainable development initiatives through blockchain technology Journal Article Schulz et al. 2020
Exportaciones 2016 - 2020 Dataset 2020
Exportaciones de Colombia, según países de destino Total nacional 1970-2020 Dataset Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística -DANE 2020
Exportaciones de café, carbón, petróleo y sus derivados, ferroníquel y no tradicionales, según valores y toneladas métricas en Colombia Dataset Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística -DANE 2020
Exportaciones por entidad federativa - Ciudad de México Dataset INEGI 2020
Exportations en poids, selon le type de produits, depuis 2016 Dataset OCSTAT - Genève. Administration fédérale des douanes (AFD). 2020
Exportations en valeur, selon le type de produits, depuis 2016 Dataset OCSTAT - Genève 2020
Externalities of the Sharing Economy: Evidence from Ridesharing and the Local Housing Market Report Rachel Xiao 2020
Extraction (Module 5) - Online course Sector-Wide Circularity Assessment Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Extraction of construction materials in Høje-Taastrup, 2018-2020 Dataset Bellstedt and Athanassiadis 2020
FAOSTAT Agriculture Total Emissions Data of all countries Dataset Food and (FAO) 2020
FAOSTAT Crops Data of all countries Dataset Food and (FAO) 2020
Fabricación de madera Image Keily Mena Alfaro 2020
Fabricación de muebles Report Keily Mena Alfaro 2020
Fabricación de textiles y confección Report Keily Mena Alfaro 2020
Fabricación papel Report Keily Mena Alfaro 2020
Fabricación productos minerales no metálicos Image Keily Mena Alfaro 2020
Fabricación productos plásticos Report Keily Mena Alfaro 2020
Fabricación productos químicos Report Keily Mena Alfaro 2020
Fabricación vehículos Image Keily Mena Alfaro 2020
Fabricación: maquinaria, equipo y otros productos metálicos Image Keily Mena Alfaro 2020
Farm Location, Kigali GPS Coordinates Tichayana Konono 2020
Financial data of companies 2009-2018 Dataset CBS 2020
Finding and uploading economic information Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Finding policy documents Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Finding population data Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Fishery Statistics Dataset INE 2020
Flood Hazard and Risk Map Environnement.Brussels - Leefmilieu.Brussels 2020
Flows: Consumption Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Flows: Waste and Emissions Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Flujos y stocks: Introducción Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Flujos: Consumo Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Flujos: Desechos Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Flujos: Extracción Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Flujos: Importaciones y Exportaciones Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Flujos: Producción Industrial Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Food Dialogues 2020: Food System Overview Video Recording Jane Battersby 2020
Food Flows in Metro Vancouver Report Davies Transportation Consulting Inc. 2020
Food Manufacturing Nodes in Johannesburg GPS Coordinates Boipelo Madonsela 2020
Food Systems and COVID-19 in Latin America and the Caribbean: Towards Inclusive, Responsible and Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture. Report FAO and ECLAC 2020
Food and drinks in Catalonia Report Strategy and Competitive Intelligence Unit Prodeca 2020
Fuel storage Image Paul Hoekman 2020
Fuel storage in the harbour Image Paul Hoekman 2020
Fuel storage in the harbour Image Paul Hoekman 2020
Furniture manufacturing Dataset María Gracia Yepez 2020
GDP growth (municipal level) Dataset Hoje-Taastrup Municipality 2020
GIS-based Material Stock Analysis (MSA) of Climate Vulnerabilities to the Tourism Industry in Antigua and Barbuda Journal Article Bradshaw et al. 2020
GPS Coordinates of waste depots and landfills GPS Coordinates Boipelo Madonsela 2020
GTFS estático (General Transit Feed Specifications) de la Ciudad de México Shapefile SEMOVI 2020
GTFS estático (General Transit Feed Specifications) de la Ciudad de México Dataset SEMOVI 2020
GVA by economic activity - Porto Dataset INE 2020
Gas Natural Liquado Shapefile Instituto de Estadística y Cartografía de Andalucía. 2020
Gas Petroleo Liquado Shapefile Instituto de Estadística y Cartografía de Andalucía. 2020
Gas natural facturado por mes y uso principal en la ciudad de Madrid Dataset Ayuntamiento de Madrid 2020
Gas pipelines in the Andalucia region Shapefile Instituto de Estadística y Cartografía de Andalucía. 2020
Gas transported to each municipality in Brussels by Sibelga 2005-2019 Dataset Statistics and (BISA) 2020
Gastos diarios Urbano - Capitulo C Dataset Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística -DANE 2020
Gastos diarios Urbano - Capitulo C Dataset Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística -DANE 2020
Gastos diarios Urbanos - Mercados Dataset Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística -DANE 2020
Gastos diarios del hogar Urbano - Comidas preparadas fuera del hogar Dataset Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística -DANE 2020
Gastos diarios personales Urbano Dataset Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística -DANE 2020
Gastos menos frecuentes - Artículos Dataset Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística -DANE 2020
Gastos personales Urbano - Comidas preparadas fuera del hogar Dataset Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística -DANE 2020
Generación, transmisión y distribución de energía eléctrica Dataset Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía 2020
General Location of Hotels in KIGALI GPS Coordinates Tichayana Konono 2020
General Location of Hotels in Kigali GPS Coordinates Tichayana Konono 2020
Geneva Actors Document Nicole Wiedmann 2020
Geneva City Shapefile SITG - Le territoire Genevoise à la carte Nicole Wiedmann 2020
Geneva and Canton Geneva in Grand Geneva context Image Nicole Wiedmann 2020
Geographies of vulnerability: a research note on human system adaptations to climate change in the Caribbean Journal Article Robinson and Wren 2020
Georreferenciación de Tiraderos clandestinos en la CDMX Map Secretaría del Medio Ambiente y Secretaría de Finanzas 2020
Geospatial Spreadsheets (Module 1) - Online course Sector-Wide Circularity Assessment Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) Market: Investments vs Potential Report Aneesh Kumar 2020
Global Spatially-Disaggregated Crop Production Statistics Data for 2010 Version 2.0 Dataset International Food Policy Research Institute 2020
Global survey: The state of AI in 2020 Document Balakrishnan et al. 2020
Global to small island; a cross-scale foresight scenario exercise Journal Article Drakes et al. 2020
Global-scale mining polygons (Version 1) Shapefile Maus et al. 2020
Go4Brussels 2030 Document Gouvernement de la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale 2020
Going green: The effect of green labels on delivery time slot choices Document Agatz et al. 2020
Goods balance of entrepises (2009-2019) Dataset PORDATA 2020
Governing AI: The Importance of Environmentally Sustainable and Equitable Innovation Journal Article Gunther and Rose 2020
Grand Geneva by municipalities Shapefile SITG - Le territoire Genevoise à la carte Nicole Wiedmann 2020
Graphe de l'eau du Canton de Genève Shapefile SITG - Le territoire Genevois à la carte 2020
Gravières et carrières au bénéfice d'un permis cantonal d'exploitation, 1995-2019 Dataset STATVD 2020
Green AI Journal Article Etzioni et al. 2020
Greenwatch-shing: Using AI to detect greenwashing Journal Article Cojoianu et al. 2020
Grenoble - développement durable Document 2020
Grenoble_photo Image 2020
Gross domestic product (GDP) of the wholesale and retail industry of Singapore from 2010 to 2019 Data visualisation R. Hirschmann 2020
Growth accounts in Hoje-Taastrup Report Hoje-Taastrup municipality 2020
Géologie Vaudois Map Guichet Cartographique Cantonal Vaud 2020
Géoschématique de l'assainissement - Réseau primaire du Canton de Genève Shapefile SITG - Le territoire Genevois à la carte 2020
Géoschématique de l'assainissement - Réseau secondaire du Canton de Genève Shapefile SITG - Le territoire Genevois à la carte 2020
Handbook to facilitate students' real-world laboratory projects to promote transformative and transdisciplinary competencies. Book Wanner et al. 2020
Harvest infrastructure (Module 4) - Online course Sector-Wide Circularity Assessment Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Historical Changes in the Ecological Connectivity of the Seine River for Fish: A Focus on Physical and Chemical Barriers Since the Mid-19th Century Journal Article Céline Le Pichon and Belliard 2020
Historique des bâtiments hors-sol et sous-sol du Canton de Genève Shapefile SITG - Le territoire Genevois à la carte 2020
Hojas geoespaciales: introducción Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Hojas geoespaciales: resolver errores Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Honey production in Northern Region Dataset INE 2020
Hotel Lausanne Map Hotel Lausanne Google Maps 2020
Hoteles de la ciudad de Barcelona GPS Coordinates Ayuntamiento de Barcelona 2020
Household Incomes and Expenses Dataset Statistics and (BISA) 2020
Household Waste Management in Conakry, Guinea: Value Chains, Flows and Financial Models Presentation Lynnette Widder 2020
Household waste Apeldoorn, kg per citizen, 2001-2019 Dataset CBS 2020
Households Dataset Statistics and (BISA) 2020
Households, composition and size per region 2000-2020 Dataset CBS 2020
Housing in London Dataset Greater London Authority (GLA) 2020
How Disaster Aid Ravaged an Island People Journal Article Saini and Singh 2020
How Much Carbon Can Construction Materials Store? Poster Arehart et al. 2020
How can participatory governance help to grow urban sustainability? Poster Zengerling et al. 2020
How the Portuguese eat Book Santos and Graça 2020
Human-driven atoll island expansion in the Maldives Journal Article Virginie K. E. Duvat 2020
Humedales de Bogotá Report Secretaría_de_Ambiente 2020
Humedales de Villa María Image Kd Lavi 2020
Humedales en Catalunya Shapefile Agencia Catalana del Agua 2020
Hydraulic Infrastructure of Brussels Capital Region Data visualisation Environnement.Brussels - Leefmilieu.Brussels 2020
Hydroelectric plants in the Andalucia region Shapefile Instituto de Estadística y Cartografía de Andalucía. 2020
Hypolepis poeppigii Helecho pesebre Image ChileBosque 2020
INDICADORES ECONÓMICOS ABRIL 2020 Report Cámara de Comercio e Industria de Arequipa 2020
Identification of agricultural plots Municipality of Seville Shapefile Junta de Andalucia 2020
Identifying spatial patterns and profiles of electricity consumption in Chicago to develop tailored and actionable energy reduction policies. Poster Movahedi et al. 2020
Impact of Industry 4.0 on Environmental Sustainability Journal Article Oláh et al. 2020
Impact of Locational Choices and Consumer Behaviors on Personal Land Footprints Presentation Anu Ramaswami Lin Zeng 2020
Import and export by economic sector (tons and value) in Canton Vaud Dataset STATVD. Direction générale des douanes. 2020
Importaciones 2016 - 2020 Dataset 2020
Importaciones 2016 - 2020 Dataset 2020
Importations en poids, selon le type de produits, depuis 2016 Dataset OCSTAT - Genève. Administration fédérale des douanes (AFD). 2020
Importations en valeur, selon le type de produits, depuis 2016 Dataset OCSTAT - Genève 2020
Imports and Exports Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Imports and Exports flows (Module 8) - Online course Sector-Wide Circularity Assessment Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Imports of live animals and animal products in Finland in year 2019 Dataset Customs (Finland) 2020
Incineration plant Dataset María Gracia Yepez 2020
Income Tax Statistics 2020-2021 Dataset Statistics and (BISA) 2020
Independent Power Producers Shapefile Eskom 2020
Indicateurs de pollution de quelques cours d'eau. Concentrations moyennes, par rivière et station de mesure Dataset OCSTAT - Genève 2020
Indice de Dépense de Chaleur (IDC) des bâtiments - moyenne Shapefile SITG - Le territoire genevois à la carte 2020
Industria Textil Dataset Carolina Bustamante 2020
Industrial Nodes of Johannesburg GPS Coordinates Boipelo Madonsela 2020
Industrial production index for paper and paper products in Singapore from 2007 to 2019 Data visualisation J. Müller 2020
Industrial production index for rubber and plastic products in Singapore from 2007 to 2019 Data visualisation J Muller 2020
Industrial production index for rubber and plastic products in Singapore from 2007 to 2019* Data visualisation J Muller 2020
Industries and employees in Mikkeli 2013-2018 Dataset Statistics Finland 2020
Industry 4.0: How it is defined from a sociotechnical perspective and how much sustainability it includes – A literature review Journal Article Beier et al. 2020
Infoca Shapefile Instituto de Estadística y Cartografía de Andalucía. 2020
Información climatológica de la Ciudad de México Image World Meteorological Information 2020
Información: Perfiles Económicos Departamentales Presentation Ministerio de Comercio 2020
Informe de la Actividad Edificatoria Report Camacol 2020
Infraestructura ciclista en la ciudad de Madrid Shapefile Ayuntamiento de Madrid 2020
Infraestructura de Transporte Aéreo en la ciudad de Madrid Shapefile Centro Nacional de Información Cartográfica de España (CNIC) Dione Escobar García 2020
Infraestructura: Agua Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Infraestructura: Coordenadas GPS Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Infraestructura: Desechos Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Infraestructura: Electricidad Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Infraestructura: Industria manufacturera Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Infraestructura: Introducción Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Infraestructura: Sector primario Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Infraestructura: Transporte Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Infraestructuras de captación y potabilización del agua y de tratamiento de aguas residuales para Barranquilla GPS Coordinates Jorge Vásquez Muñoz 2020
Infrastructure: Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Infrastructure: Electricity Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Infrastructure: Instructions Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Infrastructure: Water Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Infrastructure: general overview Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Innovation in Isolation: Islands and the Energy Transition Journal Article Oscar Serpell 2020
Innovative Mobility: Carsharing Outlook Carsharing Market Overview, Analysis, And Trends. Winter 2020 Report Shaheen and Cohen 2020
Innovative Mobility: Carsharing Outlook; Carsharing Market Overview, Analysis, and Trends - Spring 2020 Journal Article Susan Shaheen 2020
Instalaciones de compresión Shapefile Instituto de Estadística y Cartografía de Andalucía. 2020
Instalaciones oceanotérmicas Shapefile Instituto de Estadística y Cartografía de Andalucía. 2020
Installations de traitement des déchets du Canton de Genève Shapefile SITG - Le territoire Genevoise à la carte Nicole Wiedmann 2020
Installed Capacity Dataset ENTSO-E 2020
Installing Metabolism of Cities locally Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Interactive map of Paris Map PLU- Plan Local d'Urbanisme Mairie de Paris 2020
Internet of Things (IoT) and the Energy Sector Journal Article Hossein Motlagh et al. 2020
Internet of Things (IoT): Opportunities, issues and challenges towards a smart and sustainable future Journal Article Nižetić et al. 2020
Internet of Things in Sustainable Energy Systems Book Section Salam and Salam 2020
Introducción Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Introducción al proceso de subir datos Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Introduction to the data uploading process Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Introduction: The Metabolism of Islands Journal Article Singh et al. 2020
Inventaire 2019 déchets des entreprises Report Canton de Genève 2020
Inventaire 2019: Déchets urbains communaux et état des collectes sélectives Report Canton de Genève 2020
Inventaire des cours d'eau au sens de la police de l'eau - Isère Map DatARA 2020
Inventaire des équipements publiques (points) Shapefile SITG - Le territoire Genevois à la carte 2020
Inventaire des équipements publiques (surfaces) Shapefile SITG - Le territoire Genevois à la carte 2020
Inventario de árboles Data visualisation CM Porto 2020
IoT-enabled smart appliances under industry 4.0: A case study Journal Article Aheleroff et al. 2020
Iot in supply chain management: a narrative on retail sector sustainability Journal Article de Vass et al. 2020
Island Futures: Caribbean Survival in the Anthropocene. Book Mimi Sheller 2020
Islands of vulnerability and resilience: Manufactured stereotypes? Journal Article Ilan Kelman 2020
Islas de separación de residuos Dataset Municipalidad de Rosario 2020
Islas del Paraná Dataset Dirección de Cartografía - Dirección General de Topografía y Catastro - Secretaría de Hacienda y Economía - Municipalidad de Rosario. 2020
Isolated yet open: A metabolic analysis of Menorca Journal Article Marcos-Valls et al. 2020
Issues in Autonomous Vehicle Testing and Deployment Report Bill Canis 2020
JHB - Population 5-yearly (1950 - 2035) Dataset World Population Review 2020
JHB City Power Depots GPS Coordinates Boipelo Madonsela 2020
JHB Taxi Ranks GPS Coordinates Boipelo Madonsela 2020
Jabana Power Plant Image Global Power Systems 2020
Jamaica’s Updated NDC Incorporates Land-use Change and Forestry Sector | News | SDG Knowledge Hub | IISD Journal Article Beate Antonich 2020
Jerarquización de Vías Urbanas y Rurales Shapefile Alcaldía de Medellín 2020
Joburg Water Depots GPS Coordinates Boipelo Madonsela 2020
Johannesburg Malls GPS Coordinates 2020
Johannesburg Roads Agency Depots GPS Coordinates Boipelo Madonsela 2020
Johannesburg Rooftop Farms GPS Coordinates Boipelo Madonsela 2020
Johannesburg Skyline Image Clodagh Da Paixao 2020
K.S. Smede og Montage A/S Dataset Virk Data 2020
Kigali International Airport Image CC Search 2020
Kigali Photovoltaic Power Plant Image Stardtwerke Mainz 2020
L'emploi à Lausanne Report Service de l’économie. Office d’appui économique et statistique. 2020
LE SCHÉMA DIRECTEUR ÉNERGIE 2030 Report Grenoble Alpes Métropole 2020
La Banque du sous-sol (BSS) Dataset BRGM 2020
La emergencia del cambio climático en América Latina y el Caribe: ¿seguimos esperando la catástrofe o pasamos a la acción? Book Caribbean and the 2020
La qualité de l'eau a Paris -Juillet 2020 Report Eau de Paris 2020
Landwirtschaftliche Nutzungsflächen (kantonaler Datensatz) Dataset Landscape and agriculture.html 2020
Lausanne Actors Document Nicole Wiedmann 2020
Lausanne Cadastre Shapefile Etat de Vaud 2020
Lausanne City Shapefile SITG - Le territoire Genevoise à la carte Nicole Wiedmann 2020
Lausanne Region Shapefile SITG - Le territoire Genevoise à la carte Nicole Wiedmann 2020
Lausanne Region by municipalities Shapefile SITG - Le territoire Genevoise à la carte Nicole Wiedmann 2020
Lausanne and Lausanne Region in Canton Vaud Context Image Nicole Wiedmann 2020
Lausanne water cycle Image Service de l'eau Ville de Lausanne 2020
Le commerce extérieur du Canton de Genève en 2019 Report OCSTAT - Genève 2020
Le marché du travail à Lausanne 2020 Report Service de l’économie. Office d’appui économique et statistique. 2020
Le métabolisme urbain comme outil de décision? (Sabine Barles) Podcast Aristide Athanassiadis 2020
Le référentiel hydrogéologique français Shapefile Base de Donnée des Limites des Systèmes Aquifères 2020
Learning to Chill: The Role of Design Schools and Professional Training to Improve Urban Climate and Urban Metabolism Journal Article Taleghani et al. 2020
Les arbres de Grenoble Dataset Ville de Grenoble 2020
Les index Bâtiment, Travaux publics et divers de la construction en juin 2020 Dataset INSEE 2020
Les organisations internationales établies à Genève : résultats de l’enquête 2020 Report OCSTAT - Genève 2020
Les secteurs de Grenoble Shapefile 2020
Leveraging Blockchain Technology for Innovative Climate Finance under the Green Climate Fund Document Schulz and Feist 2020
Levée papier et carton Ville de Genève Shapefile SITG - Le territoire Genevois à la carte 2020
Licencias de bares y restaurantes en el cantón de Alajuelita Report Keily Mena Alfaro 2020
Life cycle assessment of emerging technologies on value recovery from hard disk drives Journal Article Jin et al. 2020
Lifecycle modeling for the eco design of the Internet of Things Journal Article Quisbert-Trujillo et al. 2020
Limite Distrito de Barranquilla Shapefile Gobierno de Colombia 2020
Limites de la provincia de Jaen Shapefile GEO GPS PERÚ E.I.R.L. 2020
List of chemical products manufacturing in Lausanne and Lausanne Region Dataset Nicole Wiedmann 2020
List of authorized waste collection and treatment facilities in BCR Dataset Environnement.Brussels - Leefmilieu.Brussels 2020
List of beverages manufacturing services in Lausanne and Lausanne Region Dataset Nicole Wiedmann 2020
List of companies that produce non-metallic mineral products Dataset María Gracia Yepez 2020
List of farms in Lausanne and Lausanne Region Dataset Nicole Wiedmann 2020
List of food manufacturing services in Lausanne and Lausanne Region Dataset Nicole Wiedmann 2020
List of forests and woods in Lausanne Dataset Nicole Wiedmann 2020
List of machinery, equipment, and other metal manufacturing in Lausanne and Lausanne Region Dataset Nicole Wiedmann 2020
List of malls in city of Barcelona with coordinates GPS Coordinates OpenStreetMap 2020
List of non-metallic mineral products manufacturing in Lausanne and Lausanne Region Dataset Nicole Wiedmann 2020
List of waste collection and management points in Lausanne and its Region Dataset Nicole Wiedmann 2020
Liste des grossistes en produits pétroliers Dataset Nicole Wiedmann 2020
Local Innovative Associations Document 2020
Localisateur de stations Shell Map Shell Google Maps 2020
Localización de Estaciones de Generación de Energía Térmica Dataset Jorge Vásquez Muñoz 2020
Location Textile and Clothing industries GPS Coordinates Tichayana Konono 2020
Location for storage Infrastructure,Kigali GPS Coordinates Tichayana Konono 2020
Location of Beverage Manufacturers GPS Coordinates Tich 2020
Location of Chemical Manufacturers GPS Coordinates Tichayana Konono 2020
Location of Electronics producers GPS Coordinates Tichayana Konono 2020
Location of Food processing factories GPS Coordinates Tichayana Konono 2020
Location of Industries that manufacture furniture GPS Coordinates Tichayana Konono 2020
Location of Metal Manufacturers GPS Coordinates Tichayana Konono 2020
Location of Paper manufacturing industries GPS Coordinates Tichayana Konono 2020
Location of Solar Panels Installed from Solar Click Project GPS Coordinates Leefmilieu.Brussels and Sibelga 2020
Location of Transport Infrastructure GPS Coordinates Tichayana Konono 2020
Location of Water and Sanitation infrastrusture in Kigali GPS Coordinates Tichayana Konono 2020
Location of Wood manufacturers, Kigali GPS Coordinates Tichayana Konono 2020
Location of factories that produce non metallic products GPS Coordinates Tichayana Konono 2020
Locations of companies that produce machinery GPS Coordinates Tichayana Konono 2020
Locations of construction companies in the BCR(Brussels Capital Region) in 2016 Map Sarah De Boeck and Vandyck 2020
Locstion of Retail ,Kigali GPS Coordinates Tichayana Konono 2020
Logements (parc, construits, vacants), par commune, Vaud, 2007-2019 Dataset STATVD 2020
Logistics in Eastern Finland its economic potential 2020 Report Rantala et al. 2020
Los límites de la ciudad Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Los recursos del suelo en Catalunya (World Reference Base for Soil Resources) Shapefile Instituto Cartográfico y Geológico de Catalunya 2020
Lost Material Stock in Buildings due to Sea Level Rise from Global Warming: The Case of Fiji Islands Journal Article Merschroth et al. 2020
Límite del municipio de San Juan de Pasto y comunas Shapefile Aurora Echeverri 2020
Límites de las Alcaldías de la Ciudad de México Shapefile Datos abiertos de la Ciudad de México: Agencia Digital de Innovación Pública 2020
Línea SAN JOSÉ - ALAJUELITA - CONCEPCIÓN de autobús horarios y paradas Report Moovit 2020
Línea SAN JOSÉ - ALAJUELITA - EL LLANO de autobús horarios y paradas Report Moovit 2020
Línea SAN JOSÉ - ALAJUELITA - FILTROS de autobús horarios y paradas Report Moovit 2020
Línea SAN JOSÉ - ALAJUELITA - LA AURORA de autobús horarios y paradas Report Moovit 2020
Línea SAN JOSÉ - ALAJUELITA - SAN FELIPE de autobús horarios y paradas Report Moovit 2020
Línea SAN JOSÉ - ALAJUELITA - TEJARCILLOS de autobús horarios y paradas Report Moovit 2020
Líneas y estaciones del Metro Shapefile SEMOVI 2020
Líneas y estaciones del Metrobús Shapefile SEMOVI 2020
L’agriculture Genevois en 2030 Report AgriGenève 2020
MANAGING GLAZING FLOWS IN SUSTAINABLE CITIES_ Presentation Presentation Jean Souviron 2020
Main actors in Anadia (work in progress document) Document Manuel Semedo 2020
Main crops yield (kg/ ha) by Geographic localization (Agrarian region) and Specie; Annual - Statistics Portugal, Vegetable production statistics Dataset INE 2020
Malla vial Shapefile Alcaldía de Medellín. 2020
Manejo de fotos Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Manufacturer of Plastic Products , Location GPS Coordinates Tichayana Konono 2020
Manufacturing flows (Module 5) - Online course Sector-Wide Circularity Assessment Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Map of Ponds Managed by Brussels Environment Map Environnement.Brussels - Leefmilieu.Brussels 2020
Map of Underground Water Extraction Points Map Environnement.Brussels - Leefmilieu.Brussels 2020
Map of the Brussels Transport Network Map STIB 2020
Map of the electricity transmission system Map Elia Group 2020
Mapa de Cicloinfraestructura de Barranquilla Map Alcaldía de Barranquilla 2020
Mapa de Ecosistemas Map Fuente: Equipo Técnico PDU Chimbote-Nuevo Chimbote IDOM 2020
Mapa de Semaforización de Barranquilla Shapefile Alcaldía de Barranquilla 2020
Mapa minero de Chile Map Sociedad Nacional de Mineria SONAMI 2020
Mapa polígonos reto verde Shapefile Secretaría de Medio Ambiente 2020
Material Stock Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Material composition of buildings in the Netherlands Report EIB et al. 2020
Matriculaciones mensuales de vehículos en Barcelona ciudad. Año 2020 Tipología de los vehículos según procedencia de fabricación Dataset Ajuntament de Barcelona 2020
Matriculaciones mensuales de vehículos en Barcelona ciudad. Año 2020 (Monthly registration of vehicles in the city of Barcelona) Dataset Ajuntament de Barcelona 2020
Matriculaciones mensuales de vehículos en Barcelona ciudad. Año 2020 Tipología de los vehículos según tipo de propulsión del motor Dataset Ajuntament de Barcelona 2020
Meat production in Northern Region Dataset INE 2020
Median income of taxpaying individuals by year, tax rate, and urban district Dataset Open Data Zürich 2020
Metabolism of Cities website file structure Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Meteorologische Daten Dataset Open Data Zürich 2020
Methodological framework for the implementation of circular economy in urban systems Journal Article Levoso et al. 2020
Methods for Downscaling National Material Consumption Data to the Regional and Municipal Levels Journal Article Lavers Westin et al. 2020
Metro Vancouver Regional District municipal boundaries Shapefile Metro Vancouver Regional District 2020
Metrocable to Parque Arví Image Paul Hoekman 2020
Metrocable to Parque Arví - Línea K Image Paul Hoekman 2020
Mikkeli´s Circular City declaration Report Aki Kauranen 2020
Milnerton lighthouse Image Paul Hoekman 2020
Milnerton lighthouse Image Paul Hoekman 2020
Milnerton lighthouse Image Paul Hoekman 2020
Milnerton lighthouse Image Paul Hoekman 2020
Milnerton lighthouse Image Paul Hoekman 2020
Mining Image SGS 2020
Mining production. By products Dataset Statistical Institute of Catalonia 2020
Mobilité Vaudois Map Guichet Cartographique Cantonal Vaud 2020
Modeling the circular economy in environmentally extended input-output tables: Methods, software and case study Journal Article Donati et al. 2020
Molteno reservoir Image Paul Hoekman 2020
Monthly Dairy Statistics: produced dairy products based on cow’s milk such as milk, cream, butter, yoghurt, desserts, powders, cheese, ice cream Dataset STATBEL 2020
Monthly PM 2.5 Concentrations on Average at all Brussels Measurement Stations 2006-2016 Dataset Environnement.Brussels - Leefmilieu.Brussels 2020
Mouvement de la construction en 2019 Report OCSTAT - Genève 2020
Mouvement démographique en Ville de Genève, 2014-2019 Dataset OCSTAT - Genève 2020
Mouvement hôtelier, selon l'origine des hôtes et la taille de l'établissement, du Canton de Genève Dataset OCSTAT - Genève 2020
Municipal boundaries Apeldoorn 2020 Shapefile CBS 2020
Municipal boundary of Melbourne Shapefile City of Melbourne Open Data Team 2020
Municipalities Boundaries Shapefile Direção-Geral do Território 2020
Mémento Statistique du Canton de Genève 2020 Report République et Canton de Genève Statistique Genève Banque Cantonale Genève 2020
Módulo 1: Desafíos ambientales globales Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
NO2 concentrations in Brussels 2005-2019 Dataset Statistics and (BISA) 2020
NOx indirect emissions flows among sectors. Data visualisation 2020
NUTS 1 - 2016 Shapefile EUROSTAT 2020
NUTS 2 - 2016 Shapefile EUROSTAT 2020
NUTS 2021 Shapefile EUROSTAT 2020
NUTS 3 - 2016 Shapefile EUROSTAT 2020
National annual road freight transport by regions of loading (NUTS 3, Genève) and by group of goods (1 000 t), from 2008 onwards Dataset Eurostat 2020
National annual road freight transport by regions of loading (NUTS 3, Vaud) and by group of goods (1 000 t), from 2008 onwards Dataset Eurostat 2020
National annual road freight transport by regions of unloading (NUTS 3, Geneva) and by group of goods (1 000 t), from 2008 onwards Dataset Eurostat 2020
National annual road freight transport by regions of unloading (NUTS 3, Vaud) and by group of goods (1 000 t), from 2008 onwards Dataset Eurostat 2020
National annual road freight transport loading from and unloading in arrondisement The Hague, by group of goods (2008-2019) Dataset Eurostat 2020
Nationalities Dataset Statistics and (BISA) 2020
Natural Disasters in Latin America and the Caribbean Report United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs 2020
Neighbourhood boundaries Shapefile PrefeituraRio 2020
Network-based resilience analysis of bus network coupled with road network in Hong Kong Poster Xu et al. 2020
New buildings per year - Barberà del Vallès Dataset IDESCAT - Instituto de Estadística de Cataluña 2020
Newslands Upper reservoir Image Paul Hoekman 2020
Newslands Upper reservoir Image Paul Hoekman 2020
Non-economic loss and damage: lessons from displacement in the Caribbean Journal Article Thomas and Benjamin 2020
Normativa ambiental Bucaramanga Document Gobierno de Colombia 2020
Normes climatologiques Genève-Cointrin Data visualisation MeteoSwiss 2020
Normes climatologiques Pully Report MeteoSwiss 2020
Northern Region Employment per NACE codes Dataset INE 2020
Northern Region Gross Value Added per NACE codes Dataset INE 2020
Nota Tecnica: Cadastro das Unidades de Produção Agropecuária UPA (Technical Note: Registration of Agricultural Production Units) Report PMSP 2020
Number of commercial building permits per industry type, East-Netherlands 2012-2020 Dataset CBS 2020
Number of companies per SBI-code (1st to 5th digit), 2007-2020 Dataset CBS 2020
Number of enterprises by dimension from 2008 to 2018 in Aveiro Dataset INE 2020
Number of restaurants in Singapore from 2005 to 2018 Data visualisation R. Hirschmann 2020
O3 Annual Concentration 1986-2016 Dataset Environnement.Brussels - Leefmilieu.Brussels 2020
OECD Digital Economy Outlook 2020 Book 2020
OECD Economic Surveys Belgium Journal Article Co-operation and (OECD) 2020
OECD Economic Surveys Belgium Report Co-operation and (OECD) 2020
Obras públicas en construcción GPS Coordinates Mariella Uchida 2020
Observatorie statistique transfrontalier : marché du travail, emploi et population active Report Observatoire statistique trasfrontalier OCSTAT - Genève 2020
Office postaux sur le territoire du Canton de Genève Shapefile SITG - Le territoire Genevois à la carte 2020
Oiltanking Singapore Chemical Storage Pte. Ltd., Terminal Singapore (Chemicals) Map Oiltanking 2020
On-demand automotive fleet electrification can catalyze global transportation decarbonization and smart urban mobility Journal Article Bauer et al. 2020
OpenStreetMap Data in Layered GIS Format Berlin Shapefile Open Street Map 2020
Operational Mines in Johannesburg GPS Coordinates Boipelo Madonsela 2020
PLU Zonage Shapefile APUR 2020
PUB Singapore awards $433M biosolids treatment contract to Sembcorp Design and Construction Map PUB Government of Singapore 2020
Paper Mills in Barcelona GPS Coordinates María Gracia Yepez 2020
Parc des bateaux immatriculés dans le canton de Vaud, par genre, depuis 1998 Dataset STATVD 2020
Parc des véhicules à moteur par catégorie, Vaud, depuis 1990 Dataset STATVD 2020
Paris Region Facts and Figures 2020 Report Choose Paris Region et al. 2020
Paris et son PLU Report Mairie de Paris 2020
Park Installations Certified for the Production of Green Electricity Dataset Statistics and (BISA) 2020
Parque Ambiental Los Pocitos GPS Coordinates Jorge Vásquez Muñoz 2020
Parque Automotor Barranquilla Dataset Cantidad de vehículos por tipo de vehículo y tipo de combustible para los últimos años (2013-2018) 2020
Parque Eólico Shapefile Instituto de Estadística y Cartografía de Andalucía. 2020
Past Fellows of the Royal Anthropological Institute (RAI) in Urgent Anthropology Webpage RAI 2020
Past, Present, and Future Vulnerability to Dengue in Jamaica: A Spatial Analysis of Monthly Variations Journal Article Henry and Mendonça 2020
Patentes (comercios) Alajuelita Dataset Municipalidad de Alajuelita (Gobierno Local) 2020
Pathways to climate change mitigation and stable energy by 100% renewable for a small island: Jamaica as an example Journal Article Chen et al. 2020
Pellaea myrtillifolia Helecho coca Image ChileBosque 2020
Pellets plants in the Andalucia region Shapefile Instituto de Estadística y Cartografía de Andalucía. 2020
Perfil Barranquilla Report Jorge Vásquez Muñoz 2020
Perfil de general de la ciudad de San Juan de Pasto, Colombia Report Aurora Echeverri Zambrano 2020
Perfil general de Medellín Report Carolina Bustamante 2020
Perfil general de Valladolid Yucatán Report Yanine Isela Cetina Cardeña 2020
Perfil general de Valladolid Yucatán Report Yanine Cetina 2020
Perfil general de Valladolid Yucatán Report Yanine Cetina 2020
Perfiles económicos del departamento de Nariño Report Ministerio de Comercio de Colombia 2020
Petrol Stations , Kigali GPS Coordinates Tichayana Konono 2020
Petroleum Storage facilities in the Andalucia region. Shapefile Instituto de Estadística y Cartografía de Andalucía. 2020
Photo management Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Pipelines in the Andalucia region Shapefile Instituto de Estadística y Cartografía de Andalucía. 2020
Piscifactoría de la ciudad de Madrid Shapefile Dione Escobar 2020
Plan Affectation Vaudois Map Guichet Cartographique Cantonal Vaud 2020
Plan Operativo Multianual 2020-2022 Document Municipalidad Provincial de Arequipa 2020
Plan cadastrale complet du Canton de Genève Shapefile SITG - Le territoire Genevois à la carte 2020
Plan de Desarrollo "Soy Barranquilla" 2020-2023 Document Alcaldía de Barranquilla 2020
Plan de Desarrollo 2020 - 2023 Rionegro "Con sentido Social" Document Alcaldía Municipal de Rionegro 2020
Plan de Desarrollo Carepa 2020-2023 Document Municipio de Carepa 2020
Plan de Desarrollo Integral del Área Metropolitana de Córdoba Document CIPPEC 2020
Plan de Desarrollo del municipio de San Juan de pasto 2020-2023 Document Alcaldía de San Juan de Pasto 2020
Plan de gestion des déchets du Canton de Vaud Report Canton de Vaud 2020
Plans d'extraction des graviers du Canton de Genève Shapefile SITG - Le territoire Genevois à la carte 2020
Planta Gas Shapefile Instituto de Estadística y Cartografía de Andalucía. 2020
Planta de energía fotovoltaica solar en el Cantón de Alajuelita Map Keily Mena 2020
Planta de tratamiento - Estación de bombeo GPS Coordinates Mariella Uchida 2020
Plantas potabilizadoras de agua - AySA GPS Coordinates Mariella Uchida 2020
Plantas termoeléctricas de Buenos Aires GPS Coordinates Mariella Uchida 2020
Plastic Manufacturers in Barcelona GPS Coordinates María Gracia Yepez 2020
Plastic management and Development on islands Thesis Nelle Kloosterboer 2020
Plazas de Mercado Medellín Dataset Carolina Bustamante Fernández 2020
Plots and Buildings: UrbIS-Cadastral Shapefile IT Center for the Brussels Region (CIRB) 2020
Plots with potentially polluted or polluted soil in the Brussels-Capital Region Dataset Statistics and (BISA) 2020
Población - Edificios - Barberà Shapefile Instituto Geográfico Nocional - España 2020
Población de Madrid por distrito y por barrio Junio (2020) Dataset Padrón Municipal de Habitantes. Banco de datos estadísticos del Ayuntamiento de Madrid 2020
Población de Madrid por edad y sexo (2020) Dataset Padrón Municipal de Habitantes. Banco de datos estadísticos del Ayuntamiento de Madrid 2020
Población ocupada en Bogotá por rama de actividad y tamaño de empresa Report DANE 2020
Población ocupada en Bogotá por rama de actividad y tamaño de empresa Dataset DANE 2020
Points de collecte des déchets du Canton de Genève Shapefile SITG - Le territoire Genevois à la carte 2020
Polystichum andinum Helecho Image ChileBosque 2020
Polystichum plicatum Helecho Image ChileBosque 2020
Polígonos reto verde Dataset Secretaría de Medio Ambiente 2020
Population Barberà - over time Dataset IDESCAT 2020
Population Density Bodø Dataset 2020
Population Density of Northern Region of Portugal Dataset PORDATA 2020
Population Density of Porto (2001-2019) Dataset PORDATA 2020
Population Density of Portugal Dataset PORDATA 2020
Population Movements Dataset Statistics and (BISA) 2020
Population actuelle, projection démographique et des ménages, de l'Espace Transfrontalier Genevois Dataset Observatoire statistique transfrontalier 2020
Population and Population Structure Dataset Department of Singapore Statistics 2020
Population data for the all Vallès Occidental Dataset IDESCAT - Institut d’Estadística de Catalunya 2020
Population estimates for the UK, England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland: mid-2019, using April 2020 local authority district codes Dataset UK Office for National Statistics 2020
Population evolution of Porto (1981-2019) Dataset PORDATA 2020
Population growth Bodø 2011-2020 Dataset 2020
Population of Bodø by age group 1986-2020 Dataset Statistics Norway 2020
Population of the city of Córdoba, Argentina Dataset Macro Trends 2020
Population per age split M/W 2020 - Barberà del Vallès Dataset IDESCAT - Institut d’Estadística de Catalunya 2020
Population résidante active occupée selon le sexe et la profession, 2014-2018 Dataset OCSTAT - Genève 2020
Population size Apeldoorn (1995-2020) Dataset CBS 2020
Port disruptions due to natural disasters: Insights into port and logistics resilience Journal Article Verschuur et al. 2020
Porto Metropolitan Area Employment per NACE codes Dataset INE 2020
Porto Metropolitan Area Gross Value Added per NACE codes Dataset INE 2020
Porto Panorama Image Carla Santos 2020
Porto Population evolution by gender (1981-2019) Dataset PORDATA 2020
Porto by night Image Carla Santos 2020
Porto population evolution by age (2001, 2008-2019) Dataset PORDATA 2020
Portrait statistique 2020 - Ville de Lausanne Report Service de l’économie. Office d’appui économique et statistique. Ville de Lausanne. 2020
Portrait statistique de la Ville de Genève Report OCSTAT - Genève 2020
Portugal Gross Value Added per NACE codes Dataset INE 2020
Portugal employment per NACE codes Dataset INE 2020
Postcodes of Melbourne Shapefile City of Melbourne Open Data Team 2020
Potential Climate Benefits of Digital Consumer Innovations Journal Article Wilson et al. 2020
Power Plant locations in Kigali GPS Coordinates Tichayana Konono 2020
Power generation in Singapore Presentation CHAN Y K 2020
Power generation plants from waste or gas Shapefile Instituto de Estadística y Cartografía de Andalucía. 2020
Power grid in the Andalucia region Shapefile Instituto de Estadística y Cartografía de Andalucía. 2020
Power plants in the city of Barcelona and their coordinates GPS Coordinates María Gracia Yepez 2020
Precipitation responses to ENSO and IOD in the Maldives: Implications of large-scale modes of climate variability in weather-related preparedness Journal Article Foley and Kelman 2020
Price and income elasticities of oil demand in Mauritius: An empirical analysis using cointegration method Journal Article Raghoo and Surroop 2020
Principales Entes o Actores de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires Document Mariella Uchida 2020
Principales plantas/laboratorios farmacéuticos en Ciudad de Buenos Aires GPS Coordinates Mariella Uchida 2020
Private Licensed Solid Waste Facilities Shapefile Metro Vancouver 2020
Private landfill sites GPS Coordinates Boipelo Madonsela 2020
Procesar datos de contexto y características biofísicas Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Procesar hojas geoespaciales Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Procesar shapefiles - el proceso Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Procesar shapefiles - resolver errores Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Proceso de captación, potabilización, y distribución del agua en Barranquilla Video Recording Somos Triple A 2020
Processing Shapefiles (Module 1) - Online course Sector-Wide Circularity Assessment Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Producción Biomasa 2016 - 2020 Dataset 2020
Producción Biomasa 2016 - 2020 Dataset 2020
Producción Biomasa 2016 - 2020 Dataset 2020
Producción Biomasa 2016 - 2020 Dataset 2020
Producción Biomasa 2016 - 2020 Dataset 2020
Producción Biomasa 2016 - 2020 Dataset 2020
Producción Biomasa 2016 - 2020 Dataset 2020
Producción Local 2016 - 2020 Dataset 2020
Producción Local 2016 - 2020 Dataset 2020
Producción de Bebidas Report Keily Mena Alfaro 2020
Production Flows: Manufacturing Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Production and Generation Units Dataset ENTSO-E 2020
Production de biogaz des stations d'épuration cantonales, par station, depuis 2005 Dataset OCSTAT - Genève 2020
Production de sel dans les salines de Bex, Vaud, 2002-2019 Dataset STATVD 2020
Production et consommation de l'eau distribuée par les Services industriels de Genève, depuis 1985 Dataset OCSTAT - Genève 2020
Production et consommation de matériaux pierreux, en m3, Vaud, 1991-2019 Dataset STATVD 2020
Production of Mineral Raw Materials of Individual Countries Dataset 2020
Production of electricity in South-Savo Dataset Finnish Energy 2020
Productivity of the main agricultural crops in Northern Region Dataset INE 2020
Producto Interior Bruto (PIB) anual a precios de mercado (precios corrientes) Dataset Ayuntamiento de Madrid 2020
Producto Interior Bruto (PIB) trimestral a precios de mercado (precios corrientes) Dataset Ayuntamiento de Madrid 2020
Productos alimenticios Report Keily Mena Alfaro 2020
Promedio de toneladas por día de residuos transportados hacia las Estaciones de Transferencia CEAMSE Dataset Mariella Uchida 2020
Promedio de toneladas por día dispuestos en los Complejos Ambientales CEAMSE Dataset Mariella Uchida 2020
Pronostico 2020 Lluvias Arequipa Shapefile Servicio Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología del Perú 2020
Proyecciones de Población 2016 a 2020 de Medellín Dataset Alcaldía de Medellín 2020
Public Shared Transport in Brussels Shapefile Brussels Mobility 2020
Public Solid Waste Facilities of Metro Vancouver Shapefile Metro Vancouver 2020
Puerto Descarga Shapefile Instituto de Estadística y Cartografía de Andalucía. 2020
Puerto de Rosario GPS Coordinates Ramiro Schiavo 2020
Puerto de Rosario (dataset) Dataset Ramiro Schiavo 2020
Pulp and Paper Image Schaeffler (Singapore) 2020
Puntos de arribo para los sistemas de transporte individual sustentable (SiTIS) Shapefile SEMOVI 2020
Puntos de recarga de vehículos eléctricos de acceso público en la ciudad de Madrid Dataset Ayuntamiento de Madrid 2020
Puntos de recarga de vehículos eléctricos de acceso público en la ciudad de Madrid Shapefile Dione Escobar García 2020
Pura Vida Mountain View Vacations Rentals Journal Article Keily Mena Alfaro 2020
Périmètres des grands projets du Canton de Genève Shapefile SITG - Le territoire Genevois à la carte 2020
Périmètres des zones industrielles FTI Shapefile SITG - Le territoire Genevois à la carte 2020
Quais de gare du Canton Genève Shapefile SITG - Le territoire Genevois à la carte 2020
Quantum GIS Based Descriptive and Predictive Data Analysis for Effective Planning of Waste Management Journal Article et al. 2020
REPORTE CIUDAD DE MEDELLIN Report Carolina Bustamante Fernández 2020
Rail network Apeldoorn 2020 Shapefile ProRail 2020
Railway length in Gelderland (NUTS2) Dataset CBS 2020
Rain Areas Shapefile National Environment Agency 2020
Rapport annuel de gestion des transports publiques genevois 2019 Report TPG - Transports Publiques Genevois 2020
Rapport d’exploitation valorisation des déchets 2019 Report SIG - Services Industriels Genevois 2020
Raw Materials Information System Switzerland (RIS) Map Swisstopo Fachgruppe Georessourcen Schweiz 2020
Reaching Youth and the Community: Collecting Ideas for Public Outreach as a Path to Action Document lead) et al. 2020
Recalibrating global data center energy-use estimates Journal Article Masanet et al. 2020
Recensement du patrimoine industriel du Canton de Genève Shapefile SITG - Le territoire Genevois à la carte Inventaire des monuments d'art et d'histoire du canton de Genève 2020
Recueil cartographique des initiatives en économie circulaire en Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Document Région Auvergne-Rhone ALpes 2020
Recueil systématique du droit Genevois Document Canton de Genève 2020
Recycling Map Map Coopérative IGORA Google Maps 2020
Red Peatonal Shapefile Alcaldía de Medellín 2020
Red de Puntos Verdes (Barrio) GPS Coordinates Ajuntament de Barcelona 2020
Red de Puntos Verdes (Móbil) GPS Coordinates Ajuntament de Barcelona 2020
Red de Puntos Verdes (Zona) GPS Coordinates Ajuntament de Barcelona 2020
Red de Transporte Provincia de Sevilla - FFCC (Nodo) Shapefile Centro Nacional de Información Geografica 2020
Red de Transporte Provincia de Sevilla - FFCC (Área) Shapefile Centro Nacional de Información Geografica 2020
Red de Transporte Provincia de Sevilla - Nodo aereo Shapefile Centro Nacional de Información Geografica 2020
Reducing the carbon footprint of artificial intelligence Newspaper Article Rob Matheson 2020
Refinerías Shapefile Instituto de Estadística y Cartografía de Andalucía. 2020
Regional Districts - Legally Defined Administrative Areas of British Columbia Shapefile Governance and Structure 2020
Regional Land Use Plan Shapefile Perspective Brussels 2020
Regional economic prospects Dataset Statistics and (BISA) 2020
Register of protected immovable heritage/ Registre du patrimoine immobilier protégé Dataset Urban Brussels 2020
Registre cantonal Vaudois des bâtiments existant et en construction Map Guichet Cartographique Cantonal Vaud 2020
Reglèments de la Ville de Genève Document Ville de Genève 2020
Regreening Africa: A bottom-up transformation of degraded lands Journal Article et al. 2020
Regulating Airbnb: How cities deal with perceived negative externalities of short-term rentals Journal Article Nieuwland and Melik 2020
Relations entre bâtiments et chaudières centralisées du Canton de Genève Shapefile SITG - Le territoire Genevois à la carte 2020
Rendement de la vendange et surface viticole par région et lieu de production, Vaud, 2000 - 2019 Dataset STATVD 2020
Renta anual neta media por persona y unidad de consumo por Sexo Dataset Ayuntamiento de Madrid 2020
Report on Food waste and recycling in Finland Report LUKE 2020
Reporte del Parque Automotor de Barranquilla Report Secretaría de Tránsito y Transporte de Barranquilla 2020
Resident Population of Northern Region of Portugal Dataset PORDATA 2020
Resident Population of Northern Region of Portugal by Age Dataset PORDATA 2020
Resident Population of Northern Region of Portugal by Gender Dataset PORDATA 2020
Resident Population of Porto Metropolitan Area Dataset PORDATA 2020
Resident Population of Porto Metropolitan Area by Age Dataset PORDATA 2020
Resident Population of Porto Metropolitan Area by Gender Dataset PORDATA 2020
Resident Population of Portugal Dataset PORDATA 2020
Resident Population of Portugal by Age Dataset PORDATA 2020
Resident Population of Portugal by Gender Dataset PORDATA 2020
Resident population, annual average: total and by sex in Aveiro (2009-2019) Dataset PORDATA 2020
Resident population, annual average: total and by sex on the municipality 2001 to 2019 Dataset PORDATA 2020
Residential and Non-Residential Building Stock Dataset Statistics and (BISA) 2020
Residential building stock by year of construction in Apeldoorn 2015-2020 Dataset CBS 2020
Residual waste data of Cataluña 2018 Report sostenibilitat and Catalunya 2020
Retail Distribution Centres GPS Coordinates Boipelo Madonsela 2020
Reto Verde CDMX Document Gobierno de la Ciudad de México 2020
Reviewing circular economy rebound effects: The case of online peer-to-peer boat sharing Journal Article Warmington-Lundström and Laurenti 2020
Riding the hype cycle: Is blockchain still key to a better energy system? Magazine Article David Paolella 2020
Rivers, Channel and Ponds of the Brussels Region Map Environnement.Brussels - Leefmilieu.Brussels 2020
Road length in Apeldoorn 2015-2020 Dataset CBS 2020
Road network in Mikkeli Shapefile Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency 2020
Role of IoT Technology in Agriculture: A Systematic Literature Review Journal Article Farooq et al. 2020
Rotor vzw-asbl Document Rotor vzw-asbl 2020
Rwanda Shapefile Shapefile Geofabrik 2020
Règlement d'utilisation du Fonds communal pour le développement durable Document Ville de Lausanne 2020
Règlement sur le Fonds communal pour l’efficacité énergétique Document Ville de Lausanne 2020
Récolte de bois par canton Dataset OFS - Office fédérale de la statistique 2020
Récolte de bois selon le type de propriétaire et le groupe d'essences ou l'assortiment, depuis 2000 Dataset OCSTAT - Genève 2020
Réseau Routier du Canton de Genève Dataset SITG - Territoire Genevois à la Carte Office Cantonal des transports Genève 2020
Réseau routier du Canton Genève Shapefile SITG - Le territoire Genevois à la carte 2020
Réseau écologique Genevois, réservoirs de biodiversité Shapefile SITG - Le territoire Genevois à la carte 2020
Réserves de gravier vaudois, en m3 et en années de consommation, 1991-2019 Dataset STATVD 2020
Río Medellín Image Paul Hoekman 2020
Río Medellín Image Frances Taylor 2020
Ríos en Catalunya Shapefile Agencia Catalana del Agua 2020
SCHRØDERS METAL A/S Dataset Virk Data 2020
SINGAPORE SELF-STORAGE MARKET - GROWTH, TRENDS, AND FORECASTS (2020 - 2025) Data visualisation Mordor Intelligence 2020
Saint Lucia: National infrastructure assessment Report UNOPS and University of Oxford 2020
Salaire mensuel brut standardisé, selon le sexe, par branche économique, en 2018 Dataset OCSTAT - Genève 2020
Samothraki in Transition: A Report on a Real-World Lab to Promote the Sustainability of a Greek Island Journal Article Fischer-Kowalski et al. 2020
Samothraki population Dataset Dominik Noll 2020
Sand and gravel extraction in the Belgian part of the North Sea Report SPF Economie 2020
Scaling decentralised circular economy initiatives with a category-based compendium Document Weidner et al. 2020
Sea fishing by species 2015-2019 Dataset Instituto de Estadística de Cataluña 2020
Sea fishing. By fish markets. Counties and provinces 2019 Dataset Statistical Institute of Catalonia 2020
Sector-Wide Circularity Assessment Method Report Bellstedt et al. 2020
Semáforos en la ciudad de Madrid Shapefile Ayuntamiento de Madrid 2020
Senoko Energy selects S+ Operations to upgrade their combined cycle power plant in Singapore Image ABB 2020
Sevilla Geo localisation of main actors construction sector GPS Coordinates 2020
Seville Province Transport Network - Aerodrome Shapefile Centro Nacional de Información Geografica 2020
Seville Province Transport Network - Road Shapefile Centro Nacional de Información Geografica 2020
Seville Province Transport Network - Train (Lines) Shapefile Centro Nacional de Información Geografica 2020
Seville Province Transport Network - Train (Station) Shapefile Centro Nacional de Información Geografica 2020
Seville Province Transport Network - Waterways Shapefile Centro Nacional de Información Geografica 2020
Sibelga (Gas+ Electricity) Annual Report Statistics 2003-2019 Report Sibelga 2020
Singapore - Electric Power Transmission And Distribution Losses (% Of Output Image Trading economics 2020
Singapore mineral map Map 2020
Singapore tree images Image Shutterstock 2020
Singapore's Energy Story Data visualisation Energy market Authority 2020
Singapore: Economic and Political Overview, The economic context of Singapore Presentation The Economist - Business Environment Ranking 2020
Singapore: Total population from 2014 to 2024(in million inhabitants) Data visualisation H. Plecher 2020
Sinking Islands, Drowned Logic; Climate Change and Community-Based Adaptation Discourses in Solomon Islands Journal Article van der Ploeg et al. 2020
Sistema de Información Geográfica de Acuíferos y Cuencas (SIGACUA) Map Comisión Nacional del Agua 2020
Smart Cities, Urban Infrastructure Transitions, and Sustainability - Part I Document Jessica Clement 2020
Smart Cities, Urban Infrastructure Transitions, and Sustainability - Part II Note Alcalá et al. 2020
Soil (Module 5) - Online course Sector-Wide Circularity Assessment Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Solaire Kigali Map Google Maps 2020
Solaire Kigali Map Google Maps 2020
Solar panels in The Hague Dataset No author 2020
Solar plants in the Andalucia region Shapefile Instituto de Estadística y Cartografía de Andalucía. 2020
Sols Vaudois Map Guichet Cartographique Cantonal Vaud 2020
Solution oriented LCAs in a geographical context Video Recording Anne Ventura 2020
Solving a Modern Problem with a Modern Tool: The Use of Blockchain Technologies in Addressing IPCC’s Climate Change Mitigation Strategies Report Grace Bogart 2020
South American Expert Roundtable: Increasing Adaptive Governance Capacity for Coping with Unintended Side Effects of Digital Transformation Journal Article Viale Pereira et al. 2020
South Pacific island's water crisis tipping point for global climate change Newspaper Article The Associated Press 2020
Spatial boundaries for Brussels Capital Region's statistical sectors Shapefile Centre d’Informatique pour la Région Bruxelloise (CIRB) 2020
Spatial boundaries of Brussels Capital Region's neighbourhoods Shapefile Centre d’Informatique pour la Région Bruxelloise (CIRB) 2020
Spatialising the urban metabolism (Session organizers: Jean-Baptiste Bahers, Aristide Athanassiadis and Paul Hoekman) Conference Paper Bahers et al. 2020
Spatially-Disaggregated Crop Production Statistics Data in Africa South of the Saharan for 2017 Dataset International Food Policy Research Institute 2020
State of Energy in South African Cities Report Sustainable Energy Africa 2020
Stations de Service du Canton de Genève Shapefile SITG - Le territoire Genevois à la carte 2020
Stations-service Migrol Map Migrol Google Maps 2020
Statistics of Slaughtered Animals 2017-2019 Dataset STATBEL 2020
Statistiques et évaluations concernant l'agriculture et l'alimentation Suisse Report Union Suisse des Paysans Agristat 2020
Statistiques fruits Suisse (surface et production) Dataset Office fédéral de l'agriculture - OFAG 2020
Stocks Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Stocks (Module 6) - Online course Sector-Wide Circularity Assessment Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Stocks and Flows: Extraction Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Stocks and Flows: Introduction Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Stocks and flows introduction (Module 5) - Online course Sector-Wide Circularity Assessment Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Storage Facilities in Kigali GPS Coordinates Tichayana Konono 2020
Street trees of the city of Barcelona GPS Coordinates OpenDataBCN 2020
Subestación eléctrica Shapefile Instituto de Estadística y Cartografía de Andalucía. 2020
Subestaciónes de Energía en Medellín. Shapefile Alcaldía de Medellín 2020
Subir tus datos Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Subnational Population by Sex, Age, and Geographic Area Dataset US Census Bureau 2020
Subsistema de Servicio Publico Shapefile Alcaldía de Medellín 2020
Suelos Bogotá D.C Shapefile Instituto_Distrital_de_Gestión_de_Riesgos_y_Cambio_Climático 2020
Sumitomo Chemical Asia Image 2020
Superficie, población y densidad de los Distritos y Barrios de la ciudad de Madrid (2020) Dataset Subdirección General de Estadística del Ayuntamiento de Madrid 2020
Supermarkets in Barcelona GPS Coordinates OpenStreetMap 2020
Supermercados Medellín Dataset Carolina Bustamante Fernández 2020
Supermercados, distribuidores mayoristas, mercados de productos Report Keily Mena Alfaro 2020
Supply of electricity per economic sector from 1987-onwards Dataset Ville de Lausanne 2020
Surface Agricole Utile (SAU) du Canton de Genève Shapefile SITG - Le territoire Genevois à la carte 2020
Surface agricole par type d'exploitation - Lausanne Ville et Lausanne Région Dataset OFS - Office Fédérale de la Statistique 2020
Surface des zones selon le type d'affectation, par commune, 2005-2019 Dataset OCSTAT - Genève 2020
Surface forestière selon le type de propriétaire, Canton de Genève, 2019 Dataset OCSTAT - Genève 2020
Surface viticole selon le cépage, par commune, 2019 Dataset OCSTAT - Genève 2020
Surfaces agricoles recensées du Canton de Genève Shapefile SITG - Le territoire Genevois à la carte 2020
Sustainability of cities: a multi-criteria and multi-scale assessment framework Poster Moscatelli et al. 2020
Sustainable Development Solutions Network - Caribbean Region Webpage SDSN 2020
Sustainable development opportunities in small island nations: A case study of the Cook Islands Journal Article Tyedmers et al. 2020
São Paulo (Municipality) Sustainable Procurement Policy: Municipal Act 17260/2020 Document Municipio de Sao Paulo 2020
TEST Dataset TEST 2020
Tableau de bord économique de Paris Report CCI Paris Ile de France 2020
Tableau de bord économique de Paris Report CCI Paris Île-de-France 2020
Taxonomía del Suelo en Catalunya Shapefile Instituto Cartográfico y Geológico de Catalunya 2020
Temporal evolution of indicators (2000–2016). (a): Evolution of imports of minerals (million t); (b): Evolution of cement consumption (million t); (c): Evolution of metals extraction (million t); (d): Evolution of exports of metals (million t): (e): Evolu Data visualisation Bahers 2020
Température et qualité des eaux du lac Léman, depuis 2011 Dataset OCSTAT - Genève 2020
Terminal de Ómnibus de Rosario GPS Coordinates Ramiro Schiavo 2020
Terminales de Transporte Terrestre, Marítimo, y Fluvial de Barranquilla GPS Coordinates con base en aplicación Google Earth Jorge Vásquez Muñoz 2020
The Carbon Footprint of Retail: ECommerce vs Bricks & Mortar Webpage Preston et al. 2020
The Carbon Footprint of Ride-Hailing: GHG Inventory Methodology Report Skov et al. 2020
The Digital Transformation of the Korean Music Industry and the Global Emergence of K-Pop Journal Article Parc and Kim 2020
The Economic Development of Singapore: A Historical Perspective Journal Article Dr.AR.SARAVANAKUMAR 2020
The Food and Beverage Market Entry Handbook: Singapore: a Practical Guide to the Market in Singapore for European Agri-food Products Journal Article European Commission. 2020
The Future of Artificial Intelligence Report BCC Research 2020
The Future of Food: Environmental Lessons from E-Commerce Journal Article Gee et al. 2020
The Hawaiian Islands: Conceptualizing an Industrial Ecology Holarchic System Journal Article Chertow et al. 2020
The Impact of Hurricane Irma on the Metabolism of St. Martin’s Island Journal Article Popescu et al. 2020
The Second Generation Vaal Triangle Airshed Priority Area Air Quality Management Plan: Draft Baseline Assessment Report Report Department of Environmental Affairs 2020
The Social Metabolism of Quiet Sustainability in the Faroe Islands Journal Article Ragnheiður Bogadóttir 2020
The Transformative Potential of K12 Systems Based Urban Resiliency Curriculum Video Recording Maureen Ferry 2020
The Untraceable City: Project Website Webpage Hoekman et al. 2020
The Urban Metabolism for a Smart City Policy Framework Video Recording Nathalie Crutzen Jessica Clement 2020
The contribution of tourism to municipal solid waste generation: A mixed demand-supply approach on the island of Tenerife Journal Article Diaz-Farina et al. 2020
The ecological hierarchy. Data visualisation 2020
The energy metabolism of countries: Energy efficiency and use in the period that followed the global financial crisis Journal Article Valeria Andreoni 2020
The fourth-revolution in the water sector encounters the digital revolution Journal Article Garrido-Baserba et al. 2020
The future of the car industry in Singapore, according to Audi and BMW Presentation Robb Report 2020
The geopolitical ecology of New Caledonia: territorial re-ordering, mining, and Indigenous economic development Document Batterbury et al. 2020
The good, the bad and the ugly: An overview of the sustainability of blockchain technology Journal Article Christophe Schinckus 2020
The handbook of environmental chemistry- Chapter: The Evolution of the Seine Basin Water Bodies Through Historical Maps Book Laurence Lestel and Gob 2020
The main public facilities in the protected natural areas of Andalusia. Shapefile Instituto de Estadística y Cartografía de Andalucía. 2020
The mental health impacts of climate change: Findings from a Pacific Island atoll nation Journal Article Gibson et al. 2020
The risk of FEW nexus in Kinmen City. Data visualisation 2020
The role of artificial intelligence in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals Journal Article Vinuesa et al. 2020
The role of crowdsourcing mobility systems in urban resilience Poster Borowski and Stathopoulos 2020
The self-(in)sufficiency of the Caribbean: Ecosystem services potential Index (ESPI) as a measure for sustainability Journal Article Grima and Singh 2020
The sharing economy and sustainability – assessing Airbnb’s direct, indirect and induced carbon footprint in Sydney Journal Article Cheng et al. 2020
The vibrancy, obstacles and vitality of the area South Savonia Report Matti Kunnas 2020
The weight of islands: Leveraging Grenada's material stocks to adapt to climate change Journal Article Symmes et al. 2020
The “Metal-Energy-Construction Mineral” Nexus in the Island Metabolism: The Case of the Extractive Economy of New Caledonia Journal Article Bahers et al. 2020
The “Metal-Energy-Construction Mineral” Nexus in the Island Metabolism: The Case of the Extractive Economy of New Caledonia Journal Article Jean-Baptiste Bahers and Antheaume 2020
Thelypteris argentina Helecho Image ChileBosque 2020
Tipologías de edificio Shapefile 2020
To Achieve a Sustainable Blue Future, Progress Assessments Must Include Interdependencies between the Sustainable Development Goals Journal Article Nash et al. 2020
Torshavn on the coast Image Shaun Merritt 2020
Total Final Energy Consumption divided by different modes of transport in Brussels 1990-2018 Dataset Statistics and (BISA) 2020
Total Final Energy Consumption in Brussels 1990-2018 Dataset Statistics and (BISA) 2020
Total Final Energy Consumption in the housing sector in Brussels 1990-2018 Dataset Statistics and (BISA) 2020
Total Final Energy Consumption in the industry sector in Brussels 1990-2018 Dataset Statistics and (BISA) 2020
Total Final Energy Consumption in the tertiary sector in Brussels 1990-2018 Dataset Statistics and (BISA) 2020
Total Final Energy Consumption in the transport sector in Brussels 1990-2018 Dataset Statistics and (BISA) 2020
Total Grandpuits Oil Refinery Map CNES/Airbus et al. 2020
Totalgaz fuel storage facility Image Paul Hoekman 2020
Totalgaz fuel storage facility Image Paul Hoekman 2020
Totalgaz fuel storage facility Image Paul Hoekman 2020
Tourism and COVID-19, Issue 2. Tourism in SIDS – the challenge of sustaining livelihoods in times of COVID-19 | World Tourism Organization Report UNWTO 2020
Tourism and hotel industry in Singapore - Statistics & Facts Data visualisation R. Hirschmann 2020
Tourism-Dependent Small Islands, Inclusive Growth, and the Blue Economy Journal Article Hampton and Jeyacheya 2020
Towards the Systematic Reporting of the Energy and Carbon Footprints of Machine Learning Document Henderson et al. 2020
Towards utilizing internet of things (IoT) devices for understanding individual occupants' energy usage of personal and shared appliances in office buildings Journal Article Rafsanjani and Ghahramani 2020
Trabajar con Shapefiles (archivos geospaciales) Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Trade and Maritime Transport Trends in the Pacific Report ADB 2020
Traffic statistics from the Port of Barcelona Accumulated data December 2019 Statistics Service Report Port de Barcelona 2020
Traitement des eaux usées par les stations d'épuration cantonales, par station, depuis 2005 Dataset OCSTAT - Genève 2020
Transporte Shapefile 2020
Treepedia: Exploring the Green Canopy in cities around the world- Paris Image MIT Senseable City Lab 2020
Trees (Module 6) - Online course Sector-Wide Circularity Assessment Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Turning Point: Policymaking in the Era of Artificial Intelligence Book West and Allen 2020
Turnover (€) of establishments by geographic location and Economic Activity from 2010 to 2018 Dataset Instituto Nacional de Estatística - INE 2020
Turnover (€) of establishments by geographic location and Economic Activity from 2010 to 2018 in Aveiro Dataset INE 2020
Turnover (€) of establishments of retail trade for from 2010 to 2018 Dataset INE 2020
Turnover (€) of establishments of retail trade for from 2010 to 2018 in Aveiro Dataset INE 2020
Types of Shapefiles (Module 1) - Online course Sector-Wide Circularity Assessment Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Término Municipal Barcelona Shapefile Ayuntamiento de Barcelona 2020
Ubicación Relleno Sanitario La Pradera. GPS Coordinates Carolina Bustamante F. 2020
Un perfil general de Barranquilla (Colombia). Hacia la construcción de un análisis general sobre su metabolismo urbano. Report Jorge Vásquez-Muñoz 2020
Unidades Produticas Agropecuárias (UPA) - Agricultural Productive Units Dataset PMSP 2020
Update of Nationally Determined Contribution of Maldives. Ministry of Environment. Report MEE 2020
Urban Analytics for Building Great Cities Video Recording 2020
Urban Audit 2020 Shapefile EUROSTAT 2020
Urban Computing with Advanced Visualization Video Recording 2020
Urban Indicator Framework for Smart Cities Conference Paper Eshani Anand Atul Anand 2020
Urban agriculture in the Gauteng City-Region’s green infrastructure network Report Gauteng City Region Observatory a partnership of the University of Johannesburg et al. 2020
Urban solid waste treatment plants and infrastructures existing in the Andalucia region Shapefile Instituto de Estadística y Cartografía de Andalucía. 2020
Urbane agricultural gardens Map Camara Municipal do Porto 2020
Usage of shared bicycles in Brussels Capital region Dataset Statistics and (BISA) 2020
Usar CONCAT Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Usar EDATE y EOMONTH Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Using Markdown Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Using big data to evaluate corporate social responsibility and sustainable development practices Journal Article Barbeito‐Caamaño and Chalmeta 2020
Usos del Suelo Shapefile 2020
Usos del Suelo Rural Shapefile Alcaldía de Medellín 2020
Vallès Occidental Municipalities Shapefile Instituto Geográfico Nacional 2020
Vallès Occidental population Dataset IDESCAT 2020
Valorizing nitrogen and phosphorus in urine for better ecological and food security Report Pruvost-Bouvattier et al. 2020
Vaud en chiffres, 2020 Report STATVD. Département des finances et des rélations extérieures. 2020
Vehicle Original Equipment Manufacturers in Johannesburg GPS Coordinates Boipelo Madonsela 2020
Ventes de carburants et émissions de CO2, depuis 1980 Dataset OCSTAT - Genève 2020
Ventes de mazout et émissions de CO2, depuis 1975 Dataset OCSTAT - Genève 2020
Video explicativo del proceso de captación, potabilización, y distribución del agua para Barranquilla Video Recording Somos Triple A 2020
View of Jay Pritzker Pavilion, Chicago, Illinois, USA Image Diego Delso 2020
View of the sugar loaf from pedra da gavea Image Thomas Lauwers 2020
Villas Cedros Journal Article Keily Mena Alfaro 2020
Vista de Ciudad de México Image Bhargava Marripati 2020
Visualizaciones de datos: introducción Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Voies navigables du Canton Genève Shapefile SITG - Le territoire Genevois à la carte 2020
Véhicules en circulation, selon la catégorie, depuis 1970 Dataset OCSTAT - Genève 2020
Véhicules à moteur neufs mis en circulation, selon la catégorie et le type de carburant, depuis 1995 Dataset OCSTAT - Genève 2020
WEF 20 | Circular Economy Handbook: Antonia Gawel, World Economic Forum Video Recording 2020
Waste Collection Flows Paper Sevilla Dataset Lipasam 2020
Waste Collection Flows Sevilla Dataset Lipasam 2020
Waste Collection Flows Sevilla Dataset Lipasam 2020
Waste Collection Systems Map The National Environment Agency 2020
Waste Collection and Treatment Dataset Environnement.Brussels - Leefmilieu.Brussels 2020
Waste treatment in the Netherlands 2018 Report Rijkswaterstaat 2020
Wastewater treatment plants in the Andalucia region Shapefile Instituto de Estadística y Cartografía de Andalucía. 2020
Water Supply Network per District in Rwanda Map Water and Corporation 2020
Water and Sanitation Statistics as of March 2020 Report Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Authority 2020
Water consumption per capita Dataset City of Vancouver 2020
Water pipes near the reservoir Image Paul Hoekman 2020
Water-energy-food security: A Nexus perspective of the current situation in Latin America and the Caribbean Journal Article Mahlknecht et al. 2020
Waters in Brussels Map Environnement.Brussels - Leefmilieu.Brussels 2020
Waterways in Chicago Shapefile City of Chicago 2020
Welcome to the AI decade Journal Article Heather Clancy 2020
What are the challenges for getting cities circular? (Oriana Romano - OECD) Podcast Aristide Athanassiadis 2020
What do Platforms do? Understanding the Gig Economy Journal Article Vallas and Schor 2020
What if AI could help us become ‘greener’? Document Vadim Kononenko 2020
What is a circular city? (and is it an oxymoron?) Video Recording Aristide Athanassiadis 2020
White Paper on Artificial Intelligence: a European approach to excellence and trust Document 2020
Who co-opted our energy efficiency gains? A sociology of macro-level rebound effects and US car makers Journal Article R. Galvin 2020
Why Islands? Journal Article Island Conservation 2020
Wool production in Northern Region Dataset INE 2020
Working with Shapefiles Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
World Weather Information Service Official Forecasts Image World Meteorological Organisation 2020
Writing a data article Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Wrongfully accused by an algorithm Newspaper Article Kashmir Hill 2020
Yearly Dairy Statistics: Stock of Dairy Products Dataset STATBEL 2020
Zona metropolitana de Monterrey Image Maria Wendy Garcia Castro 2020
Zonas Costeras Catalunya Shapefile Agencia Catalana del Agua 2020
Zone humide remblayée - Isère Dataset 2020
Zonificación Alajuelita Report Municipalidad de Alajuelita (Gobierno Local) 2020
minerales presentes en Rionegro Report Julián Castañeda 2020
table New Caledonia 2000 2017 Layer 4 Stocks and flows Dataset Bahers 2020
waste management concept 2020-2030 Report Verkehr und Klimaschutz Berlin Senatsverwaltung für Umwelt 2020
¿Dónde cargar vehículos electrificados en México? Map Charge Now 2020
¿Qué es el metabolismo urbano? Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2020
Árboles plantados entre 2016-2020 por localidad Dataset Jadín_Botánio_de_Bogotá 2020
Árboles sembrados en Medellín en 2019 Dataset Área Metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá 2020
Área Estadística Básica Shapefile Ayuntamiento de Barcelona 2020
Untitled Image Image Google Map 2019
Untitled Image Image Alexandra von Gutthenbach-Lindau 2019
Untitled Image Image IEDDEC 2019
Untitled Image Image ResearchGate 2019
Untitled Image Image Martina Green 2019
Untitled Image Image Wikipedia 2019
Untitled Image Image Carolin Bellstedt 2019
Untitled Image Image Tomer Fishman 2019
Untitled Image Image PublicDomainPictures 2019
Untitled Image Image Marc Baert 2019
Untitled Image Image Johnella Bradshaw 2019
Untitled Image Image John Telesford 2019
Untitled Image Image Shutterstock 2019
Untitled Image Image Bernard Gagnon 2019
Untitled Image Image Darilon 2019
Untitled Image Image Unknown 2019
Untitled Image Image JoaquinAranoa 2019
Untitled Image Image 2019
Untitled Image Image Simron Singh 2019
Untitled Image Image Rama 2019
Untitled Image Image George Wieber 2019
Untitled Image Image Paul Hoekman 2019
Untitled Image Image Simron Singh 2019
Untitled Image Image Francesco Ungaro 2019
Untitled Image Image Haagmedia 2019
Untitled Image Image Mpho Motsoasele 2019
Untitled Image Image PilotBrent / Brent Connelly 2019
Untitled Image Image Skitterphoto 2019
Untitled Image Image Dominik Noll 2019
Untitled Image Image ei6 2019
Untitled Image Image Beenerm 2019
Untitled Image Image Smiley.toerist 2019
Untitled Image Image Kamyq 2019
"Aftermath of the Hamburg fish market." Image Bill Liao 2019
. Sankey chart of embodied energy consumption by three major service consumptions (third column) and the service sectors (last column) in the six global cities (unit: Mtoe). Data visualisation 2019
. Share of urban and rural population by region 1950-2050 [2]. Source: Eurostat. Data visualisation 2019
00 - Introduction Video Recording 2019
01 - System Boundaries Video Recording 2019
02 - Micro Territorial Units (MTU) Video Recording 2019
03 - Other Maps Video Recording 2019
04 - Photos Video Recording 2019
05 - Videos Video Recording 2019
06 - Infrastructure Video Recording 2019
07 - Material classifications Video Recording 2019
08 - Material flows data Video Recording 2019
09 - City Profile Video Recording 2019
10 - Sector Information Video Recording 2019
2018 Annual Report for the Vancouver Landfill Report City of Vancouver 2019
2020-2030 Tree Plan Report City of Brussels 2019
20 years performance measurements of a landfill cover system with components constructed from pre-treated dredged sediments. Journal Article Berger et al. 2019
21-klassen - Den Haag Dataset DHIC/GDH/DPZ 2019
A 40-year review of food–energy–water nexus literature and its application to the urban scale Journal Article Newell et al. 2019
A Geodesign Decision Support Environment for Integrating Management of Resource Flows in Spatial Planning Journal Article Arciniegas et al. 2019
A High-Resolution Map of Singapore’s Terrestrial Ecosystems Map et al. 2019
A Simple Sinuosity-Based Method using GPS data to Support Mitigation Policies for Public Buses GHG Emissions Conference Paper Wills et al. 2019
A commentary on national adaptation drivers: the case of small island developing states Journal Article Stacy-ann Robinson 2019
A distributed Energy Resource Roadmap for Puerto Rico - Phase I Report Report Ronny Sandoval 2019
A general data model for socioeconomic metabolism and its implementation in an industrial ecology data commons prototype Journal Article Pauliuk et al. 2019
A glance of 20-year governance of the circular economy for Japan Video Recording Dr. Qian Zhang 2019
A hybrid material flow analysis for quantifying multilevel anthropogenic resources Journal Article Cheng et al. 2019
A large container ship is entering the port. Image Paul Hoekman 2019
A literature review and categorisation of sustainability-aimed urban metabolism indicators: a context, indicator, mechanism, outcome analysis Journal Article Song et al. 2019
A mitigation simulation method for urban NOx emissions based on input-output analysis Journal Article Xu et al. 2019
A multi-impact analysis of changing ICT consumption patterns for Sweden and the EU: Indirect rebound effects and evidence of decoupling Journal Article Joyce et al. 2019
A new 30 meter resolution global shoreline vector and associated global islands database for the development of standardized ecological coastal units Journal Article Sayre et al. 2019
A report fishing areas and their use in Mikkeli-Luonteri 2019 Report Etelä-Savon kalatalouskeskus 2019
A smart solution to rush-hour traffic congestion: Effects of dockless bike-sharing entry on ride-sharing Journal Article Qin et al. 2019
A spatial analysis of material stock accumulation and demolition waste potential of buildings: A case study of Padua Journal Article Miatto et al. 2019
A water-energy nexus review from the perspective of urban metabolism Journal Article Fan et al. 2019
AREQUIPA: Síntesis de Actividad Económica Enero 2019 Report Banco Central de Reserva del Peru - Sucursal Arequipa 2019
Accelerating the circular economy in cities (Julia Vol - EMF) Podcast Aristide Athanassiadis 2019
Achieving Sustainable E-Commerce in Environmental, Social and Economic Dimensions by Taking Possible Trade-Offs Journal Article Olah et al. 2019
Actors (companies) and employees - Sand & gravel Dataset Junta de Andalucia 2019
Actualización Inventario de Emisiones Atmosféricas del Valle de Aburrá- Año 2018 Report Área metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá AMVA Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana UPB 2019
Adaptation to Climate Change in Small Island Developing States: A Systematic Literature Review of Academic Research: Journal Article Klöck and Nunn 2019
Administrative subdivision of Spain Shapefile 2019
Advancing Coastal Risk Reduction Science and Implementation by Accounting for Climate, Ecosystems, and People Journal Article Silver et al. 2019
Afrisam cement Image Paul Hoekman 2019
Agrifood Industry in the Andalucia region Shapefile Instituto de Estadística y Cartografía de Andalucía 2019
Air photo of the sand motor Image Pmblom 2019
Aire y problemas ambientales de Bogotá. Report Universidad_Nacional _de_Colombia 2019
Airports list GPS Coordinates Lih Wei Yeow 2019
Airports list GPS Coordinates Ramiro Schiavo 2019
Albert Heijn outlet (supermarket chain). Image Gerrit Hoekman 2019
Alojamiento Shapefile Instituto de Estadística y Cartografía de Andalucía. 2019
Amount of extracted products Sevilla Dataset Junta de Andalucia 2019
Amount of extracted rock and gravel in Mikkeli Dataset LIITERI Tietopalvelu 2019
Amount of harvested wood in Mikkeli Dataset LUKE 2019
Amount of harvested wood in South-Savo Region 2015-2019 Dataset Natural Resources Institute Finland 2019
Amount of sand/gravel and asphalt/bitumen in roads in Mikkeli Dataset Malk 2019
An Assessment of Climate Change and Health Vulnerability and Adaptation in Dominica Journal Article Schnitter et al. 2019
An Introduction to Urban Metabolism Presentation Paul Hoekman 2019
An ecological-thermodynamic approach to urban metabolism: Measuring resource utilization with open system network effectiveness analysis Journal Article Tan et al. 2019
An integrated analysis of input and output flows in an urban carbon metabolism using a spatially explicit network model Journal Article 2019
An integrated approach to waste management in Metro Vancouver: challenges and opportunities Conference Paper Micsoniu et al. 2019
An introduction to Urban Metabolism Video Recording (Co-founder and Programming Task Force Leader 2019
An overview of the famous main circle on the kingsway road. The circle leads to the different destinations; the city centre, the National University of Lesotho and the Mpilo road. A closer look by the circle is the well known "Mofumahali oa Tlholo" church Image UNDP 2019
Analysis of the spatial-temporal differences and fairness of the regional energy ecological footprint of the Silk Road Economic Belt (China Section) Journal Article Yang and Fan 2019
Analysis of urban metabolism and policy assessment : building a nested multiregional input-output model Thesis BRAMBILLA di CIVESIO and BURATTI 2019
Anding waste treatment facility Image Yupeng Liu 2019
Animaux de rente dans les exploitations agricoles, Vaud, depuis 1946 Dataset STATVD 2019
Ankerlig power station Image Eskom 2019
Annual Climate assessment Report Meteorological Service Singapore. Center for climate research 2019
Annual fuel consumption by economic activity (2018) Dataset DGEG 2019
Annual report of the municipal waste company in Mikkeli 2019 Report Metsäsairila 2019
Antigua & Barbuda Building Stock Dataset Johnella Bradshaw 2019
Antigua & Barbuda Wood Export Dataset Johnella Bradshaw 2019
Antigua & Barbuda's exported iron, steel and other metals. Dataset Johnella Bradshaw 2019
Antigua & Barbuda's exports of non-nonmetallic minerals Dataset Johnella Bradshaw 2019
Antigua & Barbuda's imports of non metallic minerals Dataset Johnella Bradshaw 2019
Antigua & Barbuda's wood import Dataset Johnella Bradshaw 2019
Antigua and Barbuda's imports of iron, steel, and other metals. Dataset Johnella Bradshaw 2019
Análisis del flujo metabólico de los materiales de construcción en la Ciudad de Riobamba Journal Article Herrera Mancero and Vilema Tigxi 2019
Apartamentos por categorías Dataset Junta de Andalucia 2019
Apeldoorn City employment 2000-2019 Dataset PWE-Gelderland 2019 2019
Arbolado Sevilla Report Ayuntamiento de Sevilla 2019
Arbolado en Espacios Verdes Shapefile Subsecretaría de Ciudad Inteligente y Tecnología Educativa 2019
Arbolado en zonas verdes distritos y calles de la ciudad de Madrid Dataset Ayuntamiento de Madrid 2019
Arbolado parques históricos, singulares y forestales en la ciudad de Madrid Dataset Ayuntamiento de Madrid 2019
Arbolado público lineal 2017-2018 Dataset Subsecretaría de Gestión Comunal 2019
Arbolado público lineal 2017-2018 Shapefile Subsecretaría de Gestión Comunal 2019
Area of cadastral plots according to their nature in Brussels 2019 Dataset Statistics and (BISA) 2019
Artificial Intelligence Solutions Market by Industry Verticals 2018 – 2023 Report Mind Commerce 2019
Artificial intelligence and the circular economy: AI as a tool to accelerate the transition Report Ellen MacArthur Foundation 2019
Artificial neural network based modeling for the prediction of yield and surface area of activated carbon from biomass Journal Article Liao et al. 2019
Assessing Waste Management in Kigali Report Anirudh Rajashekar 2019
Asuwei waste treatment facility Image Yupeng Liu 2019
Atlantis Foundries Sand, 4 km southwest of Atlantis. White, fine- to medium-grained, well-sorted, aeolian, quartzose sand of the Springfontyn Formation is exploited for foundry sand. The sand is 2 to 4 m thick and overlies residual clay of the Malmesbury Image Cole et al. 2019
Attributing long-term sea-level rise to Paris Agreement emission pledges Journal Article Nauels et al. 2019
Attribution: How Is It Relevant for Loss and Damage Policy and Practice? Book Section James et al. 2019
Audit urbain 2020: données transfrontalières de Genève et de Bâle Dataset OFS - Office Fédérale de la Statistique 2019
Avance de la Estrategia de Sostenibilidad Ambiental Madrid 360 Document Ayuntamiento de Madrid 2019
Average annual population growth rate 2014 - 2019 Dataset Monitoring des Quartiers 2019
Balance Económico 2018 y Perspectivas 2019 Valle del Cauca Report Cámara de Comercio de Cali 2019
Balance Energético Colombiano – BECO Anual Dataset UPME 2019
Balance Energético Colombiano – BECO Indicadores Data visualisation UPME 2019
Barcelona city dedicated to the environment Document Franquesa et al. 2019
Barrios y comunas de Cali Shapefile Specox 2019
Basura Cero Document Gobierno de la Ciudad de México 2019
Beijing Skyline Image zd-hing 2019
Bello Image Efraín Forero Cortés - DRONEFRA - 2019
Benchmarking performance of solid waste management and recycling systems in East Africa: Comparing Kigali Rwanda with other major cities Journal Article Telesphore Kabera 2019
Berlin Image dronepicr 2019
Biciestacionamientos masivos Shapefile SEMOVI 2019
Bicycle parking rack is demarcated with white lines on the pavement. Image Gerrit Hoekman 2019
Bicycle path along Malta Road Image Paul Hoekman 2019
Bicycle racks list GPS Coordinates Carolin Bellstedt 2019
Big Data and Urban Metabolism - Cases in China Video Recording Dr. Dong Li 2019
Big data application in sustainable supply chains: a transportation industry case Book Section Hu et al. 2019
Bikes are plentiful in the city. Image Gerrit Hoekman 2019
Bilan des livraisons d'énergie aux consommateurs finals et émissions, depuis 1980 Dataset OCSTAT - Genève 2019
Biogas Potential for Improved Sustainability in Guangzhou, China—A Study Focusing on Food Waste on Xiaoguwei Island Journal Article Feiz et al. 2019
Blockchain adoption challenges in supply chain_ An empirical investigation of the main drivers in India and the USA | Elsevier Enhanced Reader Journal Article and 2019
Blockchain and sustainable growth Magazine Article Cathy Mulligan 2019
Blockchain for Environmental Governance: Can Smart Contracts Reinforce Payments for Ecosystem Services in Namibia? Journal Article Daniel Oberhauser 2019
Blockchain technology and its relationships to sustainable supply chain management Journal Article Saberi et al. 2019
Boats out of the water at the synchrolift facility. Image Paul Hoekman 2019
Bois exploité par catégorie, en m3, Vaud, 1994-2018 Dataset STATVD 2019
Bois exploité par type de propriétaire et groupe d'essence, en m3, Vaud, 1913-2019 Dataset STATVD 2019
Boletín de Coyuntura Económica Report Secretaría de Desarrollo Económico 2019
Border Crossings list GPS Coordinates Lih Wei Yeow 2019
Borrador Economía Report Universidad Santo Tomás 2019
Bridging the Digital Divide: Challenges in Opening the Digital World to the Elderly, Poor, and Digitally Illiterate Journal Article Datta et al. 2019
Brussels Ecological Network Map Environnement.Brussels - Leefmilieu.Brussels 2019
Brussels Households and Car Use Report Thomas Ermans 2019
Brussels North Incinerator Image Horst J. Meuter 2019
Brussels' old town wall collapses after construction begins nearby Image The Independent 2019
Brussels' port Image Antonio Ponte 2019
Bruxelles, Station d'épuration de Bruxelles-Nord. Brussels, Wastewater treatment station, Brussels-Nord Image Michel Wal 2019
Buenos Aires en Números Report Dirección General de Estadística y Censos del Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires 2019
Building Stock and Building Typology of Kigali, Rwanda Report Felix Bachofer 2019
Building Tourism for the future Presentation Keith Tan 2019
Building back towards storm-resilient housing: Lessons from Fiji's Cyclone Winston experience Journal Article Aquino et al. 2019
Buildings by building material 1960-2019 in Finland Dataset Statistics Finland 2019
Buitenverwacht vineyard in Constantia, an area in Cape Town where a number of vineyards exist. Image Werner Bayer 2019
Bus stops list GPS Coordinates Ramiro Schiavo 2019
CITY POWER JOHANNESBURG (SOC) LTD BUSINESS PLAN (July 2019- June 2020) Report Johannesburg City Power 2019
Cadastre des zones potentielles aux réseaux thermiques Map Etat de Vaud 2019
Cadena Forestal en Antioquia Report Cámara de Comercio de Medellín para Antioquia 2019
Cajamarca Image Natalie Estrada Aquino 2019
Callejero oficial de la ciudad de Madrid Shapefile Geoportal del Ayuntamiento de Madrid 2019
Campamentos turísticos por categorías Dataset Junta de Andalucia 2019
Campanas Verdes Shapefile Unidad de Sistemas de Información Geográfica 2019
Can the Caribbean Live within the Doughnut? Environmental and Social Performance of Five Island Nations Thesis Wei Jia 2019
Canopy index Montreal_2019 Shapefile Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal 2019
Canopy index of the Greater Montreal Map Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal 2019
Cape Town Cruise Terminal. Cruise ships dock in this part of the port and passengers enter the city (and often the country) through here. Image Paul Hoekman 2019
Cape Town train station Image Paul Hoekman 2019
Cape Town train station and bus terminal Image Paul Hoekman 2019
Cape Town’s Pathway to Net Zero Greenhouse Gas Emissions Presentation Stephen Davis 2019
Cape Town’s Pathway to Net Zero Greenhouse Gas Emissions Video Recording Stephen Davis 2019
Capture and Control of Material Flows and Stocks in Urban Housing - Based on the Case Study of the Housing Industry in Munich-Freiham Thesis Matthias Arnold Heinrich 2019
Caracas Image Alex Cabello Leiva 2019
Características generales de las estaciones depuradoras de aguas residuales de la ciudad de Madrid Dataset Ayuntamiento de Madrid 2019
Carsharing's impact and future Book Section Shaheen et al. 2019
Carta Administrativa Oficial de Portugal - CAOP2019 (Continente) Shapefile Direção-Geral do Território 2019
Carte des zones imperméables et eaux de surfaces de Bruxelles - Capitale Image Bruxelles-Environnement 2019
Carte zonage pluvial de Paris Map ParisPluie Mairie de Paris 2019
Catálogo de plantas de tratamiento de aguas residuales en operación de CONAGUA Dataset CONAGUA 2019
Censo Económico Estatal 2019 Dataset Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía - INEGI 2019
Censo arbolado Bogotá D.C Dataset Jardín_botánico_de_Bogotá 2019
Censo arbóreo de Santiago de Cali Dataset Alcaldía de Santiago de Cali 2019
Central Station Image Rummana Yasmeen 2019
Centros de Clasificación de Residuos Shapefile Unidad de Sistemas de Información Geográfica 2019
Changes and driving forces of urban consumption-based carbon emissions: A case study of Shanghai Journal Article Shao et al. 2019
Changes in energy consumption and economic growth in the SREB (China Section) from 2005 to 2016. Data visualisation 2019
Characterizing the metabolic pattern of urban systems using MuSIASEM: The case of Barcelona Journal Article Pérez-Sánchez et al. 2019
Chicago Image Zakarie Faibis 2019
Ciclovías Shapefile Unidad de Sistemas de Información Geográfica 2019
Ciclovías Shapefile SEMOVI 2019
Circular Economy Opportunities in Almaty Report Circle Economy 2019
Circular Economy Strategies in Eight Historic Port Cities: Criteria and Indicators Towards a Circular City Assessment Framework Journal Article Antonia Gravagnuolo and Girard 2019
Circular Prague Report Circle Economy 2019
Circular Riverpark Oudenaarde Video Recording Ward Verbakel 2019
Circular Territorial Development in Flanders Video Recording Elmar Willems - OVAM/Vlaanderen Circulair 2019
Circular atlas Gelderland (NUTS2) 2019 Report Royal HaskoningDHV Provincie Gelderland 2019
Circular cities Switzerland - Bern: Material flow analysis Report Circle Economy 2019
Cities and Circular Economy for Food ​- ​Porto, Portugal Report Ellen MacArthur Foundation 2019
City Profile: Kigali Journal Article Vincent Manirakiza and Nzayirambaho 2019
City of Cape Town Open Data Portal Dam Levels 2012-2019 Dataset City of Cape Town 2019
City of Flows: The Need for Design-Led Research to Urban Metabolism Journal Article Rob Roggema 2019
City of Johannesburg Quarterly Water Quality status of the Klip River catchment Dataset City of Johannesburg 2019
City of Vancouver Image Adi Kavazovic 2019
Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires Shapefile Instituto Geográfico Nacional de la República Argentina (IGN) 2019
Ciudad Estadística Report Dirección General de Estadística y Censos 2019
Ciudad de Ica Image 2019
Climate Migration and Cultural Preservation: The Case of the Marshallese Diaspora Book Section Heslin et al. 2019
Climate change adaptation planning in practice: insights from the Caribbean Journal Article Thomas et al. 2019
Climate change: thinking small islands beyond Small Island Developing States (SIDS) Journal Article Petzold and Magnan 2019
Climate tipping points — too risky to bet against Journal Article Lenton et al. 2019
Closing the loop on platinum from catalytic converters: Contributions from material flow analysis and circularity indicators Journal Article Saidani et al. 2019
Coastal Park Landfill, seen from the nearby Wastewater Treatment Plant. Image Paul Hoekman 2019
Coastal pedestrian. Image Ramiro Schiavo 2019
Cogeneration Plants Sevilla Shapefile Junta de Andalucia 2019
Collection of recyclables Image Gerrit Hoekman 2019
Collecto Stops Dataset Brussels Mobility 2019
Colonias Ciudad de México Shapefile Instituto Electoral de la Ciudad de México 2019
Combining material flow analysis with life cycle assessment to identify environmental hotspots of urban consumption Journal Article Westin et al. 2019
Comercialización de productos alimenticios perecederos por Mes según Grupo de producto Dataset Ayuntamiento de Madrid 2019
Comment coordonner un programme d'économie circulaire ? (Amandine Sellier - BeCircular) Podcast Aristide Athanassiadis 2019
Community perceptions link environmental decline to reduced support for tourism development in small island states: A case study in the Turks and Caicos Islands Journal Article Robinson et al. 2019
Community-based recycling program in Beijing Video Recording Dr. Xin Tong 2019
Comparison over time of the number of births in the Brussels-Capital Region: 2009-2019 (in number of people) Report Statistics and (BISA) 2019
Comptes de flux de matières - Emissions dans la nature Dataset OFS - Office Fédéral de Statistique 2019
Comuna 1 - Buenos Aires Shapefile Instituto Geográfico Nacional de la República Argentina (IGN) 2019
Comuna 2 - Buenos Aires Shapefile Instituto Geográfico Nacional de la República Argentina (IGN) 2019
Conception cantonale de l’énergie - CoCEN Report Canton de Vaud. Département du territoire et de l’environnement (DTE). Direction générale de l’environnement (DGE). Direction de l’énergie (DIREN). 2019
Conceptualizing Household Energy Metabolism: A Methodological Contribution Journal Article Strydom et al. 2019
Concesiones Aeropuertos Shapefile Agencia Nacional de Infraestructura. ANI 2019
Conditions de raccordement au réseau de distribution d’électricité, d’utilisation du réseau et de fourniture d’énergie électrique de substitution des services industriels de Lausanne Document Ville de Lausanne. Direction des Services industriels (SIL). 2019
Conjunto de datos vectoriales de la carta Edafológica E14-2 (Ciudad de México) escala 1:250 000 serie I Shapefile Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía 2019
Connecting circular economy and industry 4.0 | Elsevier Enhanced Reader Journal Article and 2019
Consommation d'électricité du réseau genevois, selon le genre d'utilisation, depuis 1984 Dataset OCSTAT - Genève 2019
Consommation de carburants à l'Aéroport international de Genève, depuis 1980 Dataset OCSTAT - Genève 2019
Consommation de gaz fourni par les Services industriels de Genève, selon le genre d'utilisation, et émissions de CO2, depuis 1980 Dataset OCSTAT - Genève 2019
Consommation de gaz selon l'activité économique, depuis 1990 Dataset OCSTAT - Genève 2019
Consommation d’électricité selon l'activité économique, depuis 1990 Dataset OCSTAT - Genève 2019
Consommation final d’énergie en TJ, Vaud, par agent énergétique, 1996-2018 Dataset STATVD 2019
Consommation totale finale d'énergie selon le vecteur dans le secteur tertiaire: 2000-2017 Dataset Statistics and Analysis 2019
Construction and demolition waste generation in cities in India: an integrated approach Journal Article Jain et al. 2019
Construction of the Burgan Cape Terminals Image David Nunn 2019
Construction sector in Brussels. Findings and perpectives: towards the Circular Economy Report Bernair et al. 2019
Construction waste in Beijing on 2019.04.26 Webpage Yanyan Peng 2019
Construction waste transport fleet Image Yupeng Liu 2019
Construction work at the central train station Image Gerrit Hoekman 2019
Construction work in the center of the city. Image Ramiro Schiavo 2019
Construction work of a building. Image Ramiro Schiavo 2019
Consumidores de electricidad por tipo em 2018 Dataset DGEG 2019
Consumo de agua (m3) por mes y por uso en la ciudad de Madrid (2019) Dataset Madrid et al. 2019
Consumo de electricidad por sectores Dataset Junta de Andalucia 2019
Consumo de electricidad por setor de atividad (2018) Dataset DGEG 2019
Consumption of cement, stone materials and water in concrete production in Mikkeli Dataset Environmental permits 2019
Consumption-Based Carbon Emissions of Tianjin Based on Multi-Scale Input–Output Analysis Journal Article Xu et al. 2019
Contribution of driving factors to consumption-based carbon emissions change of Shanghai from 2007 to 2012 Data visualisation 2019
Contributor Signups Video Recording 2019
Control of Emissions from Handling and Storing Bulk Materials Report Health et al. 2019
Coordinating soil and rock material in urban construction – Scenario analysis of material flows and greenhouse gas emissions Journal Article Magnusson et al. 2019
Cordoba Boundaries Second Level Shapefile geoBoundaries 2019
Corine Land Cover (CLC) 2018, Version 2020_20u1 Dataset 2019
Could Bitcoin emissions push global warming above 2 °C? Journal Article Dittmar and Praktiknjo 2019
Country 3R Progress Report Report Government of Singapore 2019
Croissance annuelle du produit intérieur brut vaudois réel 1997 - 2019 Dataset STATVD. Département des finances et des relations extérieures. 2019
Cuencas hidrológicas que cuentan con reserva. de CONAGUA creado el 2015-10-26 18:39 Shapefile CONAGUA 2019
Current trends and limitations of life cycle assessment applied to the urban scale: critical analysis and review of selected literature Journal Article Mirabella et al. 2019
Cycle path Image Gerrit Hoekman 2019
Córdoba city boundaries Shapefile geoboundaries 2019
Dahongmen domestic waste transport station Image Yupeng Liu 2019
Daily Areal Rainfall Calculations Dataset Environment Agency 2019
Damen Shipyard produces boats in Cape Town. This Sea Axe is produced in the city. Image Paul Hoekman 2019
Data and Complexities of Resource Flow Analysis in the Gauteng City-Region Video Recording Christina Culwick 2019
Defiance from Down River: Deflection and Dispute in the Urban-Industrial Metabolism of Pollution in Guadalajara Journal Article McCulligh and Vega Fregoso 2019
Defining the sharing economy for sustainability Journal Article Curtis and Lehner 2019
Deliverable 3.3 Process model for the two pilot cases: Amsterdam, the Netherlands & Naples, Italy Report Bob Geldermans (TUD) and 2019
Derrières les coulisses du Plan Economie Circulaire de Paris (Thierry Mareschal - Ville de Paris) Podcast Aristide Athanassiadis 2019
Desempeño de la economía de Barranquilla durante 2018 Report Secretaría de Desarrollo Económico. Alcaldía de Barranquilla 2019
Desempeño economía de Antioquia 2018 Report Cámara de Comercio de Medellín para Antioquia. 2019
Detailed urban analysis of commute-related GHG emissions to guide urban mitigation measures Journal Article Ariel Reznik Meidad Kissinger 2019
Developing a Design-Led Approach for the Food-Energy-Water Nexus in Cities Journal Article Rob Roggema Wanglin Yan 2019
Development of Tourism in the Hotel Industry and Similar Establishments Dataset Statistics and (BISA) 2019
Diagnóstico ambiental de la Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid (2019) Report Comunidad de Madrid 2019
Diets, Food Miles, and Environmental Sustainability of Urban Food Systems: Analysis of Nine Indian Cities Journal Article Boyer et al. 2019
Digital Rebound – Why Digitalization Will Not Redeem Us Our Environmental Sins Conference Paper Coroamă and Mattern 2019
Digital colonialism: US empire and the new imperialism in the Global South Journal Article Michael Kwet 2019
Digital transformation and localizing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) | Elsevier Enhanced Reader Journal Article ElMassah and Mohieldin 2019
Dinámica, transformación y situación actual de los humedales costeros Caso de estudio de los municipios de Chimbote y Nuevo Chimbote, Perú Journal Article Aarón Alberto Abad Alva 2019
Directive municipale concernant l’attribution de subventions pour les installations permettant la réutilisation des eaux pluviales Document Ville de Lausanne. Conseil Juridique et secrétariat municipal. 2019
Directorio de Huertas Urbanas en Bogotá Report Universidad_Distrital_Francisco_José_de_Caldas 2019
Disaster Risk Reduction in the Republic of Fiji, Status Report (July 2019) - Fiji. Report UNDRR 2019
Disaster-Risk, Water Security Challenges and Strategies in Small Island Developing States (SIDS) Journal Article Gheuens et al. 2019
Displacement and Resettlement: Understanding the Role of Climate Change in Contemporary Migration Book Section Heslin et al. 2019
District-scale energy demand modeling and urban microclimate: A case study in The Netherlands Journal Article Mosteiro-Romero et al. 2019
Divisia monetary aggregates and economic activities in Asian developing economies Book MS Habibullah 2019
División estatal de México (País) Shapefile Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI) 2019
Do transportation network companies decrease or increase congestion? Journal Article Erhardt et al. 2019
Downtown Comodoro Rivadavia Image Fenton85 2019
Downtown Waterloo seen from Kitchener, Ontario. Image ʄɭoʏɗiaɲ τ¢ 2019
Dutch National Waste Management Plan (LAP3) 2017-2029 Report Infrastructure and (IenW) 2019
Dynamic assessment of construction materials in urban building stocks – A critical review Journal Article Göswein et al. 2019
Déchets collectés par district en Canton Vaud Dataset STATVD 2019
Déchets incinérés, selon le type, depuis 2000 Dataset OCSTAT - Genève 2019
Déchets mis en décharge, selon le type, depuis 2000 Dataset OCSTAT - Genève 2019
Déchets ménagers incinérés ou triés, selon le type, par commune 2005-2018 Dataset OCSTAT - Genève 2019
Déchets recyclés, selon le type, depuis 2000 Dataset OCSTAT - Genève 2019
Déchets spéciaux, selon le type, depuis 2004 Dataset OCSTAT - Genève 2019
Déchiffrer la diversité démographique lausannoise Report Service de l’économie. Office d’appui économique et statistique. Ville de Lausanne. 2019
Dépenses détaillées des ménages selon la grande région Dataset OFS – Office fédéral de Statistique 2019
EE&C Best practice in energy and chemical industry EE&C Best Practice in Japan for Petrochemical Industries in Singapore Presentation Hidetoshi Suzuki 2019
Ecological network analysis of urban energy metabolic system—A case study of Beijing Journal Article Zhu et al. 2019
Economic Activity- Methodology Report Statistics and (BISA) 2019
Economic Performance Indicators for Cape Town - Quarter 2, 2019 Report {City of Cape Town} 2019
Economic activity of the city of Córdoba. Report Gobierno Abierto de Córdoba 2019
Economic balance of the Greater Montreal Area Report statistiques et al. 2019
Economic situation of the Greater Montreal Report Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal 2019
Economics Report Camara de comercio de Bucaramanga 2019
Effects of changing population or density on urban carbon dioxide emissions Journal Article Diego Rybski & Jürgen P. Kropp Haroldo V. Ribeiro 2019
Effects of on-demand ridesourcing on vehicle ownership, fuel consumption, vehicle miles traveled, and emissions per capita in U.S. States Journal Article Ward et al. 2019
El mercado farmacéutico en Argentina Report ICEX 2019
Electric cars are being charged Image Gerrit Hoekman 2019
Electric charging station for cars Image Gerrit Hoekman 2019
Electric charging stations list GPS Coordinates Allison Elgie 2019
Electric charging stations list GPS Coordinates Carolin Bellstedt 2019
Electricidad facturada por actividad principal (kWh) en la ciudad de Madrid (2009-2019) Dataset Ayuntamiento de Madrid 2019
Electricity and gas consumption in Lausanne Dataset Ville de Lausanne. Service de l'économie. Office d'appui économique et statistique. 2019
Electricity regulation in Singapore: overview Report Kelvin Wong and Yeo Boon Kiat 2019
Elektriciteitsgebruik alle woningtypes Dataset RWS - KMO 2019
Embodied carbon emissions in local final demands of Tianjin in 2007 (left column) and in 2012 (right column). Data visualisation 2019
Embodied energy (TJ) and virtual water (blue water + green water, hm3) Data visualisation 2019
Embodied energy in service industry in global cities: A study of six Asian cities Journal Article Guo et al. 2019
Embodied versus operational energy in residential and commercial buildings: where should we focus? Journal Article Dilsiz et al. 2019
Emisiones al agua en Cataluña Dataset IDESCAT (Instituto de Estadística de Cataluña) 2019
Emisiones al aire en Cataluña Dataset IDESCAT (Instituto de Estadística de Cataluña) 2019
Emisiones contaminantes 2018 Dataset Agencia de Protección Ambiental 2019
Emisiones contaminantes 2019 Dataset Agencia de Protección Ambiental 2019
Emisiones totales de Gases de Efecto Invernadero Dataset Agencia de Protección Ambiental 2019
Emissions de CO2 liées à la consommation de gaz fourni par les Services industriels de Genève, depuis 1980 Dataset OCSTAT - Genève 2019
Emissions liées aux livraisons d'énergie aux consommateurs finaux, depuis 1980 Dataset OCSTAT - Genève 2019
Emissions of pollutants that affect air quality in the Brussels-Capital Region Dataset Environnement.Brussels - Leefmilieu.Brussels 2019
En 2022 el relleno sanitario La Pradera alcanzaría su máxima capacidad Journal Article Esneyder Gutiérrez 2019
Energy Image stevepb 2019
Energy Report Municipality of The Hague Report Lokale Energie Etalage 2019
Energy and policy considerations for deep learning in NLP Journal Article Strubell et al. 2019
Energy balance throughout the year for a typical building in the area. Gains and heating loads are shown as positive values, while losses and cooling loads are shown as negative values. Data visualisation 2019
Energy retrofit scenarios material flows and circularity Conference Paper Gobbo et al. 2019
Energy storage capacity & allocation in Singapore power system for PV penetration Thesis Xiaohan Liu 2019
Energy transferred between sectors in 2016. Data visualisation 2019
Energy, exergy, economic and advanced and extended exergy analyses of a wind turbine Journal Article Ehyaei et al. 2019
Energy–Economy–Environment Interactions: A Comparative Analysis of Lisbon and Sao Paulo Metropolitan Areas Journal Article Cruz et al. 2019
Enhancing coastal livelihoods in Indonesia: an evaluation of recent initiatives on gender, women and sustainable livelihoods in small-scale fisheries Journal Article Stacey et al. 2019
Ensuring an integrative & sustainable municipal solid waste management – the case of Belo Horizonte Video Recording Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Maryegli Fuss 2019
Environment and Energy Webpage BISA.BRUSSELS Region of Brussels 2019
Environment and energy: energy Dataset Bisa Brussels 2019
Environment and energy: energy Dataset Statistics and Analysis) 2019
Environment and territory (FR) - 10/2019 (Air and climate, surface waters, territory and soils, nature and biodiversity) Dataset IBSA-BISA 2019
Environmental Benefits of Internet-Enabled C2C Closed-Loop Supply Chains: A Quasi-Experimental Study of Craigslist Journal Article Suvrat Dhanorkar 2019
Environmental Implementation Review Document European Commission 2019
Environmental Sustainability Strategy and Action Plan for the City of Johannesburg (Final Draft - July 2019) Document NPC (INR) ICLEI Africa South African Cities Network (SACN) Institute of Natural Resources 2019
Environmental footprint Data visualisation 2019
Environmental footprint family to address local to planetary sustainability and deliver on the SDGs Journal Article Vanham et al. 2019
Environnement et énergie Dataset BISA Brussels 2019
Erasmusbrug Image fychu 2019
Establecimientos hoteleros según clase y categoría Dataset Junta de Andalucia 2019
Establecimientos turísticos rurales Dataset Junta de Andalucia 2019
Estacionamientos/Aparcamientos para bicicletas en la ciudad de Madrid Shapefile Ayuntamiento de Madrid 2019
Estaciones Accesibles del Subte GPS Coordinates Subterráneos Buenos Aires 2019
Estaciones Accesibles del Subte Shapefile Subterráneos Buenos Aires 2019
Estaciones Cercanías Sevilla Dataset MOVILIDAD Y AGENDA URBANA) Renfe-Operadora (MINISTERIO DE TRANSPORTES 2019
Estaciones de Ferrocarril GPS Coordinates Ministerio de Desarrollo Urbano y Transporte 2019
Estaciones de Metro de la ciudad de Madrid Shapefile Ayuntamiento de Madrid Dione Escobar García 2019
Estaciones de Metrobus GPS Coordinates Unidad de Sistemas de Información Geográfica 2019
Estaciones de bicicletas públicas GPS Coordinates Unidad de Sistemas de Información Geográfica 2019
Estaciones de bicicletas públicas Shapefile Unidad de Sistemas de Información Geográfica 2019
Estaciones de tren de cercanías de la ciudad de Madrid Shapefile Ayuntamiento de Madrid Dione Escobar García 2019
Estaciones del Subte GPS Coordinates Subterráneos Buenos Aires 2019
Estaciones del Subte Shapefile Subterráneos Buenos Aires 2019
Estaciones, paradas y terminales del sistema de transporte unificado Shapefile SEMOVI 2019
Estadistica Agrícola 2019-2020 Report Gerencia Regional Agricultura Arequipa 2019
Estado del arbolado en zonas verdes distrito y calles de la ciudad de Madrid Dataset Ayuntamiento de Madrid 2019
Estado del arbolado parques históricos, singulares y forestales de la ciudad de Madrid Dataset Ayuntamiento de Madrid 2019
Estimating spatiotemporal dynamics of solid wastes by coupling MFA & GIS Video Recording A. Prof Yupeng Liu 2019
Estimating the End-to-End Energy Consumption of Low-Bandwidth IoT Applications for WiFi Devices Conference Paper Guegan and Orgerie 2019
Estimating the Evolution of Urban Mining Resources in Hong Kong, up to the Year 2050 Journal Article Io Hou Kuong and Zeng 2019
Estimation of greenhouse gas reduction in waste recycling sector in Cheongju-si, Korea using US EPA WARM model Conference Paper Lee et al. 2019
Estrategia para la conservación y el uso sustentable de la biodiversidad de la Ciudad de México (ecusbe-cdmx) y plan de acción 2030 Document La Secretaría del Medio Ambiente (SEDEMA) del Gobierno de la Ciudad de México y la Comisión Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad (CONABIO) 2019
Estudio de Mercados: Fabricación de Piezas (Autopartes) y accesorios (Lujos) para vehículos motores. Report Alcaldía de Medellín 2019
Estudio de Mercados: Reciclaje y Economía Circular Report Alcaldía de Medellín 2019
Estudio de la diversidad florística y su importancia como bioindicadores de la calidad de ecosistemas en la provincia de Arequipa Thesis Haydee Elizabeth Parillo Mamani 2019
Etablissement et emplois Vaud, 2018 Dataset STATVD 2019
Etat et structure de la population totale - Statistiques 2019 Dataset Service de l’économie. Office d’appui économique et statistique. Ville de Lausanne. 2019
Evere: Bruxelles Energy, Canal, Water Management. Image Horst J. Meuter 2019
Evolution de la pêche dans le lac Léman - Statistiques 2019 Data visualisation Canton de Vaud. Direction générale de l'environnement (DGE). 2019
Examining urban metabolism: A material flow perspective on cities and their sustainability Journal Article Cui et al. 2019
Exploring Different Metabolisms Across One City Video Recording Paul Currie 2019
Exploring and Managing Adaptation Frontiers with Climate Risk Insurance Book Section Schäfer et al. 2019
Exploring the Relationships Among Travel Multimodality, Driving Behavior, Use of Ridehailing and Energy Consumption Report Circella et al. 2019
Exportaciones al exterior, por grado de elaboración y tipología de material Dataset IDESCAT (Instituto de Estadística de Cataluña) 2019
Exportaciones regionales. Primer semestre 2019 Report Subsecretaría de Programación Microeconómica 2019
Extracción doméstica biomasa Dataset IDESCAT (Instituto de Estadística de Cataluña) 2019
Extracción doméstica minerales no metálicos Dataset IDESCAT (Instituto de Estadística de Cataluña) 2019
Extraction Dataset Junta de Andalucia 2019
Extraction & Harvesting infrastructures Seville Shapefile Junta de Andalucia 2019
Extraction Activities Shapefile Junta de Andalucia 2019
Extraction Activities Shapefile Instituto de Estadística y Cartografía de Andalucía. 2019
Extraction of peat in Mikkeli Dataset V. Malk 2019
ExxonMobil’s Singapore Refinery Expansion Image NS Energy 2019
F&B sector set to grow as mass-market segment sizzles Data visualisation Euromonitor DBS Bank 2019
FAO's work with Small Island Developing States. Transforming food systems, sustaining small islands. Report FAO 2019
Facturación de agua por Mes y Uso en la ciudad de Madrid (2009-2019) Dataset Madrid et al. 2019
Failing adaptation in island contexts: the growing need for transformational change Webpage Patrick Nunn 2019
Familles et ménages - Statistiques 2019 Dataset Service de l’économie. Office d’appui économique et statistique. Ville de Lausanne. 2019
Farming South Africa’s Rooftops: An explorative study of Cape Town, Johannesburg and Durban Thesis Warrick Gordon Allen 2019
Farms list GPS Coordinates Cagri Tuzcuoglu 2019
Feeding the Urban Metabolism within Planetary Boundaries - A Policy for future-proof Phosphorus Supply of a medium-sized Western European City with respect to its Global Hinterland Thesis Lisa Harseim 2019
Ferme Abattoir, BIGH Image BIGH Ferme Abattoir 2019
Ferris wheel at Brussels Christmas Market Image Ivan Yohan 2019
Fijn stof (PM10) in Den Haag Webpage Luchtmeetnet 2019
Fintech and the innovation trilemma Journal Article Brummer and Yadav 2019
Fishing boat docked at the port. Image Paul Hoekman 2019
Flujo Vehicular por Unidades de Peaje 2019 Dataset Autopistas Urbanas S.A. 2019
Flujo de residuos en Cataluña Dataset IDESCAT (Instituto de Estadística de Cataluña) 2019
Food waste from restaurants, canteens and other food services in Finland 2018-2019 Report K. et al. 2019
Food waste in Dutch households in 2019 Report CREM Waste Management 2019
Foof Market in Châtelain Square. Situated in Ixelles, the market here is more “swanky” with offerings from local producers selling anything from fresh meat, fish and vegetables to cheese, bread, olives, sweets and flowers – but the real fun begins when th Image Tylutka Monika 2019
Freguesias de Anadia - Anadia Parishes - CAOP 2019 Shapefile Direção-Geral do Território 2019
Fresh water tanks for supply in harbour of Hamburg Image Urs Siedentop & Co 2019
From the urban metabolism to the urban immune system Journal Article Eugene A. Mohareb David N. Bristow 2019
Fuel storage facilities list GPS Coordinates Ramiro Schiavo 2019
Funding the transition to all zero-emission vehicles Document Slowik et al. 2019
GDP Andalucia Dataset INE 2019
GDP Andalucia/Provincias Dataset Instituto de Estadística y Cartografía de Andalucia 2019
GDP Seville Dataset Epdata 2019
Garajes Comerciales Shapefile Unidad de Sistemas de Información Geográfica 2019
Gas consumption in Lausanne Dataset Ville de Lausanne. Service de l'économie. Office d'appui économique et statistique. 2019
Gender norms and relations: implications for agency in coastal livelihoods Journal Article Lawless et al. 2019
Generacion total de residuos solidos Report Ministerio del Ambiente - Dirección General de Gestión de los Residuos Sólidos - DGRS 2019
General statement of the Budget of the Brussels-Capital Region for the year 2020 Report Statistics and (BISA) 2019
Germany: Hamburg aims to legalize dumpster diving Magazine Article Deutsche Welle 2019
Geslacht - Den Haag Dataset DHIC/GDH/DPZ 2019
Gestión de los Residuos en Buenos Aire. Guía para educadores. Report CEAMSE 2019
Global E-Commerce Report The Freedonia Group 2019
Global Supply Chain in Singapore's Services Sector: Retail Value Chain and Productivity Improvements Journal Article Shandre Mugan Thangavelu 2019
Global construction materials database and stock analysis of residential buildings between 1970-2050 Journal Article Marinova et al. 2019
Governance of the Internet of Things (IoT) Journal Article Trautman et al. 2019
Governance of the water-energy-food security nexus: A multi-level coordination challenge Journal Article Claudia Pahl-Wostl 2019
Governing the City of Flows: How Urban Metabolism Approaches May Strengthen Accountability in Strategic Planning Journal Article Cathrin Zengerling 2019
Great Trade in the Andalucia region Shapefile Instituto de Estadística y Cartografía de Andalucía 2019
Greenhouse gas emission per ton food waste treated Data visualisation 2019
HMFA with steel stock of a building in Taiwan. Abbreviations: MD, the total amount of newly added material (t); MS, material stock (t); SR, stock ratio; AL, allocation factor; i, object; j, material; k, object type; l, a single object; t, year Data visualisation 2019
Harmony Gold Mine (Doornkop) Surface Water Quality (July - September 2019) Dataset City of Johannesburg 2019
Harmony Gold Mine Operational Performance Report 2019 Report Harmony Gold Mine 2019
Home by the sea: new science shows more sea-level rise impacts on small islands Journal Article Martyr-Koller et al. 2019
Household Budget Survey Dataset Statistics and (BISA) 2019
Household carbon footprint patterns by the degree of urbanisation in Europe Journal Article Ottelin et al. 2019
Household consumption (€) of products in 2015 Dataset CBS 2019
Household prognosis per region (2020-2050) Dataset CBS 2019
How and where is artificial intelligence in the public sector going? A literature review and research agenda Journal Article Sousa et al. 2019
How sustainable is the sharing economy? On the sustainability connotations of sharing economy platforms Journal Article Geissinger et al. 2019
Huertas de agricultura urbana GPS Coordinates Ministerio de Ambiente y Espacio Público 2019
ICT investments in OECD countries and partner economies: Trends, policies and evaluation Report OECD 2019
Identifying the economic factors and drivers that govern the disposal and reduction/reuse/recycling of Construction and Demolition waste Report Tayyab Maqsood Salman Shooshtarian Peter Wong Malik Khalfan Rebecca Yang 2019
Iglesia San Francisco Image 2019
Implausible projections overestimate near-term Bitcoin CO 2 emissions Journal Article Masanet et al. 2019
Implementing Alternative and Appropriate Infrastructure Options Video Recording Jack Radmore 2019
Importaciones al exterior, por grado de elaboración y tipología de material Dataset IDESCAT (Instituto de Estadística de Cataluña) 2019
Imports and exports of construction materials in Mikkeli Dataset Customs and Malk 2019
Imports and exports/foreign trade by province in Finland 2019 Report Tulli 2019
Imports and exports/foreign trade by province in Finland 2019 xls Dataset Tulli 2019
Improving Water Management Education across the Latin America and Caribbean Region Journal Article Lyon et al. 2019
In-use Product and Steel Stocks Sustaining the Urbanization of Xiamen, China Journal Article Song et al. 2019
Including Urban Metabolism Principles in Decision-Making: A Methodology for Planning Waste and Resource Management Journal Article Longato et al. 2019
Incorporating Metabolic Thinking into Regional Planning: The Case of the Sierra Calderona Strategic Plan Journal Article Daniela Perrotti Juanjo Galan 2019
Indicadores demográficos por distrito de Madrid (2019) Dataset Subdirección General de Estadística del Ayuntamiento de Madrid 2019
Industrial land of Andalusia region Shapefile Instituto de Estadística y Cartografía de Andalucía 2019
Inequalities in the social use of the Internet of things: A capital and skills perspective Journal Article van der Zeeuw et al. 2019
Informe de Calidad de vida Medellín 2018 Report PROANTIOQUIA et al. 2019
Informe de Calidad de vida de Medellín, 2018. Desempeño económico y competitividad. Report Proantioquia et al. 2019
Informe de la cuantificación de la cobertura arbórea de Barranquila Report Barranquilla Verde 2019
Informe de sostenibilidad Postobón 2019 Report Postobón 2019
Infrastructure expansion, waste generation and EU policies on Circular Economy in Samothraki, Greece: An island's dilemma Document Noll et al. 2019
Insights from The CE Policy Research Center as a science-policy interface Video Recording KULeuven Karel VanAcker 2019
Integrated Assessment for Identifying Climate Finance Needs for Loss and Damage: A Critical Review Book Section Markandya et al. 2019
Integrated Disaster Risk Management and Adaptation Book Section Wouter Botzen et al. 2019
Integrated municipal solid waste management scheme of Hong Kong: A comprehensive analysis in terms of global warming potential and energy use Journal Article Iqbal et al. 2019
Integrating Material Stock Dynamics Into Economy-Wide Material Flow Accounting: Concepts, Modelling, and Global Application for 1900–2050 Journal Article Wiedenhofer et al. 2019
Integrating lifecycle assessment and urban metabolism at city level: Comparison between Spanish cities Journal Article González-García and Dias 2019
Internet of Things Applications as Energy Internet in Smart Grids and Smart Environments Journal Article Kabalci et al. 2019
Internet of Things for Green Cities Transformation: Benefits and Challenges Conference Paper Klemes and Van Fan 2019
Internet of Things: Energy boon or bane? Journal Article Hittinger and Jaramillo 2019
Internet of Things: Implications for Governance Conference Paper Ponti et al. 2019
Intersection with traffic signs. Image Gerrit Hoekman 2019
Introduction on Zero-waste City Pilot Program in China Video Recording Guijuan Shan 2019
Inventario de Residuos Sólidos de la Ciudad de México Report Secretaría del Medio Ambiente del Gobierno de la Ciudad de México 2019
Inventory of soil in Høje-Taastrup Dataset Høje-Taastrup Municipality 2019
Investigating the impact of climate change on the tourism sector: evidence from a sample of island economies Journal Article Seetanah and Fauzel 2019
Investigation of the IoT Device Lifetime with Secure Data Transmission Book Section Galinina et al. 2019
IoT-enabled farms and climate-adaptive agriculture technologies: Investment lessons from Singapore Book Montesclaros et al. 2019
Is the Rate of Scientific Progress Slowing Down? Report Cowen and Southwood 2019
Island Innovation Journal Article James Ellsmoor 2019
It has been reported that only 65 percent of all solid waste is being collected by authorities, 95 percent of which stored in the open areas scattered around the city (Regassa et al., 2011). This image shows one such area, the Koshe area in Addis Ababa. Image GTFAddisAbaba 2019
It's AI to the rescue Journal Article Heather Clancy 2019
Jobs of employees from country - city level dec 2010 - dec 2019 Dataset CBS 2019
Johannesburg Park Station, the main train and bus station in the city. Image Paul Hoekman 2019
Johannesburg Park Station, the main train and bus station in the city. Image Paul Hoekman 2019
Johannesburg Water Integrated Annual Report 2018/19 Report Johannesburg Water 2019
Key Environmental Statistics Document Ministry of the Environment 2019
Koeberg nuclear power station Image Paul Scott 2019
L'illusion des villes immatérielles Podcast Aristide Athanassiadis 2019
LCPDP_REPORT_June_2019 Report Rwanda Energy Group 2019
La Chaire Circular Metabolism Podcast Aristide Athanassiadis 2019
La fiscalité pour une économie plus circulaire et contributive (Emmanuel Mossay) Podcast Aristide Athanassiadis 2019
La pêche en Isère Dataset 2019
La territorialisation de l'Economie Circulaire (Jean-Baptiste Bahers - CNRS) Podcast Aristide Athanassiadis 2019
Labour force on the Dutch Caribbean islands Journal Article Brigitte Hermans Lian Kösters 2019
Land Occupation Based on the Land Register per Municipality and per year since 1982 Dataset STATBEL 2019
Land Restoration in Latin America and the Caribbean: An Overview of Recent, Ongoing and Planned Restoration Initiatives and Their Potential for Climate Change Mitigation Journal Article Romijn et al. 2019
Land Use Dataset Statistics and (BISA) 2019
Landfills list GPS Coordinates Julien Beaulieu 2019
Landfills list GPS Coordinates Yupeng Liu 2019
Landfills list GPS Coordinates Lih Wei Yeow 2019
Landfills list GPS Coordinates Allison Elgie 2019
Landing and packing site for fish at the port of Cape Town Image Paul Hoekman 2019
Le commerce traditionnel à la loupe Report CCI GRENOBLE 2019
Le risque sismique à Grenoble Report Pierre-Yves Bard (UGA/IFSTTAR/ISTerre) 2019
Le rôle d'une agence économique dans l'économie circulaire (Anthony Naralingom) Podcast Aristide Athanassiadis 2019
Legal Responses to Climate Change Induced Loss and Damage Book Section Simlinger et al. 2019
Les nombres d'une Ville 2019 - Ville de Lausanne Report Service de l’économie. Office d’appui économique et statistique. Ville de Lausanne. 2019
Les plateformes digitales dans l'économie circulaire (Denis Cocconcelli - CIRIDD) Podcast Aristide Athanassiadis 2019
Les principaux établissements de l'industrie automobile francilienne Map L'Institut Paris Région 2019
Life beyond the grid: A Life-Cycle Sustainability Assessment of household energy needs Journal Article Vogt Gwerder et al. 2019
Lighthouse Image Gonce 2019
Lighthouses list GPS Coordinates Paul Hoekman 2019
Lighthouses list GPS Coordinates Ramiro Schiavo 2019
Like google maps, but for trees: 500 000 trees mapped online, And you can even hug them Data visualisation Gov tech Singapore 2019
Lima Image Esan 2019
Lime quarry on Robben Island Image Nurunnaby Chowdhury (Hasive) 2019
Limites Concelhos Portugal Continental - CAOP2019 Shapefile Direção-Geral do Território 2019
Limites de Argentina Shapefile Instituto Geográfico Nacional de la República Argentina (IGN) 2019
Listado edificios municipales con placas solares en la ciudad de Madrid Report Ayuntamiento de Madrid 2019
Live vehicle population as at 31 January 2019 Dataset eNaTis 2019
Loading of containers onto a ship Image Paul Hoekman 2019
Local Administrative Units 2019 Shapefile EUROSTAT 2019
Localidades rurales Shapefile Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI) 2019
Locations of the 32 Parisculteurs sites introduced in 2019 Map Les Parisculteurs 2019
Los Pocitos, relleno sanitario de Barranquilla Video Recording El Tiempo 2019
Límites de localidades urbanas de Yucatán (Valladolid) Shapefile Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI) 2019
Límites municipal del estado de Yucatán Shapefile Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI) 2019
Líneas del Subte Shapefile Subterráneos Buenos Aires 2019
M890421 - Water Sales, Annual Dataset Department of Statistics Singapore 2019
MINERAL RESOURCES AND MINERAL RESERVES Supplement to the Integrated Annual Report 30 June 2019 Report Harmony Gold Mine 2019
MOTOR VEHICLE POPULATION BY VEHICLE TYPE Presentation Land transport authority 2019
Maas River, at Namur. According to Vivaqua, 30% of the water supply is collected from surface water and the Maas River plays an important role as source. But it has to go to several filtration and treatment before being chanelled into supply and distribut Image Bruna Farine Milani 2019
Madrid Economía 2019. Análisis socio-económico Report Dirección General de Economía del Ayuntamiento de Madrid 2019
Madrid genera energía limpia: instalación de paneles solares en la ciudad de Madrid Report Ayuntamiento de Madrid 2019
Maintenance of roads: paving work performed in Eastern Finland, 2016-2019 Dataset Statistics Finland 2019
Malls in the Andalucia region Shapefile Instituto de Estadística y Cartografía de Andalucía. 2019
Managing disaster risk and water security. Strategies for Small Island Developing States. Report Nagabhatla et al. 2019
Managing disaster risk and water security: Strategies for Small Island Developing States. Document Nagabhatla et al. 2019
Managing the Transition towards Circular Metabolism: Living Labs as a Co-Creation Approach Journal Article Amenta et al. 2019
Manufacture of concrete in Mikkeli Dataset Environmental permits 2019
Manufacture of concrete in Sevilla Dataset Junta de Andalucia 2019
Manufacture of metal products in Mikkeli Dataset Statistics Finland / Malk 2019
Manufacture of timber (sawmilling, plywood, parquet, pallets) in Mikkeli Dataset Malk 2019
Map of Fishing Zones Map Environnement.Brussels - Leefmilieu.Brussels 2019
Map of the Port of Comodoro Rivadavia. Image Openstrettmap 2019
Mapa de Zonificación del Uso de Suelo Map ECOPLAN Municipalidad de Alajuelita 2019
Mapa que muestra la ubicación de los cuerpos de agua detectados mediante imágenes de satélite. de CONAGUA Map CONAGUA 2019
Mapa usos del Suelo Rural Image Alcaldía de Medellin 2019
Mapping of Soils and Land-Related Environmental Attributes in France: Analysis of End-Users’ Needs Journal Article Anne C. Richer-de-Forges and Voltz 2019
Marais de Ganshoren Image Bruxelles - Environnement 2019
Marine outfalls list GPS Coordinates Julien Beaulieu 2019
Marine outfalls list GPS Coordinates Paul Hoekman 2019
Marine pollution in the Caribbean : not a minute to waste Journal Article Diez et al. 2019
Masas arbóreas en zonas verdes por distrito de la ciudad de Madrid Dataset Ayuntamiento de Madrid 2019
Masas arbóreas parques históricos, singulares y forestales de la ciudad de Madrid Dataset Ayuntamiento de Madrid 2019
Material Cycles Book Section Winfrey and Kangas 2019
Material Flow Accounts of Catalonia Dataset Statistical Institute of Catalonia 2019
Material amount of buildings by typology in Mikkeli Dataset Statistics Finland 2019
Material flow analysis (MFA) as a strategic tool in E-waste management: Applications, trends and future directions Journal Article Islam and Huda 2019
Material flow statement by indicator, material type and time Dataset Denmarks Statistics 2019
Material footprint of electric vehicles: A multiregional life cycle assessment Journal Article Sen et al. 2019
Material needs and accumulation. Data visualisation 2019
Materials flow analysis in support of circular economy development: Plastics in Trinidad and Tobago Journal Article Millette et al. 2019
Materials flow analysis of a desert food production system: The case of bell peppers Journal Article Meidad Kissinger Sharon Ravitz Wyngaard 2019
Meals Served in Municipal Canteens in Porto Dataset Câmara Municipal do Porto 2019
Measuring Progress towards a Circular Economy: A Monitoring Framework for Economy-wide Material Loop Closing in the EU28 Journal Article Mayer et al. 2019
Measuring the Impact of Ride-Hailing Firms on Urban Congestion: The Case of Uber in Europe and United States Report Xavier Fageda 2019
Mercados de Abasto en Andalucía Shapefile Instituto de Estadística y Cartografía de Andalucía. 2019
Metabolic relationships between cities and hinterland: a political-industrial ecology of energy metabolism of Saint-Nazaire metropolitan and port area (France) Journal Article Bahers et al. 2019
Metabolic thinking in the built environment and cities Video Recording Metabolic Nico Schouten 2019
Metabolism of Cities - Youtube Intro Video Recording Aristide Athanassiadis 2019
Metabolism of Cities - Youtube Outro Video Recording Aristide Athanassiadis 2019
Migration rate internal - external 1998/2019 - Barberà del VAllès Dataset IDESCAT - Institut d’Estadística de Catalunya 2019
Mines list GPS Coordinates Paul Hoekman 2019
Mining pond in the Andalucia region Shapefile Instituto de Estadística y Cartografía de Andalucía. 2019
Ministerio de Ambiente creará nueva categoría de área protegida para bosques urbanos Journal Article Ojo al Clima 2019
Mobility and Transport System Report Camara Municipal do Porto 2019
Modeling copper demand in China up to 2050: A business-as-usual scenario based on dynamic stock and flow analysis Journal Article Dong et al. 2019
Modeling copper demand in China up to 2050: A business‐as‐usual scenario based on dynamic stock and flow analysis Journal Article Dong et al. 2019
Modeling the urban water-energy nexus: A case study of Xiamen, China Journal Article Lin et al. 2019
Monthly accumulated rainfall of the city of Barcelona since 1786 Data visualisation Ajuntament de Barcelona 2019
Monthly average air temperatures of the city of Barcelona since 1780 Dataset Ajuntament de Barcelona 2019
Mortalidad de México y sus Alcaldías Dataset Instituto Nacional de Geografía y Estadística 2019
Multi-Criteria and Life Cycle Assessment of Wood-Based Bioenergy Alternatives for Residential Heating: A Sustainability Analysis Journal Article Martín-Gamboa et al. 2019
MultipliCity: an Urban Metabolism City Dashboard Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2019
MultipliCity: an Urban Metabolism City Dashboard Presentation Paul Hoekman 2019
Multiplicity - an online stocks and flows data gathering and visualisation platform Video Recording Paul Hoekman 2019
Municipal planning framework 2019 Shapefile Roskilde 2019
Municipality Director Plan - 1st Revision - 2019 - CM Aveiro Report Câmara Municipal de Aveiro 2019
Mushrooms at Abattoir, Anderlecht (Brussels) Image Ciska Gielis 2019
NUTS 2016 Shapefile EUROSTAT 2019
Nangong waste treatment facilty Image Yupeng Liu 2019
National Air Pollution Control Programme Document European Commission 2019
Natural Hazards and Well-Being in a Small-Scale Island Society Journal Article Lohmann et al. 2019
Natural gas to remain Singapore's key energy fuel for 50 years Presentation Audrey Tan 2019
New Official Map: Singapore MRT System Map, 2019 Map Land and authority 2019
Non-economic Loss and Damage and the Warsaw International Mechanism Book Section Serdeczny et al. 2019
Nota Duurzaamheid: Schone energie in een groene stad. De Haagse aanpak Document Municipality The Hague 2019
Number (and square area) of new buildings by typology in Mikkeli Dataset LIITERI Tietopalvelu 2019
Number of new inhabitants of the Region 2019 (2014) Dataset Monitoring des Quartiers 2019
Number of summer cottages in Mikkeli 1970-2019 Dataset Statistics Finland 2019
Número de árboles por localidad Dataset Jardín_Botánico_de_Bogotá 2019
OE versus EE as a function of LCE, building definition and result type Data visualisation 2019
Observed and Projected Impacts from Extreme Weather Events: Implications for Loss and Damage Book Section Bouwer et al. 2019
Oil tanks. Image Ramiro Schiavo 2019
Olympic Sand Mine, Macassar. Aeolian dune sand, up to 20 m thick, is mined for mortar sand. Image Cole et al. 2019
Once hailed as unhackable, blockchains are now getting hacked Magazine Article Mike Orcuttarchive 2019
Onttrekkingen woningen sloop Dataset DHIC/CBS 2019
Opportunities and limits of circular economy as policy framework for urban metabolism Book Section Athanassiadis et al. 2019
Optimization of integrated energy storage for implicit demand-side flexibility: The case study of Singapore office buildings Book Tommaso Miori 2019
Organic waste transport fleet Image Yupeng Liu 2019
Origin of construction waste in Beijing Document Beijing municipal commission of urban management 2019
Oudekraal sewage pump station. The wastewater treatment plant is located a bit uphill so this pump station takes the sewage to the treatment plant. Image Paul Hoekman 2019
Oudekraal waste water treatment works Image Paul Hoekman 2019
Overfilled red bin in a street with the writings on it "Bleib sauber, mein Hamburg" which means : Stay clean, my Hamburg Image Claus 2019
Overview of national waste prevention programmes in Europe-Belgium Report European Environment Agency 2019
Overview of the seminar "Urban Metabolism in Policy and Practice" Video Recording Metabolism of Cities 2019
PETROLEUM STORAGE FACILITIES Report South African National Energy Regulator (NERSA) 2019
Panorama Económico Cajamarca Report Instituto Nacional de Estadística e Informatica (INEI) 2019
Panorama Paquetá Thesis Lodewijk Luken 2019
Panoramic of oil tanks, dock and port. Image Ramiro Schiavo 2019
Panoramic of the Port. Image Ramiro Schiavo 2019
Panoramic of the oil tanks and the dock. Image Ramiro Schiavo 2019
Paraderos de Colectivos GPS Coordinates Ministerio de Desarrollo Urbano y Transporte 2019
Paris City Urban Forest Map Badiu Alexandru 2019
Paris Region Key Figures 2019 Report Paris Region Entreprises et al. 2019
Paris Skyline Image Dan Novac 2019
Parked scooters. Image Gerrit Hoekman 2019
Parque Vehicular Dataset Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía 2019
Parque de vehículos Dataset Dirección General de Trafico. Ministerio del Interior. Gobierno de España 2019
Parque de vehículos existentes por antigüedad en la ciudad de Madrid Dataset Agencia Tributaria de Madrid 2019
Parquimetros y equipos de cobro Shapefile SEMOVI 2019
Part of the port of Brussels Image unknown for the Port of Brussels Authority 2019
Paths in the time-space. Data visualisation 2019
Pathways to Modelling Ecosystem Services within an Urban Metabolism Framework Journal Article Thomas Elliot and Rugani 2019
Pathways towards regional circular economy evaluated using material flow analysis and system dynamics Journal Article Gao et al. 2019
Percentage contributions of components for the extended exergy analysis in Tehran. Data visualisation 2019
Pesaje por tipo de residuos y por Punto Verde 2015-2016 Dataset Agencia de Protección Ambiental 2019
Picture of Le Port de Bruxelles Image / 2019
Picture op the power Station in Drogenbos, Brussels Image Karmakolle 2019
Pit in kaolin on the farm Noordhoek 1387, 6 km northeast of Fish Hoek taken in 1997. Pit face is 15 m high and kaolin was exploited for ceramics and filler in paper, paint and polymer industries. Mining was terminated in 2008. Image Cole et al. 2019
Plan Digital de la Ciudad de México Document Agencia Digital de Innovación Pública 2019
Plan Estratégico Sevilla 2030 Report Ayuntamiento de Sevilla 2019
Plan Estratégico de Movilidad de la Ciudad de México Document 2019
Plan Integral de Desarrollo Agropecuario y Rural del Atlántico Report Agencia de Desarrollo Rural de Colombia 2019
Plan de Desarrollo Urbano Chimbote (PDU) - Nuevo Chimbote 2020-2030 - Tomo 1 Diagnostico Book Construcción y Saneamiento - Equipo Técnico IDOM Ministerio de Vivienda 2019
Plan de acción ante el cambio y la variabilidad climática del Área Metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá 2019 - 2030 Document Universidad Nacional de Colombia Área metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá 2019
Plan directeur des carrières Shapefile Etat de Vaud 2019
Plan para la Gestión Integral de Residuos Peligrosos para Bogotá Document Secretaría_Distrital_de_Ambiente 2019
Planta de abastecimento de água Data visualisation Câmara Municipal de Anadia 2019
Planta de energía fotovoltaica solar en el Cantón de Alajuelita Image Edwin Araya 2019
Plantas de tratamiento de agua residual (nacional) Map CONAGUA 2019
Plantas de tratamiento municipales por entidad federativa (2019) Dataset 2019 2019
Plantas potabilizadoras (nacional) Map CONAGUA 2019
Plastics Waste Metabolism in a Petro-Island State: Towards Solving a “Wicked Problem” in Trinidad and Tobago Journal Article Shah et al. 2019
Población Cabecera municipal de Carepa Dataset Universidad Santo Tomás 2019
Policy Interventions to Advance Sustainable Materials Management Video Recording Dr. Ning Ai 2019
Política Energética Sustentable para la Ciudad de México 2019 Document Secretaría de Desarrollo Económico 2019
Políticas ambientales del Distrito Capital Document Secretaría_Distrital_de_Ambiente 2019
Population density Dataset Paris Urbanism Agency 2019
Population evolution of Sevilla Dataset Ayuntamiento de Sevilla 2019
Population forecast (2018-2038) Dataset Instituto de Estadística de Cataluña 2019
Population in Brief Conference Paper Prime Minister’s Office Singapore Department of Statistics Ministry of Home Affairs Immigration & Checkpoints Authority Ministry of Manpower A JOINT PUBLICATION BY: Strategy Group 2019
Population of Barcelona divided by age groups and nationality 2019 Dataset Instituto de Estadística de Cataluña 2019
Population of the city of Córdoba, Argentina Report Gobierno Abierto de Córdoba 2019
Population résidante selon l'origine, le sexe, le groupe d'âges et l'état matrimonial, Canton de Genève, 2019 Dataset OCSTAT - Genève 2019
Population résidante selon l'origine, le sexe, le groupe d'âges et l'état matrimonial, Ville de Genève, 2019 Dataset OCSTAT - Genève 2019
Population size prognosis Apeldoorn (2020-2050) Dataset CBS 2019
Population trend Report Singapore Department of Statistics 2019
Port of Comodoro Rivadavia. View from the coast. Image Ramiro Schiavo 2019
Port of Cape Town Image SkyPixels 2019
Port of Cape Town, with the newly built fuel storage facility by Burgan Cape Terminals. Image Paul Hoekman 2019
Ports list GPS Coordinates Ramiro Schiavo 2019
Ports list GPS Coordinates Lih Wei Yeow 2019
Ports list GPS Coordinates Paul Hoekman 2019
Power plants list GPS Coordinates Siddarth Uppili Raghavan 2019
Power plants list GPS Coordinates Paul Hoekman 2019
Power plants list GPS Coordinates Ramiro Schiavo 2019
Precipitación mensual promedio periodo 1972-2019 Dataset IDEAM 2019
Precipitación y temperatura promedio mensual multianual Data visualisation Climate Data Org 2019
Preocupa el aumento y el mal manejo de las basuras en Medellín Journal Article Javier Nieto 2019
Preparation for reuse activity of waste electrical and electronic equipment: Environmental performance, cost externality and job creation Journal Article Pini et al. 2019
Principales Actividades Económicas Report INEI 2019
Principales empresas con sede en Antioquia, productoras de autopartes – 2.018 (1) Data visualisation Alcaldía de Medellín 2019
Principales empresas con sede en Antioquia, productoras de autopartes – 2.018 (2) Data visualisation Alcaldía de Medellín 2019
Prises en pêche professionnelle, en kg, dans les lacs (eaux vaudoises) par espèce, 1996-2018 Dataset STATVD 2019
Prism of the Green Point Lighthouse Image De Zuid-Afrikaan 2019
Producción agrícola. Principales productos. Provincias Dataset Agricultura et al. 2019
Producción de Agua Potable Report Empresa Prestadora de Servicios de Saneamiento S.A. Cajamarca 2019
Production et approvisionnement en électricité du réseau genevois, depuis 1989 Dataset OCSTAT - Genève 2019
Production volumes of concrete products in Finland Report The Confederation of Finnish Construction Industries RT (CFCI) 2019
Programa de Recuperación de parques y espacios públicos de la Ciudad de México Document Secretaría de Obras y Servicios 2019
Programa de Gobierno de la Ciudad de México 2019-2024 Document Gobierno de la Ciudad 2019
Projections des ménages et logements du Canton de Genève de 2020 à 2040 Dataset OCSTAT - Genève 2019
Projections du nombre de ménages et de logements dans le canton de Genève jusqu’en 2040 Report OCSTAT - Genève 2019
Prospects and Challenges for Civil Society and Climate Change Engagement in the Caribbean: The Case of Trinidad and Tobago Journal Article Montoute et al. 2019
Provincias de Argentina Shapefile Instituto Geográfico Nacional de la República Argentina (IGN) 2019
Public Car Parks Dataset Open Data Bruxelles 2019
Public transport in Beijing Image China daily 2019
Public waste bin Image Gerrit Hoekman 2019
Public waste bin - with Christmas trees deposited next to it. Image Gerrit Hoekman 2019
Pumping stations list GPS Coordinates Carolin Bellstedt 2019
Puntos Verdes, Buenos Aires Shapefile Agencia de Protección Ambiental 2019
Quadrennial report on regional progress and challenges in relation to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in Latin America and the Caribbean Journal Article NU CEPAL 2019
Quantity and quality of excess materials and material demand in area 1e4, 2020e2030. Data visualisation 2019
Quantity of Animals and Cultural Agriculture Produced Dataset STATBEL 2019
Quo vadis Urban Metabolism? Video Recording Metabolism of Cities Aristide Athanassiadis 2019
R-NET metro to Scheveningen Noord Image Gerrit Hoekman 2019
REGLAMENTO DE CONSTRUCCIONES Document Municipalidad de Alajuelita (Gobierno Local) 2019
REGLAMENTO DE MAPA OFICIAL Document Municipalidad de Alajuelita (Gobierno Local) 2019
REGLAMENTO DE USOS DE SUELO Document Municipalidad de Alajuelita (Gobierno Local) 2019
REGLAMENTO DE VIALIDAD Document Municipalidad de Alajuelita (Gobierno Local) 2019
REGLAMENTO GENERAL Document Municipalidad de Alajuelita 2019
REGLAMENTO PARA EL CONTROL DE FRACCIONAMIENTOS Y URBANIZACIONES Document Municipalidad de Alajuelita (Gobierno Local) 2019
REGLAMENTO PUBLICIDAD EXTERIOR 17DIC2019 Document Municipalidad de Alajuelita (Gobierno Local) 2019
REGLAMENTO RENOVACIÓN URBANA Document Municipalidad de Alajuelita (Gobierno Local) 2019
REGLAMENTO TELECOMUNICACIONES Document Municipalidad de Alajuelita (Gobierno Local) 2019
RESULTADOS OPORTUNOS DE LOS CENSOS ECONÓMICOS 2019 - CAMPECHE Journal Article Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía - INEGI 2019
Rapport annuel 2019 - SIG Report SIG - Services Industriels Genevois 2019
Rapport annuel 2019 - Service de l'eau Report Service de l'eau Ville de Lausanne 2019
Rapport annuel sur la situation en matière de development durable 2019 Document CCAS 2019
Rapport annuel sur la situation en matière de développement durable 2019 Document Ville de Grenoble 2019
Rapport d'Activité 2019 - Appui au développement économique Report Service de la promotion de l’économie et de l’innovation. Canton de Vaud. 2019
Rapport de gestion SiL, 2019 Report Direction des Services Industriels Lausannois Ville de Lausanne 2019
Rate and Energy Efficiency Improvements for 5G-Based IoT With Simultaneous Transfer Journal Article Liu and Zhang 2019
Rational mining limits Bitcoin emissions Journal Article Nicolas Houy 2019
Raw-water resources Map APUR- Paris Urbanism Agency 2019
Reciclaje : Economía Circular Report Alcaldía de Medellín 2019
Recorrido de Colectivos Shapefile Ministerio de Desarrollo Urbano y Transporte 2019
Recorridos del Metrobus Shapefile Unidad de Sistemas de Información Geográfica 2019
Recycling Depotcontainer - Hamburg, Germany Image saopaulo1 2019
Red Hidrica Medellín Shapefile Alcaldía de Medellín 2019
Red Nacional de Caminos Map Instituto Nacional de Transporte 2019
Red de Calles y avenidas a nivel de Ciudad Shapefile Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI) 2019
Red de Ferrocarril Shapefile Ministerio de Desarrollo Urbano y Transporte 2019
Reducing the environmental impact of existing buildings in the Brussels-Capital Region by 2030-2050 Document Environnement.Brussels - Leefmilieu.Brussels 2019
Refineries list GPS Coordinates Siddarth Uppili Raghavan 2019
Regional Economic Prospects in Autumn 2019 Report Jouko Nieminen (editor) 2019
Registro de Cooperativas de recolección de residuos sólidos secos GPS Coordinates Unidad de Sistemas de Información Geográfica 2019
Rendre la pluie 100% utile Presentation Mairie de Paris 2019
Renewable Energy Will Not Solve Bitcoin’s Sustainability Problem Journal Article Alex de Vries 2019
Reporte construcción Colombia Report Cámara de Comercio de Cali 2019
Research Trend of Urban Metabolism in Elsevier Journals Report Gao et al. 2019
Residential building material stocks and component-level circularity: The case of Singapore Journal Article Arora et al. 2019
Resource fields for building sand, limestone and phosphate in the Greater Cape Town area. Image D.I. Cole 2019
Resource fields for stone aggregate – granite, stone aggregate – Malmesbury slate, stone aggregate – Table Mountain sandstone, brick clay, plastic clay, silica sand, gravel (ferricrete) and kaolin in the Greater Cape Town area. Image D.I. Cole 2019
Resource sharing in technologically defined social networks Journal Article Shirado et al. 2019
Resources Management for Urban Sustainability in the Global South Conference Paper Khalifa et al. 2019
Resultados Censo Nacional de Población y Vivienda 2018 Report DANE 2019
Resultados MERCO Empresas Argentina Journal Article MERCO empresas Arg 2019
Rethink government with AI Journal Article Margetts and Dorobantu 2019
Rethinking Urban Metabolism: Back to the Perspective of Biology/Ecology Video Recording Dr. Lixiao Zhang 2019
Rethinking Urban Nature (Matthew Gandy - University of Cambridge) Podcast Aristide Athanassiadis 2019
Review and Categorization of Digital Applications in the Energy Sector Journal Article Weigel and Fischedick 2019
Review and categorization of digital applications in the energy sector Journal Article Weigel and Fischedick 2019
Rise of the Internet of Things (IoT) Newspaper Article Darren Anstee 2019
Risks, Health Consequences, and Response Challenges for Small-Island-Based Populations: Observations From the 2017 Atlantic Hurricane Season Journal Article Shultz et al. 2019
Roman Rock lighthouse off the coast in Simon's Town Image Laika ac 2019
Roskilde aerial view Image Roskilde 2019
Ruta: cuatro plazas de mercado para recorrer en Medellín Journal Article Claudia Arias 2019
Rwanda Natural Capital Accounts Water Report Government of Rwanda 2019
Rwanda's policy on manufacturing of plastic Document Rwanda Environment Management Authority 2019
SIDS Waste Management Outlook Report UNEP 2019
SINGAPORE CLIMATE (SINGAPORE) Data visualisation Climate data org 2019
SINGAPORE FOOD & BEVERAGE MARKET 2018 Report Shakila Jayathilake 2019
SPB: A secure private blockchain-based solution for energy trading Magazine Article Dorri et al. 2019
Saint Kitts and Nevis General Image hectorlo 2019
Samothraki Livestock Dataset Dominik Noll 2019
Scaling out access to land for urban agriculture. Governance hybridities in the Brussels-Capital Region Journal Article Frank Moulaerta Alessandra Manganelli 2019
Screenshot of Land Use Data visualisation Direção Geral do Território - DGT 2019
Semi-Natural Areas and Green Areas Benefitting from a Protective Status Report Environnement.Brussels - Leefmilieu.Brussels 2019
Semáforos GPS Coordinates Ministerio de Desarrollo Urbano y Transporte 2019
Sex Ratio Report Monitoring des Quartiers 2019
Shape File for Kigali's building stocks and typology Dataset Felix Bachofer 2019
Shaping a Great City Together — 45 Years and Counting Report Urban Redevelopment Authority 2019
Shared E-Scooters: Paving the Road Ahead Report Gubman et al. 2019
Sharing economy revisited: Towards a new framework for understanding sharing models Journal Article Netter et al. 2019
Ships arriving at the Port of Cape Town Image David Nunn 2019
Sign indicating the available number of parking spots in different parking garages. Image Gerrit Hoekman 2019
Singapore Energy Statistics Dataset Energy Market Authority 2019
Singapore Food Processing Ingredients Annual 2019 Report Agricultural Specialist Ira Sugita 2019
Singapore Food Processing Ingredients Annual 2019 Data visualisation Ira Sugita 2019
Singapore Hotel Market Report Horwath 2019
Singapore aims to send one-third less waste to Semakau Landfill by 2030: Amy Khor Image Audrey Tan 2019
Singapore's Energy Story Video Recording Energy market authority 2019
Sistema Interconectado Nacional STN - STR con Expansión Map UPME 2019
Sistema de Transmisión Energética Nacional Map UPME - Unidad de Planeación Minero Energética 2019
Sistema del árbol urbano SAU - Información arbórea de Medellín. Shapefile Alcaldía de Medellín 2019
Sistemas de Captación de Agua de Lluvia Map Secretaría de Medio Ambiente 2019
Sistemas hidráulicos potenciales Bogotá D.C Shapefile Instituto_Distrital_de_Patrimonio-Cultural 2019
Skyline Rotterdam Image User 3093594 2019
Smart Hot Water Control with Learned Human Behavior for Minimal Energy Consumption Conference Paper Sonnekalb and Lucia 2019
Smart technologies for promotion of energy efficiency, utilization of sustainable resources and waste management Journal Article Nižetić et al. 2019
Snowflake flour mill Image Paul Hoekman 2019
Snowflake flour mill Image Paul Hoekman 2019
Social-ecological dynamics and water stress in tourist islands: the case of Rhodes, Greece Journal Article Skrimizea and Parra 2019
Socioeconomical report 2019 - Barberà del Vallès Report Fundation and Vallès 2019
Soil volumes in Høje Taastrup for 2019 Dataset Høje Taastrup 2019
Some areas are closed off for vehicles. Image Gerrit Hoekman 2019
Some of the tankers of Burgan Cape Terminals Image Paul Hoekman 2019
Spatial analysis of urban material stock with clustering algorithms: A Northern European case study Journal Article Gontia et al. 2019
Spatial urban data system: A cloud-enabled big data infrastructure for social and economic urban analytics Journal Article Anejionu et al. 2019
Spatially explicit material stock analysis of buildings in Eastern China metropoles Data visualisation 2019
Spatially explicit material stock analysis of buildings in Eastern China metropoles Journal Article Guo et al. 2019
St. George's, Grenada Image David Stanley 2019
St. Thomas harbor, US Virgin Islands Image Simron J. Singh 2019
State of the Art of Machine Learning Models in Energy Systems, a Systematic Review Journal Article Mosavi et al. 2019
Statistical Reports, Waste disposal in Hamburg 2018, Part III: Collection of waste Document Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein) 2019
Statistical portraits of all of Switzerland's cantons ( + Population) Dataset Swiss Federal Statistical Office 2019
Statistics in Electricity Sub-Sector as at December 2019 Report Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Authority 2019
Statistics in the Transport Sector as of June 2019 Report Rwanda Utilities Regulation Authority 2019
Statistique de la superficie standard par communes selon 4 domaines principaux et 17 classes (2013/18) Dataset OFS - Office Fédéral de Statistique 2019
Statistique tourisme, Lausanne 2019 Dataset Ville de Lausanne. Office d'appui économique et statistique. 2019
Statistiques Eau et Déchets - Lausanne Dataset Ville de Lausanne 2019
Statistiques mobilité et transports - Lausanne Dataset Ville de Lausanne 2019
Statistiques sur les bâtiments - Lausanne Dataset Ville de Lausanne 2019
Steel Imports Report: Belgium Report International Trade Administration 2019
Steel production in Singapore in H1 2017 and H1 2018 (in metric tons)* Data visualisation J Muller 2019
Storage of Corobrik bricks. Clay is mined in Capetonian mines. Image Corobrik 2019
Streamlining circular city scans through an online tool Video Recording Circle Economy Marijana Novak 2019
Subdivision de la Tierra Dataset Municipalidad de Rosario 2019
Supply of electricity per economic sector from 1987-onwards Dataset Ville de Lausanne 2019
Surgencia - Wellspring Shapefile Instituto Geográfico Nacional - España 2019
Synchrolift facility at the Cape Town port. Here, large vessels can be lifted out of the water for repairs and maintenance. Image Paul Hoekman 2019
São Paulo Image from Pixabay Alexandre Gonçalves da Rocha 2019
TECHNOLOGY INNOVATIONS FOR FOOD SECURITY Presentation William Chen Yong Ken Tye 2019
Tackling Climate Change with Machine Learning Document Rolnick et al. 2019
Tackling global biodiversity challenge from the ground Presentation Edwards and Saunders 2019
Taking Stock of Built Environment Stock Studies: Progress and Prospects Journal Article Taking Stock of Built Environment Stock Studies: Progress and Prospects Maud Lanau, Gang Liu, Ulrich Kral, Dominik Wiedenhofer, Elisabeth Keijzer, Chang Yu, and Christina Ehlert Environmental Science & Technology 2019 53 (15), 8499-8515 DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.8b06652 2019
Taking Stock of Built Environment Stock Studies: Progress and Prospects Journal Article Lanau et al. 2019
Temperatura máxima promedio mensual multianual Dataset IDEAM 2019
Temperatura mínima promedio mensual Dataset IDEAM 2019
Temperatura promedia mensual multianual Dataset IDEAM 2019
The 2019 Urban Metabolism in Policy and Practice Seminar Series Video Recording Metabolism of Cities Aristide Athanassiadis 2019
The 2019 Urban Metabolism in Policy and Practice Seminar Series Presentation Aristide Athanassiadis 2019
The Addis Ababa Water and Sewerage Authority has set aside a total of US$12.2 million to put up a new sewerage system across all districts that are located in Addis Ababa. Part of the money will be allocated to installing a total of 12 Anaerobic Baffled Image Antony kiganda 2019
The Carbon Footprint of Bitcoin Journal Article Stoll et al. 2019
The Climate Effect of Digitalization in Production and Consumption in OECD Countries Conference Paper Kopp and Lange 2019
The Comodoro Rivadavia airport has the first sustainable terminal in the country Video Recording 2019
The Ethical Challenges in the Context of Climate Loss and Damage Book Section Wallimann-Helmer et al. 2019
The Evolving Singapore Agrifood Ecosystem Report Paul Teng and Powell 2019
The Green Point Lighthouse Image Hilton Teper 2019
The Green Point Lighthouse Image Debbie Louise Lloyd 2019
The Impact of Airbnb on Residential Property Values and Rents: Evidence from Portugal Report Franco et al. 2019
The Impacts of Climate Change on Ecosystem Services and Resulting Losses and Damages to People and Society Book Section van der Geest et al. 2019
The Manifestation of Climate Injustices: The Post-Hurricane Irma Conflicts Surrounding Barbuda’s Communal Land Tenure Journal Article Baptiste and Devonish 2019
The Maseru bridge also the border into South Africa (the Free State) is always busy. A signification percentage of Basotho work in South Africa, this coupled with the high import of goods into Lesotho through Maseru makes this border the busiest . Image Gettyimages 2019
The Material Footprint of private households in Germany: Linking the natural resource use and socioeconomic characteristics of users from an online footprint calculator in Germany Journal Article Buhl et al. 2019
The National Ports Authority House at the port of Cape Town Image Paul Hoekman 2019
The Nature of Steel Fabrication Company in Singapore Image Vengadesh_SEO 2019
The Politics of (and Behind) the UNFCCC’s Loss and Damage Mechanism Book Section Calliari et al. 2019
The Power of AI & Data Visualisation in Driving the Circular Economy - Future Circular Cities 2019 Video Recording 2019
The Risk and Policy Space for Loss and Damage: Integrating Notions of Distributive and Compensatory Justice with Comprehensive Climate Risk Management Book Section Schinko et al. 2019
The Role of the Physical Sciences in Loss and Damage Decision-Making Book Section Lopez et al. 2019
The Scale-Dependent Behaviour of Cities: A Cross-Cities Multiscale Driver Analysis of Urban Energy Use Journal Article Bettignies et al. 2019
The State of the Art of Material Flow Analysis Research Based on Construction and Demolition Waste Recycling and Disposal Journal Article Guo and Huang 2019
The Urban Agriculture Initiative Fact Sheet Report Minerals Council South Africa 2019
The carbon footprint of manufacturing digitalization: Critical literature review and future research agenda Journal Article Patsavellas and Salonitis 2019
The central station of Brussels. Image Walkerssk 2019
The central train station Image Gerrit Hoekman 2019
The drop-off site at Kensington Image Paul Hoekman 2019
The efficient, the intensive, and the productive: Insights from urban Kaya scaling Journal Article Gudipudi et al. 2019
The expansion of the built environment, waste generation and EU recycling targets on Samothraki, Greece: An island’s dilemma Journal Article Noll et al. 2019
The expansion of the built environment, waste generation and EU recycling targets on Samothraki, Greece: An island’s dilemma Journal Article Noll et al. 2019
The flow paths map shows how precipitation in the urban area comes to runoff. This helps to analyze the cause of flooding and to devise measures to prevent this flooding. Flow paths start small, expand into larger flow paths and stop at the moment when th Image Lizard 2019
The general coalition agreement of the Brussels government: 2019-2024 Document Brussels Capital Government - Common Community Commission Government 2019
The industrial side of the Cape Town Port is very close to the Waterfront, which has a number of tourism attractions and recreational activities. Image Paul Hoekman 2019
The living city - introduction to circular urban metabolism Book Paola Pluchino 2019
The metabolism of U.S. cities 2.0 Journal Article Chini and Stillwell 2019
The metro is partially underground, and partially above ground in The Hague Image Gerrit Hoekman 2019
The monument is the work of a French sculptor Morris Calka. The symbol of the monument served as a logo to the former Ethiopian Tourism Commission and is still serving the present Ministry of Culture and Tourism, depicting the country’s tourism promotion Image WikiMedia 2019
The monument to the Lion of Judah is a statue of the Lion of Judah, symbol of Ethiopian Emperors and Ethiopia. It is located in the square of the Addis Ababa railway station in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Image Wikipedia 2019
The ornamental fish industry in Singapore Journal Article Gen Hua Yue 2019
The right to flows (David Wachsmuth - McGill University) Podcast Aristide Athanassiadis 2019
The roles of users in electric, shared and automated mobility transitions Journal Article Axsen and Sovacool 2019
There are a number of canals in The Hague Image Gerrit Hoekman 2019
There are a number of tall buildings, especially near the city centre. Some are offices, others are residential building. Image Gerrit Hoekman 2019
This AI idea has many fans Journal Article Heather Clancy 2019
Tinkering with Urban Metabolism in urban design and planning Video Recording 1010au Nadia Casabella 2019
To drive or not to drive? A qualitative comparison of car ownership and transport experiences in London and Singapore Journal Article Samue Chng Charles Abraham Mathew P. White Stephen Skippone 2019
Toneladas procesadas de residuos PET 2018 Dataset Ministerio de Ambiente y Espacio Público 2019
Toneladas procesadas de residuos forestales 2018 Dataset Ministerio de Ambiente y Espacio Público 2019
Toneladas procesadas de residuos orgánicos 2018 Dataset Ministerio de Ambiente y Espacio Público 2019
Toneladas procesadas de residuos áridos 2018 Dataset Ministerio de Ambiente y Espacio Público 2019
Toronto Resilience Strategy Report City of Toronto 2019
Towards Low-Carbon Urban Metabolism—The Impact of Eliminating Food Waste Book Section Graham et al. 2019
Towards Measuring the Informal City: A Societal Metabolism Approach Journal Article Smit et al. 2019
Towards a model for circular renovation of the existing building stock: a preliminary study on the potential for CO2 reduction of bio-based insulation materials Journal Article Pittau et al. 2019
Towards a more direct policy feedback in circular economy monitoring via a societal needs perspective Journal Article Alaerts et al. 2019
Towards an interspatial urban metabolism analysis in an interconnected world Journal Article Zeev Stossel Meidad Kissinger 2019
Towards resilient African cities: Shared challenges and opportunities towards the retention and maintenance of ecological infrastructure Journal Article O'Farrell et al. 2019
Train stations list GPS Coordinates Andrew Woolard 2019
Train stations list GPS Coordinates Paul Hoekman 2019
Training a single AI model can emit as much carbon as five cars in their lifetimes Magazine Article Karen Hao 2019
Trains at the central train station Image Gerrit Hoekman 2019
Transmission masts list GPS Coordinates Carolin Bellstedt 2019
Transnet Pipelines Report Report Transnet 2019
Transport de marchandises Image Pxhere 2019
Travelers in line for the buses at Park Station. Image Paul Hoekman 2019
Tree cover loss in City of Johannesburg Dataset Global Forest Watch Google 2019
Two cruise ships docked at the Cape Town port. Image Paul Hoekman 2019
Typical Household Usage of Natural Gas Image DELANEY Cian 2019
USA State Population Totals and Components of Change: 2010-2019 Dataset United States Census Bureau 2019
Ubicación de Centros de Transferencia Modal (CETRAM) Shapefile SEMOVI 2019
Ubicación de Centros de Transferencia Modal (CETRAM) Dataset SEMOVI 2019
Ubicación de Instalaciones fotovoltaicas y térmicas GPS Coordinates Ministerio de Ambiente y Espacio Público 2019
Ubicación de la Infraestructura Económica Productiva Relevante Map IDOM Equipo técnico de PDU 2019
Ubicación de proyectos mineros en Argentina Shapefile Secretaría de Gobierno de Energía 2019
Uncovering Household Carbon Footprint Drivers in an Aging, Shrinking Society Journal Article Huang et al. 2019
Underground parking garage Image Gerrit Hoekman 2019
Understanding Loss and Damage in Pacific Small Island Developing States Book Section Handmer et al. 2019
Understanding Waste Management in a MegaCity Document Escalante et al. 2019
Une production d’électricité tournée vers les énergies renouvelables Report Le-dauphine 2019
Unlocking the informal economy in an inclusive circular economy approach Video Recording UN Curt Garrigan 2019
Unraveling customer sustainable consumption behaviors in sharing economy: A socio-economic approach based on social exchange theory Journal Article Wang et al. 2019
Unravelling the anthropogenic pathways of phosphorus in the food production and consumption system of Bangladesh through the lens of substance flow analysis Journal Article Roy et al. 2019
Upscaling urban data science for global climate solutions Journal Article Creutzig et al. 2019
Urban Material Flows and Stocks Accounting: A Review of Methods and Their Application Report Hoekman and Bellstedt 2019
Urban Metabolic Analysis of a Food-Water-Energy System for Sustainable Resources Management Journal Article Hu et al. 2019
Urban Metabolism Guide Report Rosado et al. 2019
Urban Metabolism and the UM-US-SC Nexus Journal Article Tong Zou 2019
Urban area boundaries of Cordoba Shapefile geoBoundaires 2019
Urban sustainability assessment tools: A review Journal Article Kaur and Garg 2019
Urban waste flows and their potential for a circular economy model at city-region level Journal Article Zeller et al. 2019
Urban water metabolism information for planning water sensitive city-regions Journal Article Serrao-Neumann et al. 2019
Using spatially explicit commodity flow and truck activity data to map urban material flows Journal Article Lynette Cheah Lih Wei Yeow 2019
Using spatially explicit commodity flow and truck activity data to map urban material flows Journal Article Yeow and Cheah 2019
Uso disipativo de productos en Cataluña Dataset IDESCAT (Instituto de Estadística de Cataluña) 2019
Usos Generales del Suelo Urbano Shapefile Alcaldía de Medellín 2019
Utilisation de la surface agricole utile des exploitations agricoles, Vaud, 1980-2018 Dataset STATVD 2019
Utilizing coral waste and metakaolin to produce eco-friendly marine mortar: Hydration, mechanical properties and durability Journal Article Wang et al. 2019
Value co-creation for sustainable consumption and production in the sharing economy in China Journal Article Ma et al. 2019
Value of agricultural production in Singapore from 2006 to 2017 Dataset R. Hirschmann 2019
Vehicle Stocks Dataset Grenada Central Statistics 2019
View of the canal in Brussels looking north from the Sainctelette Bridge Image Sophie Fluyt 2019
Visualising Singapore’s Changing Weather Patterns: 1983–2019 Presentation Chua Chin Hon 2019
Vitens: Circularity in drinking water production Report Metabolic 2019
Vivaqua 2019 Activity Report Report Vivaqua 2019
Vivaqua Headquarter Image Karmakolle 2019
Volumen concesionado para usos consuntivos por Entidad Federativa (2019) Dataset CONAGUA 2019
Voorraad woningen (BAG) Dataset DHIC/CBS + GDH/DSO 2019
Vulnerability of a Northeast Mediterranean Island to Soil Loss. Can Grazing Management Mitigate Erosion? Journal Article Panagopoulos et al. 2019
Véhicules en circulation, par commune, Vaud Dataset STATVD 2019
Vías primarias de la Ciudad de México Shapefile SEMOVI 2019
Waste Collection infrastructures Sevilla Shapefile Junta de Andalucia 2019
Waste collection and valorisation Dataset Statistics and (BISA) 2019
Waste collection at the train station Hamburg-Harburg Image GeorgHH 2019
Waste collection, annual report (2019) of Metsäsairila Report Metsäsairila Oy 2019
Waste collection. Image Ramiro Schiavo 2019
Waste drop-off sites list GPS Coordinates Carolin Bellstedt 2019
Waste incinerator, Bruxelles-Energie Image Horst J. Meuter 2019
Waste production in Denmark by source and municipality Dataset Hoje Taastrup 2019
Waste production in Denmark by treatment and municipality Dataset Høje Taastrup 2019
Waste production in Denmark sorted by type and municipality Dataset Høje Taastrup 2019
Waste production statistics Dataset environment and energy 2019
Waste statistics on municipal waste Dataset environment and energy 2019
Waste transfer station list GPS Coordinates Ramiro Schiavo 2019
Waste transfer station list GPS Coordinates Yupeng Liu 2019
Wastewater treatment plants list GPS Coordinates Carolin Bellstedt 2019
Wastewater treatment plants list GPS Coordinates Ola Stedje Hanserud 2019
Wastewater treatment plants list GPS Coordinates Julien Beaulieu 2019
Water Supply Map Map Câmara Municipal de Anadia 2019
Water collection in Mikkeli Dataset Finnish Environment Institute 2019
Water from Local Catchment Map Singapore national water agency 2019
Water infrastructures, including water treatment plants, reservoirs, interceptors and wastewater treatment plant. Image Ville de Montréal 2019
Water treatment works list GPS Coordinates Julien Beaulieu 2019
Water-Energy-Food Nexus: A Provision to Tackle Urban Drought Book Section Mitra et al. 2019
Western Cape Trade 2019 Report Town et al. 2019
What 21st century cities should be making? (Adrian Hill - Cities of Making) Podcast Aristide Athanassiadis 2019
What can we learn from different contexts? Video Recording UN Environment André Confiado 2019
What older people need in Singapore: A household budgets study Presentation Ng Kok Hoe Teo You Yenn Neo Yu Wei Ad Maulod Ting Yi Ting 2019
What should be the future industrial structure of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei city region under water resource constraint?An inter-city input-output analysis Journal Article Li et al. 2019
Why Singapore Is Heating Up 2x Faster Than The Planet Video Recording cna insider 2019
Wind turbines list GPS Coordinates Carolin Bellstedt 2019
Wind turbines list GPS Coordinates Ramiro Schiavo 2019
World Population Prospects 2019 Dataset United Nations and Social Affairs 2019
World Risk Index 2019 Report Peace and Armed Conflict 2019
You are free to share, to copy, distribute and transmit the work, to remix, to adapt the work under the following conditions: attribution (you must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made; you may do so in Image Horst J. Meuter 2019
Youth Hostels and Hotels for Young People Shapefile City of Brussels 2019
Zonificación Alajuelita Map ECOPLAN Municipalidad de Alajuelita 2019
otal motor vehicle population in Singapore from 2011 to 2018 Data visualisation J Muller 2019
¿Cómo le fue a la economía bogotana? 2019 Report Observatorio_de_desarrollo_económico 2019
Área Lógistica Shapefile Instituto de Estadística y Cartografía de Andalucía. 2019
‘One Planet’ Cities: Sustaining Humanity within Planetary Limits Book David Thorpe 2019
10 Charts That Will Challenge Your Perspective Of IoT's Growth Webpage Louis Columbus 2018
18 Singapore Cement Industry Statistics and Trends Data visualisation Brandon Gaille 2018
2017 Energy Report Card - CARICOM Report 2018
2021 SIngapore Furniture industry Roadmap Press Release Report Singapore Furniture Industries Council (SFIC) 2018
A Blockchain Based Liability Attribution Framework for Autonomous Vehicles Report Oham et al. 2018
A Heuristic-Based Smart HVAC Energy Management Scheme for University Buildings Journal Article Jindal et al. 2018
A Methodology Concept for Territorial Metabolism – Life Cycle Assessment: Challenges and Opportunities in Scaling from Urban to Territorial Assessment Journal Article Sohn et al. 2018
A N, P, C, and water flows metabolism study in a peri-urban territory in France: The case-study of the Saclay plateau Journal Article Verger et al. 2018
A Proposal to Integrate System Dynamics and Carbon Metabolism for Urban Planning Conference Paper Elliot et al. 2018
A Socio-metabolic Transition of Diets on a Greek Island: Evidence of “Quiet Sustainability” Book Section Petridis and Huber 2018
A blockchain-based smart grid: towards sustainable local energy markets Journal Article Mengelkamp et al. 2018
A cloud server energy consumption measurement system for heterogeneous cloud environments Journal Article Lin et al. 2018
A geospatial approach of downscaling urban energy consumption density in mega-city Dhaka, Bangladesh Journal Article Sikder et al. 2018
A holistic framework for the integrated assessment of urban waste management systems Journal Article Chifari et al. 2018
A legal perspective on the trials and tribulations of AI: How artificial intelligence, the internet of things, smart contracts, and other technologies will affect the law Journal Article Giuffrida et al. 2018
A list of actors in Mikkeli by Nace codes Dataset Seppälä J. 2018
A map of Mikkeli, its forests and agricultural areas for extraction and harvesting 2018 Shapefile Liiteri Tietopalvelu 2018
A modular bottom-up approach for constructing physical input–output tables (PIOTs) based on process engineering models Journal Article Wachs and Singh 2018
A multi-level framework for metabolism in urban energy systems from an ecological perspective Journal Article Pulido Barrera et al. 2018
A network framework for dynamic models of urban food, energy and water systems (FEWS) Journal Article Zimmerman et al. 2018
A newly constructed water pump station at Clovelly Image City of Cape Town 2018
A review on energy, environmental, and sustainability implications of connected and automated vehicles Journal Article Taiebat et al. 2018
A spatial overview of the global importance of Indigenous lands for conservation Journal Article Garnett et al. 2018
A sustainable home energy prosumer-chain methodology with energy tags over the blockchain Journal Article Park et al. 2018
AI4People—An Ethical Framework for a Good AI Society: Opportunities, Risks, Principles, and Recommendations Journal Article Floridi et al. 2018
ANUARIO ESTADÍSTICO DE LA CIUDAD DE SEVILLA Report © Ayuntamiento de Sevilla I.S.B.N.: 978-84-9102-090-5 2018
ANUARIO ESTADÍSTICO DE LA CIUDAD DE SEVILLA Report © Ayuntamiento de Sevilla I.S.B.N.: 978-84-9102-090-5 2018
ARGO incinerator Image Andreas Dress 2018
Accountability in climate change governance and Caribbean SIDS Journal Article Michelle Scobie 2018
Achieving SDG 6: water resources sustainability in Caribbean Small Island Developing States through improved water governance Journal Article Michelle A. Mycoo 2018
Action Plan "Sustainable Nassau: Empowered people, revitalized city". Nassau, Bahamas. Emerging and Sustainable Cities Program (ESC) Webpage IDB 2018
Actualización Inventario de Emisiones Atmosféricas del Valle de Aburrá- Año 2016 Report Área Metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá -AMVA Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana -UPB 2018
Acueductos principales por región administrativa Dataset CONAGUA 2018
Adapting to climate change at the national level in Caribbean small island developing state Journal Article Stacy-ann Robinson 2018
Advancing analytical methods for urban metabolism studies Journal Article Li and Kwan 2018
Agricultura Urbana en Medellín Thesis Juan Carlos Amaya Gomez 2018
Agricultural areas in Mikkeli Shapefile Finnish Environment Institute 2018
Airbnb and the rent gap: Gentrification through the sharing economy Journal Article Wachsmuth and Weisler 2018
Airports list GPS Coordinates Paul Hoekman 2018
Alajuelita con nuevo puente En quebrada Patalillo, Concepción Journal Article Diario Extra 2018
Algorithmic transparency for the smart city Journal Article Brauneis and Goodman 2018
Amstelveen Circulair: Kansen voor de circulaire economie in Amstelveen Report Circle Economy 2018
An Analysis of the Energy Consumption of LPWA-based IoT Devices Conference Paper Finnegan and Brown 2018
An Approach to Identify Resource Patterns on a Neighborhood Level Book Section Österbring et al. 2018
Anadia in numbers - Summary of the municipality - 2010 - 2018 Dataset PORDATA - Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos 2018
Analysis of environmental impacts of drone delivery on an online shopping system Journal Article Jarotwan Koiwanit 2018
Antioquia trata el 85% de sus residuos peligrosos Journal Article El Tiempo 2018
Any Thing for Anyone? A New Digital Divide in Internet-of-Things Skills: A New Digital Divide in Internet-of-Things Skills Journal Article van Deursen and Mossberger 2018
Apeldoorn employment (2018) column graph Image Deniz Celik 2018
Apeldoorn employment per NACE codes - 2018 Dataset Deniz Celik 2018
Aperçu statistique 2018 - Lausanne Région Report Ville de Lausanne 2018
Application of Blockchain Technology in Sustainable Energy Systems: An Overview Journal Article Wu and Tran 2018
Arbolado de zona de la ciudad de Barcelona GPS Coordinates Ayuntamiento de Barcelona 2018
Areas where it is allowed to fish in The Hague. Image Vis Planner 2018
Arrondissements de Paris Shapefile Open platform for French public data 2018
Artificial Intelligence - Applications and Global Markets_BCC.pdf Report BCC Research 2018
Artificial Intelligence: Applications and Global Markets Report 2018
Artificial surfaces in Mikkeli Shapefile Finnish Environment Institute 2018
Assessing ICT global emissions footprint: Trends to 2040 & recommendations Journal Article Belkhir and Elmeligi 2018
Assessing indirect environmental effects of information and communication technology (ICT): A systematic literature review Journal Article Bieser and Hilty 2018
Assessing the implementation of the Chongming Eco Island policy: What a broad planning evaluation framework tells more than technocratic indicator systems Journal Article Ma et al. 2018
Assessing the implications of a 1.5 °C temperature limit for the Jamaican agriculture sector Journal Article Rhiney et al. 2018
Assessment of the potential implications of a 1.5 °C versus higher global temperature rise for the Afobaka hydropower scheme in Suriname Journal Article Donk et al. 2018
At the pilot pyrolysis plant plastic waste (primarily plastic bags) is converted into oil. In the photo you can see the the oil that comes out of this process. At the Kraaifontein Integrated Waste Management Facility. Image Paul Hoekman 2018
Athlone Waste Water Treatment plant Image City of Cape Town 2018
Atlas des Grandes Fonctions Métropolitaines-Déchets Report Atelier Parisian d'Urbanism 2018
Barcelona Data Sheet 2018 Main Economic Indicators for the Barcelona Area Report Activa and Barcelona 2018
Benchmarking urban eco-efficiency and urbanites' perception Journal Article Gudipudia et al. 2018
Beyond 1.5 °C: vulnerabilities and adaptation strategies for Caribbean Small Island Developing States Journal Article Michelle A. Mycoo 2018
Biological Quality of Waters and Ponds in Brussels Report Environnement.Brussels - Leefmilieu.Brussels 2018
Blockchain Salvation Report Rejeski and Reynolds 2018
Blockchain Technology and Solutions: Market Outlook and Forecasts 2018 - 2023 Report Mind Commerce 2018
Blockchain and smart metering towards sustainable prosumers Conference Paper Lazaroiu and Roscia 2018
Blockchain is not only crappy technology but a bad vision for the future Journal Article Kai Stinchcombe 2018
Blockchain practices, potentials, and perspectives in greening supply chains Journal Article Kouhizadeh and Sarkis 2018
Blockchain technology in the energy transition: An exploratory study on how electric utilities can approach blockchain technology Thesis Edeland and Mörk 2018
Blockchain technology: A panacea or pariah for resources conservation and recycling? Journal Article Saberi et al. 2018
Blockchain technology: An interconnected legal framework for an interconnected system Journal Article Marina Fyrigou-Koulouri 2018
Blockchain, business supply chains, sustainability, and law: The future of governance, legal frameworks, and lawyers? Journal Article Adam J. Sulkowski 2018
Blockchain’s potential for managing the impact of renewables and peer-to-peer sales Magazine Article Schwarz et al. 2018
Boletín Estadístico de Minas y Energía 2016-2018 Report UPME 2018
Bracing for the Storm: For the Caribbean, building resilience is a matter of survival Journal Article and Srinivasan 2018
Brussels Capital Region: Circular Economy Transition Report Environment) et al. 2018
Brussels Capital Region: Circular Economy Transition Report Gil et al. 2018
Bucaramanga, Santander Report DANE 2018
Bucaramanga, Santander Shapefile DANE 2018
Building Block(chain)s for a Better Planet Report World Economic Forum 2018
Building ExploreTrees.SG Map National parks board 2018
Buildings by time of construction - Porto Dataset PORDATA 2018
Buurten Shapefile 2018
CDW waste flows managed by Lipasam Dataset Ayuntamiento de Sevilla 2018
CORINE Land Cover 2018, 25 ha, Mikkeli Shapefile Finnish Environment Institute 2018
Can urban metabolism models advance green infrastructure planning? Insights from ecosystem services research Journal Article Perrotti and Stremke 2018
Cape Flats Waste Water Treatment works Image City of Cape Town 2018
Cape Town City Bowl: the central business district (CBD) surrounded by residential areas and the ocean. Image Paul Hoekman 2018
Cape Town International Airport Image Paul Hoekman 2018
Cape Town International Airport Image Paul Hoekman 2018
Cape Town's stadium and Sea Point area, with Table Mountain and Lion's Head in the background. Image David Nunn 2018
Caracterización biofísica Report CM Porto 2018
Carbon Footprint Planning: Quantifying Local and State Mitigation Opportunities for 700 California Cities Journal Article Jones et al. 2018
Carbon footprint of S.F. Bay Area households by Census block group Data visualisation 2018
Carbon footprints of 13 000 cities Journal Article Moran et al. 2018
Carepa Image Jaime Gallegos 2018
Cartographier les services écosystémiques : quelles données, quels modèles, quelles incertitudes ? Exemple autour du bassin de vie de Grenoble Journal Article Vannier et al. 2018
Cenote Palomitas Image Yanine Isela Cetina Cardeña 2018
Cenote Samulá Image Yanine Isela Cetina Cardeña 2018
Censos de volumen y composición vehicular Dataset Municipalidad de Rosario. 2018
Centrales eléctricas de Generación Distribuida Dataset Comisión Reguladora de Energía 2018
Chapter 12 - Urban Circular Economy: The New Frontier for European Cities' Sustainable Development Book Section Bonato and Orsini 2018
Characterization report of Infrastructures Report Camara Municipal do Porto 2018
Characterizing heat stress on livestock using the temperature humidity index (THI)—prospects for a warmer Caribbean Journal Article Lallo et al. 2018
Cheix en Retz Shapefile 2018
Chevron fuel storage facility (also known as the Milnerton tank farm), as seen from Tygerberg Nature Reserve. Image Paul Hoekman 2018
Circles, spirals, pyramids and cubes: why the circular economy cannot work Journal Article Keith Ronald Skene 2018
Circular Bilbao & Bizkaia Report Circle Economy 2018
Circular Cities: Mapping Six Cities in Transition Journal Article Prendeville et al. 2018
Circular Cities: determinants of closed circulation of building materials. Conference Paper Urszula Koźmińska 2018
Circular City Action Plans Report Jones and Comfort 2018
Circular cities Switzerland - Basel: Material flow analysis Report Circle Economy 2018
Circular economy – From review of theories and practices to development of implementation tools Journal Article Kalmykova et al. 2018
Cities of making : Cities Report Investigating the role of urban manufacturing Report Cities of Making 2018
City of Barcelona Image Aleksandar Pasaric 2018
City of Cape Town Waste disposal Dataset City of Cape Town 2018
City of Johannesburg Administrative Regions Shapefile City of Johannesburg 2018
City of Johannesburg Quarterly Water Quality status of the Rietspruit catchment Dataset City of Johannesburg 2018
City of Melbourne Population Forecasts 2016 to 2041 - Age and Gender Dataset City of Melbourne 2018
Clasificación del suelo Shapefile Alcaldía de Medellín 2018
Clasificación del suelo Map Alcaldía de Medellín 2018
Climate Change Adaptation Limits in Small Island Developing States Book Section Robinson et al. 2018
Climate adaptation strategies in Fiji: The role of social norms and cultural values Journal Article Neef et al. 2018
Climate change adaptation in small island developing states: Insights and lessons from a meta-paradigmatic study Journal Article Stacy-ann Robinson 2018
Climate change and coffee: assessing vulnerability by modeling future climate suitability in the Caribbean island of Puerto Rico Journal Article Fain et al. 2018
Climate change and the water–energy–food nexus: insights from policy and practice in Tanzania Journal Article Pardoe et al. 2018
Climate change impacts on critical international transportation assets of Caribbean Small Island Developing States (SIDS): the case of Jamaica and Saint Lucia Journal Article Monioudi et al. 2018
Coastal Protection Measures – Case of Small Island Developing States to Address Sea-level Rise Journal Article Poh Poh Wong 2018
Coastal hazard risk assessment for small islands: assessing the impact of climate change and disaster reduction measures on Ebeye (Marshall Islands) Journal Article Giardino et al. 2018
Community-based adaptation in low-lying islands in the Philippines: challenges and lessons learned Journal Article Jamero et al. 2018
Comparison of Tools for Quantifying the Environmental Performance of an Urban Territory Journal Article Dias et al. 2018
Conceptions of vulnerability in adaptation projects: a critical examination of the role of development aid agencies in Timor-Leste Journal Article Barrowman and Kumar 2018
Conceptualizing the digital sharing economy in the context of sustainability Journal Article Pouri and Hilty 2018
Conclusion Book Section Ratter and Ratter 2018
Consommation d'énergie à Paris Dataset Métabolisme urbain de Paris 2018
Construcción de viviendas y apartamentos por número de permisos, número de viviendas, área en metros cuadrados y valor en miles de colones según provincia, cantón y grupos de área en metros cuadrados Report INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE ESTADÍSTICA Y CENSOS INEC 2018
Construction Industry Transformation Map (ITM) Map Ministry of National development 2018
Consumer plastic and plastic resource ecosystem in Singapore Journal Article Singapore Environmental Council 2018
Consumer product safety in the Internet of Things Report OECD 2018
Consumo de electricidad por tipo de consumo Dataset DGEG 2018
Consumption based approach of carbon footprint analysis in urban slum and non-slum areas of Rawalpindi Journal Article Adnan et al. 2018
Correction to: The Paris Agreement and climate change negotiations: Small Islands, big players Journal Article Ourbak and Magnan 2018
Corredores Verdes Shapefile Alcaldía de Medellín 2018
Countries in the world, version 4.1.0 Shapefile Natural Earth 2018
Critical appraisal of the circular economy standard BS 8001:2017 and a dashboard of quantitative system indicators for its implementation in organizations Journal Article Stefan Pauliuk 2018
Cuerpos de agua Bogotá D.C Shapefile Empresa_de_Acueducto_y_Alcantarillado_de_Bogotá 2018
Cultural History of Islands Book Section Ratter and Ratter 2018
Cyprus energy resources and their potential to increase sustainability Conference Paper Tsangas et al. 2018
D.3.5. Process model for the follow-up cases: Łódź Report PAN) et al. 2018
D3.6 Process Model Hamburg Report (HCU) et al. 2018
D3.7 Process model Pécs Report (RKI) et al. 2018
Dams list GPS Coordinates Paul Hoekman 2018
Data center growth in the United States: decoupling the demand for services from electricity use Journal Article Shehabi et al. 2018
Datos Actividad Minera Departamento del Atlántico Report Agencia Nacional de Minería de Colombia 2018
Datos Demográficos Dataset Instituto Nacional de Estadística e Informática (INEI) 2018
Datos de Natalidad en la Ciudad de México y sus alcaldías Dataset Instituto Nacional de Geografía y Estadística 2018
Decarbonizing Bitcoin: Law and policy choices for reducing the energy consumption of Blockchain technologies and digital currencies Journal Article Jon Truby 2018
Decentralised Organic Resource Treatments – Classification and comparison through Extended Material Flow Analysis Journal Article Bortolotti et al. 2018
Delivering blockchain’s potential for environmental sustainability Report Denis Le Sève et al. 2018
Developing urban metabolism indicators for a better usage in metropolitan area municipalities Conference Paper Yan Song 2018
Development of an urban FEW nexus online analyzer to support urban circular economy strategy planning Journal Article Xue et al. 2018
Development of desalination technology using reverse osmosis membrane for the provision of clean water in DKI Jakarta Journal Article Pratiwi and Herdiansyah 2018
Development towards circular urban areas, a proposal for a hybrid conceptual framework. A casestudy at the Binckhorst, The Hague. Thesis Jolie Imme Groet 2018
Diagnóstico POT Rionegro Report Alcaldía de Rionegro 2018
Diagnóstico, logros y desafíos Sacmex 2018 Report Sistema de Aguas de la Ciudad de México 2018
Digital Goods Are Valued Less Than Physical Goods Journal Article Atasoy and Morewedge 2018
Dinamicas Economicas Report CM Porto 2018
Dirección de Censos y Demografía Dataset Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística DANE 2018
Directive municipale en matière d’octroi de subventions aux économies d’énergie en faveur des grands consommateurs dans le cadre du programme équiwatt Document Ville de Lausanne 2018
Distribution networks characterization Report EDP 2018
Division Politico Administrativa Departamental de Colombia 2018 Shapefile DANE. Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística. 2018
Dunea provides free, public taps where people can get water during the summer months. These taps are set up to limit the amount of bottled water being used. Image Dunea 2018
Dynamic Assessment of Nature Based Solutions Through Urban Level LCA Book Section Başoğlu et al. 2018
Dyson to build electric vehicles in Singapore – reports Image Jonathan Lee 2018
ECONOMIC SURVEY OF SINGAPORE 2018 Report Trade and Singapore 2018
Economic and Social Impacts of Food Self-Reliance in the Caribbean Book Ekaterina Dorodnykh 2018
Economic development plan - follow up 2018 Report Municipality of Barberà del Vallès 2018
Economy-wide material flow accounts handbook Report EUROSTAT 2018
Effective Landscape of Singapore Clothing and Footwear Industry Outlook Report Ken research 2018
El mapa cervecero de Medellín Journal Article Juan Pablo Tettay De Fex 2018
El poder de la Bioenergía en la competitividad del Valle de Cauca Report Cámara de Comercio de Cali 2018
El río Manzanares a su paso por Madrid Image Kike Para - El País 2018
El río Manzanares en su paso por los tejidos urbanos de Madrid: el juego de posibilidades entre una biofilia hídrica cotidiana y la recuperación ecológica riparia Journal Article Alexandre da Silva Faustino 2018
Electric vehicle charging points Image CMP & MOBIE 2018
Emerging trends in geospatial artificial intelligence (geoAI): Potential applications for environmental epidemiology Journal Article VoPham et al. 2018
Emissions of NOx, VOC, CO and CH4 1990-2015 Dataset Environnement.Brussels - Leefmilieu.Brussels 2018
Emplois selon l'activité économique dans le Canton de Genève, par commune, 2018 Dataset OCSTAT - Genève 2018
Enabling Sustainability and Energy Awareness in Schools Based on IoT and Real-World Data Journal Article Mylonas et al. 2018
Encuesta Nacional de Presupuestos de los Hogares - ENPH- Julio 2016 - Julio 2017 Dataset DANE 2018
Energie in beeld per branche Den Haag Dataset Stedin 2018
Energy by industry in The Hague Dataset Stedin 2018
Energy efficiency for IoT devices in home environments Conference Paper Lutui et al. 2018
Energy storage list GPS Coordinates Paul Hoekman 2018
Energy storage list GPS Coordinates Robert Altena 2018
Energy storage – Changing and charging the future in Asia Report Alex Wong Robin Musch Zack Lin 2018
Engaging stakeholders in research to address water–energy–food (WEF) nexus challenges Journal Article Hoolohan et al. 2018
Environmental design and planning strategies to mitigate waste condition in nightlife zones: the case of Reeperbahn Street, Hamburg, Germany Conference Paper Fallahranjbar et al. 2018
Esplanade train station Image Paul Hoekman 2018
Establecimiento de Gastronomía y Bar. Bogotá D.C. Shapefile Instituto_Distrital_de_Turismo 2018
Establecimientos de alojamiento y hospedaje Bogotá D.C Shapefile Instituto_Distrital_de_Turismo 2018
Establishments (No.) by Geographic localization (NUTS - 2013) and Economic activity (CAE Rev. 3) - Anadia 2018 Dataset INE 2018
Estaciones de Ecobici Shapefile Ecobici SEDEMA 2018
Estadísticas del Agua en México Report Comisión Nacional del Agua 2018
Estimación de la emisión anual de PM10 proveniente de las fuentes móviles en vías de alto tráfico de Barranquilla por medio de un inventario de emisiones con el modelo IVE Thesis Laura González 2018
Estimación de la huella de carbono de fuentes fijas industriales de la ciudad de Barranquilla Thesis Melany Velásquez Lozano 2018
Estimating damages from climate-related natural disasters for the Caribbean at 1.5 °C and 2 °C global warming above preindustrial levels Journal Article Burgess et al. 2018
Estimating global copper demand until 2100 with regression and stock dynamics Journal Article Schipper et al. 2018
Estimating the Material Stock of Roads: The Vietnamese Case Study Journal Article Nguyen et al. 2018
Estrategia de Recuperación y Conservación de los ríos de la Comunidad de Madrid: Diagnóstico del Estado de Conservación Report Administración Local y Ordenación del Territorio de la Comunidad de Madrid Dirección General del Medio Ambiente. Consejería del Medio Ambiente 2018
Estructura Ecológica Principal Map Alcaldía de Medellín 2018
Estrutura Ecológica y Biodiversidad Report CM Porto 2018
Etablissements et emplois Lausanne, 2018 Dataset Service de l'économie. Office d'appui économique et statistique. 2018
Etablissements selon l'activité économique dans le Canton de Genève, par commune, 2018 Dataset OCSTAT - Genève 2018
European Construction Sector Observatory Report European Commission 2018
Evaluación de un protocolo de reforestación para la rehabilitación y mantenimiento Image Realizado por: Ing. Carlos Alberto Gómez Garita 2018
Evaluación de un protocolo de reforestación para la rehabilitación y mantenimiento en áreas de protección de la Subregión de San José, de la Gran Área Metropolitana Thesis Realizado por: Ing. Carlos Alberto Gómez Garita 2018
Evaluating sustainable urban development using urban metabolism indicators in urban design Journal Article Song et al. 2018
Evaluating the energy consumption of mobile data transfer-from technology development to consumer behaviour and life cycle thinking Journal Article Pihkola et al. 2018
Evaluating the energy consumption of mobile data transfer—from technology development to consumer behaviour and life cycle thinking Journal Article Pihkola et al. 2018
Evaluation of the air quality of the City of Barcelona 2018 Report Report Rico et al. 2018
Exploring the Applicability of Location-Based Services to Delineate the State Public Transport Routes Integratedness within the City of Johannesburg Journal Article Brightness Risimati & Trynos Gumbo 2018
Exploring urban metabolism—Towards an interdisciplinary perspective Journal Article Dijst et al. 2018
Extreme sea level implications of 1.5°C, 2.0°C, and 2.5°C temperature stabilization targets in the 21st and 22nd centuries Journal Article Rasmussen et al. 2018
Factsheets WWTP Houtrust Dataset Delfluents Services 2018
Farms list GPS Coordinates Lauren Verheijen 2018
Faure Water Treatment Works Image City of Cape Town 2018
Film institutionnel d'Eau de Paris Video Recording Eau de Paris 2018
Film institutionnel d'Eau de Paris Video Recording Eau de Paris 2018
Fisantekraal Waste Water Treatment plant: this plant opened in 2012 and it uses state-of-the-art ultraviolet disinfection and is geared as a ‘zero discharge’ plant, as the treated water is piped to customers for irrigation purposes. Image City of Cape Town 2018
Fisheries Protection Vessel at the port in Simon's Town. This boat patrols the sea, looking for illegal fishing happening in the region. Image Paul Hoekman 2018
Food And Beverage Companies In Singapore Presentation UK Esaay 2018
Food-energy-water nexus: A life cycle analysis on virtual water and embodied energy in food consumption in the Tamar catchment, UK Journal Article Salmoral and Yan 2018
For a new economy, Puerto Rico needs a sharing mindset Journal Article Alexiomar D Rodríguez-López 2018
Forests in Mikkeli Shapefile Finnish Environment Institute 2018
Foundations of Material and Energy Flow Analysis and Types of Application for Governing Territories and Organisations Journal Article Ribon et al. 2018
Framework for Urban Metabolism and Life Cycle Assessment of Hardscape Journal Article Butt et al. 2018
Freight Transport Dataset Mobilité et transport 2018
Freight transport Dataset IBSA Institut Bruxellois de Statistique et d'Analyse 2018
Freshwater stress on small island developing states: population projections and aridity changes at 1.5 and 2 °C Journal Article Karnauskas et al. 2018
From urban metabolism to industrial ecosystem metabolism: A study of construction in Shanghai from 2004 to 2014 Journal Article Zhang et al. 2018
Fuel storage facilities list GPS Coordinates Paul Hoekman 2018
Future Caribbean Climates in a World of Rising Temperatures: The 1.5 vs 2.0 Dilemma Journal Article Taylor et al. 2018
GDP per sector - Barberà del Vallès Dataset IDESCAT - Institut d’Estadística de Catalunya 2018
GDP per year - Barberà del Vallès Dataset IDESCAT - Institut d’Estadística de Catalunya 2018
GIS-based Flood Susceptibility and Risk Mapping Trinidad Using Weight Factor Modeling Journal Article Roopnarine et al. 2018
Genesis of Islands Book Section Ratter and Ratter 2018
Geneva seen from Sentinel-2 Satellite Image ESA - Copernicus Sentinel-2 2018
Geographies of renewable energy transition in the Caribbean: Reshaping the island energy metabolism Journal Article Harrison and Popke 2018
Geopolitics of Small Islands Book Section Ratter and Ratter 2018
Glass Bubbles Dataset Bruxelles Propreté 2018
Golden Arrow Bus Services is Cape Town's largest bus service. The buses reach a large part of Cape Town and are used by 220,000 people per day (2016). Image Paul Hoekman 2018
Good Food Strategy "Towards a Sustainable Food System in the Brussels-Capital Region Report Environnement.Brussels - Leefmilieu.Brussels 2018
Graphical Instructions for Procedures Involving Material Flow: Journal Article Pugh and Gillan 2018
Green Litter Bins are placed in public spaces in some parts of Cape Town. They are emptied by the Solid Waste Department at the City of Cape Town. They aim to reduce the amount of litter and illegal dumping, and to create awareness around these topics. Image Paul Hoekman 2018
Greening Internet of Things for Smart Everythings with A Green-Environment Life: A Survey and Future Prospects Journal Article Alsamhi et al. 2018
Greening cloud data centers in an economical way by energy trading with power grid Journal Article Gu et al. 2018
Groundwater capture Map Open Data Zürich 2018
Groundwater piezometer Map Open Data Zürich 2018
Guide to disrupting the electronics industry Report DBS Business Class 2018
Heading for the hills: climate-driven community relocations in the Solomon Islands and Alaska provide insight for a 1.5 °C future Journal Article Albert et al. 2018
Histórico de precipitaciones en Carmen Dataset Secretaria de Medio AMbiente y Recursos Naturales - SEMARNAT Comisión Nacional del Agua - CONAGUA 2018
Histórico de viviendas de la ciudad de Madrid Dataset Agencia Tributaria de Madrid Ayuntamiento de Madrid 2018
Household food waste disposal in South Africa: A case study of Johannesburg and Ekurhuleni Journal Article Suzan Oelofse Aubrey Muswema Fhumulani Ramukhwatho 2018
Household spending, Canada, regions and provinces Dataset Statistics Canada 2018
Houtrust waste water treatment plant Image Delfluent Services 2018
How artificial intelligence is transforming the world Report West and Allen 2018
How can cities support sustainability: A bibliometric analysis of urban metabolism Journal Article Xuezhu Cui 2018
How does information and communication technology affect China's energy intensity? A three-tier structural decomposition analysis Journal Article et al. 2018
How does information and communication technology affect China's energy intensity? A three-tier structural decomposition analysis | Elsevier Enhanced Reader Journal Article et al. 2018
How may sustainability be advanced through Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) in Small Islands? Exploring a conceptual framework Journal Article Polido et al. 2018
How open electricity market works in Singapore Shapefile 2018
Humedales en Rionegro Report Abril et al. 2018
Ictiología Carepa Report Luisa Fernanda Jaramillo Ceballos 2018
Identifying opportunities for long-lasting habitat conservation and restoration in Hawaii’s shifting climate Journal Article Fortini and Jacobi 2018
If Only Singaporeans Stopped to Think Image Jose Hong 2018
Ilots Regroupés pour l'information statistique (IRIS) Shapefile 2018
Immatriculations mensuelles neuves par département Dataset climatique et al. 2018
Impacts of 1.5ºC Global Warming on Natural and Human Systems (Chapter 3). In: Global Warming of 1.5 ºC Special Report. Journal Article IPCC 2018
Implementing the Urban Nexus approach for improved resource-efficiency of developing cities in Southeast-Asia Journal Article Steffen Lehmann 2018
In Search of Substantive Economics: Comparing Today's Two Major Socio-metabolic Approaches to the Economy – MEFA and MuSIASEM Journal Article Gerber and Scheidel 2018
In search of a (WEF) nexus approach Journal Article Stephen A. Harwood 2018
Including nature in the food-energy-water nexus can improve sustainability across multiple ecosystem services Journal Article Hanes et al. 2018
Indicadores Campeche 2018 Presentation Servicios y Turismo - CONCANACO Confederación de Cámaras Nacionales de Comercio 2018
Indicadores Yucatán Report CONCANACO. SERVYTUR MÉXICO 2018
Industria farmacéutica - Informes de Cadenas de Valor Agosto 2018 Report Subsecretaría de Programación Microeconómica 2018
Industrial Metabolism and Circular Economy in the Metropolitan Area of Porto Report EY - AM&A 2018
Industry Webpage Province of Zuid Holland 2018
Infografía Censo poblacional de Rionegro Report Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística - DANE 2018
Informe Inventario de Gases de Efecto Invernadero 2017 Report Agencia de Protección Ambiental 2018
Informe Técnico Mapa Cobertura del Suelo Report Equipo CONICET / IDECOR 2018
Informe de Calidad de Vida .Vivienda y Servicios Públicos. Report PROANTIOQUIA et al. 2018
Informe de Sostenibilidad de Porto Report Câmara Municipal do Porto 2018
Innovating at the food, water, and energy interface Journal Article Helmstedt et al. 2018
Inspection Générale des Carrières Report Inspection Générale des Carrières Mairie de Paris 2018
Integrated Resources Management for Urban Sustainability in the Global South’s Megacities Poster Khalifa et al. 2018
Integrating Functions for a Sustainable Urban System: A Review of Multifunctional Land Use and Circular Urban Metabolism Journal Article Van Broekhoven and Vernay 2018
Integrating Urban Metabolism, Material Flow Analysis and Life Cycle Assessment in the environmental evaluation of Santiago de Compostela Journal Article García-Guaita et al. 2018
Integration of Waste Supply and Use Data into Regional Footprints: Case Study on the Generation and Use of Waste from Consumption and Production Activities in Brussels Journal Article Zeller et al. 2018
Internet of Things (IoT): A review of enabling technologies, challenges, and open research issues Journal Article Čolaković and Hadžialić 2018
Interpreting Circularity. Circular City Representations Concealing Transition Drivers Journal Article Marin and De Meulder 2018
Interview with Alessio Miatto (Postdoctoral researcher @ Nagoya University) Video Recording 2018
Interview with Chris Kennedy (Professor @ University of Victoria) Video Recording 2018
Interview with Joao Meirelles in Portuguese (PhD Candidate Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne) Video Recording 2018
Interview with Lynnette Widder (Professor at Columbia University) Video Recording 2018
Interview with Paul Currie (Researcher @ Stellenbosch University) Video Recording 2018
Interview with Paul Hoekman (Member @ Metabolism of Cities) Video Recording 2018
Interview with Sybil Derrible (Associate Professor @ University of Illinois at Chicago) Video Recording 2018
Interview with Tamar Makov (PhD Candidate @ Yale University) Video Recording 2018
Interview with Tim Baynes (Senior Scientist @ CSIRO) Video Recording 2018
Interview with Yves Bettignies in French (PhD Candidate @ Université Libre de Bruxelles) Video Recording 2018
Introduction to the Geography of Small Islands Book Section Ratter and Ratter 2018
Invasive Exotic Plants Shapefile City of Brussels 2018
Inventario de Plantas Municipales de Potabilización y de Tratamiento de Aguas Residuales en Operación, Diciembre 2018 Report Comisión Nacional del Agua (CONAGUA) 2018
Inventario de registros por década año de la estación meteorológica EL Carmen Report Secretaria de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales - SEMARNAT Comisión Nacional del Agua - CONAGUA 2018
Inventory of Generation Dataset ENTSO-E 2018
Investing in Climate Change Adaptation: Motivations and Green Incentives in the Fiji Islands Journal Article Di Falco and Sharma 2018
IoT Based Intelligent Agriculture Field Monitoring System Conference Paper Ashifuddin Mondal and Rehena 2018
IoT agriculture system based on LoRaWAN Conference Paper Davcev et al. 2018
IoT-enabled real-time energy efficiency optimisation method for energy-intensive manufacturing enterprises Journal Article Wang et al. 2018
Island Vulnerability and Resilience Book Section Ratter and Ratter 2018
Islandness within climate change narratives of small island developing states (SIDS) Journal Article I. Kelman 2018
JOHANNESBURG Housing Market Report - 2018 Report Centre for affordable housing finance South Africa 2018
Johannesburg's rooftop farmer Video Recording BBC News 2018
Journey of Singapore, the Green Dot. Presentation Dr. John Keung 2018
Kigali Image Adrien K 2018
Kigali City Air Quality Policy and Regulatory Situational Analysis Report United Nations Environment Programme 2018
Kigali Urban Population Projections Dataset Bank et al. 2018
Knowledge, attitudes and practices of climate adaptation actors towards resilience and transformation in a 1.5°C world Journal Article Saxena et al. 2018
Knowledge, perceptions, concerns, and behaviors to climate change—the Caribbean context: an introduction Journal Article Thomas and Baptiste 2018
Kraaifontein Integrated Waste Management Facility Image Paul Hoekman 2018
Kraaifontein Integrated Waste Management Facility Image Paul Hoekman 2018
Kraaifontein Integrated Waste Management Facility Image Paul Hoekman 2018
L'assainissement des eaux usées à Genève Report SIG - Services Industriels Genevois 2018
LCA and BIM: Visualization of environmental potentials in building construction at early design stages Journal Article Röck et al. 2018
Land Occupation Characterization and Diagnosis Report Report Câmara Municipal do Porto 2018
Land use; extensive use form, per municipality Dataset CBS 2018
Landfills list GPS Coordinates Paul Hoekman 2018
Large cities get more for less: Water footprint efficiency across the US Journal Article Mahjabin et al. 2018
Le secteur de la construction à Bruxelles constat et perspectives : vers une économie circulaire Report Bernair et al. 2018
Le secteur de la construction à Bruxelles, constats et perspectives : vers une économie circulaire Report et al. 2018
Length of Roads Maintained by LTA Webpage LTA 2018
Les chemins de la nature Map Mairie de France 2018
Les exportations prennent le large. Rapport commerce extérieur, Vaud, 2018. Report STATVD 2018
Les flux transportés par les réseaux d’eau et la pluie en 2018. Dataset Métabolisme urbain de Paris 2018
Limites des Territoires administratifs - Département de l'Isère - 2018 Dataset IGN 2018
Linking the water-energy-food nexus and sustainable development indicators for the Mediterranean region Journal Article Saladini et al. 2018
Littering and illegal dumping are common occurrences in Cape Town. The City spends a lot of money on the collection of illegally dumped waste, but the problem persists. Image Paul Hoekman 2018
Local Administrative Units 2018 Shapefile EUROSTAT 2018
London Reservoir Levels Dataset Thames Water 2018
London Ward 2018 Shapefile 2018
Los Cerros Orientales de Bogotá Report Veeduría_Distrital 2018
Límite Departamental Cajamarca - Perú Shapefile Instituto Geográfico del Perú (IGN) 2018
Límites Distritales Cajamarca Shapefile Instituto Geográfico Nacional del Perú (IGN) 2018
Límites Provinciales Cajamarca Shapefile Instituto Geográfico Nacional del Perú (IGN) 2018
Límites de la ciudad de Madrid Shapefile Área del Registro Central de Cartografía del Instituto Geográfico Nacional de España (IGN) 2018
Límites de las Comunidades Autónomas de España Shapefile Área del Registro Central de Cartografía del Instituto Geográfico Nacional de España (IGN) 2018
Límites de las Provincias de España Shapefile Área del Registro Central de Cartografía del Instituto Geográfico Nacional de España (IGN) 2018
Límites de los Barrios Administrativos de Madrid Shapefile Ayuntamiento de Madrid 2018
Límites de los Distritos de Madrid Shapefile Ayuntamiento de Madrid 2018
Límites del municipio de Madrid Shapefile Área del Registro Central de Cartografía del Instituto Geográfico Nacional de España (IGN) 2018
Límites geográficos de Bogotá Shapefile Geoportal DANE 2018
MDB District Municipalities 2018 Shapefile Municipal Demarcation Board 2018
MDB Local Municipal Boundary 2018 Shapefile Municipal Demarcation Board 2018
Management of loss and damage in small island developing states: implications for a 1.5 °C or warmer world Journal Article Thomas and Benjamin 2018
Managing the energy-water-food nexus for sustainable development Journal Article Liu et al. 2018
Map of The Hague with its different neighborhoods Dataset Dataportaal van de Nederlandse overheid Data.overheid 2018
Map of the Cool Islands of Brussels Map Environnement.Brussels - Leefmilieu.Brussels 2018
Mapa Google Earth Calidad del Agua Map Area Metropolitana de Bucaramanga 2018
Mapa de suelos de Cataluña Shapefile Instituto Cartográfico y Geológico de Cataluña 2018
Mapped: How every part of the world has warmed – and could continue to warm. Journal Article Carbon Brief 2018
Mapping of Agricultural Land and Land Potentially Usable for Agriculture in the Brussels-Capital Region Report Environnement.Brussels - Leefmilieu.Brussels 2018
Mapping soil carbon stocks in an oceanic mangrove ecosystem in Karimunjawa Islands, Indonesia Journal Article Nehren and Wicaksono 2018
Mapping the sharing economy for sustainability research Journal Article Plewnia and Guenther 2018
Maps for all economic activity of the Municipality Data visualisation Câmara Municipal de Anadia 2018
Marcelis Recycling collects in and around The Hague Image Marcelis Recycling 2018
Material flows analysis of plastic in Thailand Journal Article Bureecam et al. 2018
Material footprint of a fast-industrializing region in China, Part 1: Exploring the materialization process of Liaoning Province Journal Article Ma et al. 2018
Material-intensity database of residential buildings: A case-study of Sweden in the international context Journal Article Gontia et al. 2018
Measuring Digital Economy.pdf Report International Monetary Fund Staff 2018
Measuring the Water-Energy-Food Nexus: The Case of Latin America and the Caribbean Region Journal Article Mahlknecht and González-Bravo 2018
Mechanism-based explanations of impasses in the governance of ecosystem-based adaptation Journal Article Sieber et al. 2018
Memoria Anual 2018 _Producción de agua potable año 2018 Report Seda Chimbote S.A. 2018
Metabolism of Global Cities: London, Manchester, Chicago Book Section Harriet Friedmann 2018
Metabolisme Antwerpen: Stad van Stromen: eindrapport Journal Article Frijters et al. 2018
Metro Vancouver Regional District urban centres Shapefile Metro Vancouver 2018
Metro Vancouver's Regional Services 2019 - Solid Waste Video Recording Metro Vancouver 2018
Metro de Medellín Shapefile Alcaldía de Medellín 2018
Mid-year population estimates Dataset Stats South Africa 2018
Migración en la Ciudad de México Dataset Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía 2018
Mikkeli´s movement and phase review Report M. et al. 2018
Mikkeli´s strategic programs Report Mikkeli city 2018
Mikkeli´s strategy and indicators for them Report Mikkeli city 2018
Mobility Transport of Goods Dataset BISA.Brussels 2018
Mobility and Infrastructure Webpage Zuid-Holland 2018
Modeling alternative stable states in Caribbean coral reefs Journal Article Blackwood et al. 2018
Moeda to finance 18 Brazil-based businesses in support of UN's sustainable development goals program Newspaper Article 2018
More Sustainability in Industry through Industrial Internet of Things? Journal Article Beier et al. 2018
Mortality in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria Journal Article Kishore et al. 2018
Moving from theory to practice in the water–energy–food nexus: An evaluation of existing models and frameworks Journal Article Shannak et al. 2018
Municipal Boundaries of Portugal Shapefile GADM 2018
Municipal Solid Waste Properties in China: A Comparative Study between Beijing, Guangzhou and Lhasa Book Section Ma et al. 2018
Municipal waste by NUTS 2 regions - pilot project data Dataset Eurostat 2018
Municipios de Campeche Shapefile Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI) 2018
MyCiti bus station at Cape Town International Airport. The MyCiti bus is the only public transport that connects the airport with other parts of the city. Image Paul Hoekman 2018
National dietary survey in 2012‐2016 on the general population aged 1‐79 years in the Netherlands Report Health and the Environment 2018
Neighbourhoods Shapefile 2018
New tech on the block: 8 ways businesses are using blockchain to drive sustainability Newspaper Article Sarah George 2018
Nexus thinking in current EU policies – The interdependencies among food, energy and water resources Journal Article Venghaus and Hake 2018
Nickel mining in northern New Caledonia - a path to sustainable development? Journal Article Matthias Kowasch 2018
Nitrogen circulation (tP/year), Saclay plateau. Data visualisation 2018
Not-so-smart blockchain contracts and artificial responsibility Journal Article Adam J Kolber 2018
Number and square area of new buildings in Sevilla Dataset Ayuntamiento de Sevilla 2018
Number of enterprises by dimension from 2008 to 2018 Dataset INE 2018
Number of residents per neighbourhood 1977-2017 Webpage Den Haag Buurtmonitor 2018
Número de personas, viviendas y hogares total, urbana, y rural Dataset DANE 2018
Observed Climate Trends and Projected Climate Change in the Philippines Report 2018
Ocupación de suelo Report CM Porto 2018
Oferta de alojamiento por categoría Dataset Secretaría de Turismo 2018
On Predicting the Battery Lifetime of IoT Devices: Experiences from the SPHERE Deployments Conference Paper Fafoutis et al. 2018
On the Scalability of Blockchain-Supported Local Energy Markets Conference Paper Blom and Farahmand 2018
On the vulnerability of Small Island Developing States: A dynamic analysis Journal Article Scandurra et al. 2018
Optimizing resource use efficiencies in the food–energy–water nexus for sustainable agriculture: from conceptual model to decision support system Journal Article Tian et al. 2018
Our Water, Our Future Book PUB Singapore 2018
Outdoor Markets Shapefile City of Brussels/Commerce 2018
PM10 Emissions 1990-2015 Dataset Environnement.Brussels - Leefmilieu.Brussels 2018
Pacific region - Solid Waste Management and Recycling Document Pacific Country Profiles & Territory 2018
Palacio Municipal de Valladolid Image Yanine Isela Cetina Cardeña 2018
Panorámica Ciudad Sevilla Image JaimePF55 2018
Parametros Red de Calidad del Agua Map Area Metropolitana de Bucaramanga 2018
Paris Circular Economic Plan 2nd roadmap Document Mairie de Paris 2018
Paris Region Key Figures 2018 Report Paris Region Entreprises et al. 2018
Parks in the City of Brussels Shapefile City of Brussels 2018
Passenger train (Metro Rail) in Cape Town. Image Paul Hoekman 2018
Passenger train (Metro Rail) in Cape Town. This train runs on the Southern Line, part of which runs right next to the coast. Image Paul Hoekman 2018
Personnel employed in non financial enterprises: total and by sector of economic activity from 2009 to 2018 Dataset PORDATA 2018
Pharmacies Shapefile City of Brussels/Cellule Web 2018
Phosphorus circulation (tP/year), Saclay plateau Data visualisation 2018
Pilot pyrolysis plant converting plastics into oil at the Kraaifontein Integrated Waste Management Facility Image Paul Hoekman 2018
Plan Municipal de Desarrollo Document H. Ayuntamiento de Valladolid 2018
Plan Distrital de Cambio Climático Document IDIGER_&_Alcaldía_Mayor_de_Bogotá 2018
Plan biodiversité de Paris 2018-2024 Report Mairie de Parie 2018
Plan de Acción Rionegro Sostenible y Competitiva Document Findeter 2018
Plan économie circulaire de Paris Bilan 2017-2018 Document Mairie de Paris 2018
Plantas de Tratamiento de Aguas Residuales Industriales (PTARI) Dataset 2018 2018
Plantas de beneficio animal Dataset Instituto_Nacional_de_Vigilancia_de_Medicamentos_y_Alimentos-INVIMA 2018
Plastic Waste Management in Singapore Presentation Jaren Soo 2018
Porcentaje de producción agrícola por vereda Report Alcaldía Municipal de Rionegro Antioquia 2018
Porcentaje de tratamiento de aguas residuales Report Superintendencia Nacional de Servicios de Saneamiento - Dirección de Fiscalización 2018
Port of Simon's Town, a secondary port in the City of Cape Town Image Paul Hoekman 2018
Port of Simon's Town, a secondary port in the City of Cape Town Image Paul Hoekman 2018
Portrait de la population grenobloise Report Ville de Grenoble 2018
Ports list GPS Coordinates Kristen Dekroon 2018
Ports list GPS Coordinates Johnella Bradshaw 2018
Portugal districts boundaries Shapefile GADM 2018
Potential Impact of Blockchain Solutions on Energy Markets Conference Paper Hinterstocker et al. 2018
Practical tools for quantitative analysis of coastal vulnerability and sea level rise impacts—application in a Caribbean island and assessment of the 1.5 °C threshold Journal Article Biondi and Guannel 2018
Primary copper demand estimations by the bottom-up method when a speculative recycling rate of 90% is assumed. Data visualisation 2018
Producción de madera y leña. Por titularidad. Provincias Dataset Generalitat de Catalunya 2018
Producción de madera. Por especies. Provincias Dataset Agricultura et al. 2018
Production of renewable energy Webpage Province of Zuid-Holland 2018
Producto turístico de Naturaleza Report Alcaldía_Mayor_de_Bogotá_D.C 2018
Programa de Desarrollo del Sistema Eléctrico Nacional 2018 - 2032 Report Secretaría de Energía 2018
Promoting Water Consumption on a Caribbean Island: An Intervention Using Children’s Social Networks at Schools Journal Article Franken et al. 2018
Providing an economy-wide monitoring framework for the circular economy in Austria: Status quo and challenges Journal Article Jacobi et al. 2018
Proyecciones de Población 2018-2023 con desagregación nacional, departamental y municipal, por grupos quinquenales de edad, edades simples (0 a 28 años) y sexo. Dataset Dane. Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística 2018
Proyecciones de población 2018-2023 con desagregación nacional, departamental y área (cabecera – centros poblados y rural disperso), por grupos quinquenales de edad y sexo. Dataset Dane. Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística 2018
Proyecciones de población a nivel municipal por área 2024 - 2035 Dataset Dane. Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística 2018
Proyecciones de población a nivel municipal por sexo y edad simple. 2024 - 2035. Dataset Dane. Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística 2018
Proyecciones de población por área y sexo 2018 - 2023 Dataset Dane. Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística 2018
Proyección de población por sexo y edad simple años 2010/2025 Dataset Dirección General de Estadística y Censos (Ministerio de Hacienda GCBA) 2018
Public Hospitals Shapefile City of Brussels 2018
Public policies of the city of Córdoba Document Gobierno Abierto de Córdoba 2018
Puerto Madero, Buenos Aires Image deensel 2018
Quantifying potential anthropogenic resources of buildings through hot spot analysis Journal Article Cheng et al. 2018
Quantifying the energy, water and food nexus: A review of the latest developments based on life-cycle assessment Journal Article Mannan et al. 2018
Quantifying the spatial patterns of urban carbon metabolism: A case study of Hangzhou, China Journal Article Xia et al. 2018
Rainwater and Flood Report Report Environnement.Brussels - Leefmilieu.Brussels 2018
Rapport annuel 2018 Report Mairie de Paris Eau de Paris 2018
Rapport annuel 2018 eau et assainissement Report Marie de Paris 2018
Rapport annuel sur la faune 2018 Report Canton de Vaud Direction générale de l'environnement Division biodiversité et paysage 2018
Rapport d'activité de la Nouvelle-Calédonie Report 2018
Rapport d'activité de la Nouvelle-Calédonie Report IEOM 2018
Reaching a socio-ecological tipping point: Overgrazing on the Greek island of Samothraki and the role of European agricultural policies Journal Article Fetzel et al. 2018
Recipe for Resilience? Tracing the Biopolitics of Sint Maarten’s Recovery Efforts After Irma Journal Article Kevon Rhiney 2018
Recurso hidrico superficial Map 2018
Red de Conectividad Ecológica Shapefile Alcaldía de Medellín 2018
Reducing external costs of nitrogen pollution by relocation of pig production between regions in the European Union Journal Article van Grinsven et al. 2018
Regional Sustainable Development Plan (PRDD 2018) Document 2018
Regional input–output tables and trade flows: an integrated and interregional non-survey approach Conference Paper Boero et al. 2018
Regions and Cities at a Glance 2018- Belgium Report Co-operation and (OECD) 2018
Remarkable Trees Dataset IT Center for the Brussels Region (CIRB) 2018
Report on the environmental impacts of the draft resource and waste management plan Report Environnement.Brussels - Leefmilieu.Brussels 2018
Reporte Estadístico de la Estación Meteorológica de el Carmen Report Servicio Meteorológico Nacional - SMN 2018
Republic of Fiji National Adaptation Plan: A pathway towards climate resilience Report Government of Fiji 2018
Resource extractivism, health and climate change in small islands Journal Article Hilary Bambrick 2018
Responding climate change: A bibliometric review on urban environmental governance Journal Article Wu et al. 2018
Responding to multiple climate-linked stressors in a remote island context: The example of Yadua Island, Fiji Journal Article Martin et al. 2018
Restaurants' behaviour, awareness, and willingness to submit waste cooking oil for biofuel production in Beijing Journal Article Liu et al. 2018
Rethinking energy demand governance: Exploring impact beyond ‘energy’ policy Journal Article Butler et al. 2018
Revenue per industry at national, NUTS2 and NUTS3 level, 2016-2017 Dataset CBS 2018
Review of spatial analysis of urban carbon metabolism Journal Article Zhang et al. 2018
Ride with me—ethnic discrimination, social markets, and the sharing economy Journal Article Tjaden et al. 2018
Rio Ripoll - Barberà Shapefile Instituto Geográfico Naciónal - España 2018
Rooftop farming on urban waste provides many ecosystem services Journal Article Grard et al. 2018
Rwanda National Forestry Policy Document Rwanda Environment Management Authority 2018
Réseau écologique cantonal Shapefile Etat de Vaud 2018
Río Manzanares de Madrid - Puente de Arganzuela Image Google Maps (Street View) 2018
SFIC Roadmap: Growth Asia Map SFIC 2018
SINGAPORE Bars & Restaurants- Google Location Map Map Hemisphere Media 2018
SINGAPORE COUNTRY REPORT Report Loi Tian Sheng Allan 2018
SINGAPORE RESEARCH RETAIL Report knight frank 2018
STIB stops Shapefile iRail 2018
Satellite image of Metro Vancouver Regional District Image ESA Copernicus Sentinel-2 2018
Scientific Report #2 "The System Change Strategy" Journal Article Muynck et al. 2018
Sectorial and employment analysis - Barberà del Vallès 2018 Report Municipality of Barberà del Vallès 2018
Separation of waste at the Kraaifontein Integrated Waste Management Facility Image Paul Hoekman 2018
Set of indicators for medium size cities comparison - Catalunya Report Berzi et al. 2018
Sharing economy and sustainability logic: Analyzing the use of shared bikes Journal Article Rechene et al. 2018
Show me your garden and I will tell you how sustainable you are: Dutch citizens’ perspectives on conserving biodiversity and promoting a sustainable urban living environment through domestic gardening Journal Article Carijn Beumer 2018
Simulation results of the urban assets in Beijing. Note. Business as usual (S1); F-E policy nexus scenario (S2-S9); F-W policy nexus scenario (S10-S13); E-W policy nexus scenario (S14-S29); E-F policy nexus scenario (S30-S31); W-F policy nexus scenario Data visualisation 2018
Singapore - Energy and Mining Dataset HUMANITARIAN DATA EXCHANGE 2018
Singapore Chemicals 2018 Journal Article 2018
Singapore Hotel Industry Reports Strong Performance Result for June 2018 Image STR 2018
Singapore retail foods Presentation Alice Kwek 2018
Singapore’s Integrated Land Use Planning Experience Presentation Wong Kai Yeng 2018
Sint Maarten Crude Oil Image cseeman 2018
Small island developing states and 1.5 °C Journal Article Thomas et al. 2018
Small island perspectives on climate change Journal Article Walshe and Stancioff 2018
Smart Waste Bins Shapefile City of Brussels 2018
Smart cities in the era of artificial intelligence and internet of things: literature review from 1990 to 2017 Conference Paper Rjab and Mellouli 2018
Social MFA: Scrap Metal in the Context of Cape Town Thesis Logan Gardner 2018
Socio-demographic profile of the Greater Montreal Report Service du développement économique Montréal en statistiques 2018
Socio-economic metabolism of urban construction materials: A case study of the Taipei metropolitan area Journal Article Wang et al. 2018
Socio-spatial and Globalised Economies Book Section Ratter and Ratter 2018
Solid waste is collected in Cape Town by a large number of companies. Municipal solid waste is collected in wheelie bins, with separation of different waste streams happening in certain parts of the city. Image Paul Hoekman 2018
Sorting of waste at the Kraaifontein Integrated Waste Management Facility Image Paul Hoekman 2018
Space-time information analysis for resource-conscious urban planning and design: A stakeholder based identification of urban metabolism data gaps Journal Article M.Voskamp et al. 2018
Spain Boundaries Shapefile Movilidad y Agenda Urbana National Center of Geographic Information. Ministerio de Transporte 2018
Spatial optimization of the food, energy, and water nexus: A life cycle assessment-based approach Journal Article Yuan et al. 2018
Spatio-temporal framework of flows with thematic layers Data visualisation 2018
Stadsboerderij Schildershoeve (urban farm) Image Gemeente Den Haag 2018
State of the Environment Report 2018 Report City of Cape Town 2018
Stikstofdioxide (NO2) in Den Haag Webpage Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu (RIVM) 2018
Stop worrying about how much energy bitcoin uses Journal Article Katrina Kelly-Pitou 2018
Structural comparison of RTCs, RICs and PIOTs Data visualisation 2018
Sustainability Learning Labs in Small Island Developing States: A Case Study of the Seychelles Journal Article Krütli et al. 2018
Sustainable Agriculture Market Intelligence Report 2018 Report GreenCape 2018
Sustainable Industry 4.0 framework: A systematic literature review identifying the current trends and future perspectives | Elsevier Enhanced Reader Journal Article et al. 2018
Sustainable management of tropical small island ecosystems for the optimization of soil natural capital and ecosystem services: a case of a Caribbean soil ecosystem—Aripo savannas Trinidad Journal Article Atwell et al. 2018
Sustainable planning of the energy-water-food nexus using decision making tools Journal Article Bieber et al. 2018
Sustainable urban infrastructure: A review Journal Article Ferrer et al. 2018
Talking Sense About Bitcoin Electricity Use Journal Article Jonathan G. Koomey 2018
Technomass and Cooling Demand in South America: a superlinear relationship? Journal Article Palme et al. 2018
Temperaturas promedio, máximas y mínimas históricas y actuales de Carmen Dataset Servicio Meteorológico Nacional - SMN Comisión Nacional del Agua - CONAGUA 2018
Temporal Evolution of Green Stormwater Infrastructure Strategies in Three US Cities Journal Article McPhillips and Matsler 2018
Temporal analysis of electricity consumption for prepaid metered low- and high-income households in Soweto, South Africa Journal Article Njabulo Kambule and Mbohwa 2018
Texaco petrol station Image Paul Hoekman 2018
The Distribution of Material Footprints in Germany Journal Article Pothen and Tovar Reaños 2018
The Economics of Low Carbon Cities Report Andy Goulson 2018
The Function of Agrotechnology Parks in Singapore Image World agriculture 2018
The Global Food-Energy-Water Nexus Journal Article D'Odorico et al. 2018
The High Cost of Short-Term Rentals in New York City Report Wachsmuth et al. 2018
The Impact of Airbnb on NYC Rents Report Scott Stringer 2018
The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Innovation Report Cockburn et al. 2018
The IoT Energy Challenge: A Software Perspective Journal Article Georgiou et al. 2018
The M5 expressway. This road runs north to south, connecting Milnerton to Muizenberg. Image Paul Hoekman 2018
The N2 Freeway, one of the major highways coming into the city. The road connects the city centre with the southeastern parts of the city. This national highway continues down the coast and runs to the other side of the country, totalling some 2,255 km in Image Paul Hoekman 2018
The Paris Agreement and climate change negotiations: Small Islands, big players Journal Article Ourbak and Magnan 2018
The Port of Brussels in 360° Video Recording 2018
The Routledge International Handbook of Island Studies: A World of Islands Book Godfrey Baldacchino 2018
The Social Housing Stock in the Brussels-Capital Region Dataset Statistics and (BISA) 2018
The Statistics of Recyclable Resources in Beijing: Satus, Problems and Countermeasures Journal Article Liu et al. 2018
The Sustainability of Humanitarian Aid: The Nicobar Islands as a Case of 'Complex Disasters'. Book Section Singh et al. 2018
The Sustainability of Humanitarian Aid: The Nicobar Islands as a Case of ‘Complex Disaster' Book Section Singh et al. 2018
The Water-Energy-Food Nexus in East Asia: A tele-connected value chain analysis using inter-regional input-output analysis Journal Article White et al. 2018
The Water-Energy-Food Nexus: A systematic review of methods for nexus assessment Journal Article Albrecht et al. 2018
The Weight of Cities: Resource Requirements of Future Urbanization Report Swilling et al. 2018
The Weight of Islands: A GIS based Material Stock Analysis of Grenada in the Context of Extreme Weather and Climate Change Thesis Robert Symmes 2018
The bot legal code: Developing a legally compliant artificial intelligence Journal Article Edmund Mokhtarian 2018
The circularity of the urban ecosystem material productivity: The transformation of biomass into technomass in Southern Patagonia Journal Article Luis Inostroza 2018
The decommissioned Athlone Power Station. Operating until 2003, the coal-fired power station is located right next to the N2 freeway. The cooling towers have been demolished, but otherwise the building remains in place. Image Frances Taylor 2018
The enclosed 583 Ml Plattekloof Reservoir Image City of Cape Town 2018
The estimated impact of California's urban water conservation mandate on electricity consumption and greenhouse gas emissions Journal Article Spang et al. 2018
The implications of rural perceptions of water scarcity on differential adaptation behaviour in Rajasthan, India Journal Article Singh et al. 2018
The length of the road network in Mikkeli Dataset LIITERI Tietopalvelu 2018
The main port of Cape Town Image Paul Hoekman 2018
The main port of Cape Town. The port is located right next to the central business district (CBD). Image Paul Hoekman 2018
The nexus between water, energy, and food in the context of the global risks: An analysis of the interactions between food, water, and energy security Journal Article de Amorim et al. 2018
The scope for low‐carbon development in Kigali, Rwanda: An economic appraisal Report Sarah Colenbrander 2018
Time Rebound Effect in Households Energy Use: Theory and Evidence Report Mizobuchi and Yamagami 2018
Total población Bucaramanga Report DANE 2018
Total población Bucaramanga Dataset DANE 2018
Toward an ontology-driven blockchain design for supply-chain provenance Journal Article Kim and Laskowski 2018
Towards A SUSTAINABLE AND RESILIENT SINGAPORE Singapore’s Voluntary National Review Report to the 2018 UN HighLevel Political Forum on Sustainable Development Document Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2018
Towards a more circular construction sector: Estimating and spatialising current and future non-structural material replacement flows to maintain urban building stocks Journal Article Stephan and Athanassiadis 2018
Towards a relational understanding of the water-energy-food nexus: an analysis of embeddedness and governance in the Upper Blue Nile region of Ethiopia Journal Article Stein et al. 2018
Towards a sharing economy – Innovating ecologies of business models Journal Article Boons and Bocken 2018
Towards the optimization of sustainable food-energy-water systems: A stochastic approach Journal Article Karan et al. 2018
Train rails in Cape Town. This part of the Southern Line runs right next to the coast. Image Paul Hoekman 2018
Transdisciplinarity and the food energy and water nexus: Ecological modernization and supply chain sustainability perspectives Journal Article Bergendahl et al. 2018
Transport Network - Very High Tension - > 20MVA Map REN 2018
Travailleurs dans le canton de Genève selon le statut et le lieu de résidence en 2014 Dataset OCSTAT - Genève 2018
Títulos mineros vigentes Shapefile Tierra minada 2018
Uncovering the Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Urban Infrastructure Development: A High Spatial Resolution Material Stock and Flow Analysis Journal Article Han et al. 2018
Understanding and managing the food-energy-water nexus – opportunities for water resources research Journal Article Cai et al. 2018
Understanding climate-human interactions in Small Island Developing States (SIDS): Implications for future livelihood sustainability Journal Article Nunn and Kumar 2018
Understanding the mechanism of urban material metabolism with ecological network analysis: An experimental study of Wuxi, China Journal Article Li et al. 2018
Understanding urban water performance at the city-region scale using an urban water metabolism evaluation framework Journal Article Renouf et al. 2018
United States Counties Division Shapefile U.S. Census Bureau 2018
United States States Division Shapefile U.S. Census Bureau 2018
Unpacking the nexus: Different spatial scales for water, food and energy Journal Article Bijl et al. 2018
Urban Atlas - Building Height 2012 Dataset 2018
Urban Audit 2018 Shapefile EUROSTAT 2018
Urban Metabolism of Bangalore City: A Water Mass Balance Analysis Journal Article Paul et al. 2018
Urban Metabolism of Intermediate Cities: The Material Flow Analysis, Hinterlands and the Logistics‐Hub Function of Rennes and Le Mans (France) Journal Article Bahers et al. 2018
Urban agriculture in the Paris Region Map L'Institut Paris Region 2018
Urban energy systems within the transition to sustainable development. A research agenda for urban metabolism Journal Article Carreón] and Worrell 2018
Urban fabrics and urban metabolism – from sustainable to regenerative cities Journal Article Thomson and Newman 2018
Urban farming in Delft, a suburb in Cape Town Image Paul Hoekman 2018
Urban material and energy flows and their potential for synergetic use Report Bernd Franke 2018
Urban metabolism and sustainability: Precedents, genesis and research perspectives Journal Article Céspedes Restrepo and Morales-Pinzón 2018
Urban metabolism of megacities: A comparative analysis of Shanghai, Tokyo, London and Paris to inform low carbon and sustainable development pathways Journal Article Han et al. 2018
Urban population projection model Dataset South African Cities Open Data Almanac 2018
Use of land in Mikkeli for extraction and harvesting, agriculture and forests 2018 Dataset METLA et al. 2018
Use of the Public Transport Network Data visualisation Statistics and (BISA) 2018
Uso del suelo rural de Rionegro Map Alcaldía de Rionegro - Universidad Católica de Oriente UCO 2018
Uso del suelo urbano de Rionegro Map Alcaldía de Rionegro - Universidad Católica de Oriente UCO 2018
Usos Generales del Suelo Urbano Map Alcaldía de Medellín 2018
Usos del Suelo - Agricultura Shapefile 2018
Usos del Suelo - Agua Shapefile 2018
Usos del Suelo - Superficie construida Shapefile 2018
Usos del Suelo - Superficie semiconstruida Shapefile 2018
Usos del Suelo - Transporte Aeropuerto Shapefile 2018
Usos del Suelo - Transporte Puerto Shapefile 2018
Usos del Suelo - Transporte Tren Shapefile 2018
Usos del Suelo - Transporte Viales Shapefile 2018
Usos del Suelo - Zona Industrial o Comercial Shapefile 2018
Usos del Suelo - Zonas Recreativas Shapefile 2018
Usos del Suelo - Zonas relacionadas con el transporte Shapefile 2018
Valor afegit brut (GDP) de la indústria. Per Comarca Dataset Institut d’Estadística de Catalunya 2018
Valor afegit brut (GDP) dels serveis. Per Comarca Dataset Institut d’Estadística de Catalunya 2018
Vietnam - Hanoi city material flows Report Bide et al. 2018
VolksWagen Official Launch in Kigali Video Recording VolksWagen Group 2018
Wading past assumptions: Gender dimensions of climate change adaptation in coastal communities of the Philippines Journal Article Graziano et al. 2018
Waldareal Shapefile Wald et al. 2018
Waste Market Intelligence Report 2018 Report GreenCape 2018
Waste collection company Avalex is collecting household waste. Image Gemeente Den Haag 2018
Waste drop-off sites list GPS Coordinates Paul Hoekman 2018
Waste transfer station list GPS Coordinates Paul Hoekman 2018
Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) Houtrust Webpage Delfluent Services 2018
Wastewater treatment Brussels 2007-2016 Dataset BRUXELLES ENVIRONNEMENT - ETAT DE L’ENVIRONNEMENT BRUXELLOIS 2018
Wastewater treatment plants list GPS Coordinates Lia Alvarez 2018
Wastewater treatment plants list GPS Coordinates Paul Hoekman 2018
Water Journey: Where does your drinking water come from? Video Recording City of Cape Town 2018
Water Outlook 2018 Report City of Cape Town 2018
Water bodies in Mikkeli Shapefile Finnish Environment Institute 2018
Water consumption in the tertiary sector Dataset Bruxelles Environnement 2018
Water for Conserve value enjoy Presentation George Madhavan 2018
Water nature opportunity map Delfland 2018 Report Hoogheemraadschap van Delfland 2018
Water reservoirs list GPS Coordinates Lia Alvarez 2018
Water reservoirs list GPS Coordinates Paul Hoekman 2018
Water services and the Cape Town urban water cycle Report City of Cape Town 2018
Water sources Map Open Data Zürich 2018
Water treatment works list GPS Coordinates Paul Hoekman 2018
Water-energy nexus: A review of methods and tools for macro-assessment Journal Article Dai et al. 2018
Water-energy-food nexus: Concepts, questions and methodologies Journal Article Zhang et al. 2018
We need to talk about blockchain—Together. Journal Article Norton and Rohwer 2018
Wemmershoek Dam, completed in 1957, is set in the Wemmershoek Mountains and is one of the 14 supply dams of the city. Image Paul Hoekman 2018
Wetlands in Mikkeli Shapefile Finnish Environment Institute 2018
Where do islands put their waste? – A material flow and carbon footprint analysis of municipal waste management in the Maltese Islands Journal Article Camilleri-Fenech et al. 2018
Wild Bees in Brussels Capital Region Report Environnement.Brussels - Leefmilieu.Brussels 2018
Wind power: Bitcoin could open up remote, off-grid resources Newspaper Article Anna Hirtenstein 2018
Wind turbine "Duinvogel" which ran for 3 years in Vogelwijk, The Hague Image Vogelwijk Energie(K) 2018
Wings of Samothraki - Pathways to sustainable development Video Recording Faymann and Habeler 2018
Wings of Samothraki - Pathways to sustainable development Video Recording Faymann and Habeler 2018
Wings of Samothraki - Pathways to sustainable development Video Recording Doris Habeler Armin Faymann 2018
Zona de minería de comunidades indigenas Shapefile Tierra minada 2018
Zona de minería de comunidades negras Shapefile Tierra minada 2018
Zona de minería especial Shapefile Tierra minada 2018
a Chord diagram depicting flows from the RIC (Table 4) version of the PIOT created with our method. b Chord diagram depicting flows from the PIOT prepared by Singh et al. Data visualisation 2018
Áreas Protegidas Shapefile Alcaldía de Medellín 2018
‘Blockchain’ is meaningless Newspaper Article Adrianne Jeffries 2018
2016 Sidley Austin Distinguished Lecture on Big Data Law and Policy: The three laws of robotics in the age of big data Journal Article Jack Balkin 2017
2017 Energy Report Card – The Bahamas Webpage 2017
2017| Census of Agriculture - Illinois State and County Data Report Agriculture et al. 2017
45 productores de Alajuelita inaugurarán mercado este domingo Video Recording Noticias Repretel 2017
45 productores de Alajuelita inaugurarán mercado este domingo Video Recording Noticias Repretel 2017
A Database to Facilitate a Process-Oriented Approach to Urban Metabolism Journal Article Ravalde and Keirstead 2017
A Forecast of Industrial and Commercial Drinking Water Consumption in Hamburg Journal Article Johann Wackerbauer 2017
A Hybrid Approach for Assessing the Multi-Scale Impacts of Urban Resource Use: Transportation in Phoenix, Arizona Journal Article Clark and Chester 2017
A Nitrogen Physical Input-Output Table (PIOT) model for Illinois Journal Article Singh et al. 2017
A framework for the urban eco-metabolism model - Linking metabolic processes to spatial patterns Journal Article Liu et al. 2017
A review of the current state of research on the water, energy, and food nexus Journal Article Endo et al. 2017
A strategic framework for sustainable water resource management in small island nations: the case of Barbados Journal Article Emmanuel and Clayton 2017
AI Principles Webpage Institute et al. 2017
ANNUAL CLIMATE ASSESSMENT 2017 SINGAPORE Report Meteorological service Singapore. center for climate research Singapore 2017
Aantal particuliere auto's (exclusief lease-auto's) Webpage DHIC/Rijksdienst voor het Wegverkeer 2017
Accountable algorithms Journal Article Kroll et al. 2017
Accounting for material flows across the Center-Val de Loire region Report Cécile Dormoy & Cassandre Mercier 2017
Achieving sustainable small ruminant farming on Samothraki Document Dominik et al. 2017
Agricultura en Alajuelita Image Alajuelita Soy 2017
Agricultural product and foodstuffs unloaded in th Port of Brussels 2005-2017 Journal Article alex trotta 2017
Amoral machines, or: How roboticists can learn to stop worrying and love the law Journal Article Bryan Casey 2017
An IOT design for smart lighting in green buildings based on environmental factors Conference Paper Jeyasheeli and Selva 2017
An Inconvenient Truth: How Organizations Translate Climate Change into Business as Usual Journal Article Christopher Wright 2017
An Urban Metabolism and Carbon Footprint Analysis of the Jing-Jin-Ji Regional Agglomeration Journal Article Zheng et al. 2017
An Urban Metabolism and Carbon Footprint Analysis of the Jing–Jin–Ji Regional Agglomeration Journal Article Zheng et al. 2017
An integrated model to evaluate water-energy-food nexus at a household scale Journal Article Hussien et al. 2017
An integrative approach to understand vulnerability and resilience post-disaster: The 2015 cyclone Pam in urban Vanuatu as case study Journal Article Rey et al. 2017
Analysis of Urban Metabolism Cycles for a Sustainable and Competitive Tourist City. The Case of Miramar (Buenos Aires, Argentina) Conference Paper Testa et al. 2017
Annual report 2017 Report Le port de Bruxelles (Le Port de Bruxelles gère un domaine portuaire de 107 hectares en région de Bruxelles-Capitale) 2017
Artificial Intelligence and Robotics in the City Report Nicolas Miailhe 2017
Artificial intelligence policy: A primer and roadmap Journal Article Ryan Calo 2017
At the Frontline of Climate Change: Adaptation, Limitations and Way Forward for the South Pacific Island States Book Section Charan et al. 2017
Atlas des Grandes Fonctions Métropolitaines- Logistiques Report ATELIER PARISIEN D’URBANISME 2017
Atlas des Grandes Fonctions Métropolitaines-EAU ASSAINISSEMENT Report Atelier Parisien d'Urbanisme 2017
Atlas des Grandes Fonctions Métropolitaines-Energies Report ATELIER PARISIEN D’URBANISME 2017
Barrios Shapefile Alcaldía Municipal de Rionegro 2017
Between theory and quantification: An integrated analysis of metabolic patterns of informal urban settlements Journal Article Kovacic and Giampietro 2017
Biomass exports Dataset Grenada Central Statistics Bureau 2017
BitCoin: The case against strict regulation Journal Article Michael Sherlock 2017
Blockchain applications in microgrids an overview of current projects and concepts Conference Paper Goranović et al. 2017
Blockchain in energy communities: A proof of concept Report Ioannis et al. 2017
Blockchain receipts: Patentability and admissibility in court Journal Article Angela Guo 2017
Bomen CSV Den Haag Dataset Gemeente Den Haag 2017
Bufalinos, cunícolas, cuyícolas, ovinos, caprinos y apicultura en los municipios de Antioquia. Año 2017 Dataset Gobernación de Antioquia 2017
C & H Garments , Kigali Video Recording Imbra Mbambazi 2017
Caloric unequal exchange in Latin America and the Caribbean Journal Article Falconi et al. 2017
Capas SIG - Bosque Artificial - Polígono Shapefile Instituto Geográfico Nacional 2017
Capas SIG - Bosque Selva - Polígono Shapefile Instituto Geográfico Nacional 2017
Capas SIG - Geomorfología - Cordillera - Polígono Shapefile Instituto Geográfico Nacional 2017
Capas SIG - Geomorfología - Meseta - Polígono Shapefile Instituto Geográfico Nacional 2017
Capas SIG - Geomorfología - Médano y Duna - Polígono Shapefile Institución Geográfico Nacional 2017
Capas SIG - Geomorfología - Sierra - Polígono Shapefile Instituto Geográfico Nacional 2017
Capas SIG - Plantación permanente - Polígono Shapefile Instituto Geográfico Nacional 2017
Capas SIG - Sin Vegetación - Polígono Shapefile Instituto Nacional Geográfico 2017
Capas SIG - Terreno para Cultivo - Polígono Shapefile Intituto Geográfico Nacional 2017
Capas SIG - Vegetación Herbacea - Polígono Shapefile Instituto Geográfico Nacional 2017
Capas SIG - Vegetación Hidrófila - Polígono Shapefile Instituto Geográfico Nacional 2017
Capas SIG - Áreas de Incendio - Polígono Shapefile Instituto Geográfico Nacional 2017
Caracterización Minera Departamental Report Agencia Nacional de Minería de Colombia 2017
Carte des arbres en Ville de Lausanne Map Guichet Cartographique de la Ville de Lausanne 2017
Carte du réseau écologique urbain de Lausanne et de l'ouest Lausannois Image Ville de Lausanne Stratégie et développement de l’Ouest lausannois 2017
Catastro Minero Rionegro Map Alcaldía de Rionegro 2017
Censo Nacional de Gobiernos Municipales y Delegacionales 2017. Apartado: Residuos Sólidos Urbanos Dataset INEGI 2017
Central Railway Station The Hague (Den Haag) Video Recording 2017
Cerro San Miguel Image Sicultura (Sistema de Información Cultural de Costa Rica) 2017
Characterization of Food Product Innovation Practices with Reference to Functional Food Product Development in Singapore Journal Article Rao Sanaullah Khan Saw Lin Kiat John Mark Grigor 2017
Circulair The Hague - Transition to a sustainable economy Report Municipality The Hague 2017
Circular Economy in the Construction Sector in Brussels: State of the Art, Challenges and Future Model Report Athanassiadis et al. 2017
Circular Economy in the Construction Sector in Brussels: State of the art, challenges and model to come Report Aristide Athanassiadis 2017
Circular economy. The Municipality of The Hague Report The Municipality of The Hague 2017
Citizen utilities: The emerging power paradigm Journal Article Green and Newman 2017
City Hall of Hamburg Image Aliasdoobs 2017
City of Cape Town Annual Water Services Development Plan Performance- and Water Services Audit Report FY2016/2017 Report City of Cape Town 2017
City of Coventry Image Coventry Bears 2017
City of Johannesburg Air Quality Management Plan (Draft - 2017) Document Scientific and Professionals 2017
Climate Change Agreement CCA) for Data Centres: Target Period Two: Report on Findings Report techUK 2017
Climate Vulnerability Assessment : Making Fiji Climate Resilient Report Government of Fiji 2017
Climate change adaptation trends in small island developing states Journal Article Stacy-ann Robinson 2017
Climate change impacts in Latin America and the Caribbean and their implications for development Journal Article Reyer et al. 2017
Closing the governance gaps in the water-energy-food nexus: Insights from integrative governance Journal Article Weitz et al. 2017
Closing the loop of EOL concrete Journal Article Lotfi et al. 2017
Co-creating Urban Environments to Engage Citizens in a Low-carbon Future Journal Article Davis and Andrew 2017
Commerces alimentaire Dataset Banque de Données sur les Commerces APUR 2017
Commerces de type RESTAURATION-HÔTELLERIE. Dataset Banque de Données sur les Commerces APUR 2017
Commerces de type RESTAURATION-HÔTELLERIE. Shapefile Banque de Données sur les Commerces APUR 2017
Commercial density in 2017 Report APUR 2017
Comparative assessment of circular economy development in China’s four megacities: The case of Beijing, Chongqing, Shanghai and Urumqi Journal Article Guo et al. 2017
Comparing performance metrics for multi-resource systems: the case of urban metabolism Journal Article Ravalde and Keirstead 2017
Comparing the material stock of seven cities Conference Paper Athanassiadis et al. 2017
Comparison of the Device Lifetime in Wireless Networks for the Internet of Things Journal Article Morin et al. 2017
Comprehensive evaluation on industrial & urban symbiosis by combining MFA, carbon footprint and emergy methods—Case of Kawasaki, Japan Journal Article Ohnishi et al. 2017
Conceptualising slum in an urban African context Journal Article Smit et al. 2017
Conceptualizing the circular economy: An analysis of 114 definitions Journal Article Kirchherr et al. 2017
Connecting land-use and water planning: Prospects for an urban water metabolism approach Journal Article Serrao-Neumann et al. 2017
Consideration of future change and uncertainties concerning water resources. Data visualisation 2017
Contributions of Local Farming to Urban Sustainability in the Northeast United States Journal Article Goldstein et al. 2017
County Summary Highlights Report National Agricultural Statistics Service United States Department of Agriculture 2017
Coupling Material Flow Analysis (MFA) and Geographic Information System (GIS) Methodologies for Screening Flow and Emission of Biomass Energy in the Agricultural System Conference Paper Latifah A. Ghani 2017
Cruz de Alajuelita Image Sicultura (Sistema de Información Cultural de Costa Rica) 2017
Crypto-trading: Blockchain-oriented energy market Conference Paper Mannaro et al. 2017
Current Land Occupation Letter of Porto Map Câmara Municipal do Porto 2017
Current indigenous vegetation Shapefile City of Cape Town 2017
D2.2-Methodology framework document as guidance for accompanying assessment Report Ramusch et al. 2017
Daily edible capita of food products in Portugal Dataset INE 2017
Design-Thinking: The Answer to the Impasse between Innovation and Regulation Report Armitage and Cordova 2017
Development of a municipal solid waste management decision support tool for Naples, Italy Journal Article Chifari et al. 2017
Development plan for economy, trade and employment for years 2018-2020 - Barberà del Vallèsc Report Municipality of Barbeà del Vallès 2017
Digital sustainability: Basic conditions for sustainable digital artifacts and their ecosystems Journal Article Stuermer et al. 2017
Digitalization and Energy – Analysis Report IEA 2017
Digitizing Singapore’s chemical ecosystem: an industrial Internet of things Image Neha Ghanshamdas 2017
Disruptive Transportation: The Adoption, Utilization, and Impacts of Ride-Hailing in the United States Report Clewlow et al. 2017
Diversité floristique des toitures végétalisées à Grenoble Report vile_de_Grenoble 2017
Documento con las memorias de cálculos y bases técnicas para la evaluación del impacto del PIHECA Report Área Metropolitana Valle de Aburrá 2017
Dominica General Image DFID - UK Department for International Development 2017
Downscaling Aggregate Urban Metabolism Accounts to Local Districts Journal Article Horta and Keirstead 2017
Drenaje Sencillo Rionegro Shapefile Alcaldía de Rionegro - Universidad Eafit 2017
Drenaje doble Municipio de Guarne Shapefile Alcaldía de Rionegro - Universidad Eafit 2017
Dutch Drinking Water Statistics Report association of Dutch water companies Vewin 2017
Dutch Drinking Water Statistics Report association of Dutch water companies. Vewin 2017
Eau de Grenoble : Rapport d’activités 2017 Document EAUX_DE_GRENOBLE 2017
Eco-benefits assessment on urban industrial symbiosis based on material flows analysis and emergy evaluation approach: A case of Liuzhou city, China Journal Article Sun et al. 2017
Economie circulaire dans le secteur de la construction à Bruxelles : état des lieux, enjeux et modèles à venir. Report Aristide Athanassiadis (Université Libre de Bruxelles – BATir) avec le soutien d’Yves Bettignies sous la supervision du Prof. Ph. Bouillard. 2017
El Plan de Expansión de Transmisión 2017-2027 Report Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad ICE 2017
Electric charging stations in The Hague Dataset Gemeente den haag 2017
Embodied (direct plus indirect) energy consumption of the sectors in the three regions in tonnes of coal equivalent (tce). Data visualisation 2017
Embodied GHGs in a Fast Growing City: Looking at the Evolution of a Dwelling Stock using Structural Element Breakdown and Policy Scenarios: Embodied GHGs in a Fast Growing City Journal Article Göswein et al. 2017
Embodied requirement of the City of Melbourne's buildings Dataset Aristide Athanassiadis Andre Stephan 2017
Embracing globalization to promote industrialization: Insights from the development of Singapore's petrochemicals industry Journal Article Khuong M. Vu 2017
Energy consumption in e-commerce versus conventional trade channels - Insights into packaging, the last mile, unsold products and product returns Journal Article Pålsson et al. 2017
Energy efficiency in smart building: A comfort aware approach based on Social Internet of Things Conference Paper Marche et al. 2017
Energy landscape in Mauritius Journal Article Surroop and Raghoo 2017
Enquête sur le budget des ménages, 2015–2017 - Quantités consommées Dataset OFS – Office fédéral de Statistique 2017
Ensemble du parc roulant de poids lourds, autobus (hors RATP) et autocars roulants immatriculés dans les communes de la ZFE de la Métropole du Grand Paris Dataset climatique et al. 2017
Environmental benefits of internet-enabled C2C closed-loop supply chains: A quasi-experimental study of Craigslist Journal Article Suvrat Dhanorkar 2017
Environmental impacts and potential of the sharing economy Report Skjelvik et al. 2017
Environmental studies of water resources in the Tandilia region Journal Article Galarreta et al. 2017
Especies arbóreas y arbustivas Report Alcaldía de Rionegro 2017
Estimating stormwater runoff for community gardens in New York City Journal Article Gittleman et al. 2017
Estimating the Potential for Urban Mining in Paris Region Conference Paper Vincent Augiseau Sabine Barles 2017
Estudio de la caracterización climática de Bogotá y Cuenca Alta del río Tunjuelo. Report IDEAM 2017
Etude indépendante sur la situation et l’avenir du commerce lausannois - Le commerce indépendant et de proximité Thesis Claude Grin 2017
European Union regulations on algorithmic decision-making and a "right to explanation" Magazine Article Goodman and Flaxman 2017
Evaluation Approaches for Advancing Urban Water Goals Journal Article Renouf and Kenway 2017
Evolution of Cumulative Power and Total Production via Photovoltaic Solar Panels Dataset Environnement.Brussels - Leefmilieu.Brussels 2017
Exploring the energy use drivers of 10 cities at microscale level Journal Article et al. 2017
Explotación bovina y producción de leche en los municipios de Antioquia. Año 2017 Dataset Gobernación de Antioquia 2017
Fail-safe and safe-to-fail adaptation: decision-making for urban flooding under climate change Journal Article Kim et al. 2017
Finlands Agriculture and food economy by LUKE Report Niemi et al. 2017
Flood Risk Zones Shapefile Environment agency's national 2017
Food Trucks Shapefile City of Brussels 2017
Food consumption in the Netherlands and its determinants Report RIVM 2017
Food stores in Paris Shapefile APUR 2017
Food–Energy–Water Nexus: Quantifying Embodied Energy and GHG Emissions from Irrigation through Virtual Water Transfers in Food Trade Journal Article Vora et al. 2017
From Urban climate to Energy Consumption: Enhancing Building Performance Simulation by Including the Urban Heat Island Effect Journal Article Palme et al. 2017
From informality to formality: Perspectives on the challenges of integrating solid waste management into the urban development and planning policy in Johannesburg, South Africa Journal Article Simatele et al. 2017
Future Mobility in Singapore – Turning Disruptions into Opportunities Presentation Jeremy Yap 2017
Geología Urbana Shapefile Instituto_Distrital_de_Gestión_de_Riesgos_y_Cambio_Climático 2017
Geomorfología Urbana Bogotá D.C Shapefile Instituto_Distrital_de_Gestión_de_Riesgos_y_Cambio_Climático 2017
Global scenarios of urban density and its impacts on building energy use through 2050 Journal Article Güneralp et al. 2017
Green IoT: An Investigation on Energy Saving Practices for 2020 and Beyond Journal Article Arshad et al. 2017
Guayacán Amarillo. Handroanthus chrysanthus Image Carolina Bustamante 2017
Guide des déchets de chantier Report géologie et al. 2017
HS39 Imports Dataset Grenada Bureau of Statistics - Trade Division 2017
Hidrología de Rionegro Report Alcaldía de Rionegro Universidad EAFIT 2017
Household Expenditure Survey 2015/2016 Report INE 2017
Household expenditure Dataset Department of statistics Singapore 2017
How does income redistribution affect households’ material footprint? Journal Article López et al. 2017
How machine learning could help to improve climate forecasts Magazine Article Nicola Jones 2017
How to regulate disruptive innovation - from facts to data Journal Article Kaal and Vermeulen 2017
Human dimensions of environmental change in small island developing states: some common themes Journal Article Weir and Pittock 2017
IDP 2017-2022 Integrated Waste Management Sector Plan Bill City of Cape Town 2017
IOT agriculture to improve food and farming technology Conference Paper Jaiganesh et al. 2017
Illinois Forests 2015 Report Agriculture et al. 2017
Impact of the Economic Structure of Cities on Urban Scaling Factors: Implications for Urban Material and Energy Flows in China Journal Article Ramaswami et al. 2017
Indicadores Nuevo Leon Report Concanaco 2017
Indicative polygon of land use zoning boundary Dataset Urban Redevelopment Authority 2017
Informe de análisis de brechas del Mercado Laboral de Rionegro Report Observatorio de Políticas Públicas de Rionegro - OPP 2017
Infrastructure Circuits for Lifetime Improvement of Ultra-Low Power IoT Devices Journal Article Shafiee et al. 2017
Inspecting Algorithms for Bias Magazine Article Matthias Spielkamp 2017
Integrated modeling approach for optimal management of water, energy and food security nexus Journal Article Zhang and Vesselinov 2017
Integrating water and energy models for policy driven applications. A review of contemporary work and recommendations for future developments Journal Article Khan et al. 2017
Interview with Eugene Mohareb (Lecturer @ University of Reading) Video Recording 2017
Inventaire cantonal des émissions de gaz à effet de serre, Vaud 2015 Report Quantis. Canton de Vaud. 2017
Inventario Arbolado Urbano Data visualisation Observatorio de Políticas Públicas de Rionegro OPP 2017
Inventario avícola y porcino en los municipios de Antioquia. Año 2017 Dataset Gobernación de Antioquia 2017
Inventario de emisiones de Cali Report CORPORACIÓN AUTÓNOMA REGIONAL DEL VALLE DEL CAUCA 2017
Inventario forestal urbano Map Consultoría - Componente Urbanistico: Arq. Julian Fernando Arango A. 2017
Island biogeography: Taking the long view of nature’s laboratories Journal Article Whittaker et al. 2017
Keeping Vehicle Use and Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Check in a Driverless Vehicle World Report Circella et al. 2017
Lagos del municipio de Rionegro Shapefile Alcaldía de Rionegro - Universidad Eafit 2017
Lake Michigan Water Allocation, Water Supplied and Non-Revenue Water Summary Dataset Department of Natural Resources 2017
Las motocicletas en Colombia: aliadas del desarrollo del país Report Cámara de la Industria Automotriz de la Asociación Nacional de Empresarios de Colombia 2017
Les créations d’entreprises dans le Canton de Genève : Résultats 2015 Report OCSTAT - Genève 2017
Les multinationales dans le Canton de Genève en 2014 Report OCSTAT - Genève 2017
Life cycle assessment of clothing libraries: Can collaborative consumption reduce the environmental impact of fast fashion? Journal Article Zamani et al. 2017
Lista de aves Dataset Solnaturi 2017
Lista de mariposas y polillas nativas Dataset Solnaturi 2017
Local Administrative Units 2017 Shapefile EUROSTAT 2017
Local Material and Energy Flow Analysis for the Region of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada Thesis Arunkumar Senthilnayagam 2017
Location of waste drop-off centers Image EMAP 2017
Límite Departamental Shapefile Alcaldía de Rionegro - Universidad Eafit 2017
Límite Municipal Shapefile Alcaldía Municipal Rionegro 2017
Límite Veredal Shapefile Alcaldía Municipal de Rionegro 2017
Límites de Antioquia Shapefile DANE. Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística 2017
L’Hôtellerie-restauration dans l'économie du Canton de Genève Report OCSTAT - Genève 2017
MAPA DE SUELOS AGRÍCOLA Map ECOPLAN Municipalidad de Alajuelita 2017
Manufacturing and Services in Singapore's Economy: Twin Engines of Growth and their Asymmetric Dependencies Journal Article Ming Leong Kuan 2017
Map of actors and initiatives in circular economy in Montréal Report Scherrer et al. 2017
Mapa Minero Image SONAMI 2017
Mapa Minero de Antioquia . Sectorización Report Gobernación de Antioquia. Secretaría de Minas. 2017
Mapa minero Rionegro Map Secretaría de Minas - Gobernación de Antioquia 2017
Masterclass 2: WHAT needs to change? (part 1) Video Recording 2017
Masterclass 2: WHAT needs to change? (part 2) Video Recording 2017
Masterclass 3: Synthesis of all masterclasses Video Recording 2017
Masterclass 3: Where to START? What's NEXT? Video Recording 2017
Material Flow Accounting: Measuring Global Material Use for Sustainable Development Journal Article Fridolin Krausmann and Jackson5 2017
Material Flow Accounts and Driving Factors of Economic Growth in the Philippines Journal Article Martinico‐Perez et al. 2017
Material flow analysis for a sustainable resource management in island ecosystems Journal Article Andrea Cecchin 2017
Material flow analysis of the residential building stock at the city of Rio de Janeiro Journal Article Condeixa et al. 2017
Material stock of office buildings in Brussels Capital Region Dataset Aristide Athanassiadis 2017
Material stock of the City of Melbourne per material Dataset Aristide Athanassiadis Andre Stephan 2017
Meaningful Circular Metabolism Thesis B. D. Nap 2017
Meatconsumption per head of population in the Netherlands, 2005-2016 (in Dutch) Document Ida Terluin and Hoste 2017
Merchandises transport by water Dataset StatBel 2017
Mobility and environmental impacts of car sharing in the Netherlands Journal Article Nijland and van Meerkerk 2017
Model Architecture - Deliverable 2.1 Report Rosado and Obydenkova 2017
Modeling material flows and stocks of the road network in the United States 1905–2015 Journal Article Miatto et al. 2017
Module 1 - Global urban environmental challenges Video Recording 2017
Module 1 - What is urban metabolism? Video Recording 2017
Module 1 - Why is Urban Metabolism relevant for Policy Makers? Video Recording 2017
Module 2 - Accounting approaches Part 1 Video Recording 2017
Module 2 - Accounting approaches Part 2 Video Recording 2017
Module 2 - Accounting approaches Part 3 Video Recording 2017
Module 2 - Accounting methodologies Part 1 Video Recording 2017
Module 2 - Accounting methodologies Part 3 Video Recording 2017
Module 2 - Accounting methodologies Part 4 Video Recording 2017
Module 2 - Standard & Indicators Video Recording 2017
Module 2 - Why Measure? Who's Responsible? Video Recording 2017
Module 2 Accounting methodologies Part 2 Video Recording 2017
Module 3 - Brussels Part 1 Video Recording 2017
Module 3 - Brussels Part 2 Video Recording 2017
Module 3 - Brussels Part 3 Video Recording 2017
Module 3 - Cape Town Part 1 Video Recording 2017
Module 3 - Cape Town Part 2 Video Recording 2017
Module 3 - Cape Town Part 3 Video Recording 2017
Module 4 - Brussels Circular Economy Regional Programme Video Recording 2017
Moving Towards a New Urban Systems Science Journal Article Groffman et al. 2017
Municipios de Antioquia Shapefile Dane. Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística. 2017
Nexus City: Operationalizing the urban Water-Energy-Food Nexus for climate change adaptation in Munich, Germany Journal Article Gondhalekar and Ramsauer 2017
Nobody puts blockchain in a corner: The disruptive role of blockchain technology in the financial services industry and current regulatory issues Journal Article Elizabeth Ross 2017
Nudging robots: Innovative solutions to regulate artificial intelligence Journal Article Guihot et al. 2017
Nuevo puente permite servicio de bus en La Verbena Journal Article Alajuelita Soy 2017
On the circularisation of territorial metabolism Book Section Stephan Kampelmann 2017
Opening Africa Improved Foods manufacturing Facility in Rwanda , Kigali Video Recording DSM Group 2017
Opening Africa Improved Foods manufacturing Facility in Rwanda , Kigali Video Recording DSM Group 2017
Opportunities for knowledge co-production across the energy-food-water nexus: Making interdisciplinary approaches work for better climate decision making Journal Article Howarth and Monasterolo 2017
PIB de Rionegro y Subregiones del Departamento de Antioquia Report Departamento Administrativo de Planeación 2017
Paris Circular Economic Plan (detailed) Document Mairie de Paris 2017
Paris Circular Economy Plan 1st Roadmap Document Mairie de Paris 2017
Parking spaces for persons with reduced mobility Dataset City of Brussels 2017
Participation in the Sharing Economy Report Andreotti et al. 2017
Perspectives de ménages 2015-2040. Ménages privés et logements. Vaud et ses régions. Report STATVD. Reto Schumacher et Christophe Paillard. 2017
Plan Integral de gestión de la calidad del aire para el Área Metropolitana del Valle de la Aburrá PIGECA 2017 -2030 Document (AMVA) et al. 2017
Plan de gestión integral de residuos sólidos regional PGIRS-R 2017-2030 Document ACODAL Área metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá 2017
Plan de Calidad del Aire y Cambio Climático (Plan A) Document Ayuntamiento de Madrid 2017
Plantaciones forestales comerciales registradas por el Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario - ICA, por subregiones y municipios. Año 2010 - 2017 Dataset Gobernación de Antioquia 2017
Plantas Nativas de Buenos Aires Dataset Solnaturi 2017
Plantas de beneficio animal en algunos municipios de Antioquia.Año 2016 Dataset Gobernación de Antioquia 2017
Platinum to buy Singapore electronics industry supplier Image Justin Niessner 2017
Población total censada, índice de masculinidad, porcentaje de no nativos y tasa de crecimiento medio anual. 1855-2010 Dataset Dirección General de Estadística y Censos (Ministerio de Hacienda GCBA) 2017
Political economies and environmental futures for the sharing economy Journal Article Koen Frenken 2017
Port of Barcelona Map Port de Barcelona 2017
Portuguese Food Balance 2012-2016 Report INE 2017
Post-bleaching coral community change on southern Maldivian reefs: is there potential for rapid recovery? Journal Article Perry and Morgan 2017
Potencialidades y limitantes del Desarrollo de la Agroexportación en la Región Cajamarca: 2010-2015 Thesis MARY JHANINA LLAMO BURGA 2017
Primary energy balance Dataset Open Data Zürich 2017
Producción en miles de toneladas de algunos productos agrícolas en Antioquia. Años 2007-2017 Dataset Gobernación de Antioquia 2017
Proper selection of substrates and crops enhances the sustainability of Paris rooftop garden Journal Article Dorr et al. 2017
Prospecting the Urban Mine of Amsterdam Report Voet et al. 2017
Proyección de población por distrito de 2020 a 2023 Dataset Padrón Municipal de Habitantes. Banco de datos estadísticos del Ayuntamiento de Madrid 2017
Proyección de población por edad y sexo de 2020 a 2023 Dataset Padrón Municipal de Habitantes. Banco de datos estadísticos del Ayuntamiento de Madrid 2017
Présentation de l'activité économique de la région grenobloise Report CCI Grenoble 2017
Public lighting Shapefile City of Cape Town 2017
Putting the sharing economy into perspective Journal Article Frenken and Schor 2017
Quantification of anthropogenic metabolism using spatially differentiated continuous MFA Journal Article Schiller et al. 2017
Quantifying and mapping embodied environmental requirements of urban building stocks Journal Article Stephan and Athanassiadis 2017
REPORT ON THE HOUSEHOLD EXPENDITURE SURVEY, 2017/18 Report Statistics et al. 2017
Racial discrimination in the sharing economy: Evidence from a field experiment Journal Article Edelman et al. 2017
Rapport sur la situation en matière de développement durable Ville de Grenoble Document CCAS 2017
Recovery and potential of biodegradable waste from the forest industry, report 2017 Report Virolainen P. 2017
Regional Overview: Impact of Hurricanes Irma and Maria Report UNDP 2017
Regional organisations and climate change adaptation in small island developing states Journal Article Robinson and Gilfillan 2017
Regionale kerncijfers Nederland Dataset CBS 2017
Registro de automotores - Carepa Dataset Ministerio de Transporte 2017
Regulation tomorrow: What happens when technology is faster than the law? Journal Article Fenwick et al. 2017
Renewable energy: Present research and future scope of artificial intelligence Journal Article Jha et al. 2017
Reprint of: Urban metabolism profiles. An empirical analysis of the material flow characteristics of three metropolitan areas in Sweden Journal Article Rosado et al. 2017
Research priorities for managing the impacts and dependencies of business upon food, energy, water and the environment Journal Article Green et al. 2017
Residuos de construcción y demolición Report Asociación Colombiana de Ingeniería Sanitaria y Ambiental ACODAL 2017
Resilience to hurricanes, floods and droughts in the building sector in Antigua and Barbuda Report 2017
Resolución 0330 de 2017 Document Ciudad y Territorio Ministerio de Vivienda 2017
Resource management in peri-urban areas (REPAiR): D3.1 Introduction to methodology for integrated spatial, material flow and social analyses Report Geldermans et al. 2017
Review of water-energy-food Nexus tools to improve the Nexus modelling approach for integrated policy making Journal Article Kaddoura and El Khatib 2017
Rise of the digital regulator Journal Article Rory Van Loo 2017
Roadmap para a cidade do Porto circular em 2030 Report António Lorena et al. 2017
Rooftop Solar PV Potential Assessment in the City of Johannesburg Thesis Moroasereme Ntsoane 2017
Rules and values in virtual optimization of California hydropower Journal Article Sonya Ziaja 2017
Rwanda Energy Land Scape Report Gemma Ituze 2017
Rwanda Energy Land Scape Report Gemma Ituze 2017
Rwanda National Mineral and Mining Policy Report Jordon Kuschminder and Kasanga 2017
Réseau écologique urbain Report Ville de Lausanne Ouest Lausannois 2017
Ríos de España Shapefile Alimentación y Medio Ambiente de España (MAPAMA) Ministerio de Agricultura y Pesca 2017
SDCP Waterbody Dataset Urban Redevelopment Authority 2017
Scenarios for achieving absolute reductions in phosphorus consumption in Singapore Journal Article Pearce and Chertow 2017
Scientific literature analysis on big data and internet of things applications on circular economy: a bibliometric study Journal Article Nobre and Tavares 2017
Seafood Report Report Agricultural Marketing Specialist Alice Kwek 2017
Seizing history: development and non-climate change in Small Island Developing States Journal Article Godfrey Baldacchino 2017
Sensitivity analysis of household electricity demand estimation to the input parameters. Data visualisation 2017
Sensitivity analysis of household electricity demand estimation to the input parameters. Film 2017
Shapefile Kigali District Boundaries Shapefile The World Bank Data Catalog 2017
Sharing for people, planet or profit? Analysing motivations for intended sharing economy participation Journal Article Böcker and Meelen 2017
Side-by-side diagram for illustrative purposes comparing two alternative waste managements among three potential simulations (business as usual) Data visualisation 2017
Singapore Coal Sector The fastest growing coal producers Report Phillip Capital 2017
Singapore’s Public Transportation System Is World’s 8th Best, Says Sustainable Cities Mobility Index Image Sean Chan Kit Whye 2017
Singapore’s first grid-scale lithium and redox flow energy storage tests awarded to local consortia Image Andy Colthorpe 2017
Sistema de servicios públicos domiciliarios. Subsistema de Energía Map Alcaldía de Rionegro 2017
Situation du commerce lausannois Report Ville de Lausanne Direction de la sécurité et de l’économie Service de l’économie Office d’appui économique et statistique 2017
Small Island nations at the frontline of climate action Webpage UNDP 2017
Spatial Patterns of Land Cover Dynamics on Samothraki Island, Applying Remote Sensing on complex Mediterranean Pastures Thesis Markus Löw 2017
State of the Environment 2016. Report MEE 2017
State of the environment Report 2011-2014 Environment for a sustainable city Focus: urban metabolism, a balance of materials and energy flows Webpage Brussels Environment 2017
Statement on Algorithmic Transparency and Accountability Webpage ACM 2017
Stromabgabe nach Statistischer Zone Dataset 2017
Sustainability of bitcoin and blockchains Journal Article Harald Vranken 2017
Sustainable Agriculture Market Intelligence Report 2017 Report GreenCape 2017
Sustainable Surfing Tourism Development in the Mentawai Islands, Indonesia: Local Stakeholder Perspectives Journal Article Towner and Milne 2017
Sustainable transport policy—An evaluation of Singapore’s past, present and future Thesis Palliyani and Lee 2017
Sustainable urban systems: Co-design and framing for transformation Journal Article Webb et al. 2017
Techo solar en empresa de Rionegro - Antioquia Journal Article Mi Oriente 2017
Textile and Garments Value Chain Assessment Report Report NATIONAL INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (NIRD) 2017
The European PVC cycle: In-use stock and flows Journal Article Ciacci et al. 2017
The Green Economy and the Water-Energy-Food Nexus in New York City Book Section Robert Brears 2017
The Life Cycle Assessment of an Energy-Positive Peri-Urban Residence in a Tropical Regime Journal Article Bukoski et al. 2017
The Material Stock–Flow–Service Nexus: A New Approach for Tackling the Decoupling Conundrum Journal Article Haberl et al. 2017
The Nexus of Carbon, Nitrogen, and Biodiversity Impacts from Urban Metabolism Journal Article Singh and Kennedy 2017
The Philippine climate change assessment: impacts, vulnerabilities and adaptation Report Cruz and et. al. 2017
The Urban Food System of Cape Town, South Africa Report Haysom et al. 2017
The contribution of the informal economy to urban sustainability - case study of waste management in Tepito, Mexico City Thesis Louise Guibrunet 2017
The effect on CO2 reduction through urban industrial symbiosis. Note: The number is in line with Table 3. Data visualisation 2017
The food-energy-water nexus and urban complexity Journal Article Romero-Lankao et al. 2017
The future of Caribbean tourism: competition and climate change implications Journal Article Mackay and Spencer 2017
The material dimension of urbanization: flows and stocks of construction materials in Ile-de-France region Thesis Vincent Augiseau 2017
The materiality of human–water interaction in the Caribbean: an archaeological perspective Journal Article Niall P. Finneran 2017
The role of port and logistic activities in Brussels Journal Article Mathieu Strale 2017
The role of port and logistics activities in Brussels Journal Article Mathieu Strale 2017
The role of science in sustainability transitions: citizen science, transformative research, and experiences from Samothraki island, Greece Journal Article Petridis et al. 2017
The taking economy: Uber, information, and power Journal Article Calo and Rosenblat 2017
The warmth and wisdom of mud buildings Video Recording Anna Heringer 2017
The water-energy-food nexus: An integration agenda and implications for urban governance Journal Article Artioli et al. 2017
The water-energy-food nexus: Is the increasing attention warranted, from either a research or policy perspective? Journal Article Dennis Wichelns 2017
The water-energy-food nexus: Trade-offs, thresholds and transdisciplinary approaches to sustainable development Journal Article Mathew Kurian 2017
Total Output - Manufacturing, Annual Dataset Economic Development Board 2017
Towards life cycle sustainability assessment of cities. A review of background knowledge Journal Article Albertí et al. 2017
Towards understanding the integrative approach of the water, energy and food nexus Journal Article Al-Saidi and Elagib 2017
Trade policies for a small open economy: The case of Singapore Journal Article Xiaoping Chen Yuchen Shao 2017
Trade-offs and Decision Support Tools for FEW Nexus-Oriented Management Journal Article Daher et al. 2017
Transforming the Cement Industry into a Key Environmental Infrastructure for Urban Ecosystem: A Case Study of an Industrial City in China Journal Article Cao et al. 2017
Transnet Pipelines Report Report Transnet 2017
Transport de marchandises - Ibsa Report Institut Bruxellois de Statistique et d'Analyse 2017
Tratamiento de líquidos cloacales. Lagunas de Estabilización. Report Ente regulador de servicios Sanitarios 2017
UN Comtrade Database Dataset United Nations 2017
Une mosaïque sociale propre à Paris Report Yann Caenen and Samira Ouardi 2017
Unpacking the disruptive potential of blockchain technology for human development Report Zambrano et al. 2017
Urban Metabolism for Resource-Efficient Cities: from Theory to Implementation Report Musango et al. 2017
Urban Metabolism in Practice. The Difficult Implementation of Closing the Loop Approaches, through the Water and Food Cycles in Cities. Report Cécile Faraud 2017
Urban Metabolism of Three Cities in Jing-Jin-JiUrban Agglomeration, China: Using theMuSIASEM Approach Journal Article Xiaoyue Wang and Li 2017
Urban Systems Studies: THE ACTIVE, BEAUTIFUL, CLEAN WATERS PROGRAMME: Water as an Environmental Asset Report Centre for Liveable Cities 2017
Urban agriculture on the move in Paris: The routes of temporary gardening in the neoliberal city Journal Article Demailly and Darly 2017
Urban energy–water nexus based on modified input–output analysis Journal Article Wang et al. 2017
Urban metabolism for planning water sensitive city-regions: Proof of concept for an urban water metabolism evaluation framework Report Marguerite Renouf and Choy 2017
Urban metabolism for resource efficient cities: From theory to implementation Report Musango et al. 2017
Urban metabolism: A review with reference to Cape Town Journal Article Currie et al. 2017
Urban water metabolism indicators derived from a water mass balance – Bridging the gap between visions and performance assessment of urban water resource management Journal Article Renouf et al. 2017
Urbanisation processes as key for analysing construction materials flows and stocks: Paris Region case study Conference Paper Sabine Barles Vincent Augiseau 2017
Using Material and Energy Flow Analysis to Estimate Future Energy Demand at the City Level Journal Article Albelwi et al. 2017
Using Web‐Based Technology to Bring Hands‐On Urban Material Flow Analysis to the Classroom Journal Article Villalba and Hoekman 2017
Using artificial intelligence to improve real-time decision-making for high-impact weather Journal Article McGovern et al. 2017
Uso del suelo rural de Rionegro Map Alcaldía de Rionegro 2017
Uso del suelo urbano de Rionegro Map Alcaldía de Rionegro 2017
Vehicle Stock Dataset Central Statistics Grenada 2017
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A Quantitative Assessment Framework for Water, Energy and Food Nexus Journal Article Ali Karnib 2016
A Strategy for Material Supply Chain Sustainability: Enabling a Circular Economy in the Electronics Industry through Green Engineering Journal Article O’Connor et al. 2016
A Vicious Circle? Altered Carbon and Nutrient Cycling May Explain the Low Resilience of Caribbean Coral Reefs Journal Article Pawlik et al. 2016
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A hybrid method for quantifying China's nitrogen footprint during urbanisation from 1990 to 2009 Journal Article Cui et al. 2016
A method for determining buildings' material composition prior to demolition Journal Article Kleemann et al. 2016
A multi-year, multi-scale analysis of urban sustainability Journal Article Dor and Kissinger 2016
A review and comparative assessment of existing approaches to calculate material footprints Journal Article Lutter et al. 2016
A review of urban metabolism studies to identify key methodological choices for future harmonization and implementation Journal Article Beloin-Saint-Pierre et al. 2016
A social justice framing of climate change discourse and policy: Adaptation, resilience and vulnerability in a Jamaican agricultural landscape Journal Article Popke et al. 2016
Absolute and Per square foot of Residential and Commerical Energy use in Los Angeles Data visualisation 2016
Access to natural resources, goods and waste Dataset Denmarks statistics 2016
Adapting the social-ecological system framework for urban stormwater management: the case of green infrastructure adoption Journal Article Flynn and Davidson 2016
Admistrative boundaries - Provinces Shapefile Statistics Canada 2016
Advancing Urban Ecology toward a Science of Cities Journal Article McPhearson et al. 2016
African Urbanization: Assimilating Urban Metabolism into Sustainability Discourse and Practice Journal Article Currie and Musango 2016
Agricultural land Shapefile City of Cape Town 2016
Agricultural land (% of land area) - Singapore Food and Agriculture Organization Dataset The World bank 2016
Agua facturada de acueducto en la cabecera de los municipios de Antioquia (m3) según tipo de servicio.Año 2017 Dataset Gobernación de Antioquia 2016
Airport Pavement Design and Evaluation Report U.S. Department of Transportation 2016
An FDA for algorithms Journal Article Andrew Tutt 2016
An Urban Approach to Planetary Boundaries Journal Article Hoornweg et al. 2016
An evaluation of the urban metabolism of Macao from 2003 to 2013 Journal Article Lei et al. 2016
An urban metabolism approach to the water supply of the Greater Accra Metropolitan Area (GAMA) Thesis Stephen Passmore 2016
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Anatomy of a buzzword: The emergence of ‘the water-energy-food nexus’ in UK natural resource debates Journal Article Cairns and Krzywoszynska 2016
Annual Motor Vehicle Population by Vehicle Type Dataset Land Transport Authority 2016
Annual Water Services Development Plan Performance- and Water Services Audit Report Report City of Cape Town 2016
Aproximación al estado actual del conocimiento de la avifauna del departamento del Atlántico, Colombia Journal Article Leyn Castro-Vásquez 2016
Assessing urban sustainability of Chinese megacities: 35 years after the economic reform and open-door policy Journal Article Huang et al. 2016
Assessment of indicators for Circular Economy, The case for the Metropole Region Amsterdam Thesis Erik Wisse 2016
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Balance energético del municipio de Madrid (2016) Report Ayuntamiento de Madrid 2016
Between theory and quantification: An integrated analysis of metabolic patterns of informal urban settlements Journal Article Kovacic and Giampietro 2016
Beyond dichotomies: Gender and intersecting inequalities in climate change studies Journal Article Djoudi et al. 2016
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Big data's disparate impact Journal Article Barocas and Selbst 2016
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Blockchain technology as a regulatory technology: From code is law to law is code Journal Article Filippi and Hassan 2016
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Boost resilience of small and mid-sized cities Journal Article Birkmann et al. 2016
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Building stock dynamics and its impacts on materials and energy demand in China Journal Article Hong et al. 2016
Buildings as Potential Urban Mines: Quantitative, Qualitative and Spatial Analysis for Vienna Thesis Fritz Kleemann 2016
Cape Town's Metabolism: Insights from a Material Flow Analysis Journal Article Hoekman and von Blottnitz 2016
Captaciones de aguas autorizadas en la demarcación hidrográfica del Guadalquivir Shapefile Confederación Hidrográfica del Guadalquivir (MINISTERIO PARA LA TRANSICIÓN ECOLÓGICA Y EL RETO DEMOGRÁFICO) 2016
Captaciones de aguas minerales en la demarcación hidrográfica del Guadalquivir Shapefile Confederación Hidrográfica del Guadalquivir (MINISTERIO PARA LA TRANSICIÓN ECOLÓGICA Y EL RETO DEMOGRÁFICO) 2016
Caracterización geotécnica de la ciudad de Barranquilla, Colombia Thesis Molina Mendoza Ernesto Miguel 2016
Caribbean Energy : Macro-Related Challenges Report McIntyre et al. 2016
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Census local area profiles 2016 Dataset City of Vancouver Statistics Canada 2016
Centrales hidráulicas según capacidad instalada y energía generada en Antioquia. Año 2017 Dataset Gobernación de Antioquia 2016
Cereals by NUTS 2 Regions Dataset Eurostat 2016
Changes of human time and land use pattern in one mega city's urban metabolism: a multi-scale integrated analysis of Shanghai Journal Article Lu et al. 2016
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Circulair Noord-Holland: Inzichten in het speelveld van de circulaire economie Report Circle Economy 2016
Circular Amsterdam: A vision and action agenda for the city and metropolitan area Report Circle Economy 2016
Circular Glasgow: A vision and action plan for the city of Glasgow Report Circle Economy 2016
Cities as urban mines Data visualisation 2016
Cities that think like planets: complexity, resilience, and innovation in hybrid ecosystems Data visualisation 2016
City Carbon Footprint Networks Journal Article Chen et al. 2016
City of Cape Town Annual Water Services Development Plan Performance- and Water Services Audit Report FY 2015/2016 Report City of Cape Town 2016
City of Cape Town Annual Water Services Development Plan Performance- and Water Services Audit Report FY2014/2015 Report City of Cape Town 2016
City of Johannesburg - Water, Biodiversity and Open Space Presentation City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality 2016
City of Johannesburg Boundary Shapefile South African Demarcation Board 2016
Ciénagas de la Unidad Ambiental Costera Región Magdalena Caribe Shapefile Invemar 2016
Climate Change and Food Security: Africa and the Caribbean Book Elizabeth Thomas Hope 2016
Climate Change in the Caribbean: A Multi-Scalar Account of Context and Inequality Journal Article Rahul D. Ghosal 2016
Cluster analysis of urban water supply and demand: Toward large-scale comparative sustainability planning Journal Article Noiva et al. 2016
Comparing a territorial-based and a consumption-based approach to assess the local and global environmental performance of cities Journal Article Athanassiadis et al. 2016
Complejidad Económica 2015 - 2016 Report Observatorio de Políticas Públicas de Rionegro - OPP 2016
Complex Disasters on the Nicobar Islands Book Section Singh et al. 2016
Composition of waste flows in the collection stage of the network of the UWMS of the Metropolitan Area of Naples in 2012. Data are in metric tons/year. Data visualisation 2016
Concesiones Mineras Map CooperAccion 2016
Consumo de energía eléctrica (kilovatios/hora) en la cabecera de los municipios de Antioquia, según tipo de servicio y estrato. Año 2017 Dataset Gobernación de Antioquia 2016
Consumption-based material flow indicators — Comparing six ways of calculating the Austrian raw material consumption providing six results Journal Article Eisenmenger et al. 2016
Contesting Urban Metabolism: Struggles Over Waste-to-Energy in Delhi, India Journal Article Demaria and Schindler 2016
Coupling of carbon and energy flows in cities: A meta-analysis and nexus modelling Journal Article Chen and Chen 2016
Crear corredor biológico para proteger naturaleza entre Curridabat y Santa Ana, propone Alcalde ​Abarcaría los cantones de Curridabat, Desamparados, Aserrí, Alajuelita, Escazú y Santa Ana Journal Article AMELIA RUEDA 2016
Critical success factors behind the sustainability of the Sharing Economy Conference Paper Hasan and Birgach 2016
Cultivo de aromáticas con enfoque de Buenas Prácticas Agrícolas, vereda Galicia. Rionegro Image 2016 Equipo Técnico Revisión POT Rionegro - UCO 2016
Cultivo de flores Vereda Mampuesto Rionegro Image 2016 Equipo Técnico Revisión POT Rionegro - UCO 2016
Cultivo de fresa, tomate de árbol y aromáticas a libre exposición; vereda Rio Abajo. Rionegro Image 2016 Equipo Técnico Revisión POT Rionegro - UCO 2016
Cultivo de tomate bajo condiciones protegidas (invernadero) Vereda San Luis. Rionegro Image 2016 Equipo Técnico Revisión POT Rionegro - UCO 2016
DIMENC. Gouvernement de Nouvelle-Calédonie Schema Pour la Transition Energetique de la Nouvelle-Caledonie. Report 2016
DeepMind AI Reduces Google Data Centre Cooling Bill by 40% Journal Article Evans and Gao 2016
Defining and advancing a systems approach for sustainable cities Journal Article Bai et al. 2016
Description of economic activity in Anadia Report Municipality of Anadia - Câmara Municipal de Anadia 2016
Detailed material flow account Dataset Denmarks Statistics 2016
Developing Food Value Chains to meet Tourism Demand in the Caribbean: Case Studies of St. Kitts Nevis and St. Lucia. Journal Article Ford and Dorodnykh 2016
Developing strategies for managing construction and demolition wastes in Malaysia based on the concept of circular economy Journal Article Esa et al. 2016
Development of Circular Economy Core Indicators for Natural Resources: Analysis of existing sustainability indicators as a baseline for developing circular economy indicators Thesis Elin Åkerman 2016
Directive municipale relative aux mesures de gestion des eaux claires Document Ville de Lausanne 2016
Directrices sobre contratación Pública Responsable en el Ayuntamiento de Sevilla. Report Ayuntamiento de Sevilla 2016
Disaster risk reduction and sustainable development for small island developing states Journal Article Shultz et al. 2016
Disruptive change in the taxi business: The case of Uber Journal Article Cramer and Krueger 2016
Do Airbnb properties affect house prices? Journal Article Sheppard and Udell 2016
Do Foreign Aid and Remittance Inflows Hurt Competitiveness of Exports of Pacific Island Countries? An Empirical Study of Fiji Journal Article Jayaraman et al. 2016
Dynamic type-cohort-time approach for the analysis of energy reductions strategies in the building stock Journal Article Vásquez et al. 2016
Ecological footprints and appropriated carrying capacity: what urban economics leaves out: Journal Article William E. Rees 2016
Effect of weather conditions and weather forecast on cycling travel behavior in Singapore Journal Article Meng et al. 2016
Eight energy and material flow characteristics of urban ecosystems Journal Article Xuemei Bai 2016
Electricity and natural gas use in Amsterdam (open data) Data visualisation 2016
Endenergieverbrauch Stadt Zürich, ohne Klimakorrektur, 1990 - 2016 Dataset Open Data Zurich 2016
Energy efficiency and natural gas consumption in the context of economic development in the European Union Journal Article Balitskiy et al. 2016
Energy intensities of urban form: a gravitational analysis for the Metropolitan City of Milan and Lombardy region, Italy Conference Paper Zhao et al. 2016
Energy metabolism of the Balearic Islands (1986–2012) Journal Article Ginard-Bosch and Ramos-Martín 2016
Enhanced Performance of the Eurostat Method for Comprehensive Assessment of Urban Metabolism: A Material Flow Analysis of Amsterdam Journal Article Voskamp et al. 2016
Environmental Perspectives on Urban Material Stocks used in Construction : Granular Materials Journal Article Simon Magnusson 2016
Establishing a Biosphere Reserve on the island of Samothraki, Greece: A transdisciplinary journey Newspaper Article Panos Petridis 2016
Estaciones de la red de control de calidad de aguas superficiales de las demarcaciones hidrográficas del Guadalquivir, Ceuta y Melilla Shapefile Confederación Hidrográfica del Guadalquivir (MINISTERIO PARA LA TRANSICIÓN ECOLÓGICA Y EL RETO DEMOGRÁFICO) 2016
Estaciones de la red de control de las aguas de transición y costeras de la demarcación hidrográfica del Guadalquivir Shapefile Confederación Hidrográfica del Guadalquivir (MINISTERIO PARA LA TRANSICIÓN ECOLÓGICA Y EL RETO DEMOGRÁFICO) 2016
Estadísticas del Servicio de Taxi Dataset Municipalidad de Rosario 2016
Estimación de la flota vehicular en circulación a nivel municipal en México para la modelación de estimación de emisiones de gases efecto invernadero y medidas de mitigación Report Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (SEMARNAT) e Instituto Nacional de Ecología y Cambio Climático (INECC) 2016
Estimating Materials Stocked by Land-Use Type in Historic Urban Buildings Using Spatio-Temporal Analytical Tools Journal Article Marcellus-Zamora et al. 2016
Estrategia de residuos del Ayuntamiento de Madrid Report Ayuntamiento de Madrid 2016
Evaluating the Energy Efficiency of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks on CPUs and GPUs Conference Paper Li et al. 2016
Evaluating urban sustainability potential based on material flow analysis of inputs and outputs: A case study in Jinchang City, China Journal Article Li et al. 2016
Evolution of the quantities of primary energy produced from renewable ressources Dataset Veronique Verbeke 2016
Examining the historical and present energy metabolism of a Rust Belt City: Syracuse, NY 1840--2005 Journal Article Balogh et al. 2016
Extended Exergy Accounting for Karachi Journal Article Jahangir et al. 2016
Extreme Events, Critical Infrastructures, Human Vulnerability and Strategic Planning: Emerging Research Issues Journal Article Birkmann et al. 2016
Faros de Esperanza: ANP Laguna de Términos Video Recording Comisión Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas - CONANP 2016
Faros de Esperanza: Complejo Pantanos de Centla - Laguna de Términos Video Recording Comisión Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas - CONANP 2016
Final energy consumption and GHG emissions by sector for Brussels Capital Region in 2010 Data visualisation 2016
Flora y fauna de los cerros orientales de Bogotá Report Acueducto_de_Bogotá_&_Alcaldía_Mayor_de_Bogotá 2016
Flows of embodied GHG emissions related to Melbourne Data visualisation 2016
Flows, system boundaries and the politics of urban metabolism: Waste management in Mexico City and Santiago de Chile Journal Article Guibrunet et al. 2016
Follow the N and P road: High-resolution nutrient flow analysis of the Flanders region as precursor for sustainable resource management Journal Article Coppens et al. 2016
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GIS‐based Analysis of Vienna's Material Stock in Buildings Journal Article Kleemann et al. 2016
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Global Sustainable City-Regions: Mumbai, Shenzhen, Reykjavik, Portland, Budapest, Glasgow and Rotterdam Book Igor Calzada 2016
Globalization, Agriculture and Food in the Caribbean: Climate Change, Gender and Geography Book Beckford and Rhiney 2016
Gone with the Wind : Estimating Hurricane and Climate Change Costs in the Caribbean Report Sebastian Acevedo 2016
Governance across the land-sea interface: A systematic review Journal Article Pittman and Armitage 2016
Governance of climate change adaptation on Small Island Developing States (SIDS) Book Section Ilan Kelman 2016
Governance of ecosystem services on small islands: three contrasting cases for St. Eustatius in the Dutch Caribbean Journal Article Polman et al. 2016
Governing Internet of Things: issues, approaches, and new paradigms Book Section Maheswaran and Misra 2016
Governing Uncertainty: Resilience, Dwelling, and Flexible Resource Management in Oceania Journal Article Matthew Lauer 2016
Green Industrial Internet of Things Architecture: An Energy-Efficient Perspective Journal Article Wang et al. 2016
Green Plan and Biodiversity Report Auladell et al. 2016
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Groundwater vulnerability on small islands Journal Article Holding et al. 2016
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IOT in agriculture Conference Paper Shenoy and Pingle 2016
Identifying the policy space for climate loss and damage Journal Article Mechler and Schinko 2016
Impact of the Smart City Industry on the Korean National Economy: Input-Output Analysis Journal Article Kim et al. 2016
Implementing Urban Agriculture in Chicago Report Zoning and Land Use Planning – Sustainable Development Division; Kathleen Dickhut 2016
Indicators for a circular economy Report EASAC 2016
Indicators of urban metabolism applied to the management of urban solid waste in the city of Tandil, Province of Buenos Aires Conference Paper Villalba et al. 2016
Industria Petroquímica/Plástica - Cadenas de Valor Agosto 2016 Report Secretaría de Política Económica y Planificación del Desarrollo 2016
Industry Nodes and Cluster Development in the City of Joburg. BACKGROUND REPORT ON THE PLASTICS CLUSTER Report Prepared for the City of Johannesburg Prepared by the Centre for Competition and Development 2016
Industry Nodes and Cluster Development in the City of Joburg: Background report: Food Processing Report Prepared for the City of Johannesburg Prepared by the Centre for Competition and Development 2016
Información Censal a nivel de Manzana 6 (Servicios de Salud) Dataset Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI) 2016
Información Censal a nivel de Manzana 7 (vivienda) Dataset Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI) 2016
Información económica y estatal. Nuevo Leon. Report SE Secretaria de económica 2016
Integrating Urban Heat Assessment in Urban Plans Journal Article Echevarria et al. 2016
Inter-regional flows of embodied carbon emissions Data visualisation 2016
International inequality of environmental pressures: decomposition and comparative analysis Journal Article Figueras et al. 2016
Island Sustainability. The Case of Samothraki. Book Section Petridis et al. 2016
Island Sustainability: The Case of Samothraki Book Section Petridis and Fischer-Kowalski 2016
Key insights for the future of urban ecosystem services research Journal Article Kremer et al. 2016
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Kigali Master Plan 2013 Map City of Kigali 2016
Known unknowns: indirect energy effects of information and communication technology Journal Article Horner et al. 2016
La biodiversidad en la Ciudad de México - Volumen I, II, III Report (CONABIO) and Federal 2016
La revue scientifique électronique pour les recherches sur Bruxelles Report Frédéric Dobruszkes et Cathy Macharis Michel Hubert 2016
Land use Shapefile Ayuntamiento de Barcelona 2016
Les espaces publics et les espaces verts à Grenoble. Aménager les espaces publics grenoblois Document DESTARAC et al. 2016
Les infrastructures pétrolières et les stocks stratégiques pétroliers Report Ministère de la Transition écologique 2016
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Limite Distrital de Perú Shapefile Instituto Geográfico Nacional del Perú 2016
Limite Provincial de Perú Shapefile Instituto Geográfico Nacional del Perú. 2016
Limite departamental de Perú Shapefile Instituto Geográfico Nacional del Perú. 2016
Linking Material Flow Analysis with Resilience Using Rice: A Case Study in Global, Visual MFA of a Key Food Product Journal Article Monit et al. 2016
Linking science and decision making to promote an ecology for the city: practices and opportunities Journal Article Grove et al. 2016
Lisbon's womb: an approach to the city metabolism in the turn to the twentieth century Journal Article Niza et al. 2016
Lisbon’s womb: an approach to the city metabolism in the turn to the twentieth century Journal Article Niza et al. 2016
Livestock Slaughtered by Type, Annual Dataset Singapore Food Agency 2016
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Location of Agricultural land within the Cape Town metropolitan area. Dataset City of Cape Town 2016
Location of Porto water reservatoires Image Águas do Porto 2016
Lombardy region, Italy: energy consumption in the agriculture sector Data visualisation 2016
Los fertilizantes, N-P-K son los más usados por los agricultores Journal Article Ximena González 2016
Líneas de Alta tensión Shapefile Alcaldía de Rionegro 2016
L’industrie chimique francilienne : entre innovation et développement durable Report Union des industries chimiques CROCIS 2016
Machine bias Newspaper Article Anguin et al. 2016
Major agglomerations of the world Data visualisation 2016
Management for sustainability at the city cleansing department Hamburg Journal Article Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Siechau Julia Ummenhofer 2016
Managing the food, water, and energy nexus for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in South Asia Journal Article Golam Rasul 2016
Mangrove forests store high densities of carbon across the tropical urban landscape of Singapore Map Daniel R. Richards & Valerie X. H. Phang Daniel A. Friess 2016
Mapa Metalogénico de Colombia Map Servicio Geológico Colombiano 2016
Mapa de Ecosistemas del Atlántico Shapefile INVEMAR (Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas de Colombia) 2016
Mapping the anthropogenic stock in Germany: Metabolic evidence for a circular economy Journal Article Schiller et al. 2016
Market development strategy for recovered resources 2016 Report Sustainability Victoria 2016
Masterclass 1: WHAT is Urban Metabolism and WHY is it relevant? (part 1) Video Recording 2016
Masterclass 1: WHAT is Urban Metabolism and WHY is it relevant? (part 2) Video Recording 2016
Masterclass 1: WHAT is Urban Metabolism and WHY is it relevant? (part 3) Video Recording 2016
Material Flow Accounts and Driving Factors of Economic Growth in the Philippines Journal Article Martinico-Perez et al. 2016
Material Flow Analysis (MFA) and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Study for Sustainable Management of PVC Wastes in Thailand Book Section Nakem et al. 2016
Material Flow Analysis and Waste Management Book Section Moriguchi and Hashimoto 2016
Material Flow Analysis in Quebec: Methods and operationalising challenges in a circular economy perspective Thesis Audrey Morris 2016
Material Quickscan for Rotterdam and Den Haag Report Metabolic 2016
Material flow analysis for a sustainable resource management in island ecosystems. A case study in Santa Cruz Island (Galapagos) Journal Article Andrea Cecchin 2016
Medellín pasó de los 1.300 edificios de gran altura Journal Article La lonja . Propiedad raíz 2016
Melbourne Urban Forest Data visualisation 2016
Metabolic heat production by human and animal populations in cities Journal Article Stewart and Kennedy 2016
Metabolic pattern in Shanghai Data visualisation 2016
Metal accumulation in the Klip River wetland: Attenuation of pollution arising from acid mine drainage by a natural wetland on the Witwatersrand Journal Article Marc S. Humphries Terrence S. McCarthy Letitia Pillay 2016
Mikkeli´s waste management regulations Report Mikkeli city 2016
Modeling of material and energy flows in the Metropolitan City of Milan, Italy Data visualisation 2016
Modeling of material and energy flows in the Metropolitan City of Milan, Italy using urban metabolism approaches Conference Paper Igor Tereshchenko Gabriela Fernandez 2016
Monitoring Urban Copper Flows in Stockholm, Sweden: Implications of Changes Over Time Journal Article Amneklev et al. 2016
Montreal's boundaries Shapefile Ville de Montréal 2016
Mora y Alajuelita lideran crecimiento en construcción residencial Journal Article El Financiero 2016
Multi-criteria analysis and interactive selection of urban solid waste management proposals, Santa Eufemia, Córdoba, Argentina Journal Article and 2016
Municipal Wards of Cape Town Shapefile Municipal Demarcation Board 2016
Municipal markets in the city of Barcelona GPS Coordinates Ajuntament de Barcelona 2016
National Adaptation Plan of Sri Lanka Report Climate Change Secretariat 2016
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P-FUTURES: towards urban food & water security through collaborative design and impact Journal Article Iwaniec et al. 2016
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Perspectives de population 2015-2040. Vaud et ses régions. Report STATVD. Aurélien Moreau. 2016
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Perímetros de protección para las captaciones subterráneas de abastecimiento en las demarcaciones hidrográficas del Guadalquivir, Ceuta y Melilla Shapefile Confederación Hidrográfica del Guadalquivir (MINISTERIO PARA LA TRANSICIÓN ECOLÓGICA Y EL RETO DEMOGRÁFICO) 2016
Phoenix transportation fuels energy (in PJ) Data visualisation 2016
Pikitup waste facilities and private recyclers GPS Coordinates Pikitup 2016
Plan Agropecuario Municipal Report Alcaldía Municipal de Rionegro 2016
Plan Integral de Gestión de Cambio Climático Territorial del Atlántico 2040 Document CAEM - E3 2016
Plan de Gestión Ambiental Regional del Departamento de nariño Report CORPONARIÑO 2016
Plan vial Municipio de Rionegro - Antioquia Report Alcaldía Municipal de Rionegro 2016
Planchetas del Código de Planeamiento Urbano 2016 Map Ministerio de Desarrollo Urbano y Transporte 2016
Plano de Zonificaciòn de los distritos de Chimbote - Nuevo Chimbote Map Municipalidad Provincial del Santa. 2016
Policy coherence in climate governance in Caribbean Small Island Developing States Journal Article Michelle Scobie 2016
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Probing uncertainty levels of electrification in informal urban settlements: A case from South Africa Journal Article Kovacic et al. 2016
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Promoting resilience for food, energy, and water interdependencies Journal Article Zimmerman et al. 2016
Prospecting and Exploring Anthropogenic Resource Deposits: The Case Study of Vienna's Subway Network Journal Article Lederer et al. 2016
Proyección de la Población Report Rubén Ríos - Universidad Católica de Oriente UCO 2016
Quantifying Impacts of Consumption Based Charge for Carbon Intensive Materials on Products Report Pauliuk et al. 2016
Quantitative Analysis of Factors Contributing to Urban Heat Island Effect in Cities of Latin-American Pacific Coast Journal Article Palme et al. 2016
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Regulating artificial intelligence systems: Risks, challenges, competencies, and strategies Journal Article Matthew U. Scherer 2016
Research on Landfill and Composting Guidelines in Kigali City, Rwanda based on China's experience Journal Article Josephine Isugi 2016
Resource consumption drivers and pathways to reduction: economy, policy and lifestyle impact on material flows at the national and urban scale Journal Article Kalmykova et al. 2016
Results of energy-minerals-metals nexus with material flow analysis (MFA) Image Bahers 2016
Ribeira Image CMP 2016
Rosario Image Luis H. Vaca 2016
Rwanda Energy Landscape Report Gemma Ituze 2016
Rwanda Unveils New Fuel Storage Video Recording Kigali Today 2016
Règlement sur la distribution de l'eau de la Commune de Lausanne Document Ville da Lausanne 2016
Río Medellín Shapefile Alcaldía de Medellín 2016
Sector pesquero de Rosario, Argentina: Aportes del enfoque de la psicodinámica del trabajo para el abordaje de sus problemáticas. Thesis Melina Perbellini Julieta Mascheron 2016
Sharing economy as a contributor to sustainable growth. An EU perspective Journal Article Bonciu and Bâlgăr 2016
Simplified value chain of a passenger vehicle Data visualisation 2016
Singapore : Manufacturing Statistics Data visualisation World Development Indicators Worldbank 2016
Singapore International Energy Week Roundtable: Renewable Energy Outlook for ASEAN – A REmap Presentation International Renewable Energy Agency 2016
Singapore Lube Park Opens Facilities Image Lam Lye Ching 2016
Sistema de Servicios Públicos Map Alcaldía de Medellín 2016
Six maps that show the anatomy of America's vast infrastructure Data visualisation 2016
Small States' Resilience to Natural Disasters and Climate Change - Role for the IMF Report IMF 2016
Social Urban Metabolism Strategies (SUMS) for Cities Journal Article Davis et al. 2016
Social responsibility of organizations: CSR 1.0, CSR 2.0 and what's next? Book Bąk and Rojek-Nowosielska 2016
Socio-demographic atlas 2016 Report statistiques et al. 2016
Socio-economic study and assessment of the Aquitaine region Report Adrian and Laurent 2016
Socioecological Research on the Island of Samothraki Document Noll et al. 2016
Socioeconomic metabolism of Biomass in Jamaica in the Context of Trade and National Food Security: A time series biophysical analysis (1961-2013) Thesis Akunne Okoli 2016
Socioeconomic metabolism of Biomass in Jamaica in the Context of Trade and National Food Security: A time series biophysical analysis (1961-2013). Thesis Akunne Okoli 2016
Solid Waste Management in the Caribbean: Proceedings from the Caribbean Solid Waste Conference Report Inter-American Development Bank 2016
Sources of Water Supply in Barcelona (Province) Map Aigües de Barcelona 2016
Spatial Development Framework 2040 Document Development Planning City of Johannesburg 2016
Spatial flow analysis of water pollution in eco-natural systems Journal Article Zhou et al. 2016
Spatial variation in the ecological relationships among the components of Beijing's carbon metabolic system Journal Article Xia et al. 2016
State of Energy Report 2015 Report City of Cape Town 2016
State of Food Security and Nutrition in Small Island Developing States (SIDS) Report FAO 2016
State of the Market: Internet of Things 2016 Report 2016
Statistical directory of the agglomeration of montreal_2016 Dataset Montréal en statistiques and Montréal 2016
Stochastic Analysis and Forecasts of the Patterns of Speed, Acceleration, and Levels of Material Stock Accumulation in Society Journal Article Fishman et al. 2016
Stockholm City Hall, Stockholm, Sweden. Image Jonatan Svensson Glad 2016
Structural, geographic, and social factors in urban building energy use: Analysis of aggregated account-level consumption data in a megacity Journal Article Porse et al. 2016
Study of material flows across the territory and counties of Lorraine Report Jean Lecroart Margaux Montagnon Jean-Yves Courtonne 2016
Studying construction materials flows and stock: A review Journal Article Augiseau and Barles 2016
Subestaciones eléctricas del municipio de Rionegro Shapefile Alcaldía Municipal de Rionegro Antioquia 2016
Subsistema de Movilidad Map Alcaldía de Medellín 2016
Suelos de Protección Map Alcaldía de Medellín 2016
Surface Air Temperature - Monthly Mean Dataset National Environment Agency 2016
Surveying the Environmental Footprint of Urban Food Consumption Journal Article Goldstein et al. 2016
Sustainable Agriculture Market Intelligence Report 2016 Report GreenCape 2016
Sustainable Mediterranean, Integrated Management Approaches for Biosphere Reserves and other Designated Areas Document Summer University of Samothraki 2016
Sustainable Urban Futures:: Contested Transitions and Creative Pathways Journal Article Joe Ravetz 2016
Sustaining Singapore’s Farming Heritage Presentation Dr Ngiam Tong Tau 2016
São Paulo - Panorama, Population and others Dataset IBGE 2016
São Paulo, mapa zonas urbana e rural (urban and rural zones) Shapefile PMSP 2016
TEXTILES AND APPAREL Presentation 2016
TOWARDS AN UNDERSTANDING OF THE ECONOMY OF JOHANNESBURG - Industrial nodes survey Report Prepared by: Centre for Competition and Johannesburg 2016
Table New Caledonia Layer 4 stocks and flows Dataset Bahers 2016
The Concept of City Carbon Maps: A Case Study of Melbourne, Australia Journal Article Wiedmann et al. 2016
The Efficiency of Informality: Quantifying Greenhouse Gas Reductions from Informal Recycling in Bogotá, Colombia Journal Article Vergara et al. 2016
The Energy Structure of the Canadian Economy Journal Article Kennedy and Bachmann 2016
The Flavor Connection Data visualisation 2016
The Internet of Things: Seizing the Benefits and Addressing the Challenges Report OECD 2016
The Internet of Things: Seizing the Benefits and Addressing the Challenges Report 2016
The Rise of the Platform Economy Journal Article Kenney and Zysman 2016
The Urban Metabolism of Brussels in 2010 Data visualisation 2016
The Urban Water–Energy Nexus: Building Resilience for Global Change in the “Urban Century” Book Section Scott et al. 2016
The Water, Energy And Food Nexus and ecosystems: The political economy of food and non-food supply chains Report Allan et al. 2016
The energy metabolism of megacities Journal Article Facchini et al. 2016
The energy metabolism of the Lombardy region in northern Italy Data visualisation 2016
The greening of neoliberal urbanism in Santiago de Chile: urbanisation by green enclaves and the production of a new socio-nature in Chicureo Thesis Martin Sanzana Calvet 2016
The influence of UK emissions reduction targets on the emissions of the global steel industry Journal Article Serrenho et al. 2016
The nexus approach to water–energy–food security: an option for adaptation to climate change Journal Article Rasul and Sharma 2016
The rebound effect and Schatzki’s social theory: Reassessing the socio-materiality of energy consumption via a German case study Journal Article Galvin and Gubernat 2016
The sharing economy: A pathway to sustainability or a nightmarish form of neoliberal capitalism? Journal Article Chris J. Martin 2016
The sharing economy: Why people participate in collaborative consumption Journal Article Hamari et al. 2016
The social metabolism of Scotland: An environmental perspective Journal Article Viglia et al. 2016
The top 10 most biodiverse countries Journal Article Rhett Butler 2016
The urban metabolism of Rennes Data visualisation 2016
The value of urban ecosystem services in New York City: A spatially explicit multicriteria analysis of landscape scale valuation scenarios Journal Article Kremer et al. 2016
The water–food–energy Nexus – Realising a new paradigm Journal Article Smajgl et al. 2016
There is a blind spot in AI research Journal Article Crawford and Calo 2016
Titulos mineros Rionegro Data visualisation Secretaría de Minas - Gobernación de Antioquia 2016
Total population Webpage Ville de Montréal 2016
Touristic Arrivals and Nights Spent in Each Municipality Dataset STATBEL 2016
Toward a Political Ecology of Biosocial Relations. Rethinking the Urban Water Metabolism beyond the City Report Schulz and Bruns 2016
Towards a Dynamic Approach to Urban Metabolism: Tracing the Temporal Evolution of Brussels' Urban Metabolism from 1970 to 2010 Journal Article Athanassiadis et al. 2016
Towards a blockchain enabled social contract for sustainability - Creating a fair and just operating system for humanity Conference Paper Faber and Hadders 2016
Towards a circular economy... of proximity? Report ADEME et al. 2016
Towards more comprehensive urban environmental assessments: exploring the complex relationship between urban and metabolic profiles Thesis Aristide Athanassiadis 2016
Transboundary aquifers and groundwater systems of small island developing states: status and trends; volume 1: groundwater. Report UNESCO-IHP and UNEP 2016
Transnational city carbon footprint networks - Exploring carbon links between Australian and Chinese cities Journal Article Chen et al. 2016
Transport and mobility Report CBS 2016
Transporte Publico Colectivo /Masivo Map Alcaldía de Medellín 2016
Trial by machine Journal Article Andrea L. Roth 2016
Tuvalu: Climate Change and Migration: Relationships Between Household Vulnerability, Human Mobility and Climate Change Report Milan et al. 2016
UTEXRWA LTD Video Recording Rwanda Stes 2016
Uber v. regulation: “Ride-sharing” creates a legal gray area Journal Article Yanelys Crespo 2016
Uncovering driving forces on urban metabolism—A case of Shenyang Journal Article Sun et al. 2016
Understanding barriers to decision making in the UK energy-food-water nexus: The added value of interdisciplinary approaches Journal Article Howarth and Monasterolo 2016
Urban Food Consumption in Metro Manila: Interdisciplinary Approaches Towards Apprehending Practices, Patterns, and Impacts Journal Article Burger Chakraborty et al. 2016
Urban Food Consumption in Metro Manila: Interdisciplinary Approaches Towards Apprehending Practices, Patterns, and Impacts Journal Article Burger Chakraborty et al. 2016
Urban Metabolism Analysis as a Support to Drive Metropolitan Development Journal Article Caputo et al. 2016
Urban carbon transformations: unravelling spatial and inter-sectoral linkages for key city industries based on multi-region input-output analysis Journal Article Chen et al. 2016
Urban energy–water nexus: A network perspective Journal Article Chen and Chen 2016
Urban metabolism in Syracuse, NY – introduction Journal Article David J. Nowak 2016
Urban metabolism profiles. An empirical analysis of the material flow characteristics of three metropolitan areas in Sweden Journal Article Rosado et al. 2016
Urban planning and building smart cities based on the Internet of Things using Big Data analytics Journal Article Rathore et al. 2016
Use of IoT Technology to Drive the Automotive Industry from Connected to Full Autonomous Vehicles Journal Article Krasniqi and Hajrizi 2016
Using Big Data to Estimate Consumer Surplus: The Case of Uber Report Cohen et al. 2016
Using change detection data to assess amount and composition of demolition waste from buildings in Vienna Journal Article Kleemann et al. 2016
Usos y destinos del suelo de la ciudad de Madrid Shapefile Ayuntamiento de Madrid 2016
Variaciones geotécnicas en un suelo tropical causadas por los lixiviados de residuos sólidos urbanos: Escala laboratorial Report Yamile Valencia-González & Luis Augusto Lara-Valencia Alejandro Quintero-Ramírez 2016
Video institutionnel d'Eau de Paris Video Recording Eau de Paris 2016
Volume control: Stormwater and the politics of urban metabolism Journal Article Joshua Cousins 2016
Waste Market Intelligence Report 2016 Report GreenCape 2016
Waste statistics 2016: Municipal waste Dataset Behörde für Umwelt und Energie 2016
Water Governance of Singapore in Achieving Sustainable Water Security Report Bayu Mitra A. Kusuma Theresia Octastefani 2016
Water agenda The Hague Document Hague and Delfland 2016
Water consumption in Los Angeles Data visualisation 2016
Water flows in Amsterdam Data visualisation 2016
Water world: A look at 5 reservoirs in Singapore Presentation Jessie Lim The Straits Times 2016
Water-Energy-Food nexus: framing the opportunities, challenges and synergies for implementing the SDGs Journal Article Paul T. Yillia 2016
Waters used for fish farming in the Guadalquivir river basin district Shapefile Confederación Hidrográfica del Guadalquivir (MINISTERIO PARA LA TRANSICIÓN ECOLÓGICA Y EL RETO DEMOGRÁFICO) 2016
Word Map Data visualisation 2016
Work-sharing for a sustainable economy Journal Article Zwickl et al. 2016
monthly commodity sales and volumes analysis Report Joburg Market 2016
Étude socio-économique et bilan matières de la région Bretagne Report Deboutière Adrian & Georgeault Laurent 2016
Étude socio-économique et bilan matières de la région Haute-Normandie Report Deboutière Adrian & Georgeault Laurent 2016
Étude socio-économique et bilan matières de la région Rhône-Alpes Report Deboutière Adrian & Georgeault Laurent 2016
10 firms declare their paper products sold in Singapore are from sustainable sources Report Lee Min Kok 2015
300 árboles nativos adornan intersección de la radial Alajuelita Journal Article am Prensa EL despertar de la Información 2015
A Cities Approach to Sustainability Thesis Daniel Hoornweg 2015
A Novel Approach to Characterize Data Uncertainty in Material Flow Analysis and its Application to Plastics Flows in Austria Journal Article see authors 2015
A comparative analysis of carbon emissions from online retailing of fast moving consumer goods Journal Article van Loon et al. 2015
A field based methodology for estimating waste generation rates at various stages of construction projects Journal Article Bakshan et al. 2015
A multi-regional soil phosphorus balance for exploring secondary fertilizer potential: the case of Norway Journal Article Hanserud et al. 2015
A political-industrial ecology of water supply infrastructure for Los Angeles Journal Article Cousins and Newell 2015
A portrait of biodiversity in Paris- The Paris biodiversity plan Report management and Paris. 2015
AEC 2015: Singapore Food Manufacturing Industry Presentation Wong Mong Hong 2015
AFTERMATH - The Second Flood / Official Trailer Video Recording Filmproduktion Golden Girls 2015
Actividades económicas 2015 II Trimestre Report Secretaría_Distrital_de_Hacienda 2015
Actors for Innovation in Green IT Book Section Hilty et al. 2015
Adapting to climate change in small island developing states Journal Article Carola Betzold 2015
Addressing the Obsolescence of End-User Devices: Approaches from the Field of Sustainable HCI Book Section Hilty et al. 2015
Aftermath: The Second Flood Video Recording 2015
Aggregated Land-use Apeldoorn 2015 Shapefile CBS and Kadaster 2015
AmI and the IoT and Environmental and Societal Sustainability: Risks, Challenges, and Underpinnings Book Section Bibri and Bibri 2015
An application of system dynamics for evaluating planning alternatives to guide a green industrial transformation in a resource-based city Journal Article Kuai et al. 2015
Analysis of High-Resolution Utility Data for Understanding Energy Use in Urban Systems: The Case of Los Angeles, California Journal Article Pincetl et al. 2015
Antigua and Barbuda Tourism - 2014 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2015
Antigua and Barbuda Tourism - 2015 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2015
Análisis de flujos dinámicos de materiales aplicado a la proyección de demanda de materiales de construcción en Colombia Thesis Gabriel Jaime Rivera León 2015
Aruba Tourism - 2014 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2015
Aruba Tourism - 2015 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2015
Así se potabiliza el agua que llega a hogares del Valle de Aburrá. Report Anderson Montoya Roldán. Periódico El Tiempo 2015
Barbados Tourism - 2014 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2015
Barbados Tourism - 2015 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2015
Barriers to reducing climate enhanced disaster risks in Least Developed Country-Small Islands through anticipatory adaptation Journal Article Kuruppu and Willie 2015
Bilan Carbone territorial du canton de Genève Report Canton de Genève 2015
Biocombustibles: Balance energético y efecto sobre el medio ambiente Report Bolsa de Comercio de Rosario 2015
Biodiversity in Brussels Report Environnement.Brussels - Leefmilieu.Brussels 2015
Biodiversity: Species Monitoring Report Environnement.Brussels - Leefmilieu.Brussels 2015
Buildings by number of floors - Porto Dataset PORDATA 2015
Buildings by type - Porto Dataset PORDATA 2015
Canopy 2015 - Greater Montreal Shapefile Service des infrastructures du réseau routier- Division de la géomatique de la Ville de Montréal 2015
Caracterización Económica Avícola del Departamento de Antioquia Report Federación Nacional de Avicultores de Colombia 2015
Caracterización de las cercas vivas y la avifauna asociada en la vereda San Felipe, Microcuenca Mijitayo, municipio de Pasto Thesis Linda Jimenez Rodriguez Sandra Viviana Andrade 2015
Carbon, water and energy fluxes of terrestrial ecosystems in Italy Book Section Papale et al. 2015
Cartographie du Schéma d'aménagement et de développement Document Service de l'urbanisme et de la mobilité 2015
Censo arbolado Report Municipalidad de Rosario 2015
Changing global trade and the digital revolution Data visualisation 2015
Changing tourism patterns, capital accumulation, and urban water consumption in Mallorca, Spain: a sustainability fix? Journal Article Hof and Blázquez-Salom 2015
Changing urban phosphorus metabolism: Evidence from Longyan City, China Journal Article Cui et al. 2015
Circular Economy Hub Document Environment and (EDDEC) 2015
Circularity Indicators - An Approach to Measuring Circularity, Methodology Report EMF et al. 2015
Cisco Visual Networking Index: Global Mobile Data Traffic Forecast Update, 2014–2019 Journal Article Davythe Dicochea 2015
City of Johannesburg -Garden refuse drop-off facilities Report Pikitup 2015
City of Johannesburg Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (2015) Report For the City of Johannesburg and Consultants) 2015
City of London Image Colin and Hansen 2015
City, Ecology, Climate and the Common Good: State of Affairs, Challenges and Perspectives from Latin America. Journal Article Gian Carlo Delgado Ramos 2015
Climate and southern Africa's water–energy–food nexus Journal Article Conway et al. 2015
Climate implications on water stress and water-quality variations - a case study from Daduru Oya basin Conference Paper Rosairo and Jayasena 2015
Closing the urban water loop: lessons from Singapore and Windhoek Journal Article Lafforgue and Lenouvel 2015
Coherent Mapping for Integrated Water Management in Brussels Journal Article Tom Goosse and Claeys 2015
Collaborative consumption as a new trend of sustainable consumption Journal Article Dabrowska and Gutkowska 2015
Combined MFA and LCA approach to evaluate the metabolism of service polygons: A case study on a university campus Journal Article Lopes Silva et al. 2015
Comparative Levels of Water and Air Pollutants in Kigali City and Kitabi and Benefits of Cleaner Energy-Biodiesel in Rwanda Report Jean Baptiste Nduwayezu 2015
Competition for land: a sociometabolic perspective Journal Article Helmut Haberl 2015
Complementary uses of Environmentally Extended Input Output Analysis and Material Flow Analysis to assess impacts Conference Paper Cooper et al. 2015
Concrete transformation of buildings in China and implications for the steel cycle Journal Article Wang et al. 2015
Consolidation, Colocation, Virtualization, and Cloud Computing: The Impact of the Changing Structure of Data Centers on Total Electricity Demand Book Section Hilty et al. 2015
Consommation alimentaire par habitant en Suisse Dataset OFS - Office fédéral de Statistique 2015
Consumption and Price of Tap Water Report Environnement.Brussels - Leefmilieu.Brussels 2015
Curacao Tourism - 2014 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2015
Curacao Tourism - 2015 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2015
Current Status of Solid Waste Management in Small Island Developing States: A Review Journal Article Mohee et al. 2015
Current status and advancement of cyber-physical systems in manufacturing Journal Article Wang et al. 2015
Current status of aquaculture in Singapore Journal Article Neo Chin Heng 2015
Current status of solid waste management in small island developing states: A review Journal Article Mohee et al. 2015
Cycle lanes Shapefile City of Cape Town 2015
Decreto Único Reglamentario 1076 de 2015 Document Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible 2015
Development of Environmentally Sustainable Methods for Treatment of Domestic Wastewater and Handling of Sewage Sludge on Yap Island Journal Article Joseph D. Rouse 2015
Development of a life cycle assessment tool for the assessment of food production systems within the energy, water and food nexus Journal Article Al-Ansari et al. 2015
Diagnóstico Socio Ambiental y Económico de la Zona Protectora Cerros de Escazú Report Área de Conservación Pacífico Central (ACOPAC) Sistema Nacional de Áreas de Conservación (SINAC) 2015
Diagnóstico Socio Ambiental y Económico de la Zona Protectora de los Cerros de Escazú Report Área de Conservación Pacífico Central (ACOPAC) Sistema Nacional de Áreas de Conservación (SINAC) 2015
Disaster risk insurance and catastrophe models in risk-prone small Caribbean islands Journal Article Joyette et al. 2015
Discharge of the wastewater treatment plants in megalitres per month Dataset City of Cape Town 2015
Economie genevoise : toujours dans la course ? Report d’industrie et des services de Genève Banque Cantonale de Genève SA OCSTAT - Genève Chambre de commerce 2015
Effects of Climate Change on Exposure to Coastal Flooding in Latin America and the Caribbean Journal Article Reguero et al. 2015
Electric vehicle charging stations in the city of Barcelona GPS Coordinates Ajuntament de Barcelona 2015
Electricity Generated, Annual Dataset Energy Market Authority 2015
Embodied resource requirements of the City of Melbourne's buildings Shapefile Stephan and Athanassiadis 2015
Emergy Synthesis for Three Main Industries in Wuyishan City, China Journal Article Yang et al. 2015
Emergy-based indicators of regional environmental sustainability: A case study in Shanwei, Guangdong, China Journal Article Lou et al. 2015
Employed per. industry (level 2) in Denmark Dataset 2015
Employed per. industry (level 2) in HTK Dataset Hoje-Taastrup Municipality 2015
Employees by economic activity sector - Censos Dataset PORDATA 2015
En Ile-de-France, l’usage de la voiture pour aller travailler diminue Report Céline Calvier et Françoise Jacquesson 2015
Encuesta Ganadera por localidad. Dataset Gobierno de la Prov. de Santa Fe. 2015
Encuesta Intercensal 2015 / Tabulado "Vivienda" Dataset INEGI 2015
Encuesta Intercensal 2015 Campeche Dataset Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía - INEGI 2015
Energy Flows in Brussels Capital Region_Diagram (p.9) Report Environnement.Brussels - Leefmilieu.Brussels 2015
Energy and Development in the ASEAN Region Book Economic et al. 2015
Energy and material flows of megacities Journal Article Kennedy et al. 2015
Energy balance of Brussels Capital Region 2013 Industry and tertiary sectors' balance and global balance Report and asbl 2015
Energy balance of the Brussels Capital Region (Year 2013) Report Vanderpoorten et al. 2015
Environmental change and food security: the special case of small island developing states Journal Article Lowitt et al. 2015
Estructura de población de la Ciudad de México y sus Alcaldías Dataset Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía 2015
Estudio de calidad de los residuos sólidos urbanos de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires 2015 Report CEAMSE Instituto de Ingeniería Sanitaria y Ambiental de la Universidad de Buenos Aires 2015
Evaluating sustainability of sharing economy business models Journal Article Daunorienė et al. 2015
Evolution of the energy intensity of the Brussels Region Report Vanderpoorten and Verbeke 2015
Exploring the relationship between Melbourne's water metabolism and urban characteristics Conference Paper Athanassiadis et al. 2015
Exportaciones por principales partidas, participación porcentual de los principales destinos y cantidad de destinos. 2000-1er semestre 2020 Dataset Dirección General de Estadística y Censos 2015
Finlands security in its food supply 2015, specific information about produce but not by area Report Knuuttila M. 2015
Fluxes of urban pollution from the city of Naples (IT) Presentation Famulari et al. 2015
Food Markets in Brussels Journal Article Maxine Chowles 2015
Formal and Informal Waste Management: Limitations and Potentialities of Recycling in the Galapagos Islands Journal Article A. Cecchin 2015
GCRO DATA BRIEF: NO. 6 Informal sector enterprise and employment in Gauteng Report Produced by the Gauteng City-Region Observatory (GCRO) A partnership of the University of Johannesburg (UJ) and Peberdy 2015
Garbage: How population, landmass, and development interact with culture in the production of waste Journal Article D. Paul Brown 2015
Generación y transporte eléctrico - AMBA Map Secretaría de Gobierno de Energía 2015
General Rules Delfland Statute Hoogheemraadschap van Delfland 2015
General overview of Brussels urban metabolism in 2011 Data visualisation 2015
Geographies of Caribbean Vulnerability in a Changing Climate: Issues and Trends Journal Article Kevon Rhiney 2015
Global human appropriation of net primary production for biomass consumption in the European Union, 1986 - 2007 Journal Article Kastner et al. 2015
Good Food Strategy "Towards a Sustainable Food System in the Brussels-Capital Region" Document Environnement.Brussels - Leefmilieu.Brussels 2015
Governance of transitions towards sustainable development – the water–energy–food nexus in Cyprus Journal Article Halbe et al. 2015
Grenada Tourism - 2014 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2015
Grenada Tourism - 2015 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2015
Haiti Tourism - 2014 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2015
Haiti Tourism - 2015 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2015
Handelskade, Willemstad, Curacao Image Tom Roeleveld 2015
Heritage Trees Dataset National parks Government of Singapore 2015
Hidrología de la Zona Protectora de los Cerros de Escazú. Map Área de Conservación Pacífico Central (ACOPAC) Sistema Nacional de Áreas de Conservación (SINAC) 2015
How Circular is the Global Economy?: An Assessment of Material Flows, Waste Production, and Recycling in the European Union and the World in 2005 Journal Article Haas et al. 2015
Hydrological Heritage Overview: Johannesburg: Gold in the Rand, Water from the Land Report A publication of the Water Research Commission of South Africa Matthys A. Dippenaar (with photographic contribution by Gerrit Burger) 2015
Ideal Urban Metabolism Data visualisation 2015
Iglesia de la Compañía de Jesús, Plaza de Armas, Cusco, Perú Image Diego delso. 2015
Implementing Smart Urban Metabolism in the Stockholm Royal Seaport: Smart City SRS Journal Article Shahrokni et al. 2015
In-use product stocks drive anthropogenic material cycles and provide functions or services demanded by modern human society Data visualisation 2015
In-use product stocks link manufactured capital to natural capital Journal Article Chen and Graedal 2015
Indicadores, grado e indice de Rezago social Dataset Consejo Nacional de Evaluación de la Política de Desarrollo Social (CONEVAL) 2015
Indicator : Evolution of the number of species of flora and fauna (by taxonomic group) Report Environnement.Brussels - Leefmilieu.Brussels 2015
Indicators for sustainable cities Report Science for Environment Policy 2015
Industrial Energy Efficiency Project in South Africa Case Study – EnMS Report National Cleaner Production Centre South Africa 2015
Integrated Water Resources Management in Latin America and the Caribbean Book Section Donoso et al. 2015
Intensive measurements of PM above the city of Naples (Southern Italy) Report et al. 2015
Investigating Cross-Sectoral Synergies through Integrated Aquaculture, Fisheries, and Agriculture Phosphorus Assessments: A Case Study of Norway Journal Article Hamilton et al. 2015
Investigating atmospheric photochemistry in the Johannesburg-Pretoria megacity using a box model Journal Article Alexandra S.M. Lourens Tim M. Butler J. Paul Beukes Pieter G. van Zyl Gerhard D. Fourie Mark G. Lawrence 2015
Isla, ciudad y puerto del Carmen: ¿Caso de desarrollo o ejemplo de dependencia económica? Report Sotelo et al. 2015
Island morphology, reef resources, and development paths in the Maldives Journal Article Alexander K. Naylor 2015
Jamaica Tourism - 2014 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2015
Jamaica Tourism - 2015 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2015
La notable infraestructura portuaria del gran Rosario, uno de los pilares uno de los pilares del desarrollo económico argentino Report Bolsa de Comercio de Rosario. 2015
Land use Apeldoorn 2015 Shapefile CBS and Kadaster 2015
Land zones of Paris Map APUR 2015
Land-use Apeldoorn 2015 Shapefile CBS and Kadaster 2015
Le métabolisme des territoires : enjeux et notions clés Video Recording 2015
Les arbres à Lausanne Report Ville de Lausanne. Service des parcs et domaines. 2015
Lipor's Strategic Plan for 2015-2020 Report Lipor 2015
Living in Mikkeli Report Riihelä et al. 2015
Los Angeles Net Solar Potential Data visualisation 2015
Maintenance and Expansion: Modeling Material Stocks and Flows for Residential Buildings and Transportation Networks in the EU25 Journal Article Wiedenhofer et al. 2015
Maintenance and Expansion: Modeling Material Stocks and Flows for Residential Buildings and Transportation Networks in the EU25. Journal Article Wiedenhofer et al. 2015
Maldives: Overcoming the Challenges of a Small Island State Book ADB 2015
Managing the Material Supply Chain for the Kigali Housing Sector Presentation Bernd Franke 2015
Manual de Silvicultura Urbana para Medellín. Gestión, planeacióny manejo de infraestructura verde . Book Alcaldía de Medellín 2015
Mapping and assessing coastal resilience in the Caribbean region Journal Article Lam et al. 2015
Mass, energy, and emergy analysis of the metabolism of Macao Journal Article Lei et al. 2015
Material Flow Analysis as a Decision Support Tool for Waste Management: A Literature Review Journal Article Allesch and Brunner 2015
Material Flow Analysis for a Circular Economy Development: A Material Stock Quantification Method of Urban Civil Infrastructures with a Case Study of PVC in an Amsterdam Neighbourhood Thesis Carolin Bellstedt 2015
Material flow analysis applied to rare earth elements in Europe Journal Article Guyonnet et al. 2015
Melbourne's Building outlines 2015 Shapefile City of Melbourne Open Data Team 2015
Melbourne’s foodbowl: Now and at seven million Report Sheridan and Carey 2015
Mercury emissions by Beijing׳s fossil energy consumption: Based on environmentally extended input-output analysis Journal Article Li et al. 2015
Metabolism and Environmental Impacts of Household Consumption: A Review on the Assessment, Methodology, and Drivers Journal Article Donato et al. 2015
Metabolism of Brussels-Capital Region: identification of flows, economic actors and activities on the territory and tracks of reflection for resource optimisation Report Environnement et al. 2015
Municipal solid waste collection optimization in Singapore Journal Article Xue et al. 2015
Municipality Director Plan - 1st Revision - 2015 - CM Anadia Report Câmara Municipal de Anadia - CMA 2015
NUTS 2013 Shapefile EUROSTAT 2015
No title Thesis Mujeeb Alam 2015
Optimización del rédito de la actividad pesquera en Puerto Aragón, mediante la inserción de una cooperativa de trabajo que opere con herramienta de comercio justo. Thesis Maria Emilia Herrera (Alumna) 2015
Optimized forest degradation model (OFDM): An environmental decision support system for environmental impact assessment using an artificial neural network Journal Article Jahani et al. 2015
Overcoming the "black box" approach of urban metabolism Conference Paper Athanassiadis et al. 2015
Perfil Demográfico 2016 - 2020 Total Medellin Report Alcaldía de Medellín 2015
Permisos de Edificación Mensual. Departamento Rosario. Año 2015 Dataset Gobierno de la Prov. de Santa fe. Estadísticas. Departamento de Rosario. 2015
Plan Nacional de Agua Potable y Saneamiento Report Dirección Nacional de agua potable y Saneamiento. Subsecretaría de Asuntos Hídricos. Secretaria de Obras Públicas. 2015
Plan alimentation durable Report Mairie de Paris Direction des espaces verts et de l'environment Agence écologique urbaines 2015
Plan de Gestión Integral de Residuos Sólidos 2016 – 2027 Document Alcaldía de Barranquilla 2015
Plan de Gestión Integral de Residuos Sólidos Rionegro Report ACODAL - Alcaldía de Rionegro 2015
Plan municipal de Desarrollo Report Instituto Municipal de Planeación de León. 2015
Planning in Advance by Understanding Urban Metabolism Video Recording 2015
Plaza de armas de Andahuaylas Image Eli peruano 2015
Principles and Case Histories of Deep Vibro Techniques Journal Article Leung et al. 2015
Profitable climate change mitigation: The case of greenhouse gas emission reduction benefits enabled by solar photovoltaic systems Journal Article Breyer et al. 2015
Protection et valorisation du patrimoine géomorphologique en Île-de-France (Bassin de Paris, France) Journal Article François Bétard 2015
Public showers in the city of Barcelona GPS Coordinates Ajuntament de Barcelona 2015
Public stations to park the bicycles of the public rent bicycle service. Shapefile Gerencia de Urbanismo (Ayuntamiento de Sevilla) 2015
Public toilets in the city of Barcelona GPS Coordinates Ajuntament de Barcelona 2015
Quality of rainwater harvesting in urban systems: case study in Colombia Journal Article Morales-Pinzón et al. 2015
Radical transactionalism: Legal consciousness, diverse economies, and the sharing economy Journal Article Morgan and Kuch 2015
Rainfall - Monthly Total Dataset National Environment Agency 2015
Recycling of ICT Equipment in Industrialized and Developing Countries Book Section Hilty et al. 2015
Reglement sur l'evacuation et le traitement des eaux Document Ville de Lausanne 2015
Regulating the sharing economy Journal Article Vanessa Katz 2015
Report on the expected impact of the biogasplant in Mikkeli Report Kauppinen J. Paukkeri K. 2015
Reporte económico de la ciudad de Pasto-POT Report Alcaldía de Pasto 2015
Resident Population by Planning Area/Subzone, Age Group and Sex, 2015 Dataset Trade and Statistics 2015
Resource and waste flows for 27 megacities in 2011 Data visualisation 2015
Resultados definitivos de la Encuesta Intercensal 2015 Campeche Report Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía - INEGI 2015
Roadside trees in the city of Barcelona 2015 Map Juanjo Vidal 2015
Roman Rock Lighthouse Video Recording 2015
SIDS in Numbers. Climate Change Edition 2015 Report UN-OHRLLS 2015
SINGAPORE SUPPLY, USE AND INPUT-OUTPUT TABLES 2015 Report Statistics et al. 2015
Sharing ledgers for sharing economies: An exploration of mutual distributed ledgers (aka blockchain technology) Journal Article Mainelli and Smith 2015
Singapore Economic Review Conference 2015, Singapore, 5 August 2015. Report Managing Director of the Monetary Authority of Singapore Ravi Menon 2015
Sint Maarten Tourism - 2014 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2015
Sint Maarten Tourism - 2015 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2015
Smart Urban Metabolism: Towards a Real-Time Understanding of the Energy and Material Flows of a City and Its Citizens Journal Article Shahrokni et al. 2015
Social metabolism: a metrics for biophysical growth and degrowth Journal Article Fischer-Kowalski and Haberl 2015
Social science: Aid's inconvenient truth Journal Article Erin Bohensky 2015
Social-Ecological Effects of EU Agricultural Subsidies: A Case Study of the Ecological and Economic Sustainability of Sheep and Goat Breeding in Greece. Book Nina Aniela Fuchs 2015
Socioeconomic Metabolism of the Balearic Islands, 1996-2010 Book Section Ginard and Murray 2015
Socioeconomic Metabolism of the Balearic Islands, 1996-2010 Book Section Ginard and Murray 2015
South African Airports Shapefile KhuthadzoM 2015
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Spatial distribution of the material stocked in buildings in Japan Data visualisation 2015
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Stocks de matériaux dans les constructions à Paris Dataset Métabolisme urbain de Paris 2015
Study Report, Material Flow Accounting in Brittany, 2011 Report Arnaud et al. 2015
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Summary of animals born and died Dataset The Hague Municipality 2015
Supporting affordable and green buildings in Kigali/Rwanda Report Bernd Franke 2015
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Sustainability Analysis of a Society Based on Exergy Studies: A Case Study of the Island of Samsø (Denmark) Journal Article Nielsen and Jørgensen 2015
Sustainability analysis of a society based on exergy studies – a case study of the island of Samsø (Denmark) Journal Article Nielsen and Jørgensen 2015
Sustainability in the food-energy-water nexus: Evidence from BRICS (Brazil, the Russian Federation, India, China, and South Africa) countries Journal Article Ilhan Ozturk 2015
Sustainability, Efficiency and Equitability of Water Consumption and Pollution in Latin America and the Caribbean Journal Article Mekonnen et al. 2015
Sustainable development and the water–energy–food nexus: A perspective on livelihoods Journal Article Biggs et al. 2015
Sustainable management of excavated soil and rock in urban areas – A literature review Journal Article Magnusson et al. 2015
The Automotive Parts Industry in Singapore Report Greg Houston Carol Osborne Priscilla Yee 2015
The Bahamas Tourism - 2014 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2015
The Bahamas Tourism - 2015 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2015
The Baltimore School of Urban Ecology: Space, Scale and Time for the Study of Cities Book Grove et al. 2015
The Energy Demand of Data Centers Book Section Hilty et al. 2015
The Hague Sustainability Agenda 2015-2020 Report Municipality 2015
The ICT/electronics question: Structural change and the rebound effect Journal Article Ray Galvin 2015
The Microeconomic Theory of the Rebound Effect and Its Welfare Implications Journal Article Chan and Gillingham 2015
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The Rebound Effect and Energy Efficiency Policy Report Gillingham et al. 2015
The Spanish Transition to Industrial Metabolism: Long-Term Material Flow Analysis (1860-2010) Journal Article Infante-Amate et al. 2015
The Transition from Desktop Computers to Tablets: A Model for Increasing Resource Efficiency? Book Section Hilty et al. 2015
The Weight of Society Over Time and Space: A Comprehensive Account of the Construction Material Stock of Japan, 1945–2010 Journal Article Tanikawa et al. 2015
The ferrous find: Counting iron and steel stocks in China's economy Journal Article Wang et al. 2015
The global anthropogenic gallium system: Determinants of demand, supply, and efficiency improvement Journal Article Løvik et al. 2015
The material footprint of nations Journal Article Wiedmann et al. 2015
The potential of industrial ecology in France: territorial approach and realization elements Thesis Georgeault Laurent 2015
The socio-economic drivers of material stock accumulation in Japan's prefectures Journal Article Fishman et al. 2015
The strategy good food: "towards a sustainable food system in the Brussels Capital Region" Report Céline Fremault 2015
The water–food–energy nexus: an introduction to nexus concepts and some conceptual and operational problems Journal Article Allan et al. 2015
The weight of society over time and space: a comprehensive account of the construction material stock of Japan, 1945-2010 Journal Article Tanikawa et al. 2015
Theodor Weyl: A Pioneer of Urban Metabolism Studies Journal Article Lederer and Kral 2015
Time-series Analysis and Prediction of Building Material Stock and Flow Using 4d-GIS Journal Article Sugimoto et al. 2015
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Toward Social Material Flow Analysis: On the Usefulness of Boundary Objects in Urban Mining Research Journal Article Björn Wallsten 2015
Toward a Practical Ontology for Socioeconomic Metabolism Journal Article Pauliuk et al. 2015
Towards Urban Resource Flow Estimates in Data Scarce Environments: The Case of African Cities Journal Article Currie et al. 2015
Towards the Development of Carbon Dioxide Emission Landscape in Singapore Map Brandon Yung Sin Yong Jiming Pang Catharine Kastner[...] Raymond Lau 2015
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Trinidad & Tobago Tourism - 2014 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2015
Trinidad & Tobago Tourism - 2015 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2015
Trust and social commerce Journal Article Julia Y. Lee 2015
Uncertainty in Material Flow Analysis Indicators at Different Spatial Levels Journal Article Patrício et al. 2015
Understanding Urban Metabolism: A Tool for Urban Planning Book Chrysoulakis et al. 2015
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Urban Economies Resource Productivity and Decoupling: Metabolism Trends of 1996--2011 in Sweden, Stockholm, and Gothenburg Journal Article Kalmykova et al. 2015
Urban Metabolism and Quality of Life in Informal Areas Conference Paper Attia and Khalil 2015
Urban Metabolism as Framework for Circular Economy Design for Cities Conference Paper Leonardo Rosado Yuliya Kalmykova 2015
Urban Metabolism of Recycling and Reusing Food Waste: A Case Study in Taipei City Journal Article Tseng and Chiueh 2015
Urban Metabolism: A Review of Current Knowledge and Directions for Future Study Journal Article Zhang et al. 2015
Urban energy consumption: Different insights from energy flow analysis, input-output analysis and ecological network analysis Journal Article Chen and Chen 2015
Urban energy consumption: Different insights from energy flow analysis, input–output analysis and ecological network analysis Journal Article Chen and Chen 2015
Urban household solid waste generation and collection in Beijing, China Journal Article Liu et al. 2015
Urban metabolism based on emergy and slack based model: A case study of Beijing, China Journal Article Song et al. 2015
Urban metabolism methodologies and scales Data visualisation 2015
Urban metabolism: Measuring the city's contribution to sustainable development Journal Article Conke and Ferreira 2015
Urban-Scale Material Flow Analysis in a South African Context: A Cape Town Feasibility Study Thesis Paul Hoekman 2015
Using migration to develop resilience against climate change in Mauritius Report Sobhee and Blocher 2015
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What Drives Austrian Raw Material Consumption?: A Structural Decomposition Analysis for the Years 1995 to 2007 Journal Article Wenzlik et al. 2015
Where does climate fit? Vulnerability to climate change in the context of multiple stressors in Funafuti, Tuvalu Journal Article McCubbin et al. 2015
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Índice de la Calidad del Agua 2015 de la Red de Monitores de la Calidad del Agua del AMB Map Area Metropolitana de Bucaramanga 2015
2014 Metro Vancouver Truck Classification and Dangerous Goods Survey Report Acuere Consulting Inc. 2014
A Material Flow Accounting Case Study of the Lisbon Metropolitan Area using the Urban Metabolism Analyst Model Journal Article Rosado et al. 2014
A framework for integrated urban metabolism analysis tool (IUMAT) Journal Article Mostafavi et al. 2014
A material flow model for impurity accumulation in beverage can recycling systems Book Section Løvik and Müller 2014
A multi-spatial scale approach to urban sustainability – An illustration of the domestic and global hinterlands of the city of Beer-Sheva Journal Article Zeev et al. 2014
A sociometabolic reading of the Anthropocene: Modes of subsistence, population size and human impact on Earth. Journal Article Fischer-Kowalski et al. 2014
A system dynamics modeling for urban air pollution: A case study of Tehran, Iran Journal Article Vafa-Arani et al. 2014
A vulnerability and resilience framework for small states. Book Section Briguglio and Bynoe-Lewis 2014
Access to electricity in Small Island Developing States of the Pacific: Issues and challenges Journal Article Matthew Dornan 2014
Accounting for the Material Stock of Nations Journal Article Fishman et al. 2014
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Amenity trees and green space structure in urban settlements of Kigali, Rwanda Journal Article J.L. Seburanga et al. 2014
An Empirical Evaluation of OLS Hedonic Pricing Regression on Singapore Private Housing Market Map Mo Zheng 2014
An approach to the ecological footprint of Malargüe, Argentina Journal Article Iturbe and Guerrero 2014
An integrated material metabolism model for stocks of urban road system in Beijing, China Journal Article Guo et al. 2014
An integrated material metabolism model for stocks of urban road system in Beijing, China. Journal Article Guo et al. 2014
Analysis of Egyptian Cities towards Sustainable Urban Metabolism Conference Paper Nourhan Magdy 2014
Analysis of the energy metabolism of urban socioeconomic sectors and the associated carbon footprints: Model development and a case study for Beijing Journal Article Zhang et al. 2014
Analyzing spatial patterns of urban carbon metabolism: A case study in Beijing, China Data visualisation 2014
Annual Financial Report 2014 Report FLUXYS 2014
Antigua and Barbuda Tourism - 2013 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2014
Arbolado viario de la ciudad de Barcelona Shapefile OpenDataBCN 2014
Areas de Actividad Map Secretria de Planeación 2014
Arequipa Perú De Viaje Image locoterrolr 2014
Aruba Tourism - 2013 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2014
Assessing Biophysical Limits to the Economic Development of Remote Islands: The Case of Isabela in the Galapagos Archipelago Manuscript Martinez-Iglesias et al. 2014
Assessing Internet energy intensity: A review of methods and results Journal Article Coroama and Hilty 2014
Assessing the vulnerability of beach tourism and non-beach tourism to climate change: a case study from Jamaica Journal Article Tracy-Ann Hyman 2014
Barbados Tourism - 2013 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2014
Barranquero. Momotus aequatorialis Image Joao Quental 2014
Barrios y veredas de Medellín Shapefile Alcaldía de Medellín 2014
Beyond Boserup: The Role of Working Time in Agricultural Development Book Section Ringhofer et al. 2014
Beyond the core: community governance for climate-change adaptation in peripheral parts of Pacific Island Countries Journal Article Nunn et al. 2014
Buenos Aires Ciudad Verde: una mirada prospectiva al paisaje urbano 2014 Book Ministerio de Desarrollo Urbano del Gobierno de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires 2014
Cape Town credit meter consumption 2011-2014 Dataset City of Cape Town 2014
Cartilla POT 2014-2027 Document Alcaldía de Pasto 2014
Categorías del suelo, Bucaramanga Map Secretaria municipal de planeación 2014
Centro de Medellín Image Iván Erre Jota 2014
Chapter 29: Small islands. In: Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability. Part B: Regional Aspects. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Book Nurse et al. 2014
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Comparing the GTAP-MRIO and WIOD Databases for Carbon Footprint Analysis Journal Article Arto et al. 2014
Component- and alloy-specific modeling for evaluating aluminium recycling strategies for vehicles Journal Article Modarsi et al. 2014
Comptabilité des flux de matières dans les régions et les départements Report Pascale Repellin (Alterre Bourgogne) Benoît Duret (agence de conseil Mydiane) Sabine Barles (université Panthéon-Sorbonne Paris 1) 2014
Comptabilité des flux de matières dans les régions et les départements de France Dataset du développement durable et de l'énergie Pascale Repellin (Alterre Bourgogne) Benoît Duret (agence de conseil Mydiane) Sabine Barles (université Panthéon-Sorbonne Paris 1) Commissariat général au développement durable • Service de l’observation et des statistiques Ministère de l'écologie 2014
Comptes des flux de matières à l'échelle de l'économie 2008-2012 Report Guy Vandille 2014
Comunas y Corregimientos de Medellín Shapefile Alcaldía de Medellín 2014
Concepts and methodologies for measuring the sustainability of cities Journal Article Yetano Roche et al. 2014
Concurs de castells Image by ¡arturii! is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 2014
Consumption-based Material Flow Accounting Journal Article Schaffartzik et al. 2014
Container Boxes for the Collection of Used Textiles Shapefile City of Brussels 2014
Corobrik (PTY) LTD Sustainability Report Report Corobrik (PTY) LTD 2014
Cropland area embodied in international trade: contradictory results from different approaches Journal Article Kastner et al. 2014
Cuaderno Diagnóstico Ambiental POT ciudad de pasto Report Alcaldía de San Juan de Pasto 2014
Cuaderno dimensión socio-cultural del municipio San Juan de Pasto. POT 2014-2027 Report Alcaldía de San Juan de Pasto 2014
Curacao Tourism - 2013 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2014
Debating the Sharing Economy Journal Article Juliet Schor 2014
Decoupling Economic Growth and Environmental Degradation: Reviewing Progress to Date in the Small Island State of Malta Journal Article Conrad and Cassar 2014
Decoupling Economic Growth and Environmental Degradation: Reviewing Progress to Date in the Small Island State of Malta Journal Article Conrad and Cassar 2014
Demand and Supply of Fresh Products in Galapagos Report P. Berube 2014
Determination of naproxen, ibuprofen and triclosan in wastewater using the polar organic chemical integrative sampler (POCIS): A laboratory calibration and field application Journal Article Robert Amdany and Cukrowska 2014
Developing a multi-layered indicator set for urban metabolism studies in megacities Journal Article Kennedy et al. 2014
Disaster Risk Reduction in the Caribbean: Opportunities and Challenges for Achieving Greater Resilience Journal Article Simon Hollis 2014
Dynamic Models of Fixed Capital Stocks and Their Application in Industrial Ecology Journal Article Pauliuk et al. 2014
Dynamic material flow analysis for PCBs in the Norwegian building stock Journal Article Bergsdal et al. 2014
Ecological network analysis of an urban metabolic system based on input-output tables: Model development and case study for Beijing Journal Article Zhang et al. 2014
Economy of Singapore Presentation Finance et al. 2014
Economy-wide material flow account (Belgium), 2008-2012 Report Guy Vandille 2014
El Consumo de energía en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires en 2013 Report Dirección General de Estadística y Censos 2014
Electronics driving growth from Singapore Presentation Economic development board EDB 2014
Emerging issues for Small Island Developing States. Results of the UNEP/UN DESA Foresight Process. Report UNEP 2014
Emissions of SOx, NOx and NH3 emissions from 1990-2013 Dataset Environnement.Brussels - Leefmilieu.Brussels 2014
Enabling Future Sustainability Transitions: An Urban Metabolism Approach to Los Angeles Journal Article Pincetl et al. 2014
Energy Commodity Trading in Singapore Presentation Youngho Chang 2014
Energy Generation through Solar Panels 1997-2013 Dataset Environnement.Brussels - Leefmilieu.Brussels 2014
Environmental Screening and Safety Study for the proposed LNG terminal at Saldanha and associated pipeline infrastructures to Atlantis and Cape Town Report CSIR Stellenbosch 2014
Environmental assessment of the integrated municipal solid waste management system in Porto (Portugal) Journal Article Herva et al. 2014
Environmental implications for online retailing Journal Article Carrillo et al. 2014
Environmentally extended input–output analysis on a city scale – application to Aveiro (Portugal) Journal Article Dias et al. 2014
Establishing and testing the "reuse potential" indicator for managing wastes as resources Journal Article Park and Chertow 2014
Estacionamiento/Aparcamiento público en la ciudad de Madrid Dataset Ayuntamiento de Madrid 2014
Estaciones de suministro de combustibles alternativos en la ciudad de Madrid Shapefile Ayuntamiento de Madrid 2014
Estimates of Lost Material Stock of Buildings and Roads Due to the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Journal Article Tanikawa et al. 2014
Estimates of Lost Material Stock of Buildings and Roads Due to the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami: Lost Material Stock Due to Earthquake and Tsunami Journal Article Tanikawa et al. 2014
Estimation of Life Cycle Material Costs of Cadmium Telluride– and Copper Indium Gallium Diselenide–Photovoltaic Absorber Materials based on Life Cycle Material Flows Journal Article Marwede and Reller 2014
Estructura Ambiental Map Alcaldía de Barranquilla 2014
Estructura Ecológica Principal, Bucaramanga Map Secretaria de Planeación 2014
Etude du peuplement pisciaire du Lac Léman Report Guy Périat & Pascal Vonlanthen 2014
European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) in Belgium Report European Commission 2014
Evaluación de la situación actual y futura del mercado de los materiales de construcción y arcillas en las ciudades de Bogotá, Medellín, Bucaramanga, Santa Marta y Eje Cafetero.. Report La Unidad de Planeación Minero Energética UPME 2014
Evaluating spatiotemporal differences and sustainability of Xiamen urban metabolism using emergy synthesis Journal Article Yang et al. 2014
Evolución de kilómetros de vías ciclistas en la ciudad de Madrid Dataset Ayuntamiento de Madrid 2014
Exploring urban mines: Pipe length and material stocks in urban water and wastewater networks Journal Article Pauliuk et al. 2014
Exportaciones e importaciones por Aduana de la ciudad de Rosario Report Secretaria de Planificación y Política Económica- Gobierno de Santa Fe. 2014
Exportaciones por principales capítulos y participación porcentual de partidas principales. 2000-1er semestre 2020 Dataset Dirección General de Estadística y Censos 2014
Food, water, and energy security in South Asia: A nexus perspective from the Hindu Kush Himalayan region☆ Journal Article Golam Rasul 2014
Freight transport in Brussels and its impact on road traffic? Journal Article Cathy Macharis Philippe Lebeau 2014
GIS and Urban Mining Journal Article Xuan Zhu 2014
Global Croplands: Global Food Security Analysis-Support Data at 30 Meters (GFSAD30) Project Map Teluguntla and Yadav 2014
Global Environment Outlook Small Island Developing States Outlook Book Al-Jenaid et al. 2014
Global Protocol for Community-Scale Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventories. An Accounting and Reporting Standard for Cities. Report Lead Authors Wee Kean Fong World Resources Institute Mary Sotos World Resources Institute Michael Doust C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group Seth Schultz C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group Ana Marques ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability Chang Deng-Beck ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability Contributing Authors Alex Kovac World Resources Institute Pankaj Bhatia World Resources Institute Brooke Russell C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group Emily Morris C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group Maryke van Staden ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability Yunus Arikan ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability Amanda Eichel Bloomberg Philanthropies Jonathan Dickinson Columbia University Rishi Desai Oliver Wyman Dan Hoornweg University of Ontario Institute of Technology Advisory Committee Pankaj Bhatia et al. 2014
Global carbon benefits of material substitution in passenger cars until 2050 and the impact of the steel and aluminium industries Journal Article Modarsi et al. 2014
Global challenges, urban futures Video Recording Mark Swilling 2014
Global patterns of material flows and their socio-economic and environmental implications: a MFA study on all countries world-wide from 1980 to 2009 Journal Article Giljum et al. 2014
Grenada Tourism - 2013 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2014
Haiti Tourism - 2013 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2014
Hidrografía Santiago - Región Metropolitana Shapefile stefanS 2014
Human Appropriation of Net Primary Production: Patterns, Trends, and Planetary Boundaries Journal Article Haberl et al. 2014
Impact of Wastewater Release on the Faecal Contamination of a Small Urban River: The Zenne River in Brussels Journal Article Koffi Ouattara et al. 2014
Impact of Wastewater Release on the Faecal Contamination of a Small Urban River: The Zenne River in Brussels (Belgium) Journal Article Ouattara et al. 2014
Import Data - 2014 Dataset Grenada Bureau of Central Statistics - Trade Division 2014
Import Data - 2014 Dataset Grenada Bureau of Central Statistics - Trade Division 2014
Incorporating Bio-Physical Sciences into a Decision Support Tool for Sustainable Urban Planning Journal Article Mitraka et al. 2014
Informal Trading: Inner City Presentation for Stakeholder Consultation Presentation City of Johannesburg 2014
Input-Output Modeling for Urban Energy Consumption in Beijing: Dynamics and Comparison Journal Article Zhang et al. 2014
Integrated Solid Waste Management Plan / Plano de Gestao Integrada de Resíduos Sólidos Cidade de São Paulo Document COMITÊ INTERSECRETARIAL PARA A POLÍTICA MUNICIPAL DE RESÍDUOS SÓLIDOS 2014
Invasive exotic plants Dataset City of Brussels/Green Spaces 2014
Inventario de gases de efecto invernadero Report Inventario de GEI Rosario 2014 – Publicación 2017 2014
Island Waste Management Systems Journal Article Eckelman et al. 2014
Island Waste Management Systems: Statistics, Challenges, and Opportunities for Applied Industrial Ecology Journal Article Eckelman et al. 2014
Jamaica Tourism - 2013 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2014
Limite Municipio de Medellín Shapefile Alcaldía de Medellín 2014
Limites departamentales de Perú Shapefile Instituto Geográfico Nacional del Perú 2014
Lisbon material balance Data visualisation 2014
Long-term strategies for increased recycling of automotive aluminium and its alloying elements Journal Article Løvik et al. 2014
Límites de la ciudad de Arequipa Shapefile Instituto Geográfico Nacional del Perú 2014
Manzanas que conforman los barrios de Medellín Shapefile Alcaldía de Medellín 2014
Mapa ciclo vía Map 2014
Masas de agua subterránea de la Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid Shapefile Confederación Hidrográfica del Tajo. Ministerio de Transición Ecológica de España 2014
Master Plan 2014 Subzones Shapefile Urban Redevelopment Authority 2014
Material Flow Analysis (MFA) for Liveable Cities Conference Paper Hunt et al. 2014
Measuring urban ecosystem functions through ‘Technomass'—A novel indicator to assess urban metabolism Journal Article Luis Inostroza 2014
MetaFlow diagram for food Data visualisation 2014
Metabolism of megacities: A review and synthesis of the literature Report Stewart et al. 2014
Metrobus BRT en Ciudad de México Image City Clock Magazine 2014
Mineral commodities in the Western Cape Province, South Africa Report Cole et al. 2014
Mini Monografía con resultados del Censo Económico 2014 - Campeche Report Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía 2014
Modeling In-Use Steel Stock in China’s Buildings and Civil Engineering Infrastructure Using Time-Series of DMSP/OLS Nighttime Lights Journal Article Liang et al. 2014
Monitoring of the quantities of industrial waste generated in the Brussels-Capital Region in 2010, 2011 and 2012 and their treatment methods Report Recydata 2014
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Obstacles to climate change adaptation decisions: a case study of sea-level rise and coastal protection measures in Kiribati Journal Article Donner and Webber 2014
Ordenanza municipal de Limpieza Pública y gestión de residuos de Sevilla Report Ayuntamiento de Sevilla 2014
Panorama géologique des exploitations minières dans les Alpes françaises Report Dominique Gasquet Magali Rossi 2014
Partnerships Briefs for Small Island Developing States Climate Change & Disaster Risk Management Division for Sustainable Development UNDESA 2014 UN Conference on Small Island Developing States Report 2014
Patterns of Total Precipitation for the City of Rio de Janeiro (1961-2013): Evidence of Normality and Inter Seasonal Correlations Journal Article Sousa and Sousa 2014
Patterns of change in material use and material efficiency in the successor states of the former Soviet Union Journal Article Schandl et al. 2014
Peak Waste: When is it Likely to Occur? Journal Article Hoornweg et al. 2014
Plan de Agua para el Futuro CDMX Document Asamblea Legislativa del Distrito Federal 2014
Plan de Energía y Cambio Climático de la ciudad de Madrid - Horizonte 2020 Document Ayuntamiento de Madrid 2014
Plan de Movilidad Urbana Sostenible de la ciudad de Madrid Document Ayuntamiento de Madrid 2014
Plano de Ação para Energia Sustentável Document Câmara Municipal de Anadia - CMP 2014
Población total por sexo y grupo quinquenal de edad según comuna año 2010 Dataset Dirección General de Estadística y Censos 2014
Political ecology of water: theoretical-methodological reflections for the study of irrigation in the province of Mendoza. Conference Paper Robin Larsimont 2014
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Porto Road Network Shapefile Carla Santos 2014
Portugal Road Network Shapefile Centro de Informação Geoespacial do Exército 2014
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Promoting Rainwater Harvesting (RWH) in Small Island Developing States (SIDS): A Case in the Grenadines Book Everson J. Peters 2014
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Resource Use in Small Island States: Material Flows in Iceland and Trinidad and Tobago, 1961-2008 Journal Article Krausmann et al. 2014
Resource use in the Chinese building sector: foundations for analyzing urban transition. Thesis Z.A.C. Accuardi 2014
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Sinks as limited resources? A new indicator for evaluating anthropogenic material flows Journal Article Kral et al. 2014
Sint Maarten Tourism - 2013 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2014
Small Island States - canaries in the coal mine of climate change and health. Book Section Butler et al. 2014
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Standard approach on quantitative techniques to be used to estimate food waste levels Report Hanne Møller and Biotechnology (SIK) 2014
Strategic sustainability and industrial ecology in an island context, with considerations for a green economy roadmap: a study in the tourist accommodation sector, Grenada. Thesis John N. Telesford 2014
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Subsistema de Infraestructura Vial Map Secretaria de Planeación 2014
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Sustainably managing natural resources and the need for construction materials in Pacific island countries: The example of South Tarawa, Kiribati Journal Article Babinard et al. 2014
Systematic Evaluation of Uncertainty in Material Flow Analysis Journal Article Laner et al. 2014
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The Bahamas Tourism - 2013 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2014
The Copper Balance of Cities Journal Article Kral et al. 2014
The Global Resource Footprint of Nations: Carbon, water, land and materials embodied in trade and final consumption calculated with EXIOBASE 2.1 Report Tukker et al. 2014
The Material Footprint of Global Consumption Data visualisation 2014
The Nexus of Food, Energy, and Water Journal Article Finley and Seiber 2014
The Water Withdrawal Footprint of Energy Supply to Cities Journal Article Cohen and Ramaswami 2014
The boundaries of urban metabolism: Towards a political–industrial ecology Journal Article Newell and Cousins 2014
The copper balance of Taipei in 2009 Data visualisation 2014
The energy-water-food nexus: Strategic analysis of technologies for transforming the urban metabolism Journal Article Villarroel Walker et al. 2014
The global metabolic transition: Regional patterns and trends of global material flows, 1950--2010 Journal Article Schaffartzik et al. 2014
The role of in-use stocks in the social metabolism and in climate change mitigation Journal Article Pauliuk and Müller 2014
The story of an island that set out to become a UNESCO biosphere reserve Book Section Fischer-Kowalski et al. 2014
The story of an island that set out to become a UNESCO biosphere reserve Book Section Fischer-Kowalski et al. 2014
The urban metabolism of Plaine Commune in 2012 Data visualisation 2014
The urban metabolism of the city of Uppsala (Sweden) Journal Article Russo et al. 2014
Tipo de acuíferos de la ZPCE Map PRUGAM et al. 2014
Total de fincas con cultivo de aguacate por extensión sembrada y en edad de producción en hectáreas y cantidad de plantas dispersas según provincia y cantón Report INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE ESTADÍSTICA Y CENSOS 2014
Total de fincas con cultivo de banano por extensión sembrada y en edad de producción en hectáreas y cantidad de plantas dispersas según provincia y cantón Report INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE ESTADÍSTICA Y CENSOS 2014
Total de fincas con cultivo de café por extensión sembrada y en edad de producción en hectáreas según provincia y cantón Report INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE ESTADÍSTICA Y CENSOS 2014
Total de fincas con cultivo de caña de azúcar por extensión sembrada y en edad de producción en hectáreas según provincia y cantón Report INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE ESTADÍSTICA Y CENSOS 2014
Total de fincas con cultivo de cebolla por extensión sembrada y cosechada en hectáreas según provincia y cantón Report INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE ESTADÍSTICA Y CENSOS 2014
Total de fincas con cultivo de chile por extensión sembrada y cosechada en hectáreas según provincia y cantón Report INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE ESTADÍSTICA Y CENSOS 2014
Total de fincas con cultivo de ciprés por extensión sembrada y en edad de producción en hectáreas y cantidad de plantas dispersas según provincia y cantón Report INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE ESTADÍSTICA Y CENSOS 2014
Total de fincas con cultivo de frijol por extensión sembrada y cosechada en hectáreas según provincia y cantón, 2014 Report INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE ESTADÍSTICA Y CENSOS 2014
Total de fincas con cultivo de lechuga por extensión sembrada y cosechada en hectáreas según provincia y cantón Report INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE ESTADÍSTICA Y CENSOS 2014
Total de fincas con cultivo de mango por extensión sembrada y en edad de producción en hectáreas según provincia y cantón, 2014 Report INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE ESTADÍSTICA Y CENSOS 2014
Total de fincas con cultivo de maíz por extensión sembrada y cosechada en hectáreas según provincia y cantón, 2014 Report INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE ESTADÍSTICA Y CENSOS 2014
Total de fincas con cultivo de naranja por extensión sembrada y en edad de producción en hectáreas y cantidad de plantas dispersas según provincia y cantón Report INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE ESTADÍSTICA Y CENSOS 2014
Total de fincas con cultivo de plátano por extensión sembrada y en edad de producción en hectáreas según provincia y cantón, 2014 Report INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE ESTADÍSTICA Y CENSOS 2014
Total de fincas con cultivo de tomate por extensión sembrada y cosechada en hectáreas según provincia y cantón Report INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE ESTADÍSTICA Y CENSOS 2014
Transimission code Presentation Enery Market Authority of Singapore 2014
Transporte masivo Map 2014
Travel & Tourism Economic Impact 2014 - Antigua and Barbuda Report World Travel & Tourism Council Rochelle Turner 2014
Trinidad & Tobago Tourism - 2013 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2014
Uncertainty in Material Flow Analysis Journal Article Rechberger et al. 2014
Unintentional Flow of Alloying Elements in Steel during Recycling of End-of-Life Vehicles Journal Article Hajime Ohno 2014
Urban Audit 2014 Shapefile EUROSTAT 2014
Urban Household Water Demand in Beijing by 2020: An Agent-Based Model Journal Article Yuan et al. 2014
Urban Metabolism - Sustainable development of Rotterdam Book Rotterdam et al. 2014
Urban Metabolism of Bangkok for the year 2000 Data visualisation 2014
Urban Metabolism of Six Asian Cities Report Ferrao et al. 2014
Urban Metabolism: A Tool for the Sustainability of Cities Journal Article Cristian Julián Díaz Álvarez 2014
Urban ecological footprint analysis: a comparative study between Shenyang in China and Kawasaki in Japan Journal Article Geng et al. 2014
Urban material flow analysis: An approach for Bogotá, Colombia Journal Article Alfonso Piña and Pardo Martínez 2014
Using industrial and commercial waste heat for residential heat supply: A case study from Hamburg, Germany Journal Article Brückner et al. 2014
Uso de los fertilizantes y su impacto en la producción agrícola Thesis Juan Pablo Pérez Vélez 2014
Viviendas principales de la ciudad de Barcelona según superfície útil GPS Coordinates Ajuntament de Barcelona 2014
Wastewater treatment Dataset Environnement.Brussels - Leefmilieu.Brussels 2014
Water Supply Sectors Dataset Environnement.Brussels - Leefmilieu.Brussels 2014
Water equity – Contrasting tourism water use with that of the local community Journal Article Susanne Becken 2014
Water map of the Hague Map The municipality of The Hague 2014
Water scarcity in Latin America and the Caribbean: myths and reality Book Section ABEL MEJÍA 2014
Weighed waste into Perseverance Dataset Grenada Solid Waste Management Authorty 2014
Weighed waste into Perseverance Dataset Grenada Solid Waste Management Authority 2014
What’s Old Becomes New: Regulating the Sharing Economy Journal Article Cohen and Zehngebot 2014
Where we donate vs. disease that kill us Data visualisation 2014
Wood Building Technology Over Time: A Partially Comparative Timeline Data visualisation 2014
Zona Hidrogeológica Ciudad de México - Pachuca Shapefile Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía 2014
Zonas Geográficas con Gestión de Información Sísmica Generación de Estudios Territoriales de Peligro Sísmico Report Hernando Tavera 2014
Zonas de Vida presentes en la Zona Protectora Cerros de Escazú Image Centro Científico Tropical CCT Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería MAG Atlas iTEC 2014
Zonificación geotécnica de los suelos de Barranquilla Report Nayib Moreno Rodriguez 2014
ordenanza-contra-la-contaminacion-acustica-ruidos-y-vibraciones Document Ayuntamiento de Sevilla 2014
ordenanza-municipal-de-limpieza-publica-y-gestion-de-residuos-municipales-2014 Document Ayuntamiento de Sevilla 2014
Áreas de actividad urbana y de expansión Report Alcaldía de Pasto 2014
2013 Annual report Report Wyngaard et al. 2013
A BIM-based system for demolition and renovation waste estimation and planning. Journal Article Cheng and Ma 2013
A Decision-Support System for Sustainable Urban Metabolism in Europe Journal Article González et al. 2013
A Footprint Family extended MRIO model to support Europe's transition to a One Planet Economy Journal Article Galli et al. 2013
A New Insight into Land Use Classification Based on Aggregated Mobile Phone Data Map Tao Pei Stanislav Sobolevsky Carlo Ratti Chenghu Zhou 2013
A Review of the Status of the Interconnection of Distributed Renewables to the Grid in CARICOM Countries Report A. Samuel Herbert 2013
A review of observed and projected changes in climate for the islands in the Caribbean Journal Article Karmalkar and Taylor 2013
Accounting for the Ecological Footprint of Materials in Consumer Goods at the Urban Scale Journal Article Kissinger et al. 2013
Alternative energy, renewable energy, green energy Working paper Dr. I. André Fontana 2013
Amsterdam as a Sustainable European Metropolis: Integration of Water, Energy and Material Flows Conference Paper Van Der Hoek et al. 2013
Amsterdam as a Sustainable European Metropolis: Integration of Water, Energy and Material Flows Conference Paper Van Der Hoek et al. 2013
An Evaluation of the Cumulative Surface Water Pollution on Selected Areas within the Consolidated Main Reef Area, Roodepoort, South Africa Journal Article Muruven and Tekere 2013
An Overview of Urban Vulnerability to Natural Disasters and Climate Change in Central America & the Caribbean Region Journal Article Ebru Gencer 2013
An emergy analysis for urban environmental sustainability assessment, the Island of Montreal, Canada Journal Article Vega-Azamar et al. 2013
An innovative accounting framework for the food-energy-water nexus: application of the MuSIASEM approach to three case studies Book Giampietro et al. 2013
An input-output approach to evaluate the water footprint and virtual water trade of Beijing, China Journal Article Wang et al. 2013
An integrated material metabolism model for stocks of Urban road system in Beijing, China Journal Article Guo et al. 2013
An urban metabolism and ecological footprint assessment of Metro Vancouver Journal Article Moore et al. 2013
Antigua and Barbuda Tourism - 2003 Report Caribbean Tourism Organization 2013
Antigua and Barbuda Tourism - 2004 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2013
Antigua and Barbuda Tourism - 2006 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2013
Antigua and Barbuda Tourism - 2011 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2013
Antigua and Barbuda Tourism - 2012 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2013
Análisis de la posesión territorial y situaciones de tensión interétnica e intercultural en el departamento del Cauca. Report Pontificia Universidad Javeriana 2013
Aparcabicicletas en la vía pública Shapefile Gerencia de Urbanismo (Ayuntamiento de Sevilla) 2013
Aruba Tourism - 2003 Report Caribbean Tourism Organization 2013
Aruba Tourism - 2004 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2013
Aruba Tourism - 2006 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2013
Aruba Tourism - 2011 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2013
Aruba Tourism - 2012 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2013
Atlas de Peligros por Fenómenos Naturales del Estado de Yucatán Book Servicios Geológico Mexicano 2013
Barbados Tourism - 2003 Report Caribbean Tourism Organization 2013
Barbados Tourism - 2004 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2013
Barbados Tourism - 2006 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2013
Barbados Tourism - 2011 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2013
Barbados Tourism - 2012 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2013
Before and After mapping of Kigali Land Use between 2005 and 2012 Map Rwanda Environmental Management Authority 2013
Benchmarking urban energy efficiency in the UK Journal Article James Keirstead 2013
Biocultural diversity conservation for island and islanders: Necessity, goal and activity Journal Article Sun-Kee Hong 2013
Calculating MIPS 2.0 Journal Article Saurat and Ritthoff 2013
Capas base zona urbana de Carepa Shapefile Municipio de Carepa 2013
Caracterización de emisiones atmosféricas por fuentes fijas industriales del Distrito de Barranquilla Conference Paper Vélez-Pereira et al. 2013
Características e Indicadores económicos de las unidades económicas del sector privado y paraestatal 2013 Dataset Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI) 2013
Carbon emissions of infrastructure development Journal Article Müller et al. 2013
Carbon footprints of cities and other human settlements in the UK Journal Article Minx et al. 2013
Carepa Perímetro Urbano Shapefile Municipio de Carepa 2013
Caribbean Small States - Challenges of High Debt and Low Growth Report 2013
Carta de Depósitos Minerais da Região Norte de Portugal à escala 1:200 000 Map LNEG 2013
Centennial Evolution of Aluminum In-Use Stocks on Our Aluminized Planet Journal Article Gang Liu and Müller 2013
Circular economy, industrial ecology - Elements of reflection at the Ile-de-France scale Report Cristina Lopez Sandrine Gueymard 2013
City of Cape Town Annual Water Services Development Plan Performance- and Water Services Audit Report FY2012/2013 Report City of Cape Town 2013
City of Cape Town Annual Water Services Development Plan Performance- and Water Services Audit Report FY2013/2014 Report City of Cape Town 2013
City-Level Decoupling: Urban resource flows and the governance of infrastructure transitions Report UNEP 2013
Combining Material Flow Analysis, Life Cycle Assessment, and Multiattribute Utility Theory: Assessment of End‐of‐Life Scenarios for Polyethylene Terephthalate in Tunja, Colombia Journal Article Rochat et al. 2013
Consumption based footprint of a city Conference Paper Worbe et al. 2013
Contextualizing the Urban Metabolism of Brussels: Correlation of resource use with local factors Conference Paper Philippe Bouillard Aristide Athanassiadis 2013
Curacao Tourism - 2003 Report Caribbean Tourism Organization 2013
Curacao Tourism - 2004 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2013
Curacao Tourism - 2006 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2013
Curacao Tourism - 2011 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2013
Curacao Tourism - 2012 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2013
Data Mining for Material Flow Analysis: Application in the Territorial Breakdown of French Regions Thesis Brinduşa Smaranda 2013
Datos de permisos de construcción residencial Costa Rica, San José, Alajuelita y sus distritos, 2000-2013 Report 2000-2013. FUPROVI-UNIN con base en Estadística de la Construcción INEC 2013
Depositos mineros Report 2013
Determining cement ball mill dosage by artificial intelligence tools aimed at reducing energy consumption and environmental impact Journal Article Sarduy et al. 2013
Development and dematerialization: An international study Journal Article Steinberger et al. 2013
Dock General Mosconi YPF de Cro. Rivadavia -2013- Video Recording 2013
Does Size Matter? Scaling of CO2 Emissions and U.S. Urban Areas Journal Article Fragkias et al. 2013
EL Mapa de Suelos de Costa Rica Book Asociación Costarricense de la Ciencia del Suelo 2013
Ecological Footprint: The Example of Gauteng Region Book Section Özdemir and Marathe 2013
Economy-wide Material Flow Accounts (EW-MFA) Compilation Guide 2013 Report Eurostat 2013
El Estanque de Tormentas de Arroyofresno de la ciudad de Madrid Journal Article Cobos et al. 2013
Emergency shelters made from paper Video Recording Shigeru Ban 2013
Emploie Dataset INSEE 2013
Encuesta Nacional de Gastos de los Hogares (ENGASTO) 2013 Dataset Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI) 2013
Estadísticas Forestales Compendio Período 2009-2013 Serie 13 Report Ministerio del Poder Popular para Ecosocialismo y Aguas 2013
Estadísticas de la flota del transporte urbano de pasajeros Dataset Municipalidad de Rosario 2013
Evaluation of the vulnerability of coastal communities to climate change in the island economies - A case of the Republic of Mauritius Report Sobhee and et. al. 2013
Evolution of Dragonfly Populations in the Brussels-Capital Region- Their Recent Increases- Importance of Pond Management Thesis Lafontaine et al. 2013
Evolution of the industrial energy intensity Dataset Brussels Environnement 2013
Exploring local opportunities and barriers for a sustainability transition on a Greek island Manuscript Petridis P. and Fischer-Kowalski 2013
Feasibility of Urban Agriculture in Brussels: A Qualitative Multi-Stakeholder Analysis Journal Article Jonas De Temmerman 2013
Financialization, sustainability and the right to the island: A critique of acronym models of island development Journal Article Eric Clark 2013
Focus Groups – A Vision for Samothraki in 2030 Report Rau et al. 2013
Food export Dataset HM Revenue & Customs 2013
Food export Dataset HM Revenue & Customs 2013
Freight Demand Model Dataset GAIN 2013
Future climate of the Caribbean from a super-high-resolution atmospheric general circulation model Journal Article Hall et al. 2013
GVA Sand & gravel - Seville Report Junta de Andalucia 2013
Global anthropogenic metallurgical aluminium cycle in 2009 Data visualisation 2013
Grenada Tourism - 2003 Report Caribbean Tourism Organization 2013
Grenada Tourism - 2004 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2013
Grenada Tourism - 2006 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2013
Grenada Tourism - 2011 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2013
Grenada Tourism - 2012 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2013
Gráfico 25. Cantidad de permisos de construcción residencial en los distritos de Alajuelita, 2000-2013 Report FUPROVI-UNIN con base en Estadística de la Construcción INEC. 2000-2013. 2013
Gráfico 28. Destino de la obra residencial, Costa Rica, San José, Alajuelita y sus distritos, 2000-2013 Report Fuente: FUPROVI-UNIN con base en Estadística de la Construcción INEC. 2000-2013. 2013
Haiti Tourism - 2003 Report Caribbean Tourism Organization 2013
Haiti Tourism - 2004 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2013
Haiti Tourism - 2006 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2013
Haiti Tourism - 2011 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2013
Haiti Tourism - 2012 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2013
How to Deal with Resource Productivity Journal Article Yu Gan and Li 2013
Implementation of Renewable Energies as a Strategy to Modify the Energy Matrix in Argentina. From Point Policies to Systemic Solutions. Journal Article Garrido et al. 2013
Implications of systems integration at the urban level: the case of Hammarby Sjöstad, Stockholm Journal Article Pandis Iveroth et al. 2013
Importations suisses de pétrole. Origines, voies d‘acheminement, acteurs majeurs Report l'environnement et al. 2013
Imports and exports of Ile-de-France Data visualisation 2013
In search for a silver lining: The evolution of the E&E industry of Batam Mathijs van Campenhout Jasper R. de Graaf Master Economic Geography Department of Human Geography and Planning Faculty of Geosciences University of Utrecht Leo van Grunsven December Thesis Mathijs van Campenhout Jasper R. de Graaf 2013
Industrial metabolism of PVC in China: A dynamic material flow analysis Journal Article Zhou et al. 2013
Informe al Usuario. AySA 2012 Report AySA 2013
Informe sobre la auditoria operativa acerca de la capacidad operativa, desempeño y el mantenimiento de las subestaciones eléctricas Report Contraloría General de la República 2013
Intelligent decision support systems in environmental management problems Journal Article 2013
Inventario Estatal Forestal y de Suelos - Campeche Report Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales - SEMARNAT Comisión Nacional Forestal - CONAFOR 2013
Inventory of emissions to water in the Brussels Capital Region Report Environnement.Brussels - Leefmilieu.Brussels 2013
Investigating Reasons for Differences in the Results of Environmental, Physical, and Hybrid Input-Output Models Journal Article Liang and Zhang 2013
Jamaica Tourism - 2003 Report Caribbean Tourism Organization 2013
Jamaica Tourism - 2004 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2013
Jamaica Tourism - 2006 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2013
Jamaica Tourism - 2011 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2013
Jamaica Tourism - 2012 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2013
Kigali City Development Plan 2013-2018 Report City of Kigali 2013
Kigali City Transportation Master Plan Report Report City of Kigali 2013
Kigali Master Plan 2013 Report City Of Kigali 2013
Kigali Master Plan 2013 Report City Of Kigali 2013
Kigali: State of Environment and Outlook Report Report Rwanda Environment Management Authority 2013
Kigali: State of Environment and Outlook Report Report Rwanda Environment Management Authority 2013
Kigali: State of Environment and Outlook Report Report Rwanda Environment Management Authority 2013
Kigali: State of Environment and Outlook Report Report Rwanda Environment Management Authority 2013
Kigali: State of Environment and Outlook Report Report Rwanda Environment Management Authority 2013
La Gestión de residuos y desechos sólidos en el Área Metropolitana de Caracas Report Luisa Villalba (Instituto Latinoamericano de Investigaciones Sociales) 2013
La Reserva Ecológica Costanera Sur. Patrimonio natural y cultural de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires Report Agencia de Protección Ambiental 2013
La economía de Barranquilla a comienzos del siglo XXI Report Laura. Banco de la República. Cepeda Emiliani 2013
La gestión del agua potable y el saneamiento en el Área Metropolitana de Caracas Report Roger Martínez (Instituto Latinoamericano de Investigaciones Sociales) 2013
Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Solid Waste Pollution Document People's Republic of China Standing Committee of the National People's Congress 2013
Live Wind Map Data visualisation 2013
Logistics: location of activities and territorial impacts Thesis Mathieu Strale 2013
Logros y retos de la cadena productiva de la papa en el municipio de Pasto Report Diego Germán Martínez Delgado Germán Alfredo López Montezuma Carlos Rubén Trejos Moncayo 2013
Longitud del transporte subterráneo de pasajeros por línea Dataset Subterráneos de Buenos Aires Metrovías 2013
MAPA DE SUELOS DE COSTA RICA Map Ministerio Agricultura y Ganadería MAG 2013
Mapping the global flow of aluminum: From liquid aluminum to end-use goods Journal Article Cullen and Allwood 2013
Mapping the global journey of anthropogenic aluminium: a trade-linked multilevel material flow analysis Journal Article Gang Liu and Müller 2013
Material and Energy Flows and Environmental Impacts of the Internet in Switzerland Journal Article Esther Müller 2013
Material use and material efficiency in Latin America and the Caribbean Journal Article Schandl and West 2013
Material use and material efficiency in Latin America and the Caribbean Journal Article West and Schandl 2013
Metro de Medellín Image Luismagur 2013
Minimizing global catastrophic and existential risks from emerging technologies through international law Journal Article Grant Wilson 2013
Multi-scale life cycle energy analysis of a low-density suburban neighbourhood in Melbourne, Australia Journal Article Stephan and de Myttenaere 2013
Municipal waste by NUTS 2 regions - pilot project data (env_rwas_gen) Dataset Eurostat 2013
Ménages, couples, familles selon leur composition. Dataset INSEE 2013
Nitrogen Flow Analysis in Bangkok City, Thailand: Area Zoning and Questionnaire Investigation Approach Journal Article Buathong et al. 2013
On water security, sustainability, and the water-food-energy-climate nexus Journal Article Beck and Villarroel Walker 2013
Ordenanza contra la contaminación acústica, ruidos y vibraciones Report Ayuntamiento de Sevilla 2013
Ordenanza de arbolado, parques y jardines públicos en el municipio de Sevilla. Report Ayuntamiento de Sevilla 2013
Overview of Apeldoorn Image Maarten Sprangh 2013
Place du parlement de Bretagne in Rennes (France) Image Édouard Hue 2013
Plan Integral de Gestión Ambiental (Minería) Report Universidad Católica de Oriente UCO - Alcaldía de Rionegro 2013
Plan Integral de Gestión Ambiental 2013 - 2033 Report Secretaría de Hábitat y Medio Ambiente - Alcaldía de Rionegro 2013
Pontevedra Image juantiagues 2013
Population Grenoble INSEE Dataset INSEE 2013
Pre-Feasibility report for the importation of natural gas into the Western Cape with specific focus on the Saldanha Bay-Cape Town corridor Report HJ Visagie 2013
Quantification of urban metabolism through coupling with the life cycle assessment framework: concept development and case study Journal Article Goldstein et al. 2013
Re-estimating the decoupling effect: Is there an actual transition towards a less energy-intensive economy? Journal Article Bithas and Kalimeris 2013
Recycling Rates of Aluminum in the United States Journal Article Wei-Qiang Chen 2013
Refineries in Spain and Portugal. Challenges and opportunities Report Álvaro Mazarrasa Alvear 2013
Regional Development Profile City of Cape Town Report {Western Cape Government} 2013
Rehabitar la montaña . Estrategias y procesos para un hábitat sostenible. Book Medellín et al. 2013
Relevamiento de Usos del Suelo Ciudad Buenos Aires 2013 Report Ministerio de Desarrollo Urbano 2013
Resource Use and Waste Generation by the Tourism Industry on the Big Island of Hawaii Journal Article Osamu Saito 2013
Right to food, right to the city: Household urban agriculture, and socionatural metabolism in Managua, Nicaragua Journal Article Laura J. Shillington 2013
Rwanda Supply Master Plan for fuelwood and charcoal Report Ministry of Natural Resources 2013
Règlement communal sur la gestion des déchets Document Ville de Lausanne 2013
STORAGE AND TERMINALLING Image Hin Leong group 2013
Sharing economy: A potential new pathway to sustainability Journal Article Harald Heinrichs 2013
Sicher. Sauber. Nachhaltig. Energie aus Abfall Video Recording 2013
Singapore Chemical Industry Engineering an Island Report Keith Carpenter Wai Kiong Ng 2013
Singapore's strategic location between the Indian and Pacific Oceans has allowed it to become one of Asia's major petrochemical and refining hubs. Report US Energy information Adminstration 2013
Sint Maarten Tourism - 2003 Report Caribbean Tourism Organization 2013
Sint Maarten Tourism - 2004 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2013
Sint Maarten Tourism - 2006 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2013
Sint Maarten Tourism - 2011 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2013
Sint Maarten Tourism - 2012 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2013
Skyline of Melbourne, seen from the ocean Image Peter Mackey 2013
Small Island Developing States (SIDS) & energy aid: Impacts on the energy sector in the Caribbean and Pacific Journal Article Niles and Lloyd 2013
Small island developing states, large ocean states Conference Paper Ronny Jumeau 2013
Small island developing states: coastal systems, global change and sustainability Journal Article John E. Hay 2013
Smart everything: Will intelligent systems reduce resource use? Journal Article Koomey et al. 2013
State of Green Infrastructure in the Gauteng City-Region Report Gauteng City-Region Observatory (GCRO) 2013
State of the Environment Report 2012 Report City of Cape Town 2013
Statistique de la superficie, par communes, par surface d'habitat et d'infrastructure, par habitant (2004/09) Dataset OFS - Office fédéral de la Statistique 2013
Steel all over the world: Estimating in-use stocks of iron for 200 countries Journal Article Pauliuk et al. 2013
Stock dynamics and emission pathways of the global aluminium cycle Journal Article Gang Liu et al. 2013
Sustainability evaluation of e-waste treatment based on emergy analysis and the LCA method: A case study of a trial project in Macau Journal Article Song et al. 2013
Sustainable Urban Metabolism Book Ferrão and Fernández 2013
Sustainable design of sanitation system based on material and value flow analysis for urban slum in Indonesia Journal Article Ushijima et al. 2013
Sustainable urban metabolism as a link between bio-physical sciences and urban planning: The BRIDGE project Journal Article Chrysoulakis et al. 2013
São Paulo (Municipality) GHG inventory 2003-2009, with 2010-2011 updates for Energy and Waste sectors Report Brasil and Ambiental 2013
The Austrian P budget as a basis for resource optimization Journal Article Egle et al. 2013
The Bahamas Tourism - 2003 Report Caribbean Tourism Organization 2013
The Bahamas Tourism - 2004 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2013
The Bahamas Tourism - 2006 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2013
The Bahamas Tourism - 2011 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2013
The Bahamas Tourism - 2012 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2013
The Biophysical Performance of Argentina (1970–2009) Journal Article Pedro Luis Perez Manrique 2013
The Intimacy of Human-Nature Interactions on Islands Book Section Chertow et al. 2013
The National Population and Talent Division (NPTD) Poster 2013 Posted by alvinology | Feb 2 2013
The Rise of the Sharing Economy: Estimating the Impact of Airbnb on the Hotel Industry Report Byers et al. 2013
The Roles of Energy and Material Efficiency in Meeting Steel Industry CO2 Targets Journal Article Milford et al. 2013
The Singapore water story Journal Article David Aidan Lloyd Owen 2013
The Steel Scrap Age Journal Article Pauliuk et al. 2013
The efficiency of the hotel industry in Singapore Journal Article Chew Ging Lee Lai Soon Lee Hsin-Vonn Seow 2013
The future of mobility and its critical raw materials Journal Article Ziemann et al. 2013
The importance of raw material equivalents in economy-wide material flow accounting and its policy dimension Journal Article Kovanda and Weinzettel 2013
The nexus across water, energy, land and food (WELF): potential for improved resource use efficiency? Journal Article Ringler et al. 2013
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Transforming the Norwegian Dwelling Stock to reach the 2 Degrees Celsius Climate Target Journal Article Pauliuk et al. 2013
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Tratamiento integral de los residuos urbanos en la ciudad de Madrid Presentation Myriam Sánchez - Directora del Parque Tecnológico de Valdemingómez - Ayuntamiento de Madrid 2013
Trinidad & Tobago Tourism - 2003 Report Caribbean Tourism Organization 2013
Trinidad & Tobago Tourism - 2004 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2013
Trinidad & Tobago Tourism - 2006 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2013
Trinidad & Tobago Tourism - 2011 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2013
Trinidad & Tobago Tourism - 2012 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2013
Understanding Rwanda Agribusiness and Manufacturing Book Gathani and Stoelinga 2013
Understanding Rwanda Agribusiness and Manufacturing Book Gathani and Stoelinga 2013
Understanding and managing global change in small islands Journal Article Hay et al. 2013
Urban Metabolism and the Energy Stored in Cities Journal Article Christopher A. Kennedy David N. Bristow 2013
Urban Metabolism lecture from Prof. Christopher Kennedy Video Recording 2013
Urban Mining potential in local power grids: Hibernating copper and aluminium in Linköping Thesis Simon Andersson 2013
Urban metabolism assessment tools for resource efficient urban infrastructure Report Robinson et al. 2013
Urban metabolism methodologies Data visualisation 2013
Urban metabolism: A review of research methodologies Journal Article Yan Zhang 2013
Urban water metabolism efficiency assessment: Integrated analysis of available and virtual water Journal Article Huang et al. 2013
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Using System Dynamics for Sustainable Water Resources Management in Singapore Conference Paper Xi and Poh 2013
Usos del Suelo Shapefile 2013
Water Security and Services in The Caribbean Report Adrian Cashman 2013
What metrics best reflect the energy and carbon intensity of cities? Insights from theory and modeling of 20 US cities Journal Article Ramaswami and Chavez 2013
What would an android do?: Paving a regulatory path to technological progress Journal Article Eugene Chernett 2013
Why dry? Investigating the future evolution of the Caribbean Low Level Jet to explain projected Caribbean drying Journal Article Taylor et al. 2013
Why we should build wooden skyscrapers Video Recording Michael Green 2013
Zona urbana cabecera municipal de Carepa Shapefile Municipio de Carepa 2013
Zonas Protectoras - Plan GAM 2013 Map Ministerio de Vivienda y Asentamientos Humanos MIVAH Zonas Protectoras de la GAM Fuente: Plan de Ordenamiento Ambiental Decreto Ejecutivo N° 29393-MINAE. Plan GAM 2013 2013
Zonificación Carepa Shapefile 2013
ordenanza-de-arbolado-parques-y-jardines-publicos Document Ayuntamiento de Sevilla 2013
Órdenes de Suelo en Costa Rica Map Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería 2013
A City and Its Hinterland: Vienna's Energy Metabolism 1800-2006 Book Section Fridolin Krausmann 2012
A Review of Footprint analysis tools for monitoring impacts on sustainability Journal Article Čuček et al. 2012
A case study of Singapore's automotive supply chain: Preliminary analysis and findings Journal Article Balan Sundarakani Robert De Souza Mark Goh 2012
Abbreviated Urban Metabolism for Beijing Data visualisation 2012
Abbreviated Urban Metabolism for Rio de Janeiro Data visualisation 2012
Addressing sustainability in the aluminum industry: a critical review of life cycle assessments Journal Article Gang Liu and Müller 2012
Alajuelita desde lo alto Image Wikipedia 2012
Aluminium Recycling - Raw material supply from a volume and quality constraint system Journal Article Rombach et al. 2012
An Analysis of Stocks and Flows Associated with Water Consumption in Indian Households Journal Article G. Venkatesh 2012
An expanded urban metabolism method: Toward a systems approach for assessing urban energy processes and causes Journal Article Pincetl et al. 2012
Analysis on the Characteristic of Energy Flow in Urban Ecological Economic System—A Case of Xiamen City Conference Paper W. Zhao 2012
Anexo Estadístico : Consumo de Alimentos y Bebidas Dataset Perú: Consumo per cápita de los principales alimentos 2008 - 2009 (Encuesta Nacional de Presupuestos Familiares -ENAPREF) 2012
Anthropogenic Cycles of the Elements: A Critical Review Journal Article T E Graedel Weiqiang Chen 2012
Antigua and Barbuda Tourism - 2010 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2012
Arbeitsstätten und Beschäftigte nach Jahr, Quartier und NOGA Dataset BFS et al. 2012
Aruba Tourism - 2010 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2012
Assessing Public Transport Supply For Kigali Thesis David Niyosenga 2012
Assessment of Environmental Impacts of an Aging and Stagnating Water Supply Pipeline Network Journal Article Venkatesh and Brattebø 2012
Barbados Tourism - 2010 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2012
Biodiversity Atlas of city of Barcelona Map Ajuntament de Barcelona 2012
Blackouts illuminate India's power problems Journal Article Joshua J. Romero 2012
Bruxelles 2040 Report Brussels Capital Region 2012
Bucaramanga, Santander Image nbecerra 2012
Building waste management core indicators through Spatial Material Flow Analysis: Net recovery and transport intensity indexes Journal Article Vivanco et al. 2012
Cali Image franzpc 2012
Características Climatologías de Ciudades Principales y Municipios Turísticos Report IDEAM 2012
Carbon Footprinting of Cities and Implications for Analysis of Urban Material and Energy Flows Journal Article Anu Ramaswami and Chertow 2012
Carbon footprinting of cities and implications for analysis of urban material and energy flows. Journal Article Ramaswami et al. 2012
Caribbean Agriculture in a Period of Global Change: Vulnerabilities and Opportunities Journal Article David Barker 2012
Challenges and opportunities of internet of things Conference Paper Yen-Kuang Chen 2012
Cities as Organisms Book Section van den Dobbelsteen et al. 2012
City of Cape Town Annual Water Services Development Plan Performance- and Water Services Audit Report FY2011/2012 Report City of Cape Town 2012
City of Chicago's open data portal Data portal City of Chicago 2012
Climate Change and Urban Metabolism of Latin American Megacities Journal Article Delgado et al. 2012
Climate Change and the Caribbean: Review and Response Journal Article Taylor et al. 2012
Climate Change and the Future of Caribbean Development Journal Article Bishop and Payne 2012
Climate change adaptation in the Pacific Island tourism sector: analysing the policy environment in Vanuatu Journal Article Klint et al. 2012
Comment on article 'Is there a metabolism of an urban ecosystem?' by Golubiewski Journal Article Christopher Kennedy 2012
Comparing Growth Rates of Nickel and Stainless Steel Use in the Early 2000s Journal Article Reck and Rotter 2012
Comparing urban solid waste recycling from the viewpoint of urban metabolism based on physical input–output model: A case of Suzhou in China Journal Article Liang and Zhang 2012
Comparison of energy flow accounting, energy flow metabolism ratio analysis and ecological footprinting as tools for measuring urban sustainability: A case-study of an Irish city-region Journal Article Browne et al. 2012
Corine land cover classes Dataset Noll and Fetzel 2012
Corredor ecológico del municipio de Pasto Image Alcaldía de Pasto 2012
Correlation between DN- NACE and DB07 industry codes 1192821 Dataset Denmark's Statistic 2012
Cuaderno Diagnóstico Ambiental POT ciudad de pasto Document Alcaldía de Pasto 2012
Curacao Tourism - 2010 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2012
Economy-wide Material Flow Accounts (EW-MFA) Compilation Guide 2012 Report Eurostat 2012
Ecosystem-Based Adaptation to Climate Change in Caribbean Small Island Developing States: Integrating Local and External Knowledge Journal Article Mercer et al. 2012
Effects of planning and policy decisions on residential land use in Singapore Thesis N.R. Davis 2012
Efficiency Through Proximity: Changes in Phosphorus Cycling at the Urban–Agricultural Interface of a Rapidly Urbanizing Desert Region Journal Article Metson et al. 2012
Electricity consumption in Hong Kong in 2010 Data visualisation 2012
Environmental assessment of a territory: An overview of existing tools and methods Journal Article Loiseau et al. 2012
Environmental performance of data centres - A case study of the Swedish National Insurance Administration Conference Paper Honée et al. 2012
Estadisticas agrarias de la Region Cajamarca Report Sistema integrado de estadística agraria 2012
Estimating material and energy intensities of urban areas Thesis D.J. Quinn 2012
Estructura ecológica de Pasto Image Harold Guerrero López 2012
Estudio de Impacto Ambiental. Ampliación Planta Belgrano y Río Subterráneo Sur Report AySA 2012
Estudio hidrologico de la region de Cajamarca Report ING CESAR A. VASQUEZ PERALTA 2012
European Protected Areas Shapefile Bruxelles Environnement / Leefmilieu Brussel 2012
Forth population and housing census Rwanda Report National Institute of Statistics Rwanda 2012
Freshwater Resources in the Insular Caribbean: An Environmental Perspective Journal Article Tamara Heartsill Scalley 2012
From Eradication To Intervention: Urban Informal Ecosystem Thesis Shannon Royden-Turner 2012
From the Ashes into the Fire? Institutional Change in the Post-Tsunami Nicobar Islands, India Journal Article Ramanujam et al. 2012
General approaches for assessing urban environmental sustainability Journal Article Baynes and Wiedmann 2012
Geology of Singapore Presentation Dr Cai Jun Gang 2012
Geología de la Sierra Norte de Madrid Report Martínez et. al. Instituto de Geología y Minería de España y Centro Nacional de Investigación sobre la Evolución Humana (IGME y CENIEH) 2012
Glass packaging in New Jersey Data visualisation 2012
Global effects of national biomass production and consumption: Austria's embodied HANPP related to agricultural products in the year 2000 Journal Article Haberl et al. 2012
Grain, meat and vegetables to feed Paris: where did and do they come from? Localising Paris food supply areas from the eighteenth to the twenty-first century Journal Article G. Billen • S. Barles • P. Chatzimpiros • J. Garnier 2012
Greenhouse gas emissions from cities: comparison of international inventory frameworks Journal Article Ibrahim et al. 2012
Grenada Tourism - 2010 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2012
Haiti Tourism - 2010 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2012
Harvesting urban resources towards more resilient cities Journal Article Agudelo-Vera et al. 2012
Historia del saneamiento en Madrid Report Crespo et al. 2012
INSIDE STORY: Strengthening climate resilience - the case of Grenada Webpage 2012
Implementing Trans-Boundary Infrastructure-Based Greenhouse Gas Accounting for Delhi, India Journal Article Abel Chavez and Kumar 2012
India's biophysical economy, 1961–2008. Sustainability in a national and global context Journal Article Singh et al. 2012
Integral Vis note (Dutch) Document Hoogheemraadschap van Delfland 2012
Integrated modelling and scenario building for the Nicobar Islands in the aftermath of the Tsunami Book Section Wildenberg and Singh 2012
Interactive Visualization and Measurement of Urban Areas 2012 Data visualisation 2012
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Urban Metabolism Journal Article Castán Broto et al. 2012
Intergrating gender in disaster managment in Small Island Developing States. A Guide. Report UNDP 2012
Is there a metabolism of an urban ecosystem? An ecological critique Journal Article Nancy Golubiewski 2012
Islands in a Sea of Change: Climate Change, Health and Human Security in Small Island States Conference Paper Lewis et al. 2012
Islands, culture, landscape and seascape Journal Article Gloria Pungetti 2012
Jamaica Tourism - 2010 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2012
La construcción en Rosario Report Fundación Banco Municipal 2012
Les genevois et le travail : résultats de l’enquête suisse sur la population active (espa) 2000 - 2009 Report OCSTAT - Genève 2012
Long-Term Impacts of Non-Sustainable Tourism and Urban Development in Small Tropical Islands Coastal Habitats in a Changing Climate: Lessons Learned from Puerto Rico Book Hernández-Delgado et al. 2012
MONTAÑAS DE ALAJUELITA, SANTA MARÍA Journal Article Juan Bautista G 2012
Mainstreaming Urban Metabolism Journal Article Kennedy and Hoornweg 2012
Mainstreaming Urban Metabolism: Advances And Challenges In City Participation Conference Paper Hoornweg et al. 2012
Making machine learning models interpretable Conference Paper Vellido et al. 2012
Map of Access to Public Green Areas in the Neighborhoods of Brussels Map Monitoring des Quartiers 2012
Mapping the global flow of steel: From steelmaking to end-use goods Journal Article Cullen et al. 2012
Maratha Palace, Vadodara. Image Tanay Bhatt - Trabajo propio 2012
Material Flow Analysis of Extruded Aluminium in French Buildings Thesis Romain Billy 2012
Material Flows and Energy Analysis of Glass Containers Discarded in New Jersey, USA Journal Article Tsai and Krogmann 2012
Material flows and material productivity in China, Australia, and Japan Journal Article Schandl and West 2012
Materials embodied in international trade - Global material extraction and consumption between 1995 and 2005 Journal Article Bruckner et al. 2012
Measuring water use in a green economy Report UNEP 2012
Metabolic network model for urban carbon metabolism Data visualisation 2012
Metabolism of the Anthroposphere: Analysis, Evaluation, Design Book Baccini and Brunner 2012
Moving Toward the Circular Economy: The Role of Stocks in the Chinese Steel Cycle Journal Article Pauliuk et al. 2012
Moving towards the circular economy - the role of stocks in the Chinese steel cycle Journal Article Pauliuk et al. 2012
Moyennes annuelles O2 dissous Senne out 2001 à 2012 (mg O2/l) en région de Bruxelles Capitale Journal Article Bruxelles-Environnement 2012
Mérida Image Addicted04 2012
NUTS 2010 Shapefile EUROSTAT 2012
Network environ perspective for urban metabolism and carbon emissions: a case study of Vienna, Austria Journal Article Chen and Chen 2012
Nitrogen food-print: N use and N cascade from livestock systems in relation to pork, beef and milk supply to Paris Journal Article Chatzimpiros and Barles 2012
Notebooks of the Mobility Observatory of the Brussels-Capital Region Report Brussels Mobility 2012
Open watercourses Shapefile City of Cape Town 2012
Ordenanza para la Gestión de la Energía, el Cambio Climático y la Sostenibilidad de Sevilla. Document Ayuntamiento de Sevilla 2012
Ordenanza para la gestión de la energía, el cambio climático y la sostenibilidad de Sevilla Report Ayuntamiento de Sevilla 2012
Particle Flow Analysis: Exploring Potential Use Phase Emissions of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles from Sunscreen, Paint, and Cement Journal Article Rickard Arvidsson 2012
Pathways and Management of Phosphorus in Urban Areas Journal Article Yuliya Kalmykova 2012
Perceptions, attitudes and involvement of local residents in the establishment of a Samothraki Biosphere Reserve, Greece Journal Article Panos Petridis 2012
Perú: Consumo per cápita de los principales alimentos 2008 - 2009 - (Encuesta Nacional de Presupuestos Familiares (ENAPREF) Book INEI - Instituto Nacional de Estadística e Informática. 2012
Plan de Ordenamiento Territorial-Documento Resumen Document Alcaldía de Barranquilla 2012
Población por freguesia (Censos 2011) Dataset INE 2012
Políticas Públicas Urbanas e Instrumentos de Regulación en la ciudad de Rosario Report FAPyD – UNR y FDyCP - UAI. Mail: Mg. PUR. Arq. Cintia Ariana Barenboim Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Universitario Rosario de Investigaciones Urbanas y Regionales 2012
Pontevedra, river Lerez Image Bene Riobó 2012
Population and Housing census of Rwanda Dataset Open Data for Africa 2012
Practicing Law in the Sharing Economy: Helping People Build Cooperatives, Social Enterprise, and Local Sustainable Economies Book Janelle Orsi 2012
Product and Management of Sludges and Sediment Deposit Report Environnement.Brussels - Leefmilieu.Brussels 2012
Promedios Climatologicos 1981 - 2010 Dataset IDEAM 2012
Promedios climatológicos Report Meteorología y Estudios Ambientales - IDEAM El Instituto de Hidrología 2012
Raw Material Consumption of the European Union - Concept, Calculation Method, and Results Journal Article Schoer et al. 2012
Reconciling sectoral abatement strategies with global climate targets: The case of the Chinese passenger vehicle fleet Journal Article Pauliuk et al. 2012
Reconstructing the Energy History of a City Journal Article Baynes and Bai 2012
Reshaping Urban Infrastructure Journal Article Hodson et al. 2012
Resource Use in Growing China Journal Article Heming Wang 2012
Rivers Shapefile City of Cape Town 2012
Scenario Analysis of Sulfur Dioxide Emissions Reduction Potential in China's Iron and Steel Industry Journal Article Shuhua Ma 2012
Sea Change: Island Communities and Climate Change* Journal Article Heather Lazrus 2012
Singapore hotel map Map 2012
Sint Maarten Tourism - 2010 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2012
Stock of Protected Buildings Report Monitoring des Quartiers 2012
Table of water consumption (tertiary sector and households) in BCR Dataset Environnement.Brussels - Leefmilieu.Brussels 2012
Terrazas y solares de Medellín escenarios urbanos para la agricultura Report Carlos Mario Cano 2012
The Bahamas Tourism - 2010 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2012
The Banaban Resettlement: Implications for Pacific Environmental Migration Journal Article Gil Marvel Tabucanon 2012
The Ecological Footprint: Application in the Province of Tucumán Journal Article Ferrari et al. 2012
The Energy–Water Nexus: Managing the Links between Energy and Water for a Sustainable Future Journal Article Hussey and Pittock 2012
The Physical Economy of the United States of America Journal Article Gierlinger and Krausmann 2012
The first climate refugees? Contesting global narratives of climate change in Tuvalu Journal Article Farbotko and Lazrus 2012
The physical dimension of international trade, part 2: Indirect global resource flows between 1962 and 2005 Journal Article Dittrich et al. 2012
The role of automobiles for the future of aluminium recycling Journal Article Modaresi and Müller 2012
The smart meter and a smarter consumer: quantifying the benefits of smart meter implementation in the United States Journal Article Cook et al. 2012
The urban planning of french cities and the challenge of sustainable town planning: improvement and limits Journal Article Prevost et al. 2012
The vulnerability of Caribbean coastal tourism to scenarios of climate change related sea level rise Journal Article Scott et al. 2012
The weather and climate of Singapore Book Loke :National Environment Agency Ng 2012
Three ecologies: Urban metabolism and the Society-Nature opposition Journal Article David Wachsmuth 2012
Titulos Mineros de San Juan de Pasto Dataset 2012
Toward a Low Carbon–Dematerialization Society Journal Article Feng Shi 2012
Towards a national circular economy indicator system in China: an evaluation and critical analysis Journal Article Geng et al. 2012
Traffic Flow Change in Hong Kong Data visualisation 2012
Trinidad & Tobago Tourism - 2010 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2012
Título: “Relevamiento Planialtimétrico para el estudio de un sector de la cuenca de la laguna Melincué” Thesis Universidad de Rosario 2012
URBAN FORESTRY IN SINGAPORE Journal Article Richard Webb 2012
Urban Metabolism: Buenos Aires, Argentina Data visualisation 2012
Urban Metabolism: City of Sao Paulo, Brazil Data visualisation 2012
Urban Metabolism: Metro Manila, Phillippines Data visualisation 2012
Using Life Cycle Assessment to Evaluate Green and Grey Combined Sewer Overflow Control Strategies Journal Article Sousa et al. 2012
Vulnerability assessment of ecological conditions in Seribu Islands, Indonesia Journal Article Farhan and Lim 2012
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Water Governance in Latin America and the Caribbean: A Multi-Level Approach Report Aziza Akhmouch 2012
Water: From Scarce Resource to National Asset Singapore‘s Urban Systems Studies Booklet Series Book Centre for Liveable Cities Ministry of National Development and Water Resources 2012
Zonificacion ecologica y economica de la region de Cajamarca Map Gobierno regional de Cajamarca 2012
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A tool for strategic biophysical assessment of a national economy: The Australian stocks and flows framework Journal Article Turner et al. 2011
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Analysis of the indicators between urban metabolism and land use change in Guangzhou Journal Article WU Yu-qin and WU Yu-qin 2011
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Comparative Analysis of Energy Consumptions in the Residential Sector of the City of San Juan Journal Article Lucas et al. 2011
Comparison of household consumption and regional production approaches to assess urban energy use and implications for policy Journal Article Baynes et al. 2011
Conflicting Objectives of Trinidad's Water Pricing Policy: A Need for Good Water Pricing and Governance Journal Article Michelle Mycoo 2011
Considering the energy, water and food nexus: Towards an integrated modelling approach Journal Article Bazilian et al. 2011
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Costa Rica Mapas de Pobreza 2011 Report Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censo INEC 2011
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Data Acquisition for Applying Physical Input-Output Tables in Chinese Cities Journal Article Liang and Zhang 2011
Developing a pragmatic approach to assess urban metabolism in Europe: A Report to the European Environment Agency Journal Article Minx et al. 2011
Development of a comprehensive city assessment tool: CASBEE-City Journal Article Murakami et al. 2011
Dynamic modeling of Singapore's urban resource flows: Historical trends and sustainable scenario development Conference Paper Abou-Abdo et al. 2011
EICV3 THEMATIC REPORT Agriculture Report National Institute of Statistics Rwanda 2011
ESTUDIO DE GEOLOGÍA Report Autor: Ing. M.Sc. Gilberto Cruzado Vásquez Actualizado: Ing. Mirton E. Crisólogo Rodríguez 2011
Edificios e inmuebles Dataset Junta de Andalucia 2011
Emergy analysis of the urban metabolism of Beijing Journal Article Zhang et al. 2011
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Environmental decision support systems (EDSS) development – Challenges and best practices Journal Article McIntosh et al. 2011
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Estimating GHG emissions of marine ports—the case of Barcelona Journal Article Villalba and Gemechu 2011
Estudio Geológico y Geomorfológico Report Rivera et al. 2011
Feasibility Study of Renewable Energy in Singapore Thesis Sebastian King Per Wettergren 2011
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Fishing in Eastern Finland/Mikkeli Area, report on the fishing areas and professional fishing in the lakes in Mikkeli Report Tuomainen et al. 2011
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Freshwater under Threat – Pacific Islands. Vulnerability assessment of freshwater resources to environmental change. Report UNEP 2011
Future climate of the Caribbean from a regional climate model Journal Article Campbell et al. 2011
Global Rare Earth In-Use Stocks in NdFeB Permanent Magnets Journal Article Du and Graedel 2011
Global iron stocks (in use and reserves) Data visualisation 2011
Greenhouse Gas Emission Impacts of Carsharing in North America Journal Article Martin and Shaheen 2011
Greening geographical load balancing Conference Paper Liu et al. 2011
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How unequal is international trade? An ecological perspective using Material Flow Accounting (MFA) Journal Article Singh and Eisenmenger 2011
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IT for green and green IT: A proposed typology of eco-innovation Journal Article and 2011
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Islands as crossroads: sustaining cultural diversity in small island developing states. Ed. Tim Curtis. Report UNESCO 2011
Italia Post-Metropoli Atlante Data visualisation 2011
Land Use Charter - Porto Shapefile DGT 2011
Le traitement des eaux usées à Genève Report OCSTAT - Genève 2011
Le transport de merchansides: Enjeux pour Genève Report Canton de Genève 2011
Listado de equipamientos de restaurantes de la ciudad de Barcelona GPS Coordinates Ayuntamiento de Barcelona 2011
Material Flow Analysis Applied to Household Solid Waste and Marine Litter on a Small Island Developing State Journal Article Owens et al. 2011
Material flow accounting in an Irish city-region 1992-2002 Journal Article Browne et al. 2011
Methodological paper - Indicator: Total and sectoral water consumption Document Bruxelles Environnement 2011
Methodology and Indicators of Economy-wide Material Flow Accounting Journal Article M. Fischer-Kowalski and Weisz 2011
Metro Vancouver Zeros In On Food Scraps Collection Magazine Article Rhodes Yepsen 2011
Modeling the water consumption of Singapore using system dynamics Thesis Karen Noiva Welling 2011
Modeling the water consumption of Singapore using system dynamics Thesis Karen Noiva Welling 2011
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Overview of non-hazardous solid waste in the small island state of Mauritius Journal Article Foolmaun et al. 2011
PBI Cajamarca Report Presidencia del Consejo de Ministros - Gobierno del Perú 2011
Patterns of Iron Use in Societal Evolution Journal Article Müller et al. 2011
Plan Municipal de Gestión del Agua en la ciudad de Madrid Report Ayuntamiento de Madrid 2011
Plan biodiversité de Paris Report Mairie de Paris 2011
Plan de Ordenamiento del Cauce Principal del Río Pasto Report CORPONARIÑO 2011
Población empadronada por sexo, según entidad federal, municipio y parroquia Dataset Instituto Nacional de Estadística 2011
Population and Housing Census 2011 Dataset Central Statistics Office 2011
Producto Geográfico Bruto por categorías 2009-2018 Dataset Dirección General de Estadística y Censos (Ministerio de Hacienda y Finanzas GCBA) 2011
Progress toward low carbon cities: approaches for transboundary GHG emissions’ footprinting Journal Article Chavez and Ramaswami 2011
Quantifying Carbon Footprint Reduction Opportunities for U.S. Households and Communities Journal Article Jones and Kammen 2011
Recycling rates of metals: A status report Report Graedel et al. 2011
Reducing energy consumption and peak power in Belgium Presentation Leefmilieu et al. 2011
Renewable Energies in Argentina: The Case of the Wind Energy and its Advances in Regulatory Matters Report Lic. Cecilia Fernández 2011
Report on economically-viable mineral resources in the City of Cape Town's administrative area Report DI Cole 2011
Representation of a sustainable metabolism for the Toronto Port Lands Data visualisation 2011
Singapore Biodiversity: An Encyclopedia of the Natural Environment and .Sustainable Development Book Ng et al. 2011
Singapore energy scenario Map Jasbir Arora 2011
Singapore’s population policy Presentation Slide share 2011
Singapure Image Chenisyuan 2011
Small island developing states Journal Article Poh Poh Wong 2011
Socio-metabolic transitions in subsistence communities. Boserup Revisted Journal Article Fischer-Kowalski et al. 2011
Sociometabolic transitions in subsistence communities: Boserup revisited in four comparative case studies Journal Article Fischer-Kowalski et al. 2011
Structural Decomposition Analysis of Raw Material Consumption Journal Article Weinzettel and Kovanda 2011
Síntesis del diagnóstico y diseño del plan de abastecimiento y distribución de alimentos para la ciudad de medellín –PADAM Report Universidad Nacional de Colombia UNAL Alcaldía de Medellín 2011
THEMATIC REPORT: Patterns of Consumption Report National Institute of Statistics Rwanda 2011
The Caribbean Low-Level Jet and Its Relationship with Precipitation in IPCC AR4 Models Journal Article Martin and Schumacher 2011
The Development and Practice in City Level of Material Flow Analysis (MFA) in China Journal Article Wei et al. 2011
The Impact of Carsharing on Public Transit and Non-Motorized Travel: An Exploration of North American Carsharing Survey Data Journal Article Martin and Shaheen 2011
The Material Consumption of Singapore’s Economy: An Industrial Ecology Approach Book Section Chertow et al. 2011
The Metabolic Transition in Japan Journal Article Fridolin Krausmann 2011
The concept of urban metabolism: exploration of the concept urban metabolism in relation to sustainable urban development Thesis W.P.C. Jelier 2011
The implications of global climate change for fisheries management in the Caribbean Journal Article Leonard A. Nurse 2011
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The study of urban metabolism and its applications to urban planning and design Journal Article Kennedy et al. 2011
The urban metabolism of the Toronto Port Lands Data visualisation 2011
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The vegetation of Singapore ―an updated map Shapefile A.T.K. Yee and Tan 2011
Transforming the Greek Island of Samothraki into a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve: An Experience in Transdisciplinarity Journal Article Fischer-Kowalski et al. 2011
Transport of goods to and from the center of Brussels: using the port to improve sustainability Book Section van Lier and Macharis 2011
Tropical gradient influences on Caribbean rainfall Journal Article Taylor et al. 2011
Two Approaches to Greenhouse Gas Emissions Foot-Printing at the City Scale Journal Article Ramaswami et al. 2011
Unearthing potentials for decarbonizing the U.S. aluminium cycle Journal Article Gang Liu et al. 2011
Urban Metabolism in China Achieving Dematerialization and Decarbonization in Suzhou Journal Article Liang and Zhang 2011
Urban Water Mass Balance Analysis Journal Article Kenway et al. 2011
Urban mining: hibernating copper stocks in local power grids Journal Article Krook et al. 2011
Virtue and vulnerability: Discourses on women, gender and climate change Journal Article Seema Arora-Jonsson 2011
Viviendas familiares principales y no principales. Censo 2011 Dataset Junta de Andalucia 2011
Water Management for a Megacity: National Capital Territory of Delhi Journal Article Suresh Chand Rai 2011
Water policy development and governance in the Caribbean: an overview of regional progress Journal Article Adrian C. Cashman 2011
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Árboles nativos y ciudad. Aportes a la Silvicultura Urbana de Medellín. Book Alcaldía de Medellín 2011
Écologie industrielle, gestion des déchets et territoire insulaire. L’exemple de l’archipel des Fidji Journal Article Bahers 2011
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A Reliability Perspective of the Smart Grid Journal Article Moslehi and Kumar 2010
A global typology of cities : classification tree analysis of urban resource consumption Thesis Artessa Niccola D Saldivar-Sali 2010
Action Research in Waste Management: Application to Construction and Demolition Waste in the Stockholm Region Conference Paper Nils Brandt Graham Aid 2010
Agriculture Map 2010
Analyse des données statistiques sur les familles parisiennes Report APUR 2010
Antigua and Barbuda Tourism - 2008 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2010
Antigua and Barbuda Tourism - 2009 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2010
Antigua and Barbuda Visitor Arrival Summary 2010 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2010
Application of “ streamlined ” material accounting to estimate environmental impact Journal Article Paul Osmond 2010
Aruba Tourism - 2008 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2010
Aruba Tourism - 2009 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2010
Aruba Visitor Arrival Summary 2010 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2010
Assessing the environmental impacts of consumption and production: priority products and materials Report UNEP 2010
Assessment of Wastewater Management Practices in Kigali City, Rwanda Report Umuhoza Mbateye 2010
Average_Daily_Trafic_Counts - The City of Chicago Dataset City of Chicago 2010
Barbados Tourism - 2008 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2010
Barbados Tourism - 2009 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2010
Barbados Visitor Arrival Summary 2010 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2010
Biodiversidad en Campeche Caso de Estudio Book Guillermo J. Villalobos-Zapata y Jorge Mendoza Vega 2010
Biodiversity: linking Singapore's fragmented habitats Journal Article Chong et al. 2010
Brussels : from eco-building to sustainable city Document Environnement.Brussels - Leefmilieu.Brussels 2010
Business Confidence Indicator Dataset Statistics and (BISA) 2010
Caribbean COVID-19 Food Security & Livelihoods Impact Survey Report World Food Programme 2010
Caribbean Islands in a Changing Climate Journal Article Pulwarty et al. 2010
Chicago's Manufacturing Base Report 2010
Climate Change in the Caribbean: The Water Management Implications Journal Article Cashman et al. 2010
Climate Change: A Research Agenda for Latin America and the Caribbean Journal Article Chisari and Galiani 2010
Curacao Tourism - 2008 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2010
Curacao Tourism - 2009 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2010
Curacao Visitor Arrival Summary 2010 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2010
Datos de población por localidad Dataset Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI) 2010
Decomposition Analysis of Waste Generation From Stocks in a Dynamic System Journal Article Masahiro Oguchi and Moriguchi 2010
Densidade demografica - demographic density Sao Paulo 2010 Dataset GeoSampa/IBGE 2010
Dynamic Material Flow Analysis for Strategic Construction and Demolition Waste Management in Beijing Journal Article Hu et al. 2010
Ecological network analysis of an urban energy metabolic system: Model development, and a case study of four Chinese cities Journal Article Zhang et al. 2010
Ecological network analysis of an urban water metabolic system: Model development, and a case study for Beijing Journal Article Zhang et al. 2010
Emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero en Rosario según sector (en %) Dataset Municipalidad de Rosario 2010
Estadística Climatológica 1981-2010 Dataset Servicio Metereológico Nacional 2010
Evaluation of the Tire Industry of China based on Physical Input–Output Analysis Journal Article Ning Yang 2010
Extended exergy-based urban ecosystem network analysis: a case study of Beijing, China Journal Article Liu et al. 2010
Flows and fates of nickel--cadmium batteries in the City of Cape Town Journal Article Mason-Jones and von Blottnitz 2010
Global patterns of materials use: A socioeconomic and geophysical analysis Journal Article Steinberger et al. 2010
Grado de Marginación (historico 1990-2010) Dataset Consejo Nacional de Población (CONAPO) 2010
Greenhouse Gas Emission Footprints and Energy Use Benchmarks for Eight U.S. Cities Journal Article Hillman and Ramaswami 2010
Grenada Tourism - 2008 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2010
Grenada Tourism - 2009 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2010
Grenada Visitor Arrival Summary 2010 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2010
HDI/Population/Population Density of 155 cities Data visualisation 2010
Haiti Tourism - 2008 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2010
Haiti Tourism - 2009 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2010
Haiti Visitor Arrival Summary 2010 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2010
How City Dwellers Affect Their Resource Hinterland Journal Article Lenzen and Peters 2010
Impact of Carsharing on Household Vehicle Holdings: Results from North American Shared-Use Vehicle Survey Journal Article Martin et al. 2010
Implementing Carbon-Footprint-Based Calculation Tools in Municipal Greenhouse Gas Inventories Journal Article Larsen and Hertwich 2010
Indicadores de pobreza Dataset Consejo Nacional de Evaluación de la Política de Desarrollo Social (CONEVAL) 2010
Información Censal a nivel de Manzana 1 (Características Económicas) Dataset Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI) 2010
Información Censal a nivel de Manzana 2 (Características educativas) Dataset Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI) 2010
Información Censal a nivel de Manzana 3 (Discapacidad) Dataset Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI) 2010
Información Censal a nivel de Manzana 4 (Lengua Indígena) Dataset Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI) 2010
Información Censal a nivel de Manzana 5 (migración) Dataset Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI) 2010
Informe Anual 2010 de Madrid Report Observatorio Económico del Ayuntamiento de Madrid 2010
Input, stocks and output flows of urban residential building system in Beijing city, China from 1949 to 2008 Journal Article Hu et al. 2010
Integrated Waste Management Amended By-Law Bill City of Cape Town 2010
Integrated energy and carbon modeling with a decision support system: Policy scenarios for low-carbon city development in Bangkok Journal Article Aumnad Phdungsilp 2010
Interactive map of materials, stocks, energy and water Dataset Métabolisme urbain de Paris 2010
International migration and climate change: a post-Copenhagen perspective on options for Kiribati and Tuvalu Book Section Bedford and Bedford 2010
Investigation into a sustainable implant in the Erasmusveld neighborhood, The Hague Thesis Nels Nelson 2010
Iron and steel in Chinese residential buildings: A dynamic analysis Journal Article Hu et al. 2010
Jamaica Tourism - 2008 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2010
Jamaica Tourism - 2009 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2010
Jamaica Visitor Arrival Summary 2010 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2010
Kitigan Zibi Image P199 2010
Les parisiens consacrent une part croissante de leur revenu au logement Report Bidoux et al. 2010
Les revenues des Lausannois en 2006 Report Jean-François Both Statistique Vaud Ville de Lausanne 2010
Lifespan of Commodities, Part I Journal Article Shinsuke Murakami 2010
Lifespan of Commodities, Part II Journal Article Masahiro Oguchi 2010
Local Studies Manual: A researcher's guide for investigating the social metabolism of rural systems Report Singh et al. 2010
Local passenger rail routes Map PRASA 2010
Límites de León Shapefile INEGI 2010
Management of water demand in the Caribbean region: current practices and future needs Journal Article Edwin Ekwue 2010
Marine Biodiversity in the Caribbean: Regional Estimates and Distribution Patterns Journal Article Miloslavich et al. 2010
Material Flow Indicators in the Czech Republic in Light of the Accession to the European Union Journal Article Jan Kovanda 2010
Material flow accounting of an Indian village Journal Article Kestemont and Kerkhove 2010
Material flow accounting of an Indian village Data visualisation 2010
Material flow accounting of an Indian village Manuscript Kestemont and Kerkhove 2010
Materials Metabolism Analysis of China's Highway Traffic System (HTS) for Promoting Circular Economy Journal Article Wen and Li 2010
Mayo. Turdus ignobilis Image Julián Londoño 2010
Medellín medio ambiente urbanismo y sociedad. Book Urbam. Centro de estudios urbanos y ambientales. Universidad EAFIT 2010
Metal Stocks in Society: Scientific Synthesis Report TE Graedel 2010
Methodology for inventorying greenhouse gas emissions from global cities Journal Article Kennedy et al. 2010
Modeling energy consumption and CO2 emissions at the urban scale: Methodological challenges and insights from the United States Journal Article Parshall et al. 2010
Options for achieving a 50% cut in industrial carbon emissions by 2050 Journal Article Allwood et al. 2010
Overview of cadmium flows (kg) from NiCd use in Cape Town in 2005 Data visualisation Mason-Jones and Blottnitz 2010
Parque Automotor de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires Dataset Dirección General de Estadística y Censos 2010
Peces "made in" Medellín Journal Article Ana María Mira Agudelo 2010
Periquito de anteojos. Forpus conspicillatus Image Juliana Londoño 2010
Plan directeur des gravières - Canton de Genève Report sols et déchets (GESDEC) Canton de Genève DSPE - Direction générale de l’environnement Service de géologie 2010
Porto Image Carla Santos 2010
Probabilistic Assessment of Industrial Synergistic Systems Journal Article Hsu and Rohmer 2010
Programa de Gestión del Comité de Playas Limpias del Municipio del Carmen, Campeche Book Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales - SEMARNAT Comisión Nacional del Agua - CONAGUA 2010
Programs for monitoring the water status in the Brussels-Capital Region in application of the Water Framework Ordinance Report Environnement.Brussels - Leefmilieu.Brussels 2010
Quantification and Magnitude of Losses and Damages Resulting from the Impacts of Climate Change: Modelling the Transformational Impacts and Costs of Sea Level Rise in the Caribbean Report Simpson et al. 2010
Quantifying U.S. aluminum in-use stocks and their relationship with economic output Journal Article McMillan et al. 2010
Reducing energy and material flows in cities Journal Article Weisz and Steinberger 2010
Research on Comprehensive Evaluation of Urban Material Metabolism Based on MFA-A Case Study of Chengyang District in Qingdao Conference Paper Zhenfeng Zhou 2010
Resource use and resource efficiency in the Asia-Pacific region Journal Article Schandl and West 2010
Río Medellin Image Lina Mondragón 2010
Shifting sand Report Global Witness 2010
Singapore Uses GIS to Master Land-Use Planning Shapefile Goh Chye Kiang 2010
Singapore Water Management Policies and Practices Thesis Ivy Ong Bee Luan 2010
Sint Maarten Tourism - 2008 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2010
Sint Maarten Tourism - 2009 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2010
Sint Maarten Visitor Arrival Summary 2010 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2010
Society, energy and materials: the contribution of urban metabolism studies to sustainable urban development issues Journal Article Sabine Barles 2010
Society, energy and materials: the contribution of urban metabolism studies to sustainable urban development issues Journal Article Sabine Barles 2010
Soil erosion risk mapping with new datasets: An improved identification and prioritisation of high erosion risk areas Journal Article Nigel and Rughooputh 2010
State of the Environment Report 2009 Report City of Cape Town 2010
Suelos y Zonificación de Tierras Departamento del Atlántico Dataset IGAC (Instituto Geográfico Agustín Codazzi) 2010
The Bahamas Tourism - 2008 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2010
The Bahamas Tourism - 2009 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2010
The Bahamas Visitor Arrival Summary 2010 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2010
The Energy-Water Nexus: Socioeconomic Considerations and Suggested Legal Reforms in the Southwest Journal Article Gold and Bass 2010
The Relationship between Personality Traits and Psychological Resilience among the Caribbean Adolescents Journal Article Grace Fayombo 2010
The physical dimension of international trade: Part 1: Direct global flows between 1962 and 2005 Journal Article Dittrich and Bringezu 2010
Tree cover in City of Johannesburg Dataset Global Forest Watch Googlel 2010
Trinidad & Tobago Tourism - 2008 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2010
Trinidad & Tobago Tourism - 2009 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2010
Trinidad & Tobago Visitor Arrival Summary 2010 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2010
Twelve metropolitan carbon footprints: A preliminary comparative global assessment Journal Article Sovacool and Brown 2010
Urban metabolism of ancient Caral, Peru Document John E Fernández 2010
Urban total ecological footprint forecasting by using radial basis function neural network: A case study of Wuhan city, China Journal Article Li et al. 2010
WWTP Houtrust Results 2010 Report Defluent Services 2010
Yard Trimmings, Food Waste Composting In Vancouver Region Magazine Article Molly Farrell Tucker 2010
Zonificación Geotécnica Bogotá D.C Shapefile Instituto_Distrital_de_Gestión_de_Riesgos_y_Cambio_Climático 2010
fishing districts Shapefile Open Data Zürich 2010
A Material History of Australia Journal Article Richard Wood 2009
A safe operating space for humanity Journal Article Rockström et al. 2009
Adapting water resources to climate change in Kiribati: the importance of cultural values and meanings Journal Article Natasha Kuruppu 2009
Aluminum Stock and Flows in U.S. Passenger Vehicles and Implications for Energy Use Journal Article Lynette Cheah 2009
Analysis of regional material flows: The case of the Czech Republic Journal Article Kovanda et al. 2009
Analysis of water consumption using a regional input-output model: Model development and application to Zhangye City, Northwestern China Journal Article Wang et al. 2009
Analysis of water consumption using a regional input–output model: Model development and application to Zhangye City, Northwestern China Journal Article Wang et al. 2009
Analyzing Polyvinyl Chloride in Japan With the Waste Input-Output Material Flow Analysis Model Journal Article Nakamura et al. 2009
Analyzing Polyvinyl Chloride in Japan With the Waste Input−Output Material Flow Analysis Model Journal Article Shinichiro Nakamura 2009
Analyzing building stock using topographic maps and GIS Journal Article Meinel et al. 2009
Antigua and Barbuda Tourism - 2007 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2009
Antigua and Barbuda Visitor Arrival Summary 2009 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2009
Artificial Intelligence Methods in the Environmental Sciences Book Haupt et al. 2009
Aruba Tourism - 2007 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2009
Aruba Visitor Arrival Summary 2009 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2009
Assessing Socioeconomic Metabolism Through Hybrid Life Cycle Assessment Journal Article Weinzettel and Kovanda 2009
Assessing Urban Forest Effects and Values Report NOWAK et al. 2009
Assessment of total urban metabolism and metabolic inefficiency in an Irish city-region Journal Article Browne et al. 2009
Barbados Agriculture Image 2009
Barbados Tourism - 2007 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2009
Barbados Visitor Arrival Summary 2009 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2009
Cadmium Flows Caused by the Worldwide Production of Primary Zinc Metal Journal Article Matthias Achternbosch 2009
Cafeterías por categorías. (1988-2009) Dataset Junta de Andalucia 2009
Caluculation of the in-use stock of materials in urban with nocturnal light image Conference Paper Matsuno et al. 2009
Caracterización del sitio de manglar Isla del Carmen Report H. G. y A. D. Vázquez-Lule. Reyes-Gómez 2009
Caribbean beach changes and climate change adaptation Journal Article Gillian Cambers 2009
Cartographie de l'aléa retrait-gonflement des sols argileux dans le département de l'Isère Report BRGM 2009
Catalonia's energy metabolism: Using the MuSIASEM approach at different scales Journal Article Ramos-Martín et al. 2009
Cirirí . Tyrannus melancholicus Image Darío Sanches 2009
City of Aveiro Image Joaomartinho63 2009
City of Johannesburg Climate Change Adaptation Plan (2009) Document City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality 2009
City of Toronto's Open Data Portal Data portal 2009
Climate Change and Small Island Developing States: A Critical Review Journal Article Kelman and Wes 2009
Climate change and tourism: the implications for the Caribbean Journal Article Clayton et al. 2009
Climate change implications for water resource management in Caribbean tourism Journal Article Emmanuel et al. 2009
Collaborative Problem Solving Using an Industrial Ecology Approach Journal Article Boehme et al. 2009
Combined MFA-LCA for Analysis of Wastewater Pipeline Networks Journal Article G. Venkatesh and Brattebø 2009
Conserving Our Biodiversity Singapore’s National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan Report National parks board 2009
Creating an Ecological Footprint Assessment: Using Component and Compound Economic Input Output Methods Report Acosta and Moore 2009
Curacao Tourism - 2007 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2009
Curacao Visitor Arrival Summary 2009 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2009
Current Applications Journal Article E. R. Wayman 2009
Direct Material Consumption and Water use in Lisbon Data visualisation 2009
Drivers of Caribbean Freshwater Ecosystems and Fisheries Webpage US EPA National Center for Environmental Assessment 2009
Economic Vulnerability and Resilience: Concepts and Measurements Journal Article Briguglio et al. 2009
Economy-wide Material Flow Accounts (EW-MFA) Compilation Guide 2009 Document EUROSTAT 2009
Editorial: Carbon Footprint and Input–Output Analysis – an Introduction Journal Article Thomas Wiedmann 2009
El Sistema Eléctrico de la ciudad de Madrid Report Ayuntamiento de Madrid 2009
Environmental Impact of the use of Natural Resources and Products Book van der Voet et al. 2009
Environmental implications of urbanization and lifestyle change in China: Ecological and Water Footprints Journal Article Hubacek et al. 2009
Estrategia Regional de Biodiversidad de Cajamarca (ERB-Cajamarca) Report Gerencia Regional de Recursos Naturales y Gestión del Medio Ambiente – RENAMA 2009
Evaluation of urban metabolism based on emergy synthesis: A case study for Beijing (China) Journal Article Zhang et al. 2009
Extracción de Nutrientes en la Agricultura Argentina Journal Article Gustavo Adolfo Cruzate y Roberto Casas Instituto de Suelos and 21-26 2009
Global mapping of Al, Cu, Fe, and Zn in-use stocks and in-ground resources Journal Article J.N. Rauch 2009
Governing long-term social–ecological change: What can the adaptive management and transition management approaches learn from each other? Journal Article Foxon et al. 2009
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory For the City of Johannesburg Report City of Johannesburg - Office of the Executive Director 2009
Greenhouse gas emissions from global cities Journal Article Kennedy et al. 2009
Grenada Tourism - 2007 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2009
Grenada Visitor Arrival Summary 2009 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2009
Haiti Tourism - 2007 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2009
Haiti Visitor Arrival Summary 2009 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2009
Horse on the beach Image Felipe Andrade 2009
Hybrid Emergy-LCA (HEML) based metabolic evaluation of urban residential areas: The case of Beijing, China Journal Article Li and Wang 2009
Hybrid input-output analysis of wastewater treatment and environmental impacts: A case study for the Tokyo Metropolis Journal Article Chen Lin 2009
Input–Output Analysis and Carbon Footprinting: An Overview of Applications Journal Article Minx et al. 2009
Integrated Solid Waste Management in Singapore Presentation Singapore National Environment Agency 2009
Inventaire piscicole des cours d'eau du canton de Genève - 2008 Report République et Canton de Genève Département du territoire 2009
Island Development Book Section Clark et al. 2009
Jamaica Tourism - 2007 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2009
Jamaica Visitor Arrival Summary 2009 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2009
Jamaican beach Image Michael McCarthy 2009
Lead In-Use Stock Journal Article Mao and Graedel 2009
Linking Waste and Material Flows on the Island of Oahu, Hawai'i: The Search for Sustainable Solutions Report Eckelman and Chertow 2009
Linking material and energy flow analyses and social theory Journal Article Frank Schiller 2009
Manejo del recurso hídrico y estrategias de gestión integral en la microcuenca del río Mijitayo. Fuentes contaminación y calidad del recurso hídrico Journal Article Sandra Milena Madroñero Palacios Francisco Jiménez Otálora 2009
Market price of cement in bulk in Singapore from 2009 to 2019 Dataset R. Hirschmann 2009
Material Flow and Circular Economy Journal Article Jian Zhong Chen 2009
Material Stock and Flow Analysis of Stainless Steel Based on Mass Balances of Cr and Ni Journal Article Daigo et al. 2009
Metro Vancouver: Designing for Urban Food Production Journal Article Roehr and Kunigk 2009
Microbiological water quality in rivers of the Scheldt drainage network (Belgium): impact of urban wastewater release Report Ouattara et al. 2009
Modelo Territorial Buenos Aires 2010-2060 Document Ministerio de Desarrollo Urbano del Gobierno de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires 2009
Multi-scale integrated analysis of societal and ecosystem metabolism (MuSIASEM): Theoretical concepts and basic rationale Journal Article Giampietro et al. 2009
Métabolisme agricole franco-valdo-genevois : état des lieux et synthèse Thesis Faessler et al. 2009
National Census Report 2000, Barbados Report CARICOM Capacity Development Programme (CCDP) In collaboration with the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) 2009
National Census Report 2000, The Bahamas Report CARICOM Capacity Development Programme (CCDP) In collaboration with the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) 2009
National Census Report 2000, Trinidad & Tobago Report CARICOM Capacity Development Programme (CCDP) In collaboration with the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) 2009
National Census Report 2001, Grenada Report CARICOM Capacity Development Programme (CCDP) In collaboration with the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) 2009
National Census Report 2001, Jamaica Report CARICOM Capacity Development Programme (CCDP) In collaboration with the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) 2009
National material flow analysis Thesis Susanna Maria Eisenhut 2009
National material flow analysis [Cuba] Thesis Susanna Eisenhut 2009
National material flow analysis: Cuba Thesis Susanna Eisenhut 2009
Nitrogen flows within different western European agrarian systems Data visualisation 2009
PLAN REGIONAL DE REFORESTACIÓN Y ARBORIZACIÓN Arequipa 2009-2028 Book Instituciones en Arequipa 2009
Plan Maestro de Mobilidad Document Área Metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá 2009
Platinum Group Metal Flows of Europe, Part II Journal Article Saurat and Bringezu 2009
Porto Livestock (No.) of agricultural holding by Geographic localization (NUTS - 2001) and Animal specie - 2009 Dataset INE 2009
Prediction of household and commercial BMW generation according to socio-economic and other factors for the Dublin region Journal Article Purcell and Magette 2009
Presentation at International Workshop “From Data to Accounts: Measuring Production in National Accounting Presentation Unstats 2009
Presentation on Singapore Furniture Industry Presentation Singapore Furniture Industries Council 2009
Programa Director Urbano del Centro de Población Ciudad del carmen, Campeche 2009 Document Instituto Municipal de Planeación - IMPLAN H. Ayuntamiento de Carmen 2009
Prontuario de información geográfica municipal de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos. Distrito Federal Report Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía 2009
Prontuario de información geográfica municipal de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos. Valladolid Yucatán Report Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI) 2009
Provincias y ecosistemas de Cajamarca Image Gerencia Regional de Recursos Naturales y Gestión del Medio Ambiente – RENAMA 2009
Red Hídrica de Medellín. Principales quebradas Map Alcaldía de Medellín 2009
Restaurantes por categorías. (1988-2009) Dataset Junta de Andalucía 2009
Restructuring cities for sustainability: a metabolism approach Conference Paper Schremmer and Stead 2009
Reverse Problem Formulation for Integrating Process Discharges with Watersheds and Drainage Systems Journal Article Eva M. Lovelady 2009
Samothraki Island Image Sophia Bourdanou 2009
Scenarios of Waste Management for a Waste Emergency Area Journal Article Maria Laura Mastellone 2009
Sewage Map Map Câmara Municipal de Anadia 2009
Sint Maarten Tourism - 2007 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2009
Sint Maarten Visitor Arrival Summary 2009 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2009
Social Equity Considerations in the Implementation of Caribbean Climate Change Adaptation Policies Journal Article Dulal et al. 2009
Soil Country Analysis Report Anna Rita Gentile et al. 2009
Sponge community composition in the Derawan Islands, NE Kalimantan, Indonesia Journal Article Voogd et al. 2009
Study of Demand and Supply of Agricultural Products in Galapagos Report C. Zapata 2009
São Paulo (Municipality) Climate Change Policy: Municipal Act 14933/2009 Document Município de São Paulo 2009
THE ROLE OF DRY PORTS IN SOUTH AFRICA Journal Article Erené Cronje* and Krugell** 2009
Terreno Forestal de la Comunidad de Madrid Shapefile Comunidad de Madrid 2009
The Analysis and Simulation of the Materials Inflow and Outflow of Macao Conference Paper Kampeng et al. 2009
The Bahamas Tourism - 2007 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2009
The Bahamas Visitor Arrival Summary 2009 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2009
The Beak of the Finch: Insights into the Economic Development of Small Economies Journal Article Baldacchino and Bertram 2009
The Raw Material Equivalents of International Trade Journal Article Muñoz et al. 2009
The Singapore rubber market : a Malayan studies book Book Joan Wilson 2009
The food-print of Paris: long-term reconstruction of the nitrogen flows imported into the city from its rural hinterland Journal Article Billen et al. 2009
Towards a global multi-regional environmentally extended input-output database Journal Article Tukker et al. 2009
Trinidad & Tobago Tourism - 2007 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2009
Trinidad & Tobago Visitor Arrival Summary 2009 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2009
Urban Metabolism of Paris and Its Region Journal Article Sabine Barles 2009
Urban ecosystem health assessment based on emergy and set pair analysis—A comparative study of typical Chinese cities Journal Article Su et al. 2009
Urban metabolism: Methodological Advances in Urban Material Flow Accounting Based on the Lisbon Case Study Journal Article Niza et al. 2009
Urban stock over time: spatial material stock analysis using 4d-GIS Journal Article Tanikawa and Hashimoto 2009
Urbanization and Socioeconomic Metabolism in Taipei Journal Article Huang and Chen 2009
Using Material Flow Analysis to Illuminate Long-Term Waste Management Solutions in Oahu, Hawaii Journal Article Eckelman and Chertow 2009
Using Total Material Requirement to Reduce the Global Environmental Burden Journal Article Iñaki Arto 2009
Using an Integrated Participatory Modeling Approach to Assess Water Management Options and Support Community Conversations on Maui Journal Article Bassi et al. 2009
Vancouver Image Alasdair McLellan 2009
A Demand-Centered, Hybrid Life-Cycle Methodology for City-Scale Greenhouse Gas Inventories Journal Article Ramaswami et al. 2008
A Product-Level Approach to Historical Material Flow Analysis Journal Article Ermelinda M. Harper 2008
A framework for clarifying the meaning of Triple Bottom-Line, Integrated, and Sustainability Assessment Journal Article Hacking and Guthrie 2008
A method for regional-scale material flow and decoupling analysis: A demonstration case study of Aichi prefecture, Japan Journal Article Tachibana et al. 2008
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Advanced Research Methods in the Built Environment Book Knight and Ruddock 2008
Affirmation of the Principles of International Law recognized by the Charter of the Nürnberg Tribunal: General Assembly Resolution 95(I) Document United Nations 2008
Applying physical input–output tables of energy to estimate the energy ecological footprint (EEF) of Galicia (NW Spain) Journal Article Carballo Penela and Sebastián Villasante 2008
Australia's Resource Use Trajectories Journal Article Schandl et al. 2008
Azulejo.Taran Rampersad Image Taran Rampersad 2008
Building Material Flow Accounts in the United States Journal Article Frederick W Allen 2008
Caribbean precipitation: Review, model and prospect Journal Article Gamble and Curtis 2008
Carpintero habado . Melanerpes rubricapillus Image barloventomagico 2008
Case Study Implementation of Performance Contract in a Paper Mill Presentation Dr G C DATTA ROY 2008
Cities as Organisms: Allometric Scaling of Urban Road Networks Journal Article Samaniego and Moses 2008
Colibrí Colirufo. Amazilia tzacatl Image David Cook 2008
Construcción Dataset Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI) 2008
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Detailed assessment of structural characteristics of Turkish RC building stock for loss assessment models Journal Article Bal et al. 2008
Diagnostico de saneamiento integral de la region de Cajamarca Report Equipo Consultor – CARE PERÚ 2008
Dynamic Modeling of In-Use Cement Stocks in the United States Journal Article Amit Kapur 2008
Economy-wide material flow indicators in the Czech Republic: trends, decoupling analysis and uncertainties Journal Article Kovanda et al. 2008
Emergy synthesis and simulation for Macao Journal Article Lei and Wang 2008
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Environmental evaluation of localising production as a strategy for sustainable development: a case study of two consumer goods in Jamaica Journal Article Russell and Allwood 2008
Evolution of the Butterfly Population Map Environnement.Brussels - Leefmilieu.Brussels 2008
Exploration of Urban Stocks Journal Article Lichtensteiger and Baccini 2008
Forests and forest owners in Belgium from the end of the 18th century to 1914: History of the evolution of forest area, stands, silvicultural techniques and outlets for wood products. Book Pierre-Alain Tallier 2008
General Aspects of Sustainable Urban Development (SUD) Book Section Alessandro Costa 2008
Getting ahead of the next disaster: recent preparedness efforts in Indonesia Journal Article Eric James 2008
Glasgow Image John Lindie 2008
Global Phosphorus Flows in the Industrial Economy From a Production Perspective Journal Article Gara Villalba 2008
Impact Assessment of Waste Management Options in I Singapore Journal Article Tan and Khoo 2008
In-Use Stocks of Metals: Status and Implications Journal Article Gerst and Graedel 2008
Industrias manufactureras (Unidades económicas), 2008 Dataset Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI) 2008
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Japanese 3R Policies Based on Material Flow Analysis Journal Article Takiguchi and Takemoto 2008
Ley 2930 - Plan Urbano Ambiental Document Legislatura Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires 2008
Managing Materials for a Twenty-first Century Military Report National Research Council 2008
Material Flow Analysis with Software STAN Journal Article Cencic and Rechberger 2008
Material Flows in Latin America Journal Article Daniela Russi 2008
Material flow analysis (MFA) of an eco-economic system: a case study of Wujin District, Changzhou, China Journal Article Huang et al. 2008
Materials use across world regions Journal Article Weisz and Schandl 2008
Measuring Material Flows and Resource Productivity, Volume 1. The OECD Guide Document OECD 2008
Measuring the embodied energy in household goods: application to the Lisbon City Conference Paper Rosado and Ferrão 2008
Metabolism of Neighborhoods Journal Article Codoban and Kennedy 2008
Micro-Macro Linkages Between Gender, Development, and Growth: Implications for the Caribbean Region Journal Article Stephanie Seguino 2008
Micromorphology and chemistry of airborne particles in Brussels during agriculture working periods in surrounding region Journal Article Vanderstraeten et al. 2008
Mineral Fuel and Oil Trade between India and Singapore: Trends and Issues Journal Article Amitendu Palit 2008
Modeling the resource consumption of housing in New Orleans using System Dynamics Thesis D.J. Quinn 2008
Municipal solid waste management in Indian cities – A review Journal Article Sharholy et al. 2008
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Panorama of the Alster in Hamburg Image IqRS 2008
Platinum Group Metal Flows of Europe, Part 1 Journal Article Saurat and Bringezu 2008
Practical appraisal of sustainable development—Methodologies for sustainability measurement at settlement level Journal Article Moles et al. 2008
Precipitaciones Media Anual Nacional Shapefile Vidal-Zepeda et al. 2008
Projection of Construction and Demolition Waste in Norway Journal Article Bergsdal et al. 2008
Proposal for Market-Focused Agriculture and Livestock Policy in Galapagos Report C. Zapata 2008
Puerto de Rosario Image 2008
Pétrole brut et raffineries en France Map Eric Gaba 2008
Resource Consumption of New Urban Construction in China Journal Article John E. Fernández 2008
Safe Water for People in Low, Small Island Pacific Nations: The rural–urban dilemma Journal Article White et al. 2008
Smart Labels for Waste and Resource Management Journal Article Claudia R. Binder 2008
Sostenibilidad de la extracción de materiales en el Valle de Aburrá Thesis María Isabel Ramirez Rojas 2008
Sparrows in Brussels Map Environnement.Brussels - Leefmilieu.Brussels 2008
Spatial indicator of urban metabolism. Ecological Footprint of the city of Tandil, Argentina Journal Article Guerrero and Guiñirgo 2008
State of the Environment Report 2008 Report City of Cape Town 2008
Studying Islands: On Whose Terms? Some Epistemological and Methodological Challenges to the Pursuit of Island Studies Webpage Godfrey Baldacchino 2008
Sustainable island businesses: a case study of Norfolk Island Journal Article Manfred Lenzen 2008
Technical approach for a sustainable tourism development. Case study in the Balearic Islands Journal Article Fortuny et al. 2008
The Caribbean and climate change: The costs of inaction Webpage et al. 2008
The Direct Material Inputs into Singapore's Development Journal Article Niels B. Schulz 2008
The Global Sociometabolic Transition Journal Article Fridolin Krausmann 2008
The Sankey Diagram in Energy and Material Flow Management Journal Article Mario Schmidt 2008
The energy and mass balance of Los Angeles County Journal Article Ngo and Pataki 2008
The flow of phosphorus in food production and consumption — Linköping, Sweden, 1870–2000 Journal Article Neset et al. 2008
The household energy transition in India and China Journal Article Pachauri and Jiang 2008
The “Hidden” Trade of Metals in the United States Journal Article Johnson and Graedel 2008
Tipos de Clima Carmen Shapefile Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía - INEGI 2008
Toronto household mass and energy flows Data visualisation 2008
Urban Material Analysis and Sustainability: a new methodological approach towards urban planning Conference Paper 2008
Urban Metabolism: The Case of Budapest Report Pomázi and 2008
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Worldwide electricity used in data centers Journal Article Jonathan G. Koomey 2008
Zone Levier n°5 "Tour and Taxis" Master Plan Report Bureaux d’études Ateliers Lion and SMETS 2008
Zonificación Secundaria Map Instituto Municipal de Planeación - IMPLAN 2008
A World of Islands: An Island Studies Reader Book Godfrey Baldacchino 2007
A material flow analysis of wood and paper in Cape Town: is there potential to redirect flows in formal and informal sectors to foster use as a renewable resource? Journal Article Nissing and von Blottnitz 2007
A situation analysis for the Wider Caribbean Journal Article Brown et al. 2007
Abatement curve to reduce or prevent GHG emission in the United States Data visualisation 2007
Accounting for Fluorine: Production, Use, and Loss Journal Article Gara Villalba 2007
An Integrated Framework for Regional Studies: Emergy Based Spatial Analysis of the Province of Cagliari Journal Article Pulselli et al. 2007
Anadia general view Image Vítor Oliveira 2007
Antigua and Barbuda Tourism - 2005 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2007
Antigua and Barbuda Tourism Highlights for 2007 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2007
Aruba Tourism - 2005 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2007
Aruba Tourism Highlights for 2007 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2007
Barbados Tourism - 2005 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2007
Barbados Tourism Highlights for 2007 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2007
Barranquilla Image Conchi Triviño 2007
CHAPTER 1 - Introduction Book Section Doble and Kruthiventi 2007
Calculation of the 'Net Additions to Stock' Indicator for the Czech Republic Using a Direct Method Journal Article Jan Kovanda 2007
Catálogo regional de especies amenazadas y árboles singulares de la Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid Report Comunidad de Madrid 2007
Centro de Medellín Image Guía de Viajes Oficial de Medellín 2007
Climate change and Small Island developing states Journal Article Briguglio et al. 2007
Closing the Loop: Community-Based Organic Solid Waste Recycling, Urban Gardening, and Land Use Planning in Ghana, West Africa Journal Article Raymond Asomani-Boateng 2007
Copper In-Use Stock and Copper Scrap in the State of Connecticut, USA Report Rauch et al. 2007
Copper and zinc recycling in Australia: potential quantities and policy options Journal Article Beers et al. 2007
Curacao Tourism - 2005 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2007
Curacao Tourism Highlights for 2007 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2007
División Político Territorial de la Región Capital Shapefile Sistema de Información Urbano Metropolitano - SIUM. Alcaldía del Área Metropolitana de Caracas. 2007
Durban Image XEON 2007
Dynamic material flow analysis for Norway's dwelling stock Journal Article Bergsdal et al. 2007
Ecological network analysis: network construction Journal Article Fath et al. 2007
Grenada Tourism - 2005 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2007
Grenada Tourism Highlights 2007 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2007
Haiti Tourism - 2005 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2007
Haiti Tourism Highlights 2007 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2007
Jamaica Tourism - 2005 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2007
Jamaica Tourism Highlights for 2007 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2007
Lausanne Image Rama 2007
Material Flows and Economic Growth in Developing China Journal Article XU and ZHANG 2007
Material Flows in a Social Context: A Vietnamese Case Study Combining the Materials Flow Analysis and Action-in-Context Frameworks Journal Article Hobbes and Phan 2007
Measuring the ecological performance of cities and territories: the metabolism of Paris and Ile-de-France Report Sabine Barles 2007
Metal capital sustaining a North American city: Iron and copper in New Haven, CT Journal Article Drakonakis et al. 2007
Natural hazard impacts in small island developing states: A review of current knowledge and future research needs Journal Article Méheux et al. 2007
Nitrogen balance for the urban food metabolism of Toronto, Canada Journal Article Jennifer Forkes 2007
Plan Integral de Gestión Ambiental de Residuos Sólidos Document Municipalidad Provincial Cajamarca 2007
Plan de Ordenamiento y Manejo de la Cuenca Hidrográfica del río Magdalena en el Departamento del Atlántico Report CRA – CORMAGDALENA – CI 2007
Plan maestro optimizado sedachimbote sa - Sunass 2008- 2037 ( Regional) Report EPS SEDACHIMBOTE S.A 2007
Powering down: Remedies for unsustainable ICT Journal Article Simon Forge 2007
Regionalisation of the energyperspectives for Belgium: results of the Brussels Capital Region Report Danielle. Gusbin Dominique Devogelaer 2007
Reshaping Urban Metabolism Journal Article Paul BRUNNER 2007
Santiago de Chile, vista cordillera Image Individuo 2007
Service Sector Metabolism: Accounting for Energy Impacts of the Montjuic Urban Park in Barcelona Journal Article Oliver‐Solà et al. 2007
Sint Maarten Tourism - 2005 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2007
Sint Maarten Tourism Highlights for 2007 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2007
Spatial characterisation of multi-level in-use copper and zinc stocks in Australia Journal Article Beers and Graedel 2007
Substance Flow Analysis of Mercury Intentionally Used in Products in the United States Journal Article Alexis Cain 2007
The Bahamas Tourism - 2005 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2007
The Bahamas Tourism Highlights for 2007 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2007
The Changing Metabolism of Cities Journal Article Christopher Kennedy and Engel-Yan 2007
The Sustainable Process Index SPI as an engineer’s tool for environmental impact assessment of processes: the sugar industry as a case study Conference Paper Gwehenberger and Narodoslawsky 2007
Thresholds and the resilience of Caribbean coral reefs Journal Article Mumby et al. 2007
Trinidad & Tobago Tourism - 2005 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2007
Urban Harvest, and the Hidden Building Resources Conference Paper Ronald Rovers 2007
Urban metabolism and resource optimisation in the urban fabric: The BRIDGE methodology Working paper Nektarios Chrysoulakis 2007
Water Consumption Patterns in Domestic Households in Major Cities Journal Article Shaban and Sharma 2007
Accounting for material flows in the Walloon Region Report Institut de Conseil et d'Etudes en Développement Durable (ICEDD) 2006
After the Tsunami: A Scientist's Dilemma Journal Article Richard Stone 2006
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Analysis of water demand and water pollutant discharge using a regional input-output table: An application to the City of Chongqing, upstream of the Three Gorges Dam in China Journal Article Okadera et al. 2006
Analysis of water demand and water pollutant discharge using a regional input–output table: An application to the City of Chongqing, upstream of the Three Gorges Dam in China Journal Article Okadera et al. 2006
Antigua and Barbuda Tourism Highlights for 2006 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2006
Approximate Analysis of Agricultural Product Flows and Market Elements in Galapagos Report Chiriboga and Maignan 2006
Aruba Tourism Highlights for 2006 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2006
Automation and accountability in decision support system interface design Journal Article Mary L. Cummings 2006
Barbados Tourism Highlights for 2006 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2006
Biodiversity conservation and the public's preference and acceptance in Singapore Thesis Wang Chunneng 2006
Brief Report on Construction Equipment and Machinery Report Ministry of manpower 2006
Climate and pre-Columbian settlement at Anse à la Gourde, Guadeloupe, Northeastern Caribbean Journal Article Beets et al. 2006
Comments on “The Energetic Metabolism of the European Union and the United States” by Haberl and Colleagues: Theoretical and Practical Considerations on the Meaning and Usefulness of Traditional Energy Analysis Journal Article Mario Giampietro 2006
Comodoro Rivadavia Image Fenton85 2006
Constructing physical input–output tables for environmental modeling and accounting: Framework and illustrations Journal Article Hoekstra and van den Bergh 2006
Consumer contamination: How consumers react to products touched by others Journal Article Argo et al. 2006
Contrasting water footprints of cities in China and the United States Journal Article Jenerette et al. 2006
Counting consumption: CO emissions, material flows and ecological footprint of the West Midlands Book Ravetz et al. 2006
Cuadro de barras de lluvia de Rosario Image wikipedia 2006
Curacao Tourism Highlights for 2006 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2006
Eat_Local_Live_Healthy Report City of Chicago and Development 2006
Ecological citizenship and sustainable consumption: Examining local organic food networks Journal Article Gill Seyfang 2006
Economy-wide Material Flow Accounting "Guide for beginners" Report Eisenmenger et al. 2006
Ecosistemas de la Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid Shapefile Comunidad de Madrid 2006
El Mapa Sectorial de la Industria de la ciudad de Madrid Report Ayuntamiento de Madrid 2006
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Environmental sustainability indicators in green areas management. Urban park Monte Calvario, Tandil, Argentina Journal Article García and Guerrero 2006
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Food Consumption and Nutrient Flows: Nitrogen in Sweden Since the 1870s Journal Article Tina-Simone Schmid Neset 2006
Generación, consumo de energía eléctrica y porcentaje de consumo sobre el total de generación 1996/2019 Dataset Dirección General de Estadística y Censos 2006
Geographical ‘handicaps’ and small states: Some implications for the Pacific from a global perspective Journal Article Armstrong and Read 2006
Grenada Tourism Highlights for 2006 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2006
Haiti Tourism Highlights for 2006 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2006
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Islands, island studies, island studies journal Journal Article Godfrey Baldacchino 2006
Jamaica Tourism Highlights for 2006 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2006
Land Transport Policy and Public Transport in Singapore Journal Article Trinh Dinh Toan 2006
Les dessous de Paris “Cartes sur table” Journal Article Gilles Thomas 2006
Los suelos lacustres de la Ciudad de México Journal Article Jorge Abraham Díaz-Rodríguez 2006
Materialflussanalysen der Regionen Hamburg, Wien und Leipzig Report Hammer and Giljum 2006
Model for the management of the urban use of water resources. Part I Journal Article Josefina Mangussi 2006
Municipal solid waste composition determination supporting the integrated solid waste management system in the island of Crete Journal Article Gidarakos et al. 2006
Nuevo Mapa Sectorial de la Industria de Madrid Report Observatorio Industrial de Madrid Observatorio Económico del Ayuntamiento de Madrid 2006
On the Utility of Counting Joules: Reply to Comments by Mario Giampietro Journal Article Helmut Haberl 2006
Physical and monetary input–output analysis: What makes the difference? Journal Article Weisz and Duchin 2006
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Plastics materials flow analysis for India Journal Article Nitin H. Muthaa and Patela 2006
Proportion of impermeable surfaces Report Monitoring des Quartiers 2006
Rede hidrográfica GeoCodificada Shapefile Instituto Superior Técnico (Departamento de Engenharia Civil e Arquitectura) 2006
Regional Patterns in Global Resource Extraction Journal Article Schandl and Eisenmenger 2006
Rwanda Environmental Profile Report Fabien Twagiramungu 2006
Sint Maarten Tourism Highlights for 2006 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2006
Stock dynamics for forecasting material flows—Case study for housing in The Netherlands Journal Article Daniel B. Müller 2006
The Bahamas Tourism Highlights for 2006 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2006
The Circular Economy: A New Development Strategy in China Journal Article Yuan et al. 2006
The Energetic Metabolism of the European Union and the United States: Decadal Energy Input Time-Series with an Emphasis on Biomass Journal Article Helmut Haberl 2006
The Environmental Profile of Rwanda Report Fabien Twagiramungu 2006
The Global Socioeconomic Energetic Metabolism as a Sustainability Problem Journal Article Helmut Haberl 2006
The System of Environmental and Economic Accounts—2003 and the Economic Relevance of Physical Flow Accounting Journal Article Pedersen and de Haan 2006
The Use and Knowledge of Herpetofauna on Little Nicobar Island, India Journal Article Manish Chandi 2006
The city in the middle of the marshes: dynamics between urban economy and wetlands in the Brussels region, 12th -16th century" Working paper Charruadas and Deligne 2006
The ecological sustainability of regional metabolisms: Material flow analyses of the regions of Hamburg, Vienna and Leipzig Journal Article Hammer et al. 2006
Trinidad & Tobago Tourism Highlights for 2006 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2006
Árboles ornamentales de Medellín 1 Book Área Metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá 2006
Árboles ornamentales de Medellín 2 Book Área Metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá 2006
Brain Drain in Developing Regions (1990-2000) Report Docquier et al. 2005
Carta Geotécnica do Município de São Paulo (Geotechnical Map of the Municipality of São Paulo) Map PMSP/IPT 2005
Climate Change and Small Island Tourism: Policy Maker and Industry Perspectives in Barbados Journal Article Belle and Bramwell 2005
Electricity consumption and ICT in the French service sector Journal Article et al. 2005
Engineering properties of Singapore old alluvium Thesis Ni Quing 2005
Hurricanes and Caribbean Coral Reefs: Impacts, Recovery Patterns, and Role in Long-Term Decline Journal Article Gardner et al. 2005
Industrial Ecology in Geneva. First results and future research Report GEDEC and Erkman 2005
Inventario de Gases de Efecto Invernadero del Estado de Yucatán Report (SEDUMA) et al. 2005
Key drivers of the e-waste recycling system: Assessing and modelling e-waste processing in the informal sector in Delhi Journal Article Streicher-Porte et al. 2005
Land Use by Borough and Ward Dataset Communities & Local Government (MHCLG) Ministry of Housing 2005
MARS project–Monitoring the Alpine regions’ sustainability, report 2005 Book Schoder et al. 2005
Material flow analysis of industrial systems in Antarctica Thesis Robert Jason Klee 2005
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Photographie aérienne de Genève, la rade, le jet d'eau, le Pont du Mont-Blanc, le 26 avril 2005 Image 2005
Planning for climate change in small islands: Insights from national hurricane preparedness in the Cayman Islands Journal Article Emma L. Tompkins 2005
Predicting the Impact of Sea-Level Rise on Caribbean Sea Turtle Nesting Habitat Journal Article Fish et al. 2005
Pursuing More Sustainable Consumption by Analyzing Household Metabolism in European Countries and Cities Journal Article Henri C. Moll 2005
The Application of Material Flow Analysis for the Evaluation of the Recovery Potential of Secondary Metals in Australia Conference Paper Beers et al. 2005
The International Benchmarking Network for Water and Sanitation Utilities (IBNET) Database Data portal 2005
The Multilevel Cycle of Anthropogenic Zinc Journal Article T. E. Graedel 2005
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Theory of urban energetics and mechanisms of urban development Journal Article Huang and Chen 2005
Towards an Integrated Regional Materials Flow Accounting Model Journal Article Sinclair et al. 2005
Urban water provision in Maseru (Lesotho): A Geographical analysis Thesis Lifuo Molapo 2005
Weather Forecasts are for Wimps: Why Water Resource Managers Do Not Use Climate Forecasts Journal Article Rayner et al. 2005
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An analysis of cross-sectional variations in total household energy requirements in India using micro survey data Journal Article Shonali Pachauri 2004
An island approach to industrial ecology: towards sustainability in the island context Journal Article Deschenes and Chertow 2004
An overview of model integration for environmental applications - Components, frameworks and semantics Journal Article Robert Argent 2004
Antigua and Barbuda Tourism arrivals - 2000-2004 Report Caribbean Tourism Organization 2004
Antigua and Barbuda Visitor Summary - 2004 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2004
Applying Ecological Input-Output Flow Analysis to Material Flows in Industrial Systems: Part I: Tracing Flows Journal Article Reid Bailey 2004
Applying Ecological Input-Output Flow Analysis to Material Flows in Industrial Systems: Part II: Flow Metrics Journal Article Reid Bailey 2004
Aruba Tourism arrivals - 2000-2004 Report Caribbean Tourism Organization 2004
Aruba Visitor Summary - 2004 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2004
Assessing climate change impacts on coastal infrastructure in the Eastern Caribbean Journal Article Lewsey et al. 2004
Barbados Tourism arrivals - 2000-2004 Report Caribbean Tourism Organization 2004
Barbados Visitor Summary - 2004 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2004
Book Review: Practical handbook of material flow analysis Journal Article Barbara Zeschmar-Lahl 2004
CO2 Multipliers in Multi-region Input-Output Models Journal Article Lenzen et al. 2004
Calidad Microbiológica de las Fuentes de Agua Cruda de las 25 Plantas de Tratamiento de Agua Potable en CR 96-02 Dataset Revista Costarricense de Salud Pública 2004
Characteristics of residual soils in Singapore as formed by weathering Journal Article Rahardjoa et al. 2004
Curacao Tourism arrivals - 2000-2004 Report Caribbean Tourism Organization 2004
Curacao Visitor Arrival Summary 2004 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2004
Dematerialization: Not Just a Matter of Weight Journal Article Ester van der Voet 2004
Designing and building real environmental decision support systems Journal Article Poch et al. 2004
Developing The Urban Metabolism Approach Into A New Urban Metabolic Model Book Section Costa et al. 2004
Ecological Footprints and interdependencies of New Zealand regions Journal Article McDonald and Patterson 2004
Ecological footprints and human appropriation of net primary production: A comparison Journal Article Haberl et al. 2004
Future Redistribution of Cadmium to Arable Swedish Soils: A Substance Stock Analysis Journal Article Sten Karlsson 2004
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Geología urbana del área metropolitana bonaerense y su influencia en la problemática ambiental Journal Article Fernando Pereyra 2004
Grenada Tourism arrivals - 2000-2004 Report Caribbean Tourism Organization 2004
Grenada Visitor Arrival Summary 2004 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2004
Haiti Tourism arrivals - 2000-2004 Report Caribbean Tourism Organization 2004
Haiti Visitor Arrival Summary 2004 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2004
Jamaica Tourism arrivals - 2000-2004 Report Caribbean Tourism Organization 2004
Jamaica Visitor Arrival Summary 2004 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2004
Johannesburg Metropolitan Open Space Policy Document Strategic Environmental Focus (Pty) Ltd 2004
La Ville de Genève - Ménages et conditions d'habitations Report OCSTAT - Genève 2004
Lead exposure by drinking water: an epidemiological study in Hamburg Journal Article Fertmann et al. 2004
Long-term Coordination of Timber Production and Consumption Using a Dynamic Material and Energy Flow Analysis Journal Article Daniel B. Müller and Baccini 2004
Macroeconomic Implications of Natural Disasters in the Caribbean Report Tobias Rasmussen 2004
Making tourism work for small island developing states. Book Zoritsa Urosevic 2004
Managing the Flow of Construction Minerals in the North West Region of England Journal Article Darryn McEvoy 2004
Material flow accounting of Spain Journal Article Cañellas et al. 2004
Modeling Basic Industries in the Australian Stocks and Flows Framework Journal Article James A. Lennox 2004
Modelling of integrated solid waste management systems in an island Journal Article A. Skordilis 2004
On the economics of electricity consumption in small island developing states: a role for renewable energy technologies? Journal Article Daniel Weisser 2004
Postconsumption Sewage Treatment in Environmental Systems Analysis of Foods Journal Article Ulf Sonesson 2004
Practical Handbook of Material Flow Analysis Book Brunner and Rechberger 2004
Progress towards sustainability? What the conceptual framework of material and energy flow accounting (MEFA) can offer Journal Article Haberl et al. 2004
Sewage and the water system (Dutch) Document Hoogheemraadschap van Delfland Saskia Baars 2004
Sint Maarten Tourism arrivals - 2000-2004 Report Caribbean Tourism Organization 2004
Sustainable Development of Water Resources in Small Island Nations of the Pacific Conference Paper White et al. 2004
The Bahamas Tourism arrivals - 2000-2004 Report Caribbean Tourism Organization 2004
The Bahamas Visitor Summary - 2004 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2004
The Magnitude and Spatial Distribution of In-Use Zinc Stocks in Cape Town, South Africa Journal Article Beers and Graedel 2004
The Singapore Garment Industry: Competitive Adjustment Strategies and Development Trajectories Journal Article F Smakman 2004
The effect of concurrent sea-surface temperature anomalies in the tropical Pacific and Atlantic on Caribbean rainfall Journal Article Spence et al. 2004
The material turnover of primitive man in his private household Data visualisation 2004
Trade, Materials Flows, and Economic Development in the South: The Example of Chile Journal Article Stefan Giljum 2004
Transition towards improved regional wood flows by integrating material flux analysis and agent analysis: the case of Appenzell Ausserrhoden, Switzerland Journal Article Binder et al. 2004
Trinidad & Tobago Tourism arrivals - 2000-2004 Report Caribbean Tourism Organization 2004
Trinidad & Tobago Visitor Arrival Summary 2004 Report CARIBBEAN TOURISM ORGANIZATION 2004
Urban Forest Rehabilitation – A Case Study from Singapore Presentation Geoffrey Davison 2004
Using exergy to analyze the sustainability of an urban area Journal Article Balocco et al. 2004
Visualization of Regional Material Flow using Over-flow Potential Maps Report Tanikawa et al. 2004
Water, women and community in Trinidad, West Indies Journal Article Schneiderman and Reddock 2004
What can we learn from local substance flow analyses? The review of cadmium flows in Swedish municipalities Journal Article Lindqvist and von Malmborg 2004
Energy, Water, and Broad-Scale Geographic Patterns of Species Richness Journal Article Hawkins et al. 2003
Environmental Relations and Biophysical Transitions: The Case of Trinket Island Journal Article Singh and Grünbühel 2003
Environmental relations and biophysical transition: the case of trinket island Journal Article Singh and Grünbühel 2003
Estimating the urban metabolism of Canadian cities: Greater Toronto Area case study Journal Article Sahely et al. 2003
Flora vascular de los Humedales de Chimbote, Perú Journal Article César Arana y Letty Salinas 2003
Imports into Hamburg Data visualisation 2003
In the Sea of Influence. A World System Perspective of the Nicobar Islands. Book Simron Singh 2003
In the Sea of Influence: A World System Perspective of the Nicobar Islands Book Simron J. Singh 2003
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Land-use change and socio-economic metabolism in Austria - Part II: land-use scenarios for 2020 Journal Article Haberl et al. 2003
Map of Brussels' quaternary geological layer Data visualisation Schroyen et al. 2003
Material Flow Analysis of the City of Hamburg Conference Paper Hammer et al. 2003
Material Flow Analysis on the Regional Level: Questions, Problems, Solutions Report Hammer et al. 2003
Material flow accounting and analysis: A Valuable Tool for Analyses of Society-Nature Interrelationships Document Hinterberger et al. 2003
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Materials Flow Accounting in Sweden Material Use for National Consumption and for Export Journal Article Palm and Jonsson 2003
Materials Flow Analysis and Emergy Evaluation of Taipei's Urban Construction Journal Article Huang and Hsu 2003
Métabolisme des activités économiques du Canton de Genève - Phase 1 Thesis Emmenegger et al. 2003
Présentation du tissu économique de l'agglomération grenobloise Report CCI Grenoble 2003
Rationale for and Interpretation of Economy-Wide Materials Flow Analysis and Derived Indicators Journal Article Stefan Bringezu 2003
State of Energy Report 2003 Report City of Cape Town 2003
The Biomass Metabolism of the Food System: A Model-Based Survey of the Global and Regional Turnover of Food Biomass Journal Article Stefan Wirsenius 2003
The Magnitude and Spatial Distribution of In-use Copper Stocks in Cape Town, South Africa Journal Article Van Beers and Graedel 2003
The future of the animal rights movement: Environmental conflict, artificial intelligence, and beyond Journal Article Jon Owens 2003
Total material requirements in the Basque Country Journal Article I Arto Olaizola 2003
Urban metabolism of Toronto vs Hong Kong Data visualisation 2003
A Socioeconomic Perspective of Environmental Degradation at Kepulauan Seribu Marine National Park, Indonesia Journal Article Fauzi and Buchary 2002
A comparison of the sustainability of public and private transportation systems: Study of the Greater Toronto Area Journal Article Christopher A. Kennedy 2002
A handbook of industrial ecology Book Ayres and Ayres 2002
A material flow analysis and ecological footprint of York Report Barrett et al. 2002
An eye on the future: Discounting Magazine Article Goulder and Stavins 2002
Approaches for Quantifying the Metabolism of Physical Economies: A Comparative Survey: Part II: Review of Individual Approaches Journal Article Peter L. Daniels 2002
Carta geológico-minera Ciudad de México E14-2 Map Servicio Geológico Minero 2002
City Limits. A resource flow and ecological footprint analysis of Greater London Report Best Foot Forward 2002
Environmental Impacts of the Emerging Digital Economy: The E-for-Environment E-Commerce? Journal Article Sui and Rejeski 2002
Experience with the Use of Substance Flow Analysis in Denmark Journal Article Erik Hansen 2002
Industry, environment and health through 200 years in Manchester Journal Article Douglas et al. 2002
Inequities in access to and use of drinking water services in Latin America and the Caribbean Journal Article Soares et al. 2002
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Material Flow Accounting in Amazonia: A Tool for Sustainable Development Report Amann et al. 2002
Material Flow Accounting of Greater London Thesis Benjamin Bongardt 2002
Material Flow Austria Data visualisation 2002
Material use in the European Union 1980-2000: indicators and analysis Report Eurostat 2002
Predicting future emissions based on characteristics of stocks Journal Article van der Voet et al. 2002
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Suelos región Metropolitana Report Conama región Metropolitana. Gobierno de Chile. Conama. 2002
The Metabolism of the Industrial City: The Case of Pittsburgh Journal Article Joel A. Tarr 2002
The building stones of Cape Town: a geological walking tour Book D. I. Cole 2002
The ecological footprint of Cape Town: Unsustainable resource use and planning implications Conference Paper Barry Gasson 2002
The phantom of liberty?: economic growth and the vulnerability of small states Journal Article Armstrong and Read 2002
The practice and challenges of solid waste management in Singapore Journal Article Renbi Bai Mardina Sutanto 2002
The urban metabolism of London in 2000 Data visualisation 2002
Total material requirement of the Basque Country Report IHOBE 2002
Towards a sustainable use of water resources: a whole-ecosystem approach using network analysis Journal Article Bodini and Bondavalli 2002
A digital global map of irrigated areas - An update for Latin America and Europe Report Siebert and Döll 2001
Adapting to Climate Change in Pacific Island Countries: The Problem of Uncertainty Journal Article Jon Barnett 2001
An ecological footprint of Liverpool Report Barett and Scott 2001
Antigua and Barbuda Annual Report 2001 Report Caribbean Development Bank 2001
Approaches for Quantifying the Metabolism of Physical Economies: Part I: Methodological Overview Journal Article Daniels and Moore 2001
Barbados Annual Report 2001 Report Caribbean Development Bank 2001
Carta Geológico-Geotécnica de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Tomo I Report Horacio Victor Rimoldi 2001
Economy-wide material flow accounts and derived indicators Book Eurostat 2001
Economy-wide material flow accounts and derived indicators: a methodological guide Report Eurostat 2001
Ecosystem appropriation by Hong Kong and its implications for sustainable development Journal Article Warren-Rhodes and Koenig 2001
Energy and mass flows of housing: estimating mortality Journal Article Ivan M Johnstone 2001
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Escalating trends in the urban metabolism of Hong Kong: 1971-1997 Journal Article Warren-Rhodes and Koenig 2001
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Infrastructure density and Pb stocks in Vienna in kg Pb per 1000 m2 floorspace Data visualisation Obernosterer and Brunner 2001
Island Biogeography - an overview Webpage Dieter Mueller-Dombois 2001
Jamaica Annual Report 2001 Report Caribbean Development Bank 2001
La consommation d’eau à Genève Report OCSTAT - Genève 2001
Le pétrole en Ile-de-France: De la ressource aux consommateurs Report de la Recherche et de l’Environnement (DRIRE) Direction régionale de l’Industrie 2001
Material Flow Analysis, Vision and Reality Journal Article Paul H. Brunner 2001
Materials Flows in Finland: Resource Use in a Small Open Economy Journal Article Mäenpaää and Juutinen 2001
Materials and Energy Flow Analysis of Paper Consumption in the United Kingdom, 1987-2010 Journal Article Erik Sundin 2001
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Applying Material Flow Accounting: Ecoauditing and Resource Management at the Kambium Furniture Workshop Journal Article Christa Liedtke 1998
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A review of marine pollution issues in the Caribbean Journal Article Avril Siung Chang 1997
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Delivering environmental decision support systems: Software tools and techniques Journal Article Rizzoli and Young 1997
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Environmental Quality Act Document 0